• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 21st, 2017


~: About Me :~

~: UPDATE! [7/17/17] :~
I LIVE! Sorry folks, I've been dealing with a LOT of drama and such the past several years, changing jobs - losing jobs, new career path ... but I'm happy to say, I'm back. I'll be updating Ordained within the month, if you haven't read it - please give it a read <3

^-^ Greetings! I'm Sintarious, but please - just call me Sin.

Also, if anypony is interested in being a beta/editor please drop me a line. I have one, but I believe two - possibly even three- just might be better.
Special thank you, and shout-out, to my cohort Andante Skye.

Ok, so a little about me. Well I'm what I call "naturally chibi-fied", meaning I'm short. I'm just your average lady desert rat living in the Mojave Desert of California. Wont state my age as you wont believe me if I did. I love reading, writing, drawing, and gaming. Favorite games include Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Silent Hill, Zelda, and just getting into Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia.

Favorite types of stories: Fantasy, Sci Fi, Romance (for fanfics lol), and I guess drama or slice of life.

Comments ( 59 )
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It's alright, even I can get distracted. So don't worry about it. :twilightsmile:

If you want, you could try the 2DS which should be cheaper. They play 3DS games but no 3D function. I hear it made a lot of people feeling sick after an hour or three, that function anyway. And they supposed to feel more comfortable than a 3DS itself, from what I heard. I don't know, I'm so used to my DSi now... :ajsleepy:

Which reminds me. I think there is a Pokemon movie on the 12th this month. Genesect and Mewtwo I think it was. :duck:

I have been a little low on will power, as well, with fanfic. But I'm hoping to try and get another chapter done today. :eeyup:

Glad ya doing okay. :twilightsmile:

Here's one of the new Pokes that have got trainers hyper. pokemonxy.com/_ui/img/_en/art/Mega_Charizard_X-X-and-Y.jpg

Oh wow, gah! :facehoof:
I'm soooo sorry. I've been so busy with family stuff lately. :pinkiesad2:

I just got my Girantina's today, and yeah I know what you mean .. way too much for me right now.

I'm doing ok I guess. Sorry to say but my next chapter wont be up for a while still. Just have too much going on right now. :unsuresweetie: Too much going on and not enough motivation to keep going really .... :ajsleepy:

Got Giratina today. Hazzar. :twilightsheepish:

Also those X/Y Theme Nintendo 3DS are out in my zone today. But too expensive for my taste. :ajsleepy:

How are you by the way? :eeyup:

I've nearly finished my next chapter. It's a romantic one, but... contains clop. Hope you don't mind it. :rainbowderp: I know you like romance like me though.

I'll probably give it a shot then. Thanks for your input. :twilightsmile:

How's your next chapter coming along? I'm just taking a break from Re: Chain of Memories. Gotten used to the battle system... sort of. Just finished Sora's story. :twilightsheepish:

I'll probably start with fixing up the next chapter for a bit. :eeyup:

Don't worry about me too much, I'm not that much of a critic :rainbowlaugh: As long as its got an interesting plot, I'll pretty much read anything.

As for the story, why not? You'll never know if you don't try. :pinkiesmile:

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