Story Stats · 3:56am Dec 10th, 2013
OK, so, I've decided to put The Ones We Leave behind on hiatus. Now, don't everyone freak out at once!! (Cricket cricket) Basically, the story wasn't going anywhere. I mean, I had it all planned, but i couldn't figure out how to bridge the gap between them meeting and getting married and the death and stuff--everything i tried sounded rushed. It was a good story line, but.... Meh execution. I'll probably try re-writing it once I'm done with.... pause for dramatic effect... My next story! That's
Blueball blitz is hear
794395 I asked for you to draw a moon with scenes like luna and her family, and her turning evil, and one with her as a filly walking with Sombra while leaning on him (she loves him).
I'll give you two months or more if needed.
793705 Let's see... what was it you requested again? Sorry, I had a big pile up of things to do and it kinda got buried
772593 So Liquid Flames how is the cover art coming.
772493 OMG I love them! Thank you so much!!