• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 23rd, 2016

Painbow Bash

*Insert generic brony bio here* But really Im just another awesome brony checking out some awesome fics, and writing a few too.

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WARNING contains needless fun, jokes, adorableness and best of all, shipping (not between Pinkie and Discord).
Not for the faint of heart or those who like devastatingly sad fics, this is a light hearted fun fic and should not be taken seriously. If laughter and happiness continue of longer then a period three days consult a certified physician and tell him to read it too.

Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, this is a fic about Discord going on a pranking spree with Pinkie Pie, along they way she convinces him to help out her friends with various problems or dreams in the form of pranks one of which being to set up AJ and RD, this story is not focused on Appledash, but it does contain it. Proofread by SweetieB0T.

Chapters (3)