• Member Since 30th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 11th, 2018


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Found 6 stories in 64ms

Total Words: 109,875
Estimated Reading: 7 hours


There's a new pony in town, Stormy Night, and she seems to want nothing but Wordplay's attentions. Chatterjoy being the ever friendly pony she is, tries to become friends, but with all of Wordplay's time being devoted to the former; Chatterjoy gets jealous. Fearing, that her friend doesn't want her anymore, she runs off. Can Wordplay and another pony find Chatterjoy in time and convince her to come home?

Chapters (1)

Chatterjoy loves snow! Unfortunately, she doesn't like it when it interferes with her plans. She gets snowed in and must stay in Ponyville. That's not a bad thing, but the young pegasus was hoping that she would be able to spend it with her family. Will Chatterjoy have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sorry it is a little late. The idea just came to me. Better late than never right?

Chapters (1)

The Alicorn we all know and love; Twilight Sparkle is the result of a wish made a thousand years ago. Her birth was really what brought about Nightmare Moon. How will Twilight react when she finds out who her real mother is.

Prologue heavily inspired by the song Hijo de la Luna.


Chapters (8)

You ask a question on the blog or if you've read the chapter and want to ask a question you can ask here on the story as well. I will make a short story answer for you.

Just a bunch of hilarious collections of answers and fun stuff! I hope you enjoy!

Current Challenges:
What will I do with GAK?
Where have I been for the past 8 months?

Chapters (36)

The Moon Festival is a party in which the denizens of Equestria put together for Princess Luna to help her feel more comfortable in this modern era. Jazzy Mellows a Vibraphone playing unicorn is playing in the concert however a nasty pony wants to keep Jazzy from playing and ruin her reputation by foalnapping her friend Chatterjoy and holding her for ransom. Can Princess Luna help her subject?

A gift fic for my Roommate :3

Chapters (10)

After browsing the magic books in the late afternoon Princess Twilight accidentally recites a spell that turns her back into a filly except with her new found ascension; she has now been turned into an Alicorn filly. Now the princesses of the sun and moon have to take care of her...for however long that is. Can they find a cure or will Twilight start her life over again?

I am sorry for any similarities to any other stories, I can assure you these are all my ideas.

Chapters (20)