• Member Since 26th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2014


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Rigby and I have done some pretty stupid stuff while working at The Park, but this time we (and by "we" I mean he) really screwed up.
Why did Death send us here?
Why is everyone I meet so nice?
When did I get this tattoo on my butt?
And most importantly...
Why am I a horse?

A Regular Show/Pony cross-over told from Mordecai's POV.

Chapters (3)

This is a direct sequel to my first story to You Can't Save Them All. It is highly recommended you read that first, or you'll be completely lost in what's going on.

With her mind raw with grief and guilt dragging at her hooves, Sweet Breeze tries to cope with the aftermath of her failed attempts to save Sunny Days' life.

Chapters (1)

Sweet Breeze is a suicide hotline operator. She's worked at this place for five years, and not once has she lost someone. Some she even talks to often and meets for lunch, she's gone to weddings of those she's saved, she's been to birthday parties, she's been to graduations. Every time she does, she feels her heart swell with pride, knowing that she's the reason that they're still alive; that they're happy.
Unfortunately, she has to learn that there are some ponies she just can't save.

Chapters (1)