Don't know why I'm writing this to be honest · 1:21am Aug 24th, 2015
There a few things I want to say...I usually write in a journal. There, so far so good.
In regards to the last blog post:
I had made a concious(fuck spelling) to take a more active role on Fimfiction, an attempt at being more social. You know, other than just reading, liking, and favorite-ing stories. I had decided to edit a person's work.
Thanks for favoriting "So Much Leg . . ." and "All That Body . . .". Glad you enjoyed them!
Thank you for the fave on Forgiveness!
Not sure how I earned a follow, but thank you.
Thank you for favoring "No Heart For an Assassin".
Thank you for the fav on Celestia's Rocket Adventures! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a like and some feedback in the comments!