• Member Since 20th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 5th, 2021


I occasionally write fanfics. Usually about my OC, his past or his foreign origin. My inspirations are the works of Sherrilyn Kenyon, Brent Weeks and Ed Greenwood.

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Ace Deus Fenrir, Moonlit Embrace and Sol Light finally made it back to town after a few Guild leves and are looking forward to having a night in at the local tavern. Sol Light just wants peace and quiet while Ace and Moonlit want to have a party!

Sol Light, ever the serious leader, takes the time off from work to actually rest and recuperate while Ace and Moonlit Embrace brings a few mares of questionable background to their room to share their time alone together. However, trouble ensues as those who are quick to spend their hard-earned money are often quick to find themselves without it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ace's Spell Shop

Three months have passed since Ace and Twilight first got together, and Twilight has grown more and more nervous about their future. Ace has to perform the ritual to prolong his life, which he has only barely managed to complete in the previous two attempts. Should he fail a third time, his life may very well be forfeit...

Little is known about the very secretive ritual, normally meant only to be performed by ascended Alicorns, not Unicorns, and lesser still about the adverse effects that are caused when somepony fails to complete the ritual as intended. Ace's theory has always been that, should a Unicorn fail thrice in a row, then their magic will devour them from the inside out. Hopefully, that won't happen...

This book is a near-immediate sequel to the first in Ace and Twilight's series, Ace's Spell Shop. As with all of my stories, I am still working out what's going to happen as the book progresses, so I look forward to going on the same journey as all of you!

Chapters (15)

Fallenstar Nighthoof is a changeling who has experienced something all changelings experience - evolution. However, the other changelings of his hive are not precisely 'thrilled' about his unusual Mutations. Will he be able to help escape the Hive in one piece? Changelings do not often lose their prey, and they can be very, very patient...

Ace Deus Fenrir is a Unicorn from a nearby settlement that is just starting to take up roots. Ace finds the battered and mistreated changeling and does what he can to aid the unfortunate soul in his quest for individuality.

Chapters (3)

Discord is up to his old tricks again, and it's up to Twilight and her friends to stop him! Twilight wakes up on the outskirts of town, her head foggy and unsure of what's going on. What's wrong with her head, and why has Discord gone mad once more?
This is a portrayal of what may happen should Discord decide that being a good guy simply isn't chaotic enough for him anymore. The story focuses on Twilight and her struggle to remember what happened beforehoof.

(This is a short side-story that's set in the universe of Ace's Spell Shop, though reading the original story is not necessary.)

Chapters (1)

Ace lived his life day-by-day, minding the shop to make more than enough money to live an easy lifestyle. Things were going great, but in everypony's life, a little rain must fall; given inspiration, Ace conducts a dangerous experiment...

After the experiment ends unexpectedly, Ace has to seek out help, and the only pony he knows who might have a chance to help is a total stranger, Princess Celestia's star pupil, Twilight Sparkle.

Grateful for the bit of help Twilight is able to provide, Ace repays her in the only way he is capable: helping her with her magic and teaching her things she may never have learned otherwise.

How long before Ace's lessons get Twilight into trouble? What is a Spell Misfire, and why is Ace the only Unicorn who seems to suffer their adverse effects? Why does Ace's name sound so foreign, and where did he come from? How will Ace get along with Twilight's friends who don't have the same talent for magic? Only time will tell.

(Additional Note: The story will have words or phrases from an old language known as Al Bhed. If you're having trouble understanding the Al Bhed or pronouncing it, there's a Phonetic Translator here, provided by Stefan Gagne. Not good with phonetics? Just copy-paste them to Google's Translator [English > English] and click the speaker in the bottom right.)

Chapters (31)