Some wounds can't be mended by bandages. In these cases, some trust and a cup of tea are the best help one can offer.
I may not be a great writer,
Found 16 stories in 21ms
Total Words: 82,293
Estimated Reading: 5 hours
Some wounds can't be mended by bandages. In these cases, some trust and a cup of tea are the best help one can offer.
Scootaloo teaches Rainbow Dash how to fly.
Princess Celestia has decided to step down from the throne for a day and mingle with the common folk.
Princess Luna has also decided to step down from the throne for a day and mingle with the common folk.
Princesses Celestia and Luna neglected to inform each other of this decision.
Twilight Sparkle loves pie, a fact that was evidenced by her first visit to Sweet Apple Acres. In fact, she's been craving it ever since she gorged herself on it all those months ago when she first arrived in Ponyville. Luckily, her good and ever-generous friend Applejack happens to have quite a few apple pies stored in her barn for the upcoming sales week, so our favorite bookworm sneaks in to help herself to a slice. Not so luckily, it seems she's a bit hungrier than she first thought.
Be warned, this story contains stuffing. Why? 'Cause it's cute.
Something of a tribute to Flexico, the author of the adorable fanfic that drew me to the pony fandom in the first place.
Surely she must be sick. Unusual actions, strange thoughts, and new feelings...
Yep, just a bit under the weather. Nothing a little hard work can't cure.
"You're fired."
Well, great. Rainbow Bucking Awesome Danger Dash no longer has a job. Now what?
You can probably guess exactly what.
One minute, Applejack is visiting Fluttershy's cottage, minding her own business; the next thing she knows, she's plus one corpse. And she has no idea what to do with it.
Her friends aren't being much help, either.
After some prodding from Twilight, Rainbow Dash reluctantly agrees to start writing poetry. Obviously, Rainbow isn't a born poet, but over time her skills begin to mature, and boredom changes into self-expression.