• Member Since 27th May, 2013
  • offline last seen January 2nd

Quillo Manar

I am a dude with a Quill, so take my stories for a swill.


Screw it... · 4:39pm Jun 27th, 2015

I'm going to publish my Diaries of a Madman edit.

I've been too focused on my SFM animations and University to really give time to writing, so I haven't finished Crystals yet and I don't think I will soon.

Oh well.

Have a 31,000 word update. :3

I won't give a lot of time to writing as my SFMs are more important (and more fun to do), so don't expect a release schedule with this story. I will just update it when I have written a new chapter.


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2092357 Well... That's what you get for making a hilarious story like you did, this is all YOUR fault!

Thanks for adding Blank to your favorites!

Thank you for the fave

840205 Slow stories are normally pretty awesome, so I can accept that.

At least you only have one on the go, not six! Or is it seven now? Whatever.

But still, good luck with making me not want to kill him. Funnily enough, my first draft of my original story was me and a friend getting sent to the Ceruverse version of Equestria, just after Storm left Cloudsdale, before Ceru got thrown out of Canterlot. I knew about it, he didn't, and then it became full of moral things like 'should we stop pony a doing this to pony b'?

But then I thought to myself, 'no, I am not going to ruin his stories with my crappy writing.' So I went and nuked Chrysalis instead!

838398 Sorry, you might not know. I write stories reeeaaallllyyyy slowly... Like seriously, it's horrendous...

Just to give you a bit of perspective, I started writing the first chapter about a month after I read RoBaS, about a few weeks after Whispers started.

Yeah... Sorry about that...

I do have one epic tale for Prick Shi- I mean, Prud Skit- Buckin- Loony Bomboody... I hope to make you sympathise with him, even just a bit. I just need Cerul- WinterGreen to look over it.

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Stories I've lent my voice to.