74 stories
Simply put, fics that made me chuckle.
For stories with a darker atmosphere or setting.
33 stories
Obviously, for fics that have two legged hairless monkeys.
Enjoyable fics that made me think about stuff.
Fics that I believe go above and beyond normal fics in their delivery and execution.
I know pretty much everything has been crossed with MLP to hell and back, so I might as well have a place to put it all.
23 stories
Fics that are especially adorable/cute
For fics riddled with slice of life shenanigans.
15 stories
Pretty much for fics that I couldn't figure out where to put, or stuff that I simply can't categorize.
For fics with lots of action, fighting, explosions, magic, etc
Deep/well thought out fics that take place in an alternate universe.
For the saucy and downright explicit fics I take a liking to.
For fics based around relationships, romantic or otherwise