• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

The Boss

"Love knows no borders, and neither does Genghis Khan."

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Found 3 stories in 38ms

Total Words: 29,712
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Sunset Shimmer goes for a walk once evening, just to relax and unwind. On her walk she meets an old classmate of hers, a young man that was the victim of one of her crueler and more vindictive escapades as Canterlot High's head bully. She's changed for the better, but after seeing the result of her former handiwork she'll never forget the mistakes of the past.

This is a one shot I'm doing because I'm feeling particularly sad right about now, partially inspired by Pink Floyd's song 'Keep Talking'. It's just an experiment with a more rapid type of writing style, one that I hope goes over well with you folks.

Chapters (1)

After seven years, Shield Dasher is back on Equestrian Soil. Seven years since he left without saying goodbye to his adoptive parents, and his sister. Rainbow Dash. Now he returns, wounded and scarred from battles won long ago, to make up for the time he lost and the time he has left.

But all is not as peaceful as it seems, will our hero be forced back into the breach.

Most likely...

(Well, I've never had a story featured before. This is a nice feeling. Thanks guys, you're the best.)

Now with more Action!

Chapters (11)

John has been stolen from his world, he is depressed beyond belief. Can he pull himself out of his downward spiral or will he drink himself to death. With a bit of Help from his friends he may have a shot. Will Music and Friendship be enough though?

Chapters (3)