• Member Since 13th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Sunday


Co-Admin of Clopfics. Finally decided to start writing after being here for 12 years.

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Found 1 stories in 19ms

Total Words: 21,204
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Everypony knows that Pinkie Pie throws the best parties.
Fewer ponies know about her 'special parties'.
Join Pinkie and her closest friends as they learn more about themselves and the world around them through the lens of intoxication.
Don't worry, Pinkie will make sure everypony is safe and comfortable. After all, what are friends for?

Credits to Sony-Shock for the cover.
Thanks to Arkadios, Frostworthy, Perfectly Insane, 6-D Pegasus, and tailsopony for pre-reading and formatting assistance.

Featured 8/20. Thanks everypony!

Chapters (6)