• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2020


I'm the tastiest Poptard you'll ever meet. Back from the dead.

Search Statistics

Found 2 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 13,205
Estimated Reading: 52 minutes


After months of pleasant dating, it's time for the inevitable meeting of the family. For Sugar Belle, it should be easy as cake. She's already met three of the Apple Family members, after all. She only has one more to win over.

It's more complicated than that, she finds.

Spoilers for The Perfect Pear.

Thank you to Scathecraw for editing.

Chapters (2)

The life of a mother is challenging, but the life of an expectant one is excruciating. Maybe one day, Princess Cadance can reach the challenging part. For now, all she faces is the cold bathroom floor and a solid bout of nausea, and she is losing miserably.

Can she survive this morning?

Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)