• Member Since 2nd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2016


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Found 3 stories in 13ms

Total Words: 20,712
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


A crossover with Pokéthulhu. Starlight Sailor, bat pony working for Luna's royal guard, gets lost in the æther and wanders into the world of Pokéthulhu. There she meets up with Randy Carter and tries her best to bring some light to a bleak world.

(If you're wondering, no, Pokéthulhu is not a real show, it's a tabletop RPG, and you shouldn't have to know anything about it to get this story.)

Chapters (1)

The story of a diplomatic crew sent from Canterlot to the Changeling hive, shortly after the events of either A Canterlot Wedding or the changeling appearance in the comics, if you consider that cannon.

Written in response to a prompt from EQD: A story about Queen Chrysalis being happy, but not from successfully taking over any part of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Oh, sure, everypony loved James, that human that stepped out of a portal a while ago and said he'd be staying in Ponyville for the week. He was a great guy, dashing smile, great looks, amazing sexual prowess. Just ask him. He'll tell you, at length, what a great guy he is.

So who killed him? And why?

Rated for some mild gore and sexual themes, but with no content that I would consider explicit.

And why is there no mystery tag? I'm not sure dark is the best description for this, nor is comedy. But it does have elements of both. Think mystery, anyway.

Chapters (3)