Come on guys who should I ship? · 3:38am Jul 7th, 2013
Ok so George already has a crush on Flutters so who else? Sax maybe?
Ok so George already has a crush on Flutters so who else? Sax maybe?
Ok so George already has a crush on Flutters so who else? Sax maybe?
Ok so George already has a crush on Flutters so who else? Sax maybe?
Thank you so much for the faves on 'Always Connected' and 'Equine Vampiris'

Hey! Thanks for the favorite!
You wouldn't mind voting it up if you liked it, would you?
Definitely let me know your thoughts! I love feedback!
590872 keep it up friend I wanna see what happens next!
looking forward to seeing how far I want to take this next chapter exactly. This story may end up being quite long if I go into as much detail as I had previously planned to do.
590865 I love it dude can't wait for the next chapter!