It's over. Equestria has fallen. The four princesses and anyone who had ties to royalty are dead, and the element bearers and their families have been killed. The Kelpies, a race of water-dwelling equines, now rule Equestria with iron hooves. Most ponies now live in fear, though some support their new overlords.
Far off in the Crystal Mountains, a group of escapees look upon their former home. They may have been normal citizens of Equestria once, but now they are warriors. When the time comes, they will fight for Equestria.
A collaboration with PrinceUniversa
Sirocco created by myself
Zodiac Cosmos created by PrinceUniversa
Fang created by TheMysticBrony
Dr. Mind Quill created by Dr_MindQuill
Night Rain created by MrDevestation101
Nerdz created by Nerdz
Reneighah created by Zoetic Zebra
Figureen and Bartholomew Steelclaw created by Rubahhitam
Maryana created by iluvtmnmlp
Berripad created by Verbose Mode
Whitewolf Stormrunner created by Whitewolf_Stormrunner
Hell Fire created by Berserk
Digit Forge created by Nova Arc
Sea Breeze created by Shy Sparkle
Chaz created by Henry101
Melody created by Stardom Freedom
Sponduli Moolalli created by Brickbrock24