• Member Since 21st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2021


I liek waffles.

Welcome! And goodbye.

Honestly, there's not much to see here.
So, have a nice, juicy waffle:

The stuff I liked at least a bit

Comments ( 6 )
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Duly noted. Hope you find it to your tastes when you reach it.

Err, I mean...

Whatev's. Ain't got no taste anywho.

I put it in "that list of a ton of fics that look okay but will probably never touch™".
Now you just wait, and maybe, if you have luck with my pseuderandom choice of fics, I'll read it.

Figures ya'd use such a dimwitted idea. Still, th' queer... quarry... question ain't been answered yet! So, y'gonna read th' fine offerin's presented, or are you gonna throw me on th' street like all dem bar bouncers?

Heh, somebody trying to avoid that rule.

It was just an old "Read it later"-ed story which I found somewhere.
For the record: I favorited all the stories I read, to keep track of them. Now with those shelves thingies I'm going to reorganize.

Got something interesting to say? (No "thank you"s allowed)

Oy, you! Yeah, you, long face! What's the deal with favouritin' my story ya twat? Ya got bad taste or are ya just dumb enuff t' fink I'm halfa-way decent? Well, if dem words didn't make ya more braindead than before, ya might as well read Changeling to Fit the Role as well and finish the job. No one's grey matter survives the cultural meltdown of Justin Bieber and Queen parodies, eh?

Peace, yo.

Comment posted by snakeybrony deleted Dec 30th, 2013
  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6
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