• Member Since 16th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen August 16th


"RoMS I love you even though you OTP Rarijack!" Monochromatic~


Made to play courier to a village tucked far in the countryside, Luster Dawn must deliver a letter asking for a decade-old story:
A peculiar event that nearly erased the town of Ponyville.

A long-time coming gift for Orbiting Kettle based on his requested prompt:
"Cheerilee, Mayor Mare, Pinkie Pie."

Edited by my beloved garatheauthor. Featured on August 20th-21st, 2020.

Beware spoilers in the comment section!

Chapters (16)

Sparkling Cider likes girls tol and stronk. Especially the one she shares a bed with.
And yes, Sparkling Cider and Ivory do share a bed.

A Ultimare AU Rarijacking - Ivory as Rarity, Sparkling as Applejack

Proofread by Vis-a-Viscera and Pocket.
Reviewed by Paul Asaran on December 17th, 2020, here.
An OTP crack-fic'y, Pride thingy, and gifty for lovely kim, Heart, Cyne, and Lightning.
Written for the Pride and Positivity Event — Support BLM, and LGBT+ funds here.
Art by Siden.
This proves nothing, Mono!

Chapters (1)

A compendium of various blabberings, abandoned projects, old drafts, and short stories (and some less so) that never made it or wouldn't make it to publication as individual stories.

Each bit is published unedited. Rating is disabled because it's pointless for this mish-mash.
Cover art by ElDee

Chapters (110)

Tempest Shadow has aged throughout her twenty years of service to the Princess of Friendship. Now, she sails the cold northern sea to investigate a pirate. Sadly, or maybe thankfully, scouring the ice makes for a tenuous boredom only the ship's sly helmsmare can remedy.

Edited by the awesome GaraTheAuthor and dedicated R5h.
Entry for the '2019 Speedwriting Secret Santa' for GapJaxie’s Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.

Gift for Aquaman whose Prompt was:
"The War on Hearthswarming"

Art cover based on a vector by egor418.

Chapters (1)

No life, wind, or light. A total lack of sense of time. When a pony wakes up in the metal belly of a spaceship, only the sounds of cogs, wheels, and pumps accompany him. Lost in this sarcophagus of steel, all he wishes for are the reasons for his punishment.

Featured in Seattle's Angels Round 167.
Translated in Russian here by Doof.
Read by Rainbow Infinity on Youtube.

Edited by garatheauthor, and pre-read by Flashgen and TheLegendaryBillCipher.

Entry for the 'Contest #20 - 11/09/2019' on the Speedwrite Discord. Prompt: "The Song of Dead Stars".
Cover based on the manga Blame! by Tsutomu Nihei.

Chapters (1)

Everypony in the 60s wants a piece of Califawnia's promised dreams. On her way to the shining lights of the Trot of Fame, Pinkie Pie picks up a hitchhiker.

Edited by the enchanting GaraTheAuthor, and pre-read by the awesome user 91: Flashgen. Thanks to the people over The Demesne for their inputs.

Credit to the picture goes to the great Charlie who can be found in GapJaxie's server linked below.

Winner of the 6th Panic Fiction contest for GapJaxie’s Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group, organized by ROBCakeran53. Originally conceived and written in thirty-eight minutes. This version has undergone some small refinements.

Chapters (1)

Cozy Glow dreams within the stone—a dream so deep, so long, and so faint nopony knows about it. Except for Discord. Diving in secret past Morpheus’ jaws, Cozy is Discord’s stone to roll uphill.

Edited by the lovely GaraTheAuthor, proofread by the conscientious Pocketbot.
Credit for the picture goes to Bra1nEater over on Twitter.

Reviewed by Present Perfect on May 28th, 2020, here, by TCC56 on May 12th, 2021, here.

Featured from November 13th to 16th, 2019, and reached 2nd spot in the box. Thank you, readers! :heart:

Chapters (1)

Twilight is rushing back to Ponyville. She saw the flames from afar. She only has one name in mind: Rarity.

Many thanks to R5h, GaraTheAuthor, Pocketbot, and Nethlarion for helping with the editing.

Written for Monochromatic's RariTwi bomb.

The cover art is a cropping of a picture by korafuro.

Chapters (1)

Rarity often visits the Friendship Castle, hoping to see Twilight despite the many responsibilities pulling them apart. Time may stretch relationships but Rarity keeps the flame ablaze her own way—a very special book she's distractedly left behind.

Proofreaders: ARockRaider, Flashgen, GaraTheAuthor, Petrichord, Pocketbot, R5h, Shortmane, The Hat Man
Thanks to Lofty Withers for the short description.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rarity graduated from bonded friends to thoughtful lovers. This is one of their Saturday mornings.

This is an entry to celebrate this wonderful Pride Month. It would not have been possible without Heartshine and Gara's keen eyes, and Hap's analytical flair!

Cover art adapted from VerumTee's Rarity and Applejack, commissioned by Darkwerehog who granted his graceful permission!

Chapters (1)