Update · 6:44pm Jul 13th, 2017
Howdy folks. It's been a while. Way too long, to be honest. I'll give a brief explanation as to why it's been so long in a second, but first lemme give you some news related to the real reason you decided to read this blog.
I have finished writing the first draft of Fallout Equestria: Sisters - Chapter 9. It currently stands at just under 88K words.
Any chance of coming back?
When's the next Chapter for Sisters coming out?
Not entirely sure, to be honest. This whole year has been pretty crazy for me. It's definitely still being worked on, but I've had to devote a lot more of my time to my professional life as of late.
We're still in the writing stages on the next chapter. Hopefully I'll be able to update everyone with some good news pretty soon.
2372517 You give me hope for fimfiction, man. Might as well carry this to my now-reading list, so I'll get to it all and the new chapter once I finish with my january exams.
2371918 Hoping to release the next chapter before the end of January, actually.
Your story's dead or not?
I'm considering reading but I'm afraid it'll get forgotten...