• Member Since 27th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday



What if Queen Chrysalis and Shining Armor were not the same person?

Not quite a retelling of the Canterlot wedding, pre-read by several brilliant authors who were focused on laughing instead of on making the story better. They know who they are.

A commission for Bandy, Pen and Paper, and ordinary pony Horizon

Chapters (19)

Hi! Okay, I shouldn't really be talking yet - I mean, it's kind of cheating to get started here - but I'm going to because I can! Today's a really special day, but I don't want to spoil anything, just that there's someone special...really, somepony special - and I want her to know how special and I've been waiting so long and everything is going to be AMAZING!

Sunset Shimmer is going to have the best Saturday EVER!

Chapters (1)

Some days simply suck. Some days, Celestia just wants to toss her hooves up and set everything on fire. Today is one of those days, and therefore, there's only one thing to be done.

Kill Philomena. It's for a good cause. Really!

Chapters (2)

Everypony knows alicorns are immortal, right?

Well...yes. From a certain point of view. Specifically, the secret to alicorns alicorn youth and vitality? Sex. And Luna? She hasn't had a proper partner in 1,000 years.

Done for FoME's Imposing Sovereigns Contest.
(Cover Art was commissioned for this piece and created by Aquatic Sun)

Chapters (1)

Life in Canterlot Castle is about more than just the Princesses. Many ponies spend their days working in the palace, toiling with their virtues unsung to keep life humming alone.

Meet Spot Shine, Aegis, Raven, and more. Take a glimpse through their eyes, even as Princess Celestia finds herself a bit under the weather.

Some knowledge must be earned, but remember : Some doors cannot be closed once opened.

First written for the June 2015 Writeoff 'A Matter of Perspective', and winner of Most Controversial.

Chapters (1)

The title says it all, dear reader. This is a story primarily about Pony bottoms. And some other things, like cats. But mostly bottoms.

An Entry for the April 2015 Writeoff 'Great Expectations'

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a land of magic and mystery, and there are things that dwell within the veil of the night that nopony wishes to think of. Some, however, lack that luxury, either due to the rude intervention of fate, or due to being one of the very horrors themselves.

One such creature, a monster in the eyes of most, has been given an opportunity to see her life differently, if only for a brief time.

The expanded version of the Write-Off Association's October submission that took home 'Most controversial!'

Chapters (1)