• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2022


Blog Posts

  • 348 weeks
    New Art for Shattering Ascendance!

    This is a scene from chapter 2~! I made a transitioning GIF of this go to my blog to view

    4 comments · 364 views
  • 350 weeks
    Update on Twiset Story

    So! This may be good or bad news but I have somehow become more invested in the Twiset fic I mentioned in my last post than the raritwi one. Now this does not mean DitD will be canceled but I will primary be working on the twiset one while ditd will update sporadically in between.
    Also still need to figure out a title but I have made progress on the coverpage!

    0 comments · 396 views

New Art for Shattering Ascendance! · 2:18am Apr 3rd, 2018

This is a scene from chapter 2~! I made a transitioning GIF of this go to my blog to view

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Comments ( 11 )
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AWESOME!!! I’ll be sure to check them out and keep you posted!!

And of course that dragon is sweet I drew it. XP

That dragon is hella sweet!
I only started drawing digitally very late in high school but once you get used to a tablet its actually harder to do traditional art after lol! A lot of it comes with practice and drawing from references so you know what you want to draw like works or is colored. But I find it very easy for ponies for example to just use the original colors they have and just try to make it pretty.

Heres my Tumblr and it has all the work I've posted on there (which isnt much the blog is only like a few months old)

And if you want to get into drawing digitally I recommend looking up monoprice tablets that are super reasonably priced and there are a lot of free art programs you can use before you choose to commit to buying one.

I changed my profile pic so you could see the dragon I drew! I drew this a few years back in Freshman year.

Also I’m sorry I’m like spamming your profile. If you want we could PM? Totally up to you but it’d be AWESOME to have a PM with an amazing author AND artist such as yourself!!!

.... I wish I could computer art...:( it’s amazing!! I was kinda wondering why I haven’t seen it on google (I need better things to do in my free time honestly...) and was actually going to ask if you could send me the link to it. 😆

I can kinda sorta regular art. I had a computer class eighth grade... we did art for a few weeks and I have never been so mortified by what I could do in my entire life... Photoshop is really easy and fun. Art.... not so much... I draw mythical creatures like dragons, Pegasus, and lions with wings. I wish I had your talent!

Hehe thank you~! Its a picture I drew actually and I thought it would be good for an icon ✨

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