> A Night In Equestria To Remember > by EarthTrack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Night in Equestria to Remember Evan Thorson had been at his roommates’ party since 10:00 PM. It was 3:00 AM now. He had gotten himself extremely intoxicated, and his slightly more responsible roommates felt as though it would be an appropriate time to escort Evan back to their dorm room. “Dude, Evan, we should probably leave. It’s 3 AM and you’ve drank A LOT.” “Waht are yuo guys talking… ‘bout? “Case in point,” said Evan’s roommate Sean. “Now let’s get you out of here.” Evan’s roommates, Julian and Sean, hadn’t drank anything, were fairly able-bodied, and very headstrong. Without effort or even a second thought, the two of them hoisted Evan onto their shoulders and navigated their way out of the party, which was located clear on the other side of campus. The warm October breeze felt amazing to Sean and Julian, but the euphoria was negated almost completely by Evan’s drunken ramblings. What he was saying was nearly unintelligible, but Julian and Sean could make out singing. What the song was, they had not the slightest clue, but it sounded similar to Combustible Edison’s ‘Millionaire’s Holiday’. After a hardly enjoyable 10 minute walk across the school’s campus, the three of them arrived at their dorm room. Sean struggled to get his keys out of his pocket, but finally pulled them out, unlocked the door, and slowly guided Evan up the stairs to his bedroom. Evan made it up 3 or 4 stairs before collapsing. Sean let out a heavy sigh and carried Evan up the other 11 stairs into his bedroom, and on to his bed. Sean let Evan’s head hang off of the side with his mouth facing downwards into a small plastic bucket incase the 12 beers he had consumed didn’t feel as though they were comfortable inside of Evan’s stomach. Evan was barely conscious at this point. His heart rate was decreasing, and his appendages were beginning to turn blue. Sean and Julian had no formal medical training and were absolutely clueless as to how to remedy the slowed heart rate and what they assumed was lack of oxygen in Evan’s bloodstream. They simply hoped for the best and went into their respective rooms to sleep. Tomorrow was Saturday, and they had plenty of time to sleep in. Meanwhile, in Evan’s already imaginative mind which was, at this point, heavily altered by alcohol, strange things were happening. His brain was functioning on overdrive and Evan was neither trying, nor caring. He felt as though this was an Out Of Body Experience more powerful than he had ever even imagined. He closed his eyes and kept them that way. As he fell asleep, he vaguely remembered the flashy lights, the ear-pleasing music, the aesthetics of the décor, and in his opinion, the rather attractive women at the party. With that, he passed out. Across the hall, Sean and Julian listened nervously to Evan’s snoring and mumbling through the night, which mysteriously ceased at half past 5. Hours had passed since Evan was laid into his bed, and he was sleeping like a log. Sean and Julian awoke the next afternoon around 5:00. They contemplated checking on Evan, but decided against it, for they didn’t want to wake him. It wasn’t until later that Evan really did decide to awaken. Evan woke up face down, but not in his bed. His head was in his arms, and he attempted to lift himself up. He stayed in this position for just long enough to realize that he was laying in a patch of grass in broad daylight. To add to his suspicions, he noticed that he was lying next to railroad tracks, with the train’s whistle barely audible in the distance. His odd change in scenery had boggled his incredibly hung-over mind, and he collapsed once more onto the ground. Before losing consciousness, Evan heard the train beginning to pass him, and a high-pitched female voice yell... “Muffin!” EDITOR'S NOTE: Hello, everybody. I'm going to keep this simple. This is the first time I've ever written something like this. Any questions or comments or criticisms would be appreciated. If you all like it, I'll keep going. Thanks. -EarthTrack > Chapter 1: Making Sense > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR: This, obviously, is the first chapter of my story, A Night In Equestria To Remember. If you've not yet read the prologue, I highly encourage you to do so. After you're done reading and hopefully reviewing that, feel free to do the same to this. Any comments at all would be appreciated. Thanks! -Wyatt After having been unconscious for most of the afternoon, Evan once again awoke. This time, however, he didn’t find himself on the ground. To his delight, he was laying on a comfortable bed. Or at least what he thought was a bed. He sat upright, and found himself lying on what looked like a large cloud, which was precariously suspended over a large town 200 or so feet below him. “What the hell?” He asked himself quietly. Not even 2 seconds after having questioned his location, he heard a soft voice from far behind him. He turned around only to find what looked like a massive factory with a rainbow coming out of it, built atop a cloud which was also of very considerable size. Evan had no idea what was happening, or how it was happening, but he feared the worst. The sun was just rising over the horizon, but the beautiful scene was interrupted by a large rainbow-colored streak across the sky, similar to that of a jet plane. At this point, it wouldn’t have irked him in the slightest, but the streak was charging directly at him. As the bolt neared closer, Evan became more and more anxious. He cowered in fear as he was approached by a light blue creature. His eyes were still recovering from gazing at the sun, but it appeared that the creature was… “A pegasus?” Evan was merely thinking these words, but they had slipped out of his mouth, and left him staring, puzzled, at the blue pony. “Are you serious?” Evan exclaimed, this time on purpose. “I don’t even kn-“ “Not so fast!” The blue pony spoke with a female voice. She put her hoof up to Evan’s mouth and ceased his speaking. Evan’s eyes widened. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but we’ve never seen anything like you around here. Although it sounds like you’ve seen us, huh?” She removed her hoof from his lips. “You can talk? Seriously? Equines don’t usually say much where I’m from…” “You know what? I think you’re about as weirded out as I am right now” Said the pegasus “So I’m gonna get you somewhere where ponies might know who or what you are.” “Well I sure know what I am…” said Evan. The pegasus didn’t reply, nor even hint that she was listening to Evan at all. He had just about conquered his fears and paranoia, but was still having trouble comprehending the idea of talking flying ponies. He decided he would let time take care of that part. These creatures seemed intelligent, and they spoke his language, too. “Wait…” Evan said softly “What’s your name?” “I don’t wanna get too personal right now, guy. I just gave you a bed and a good night’s sleep. I’m gonna take you somewhere else. We can talk there.” Evan’s mind was still racing, but he had no reason not to trust this… thing. She seemed intelligent and capable, and he was actually quite eager to see where she was going to take him. “You lead the way, pony.” As quick as a flash, the Pegasus swooped Evan up and carried him across the sky above a small town. Evan wasn’t deathly terrified of heights, but being carried by a pegasus made his legs numb, and his stomach nauseous. Neither of them said a word. Evan opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it, knowing that the pegasus didn’t really want to talk. They were gliding just below the clouds, and Evan’s view of the town below was crystal clear thanks to the Sun finally rising completely. It was a nice, quiet, peaceful looking little village. After a short flight, the two landed at what looked like merely a tree. A very large tree, but a tree nonetheless. As the pegasus landed, Evan noticed a door on the tree, and a balcony up above it. He hesitated to open the door, but the pegasus gestured for him to do so. So he did. As the door opened, the pegasus yelled. “Twilight! Special delivery!” “Come on in, you two!” Called another female voice from inside the treehouse. “You heard her, go on in!” Said the blue pegasus in a significantly more chipper tone than before. The two walked into the tree and were greeted by another pony. This time, however, it was purple. And it had a horn. “You have unicorns too?” Evan asked in a flat, unimpressed tone of voice. “He seems pretty familiar with what we are, Twilight.” The blue pegasus told the unicorn. “Any ideas on him?” “I’m right here, you know!” Evan exclaimed angrily. “You could just ask!” “He’s right, Rainbow. You’re hardly giving him any room to talk!” Said the purple unicorn. “And now that I think about it, now seems like a pretty good time for introductions!” The unicorn said, happily. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. What’s your name?” Still struggling to grasp the idea of a society of ponies who spoke fluent English and had human social skills, Evan managed to say his name out loud. “Evan… my name’s Evan Thorson.” “Good to meet you Eva-“ “AND I’M RAINBOW DASH, THE FASTEST FLYER IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA.” “Oh and you’re so modest, too, Rainbow.” replied Twilight. “I know how much you love to-“ “Hey, girls, sorry to interrupt, but… what’s Equestria?” Rainbow Dash’s mouth opened in surprise and disgust, but Twilight shot her a dirty look, and her facial positions returned to neutral. “Equestria is our world. We don’t know where you came from, but we’d like to hesitate in talking about your kind until we get some other ponies over here to listen. Is that okay?” “It’s your call, Twilight. You seem like you know what you’re doing. I’d be glad to wait up.” Said Evan. “Oh, waiting shmaiting, Twilight! Some two-legged Equestrian speaking thing shows up in Ponyville and you want to wait?” “Rainbow, I know you’re impatient, but Evan has no idea about anything here at all! We should let him rest and get his bearings while AJ, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy get over here! “But Twi! We ne-“ “GIRLS!” Evan shouted, ending the argument. “I appreciate the concern from both of you, but I feel like some explanations are in order!” Twilight looked at him with a gentle, comforting expression on her face. “All in due time, Evan. All in due time…” Twilight guided Evan up a set of stairs into a bed and sat him down. “I promise, I’ll explain it all soon.” Twilight smiled at him and walked back downstairs. Evan was doing his best to eavesdrop, and he overheard the two of them talking about getting a spike. He was worried now. What were they going to do to him? He didn’t want to question or harass these creatures which had been nothing but accommodating to him. Even after having heard the door open and the ponies leave, he simply stayed upstairs and waited…