> Present Sins > by Appleloosan Psychiatrist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Present Sins Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The library was devoid of life. “Oh no” I whispered, tossing the bag of groceries into the building slamming the door shut once again. Spinning around, my frantic gaze jumped from building to building. Where was she now? I thought to myself desperately. Was it possible I could get to her before...no. I sighed. No, she probably left mere minutes after I did. In that case she was probably already... I set off in a determined walk through the town. What was I thinking? I mentally asked myself, as I questioned a few passerbys if they had seen my adopted daughter. She was just a little filly. It was foolish of me to think that I could leave her alone, even for the tiniest fraction of time. Fortunately for me, Nyx stood out among the denizens of Ponyville, and almost every pony I questioned had seen her at some point in the last half hour. It wasn’t until I neared the border of the town that I received a definitive location: Mr. Breezy’s shop. “Of course.” I said aloud after I thanked the mare for the latest update. “I should have known.” A few minutes later I stood outside of the fan shop. A wooden sign with “Sorry! We’re closed!” etched into it hung slightly lopsided on the door. It was already too late. The door was, of course, locked, but simple cantrip soon corrected that. I pushed open the door slowly and crept into the building. The main room was populated only with counters and tables displaying fans of all varieties. Readying myself to shout for my daughter, I was interrupted by a guttural moan emanating from behind a door on the far wall. I quickly made my way across the room, behind the counter, and opened the door. There, in what looked like Mr. Breezy’s study, I saw the obscene spectacle I had expected, but internally prayed against, seeing today. On a worn red couch, Mr. Breezy lay on his back, his head awkwardly strained upward, staring at his crotch, where Nyx sat, slowly running her tongue up and down the length of his cock. Her vest sat, discarded, a few feet from the couch, but she still wore the headband and magical glasses. She stuffed as much of his manhood as she could into her mouth and began to suck. Although I made no effort to be quiet as I infiltrated the perverse scene, apparently they hadn’t noticed me. I made presence clear with a slight ahem. Mr. Breezy’s panicked, his latest grunt of pleasure quickly turned into hacking cough as he choked on his own spit. Nyx popped the dick out of her mouth as she turned towards me. “Hi, momma!” she said cheerily as she flashed me a innocent smile. As he pulled himself up to a less awkward sitting position, Mr. Breezy attempted to stammer out an excuse. “Twilight, I, uh...it’s not, she just-” His incoherent protestations devolved into a moan as Nyx climbed between his thighs and once more began licking his rod. I was awestruck. I didn’t know how to handle this situation. I managed to resist the urge to rip Nyx from her worship of Breezy’s cock and storm out of the building, shouting furiously at my daughter. I had tried so many times to ingrain it in her that this type of behavior wasn’t acceptable. Obviously, I had failed, demonstrated here as she unabashedly gave a relative stranger a blowjob in the presence of her own mother. Apparently, though, the issue of what to do would be decided for me, as Mr. Breezy soon attempted to tell my daughter something but it just came out as a mess of syllables. Nyx got the message, however. She stopped sucking and backed up, sticking her tongue out and holding her forehooves in front of her chest like a dog begging for a treat. Mr. Breezy finished himself off with his hooves, and, with a loud grunt, began splattering the couch and black filly in front of him with cum. When he was finally finished, Nyx swallowed any that had gotten in her mouth, wiped her glasses off with her hooves, and giggled. “Thanks, mister! That was fun!” “Nyx! What did I tell you about doing this sort of thing! I trusted you to stay at home. And look where you end up. Sitting on some stallion’s couch covered in...” I turned my chastising towards the other adult in the room. “And you! I told you if I ever caught you with my daughter again, the royal guards would be involved.” Mr. Breezy only responded by looking down at the floor, suddenly embarrassed. “We can go now, Mom.” Nyx said, still wearing an innocent smile as cum dripped from her face. I turned to Mr. Breezy as a levitated a blanket into his hooves. “Just...just clean her up. I don’t want to touch your...just clean her up.” The earth pony took the blanket and began rubbing it over the alicorn filly. As he brushed over her wings she cooed softly. I noticed the rubbing getting a bit more intimate as one hoof detached itself from the blanket and started rubbing her flank. I sighed, but apparently that wasn’t enough of an indicator. Soon enough, the blanket was ignored and tossed to side, as Breezy rubbed both hooves up and down a giggling Nyx, feeling her up even as I stood in the same room. Was she really that irresistible? I wondered. Then, I noticed that he was growing hard again. Nyx noticed as well. “Oooh!”  she gasped as she reached for his growing penis. “I think that’s enough.” I said as I levitated Nyx onto my back, using her discarded vest to form a barrier between me and her still cum-soaked fur. I turned and made for the door. As I was about to return to the outside, daughter in tow, I heard Mr. Breezy talk from the entrance of his study. “Twilight...if she likes it so much, why not just let he-” “No!” I interrupted as I hastily exited and slammed the door shut behind me, angry that he put what I was already thinking into words. My anger only intensified by the time I arrived home, having had to endure the stares of Ponyville’s population. Nyx missed no opportunity to wave to anyone in range, attracting more attention. I made note of any stallion who waved back a bit too enthusiastically; I needed to form a list of potential locations if she ran off again. I closed the door to the library and behind me and Nyx hopped off my back. “I’m going to run a bath for you.” I said as I walked past her, not able to bring myself to look at her spotted fur. “Mom?” I turned around. She was looking directly at me. “Are you mad at me?” I sighed. Yes, Nyx, yes, of course I was mad at you. I was angry and disappointed and frustrated that you apparently didn’t understand what the problem what, that you even had to ask whether I was I was angry with you. “No, Nyx,” I told her, attempting to force a smile but based on her reaction it came out as more of a grimace. “I’m not angry with you. I’m just stressed about this trip to Canterlot. Now, come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” “I’ve been thinking, Mom...” Nyx said after that bathtub had been filled with water, and her body was covered in suds. I was tackling a particularly stubborn spot of matted fur. “Oh?” I said in way of a response. “Yeah...you’re were telling me that I shouldn’t...um, have fun...with strangers...” Have fun? Is that what they called it now? I smiled and nodded. At least THAT part got through to her. “Well...” she continued “what about having fun with you?” I stopped scrubbing. My heart felt like it stopped beating for a moment. I could already feel my face turning red with embarrassment. “W-what?” I managed to squeak out, hoping, praying that I had heard her wrong. I then noticed that I had stopped scrubbing with my hoof directly on her cunt. I jerked it back. “You’re not a stranger.” she said matter-of-factly. “We could have fun. I know that mares like it when I-” “Okay, that’s enough!” I interrupted, not particularly interested in hearing her confessions. She simply shrugged and remained quiet. I resumed bathing her, despite how awkward it had become. As I ran the cloth up her sides and started cleaning her wings, she murmured softly in obvious pleasure, staring at me with half-lidded eyes. I attempted to ignore this. As I moved from one wing to another, I felt a slight pressure pushing against my hooves. Quickly stopping my cleaning once again, I stood awed as Nyx’s soapy wings slowly emerged. They were soon splayed in a grand manner, water dripping from them. She was still staring at me with those seductive eyes. Was my own daughter trying to... “I-I think you’re clean enough. Dry yourself off and get dressed...I have something I need to do.” I turned around and bolted from the room without waiting for a response. Several hours later “I’m coming!” I shouted. I rushed towards the front door of my library-home, where a loud, sharp knock had just emanated. Throwing it open with my magic, I saw just the pony I had hoped to: Applejack stood with a warm smile on her freckled face. “Applejack! I’m so glad you made it in time.” I said cheerfully, ushering the blonde pony into my home as I tossed the packed bag I was carrying onto the table. “I was worried that the message hadn’t reached you...so hard to communicate without Spike around.” “Yep, I got your message and came straight here, Twi.” She said, her southern drawl as distinctive as ever. “You know I would never let you down. So where is the little hellion?” “She’s taking a nap right now...she had a...busy day.” Yes, Applejack, I need someone I could trust. As the element of honesty, you were the perfect candidate. But that wasn’t all. I needed someone who was absolutely, indiscriminately, perfectly straight. That was essential. I knew Applejack was straight. We all did, thanks to the time we spent in Appleloosa. It was the night after peace had been properly brokered between the settlers and the buffalo. All of us were celebrating, and Applejack might have had a bit too much to drink. Her and Braeburn were flirting with each other...heavily. It was obvious (to me at least, from a sober and detached perspective) that they were very both interested in the other, but I didn’t know if the booze could overcome their inhibitions. It did. After most of the other ponies had fallen asleep right on the floor of the saloon, Applejack grabbed her cousin’s hoof and practically dragged him upstairs. The screams of ecstasy that soon echoed through the building woke up everypony in the building who hadn’t drunk themselves into a coma. We were all too polite to mention it in morning, of course. I had heard rumors from Dash that her and Mac “had fun” on their private farm, of course, but this confirmed it: Despite a worrying fixation on her family members, Applejack was straight. That’s why I chose her as my impromptu babysitter. I told my friend to make herself at home as I rushed up to my bed where Nyx slept soundly. A light stir woke her up. She blinked several times. “Hi, mom.” “Hey, kid. Listen, I’m about to leave for Canterlot, and...well, I’ve decided to get you a babysitter.” That woke her up. “What?!” she yelled, hopping to her hooves. “A babysitter?!” “Yes, Nyx. When I left you here alone today, that was a test. To see if I could trust you here alone. Obviously, I can’t. That’s why my good friend Applejack will be watching you until I get back.” I motioned to the lower level, where Applejack stood. She gave a slight wave. “But, mom, I ca-” Her protests were interrupted by a three loud knocks at the door. “Oh! That’ll be my ride. I have to get going! Bye, Nyx. Love you!” I gave a quick peck on the cheek before walking over to Applejack, leaving my daughter sputtering protests. “Applejack, if any stallions show up while I’m gone...tell them we’re not home, we’re busy, you’re just housesitting, whatever you have to say to get rid of them.” I whispered quickly to my friend as I made for the door. “Ohoh, that mean you have some suitors after you, Twilight? I never would have thought...” The farm pony chuckled approvingly. “Not me.” It took her a bit to get it. “You mean...? But she’s just a filly! Why...if any stallions DO show up, I’ll do more than just shoo ‘em away! I’ll send Big Macintosh after ‘em!” She said, riled up. I smiled at her passion. “Thank you, Applejack, but that won’t be necessary. I’m trying to handle this on my own terms.” Another knock at the door. “I’ll be back in about a week, there should be enough food to keep you both fed. Thank you again.” I opened the door, where two armored pegasus stood, faces unreadable. “Sorry to keep you waiting, sirs. We can leave immediately.” I closed the door behind me and hopped into the chariot. It wasn’t long before Equestria was rolling by underneath me. “Oh, I forgot my bag!” I screamed to one the fliers of my vehicle to turn around immediately. The door was locked. That’s odd. Did they go out already? I unlocked the door easily and entered my home. My bag was no longer on the table where I had put it. Was my short term memory failing...? Then I spotted it. All the contents had been dumped, and it sat empty near the doorway to the kitchen. I walked over to it, simultaneously levitating the items back into the bag. I was about to call out for Applejack, when I heard a whinny coming from the kitchen. No no no no no I thought, the similarity with the incident earlier today not failing to gain my notice. I rushed into the kitchen, and, at first, everything seemed normal. A few of the groceries I had purchased that same day sat out on the counter, obviously in the beginning stages of forming a fabulous meal. I walked around the counter, and gasped, my fears realized. Applejack sat with her back against the cupboards, the brim of her hat clenched between her teeth in attempt to stifle any moans. Her entire body shook. Nyx lay between her strong thighs, foal tongue lapping at away at her pussy. Applejack saw me and glanced up, blushing furiously. She was obviously ashamed to be found in this position, but made no attempts to rectify it. “I WAS GONE FOR TWENTY MINUTES!” I shrieked at the pair. No, I wasn’t going to stand for this. I tore my daughter away. Applejack groaned in frustration. She spat out the hat and brought her hoof to her clit, rubbing herself in a frantic attempt to get release. I could only stare at the once proud Earth Pony, reduced to shamelessly masturbating on my floor. She let out a loud whinny as she soon brought herself to orgasm. I granted her a moment to catch her breath. “I didn’t know you were into girls, Applejack. Especially fillies.” I said coldly. She managed to get to her feet and threw her hat back on. Where she sat was covered in her juices. “I wasn’t. It’s just...your daughter’s got quite a tongue...” “Thanks!” Nyx interrupted, obviously pleased with the compliment. “...whew, I gotta tell Rainbow about this one.” She continued as she walked past me towards the door, maintaining enough sense to tell that she is no longer welcome. Panic flooded me. “No! You can’t tell ANYONE about this, Applejack. It will ruin our lives.” “Yeah...sure, whatever you say, Twilight.” she replied. I noticed that her legs were still quivering. Applejack opened the door and exited the scene, without so much as an apology or a hint of remorse. “Dammit.” I said. If the pegasus were annoyed when I told them we would have to wait, they didn’t show it. Just in case, I gave them a hooful of bits and told them to be back in an hour. Initially somewhat reluctant to abandon their professional duties, they nonetheless wandered off after some insistence. Returning to kitchen, I found Nyx lying on the floor. She was voraciously running her tongue repeatedly over the floor, where Applejack’s juices had been. I patiently allowed her to finish; at least it saved me the trouble of having to clean it up myself. Minute by minute, her tongue bath of the kitchen floor slowed. Eventually, she gave the floor one final, passionate kiss. She licked her lips, eager to lose not a drop of the precious liquid. Looking up at me with a smile, she sighed contentedly. I raise an eyebrow at her, annoyed. “Are you quite finished?” “Yep!” She replied, hopping to her hooves. “So what do we do now?” What indeed? I shouldn’t bring to her to Canterlot: It was simply far too risky to have her in close proximity with Celestia. I considered calling Spike away from his previous obligations. After all, he was a baby dragon, not even of the proper age yet. Nyx couldn’t seduce him if she tried. Then I recalled how well he handled Fluttershy’s animals during the dragon incident. No, Nyx would escape his grasp within minutes. I could already see the frantic letters he would send detailing his incompetency. Was the answer really another babysitter? Applejack had failed, because she was apparently bisexual without realizing it. I admit, I had failed to account for that. I told Nyx to follow me as we trotted outside. Maybe a bit a fresh air would improve my private brainstorming session. My mind wandered and I began to think: What could have caused this? Was this some latent part of Nightmare emerging? It’s a matter I yearned to discuss with Celestia, as she would know better than I ever could. No...there’s no hope in understanding it. The best I could do was attempt to contain it, and to keep her safe. That was my only concern. Nyx was rambling on about something as we passed by Sugarcube Corner. The door to the confectionery connoisseurs building opened and I almost ran into another member of the Apple family. I grinned widely at the stallion as he marched into the street, happily munching on candy. Caramel noticed me staring at him and slowed down to a halt, the corners of his mouth twitching upward as he formed his own nervous smile. “W-what?” he stammered. “Want to go get something to drink?” We lay on under a tree in the park, Nyx at my side. I nursed a cup a tea, while Caramel sipped a steaming coffee. Nyx had finished her drink and was now trying to inch closer to Caramel without me noticing. I pulled her back to my side every few minutes. “Caramel,” I said after a few minutes of silence. “I need a favor.” He finished his drink and smiled at me. “I figured as much. I can’t see why else you would want to spend time with me.” “No...It’s not like that. It’s just- Nyx, stay put. It’s just, I think you’re the only person I can trust with this job.” The answer was that Applejack simply hadn’t discovered her identity as a bisexual. Caramel was different, as he had discovered and embraced his homosexual nature. Plus, if Nyx did attempt to seduce him, Caramel would likely be too intimidated by my daughter to anything. This was perfect. “I need you to watch my daughter while I’m away in Canterlot. Royal business, you understand. The house is fully stocked and it should only take me about a week.” He said nothing. “...I can pay you, if that’s the problem...” “No, Twilight. That’s not the problem. You said I was the only person you could trust with this? Why? Surely one of your friends would be better suited to the task?” I sighed. Caramel may have been forgetful, but he wasn’t stupid, and I figured he would notice something strange. So, I told him. I told him everything, from the beginning. His eyes grew wide at the first mention of Nyx rutting a stranger. My daughter stared at his crotch, no doubt looking for any sign of an erection as I regaled him with tales of Nyx’s promiscuity. I admit, my curious gaze followed hers more than once. To his credit, he didn’t appear to get aroused. Perfect. I ended the tale with confessing Nyx’s latest victim: his relative. He looked particularly shook up at that. “I...don’t understand. Why do you trust me, then, if even A.J. betrayed you?” ...Really? “Do I...are you really going to make me say it, Caramel? I mean, you are...immune to Nyx’s advances. Because...well...you aren’t interested in that sort of thing. You make it pretty obvious, Caramel, you and Big Mac, all that time alone on the farm...” “Twilight.” “-it’s just the way you’re bo-” “Twilight” “-blaming you, or saying it’s wro-” “Twilight” “-haha, dick in ass!” “Twilight, I’m not gay!” I blinked at him several times. “What?” “I’m not gay, Twilight.” I could see tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes. Nyx started giggling. “Bu-but I...I could have sworn...” He lept up and began walking away. I tried to apologize, but it only came out as a hoarse whisper. Caramel had dissolved into sobbing before he was out of view. “...I guess you’re going Canterlot, Nyx.” “Yay!” Nyx cheered. > Present Sins Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pegasi were less upset with anomalous addition of a filly to our flight then I thought they would be. It wasn’t long before we were in the air once again, making a path straight for Canterlot. Nyx, who had never been at heights this great before, leaned over the edge, eyes wide as the vast beauty of Celestia’s domain stretched underneath us. Not trusting her underdeveloped wings to support her should she fall, I issued a stern warning towards caution, then turned my thoughts inward. How had this situation occurred? After all, by all accounting, Nyx was a relatively normal filly when I first met her, at least in temperament. It was a single event that inexplicably turned her this way. A single, terrible event. Desperate for answers, my mind wandered back to that day, ineffectually running it over for the umpteenth time... It was a stormy night in Ponyville. The type of weather that keeps even the bravest ponies indoors, huddled around the fireplace, whispered conversations with family punctuated only by the occasional deafening crash of thunder. I had made no particular effort to study Ponyvillian atmospheric necessities, but I was sure that, just like all Equestrian weather, this storm had its purpose. Luckily, the severe lightning didn’t frighten Nyx. In fact, she seemed almost comforted by it. She slept soundly in my bed, while I lie on my couch with a book, faint candlelight allowing me to read. A half empty bottle of dandelion wine sat on the end table. If only I hadn’t been drinking that night, I may have been able to react faster... A knock at my door tore me from my literature. At first, I only glanced towards the portal, considering that I may have simply mistaken a clap of thunder as a visitor asking for entrance. When the knock repeated itself with added intensity, however, I lept up, telekinetically lighting several other candles in the room. What pony would be crazy enough to be out in this weather? I marched towards the door, wobbling slightly from mild inebriation. I opened to find a stallion bringing down his hoof to knock again. He quickly aborted the swing and smiled sheepishly. He was a brown furred earth pony with a blonde mane and a youthful face. The tattered travelers cloak he had draped over his form was absolutely soaked. His eyes were bright and wide open, almost as if in a strained effort to absorb everything they could. I remember thinking, at the time, that he was disarmingly charming. Now I can’t think about him without becoming sick to my stomach. “Ms. Sparkle?” he inquired, his light and pleasant voice almost shouting to be heard over the storm. I nodded in response. He glanced past me into my home, smile wavering slightly. “C-can I come in?” I paused for a second, the shook my head as I realized my lack of social tack. “Of course!” I said as I backed up, allowing him egress. “Sorry about your floor...” he said, after he had entered and hung his cloak. He was referring, of course, to the large puddle that immediately began forming when he entered my abode. I assured him, quite accurately, that it was the least of concerns. “He looked around my home, scanning everything, before his gaze fell back onto me. “I...uh...I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.” he said nervously, meek smile still plastered on his profile. I smiled back and gave a slight nod. “Princess Celestia sent me. I’m here to serve as your research assistant...well, your second one, seeing as you have the dragon already. She’s intrigued and excited by your findings - so much so that she feels the project could use more manpower. I’m here to assist you in any way I can.” That’s odd, I considered. The Princess had not contacted me concerning this. Then again, I suppose she may have sent a message to Spike, unaware that he wasn’t currently with me. But, to be frank, I didn’t need another partner. Nyx occupied a large amount of my time now, and keeping up with constant studies into friendship was becoming untenable. Nyx. A cold shock pierced me as I thought of this pony in my home with her. The backwater population of Ponyville may view an alicorn as an oddity, but not worth a panic. But a Canterlot-educated stallion, particularly one who took orders from Celestia? He’d immediately recognize the abnormality of another alicorn, and a report to the Princess would almost certainly follow. That was an outcome I refused to allow. “How did you get here? Surely the Princess wouldn’t have risked a Pegasus escort with this weather...” I asked the stallion, immediately formulating plans to keep him as far away from Nyx as possible. “Yeah, I took a chariot to the edge of the storm, then walked the rest of the way. It was only a few miles...I need the exercise, anyway.” He laughed nervously. “Is...is something wrong?” He inquired when faced with my continued stoicism. “Yes. I apologize for my rudeness, but I don’t have the capability or inclination to support another researcher at the moment. If I had received warning beforehand, then perhaps I could have made arrangements. I don’t mean to question your usefulness. This is a issue on my end, not yours. You can tell the Princess as such. My personal report will collaborate.” “But...I have my orders-” “You have followed your orders perfectly. I will take the blame from the Princess. You needn’t worry.” “Well...then, can I at least spend the night here before making my way back?” His voice shook with a heart-breaking disappointment. No. Too risky. “I’m sorry, but unfortunately not.” I smiled reassuringly at him. “I have a friend in town, though. I’m sure she’ll be willing to put you up for the night. Come on, we’ll prepare your trip back in the morning.” I concentrated for a brief moment as I prepared a basic shield spell to protect the two of us from the elements. “Okay, that’s it.” I heard him whisper. I turned to look at him, and the smile had finally fallen. It was if a mask had been taken off, and he now wore an angry scowl. Quicker than I thought a pony was even capable of moving, he brought his hoof up and slapped the side of my neck. It wasn’t a forceful tap, but it still sent a sharp jolt of pain as something pierced my skin. As he quickly retracted his limb, I noticed something that I had missed in the darkness - a small brown band wrapped around his hoof, adorned with a small spike that now glistened red with my blood. I tried to react, to throw my attacker away from me, but I found myself unable. Almost immediately after he struck me, my knees grew weak and my magic was inaccessible. “Wha-” I managed to voice before my muscles gave out and I collapse on the floor. I could feel nothing save for a slight tingling sensation all over my body. I couldn’t speak. Blinking took protracted effort. My body was shifted so that I was laying on my back - I could barely feel his hoof on my shoulder as he manipulated my flaccid body. He moved to stand over me, uncomfortably close, visage dominated by a victorious, leering grin. Trying to kick or punch him, my limbs responded only with a slight, ineffectual twitch. There was something warm that brushed against my lower body. I closed my eyes as I realized what was happening. I didn’t want to open them. On some impossible plane of reality I was hoping that he would be gone if only I pretended he was. “Poison...special order...” He whispered, reminding me that that wasn’t how reality worked. A slight amount of feeling returned to my body as the foreign substance worked its way though my system. I could feel him running a hoof almost lovingly down the side of my face. His voice was as youthful and innocent as it had been prior, though it was tainted with a ghoulish infliction, now that his true nature had been revealed. “Capable of disabling a pony almost instantly...though for ponies as frail as you, I suppose we can drop the ‘almost’ part. ...who would have thought the Princess’s personal student would be this easy to take down? I never dreamed her servants were so incompetent.” I opened my eyes. He was staring back at them, his own wide with excitement. “It will wear off in a few hours. In your case...I don’t think that will matter. But don’t worry...” he continued, his voice shuddering and growing ragged as giddiness overtook him. He brushed his erection against my furred stomach. “...we’re going to have some fun before you die.” A crash of thunder echoed as he uttered the last word. His habit of constantly smiling had not broken. Even had I been able to scream for help, I wouldn’t have. Nyx would certainly awake, and he would discover her. I had no idea what he would do if he found her, but I knew it wouldn’t be good. No...I would endure this until I thought of a way out. It was the only thing I could do for her. The Earth Pony had climbed off of me and moved down, his face close to my crotch. He inhaled deeply, taking in my scent, then let the breathe out slowly, the tail end of it turning into a muted boyish giggle. Sensitivity heightened to an extreme, I could feel every exhale of his warm breath. He backed up slightly and brought his hooves up, rubbing all around my slit. When he began rubbing my clit, my body shuddered as best it could with involuntary pleasure. I felt my lips being forcefully stretched apart, and, even with my synapses slowed due to the poison, I would have screamed in shock at what I felt next if I had been able to - his tongue forcefully jammed itself into my snatch, which was, through a purely instinctual response, become more and more wet at his continued attentions. He kept up his tongue bathe of my pussy for several minutes. This was the first time a stallion had ever given my body this kind of treatment. It felt strange, as my adrenaline and fear mixed with a new wave of pleasure. My heart was the most active part of my paralyzed body - it beat so forcefully I was almost worried it would burst. I’m sure that had the situation been different, I would be in a blissful heaven. My hatred of him only increased as my body showed itself to be agreeing with his desires. He stopped when I managed to make a sound for the first time since I collapsed - I gasped when he nibbled roughly on my clit. I worried that he might figure that my sound would indicate that the poison was already wearing off. “Unusually tight.” He said, after a minute of listening to nothing other than the pounding of the rain on our building. “Odd, considering...well, just how many stallions did you have to fuck to get your position? I can’t imagine it came cheap.” I wanted to deny the accusation, but I felt that any further movement on my part would only push him into ending the situation before it grew out of his control. “Or...are you still a virgin?” he pondered, clambering back on top of me with incredible speed. He leaned closer to me, and our snouts touched. He gave my face a longing, lustful lick. “Oh, that’d be even better. Let’s find out. I think your wet enough already, slut.” He chuckled derisively. I used whatever control I had over my muscles to brace myself as he lined his cock up with my sopping entrance, jamming his forehooves hard into my sides for support. Obviously deciding not to waste anymore time, I felt feeling an increasing pressure against my resistant slit as he attempted to force his well-endowed length into me. I’m not ashamed to admit that on some base, animalistic level I wanted him inside me, but I knew that was simply the instinctual, biological response of my body to stimuli. The primary of my consciousness only hoped he lasted long enough for me to think of a way to save my own life. “Mom?” I heard a sleepy voice ask from the other room. No. The stallion stopped pushing immediately, not managing to even get an inch into me. He glanced up at the threshold, where Nyx stood, then quickly glanced back at me, a triumphant smile plastered onto his face. He turned back to look at the newcomer as he whispered. “Not a virgin after all...I see you’ve been busy.” “Mom...what’s going on? Who is this guy?” Nyx’s tired voice quickly became panicked as her lethargy was defeated by the strange situation. “Come over here, little girl.” The innocent, airy voice from early was back in full force. Nyx only shifted uncomfortably. The stallion obviously lacked any form of patience in his aroused state, as his face immediately contorted with rage. “GET OVER HERE OR SHE DIES!” He screeched, pushing a hoof hard against my throat. If I could, I would have screamed for my daughter to flee from the house. My death was preferable to whatever he had planned for her. Nyx whimpered in fright and emerged completely from the bedroom, her wings spread at half-mast in a kind of nocturnal tumescence only pegasi have the ability to experience. He, having noticed her horn as well, looked back at me with a confused and questioning expression. I, obviously, couldn’t address his concerns. Any worry he had over the strangeness of an alicorn appeared to quickly abate. “Looks like I’m going to pop a cherry tonight, after all.” he whispered as he climbed off of me. He trotted over to the black furred filly, his full erection bobbing slightly at the movement. Nyx’s little legs quivered in fright at the sight, not so much out of knowing what was upcoming, I figured, but rather the exact opposite: ignorance. He stopped directly in front of my daughter and looked down, a leering grin complementing his excited eyes. “You’re awfully cute, little filly.” A low rumble of thunder caused the stallion to jump slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. Nyx visibly braced herself. “What do you want with my mom?” She said slowly, voice strong and resolute.  I admired her courage. He chuckled, though I detected a hint of another emotion mixed in with his amusement. Nervousness? “Nothing, now that you’re here. Just be a good little girl, and nothing bad will happen to your mommy tonight.” Though an intense expenditure of will and energy, I managed to use all the control I had over my own body to turn my head, enabling me to observe the situation. She was staring up at him, body tense and eyes shining with defiance. Noticing my movement, she turned to me. Apparently, my body’s lacrimation system was not disabled by the poison, as, I had just noticed, tears were flowing openly from my eyes in fear of what I knew was upcoming and the knowledge that I could do nothing to prevent it. Something broke in Nyx as she stared back at me, and I saw her resistance flow out of her. She looked back up at the intruder, body falling limp as the desire to fight left, and nodded at him, allowing her gaze to fall to the floor submissively afterwards. He leaned forward and bit the scruff of her neck, picking her up with ease. Nyx bounced up and down in his mouth as he marched her across the room. “W-what’s gonna happen to me, Mom?” she asked, staring at me, her voice now quivering with fear. I saw her turquoise orbs matching my own as tears filled them. With a rough swipe of his forehoof he pushed the contents of my end table to the floor, and dropped Nyx roughly onto the furniture. He hopped onto the table, preparing to start immediately, before stopping and slowly backing down to the floor. He rushed over to me, grabbing my limp body roughly around the waist with both hooves. Propping me up against the wall, he turned my head to face the table, where Nyx lay, staring back at my immobile form. “I want you to see everything...” he whispered, leaning in close. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then abandoned me, marching back to my daughter. “Mom...” she whispered as the stallion returned to her. Reaching down, he guided Nyx back to her hooves and spun her around, brushing her tail out of the way so he could take in full view of his prize. Obviously deeming foreplay unnecessary at this stage, he resumed his position over her and immediately lined his dick with her cunt. “...what’s he doing...mom?” she whimpered. Furiously, I could do nothing but stay silent. “I’m gonna rut you, you little filly. You’re gonna get rutted hard.” He grunted, breathing heavily into her ear, voice filled with desire as he attempted to force his way into my daughter. “R-rutted?” Nyx squeaked. “What does he mean? Ow! That hur-” Nyx’s cry of pain immediately halted as I saw the stallion had finally managed to inch his cock into her. Her eyes, now dry of tears, went wide. They glowed white for a brief second, becoming little more than globes of energy. As they reverted back to their normal form, she blinked several times. There was no blood, as might indicate a broken hymen. The look of panic, pain and fear she held seconds ago was quickly replaced by a look of passive confusion. “What...is this?” she whispered to no one in particular. The stallion kept pushing and pushing, managing to fit inch after inch of his endowment into her. It was by far the best cunt he had even been in - there was always something special about fucking fillies, but this one in particular was exquisite. The walls of her tight pussy rubbed his cock in all the right ways, meeting each of his thrusts with another surge of pleasure. She was already excreting sex juices that coated his length. Soon he no longer had to force to gain more entrance - it seemed as though he was being absorbed by the foal’s willing body. After all the build-up and preparation, he worried that the complete perfection of this pony would cause him to reach his peak before it got good, so, when he had as much length in her as he could fit, he stopped moving and sighed contentedly, allowing the warmth of the filly’s love tunnel to massage his cock. He wasn’t disappointed as it set about this job in an almost loving manner. Nyx, externally readily accommodating this fucking, was internally conflicted. Wasn’t she supposed to be scared right now...? Wasn’t she suppose to be afraid for her and her mother’s safety? Then what was this voice, this intense pressure on her mind that was telling her that everything was okay...that everything was perfect! The strange thing currently pushing inside of her, filling her, the massive organ who’s occupation of her body caused her to squirm with delight and her breathing to grow short and stunted, it completed her. It made her whole and it was all that mattered. Indeed, the intense, improbable pleasure that surged through her just from having her cunt filled collaborated with this strange new desire. Her inexperienced underdeveloped mind had no defense against this sensation, and all she could do was neigh in ecstasy and push herself backwards in attempt to get more into her. The stallion looked down in shock and delight at the overambitious filly trying to impale herself on his dick. “You like that, you little slut?” he asked, the question less rhetorical than usual as the incredulity of the situation was not lost on the Earth pony. Nyx glanced up at him, smile wide on her face and nodded furiously. Maybe this guy wasn’t so bad after all, she thought to herself. If he just wanted to make her feel this good, what could he have had planned for her mom? A part of her was almost guilty that she was getting everything this strong stallion had to offer, but that part was silenced by the escalating waves of pleasure. I was stunned, needless to say, by Nyx’s unexpected reaction to this. The tears were still coming as Nyx’s own reappeared, a result of her intense happiness.. I suppose it was better than seeing her crying out in terror and pain... The stallion, deciding it was time to continue his indulgence, pulled his cock out. His full length gradually emerged, the juices coating it shimmering slightly in the faint light. It fully fell out of Nyx’s warm, gooey sex, several strands of liquids still connecting the two all-too-compatible organs. Both still twitched in pleasure, each obviously desiring nothing more than the other. Nyx looked up at her ravager in terror and shock. Depression flooded her. She felt empty and cold. Seconds away from bursting into furious tears and begging the stallion to make her whole once more, he fulfilled her unspoken demand by slamming his cock back into her in single fluid motion, causing her to shriek with delight. She glanced at her Mom as the stallion pulled out and slammed back into her, causing her to yelp again. Why was she crying? Why should she be sad that her daughter was enjoying herself so much? Maybe it’s because she’s not having fun like I am...Nyx’s pleasure saturated mind managed to consider. She considered that she wouldn’t mind doing this more often...no, she would love nothing more than to do this all the time! “Oooh...your daughter’s such a good fuck!” the Earth Pony groaned as his plunges became less and less pronounced, and he was reduced to shorter, more frantic thrusts, unable to bring himself to withdraw from the constricting walls of Nyx’s velvety sex for any considerable length of time. He devoted his body’s energy completely to the act of rutting the immature alicorn, and moved in closer on his smaller partner, resting his chin on the top of her head. They were both perspiring profusely, and she could feel the sticky skin of his stomach rubbing against her back. She inhaled his sweat saturated scent. It was masculine and powerful, and managed to push her to even higher states of arousal. Both partners were panting heavily, tongues draped out of their mouths identically. The male’s was dripping saliva, and Nyx, unable to think of anything else to do with this orifice while the other was being filled, caught it on her own tongue and swallowed it readily, eager to get more of the stallion inside of her through whatever means necessary. “What did you...teach this depraved...little filly?!” he asked me without slowing down his motions. Nyx’s whimpers of pleasure became louder each time he reentered her. They morphed into complete shouts of lust that echoed throughout the building. I had never, in all my studies, heard of a pony enjoying sex quite as visibly as my daughter did that night. She made a noise that started as a low hum before evolving into a piercing, ecstatic scream. Her entire body vibrated as the tears of joy streamed down her face openly - Nyx had experienced her first orgasm. “Holy shit!” cried the stallion, as a warm gush of liquid sprayed over the base of his cock. His frantic fucking was not slowed by surprisingly sudden orgasm of his partner; he had not finished yet, and by the look of Nyx’s continued efforts to engulf more of the stallion’s prick, she was more than eager to continue. “M-mom...” Nyx whispered at me. Her face, covered in her mate’s saliva and her own tears, was occupied only with an expression of pure happiness - an absolute calm bliss on her visage as she was jerked closer towards me with each forceful thrust of the stallion . “This feels...so good...” she told me, as if it wasn’t obvious. The part of me that wasn’t disgusted and terrified felt almost satisfied that my daughter was so happy. I knew that this wasn’t the proper means to make a filly happy, but I also realized that this could be a lot worse. I should take comfort in that fact... “Too good...” Nyx was still moaning at me. She shuddered and shrieked, wracked by a second orgasm. The stallion either didn’t notice Nyx communicating with me or didn’t care, as his only enunciation was pleasured groan as he pounded my euphoric daughter with a force and ferocity that would make any mare jealous. Apparently deciding that another position would be more efficient or pleasurable, he soon wrapped his hooves around Nyx’s stomach and collapsed backwards, falling to the floor and landing on his back less than a foot from me. Still with his cock embedded deep within her, he spun Nyx around so that he was facing her. They stared into each others eyes as they become accommodated to this new position, rutting harder and faster as they grew comfortable with the new movements. He stopped thrusting for a brief moment as he brought up to his face, and pushed his snout into hers. She quickly opened her mouth, granting his tongue access. I watch the sloppy make-out session, it somehow making me angrier than anything else that had happened tonight. The tongues of the lovers danced and battled chaotically, plenty of times falling out of the warm orifices and deigning to simply run along the lips or cheeks of the other pony. She soon pulled away from him, spit dripping onto his chest, both ponies breathing heavily. He lowered her back onto his penis, slowly pushing her back down. She squealed and moan with each inch, obviously deriving just as much pleasure this time as the previous. He hugged her closely and bucked into her, guttural grunting to match Nyx’s cries with each thrust. Their bodies were soaked by now - fur matted with various body fluids. “Please...harder!” Nyx screamed. The stallion looked panicked. He thought he HAD been fucking the insatiable little filly as hard as he could. “Please...” my daughter begged, not getting any response. “RUT ME!” she shouted as she closed her eyes. Her horn glowed a dark black aura. The same color soon engulfed the body of her mate, and the two, still conjoined via their sex, magically floated to the wall next to me. Nyx used her forehooves to brace herself against the building. He did the same with his, a foot above her. The aura surrounding his body had not subsided as he began moving back and forth, dick sliding in and out of Nyx with the motion. He was certainly afraid now - he had lost control of the situation. A thousand years of lust had broken free, and Nyx was magically using him as a sexual toy for her own pleasure, the constraints of his body not being enough to fulfill her cosmic desires. Nyx screamed as her magic became more focused. Now the aura only wrapped itself around his cock, and the stallion had repositioned his hooves to grip the flanks of the black filly. The speed of the assisted fucking continued to increase exponentially, until he just became a blur of motion, slamming into Nyx’s incredible pussy with a speed that obviously brought great pleasure to them both. He decided he didn’t care who was in control - he vocally matched Nyx in volume with his own sexual articulations. The heat and friction engulfing his cock was unbearable. He knew at this rate, that he wasn’t going to last much longer. Not that he had any choice in the matter anymore. Nyx’s face was a contorted mess of lust. Her eyes were rolled up as tears formed themselves once more. Her tongue hung openly from her maw. She was too far gone to care about anything more than the pleasure that overwhelmed her as she went through a third orgasm. The throes of desire caused her to want her partner to finally experience the same. She magically pulled him into her, his entire length consumed by her desperate cunt. She held him there as she telekinetically massaged his swollen balls, and ran a magical pressure along the length inside of her, complimenting her blistering, pulsating tunnel which was already trying its best to milk the stallion completely. It succeeded. With a cry that was almost louder than the thunder that stuck with it, the stallion reached his orgasm. The first spurt of cum filled the womb of the underdeveloped mare completely. Having not had relieved himself in a considerable length of time in preparation of this night, the stallion was more than happy to fill up his willing receptacle as the semen shot out of him over and over again. She was already leaking it onto the floor before he had even pulled out of her - rather, before she let him pull out of her. A minute later the stallion had stopped twitching from the incredible orgasm, and his balls were emptied, all of his seed deposited into the filly. Satisfied, Nyx dropped her hold, allowing him to stumble backwards and collapse to the floor. Occupied only with the feeling of contentedness of being filled with the semen of a virile stallion, she allowed herself to fall to the ground, face still warped in the obscene display of pure lust and pleasure she displayed earlier. The sound of sweaty pony bodies slapping against each other had finally stopped echoing through the house. Now, the only sounds that complemented the rain was the heavy breathing of the two lovers. This was the case for an extended period of time. An hour? More? I can’t tell you at this point how long I sat there, only able to cry as my gaze was locked on my freshly fucked daughter. The stallion recovered first. He slowly brought himself back to his feet. “Whew...” He sighed, pleased. “What a good fuck...They don’t make fillies like that back in Canterlot, that’s for sure.” He walked over to Nyx, and ran a hoof lovingly along the side of her face. She didn’t react, still quivering with pleasure. The stranger’s seed still leaked slowly from her cunt. “You know what, I think I’ll keep her.” He smiled fondly as he turned back to me. “Now...” He walked over to me. “...as for you.” He pushed me over back onto the floor. Though my limbs reacted slightly to my mental commands, the poison was far from dissolving completely. “Time to die, bitch...” He raised his strong, Earth Pony hoof over my skull which I was now realizing was too fragile.. “...in the name of the New L-” A crash of breaking glass. A flash of colors. Rainbow Dash. Immediately, the stallion was tackled across the room, slamming into the wall opposite. He struggled against the lightning fast pegasus that held him in place. His natural Earth Pony strength served him well as he pushed the pegasus off of him and rushed towards the exit. Rainbow, knowing full well that she could easily chase him down, hesitated and glanced back at me. With a defeated sigh she rushed to my side, allowing the assassin egress from my home. My friend lifted me to my hooves. I noticed tears forming in her eyes. “Twilight..are you okay?” Her mane and fur were soaked from the elements. I noticed a stream of blood flowing from where a shard of glass pierced her upper shoulder. “Sorry about your window...Stray weather cloud...I saw...who was th-” “Get him...” I managed to croak out, interrupting her. Rainbow stared at me for a second, then nodded swiftly, becoming a blur of colors as she dashed outside. She was gone before I even hit the ground, which I did in a none too painless manner without her support. I fell next to Nyx...who had recovered to some degree and was looking at me. “I’m sorry, Mom...it was so good...” An hour later, Rainbow returned with news that- A sudden rocking of the chariot tore me from my reflection of the past. I glanced over at my side, afraid Nyx at fallen out at this turbulence. After confirming her presence, I shifted my inquiring gaze to the pegasi themselves, confused as to what could have disturbed them. After all, these were members of the Royal Guard. The most important of Equestrian elite, up to and including Celestia herself, depended on their training. What in the world could have caused them t- No. I’m sure I didn’t see THAT right. I turned back to Nyx, hoping that I was simply confused in my brief examination of her. No, sure enough, a longer observation revealed that which I feared - her tongue was stuck out, clenched between her teeth in concentration, and her horn glowed with magic use. I glanced back at the stallions, now able to them them shaking and now able to hear the grunts of pleasure that had become all too common in areas my daughter frequented. “What are yo-” I began to demand of Nyx. “Shhh!” she hissed at me, holding up a hoof to silence my protests. “Almost got him.” A few seconds later she smiled as another brief shake rocked the vehicle. “There.” Her horn was still glowing however, and I briefly wondered what else she was doing when it was visually revealed to me - the fruits of her magical labor, a fresh batch of pegasi semen made its way towards her. She formed a telekinetic goblet and poured the liquid inside, casually bringing it to her lips as she took a sip of her preferred drink. “What?” she responded to my incredulous stare. “I was thirsty.” I sighed, and brought my hoof up to the side of her noggin, hitting her not hard enough to be painful, but enough to break her concentration. Sure enough, the foul liquid splashed onto the floor of the chariot. I used my own magic to whisk it over the side and send it to earth before she could collapse to the ground in an determined effort to drink the candy pegasi semen. She watched, looking heartbroken as the creamy white liquid flew out of her reached. Nyx turned back to me, pouting. “Aww. I guess I’ll just have to get some more.” With that, I saw her horn glow and felt a slight buzzing pleasure in my crotch. My eyes went wide. “No!” Her magic stopped. “You will never, ever do something like that again.” She huffed and turned away, staring at the sky. “Do you understand me, missy!?” She remained silent. I sighed a turned away after a few minutes of her cold shoulder. “Still thirsty, though...” Awkward silence was our only companion for the remainder of the trip.