> Rainbow Factory Alternate Ending > by Alicornpony1234 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > when it started > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow dash was at the balcony watching all the fillies getting thrown to the machine with a wide grin on her face. One by one they were getting thrown into the machine and the last filly was Rainbow dash's pupil in the corner of the room shaking with fear. Rainbow ordered the workers to throw her in the machine. The workers did as what they were told to do. Scootaloo was grabbed and before they threw her in the machine,Scootaloo looked right into the monster that used to be Rainbow dash and said " *why rainbow why* " and then was threw into the machine. As Rainbow watched scootaloo being turned into a rainbow. A tear fell from Rd's eyes. she saw a light figure float out of the machine and witch looked like scootaloo. Rainbow dash started crying more and more she decided to commit suicide and jumped into the machine and turned herself into a rainbow. Dr. atmosphere was in the room and saw what happened. "Dang it rainbow dash why did she jump into the machine" he said *sigh* well time to find a new employee. Then he saw a flash color outside behind a young mare. " A sonic rain boom " he said " hey you two go get me that mare " "yes sir" said the two and flew off "Awwwwww yeah, I just did the sonic rain boom " the two ponies saw the mare that did the sonic rain boom. "uh are you the one who did the sonic rain boom" one of them said. "Yes" said the mare. "can you please come with us miss" said the other stallion. Meanwhile in twilights library "Well thanks for helping me fix these books girls". said twilight "whatever you need sugercube we will be here" said applejack. "yeah we will I can even throw a party for this too" YAY. "speaking of you girls have you seen Rainbow, I haven't seen her in a while","cant say I have, I haven't seen her either" said the two ponies. "Well, I think we should look for her" said the lavender mare, "maybe we should" said applejack. "ok then lest go". they were disturbed by moaning coming from the side of the room. Everyone stopped and looked around and saw nothing. The three mares started getting scared when they heard the moaning again."Guys do you here that" said twilight "yes, do you hear it pinkie" said Aj, "yea I do" said pinkie pie."Lets get out of here" said the three of them, then what are waiting for come on. Mean while in princess Celestia's castle CELESTIA..........CELESTIAA..........CCCCEEEEELLLLLESTTTTTIIIIIIIAAAAAA!!!....."Yes yes I can hear you Luna you don't haft to scream, well you should answer me,gosh it isn't my fault you know."Ok so im here so what do you want"said celestia,well I got this letter from twilight is says.......... Dear princess Luna and Celestia I’m reporting Rainbow dash missing, we looked every where for Her but still no sign of here, after we found out she was missing we saw a sonic rain boom. I will also report moaning in my library. There was moaning when we were about to leave and we saw no one was there. Your faithful student twilight sparkle Well this is interesting said Celestia, yes it is said Luna, well should I call the guards to go look for rainbow dash said Luna, No said celestia we shall go investigate. And at that moment they heard the same moaning that was heard in twilight's library."Celestia do you hear that said the purple mare","yes I do Luna""lets go celestia" Luna said "yeah come on lets go to twilights library", ok. Why doesn't any pony realize im dead.im with scoots now so I don't care that im dead it was worth it im with scoots that's all that matters. Scootaloo do you forgive me about turning you into a rainbow said Rd, yea I do rainbow whatever happens you will still be my idol said scootaloo "Ok then lets get training then" said cyan mare, But were dead we cant.... wo....wo.......WOOOO, even if im dead I still love flying and plus you can still earn your cutie mark and your immortal, this way you have all the time you need,"you have FOREVER.Is that true"said scootaloo"Yup its true"said Rd, "YAYYYYY,YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY.......wo Scoots keep it down were no the only people dead, oh yeah I forgot Rainbow dash, yeah come on lets get training, ok. where are we going asked the mare, were going to the weather factory said the stallion, uh oh ok. a little while later Sir we got the mare you asked for said the other stallion. Good bring her in said Dr. atmosphere, ok miss please come in said the two ponies, ok then said the mare. Ok miss first thing whats your name, uh my name is Lightning, Lightning fast. Ok miss lightning I called you here for a opportunity said dr. atmosphere, what a job said lightning. Well the job is working in the rainbow factory where you'll be watch if they're doing it right and you will be paid lots of bits, said dr.atmosphere , well I do need more bits so I guess I will take the job said lightning. Excellent then we should get started I will show you where you shall work said dr.atmosphere. Here you are, this is where you will be working good luck miss Lightning. hehe Ok so I just sit here and watch, ok seems easy enough ok get started she screamed. The workers came in with a first batch of fillies. To Be Continue........................ > why is this happening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the workers were bringing in the first batch of fillies Lighting was confused. In her head she was thinking " why were they bringing fillies in here, she thought. Um excuse me uh worker she said, why are they bringing in fillies in here she asked again. Oh you'll see boss said the worker. Lightning saw they were in chains and then she saw a big machine on the bottom of were she was sitting, that made her look more confused. One worker went up to her and said " do you want us to begin boss" he said, uh sure I guess lighting said. Then something shot out of nowhere she saw chains coming down from the ceiling and grabbed one of the little fillies. The filly had a blue coat like her and a white mane, her cutie mark was a cloud and a strawberry. She supposed her name was strawberry cloud. someone gave her a file witch had her name and she was right it was strawberry cloud. Then something happened the chains let go and she fell into the machine She watched in horror as the machine turned her into a rainbow she fell back and started screaming for it to stop as the chains started shooting every where and the fillies got turned into rainbows and when it stopped she started screaming that WHY IS THIS HAPPENING WHY ARE YOU GUYS DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then a few days had pass and she went mad she started enjoying the fillies being turned into rainbows. Her blue mane was all covered in blood and so was her coat, she would go to the fillies and say every pony is useful to us, and she wasn't the same ever again. Oh Luna your being silly of course rainbow dash wasn't kidnaped by changelings said the white alicorn, What if she was what if your wrong said Luna. Oh get in carriage Luna we must go see twilight, fine said, what if everyone in ponyville freak out because im there, oh they wont. 5 minutes later OMY GOSH IS LUNA THE LUNAR PRINCESS EVERYONE RUUUUUUNNNNNN. Well I stand corrected said celestia, see I told you, no pony likes me. Oh come lets go to twilight. Oh hello princess and Luna said the main six. Well I came cause you sent us a letter of how rainbow dash is missing and how you saw a sonic rain boom, celestia said. We should check badlands, said Luna. Luna she is not at the badlands said celestia, wait maybe she is said Rarity, yea maybe she is there said pinkie pie. Oh fine we'll go then there is a carriage outside all should go on it all the pony with wings will fly all the wingless ponies go on the carriage said celestia. Ok then lets go said Aj 20 minutes later So your looking for your pony friend is that correct, said Chrysalis. Yea do you have her said Luna, No I don't you can check my whole kingdom said chrysalis, fine we will, said fluttershy. a while later We looked everywhere and she's not there . Well I told you she wasn't here said Chrysalis well lets go said Celestia wait before you go I would like to help you find your friend said chrysalis you want to h..h.. help said Luna. Yes I will said chrysalis. Ok let get started said Twilight. Meanwhile in pony heaven Well hello there filly what's your name said Rd um my name is strawberry cloud. Well what was the cause of death, um I was grinded into a rainbow, that's the 300 th time this day said scootaloo, well we must shut down that factory or else every filly will be a rainbow, said Rd, yes we should, said strawberry cloud, gather the rest of the ponies who were turned into a rainbow we must get revenge. the two fillies did what they were told to. *im sorry every filly who died on that machine now I will destroy it* Now my job is finished tomorrow will be better, all the fillies begging for not to be killed, o well Lightning said. We will be turning ponies into rainbows like Earth, pegasi, and unicorns, perhaps even an alicorn, she said to herself, nothing can stop me now. Then she saw a the workers bring in late fillies, well what do we have here sir she said, we have fillies that were late to the exam. Lightning noticed a filly that looked familiar. She realized it was her sister, Gem. She flew to her and said you ,you failed your exam, no I was late said gem. Gem then noticed it was her sister Lightning . She flew up in enjoyment but then grew sad when she saw blood on her face and coat and mane. she asked what happened, and then lightning said oh you'll see she said. the chains fell down and snatched up fillies and then the last filly was her very own sister. Gem watch with horror in her eyes and she started crying when the chain fell and grabbed her, why lightning why, lightning looked up and said I told you never fail or be late for the exam. And the last words Gem said were why lightning and I will still love you even though you kill me and she fell into the machine. Lightning for the first time started to cry when she killed her own sister, She heard laughing in her head she was playing a memory of Gem getting her cutie mark and showing her cutie mark to her, her cutie mark was heart gem then lightning started sobbing. Gem was in pony heaven and saw fillies and ponies marching and standing she saw a Pegasus walking to her, well hello Rd said we need another filly she said. what is happening Gem said, well we are going to go destroy the rainbow machine that killed us all she said. will I was killed by my own sister. Rainbow felt sorry for her, well we are going to destroy that machine you wanna help Rd said, gem said yes I want to help, well get in the line, she went to the line. Lightning went to her home not that far from the factory, she saw the colors of the rainbows and saw the color green and blue, those were the colors of her sister, when she came home her parents where there, they were crying, lightning asked why, they answered, they said that Gem her sister went missing, she replayed the memory of her killing and turning Gem into a rainbow. She told them follow me she planned to turn them to rainbows, she feared that that they would find out what really happened to Gem maybe even the princes would find out she would get punished, she does not know what would happen if they all found out. They were in the factory the were right on top of the machine then she pushed them in the machine as fast as lightning and the were turned into a rainbow, she killed her own mother and father. To Be Continue........... . > War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All right every pony and fillies Rd said, Today we will get revenge on the factory and machine, we will fight and destroy that machine for what it did to us and we shall warn all the fillies and ponies about the machine, but first we need information about the manager who took my place luckily I sent three fillies to do that those fillies are on they're way. Rainbow dash was interrupted by the screaming of three fillies, she turned and saw Scootaloo, strawberry cloud, and Gem. Rainbow, said scootaloo, we have bad news they all said, the manager is planning on killing Earth, unicorns, pegasi, and even alicorns, and turning them to rainbows. Oh my gosh she said, we must stop her and the factory. We also have some other news she is planning an capturing princess celestia and turning her into a rainbow and claiming the throne for herself. We must warn her and my friends even though im dead I can use the elements of harmony I just need to get her attention but I tried but they didn't listen they got frighten and ran off, Rd said You three are in charge of leading the army now go, I must get to my friends and warn them. Rd flew off to her friends to see if she could get they're attention. Well chrysalis you can see where ponies are right said twilight, yes i can said chrysalis,well can you see were rainbow dash is Luna said. Yes i will try to see were your friend is,her horn lit up and she saw were she was but she couldn't see rainbow she couldn't. Well do you see her said Twilight. Chrysalis hesitated, finally she said No. Everyone was shocked what do you mean you dont see her said luna, well I cant see where she is,then they all heard a voice and it came from behine them They saw a blue pegasus come out and the last thing they saw was two ponys Came out and they all fainted. Rainbow hurryed through but then she saw three ponys and all her friends but her friends Were on the ground and the other ponys were taking celestia and she saw the pony who replaced her In the factory she had to stop her but she couldnt let her see her so she went to wake up The others.Aj was the first to wake up but she got exited when she saw rainbow but when she went to get A hug she couldnt since rainbow was a ghost she couldnt touch anything alive so applejack asked why she couldnt touch her rainbow said "im dead" applejack was shocked and so were the others i guessed they woke up right when i said it They asked why are you dead rainbow said no time for that but i saw three ponies kidnap celestia come on we need to save her .come on lets go its time you find out what happens in the rainbow factory.Chrysalis and luna finally woke up but Luna got scared when celestia wasnt there she asked the others where she went then rarity said they kidnaped her, luna was shocked but chrysalis said i know were she was then she said shes in the rainbow factory. Why would the be going there said luna comfused, but managed to to say why. Rainbow didnt want to say but she said it very very sadly. Celestia woke up in a room.she didnt know where she was but then she remebered what happened befor she got here, she saw 3 ponies come out of the bushes and sprayed stuff on her so she tryed to teleport out but she guessed it was magic proof, she then saw a familiar figure. Hey who are you and what am i doing here she screamed. Oh you see were out of rainbows and we need more so your going to help make some said lighning. Celestia looked at lightning comfused " help make rainbows? Yes and you will be first to be one said lightning. Lightning walked over to a light switch and turn the lights on. Welcome to the RAINBOW FACTORY AND YOUR DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celestia looked around and saw the factory. Dark grey walls with blood on them, several body parts of ponies who were turned to rainbows and several fillys being thrown in a machine. She started getting angry when she saw many pegasi working there like her very OWN guards. She started sceaming at workers and her guards to let her go. The pegasi looked at celestia comfused some of the started asking lightning why she was there some tryed to free celestia but they were caught by lightning and were thrown in the machine for trying to free her. Meanwhile...... Scootaloo and Gem where leading the fillies and ponies to the factory where they will do war. All of the ponies that were being lead by scootaloo and gem were killed by the machine that turns ponies into rainbows and were now going into war. They went to the factory and were horrified that celestia was captured and was now being carried to the machine. Scootaloo let out a scream and the whole group of ponies flew and ran to the battlefield.the. Ghosts that were fighting won the war and untied celestia but lightning came in and knocked the colt and grabed celestia but not befoe the mane six , luna and chrysalis came and captured her. You will never stop me lightning yelled you will suffer. Gem came and tryed to snap lightning back but her sister was to far gone. They had no choice but to send her to the moon but not until gem stoped them. You cant send my sister to the moon gem said. But we haft t- celestia was cut off by twilight. You use the memory spell on her remeber twilight said. Well we can try but she will haft to serve for killing and turning all those ponies into rainbows. Gem spoke up fine for how many . She will serve 5 years on the moon. Gem sighn fine but put the memory spell on her first she yelled. Celestia put the spell on her and sent her to them moon with plenty of food. > Back to normal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything was back to normal the mane six now the mane five went back to there home.rainbow dash went back to pony heaven with the other ponies. Celestia was now trying to find out who made the factory and she returned to the throne and watches lightning on a little screen of magic and when she runs out of food she teliports more to her. Luna is now curently ruling her own land and is now princess of the lunar kingdom and is keeping watch of the moon and is providing a forcefield around equestria and the moon to keep lightning in. Luna has also been trying to build her castle and is done. Fluttershy is now running her very own animal shelter to animals she finds and puts them up for adoption. Many of her animals have been adopted and been taken to very nice homes. Rarity has her very own cloths shop were she makes cloths and sells them. She is now a succsesful desighner. Applejack has a successful applefarm with ripe and juicy apples. Pinkie pie is now a birthday party entertainer with the most random party cannon. Rainbow dash is the fastest flyer in the world even though she is a ghost. Twilight is now working on a spell to bring back rainbow dash from the dead. Everything went back to normal until twilight tryed to bring rainbow dash back from the dead The End