> Never Cry Flutterwolf > by thatguynamedaxel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day in Ponyvill. Twilight Sparkle was going to Fluttershy's cottage. When Twilight got to Fluttershy cottage, it was torn up, there was food and fur everywhere! Twilight shouted out but all she heard was a growl, twilight could not do anything but head towards the growling. Twilight was shocked when she got to the room in back right there was a wolf. Twilight was scared but decided to put on a brave face. "What are you doing in here?" asked Twilight. The wolf looked right into twilights eyes and whimpered. When twilight saw those light green eyes she knew that the wolf was Fluttershy. "Fluttershy?" asked Twilight. Fluttershy just looked at Twilight. Twilight sparkle did not know what to do she had seen a lot of different magic but nothing like this! So she decided to do what she always does at times like these, read some books. She then went back to her house. "What's wrong Twilight?" asked Spike. "Its hard to explain" said Twilight. Twilight grabbed some books on magic and some books about wolfs and ran back to Fluttershy's cottage. Spike followed Twilight. "Twilight what's wrong?" said Spike. Twilight sighed and said "Fluttershy is a wolf". Spike just laughed. "Its true!" shouted Twilight. Twilight showed Spike Fluttershy. At this point Fluttershy was more wolf then Pegasus. Her eyes had turned to a dark yellow color also Her fur was a dull grey. "we have to hurry, Spike! write a letter to princess Celestia" said Twilight. Twilight had to act fast but she did not know what to do! after spike had written a letter to Princess celestia detailing what had happened to Fluttershy, Twilight decided to try to keep Fluttershy calm and tried to find a way to reverse this. When they got the letter from Princess Celestia it said: "Twilight I don't know what this is but ill try to find out you just keep Fluttershy calm and don't tell anypony about this". Twilight saw that the more Fluttershy was calm the less she looked like a wild animal. Fluttershy's eyes were returning back to there normal state and her fur was its regular beige colour. Still Fluttershy was a wolf and it seemed that keeping her calm did all it could do. Spike helped Twilight try to find a cure to this, but to no avail. "Do you think she's stuck like this?" asked Spike. "We have to keep on trying" said Twilight. Meanwhile at canterlot..... Princess Celestia tried and tried to also find a way to help Fluttershy but she could not think of anything, Princess Celestia then thought like she was being watched. "Morning Arrow i do not have time for your games" said Princess Celestia. "I just want to read some books "said Morning Arrow. Princess Celestia knew Morning arrow was the one of the few ponies in all of equiseta that could possible get past all of the palace guard without being seen. Morning Arrow loved sneaking into the kitchen to get some food. "Fine" said Princess Celestia. Back at ponyvill Things where not going well, Fluttershy was hungry. > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy and twilight both knew that wolfs were carnivores. "Who whould ever do this to Fluttershy?" asked Twilight. Twilight asked spike to get some dog food and some water for Fluttershy. Fluttershy was scared to be a peguses traped in a wolfs body. She did not remember how she got this way, he ate the dog food that spike brought and tried to think what had happened She remebered a unicorn but not much else "Can you understand me?" asked Twilight. Fluttershy just nodded. "I'm going to try to help you but things dont look good" said Twilight. Twilight thought what whould happen if she chould not return Fluttershy to normal. Fluttershy whould be like this forever she whould have to eat dog food and she whould not be able to talk to her animal friends. Twilight decided that it whould not come to that... Meanwhile back at Canterlot. Morning Arrow was reading a book but nodiced that princcess celestia was really worried about something she deceided it must be royal matters or some other boring junk. "Fluttershy what has happend to you?" Princess Celestia wondered out loud. Moring Arrow knew Fluttershy, she was that timid little peguses that fell to the earth one day and there was that rainbow thing as well. Morning Arrow was to caught up in her book to care though. Twilight decided it was to late to do anything. Fluttershy was tired it had been a long day. she realized that she would have to sleep sometime. Twilight helped Fluttershy get to bed. Meanwhile in Canterlot. Princess Celestia was tired and she still had royal matters to attend to "Morning Arrow?" asked princess celestia tiredly. "Yes?" replied morning arrow "If you can find anything about pony's turning into wolfs that would be nice" said princess celestia knowing that morning arrow was going to find out after a while (she was very noisy). "Ok..." said a very confused morning arrow. meanwhile back at ponyvill Fluttershy was scared but she felt less scared then she normally did, she then looked at herself in the mirror. She had pointy teeth and sharp claws. she felt brave.... "maybe this is not so bad" thought Fluttershy. She then yawned and fell asleep... Fluttershy had some weird dreams that night. She was taking care of the animals but they started to run away she looked at herself in the pond her face turned into that of a wolf. She then woke up. She looked at herself it was a few minutes till she remembered what had happened yesterday. "Its ok Twilight will find a way to make me normal again" thought Fluttershy. Meanwhile Twilight could not sleep she had given up on ever finding a way. "It just doesn't make sense" said Twilight. She thought about what she was going to tell Fluttershy she imagined the look on her face. "I cant give... up... *yawn*" said a very sleepy Twilight. Twilight fell asleep. Meanwhile In the cliffs near canter lot. There was Morning Arrows house. "it was a long day" said Morning Arrow. "what was that thing that celestia wanted?" thought Morning Arrow. "Pony's becoming wolfs?". "I think I saw something like that in my book" said Morning Arrow. Morning Arrow was the only pony to have this book, but the spells in the book where sometimes found in other books. "Yes here it is!" "The spell of the Wolf Fang" said Morning Arrow. > 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Fluttershy woke up the next morning she did not know what she was going to do. She chould not go to her pony friends, they whould freak out. She chould not go to her animal friends they would be scared of her. The only freind she chould go to was Twilight but she lived in town. Fluttershy just cried at the thought of evreypony running away from her. Twilight came a few moments later. "Fluttershy?" asked Twilight. "Do you think that i should tell are friends what happend to you?" Fluttershy thought for a moment. Maybe somepony chould help her. "Its just that princess celestia chould not find anything and she said that telling evreypony what happend might be best for you." said Twilight. Fluttershy cried. "meenwhile in canterlot" Morning Arrow was dogdeing the gaurds failed atempts to aprehend her. She normaly just snuck in the castle but this was an emergency. "PRINCESS CELSETIA!" yelled morning arrow. princess celstia stoped the gaurds and brought morning arrow into a room where they chould talk in private. "What is it?" asked Princess Celestia. "I found that thing you asked for" said morning arrow Princess celstia looked relived Morning Arrow explained what she had found and how the spell was preformed. "The only problem is that only a really strong unicorn or a alicorn chould pull this off and they would have to find another book with this spell in it unfortunately most transformation spell books where destroyed due to fear." said Morning Arrow "is there a way to reverse it?" asked princess celetstia "Only the pony that cast the spell can reverse it" said morning arrow "Fluttershy...." Princess Celestia said sadly. "So that's why you wanted me to look up this spell." said Morning arrow. Morning arrow and celestia where silent for the longest time. Back at ponyvill. Twilight was ready to tell evreypony what had happend to Fluttershy. It took twilight a while to get her freinds to Fluttershys place. Twilight tried to explain what had happend. "now i know this is going to be hard to belive but i dont quite know how to tell you this but umm" said Twilight "What is it!?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Just come in see" said Twilight. Twilight showed fluttershy to evreypony. "oh a DOGGIE! i love doggies oh can i pet it?" asked Pinkie. "Pinkie...." said twilight. "Can i? Can i? Can i?" "PINKIE!" shouted Twilight. "that wolf is fluttershy" the room went silent "ha ha nice joke twilight" said rainbow dash "its not a joke!" shouted twilight "So im sposed to belive that this wolf is fluttershy?" said rainbow dash "It is flutershy!" said twilight "Sugarcube? Is that really you?" asked Applejack. "Of course its not! its just a stupid wolf!" shouted Rainbow Dash Fluttershy felt weird she lost her sense of self. She then lunged at rainbow dash. "Agh it bit me!" shouted Rainbow Dash "FLUTERSHY!" shouted Twilight. meenwhile Princess Celestia and Morning Arrow where preparing to depart to Ponyvill. "I dont think that this was done by a powerfull pony" said Morning Arrow. "Why not?" asked Princess Celestia. "If it was a powerfull pony Fluttershy whould be able to return to normal it says so in the book." Said Morning Arrow. "can i see that?" "Sure i guess." Said Morning Arrow as she handed the book to the princess. "Hmm it seems the more Fluttershy is treated like a wolf the more wolf she will become" said Princess Celestia. "lets hope its not to late." said Princess Celestia. back at ponyvill Fluttershy tried to regain control. "why me?" she thought. "WHY ME!?" > 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow dash was upset she had just got bitten by a wolf it took a while before Twilight conviced her that wolf was Fluttershy. When Rainbow dash was finaly convinced she flew away she hid in her cloud house. She cried for After a few minnutes her sadness was interupted. "Shes your freind" said a voice. "Whos there?" asked Rainbow Dash "Why dont you go and apoligize?" asked the voice. Rainbow snaped and threw a book at the direction of the voice screaming "SHES A WOLF!" "Ow." Said the voice. "Who are you?" Asked Rainbow Dash. The voice was reviled to be Mornig Arrow. Rainbow Dash was to upset to wonder why a earth pony chould be up in her cloud house. "Go help her." Said Morning Arrow" Rainbow Dash flew away. Meenwhile Flutershy had fled deep into the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy had not eaten for almost a day and she was hungry. She saw a rabbit. "Food." Said a voice from within her All at once Fluttershy lost control and cloulor faded from the world she lost all feeling "No..." Thought Fluttershy as she faded away. All that was fluttershy was traped deep within the wolf. The wolf iteslf enjoyed the meal unaware at what it used to be, Flutershy was gone but not completly. Rainbow Dash was in the forest looking for Fluttershy. "Fluttershy!?" "Fluttershy where are you?" Shouted Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash was upset at hereself she knew that she had to help fluttershy. She saw Fluttershy or at least what was left of her, the creature ahead was coverd in blood with long sharp teeth and claws Rainbow dash wanted to look away, she wanted to run! But her legs and wings were locked in place. The wolf that was once Fluttershy did not see anything else but prey when it looked at Rainbow Dash it lunged. Rainbow dash was bitten but all she did was try to make fluttershy remeber who she was "Fluttershy its me" said Rainbow Dash The wolf just stared a soul percing glare at Rainbow Dash. Other wolfs appered behind Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash still tried to make Fluttershy remeber who she was "Thats the stare Fluttershy... You use that when the animals dont liston to you. dont you remeber Angel? Dont you rember me? Said Rainbow Dash All at once Fluttershy awoken. Rainbow Dash chould not stay awake for long after that. The last thing she remberd was Fluttershy trying to save her Rainbow Dash fell down and fainted. --------------------------- later. -------------------------- Rainbow Dash awoke in the Emergency room. Twilight explained that Fluttershy had draged her back to town and then she ran back to her cottage. Still nopony knew who had done this to Fluttershy or even how to reverse it. > finale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was in a deep sleep and she was having a horrible nightmare. She was eating cake at Suger Cube Corner. Then it all faded away and insted of eating cake she was eating a rabbit. She relized that she enjoyed the taste of the blood flowing down her throught and howled. When she woke up and relized it was just a nightmare, she was so relived. "When will i become normal?" she wondered. a few months had past and still no leads most of the ponys gave up, exept for Twilight sparkel, rainbow dash, Morning Arrow and Princess Celestia herself. They tried to keep fluttershy calm but her mind was fadeing she wanted blood but she didnt want it. She felt like she was being torn apart. Morning Arrow looked at the spell forwords, backwords and sideways still nothing Twilight had tried a millon spells and remedys on Fluttershy but nothing had seemed to work. Fluttershy had acepted her fate to be a wolf for the rest of her life No more friends, no more careing for animals, and no more flying. She cried for hours she missed it all but what chould she do but wait for the day after entirety. Fluttershy's dreams where getting worse and worse she had a dream where she was dragging a kill up a hill, and when the moonlight hit the freshly killed corpse Fluttershy saw that it was none other then her best friend Twilight. Fluttershy tore into the corpse without one thought and howled. Fluttershy woke up and looked at herself. "what am I?" she thought She cried for hours in her bed. The next morning, Morning arrow was siting in a dark ally. "Why do I care?.. She's not important to me.. I mean I could just leave my life whould not be affected." Said Morning Arrow. She took out her pocket mirror "shes... just... like me." Morning Arrow thought back to that faithful day seven years ago "But its not likely that ill ever find the pony that did this to her." Said Morning Arrow. Just then Morning Arrow felt some pony sneaking up behind her, so she jumped up onto a roof. The pony(s) where Snips & Snails. "Geeze Snips I sure feel bad about that prank we pulled on Fluttershy" said Snails "Hey not so loud!" Said Snips. Snips and Snails then hid behind a dumpster. "Looks like im going to need to buy a lottery ticket." Wisperd Morning Arrow. LATER..... "TWILIGHT!" shouted Morning Arrow "What is it?" Asked Twilight still getting out of bed. "I know who did it!" said Moring Arrow "Who did it?" asked Twilight Morning Arrow draged Snips and Snails into the room. "They did it?" asked Twilight. "WERE SO SORRY!" said snips and snails "It was sposed to be a joke!" shouted snails "i found them talking about it" Said Morning Arrow. "nothing ever gets past me." She said. "What do we do?!" shouted snips and snails "There is not much you can do!" said Morning Arrow "We could try to get her to look as much like a pony as she can." Said Twilight. Just then Applejack came into the library. "TWILIGHT" shouted Applejack "what is it? asked twilight "Fluttershy she she went into town and she's acting crazy!" shouted Applejack. Twilight quickly explained how to do the counter-spell to Snips and Snails When they got to the center of town they saw Fluttershy terrorizing the CMC's. Applejack threw a rock to try to distract Fluttershy moring arrow explained to evreypony what had happened. "I have a plan" said Morning Arrow. "What is it?" Asked Twilight "Because I have the most combat training ill distract Fluttershy when I have her pinned have snips and snails cast the spell." Said Morning Arrow. The plan went into action "Fluttershy... I know you don't want to hurt me." Said Morning Arrow. Fluttershy tried to lunge at Morning Arrow but she missed and Morning Arrow pushed her against the ground "I'm going to tell you a secret that I cant hold onto anymore." said Morning Arrow. Morning Arrow whispered something into Fluttershy's ear. "NOW!" Shouted Morning Arrow. Fluttershy felt weird, she felt her wings grow back she felt her fur and hair return to normal. She looked back she saw her cutie mark, but her tail was still wolf like. Twilight told Snips and Snails to cast a spelllock the end epilogue Snips and Snails where grounded for half a year for this prank, and then they were sent to a magic boarding school so they could study how to turn Fluttershy back. Morning Arrow went back to her hideout in Canterlot Twilight went back to her studys and Fluttershy simply dyed her tail the right colur and leared to live with it.