> Luna's lost love > by BlazingDragoonLord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: lunar love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- it has been a few days since princess twilights coronation and luna was happy for the unicorn turned alicorn, she was happy but the sadness that she has felt for so long wont go away. As she sits on her bed in a dark blue dress along with her regalia she decides to go for a walk in the gardens to clear her mind, as she is walking her thoughts linger on an immortal that was turned to stone in front of her eyes but not by the elements no discord was out and about having fun with his new friends, no the immortal she was thinking about was the last of the legendary humans, granted gifts that only he knew of by the same one who graced her, her sister and the new princess their gifts. She thinks back to the days when they would have fun pulling pranks on the guards and celestia, he even managed to pull pranks on the master of pranks himself, she giggled at the look on discords face which was priceless, her memories then shift to her pre adult years when she started looking at him in a different way, he was a human in a pony world but the only difference she could see was that he had no fur and had feet instead of hooves other than that, she admitted that she fell for him rather hard but could hardly get the courage up to ask him on a date. She remembered celestia shutting him and her in a room together until she confessed her feelings for him, when she finally did it turned out that he felt the same and their relationship grew from there. She blushed at the memory of all the times they shared together under the stars she had painted on the night sky how he would tell her she was the brightest of them all and sing her a song just for her, she grew a smile at the happy memory, that is until that fateful day when discord turned on them it was a while after celestia turned down discord rather hashly, his wrath was unparalleled sending everything into chaos her love told her to go with celestia to find the elements and that he would hold off discord until they returned. She didnt want to go she wanted to stay and fight with him but he insisted and she relented, after a year they had returned with the elements in time to see her lover at discords feet “well human? Do you yield?” discord said with an evil chuckle, her love just stood from were he was laying sticking his giant sword into the ground standing defient blood dripping from his mouth and wounds on his chest, his armor battered and his sheild laying on the ground in a heap “I will never yeild discord you should know that” he said coughing up blood as he chuckles slightly “and to think this all happened because of a little rejection” at that instant discord was in front of him glareing figurative daggers at him “you just dont understand she hates me for what I am I love her and all she can see is the outside” he then gets a sinister smile “and if I cant have love then niether can you” with that he snapped his fingers and her lover started turning to stone starting at his feet, that was the last straw as both her and celestia engaged him both of their horns glowing “oh look its the high and mightys, since there is nothing you can do im just going to stand here and laugh at your misfortune” and laugh he did but it would be his last as the elements gave him the same punishment as he gave her lover, after the spell was finished she ran to her human and saw that the process was up to his neck, she started crying for him while laying her head on his shoulders and wrapping her arms around his stone body, as she was weeping he told her something she will never forget “luna, my bright and beautiful star, though my body is being petrafied I will come back to you, there will even be a song to hail my return I will not tell you what it is but you will know when you hear it that our time away will come to an end and we shall be together once more” at this point the process was at the edge of his face “i love you my star” she gave him a final kiss as the rest of his face turned to stone as she said “and I love you my light”. At this memory she stopped to wipe the tears that she didnt know she was shedding and looked at her surroundings, lo and behold she was standing in front of the very statue of her love that had a plaque on the bottom that read 'Jason Blaze a fine warrior and beloved of the lunar princess' she looked at the statues face seeing the determination and kindness in his eyes, she then crossed her arms and looked down stray tears streaking her face “jason my love, I dont know if I can hold on much longer its been over two thousand years since we have held each other, please come back I dont want to feel the pain and sorrow anymore” she lifts her head to stare at the statue for a while longer then turns around making her way back to the castle tears still streaming down. As she makes it to the archway to the garden she hears a strange melody drifting through the air, she stops and listens for a minute before relization hits her like a ton of bricks, it was her song, the song he sung just for her and nopony else, suddenly tears escape once more but they were no longer of sadness but of joy as she listened to the song. Despite the lies that your making, your love is mine for the taking my love is just waiting, to turn your tears to roses Despite the lies that your making, your love is mine for the taking my love is just waiting, to turn your tears to roses I will be the one thats gonna hold you I will be the one that you run to my love is a burning, consuming fire No, youll never be alone when darkness comes, ill light the night with stars hear my whispers in the dark No, youll never be alone, when darkness comes you know im never far, hear my whispers in the dark whispers in the dark you feel so lonely and ragged you lay here broken and naked my love is just waiting, to clothe you in crimson roses I will be the one thats gonna find you I will be the one thats gonna guide you my love is a burning, consuming fire No, youll never be alone when darkness comes, ill light the night with stars hear my whispers in the dark No, youll never be alone, when darkness comes you know im never far, hear my whispers in the dark whispers in the dark “the instrumental is slightly different but I know its the song, oh jason you truly do keep your promises” said luna as she falls to her knees tears still flowing. No, youll never be alone when darkness comes, ill light the night with stars hear my whispers in the dark No, youll never be alone, when darkness comes you know im never far, hear my whispers in the dark whispers in the dark whispers in the dark whispers in the dark whispers in the daaaaarrrrk as the song ends luna cant believe that after so long she will be reunited with her beloved, since she was so preoccupied with her song she didnt realize that celestia was looking for her, with hearing sobbing coming from the garden she went to investigate but instead of seeing a maid or guard, she sees her sister on her knees crying her eyes out, “luna, my sister, what is the matter did one of the guards say something again?” luna looked to her sister with a big smile on her face, that threw her for a loop until luna got up and hugged her still crying “luna what is the matter, why are you so sad?” with these word luna looked up and said “tia, I heard it!” celestia instantly froze, she knew what luna meant but she had to make sure, “luna, what do you mean?” lunas grin got almost as big as pinkie pies and she said without fail “tia, I heard my song, hes coming back” this is a new story and I hope you all like it music is 'whispers in the dark by skillet > Jason Blaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Jason Blaze it has been two days since Luna heard her song, two agonizing days that she could barely contain her excitement, the castle has been busy preparing for the return of luna's mate, even the newest princess, twilight, was exited she always wanted to know how he arrived in equestria and how he gained his immortality, and these were just two of the many questions that were burning inside her head. Jason’s statue was moved from the garden to the middle of the ballroom, which was celestia's idea so he would feel more at ease with the extra room, heck even discord was there mostly just to apologize to him for what he did. twilight and her friends were busy discussing what to show him when he arrives, which usually ended with pinkie suggesting a giant party, Luna on the other hand was fidgeting so bad that you would think she had to go to the bathroom very badly, she just couldn’t keep herself still and when she wasn’t running around she was busy staring longingly at the statue. it got so bad that Luna didn’t sleep at all these two days and celestia had to beg her to go to bed, with reluctance she did but wished to be awoken as soon as he arrived, it has been two hours since she was sent to her room and discord, celestia, her student and her friends were in a deep discussion. "so twilight how comes the preparations?" celestia asked, twilight smiled at her mentor and fellow princess "everything is going to be perfect, and if my plans don’t work we have plan B" celestia raised an eyebrow questioningly which discord chuckled at "plan B, is pinkies party cannon" said mare pulled out a rather medieval looking cannon and with a big smile said "did someone say party cannon?". she was about to fire off the cannon when there was a resounding crack like someone breaking a china plate, they all froze in place as another crack was heard making them turn to look at the statue, as they stared celestia noticed a crack running from his right shoulder to his left hip. they watched as the crack grew longer until it started spiderwebing, after two minutes the sound died down and there was silence until the stone stated falling to the floor in flakes, starting from the top down the stone fell away revealing the man imprisoned within. before they could get closer celestia stopped them immediately realizing that something was different, were his right arm used to be was now a metal limb, and she sensed that he had more power than before. his body had a little more muscle than when he was imprisoned, his red short cropped hair was now waist length and spiky the man then opened his eyes staring at celestia for a moment with his golden orbs when a giant grin appeared "hey Tia, sorry im late, i hope i didn’t keep you all waiting for to long" his voice was horse from disuse, but celestia instantly knew it was Jason as she ran up to him pulling him into a death hug, "you idiot, we missed you so much" Jason brought his flesh arm up and patted her back "im sorry Tia, but im back now, things can go back to normal" he said "gag me this sentimental stuff is sooo boring" Jason's eyes widen as he heard the voice. his eyes harden as he stares at discord looking the draconequus dead in the eyes, discord just smiled and winked at Jason which threw him off for a second. Jason then gets curious and asks "your good again, aren’t you discord?" discord flashed a smile as he teleported to his side throwing his talons over his shoulder saying "well that depends on your definition of good" he gave a chuckle but was cut short from a bone crushing blow to his ribs sending him to the floor, he looked at the human who then had tears in his eyes "you jackass, i don’t know what you were thinking, you could have killed somepony what makes you think i still trust you after what you did?". discord got up and sighed then said something that made Jason smile "im sorry Jason, i should have listened to you when i could but because of that i have gotten wiser" discords head was down but perked at a hand on his shoulder, he looked over and saw a smiling Jason "that’s all i could ever hope for my brother". “BROTHER?” the sound nearly made him go deaf from the volume, he wiggled a finger in his ear as he looked upon the rest of the group. He immediately focused on twilight “yes, brother as in he and I are related, wait, were did the other alicorn come from?” with a questioning gaze he looked to celestia for answers, said mare giggled slightly at the look then answered “this is twilight sparkle, she is my most faithful student and just recently obtained the gift that we had also received” he nodded his head in understanding. Celestia then introduced him to the rest of the mane six, the one that was most interesting was the one called pinkie pie as she seemed to ignore the laws of physics, after the introductions Jason started looking around in a feverish manner. He faced celestia with a worried expression “um, Tia were is Luna?” celestia then did something uncharacteristic of someone of her stature, she face palmed, “oh no, I forgot to get her, I was so exited about your arrival that I forgot to wake her from her nap” Jason rested a hand on her shoulder giving her a wink and said “i guess its time I gave a visit to my beautiful start, would one of you kindly escort me to luna's chambers?” twilight raised her hand slightly getting a giant grin from Jason “thank you kindly Mrs. sparkle please lead the way” and with that they headed to luna's bedroom. > explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: explanations As Jason was escorted to luna's room, applejack was about to ask what everypony else was thinking before an elegant hand stopped her before she could. Celestia looked at the remaining elements and simply sighed, “dear applejack, I know you and your friends have questions about what just happened, but I ask you to refrain from asking them until Jason returns”. Applejack closed her mouth and gave a nod in understanding, while celestia looked to the door with a confused expression on her face. “now if I can only figure out why he is different now than when he was imprisoned”, she wasn’t expecting an answer to the question but one was ready to be offered, “i think I can elaborate on that avenue my dear” discord said as he began to float down to them like a leaf floats from the branches of a tree. She watched him float and said “is that so?, then please don’t leave us in suspense” she gave a wave of her hand to have him continue and so he did. “first things first, do you remember when I went on that trip all those years ago?” she nodded “and do you remember that before that I looked almost like Jason?” she nodded again wondering were this was going. “during that little trip I somehow managed to go through different dimensions don’t ask how because not even I know that, and in each dimension I was a different being. All of my body parts are from the different beings that I had encountered, after leaving a specific dimension I somehow acquired a physical attribute from that being” celestia crossed her arms and looked very intrigued by what discord said as he continued. “so from what ive seen he has been to different dimensions, that had mostly human inhabitants and acquired different parts and abilities, if I know my brother which I do he will be eager to show us as soon as hes done reuniting with dear Luna and oh how chaos ensue after that” he cackled in glee on the last part which confused celestia. “why will chaos ensue after he meets ….. with..... Luna” as soon as the words were leaving her mouth her eyes went wide as she realized that she was in deep manure, she had asked her personally to tell her when he was free and since she hadn’t it was like breaking a pinkie promise, and nopony broke a pinkie promise, it was too late to do anything about it now since he was most likely already at the door, she sighed in defeat and waited for as discord said 'chaos to ensue'. (Jason) as they left the throne room Jason looked around to see what the new castle had to offer, twilight saw that he was fascinated and giggles at the face he is making, like a foal in a candy shop his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were wide in wonder. Looking left and right in a constant fashion he couldn’t get enough of the decorations 'they really out did themselves on this new castle, but at least they kept some of the concepts from the old one' he thought seeing some similarities to the old castle. They kept walking through the corridors with twilight giggling every now and then at Jason's antics, Jason then frowned a little making the newly ascended princess to worry for her new friend, as they reached luna's bedroom he gave a sad sigh “whats wrong Jason you seem a little down” she asked looking at Jason with concern, he tilted his head to her and said “ive been gone for so long, how do I know if she still has feelings for me, I bet she wont even recognize me” twilight could hear the sorrow in his words and as a friend she had to cheer him up. “now Jason, I know for a fact that Luna still loves you, as a matter of fact we had to force her to get some sleep after being awake for two days straight just waiting for you to return” as he processed what she said he smiled and turned his head back to the door “then that just leaves it to her recognizing me” he says with a chuckle, with that he grasps the handle and opens the door slowly seeing the love of his life sleeping soundly in her bed. > Chapter 4: two hearts reunited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: two hearts reunited Jason silently closed the door not wanting to wake her from her well deserved slumber, he slowly makes his way over to the bed side trying to be as quiet as possible while taking a good look at the mare of his dreams. 'hehehe that’s kinda ironic' he thought to himself 'hehehehe wow would you look at her body, where is my note pad when I need it hehehe' said a voice in his head, Jason shook his head trying to force the pervert back so he could not cause trouble “dammit Jiraiya are you trying to get me caught?” he whispered in exasperation. Suddenly there was movement from the bed and he stopped dead in his tracks as he stared at Luna her smile was gone and a slight twitch started above her eye, 'well well, you weren’t kidding when you said she was a living pervert detector' at this Jason mentally punched the pervert and started making his way to the bed again. Getting closer he suddenly starts feeling nervous 'what if she doesn’t recognize me? Its been so long, so very long', the fear grips him like a vice making him stop in his tracks 'maybe I should go back to the main hall and wait' Jason then turns away preparing to walk away while berating himself for being a coward. He was just about to open the door when he heard some shuffling behind him “who is there? We warn you thou are trespassing in the princess of the nights royal chambers identify thy self immediately” Jason sighed 'well so much for waiting' he stood still with his back turned to her “you wouldn’t believe me if I told you” he said, Luna gets up from her bed her night dress (or day dress in her case) keeping some modesty while showing just how intimidating she really is. “try us” she said as she walks closer, she gets within arms length when she hears the intruder start humming a song, Luna didn’t understand what it was at first so she listened the tune getting more familiar by the second, that’s when Jason hit the chorus and started singing it. Luna’s hand went to her mouth as tears started running down her cheeks, 'is it really him? He looks so different, but it has to be him the only ones who know this song are me, him and my sister, oh praise mother he has found his way back' as she was in the middle of that thought she didn’t realize that he had stopped and turned around waiting for her. The smile on his face was as bright as the moon on a clear night, “Jason? Is that you?” he simply smiled and nodded but was taken aback as she collided into him knocking him into the door, all the while she was crying tears of joy and saying how much she missed him, that she couldn’t go a day without thinking of him and how hard it was to keep going not knowing if he was alright or not. As she was doing this he put his arms around her running his left hand up and down her back telling her everything was going to be fine, that he was here to take her troubles away, they stood there basking in each others company until Luna decided she needed to get a better look at Jason. Luna pulled away to arms length and took a good look at him, starting from the top she saw that his hair was longer and spikier than before he was frozen in stone, his facial features were chiseled and rugged with less fat and his eyes were still the same gold as they were before he was imprisoned. Luna’s gaze continued down his neck and she started blushing when she saw how his chest was more muscular and toned than before, she had to almost stop herself from drooling at the sight. pulling herself away from the sweet eye candy she noticed that his right arm seemed to be made completely out of some sort of steel, yet she could see that he could move it as if Jason was born with it, it intrigued her and peaked her curiosity but she would get back to that at a later time. Jason stood patiently waiting for his mare-friend to complete her analysis of his new features, it was funny seeing her almost drool but blush at the same time, deciding to keep quite for now he flinched a little when she brought her attention to his automail arm, he decided that he would tell her and everyone else how he got it and the other surprises that he picked up. He was pulled out of his musings by Luna suddenly slamming herself into his chest again while wrapping her arms around him, Jason smiled and hugged her back when he felt her body shaking against him “shh, its ok my love I assure you that I am the real thing, so please do not cry it ruins the beauty that your smile brings out” he said, his words comforted her a little but she just couldn’t keep the happy tears from shedding “tis not tears of sorrow I shed my dear, I just simply cannot withhold my joy any longer” Luna said between sniffles. They stood there for a little longer before Luna pulled back with a confused look on her face “wasn’t Tia supposed to alert me when you arrived?” at this Jason sweat dropped thinking 'oh dear Faust, I hope her pranking streak has dulled with time' as he replied “um well she did say that she was supposed to, but she got sidetracked by me, and I guess she forgot once I requested an escort to show me to your chambers” he said sheepishly. Luna’s eye started to twitch in an irritated manner which turned into a deviously sweet smile as he finished “oh, well that just means she will have to pay the consequences now wont she?” a chill went through his spine as jiraiya decided now was a good time to comment 'heh heh wow, you sure picked a winner, with that look in her eye it reminds me of my student, and boy did he know how to prank', Jason groaned inwardly not liking were this was going but decided to do something to deter it. Luna squeaked when she was suddenly brought into a loving hug by Jason, she looked up blushing and was immediately drawn into his eyes, memories of the past bringing a smile to her face “lets forget about revenge for now shall we?” Jason said “i mean its not everyday that some one you love returns after a long trip” he gave a smile of his own and leaned forward capturing her lips with his own. Luna’s eyes widened at first but then she closed them and leaned into it wrapping her arms around him and holding on for fear that he might disappear again, a minute later and they both came up for air panting slightly at how heated they both had gotten, Jason smiled again running his metal hand through her mane. “I think its time to treat our guests with story time since they have been ever so patient don’t you think, my dear?” Luna smiled and brought a hand up to caress his new rugged features, “tis a splendid idea my beloved the one known as pinkie will be especially exited to hear of thine escapades”. Jason smiled and took a step back bowing slightly and holding his metal hand out “may I escort milady to the ballroom?” Luna giggled at her gentleman and took his hand in hers “thou shall valiant gentleman” Jason stood up and opened the door, only to see twilight fall onto the floor from the opening of said door. Luna was surprised to see her first real friend desperately trying to orient herself while having a giant blush on her face, Jason on the other hand had a knowing grin on his face. “my my twilight, I thought that you would be with the others and here I find you listening in on us, tsk tsk” he said making her blush darken “I-I was on m-my way b-but I heard Luna shout and i-i stood outside the d-door only for support” she stuttered try as she might she just couldn’t get the blush to disappear. Jason chuckled at this “no need to fret I was only poking fun hehehe, now shall we make our way to the ball room?” the two mares both nodded as he wrapped his metal arm around luna's and his regular one around twilight’s as the start their walk back through the halls. > sup guys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey everyone BlazingDragoonlord here with some important info about what's going on. so I know you guys and gals have been wondering why I haven't been updating lately, well I was in a bit of a rough spot because I lost my job and for the longest time I was busy trying to find a new one to replace it, it took a couple of months but I finally found one and have been working for almost a year so yay me. so as I found it I had started on finishing the next chapter of Lunas lost love and was almost done with it and a couple other chapters of other stories when my computer took a nose dive and everything I was working on got deleted, so you can imagine that I was quite upset about this unfortunate turn of events (enter nuclear explosion here). but worry no longer because I have recently bought a new computer (is so shiny and red) and you'll be glad to know that I have restarted the next chapter of lunas lost love, I will get the updates as soon as I possibly can so thank you all for your support and as soon as the chapter is ready this will be deleted. stay dragon my friends, BlazingDragoonlord out