> My Little Pony The Musical: The Royal Siblings > by Dragonfire2lm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Act I (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the magical land of Equestria, peace reigned at last. After one thousand years the royal pony siblings were reunited, the Crystal Empire returned to the world and Discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony was now living peacefully alongside all of pony kind. With the coronation and ascension of Equestria's most powetful unicorn, one Twilight Sparkle, the safety of Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi, was assured for centuries to come. Despite the bright future that lay ahead, it is important to remember the mistakes of past, of the lessons learned and sacrifices made by those that walked the world before us. These were the thoughts that plauged the mind of Princess Celestia, bringer of the day and co-ruler of Equestria. -Act I: Celestia's regret- High up in one of Canterlot Castle's many towers, hidden away by spells and enchantments, centuries old, was a room. Behind the plain oak door engraved with Princess Celestia's Cutie mark were tapastries and objects from a time long before the single reign of Equestria's oldest ruler. The last relics from the time of eternal night. Soft and quiet hoofbeats filled the silent halls as a lone pony walked down this forgotten path. Her golden horseshoes leaving no mark or scratch upon the worn marble floor, her mane flowing ever onwards with the colours of the morning sky and her amethyst eyes locked onto the old, oak door that held so much yet known by so few. This was Princess Celestia. The solar princess sighed and with her horn glowing gold, she opened the door to a room she had not dared to visit in centuries. Black curtains blocked out the light of the midday sun and the room was illuminated by a single chandelier as ancient as the room's other artifacts. Littered around the small room were boxes, scrolls, and rolled up tapestries and paintings from an era long gone. Celestia lit up her horn once more, her golden magic filling the room. Curtains were pulled open, boxes forced open, and artworks revealed to the while alicorn in a burst of sunlight. She stepped forward to inspect one of the paintings. It was from a time just after she and her sister had defeated Discord and claimed the throne. A younger Luna with a light blue mane and tail that had only just started to billow with arcane magic stood grinning at her older sister; Celestia looked to be a teenager not quite as tall as her current self as well as having the light pink sparkling mane of her youth. The two of them were just starting to grow into their powers and responsibilities. "If only I had known what would happen..." she sighed. "Luna..." Guilt and regret from centuries past returned anew within her and although things were fine and her sister safe Celestia couldn't help but remember what happened a thousand years ago. "There once was a pony who shone like the sun..." she sang. "Look out on her kingdom and sigh..." "Surely there is no pony so lovely and so well beloved as I..." She looked back at the picture once more. "So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory that long was the shadow she caast! Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved and grew only darker as days and nights passed!" ----over 1000 years ago---- Young Celestia laid down next to her sister, the smaller alicorn had raised the moon for the first time. The amount of magic used was enough to send the blue filly to sleep as soon as she landed on the ground. The elder of the two stroked her sister's mane and softly sung a lullaby to the sleeping filly. "Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine. Rest now in moonlight's embrace". "Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth! Through cloud and through sky and through space, carry the peace and the coolness of night..." ----Present day--- "And carry my sorrow in kind" Celestia sang. "Luna you're loved so much more than you know, forgive me for being so blind..." Another painting caught Celestia's eye. This one was a portrait of the first grand galloping gala, a snapshot of the night taken by a skilled artist. It showed Ponies of all kinds praising and showering Celestia with gifts while Luna was barely seen from her place in the shadows. "Soon did that pony take notice that others did not giver her sister her due and neither had she loved her as she deserved" "She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew..." "But such is the way of the limelight, it swiftly takes hold of the mind of its hoost! And that foolish pony did nothing to stop the destruction of one who need her moost!" > Act II (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia reminisced of her mistakes the memory of her sister's final ballard and cry for help played through her mind. In another part of the castle Princess Luna sat within her chambers, the alicorn of the night was also caught in the web of memory and days gone by... -Act II: Luna's sorrow- Behind a door made of blackened steel emblazoned with the cresent moon, in a room dedicated to her and her night, sat Princess Luna. In one corner was a simple bed and a vanity near the window. Writing desks, bookshelves and paintings depicting the night sky littered the room along with pieces of paper, scrolls and dusty old tomes. It was here on the bed that the black alicorn lay, a book lying open before her. With a low glow emanating from her horn she turned the page, a frown on her face and her brow furrowed in concerntration as she looked over the words written in black ink. "This cannot be true..." she murmured. "How in Equestria can that fiend still have supporters?" she asked herself. "The elements had destroyed her! Why would there still be ponies that wanted her back?". With a sigh Luna closed the book turned towards the window. The sun shone bright and Ponies were going about their daily business, but in her minds eye, the princess of the night could recall a time of darker days and even darker nights. When she and her older sister were struggling with ruling a country, when the two had become divided. -----1000 years ago---- In a castle surrounded by beautiful woodland and small villages, two regal alicorns stood upon a balcony. The age old ritual of setting the sun and beginning the night was taking place. Young Celestia's horn glowed gold as the sun slowly slipped beyond the horizon. "Will you be alright raising the moon by yourself?" the elder princess asked. "Yes sister, I will not require your aide this night" a younger Luna replied, her light blue mane billowed out to one side as she turned back to the task of raising the moon. As Celestia left the princess of the night lit up her horn and summoned the moon forth to begin the night. "Now the hour's come at last, the soft and fading light.." she sang as the sky darkened. "Has crossed the west horizon and bidden us goodnight" One by one stars burst to life like lights on a hearths warming tree. "And what a lovely night it is, to walk a moonlit feild...To see the softer shade that are by starlight now revealed..." Luna's ears drooped and sorrow crossed her features as down below, shops were closing up for the day. "So why is it that now when all is quiet and at rest, when candles glow and all the world is at its very best...." She could only watch as ponies of all kinds left the streets and headed into their homes, closing their doors and shutting windows up tight. "The ponies of Equestria should lock themselves away, to shun the moon and wait instead for sister's sunny daay..." The night passed and as Luna began to lower the moon to make way for the dawn she stopped and reversed the flow of her magic and left the moon in the sky. "Luna?" a voice asked and the dark blue alircorn whirled around to find her older sister standing at the entrance to the balcony, a look of worry and confusion etched upon her face. "What's wrong? Why aren't you lowering the moon?". "Am I so wrong to wish that they could see things like I do?" Lna's voice turned harsh as she sung the line to her sister who looked on in shock. "And am I so wrong to wish they could love me too?". "Well no Luna but-" "Why shouldn't they adore me! is it not within my right!" she countered and stomped her hoof. "I'll not be overshadowed! Mine is not the lesser light!" "Luna just stop, give them a-" Celestia pleaded. "i've waited long enough now for them all to come around," the moon princess replied. "and though the sun may plead and threaten.." The moon shifted to shine upon its master as Luna rose onto her hind legs. "The moon will stand her ground!" She continued to sing as she rose into the air, the moon following in her wake. "And all will know the wonder, of my dark and jeweled sky! When all the world is wrapped in an eternal lullaby!" Luna looked down upon her sister, who had a look of horror and sadness on her face. "So say Goodnight! at this, the final setting of the sun!" The night sky began to wrap around her mane and tail, her fur darkened slightly and her regalia took on a twisted appearance. "Tomorrow dawns in darkness! The night time has-" Down below Celestia shielded her eyes from the burst of blue light that encompassed the younger alicorn. "Begun!" Nightmare Moon bellowed as she landed on the balcony. "MhmhmhahahaAHAAHAH!" > Act III (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia could only stare in horror at the monster her sister had become. Even as ponies began to congregate around the castle she tried to reason with her, but to no avail, ---Act III: The Nightmare--- "Luna please stop this!" the princess of the sun begged. "it isn't right!" "I am no longer Luna dearest sister" the beast hissed. "I am Nightmare Moon!" Nightmare ignored the other alicorn and walked out onto the balcony to address her subjects. "Our Loyal subjects! For too long thou hath ignored mine night! Thou hath shunned us, ignored us and instead thou pray to mine sister!" Nightmare bellowed. "Now all of Equestria shall bow to our night and our majesty! No longer shall the sun shine! All will be encompassed within our glorious night sky. Thou who have foolishly incurred our wrath, the night will be all thou knowest!" Down below ponies began to whisper and converse in uncertainty and fear. "The night shall be eternal! If thou dost not like it, then thou will learn!" Nightmare declared, her mane reaching up to sky in a display of intimidation. "If thou will not love thy Princess, then thou shalt fear her! Hahahahahaha!". Thunder streaked across the sky as Nightmare Moon cackled at the fleeing masses. "What have I done..." Celestia whispered. "Why I should be thanking you sister" Nightmare sneered as she walked towards the white alicorn. "If it weren't for you and your beloved day I would have never discovered this new profound power!' "Is that what you think this is sister?" Celestia asked. "Ha! But of course Celestia I am stronger than I have ever been! The ponies of equestria will have no choice but to bow down to me! They will love me and my night even if it kills them!" Nightmare replied. "You are not my sister!" Celestia growled and lit up her horn with pure arcane energy. Before she could fire the sun princess found herself wrapped in Nightmare's mane. The Princess of the night brought her sibling up to her face. "You are a foal if you think you can defeat me Celestia, the night is my domain!" Nightmare hissed and hurled Celestia across the room. Celestia hastily scrambled back and pressed herself against the wall as Nightmare walked towards her. With fear flashing in her eyes Celestia lit up her horn and in a flash of sunlight, teleported out of the room. -------------- In the centre of the castle a statue resided. it was a peculiar mess of a creature with the head vaguely pony-shpaed, a snaggle tooth, goatee and two mismatched horns upon its head. The rest of its body was a patch work of creatures, from lion to eagle and even dragon this strange beast stood stock still upon its pedastal in a pose of song. If one were to listen closely one could almost hear it speak. Almost. Surrounding the statue were six elegant pieces of jewellery on their own pedastals, five necklaces and one beautiful tiara. On each of the necklaces was a symbol. One was a red lightning bolt, another a light blue balloon, a third had a pink butterfly while the fourth had a red apple, the fifth had a purple diamond upon it, while the centerpiece of the tiara was a magenta six pointed starburst. In a flash of yellow light the frightened and nervous alicorn Princess Celestia materialised into the room. she hesitantly walked toward the jewellery known as the Elements Of Harmony, uncertainty etched upon her face. "Luna, Sister forgive me.." she murmured and picked them up in her golden magic. Kindness was slipped around her neck while loyalty, honesty, generosity and laughter were worn on her ankles. The element of magic hovered above her for a moment as the older princess was filled with doubt. She stole a glance at the petrified form of the last creature to face the power of the elements and shuddered. Above her she could hear the mad laughter of Nightmare Moon as the creature easily disrupted any attempts from the inhabitants of equestria to end her everlasting night. Celestia could hear the screams of her little ponies throughout the castle and felt their terror deep within her. She placed the element of magic on her head and turned towards the frozen spirit of chaos. "You must like this don't you? The anarchy, the fear...." she said to him. The statue gave no response. "I just hope she doesn't end up like you..." Celestia said sadly and walked out of the room and started down the path of no return. Within the room where the elements once lay, within the room that held a creature of disorder if one listened closely one could almost hear the staue speak. 'Silly Celestia...I spread chaos across the world, Unlike little woona I didn't try to destroy the planet...Well most of the time anyway' > Act IV (edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With her hooves pounding against the stone floor, Celestia raced through the castle. Her magic kept the elements firmly in place upon her form in her desperate race against time to stop Nightmare moon. Her heart hammered in her chest as she approached the throne room where she could hear the beast that had consumed her sister gloating about her victory. ----Act IV: Lullaby for a Princess---- Celestia stood outside the large double doors that led to throne room, behind them she could her Nightmare proclaim her victory to the heavens above. "The ponies of Equestria will never see their favourite Princess or their beloved sun ever again! My night and my night alone shall rule the skies for centuries! Celestia is no match for me! As soon as that pathetic princess makes an appearance I shall be rid of her for good! Ahahahahaha!" Celestia gulped and steadied the crown upon her head, which in her mad dash to the throne room had become lopsided. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and with her horn glowing, she opened the doors and strode into the throne room. She saw Nightmare lounging on her throne and looked surprised to see the bringer of sun wielding the elements. "Oh now this is just adorable" Nightmare sneered. "You think you can defeat me with harmony big sister?" In flash the ebony mare's face contorted into a look of rage as she rose off the throne and stood before the other alicorn in all her terrifying might. "Do you really think you can harness MY elements?" she thundered. "Do you believe Loyalty, Honesty and Magic shall heed your call?". "I can try" Celestia responded. With her eyes colsed tight and her stance firm, Princess Celestia poured her very heart into the Elements Of Harmony. Kindess, Generosity and Laughter responded without question as memories of her youth played through her mind. Loyalty wavered and flickered as it mirrored Celestia's own conflicting sense of loyalty between her sister and her kingdom. Honesty glowed dimly due to its wearers own insercurities. Magic roared against Celestia, the key to harmony fought tooth and nail against the pony trying to control it. "You foolish pony! Magic will not respect you, it will only obey me!" Nightmare bellowed and using her magic, ripped the element of magic from Celestia and placed it onto her own head. Immediately there was a crack of magic as the tiara flew off of Nightmare's head and landed at Celestia's hooves. "What? No!" the darker alicorn roared. With the all the grace of a princess, Celestia picked up the tiara that lay at her hooves and gently placed it back on her head. "Luna, my dearest Sister, my friend I am sorry..." Celestia began as her horn glowed in tune with the elements. "For the safety of Equestria and all who reside within its borders, I must defeat you! Forgive me!" "No, No You can't!" Nightmare yelled as the light around her foe grew brighter. "I'm sorry..." Celestia whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks. Nightmare Moon's howl of rage echoed throughout the castle as the throne room was filled with a bright white light. When Celestia opened her eyes, neither Nightmare, nor Luna were anywhere to be found and the alabaster mare looked out the window to see a ball of light rising into the sky. One by one the six elements clattered to the ground as she removed them and stared transfixed at the orb of light that ascended into the sky and somehow Celestia knew that was her beloved sister...And that they wouldn't see each other for a very long time. There was a flash of light as the ball of light made contact with the moon and a shape took form upon the white orb's surface. The head of a unicorn. Celestia stifled a sob as she saw her sister's fate and walked out of the throne room and onto a balcony in an adjacent room. In silence she activated her magic and for the first time, Princess Celestia started the new day alone. -----The next night---- The planning and celebrating the end of Eternal Night lasted the entire day and While Celestia kept a smile and cheerful look on her face for the sake of her little ponies it was here on the balcony were she let her true emotions show. She looked into the night sky and saw the moon and the pony trapped within it. With grief in her heart she began to sing. "Fate has been cruel and order unkind. How can I have sent you away? The blame was my own, the punishment yours. The harmony's silent today...But into the stillness I'll bring you a song, and I will your company keep. 'Till your tired eyes, and my lullabies, have carried you softly to sleeep..." "Lullay moon princess, good night sister mine. Rest now in moonlight's embrace. Bear up my lullaby winds of the earth, through cloud and through sky and through space! Carry the peace and coolnes of night, and carry my sorrow in kiiind, Luna you're loved so much more than you, may troubles be far from your mind..." "And forgive me for being so blind" Celestia sang softly. Celestia sighed and slumped her front half against the railing as she stared up into the sky, her fore-hooves dangling over the edge. "The yeeaars now before us, fearful and unknown! I neeever imagined I'd face them on my own! May these thousand winters, swiftly pass I pray..." Her ears drooped as she lifted a hoof up to stars, as if trying to reach out to her younger sister. "I love you..I miss you, all these miles away..." Celestia pulled herself to her hooves and began the process of lowering the moon and starting a new day. "May all your dreams be sweet, tonight. Safe on your bed of mooooo-oonlight, and know not of sadness, pain or care! And when i dream I'll fly away and meet you there..." "Sleeeeeeeep, sleeeeeeeeep, sleeeee-eeeep" As the first rays of dawn touched the horizon Princess Celestia walked back into the castle with head bowed. > Author's Notes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally this was going to be a couple of thousand words longer (give or take a few hundred) as i tried to write nightmare moon singing Luna (dream mode) as well as a final scene between Princess Celestiaand Luna that brings the fic full cirlce. I felt doing the song luna was out of place when the previous sings used were more orchestral type songs and in all honesty i can't imagine Nightmare singing that song. If you guys want NNM to sing I might have a track ot two on my ipod that could fit her, but then again that means I'd have to throw my 'fan made songs only' rule out the window. And WHile I'd love to do that final scene is there really any need to? We know what happens at the end of friendship is magic part 2 and while Luna's scene in present day Canterlot (act II) could hint at a continuation of that storyline with Nightmare's return...its been done before and do not feel like putting my skils as a writerto use in order to challenge famous fics such as 'past SIns'. I hope everyone enjoyed this, i certainly had fun writing it. If you favourited this fic please give feedback! > Act V (deleted act) UNFINISHED > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And so one thousand years passed, the players took their places as one of the greatest threats to Equestria was scheduled to make an appearance. -----Act V: Luna won't you cry for me?----- Nightmare Moon stood facing the purple unicorn in the ruins of the old castle, the shattered elements floating around the other five gathered. "You still don't have the sixth Element!" she exclaimed "The spark didn't work!" "But it did! A different kind of spark." Replied Twilight Sparkle "I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!" A bright white light glowed above the purple mare as the sixth and final element hovered above her And Twilight continued her speech. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!". The room was filled with light and Nightmare was forced to shield heself from it with her wings. It grew brigter and she looked to see a rainbow of magical energy rising up out from the six mares and headed her way. "NOOOO! Nooo!" She cried and reaered up on her hind legs in attempt to stay above the whirlwind of energy that wrapped itself around her. Her world went white. Princess Luna opened her eyes to find herself in a world made of stardust. The dark blue void around her glittered and sparkled with prinpicks of light, even the the slight breeze that floated past her was doted with minature stars. "Beautiful isn't it?" a voice said as Nightmare Moon materialised before her. "There is no need to be afraid, I cannot harm you" The dark alicorn stated as Princess Luna scrambled back in terror. "Why should I believe you?" Luna asked. As if to calm the frightened mare the stars around them began to twinkle and make a soft tune as they did so. "For a thousand years I've waited here for you, waited every night..." Nightmare sang "For I thought you were the answer to my life..." Luna looked surpirsed and confused at the same time as the ebony mare that once controlled her turned to face the sea of stars. "Days turned into years and into centuries, patience had to fade. Don't you see there is vengence in my eyes?" Nightmare continued, her eyes were glazed over as she relived a thousand years on the moon. "Luna won't you cry for me, I'm as lonely as I've ever been. I am forced back into the start, is there anyway to fix a broken heart..."