> Skyscraper Double Trouble Triple > by heroicaviator > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve is just your average pony in the town of Manehattan. Steve is a stallion that haves a brown mane with a gray coat. He always brushes his mane when he gets up in the morning so he can look presentable. He works at a skyscraper in the town of Manehattan. He enjoys his work in a big, tall skyscraper, because he finds it amusing to stare out of the window. He finds it amusing, because Steve always wishes that he can be able to fly like a Pegasus. He finds it hard to work at the place because he is not able to complete the tasks that are assigned to him. The next morning Steve wakes up and finds a note on his doormat saying "You better pay of the rent." Steve takes the note and tears it up with his mouth. Steve started to take his walk to his workplace in the morning. He runs in to some rebels against Celestia's rule, so they know that I work for Celestia' and they demand answers. "Pin him down, boys" demands the rebel with the trench coat "What in Celestia" exclaims Steve. "Who are you?" shouted Steve, "My name is Nicholas the unicorn, now I want answers!" Nicholas shouted. "Quiet down, Boss" One of the rebels quietly said "Shoot" Steve said helplessly. "Perfect, When exactly does the guards take their coffee break?" "6:30" Steve said "Perfect, Let him go" demands his rebels. The Rebels ran off, and out of Steve's sight. Steve finally made it to work and he got a notification on his desk saying "Go to the boss's office." "oh Celestia" Steve trotted to the boss's office. The boss was sitting in his office chair looking out of the window to Manehattan. When Steve walked in, The boss said "I been expecting you, take a seat." "What do you need, sir?" Steve takes a seat and asks "I've been getting a lot of complaints about you from the employees" The boss said disgustedly. Steve sits quietly and scratching his mane with his hoof. The boss spins his chair and sees him scratching his mane. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS ACCEPTABLE?" The boss yelled. "I've been getting complaints by Mr. Hooves and the nurse, do you think that makes me happy?" The boss asked . "What did I do?" Steve asks. "Take a look at the complaint sheet" said the boss. Steve took a look at it and reads it. Steve has been a problem around the office for a while now. He had been disrupting me while I'm try to respond to the emails of the customers. He constantly talks and he gets really annoying. I always tries to find a way to start a debate with him about a irrelevant topic. I absolutely do not like him around me that's what I want to move to a different desk farther from him. He also harasses me in the restroom when I'm trying to do my business. I have warned him that I'll fill out a compliant sheet if this continues. Sincere Mr.Hooves Steve looks at the boss with watery eyes, because he thought he was friends with Mr. Hooves. "I thought we.... we were buddies" Steve begins to release tear drops of sadness. "You can head back to your desk and cheer up." The boss looks at him with sympathy Steve walks to his desk, and slouches. Steve wonders what's going to happen to him with his job, and his career in the workplaces. Steve feels so overwhelmed with life, that he feels like he is dying from a case of depression. Steve's telephone on his desk begins to ring. Steve looks at the telephone with despair, and low faith. Tears were still coming down his face, and don’t have enough strength to pick up the phone. Mr. Hooves picks up the telephone and said "Mr. Hooves Speaking for Steve." Steve looks up at Mr. Hooves then looks away. "Oh he is unavailable at the moment, I'll tell him to call you back, what's your number?" asked the person on the phone. "Alright Got it" Mr. Hooves wrote down the number on a sheet of paper and put it next to Steve. " I have warned you." Mr. Hooves said. Mr. Hooves trotted away to the lounge. Steve takes a look at the sheet of paper that Mr. Hooves wrote on and it had a phone number on it. Steve decides to call the number that Mr. Hooves left for him. Steve dialed the number and clearing up his tears at the same time. The phone is now ringing and he is a waiting for an answer. No answer, Steve just forgets about it because he think that the person will call back if its a necessary conversation of some sort. Steve got up from his seat and walked over to the restroom. Steve opens the door to the restroom and walks over to the sink. He fills the sink with water then he dunks his head in the water causing his mane to get wet. "Don't worry Steve you'll find a true friend." Steve raises his head and looks at the mirror and says to himself Mr. Hooves walks in for his usual bathroom break and notices Steve. Steve did not notice Mr. Hooves. Mr. Hooves looks at him for a second, then walked away quietly out the restroom. Steve shakes his head to dry out his mane, water sprayed everywhere in the restroom. Steve walks out of the restroom and he hears a ringing tone at his desk. Steve didn't care because he is expecting to get fire anytime now. "The boss is expecting you." Nurse Redheart approaches Steve. "Okay" Steve said in a disappointment. Steve slowly walks to the boss' office in shame, because he heard that no pony ever gotten fired from this job. Steve opens the door to the boss' office. The boss said "I've been expecting you, take a seat." Steve takes a seat. "Now I think you know why I requested you, right?" The boss asked. "Are you....going to fire me" Steve mumbles. "No" The boss said confidently "I have notice that you were trying to be buddies with Mr. Hooves but he doesn't enjoy your company at all, so I am going to give you another chance if I get any more complaint sheets about you then you are going to be in deep trouble, understand?" "Yes, sir" Steve replied. "You can go now" The boss said, Steve gets up and heads out the door. Steve heads back to his desk and checks the time. The time is 12:30 and it is time for his lunch break. Steve usually eats his lunch with Mr. Hooves, because he was pretty much Steve's only friend in the office. Steve face hoofs because Steve forgot his lunch at home. > The Lunch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve looks all over in his desk area for some cash to purchase a lunch in the skyscraper. Steve didn't find any money at all. Steve heads to the lounge and checks the refrigerator to see if there is anything in there to eat or to drink. Steve notices that Mr.Hooves' lunch was still sitting there as it was untouched. Steve had an idea, Steve takes the lunch and takes over to Mr.Hooves. Steve grabs the bag with his mouth and heads to Mr.Hooves' new desk area. Once Steve reached Mr.Hooves office, Steve opened the door to his office. Mr.Hooves was on the telephone talking, Mr.Hooves turns around and sees Steve standing there with his lunch. Mr.Hooves finishes the phone call, and says "Steve, What are you doing with my lunch?" Steve walks over to his desk and place Mr.Hooves' lunch on his desk. "I just wanna to deliver it to ya" Steve said confidently. "Look, Steve we were never buddies I just talked to you because you were a pretty lonely person in the office, and I felt pretty bad." Mr.Hooves slams the desk. Steve stood in silence and looks at him with despair. "Steve Can you please leave my office?" Mr.Hooves asks politely. "Please, I just wanna be your friend I am so lonely I have no one else to talk to or to hang out with, I am sorry about all that stuff that you said on the complaint sheet, I'm sorry!!!" Steve yelled and weeping at the same time. Mr.Hooves stares at Steve while Steve was down pouring with tears. "I... I know, how you feel I just can't find my self talking to you, I am very sorry" Mr.Hooves said. Steve looks down for a couple seconds and nods. Steve walks out of the office slowly. Steve walks to The Boss' office to ask for a dismissal for the day. "Sir, Can I be dismissed for today?" asked Steve. "Why are you looking so down today?" asked The Boss. "Mr.Hooves doesn't want to talk to me anymore and I brought him his lunch for him." Steve murmurs. "Alright it seems like you had a tough day today you are dismissed I am going to talk to Mr.Hooves and see what I can do." The Boss said. "Thank you" replied Steve. Steve made it out of the skyscraper out to the town of Manhattan. “Some job,” Steve walks to the main street and trotted down the road to get back to his house. “Hey, Buddy” a voice came from the alley. “Who’s there?” Steve stopped and walked backward away from the alley.” “I need to speak with you, it’s important” the alley whisper. Steve turns around and just runs off as fast as he can away from the alley. Steve notices a building that says “Local Tad’s Pub,” he slows down and opens the door. Steve is breathing deeply, “ay what’s going on, why you came here running?” the bartender walks towards Steve. “There is a stranger in the alley, I got no idea what he wants I just don’t like being asked to enter an alley with a stranger that might have a weapon of some kind and don’t want to be a victim,” Steve said. “My name is ratchet, what’s your name?” “Steve, the name is Steve,” Steve repies “Alright, may I serve you a drink of some sort like the strongest alcohol that I have in stock, it’s on the house if you drink it all in one gulp,” Ratchet walks behind the counter. “Might as well, I had a rough day in work today,” Steve sigh. “Alright, coming right up” Ratchet uses his magic to get a cup and the bottle that contained the alcohol. “Alright, there you go” Ratchet puts the cup on the counter. “Alright, this is my first time, so don’t make a big deal about it” Steve grabs the cup and drank it down. “Wait, what?” in a confuse tone. “What’s going on, this feels weird,” Steve drops the cup and his vision blurs. “Are… are you going to be alright,” Ratchet questions , “ugh, I feel tired and fuzzy inside, is that a sid.. side effect?” Steve attempts to keep his balance. “Yeah, you are drunk, my drunken friend” Ratchet exploded with laughter. “Alright what time is it?” Steve falls on the floor. “ It’s night time, 10:00 PM, so you have to find a way to get yourself home,” Ratchet pats Steve on his head. “Where can I go?” Steve said in a worry tone. “Beats me, but you are not staying here,” Ratchet points his hoof towards Steve. “Hurr, okay” Steve walks out of the pub out to the lightly lit street. Steve’s vision is all blurry, he couldn’t walk properly and he is tired. “Oh, Hi there, are you looking for a good time” a mare walks up towards Steve. “Can you help me with something” asked Steve. “What do you mean by that, sir?” “Can you take me to my house, please and I can pay if you do so” Steve said. “Oh, I see what you are looking for” the mare winks . “Thanks, I live up the road just guide me there, please” Steve said. “Alright, let’s get moving” the mare said, Steve walks behind of the mare and the mare leads on. Steve and the mare finally arrive to Steve’s apartment. “Here are the keys to open the door” Steve looks at the mare with an emotionless face. The mare opens the door and guides Steve in the apartment. “Thank you” Steve falls on his couch. “So, are you ready?” the mare looks at Steve with confusion. “Just go, please” Steve mutters, “Alright, for the whole night until morning?” the mare asks. “Yea, just do what you have to do” Steve mumbles. Steve wakes up, and sees a mare hugging him. “Who…. Who are you?” Steve asks with misperception, "Did you enjoy last night?” The mare yawns. Steve quickly gets off the couch and looked at his hooves. “Are you saying that… I had….sexual intercourse with you?” Steve asks in shock. “Yes you did, I enjoyed it personally and you are unlike from anyone I have ever met,” the mare lays on the couch while looking at Steve . “How… did I met you, I don’t even remember a thing last night,” Steve asks. “You were walking around in the streets; you asked if I can take you home , I said yes of course and from there we got to it,” The mare expounds. “It….it can’t be!” Steve storms out of the apartment, “Where are you going, honey?” The mare asks. Steve runs to the skyscraper, and went to talk to the boss. “Boss, I need to talk to you personally,” Steve is trying to catch his breathe. “What is it this time” The boss smirks, “The other day when you demised me from work, I went to the streets to get to my house, I was walking down the street, some guy from the alley was calling me to go to the alley to go talk to him, I don’t like going to a alley with a conspicuous guy, so I just booked it out of there to a local pub, the bartender in the local pub offered me a strong drink, If I drink it all in one gulp, it was on the house, so I did it, I gotten all drunk, so it was getting dark I was asked to leave, so I left the pub I walked outside, a prostitute asked me If I wanted a good time, I said yes take me home, she took me home and I lost my……virginity to her.” Steve explains. “Alright,” The boss nods, “What should I do?” Steve asks. “Did you settle business with the mare?” The boss questions Steve, “No, I did not” Steve looks down with sorrow. “Alright, go deal business with her” The boss demanded