> Havoc and Harmony > by Celestial Harmony Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > introducing harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi this is a story about a young mare named Celestial Harmony Heart. Let it be known that Princess Celestia had a lost daughter. A corrupted wizard by the name of Spellcaster held resentment towards Celestia's lover Flaming Shield, who at the time was head of her royal guard. Flaming Shield was a born alicorn, at the time though uncommon, it was not unheard of. Flaming Shield was many things, brave, honest, loyal, kind, and respected among much more. His mane and tail were like a flaming sunset his coat a charcoal grey, his eyes a brilliant gold, and his cutie mark was a golden shield set aflame. Spellcaster envied Flaming Shield. Spellcaster made it an obsession to crush Flaming Shield, he wanted him dead. Spellcaster was of course a unicorn his main and tail a silverish grey and his coat black as tar. At the time Spellcaster was the royal mage giving him access to every known spell. The spell he had chosen to use to destroy Flaming Shield had to be used at just the right time, and so he waited and waited looking for the opportunity to strike. Then his opportunity arrived, Celestia and Flaming Shield had conceived a filly and her name was Celestial Harmony Heart. Unfortunately Spellcaster had to modify his plans greatly and so he chose another spell. Though Spellcaster was wicked, not even he could bring himself to harm let alone a mare let alone a filly. So he decided he would cast a spell of eternal sleep one that would still time on its victim. Though once again timing was crucial and so he waited once more. He waited nearly 6 years then deemed it time to put his plan into motion. The night before the filly's 6th birthday Spellcaster cast his spell. Then he witnessed the following week, his plan worked Flaming Shield was utterly broken, though he didn't show the true extent of his pain Spellcaster knew. Then after one week had past he hid the filly, claiming that the spell could never be broken. Celestia and Flaming Shield were devastated at the loss of her first filly and even to this day they never truly stopped looking. Then one day both Celestia and Luna became ill neither strong enough to lower the raised moon let alone give rise to the sun. Many unicorns tried to lower the moon and raise the sun not even the most skilled and experienced of wizards could lower the moon or raise the sun. Meanwhile the lost filly rested in a forest, over the years the claimed unbreakable spell had weakened greatly over time until it had vanished, and released the filly of its hold. She knew not what or why but she sensed not all was well. She started walking letting her hooves lead her way until she reached the city of Canterlot. Then something clicked within her mind, her mother, she remembered watching her mother raise the sun, but it should have already had been risen something must be wrong.She found herself at the entrance of the grand castle and she saw other ponies using large amounts of magic. Then once again something clicked , they were trying to lower the moon to raise the sun. She walked past the ponies to the one who was trying his luck. "Sir are you trying to move the sun and moon?" She asked he gave her a bewildered look. "May I try sir?" She asked and laughter broke out. She ignored it and instead looked to the moon "If mama can do it, why can't I?" She asked herself then she felt a giant wave of magic wash through. Her her golden eyes determined she spread her fairly large wings for her size and flapped furiously, raising herself off the ground her eyes closed then it was totally dark but she kept going. Then something bright and warm hit her face, she let her eyes open and she saw that she had done what no other could. The moon and stars had been lowered and the sun shown in its place. In her moment of awe she forgot to flap her wings and fell, but she didn't hit the hard ground, she landed on something soft. She had landed on a stallion with a sunset colored main that matched her own, he seemed so familiar until... "DADDY!" she shouted hugging the stallions neck nuzzling her small white muscle into his mane. At first Flaming Shield looked confused, but then tears filled his eyes, it was 'her', after all those years he had found her, he quickly embraced the filly tears of joy streaming down his face. The one thing he had thought he would never see again was now in his hooves once more, his daughter, his little filly. "Harmony I never thought i'd see you again." He said and held her tighter. Then news that the princesses were well again spread as they walked out into the sun. "Who is the pony who lowered my sisters moon and raised my sun?" Celestia's voice rang through the young filly's ears. "MOMMY!" Harmony shouted and leapt from her father's embrace and ran, the crowd of ponies had made way for the filly, as she ran toward Celestia, but guards stopped her. In an instant Celestia recognized the filly, a mother never forgets her child. "Harmony?" She asked as if making sure it wasn't another illusion, or another dream. "Mommy!" She said pushing past the guards and jumping into her mothers welcoming embrace. She buried her tiny muzzle into her mother's white coat. "Mommy i'm just like you and aunt Luna see, see I made the moon go down and made the sun come up." Harmony said excitedly. Celestia smiled and laughed. "I'm very proud of you little princess of mine, and I like your cutie mark." Celestia said wiping her joyful tears. "My wha?" Harmony starts then gasps as she sees her new cutie mark. It was a sun surrounded by light blue, then merged into a silver moon with white stars on a dark blue, with a red heart were the two different blues touch. She squealed with joy and Flaming Shield briskly walks up and smiles. The lost princess, Princess Celestial Harmony Heart, was where she belonged, home. > introducing Havoc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A young colt sat in a field turning the grass to lollipops and the small road to slippery bubbles. He giggled happily as he slid and spun down the slippery bubble road. Despite his heritage he was so innocent he didn't know his actions were considered wrong by ponies. His name was Havoc he was the son of Discord. Havoc was the spitting image of Discord. Suddenly a little pink and purple filly ran up. "Screwball!" Havoc giggled and slid right into her they both laughed. "Looks like you two are having fun." Said a playful yet proud voice. "Daddy!" Havoc and Screwball shouted and giggled in unison and Discord smiled. "See daddy i'm just like you." Havoc said proudly his big adorable eyes gleaming happily. "I'm very proud and i saw what you did Screwy my dear and i'm very proud." Discord said with utter joy and pride. Alas that was the happy times of sweet innocent Havoc's life. As time went on when Havoc was about 6 years Discord started to become more chaotic, his pranks became more wild, he was getting bolder in chaos, but at the time Havoc saw it as more fun, never had it crossed his mind that his or his father's actions were wrong or harmful. One day Havoc ask Discord why he couldn't go and meet other ponies. You see screwy got to go to ball games and into town but havoc never was allowed , and it had puzzled the boy for long enough. "Because those silly other ponies don't seem to like our fun, and are big bullies about it and i don't want them to pick on you because your fun is different than theirs." Discord explained in the best way he could to his 6 year old son. Though it bewildered young Havoc his dads answer did make sense so he left it at that. You see Discord and his kids lived in a forest, as for his childrens protection. Discord loved his children deeply, and was afraid of what some ponies would do if they ever found out of Havoc's and Screwy's existence, so he taught them to never trust anypony except for Screwy, of course. Then came the day Havoc would never forget, the day everything he had ever known was ripped from him. The princesses had ,had enough of Discord's mischief and decided that it was time they put an end to his chaos. That day Havoc had followed his dad. It had not been long when two ponies appeared Havoc thought them to be very beautiful. "Well hello Tia, Luna long time no see." Discord greeted light heartedly, but the two princesses didn't seem to have come for a peaceful chat. "How dare you address thou and thy sister in such ways, Discord thou's days of creating chaos on thy subjects ends now." Luna growls and then is a blinding flash of light Luna and Celestia turned Discord to stone right in front of young Havoc's eyes, and with that the princesses disappeared. Havoc was shocked, confused, horror-struck, lost he had bared witness to the 'death' of his father. Havoc ran to his now stone dad "Daddy! Daddy why, why did those ponies do this?" Havoc sobbed. Later he found that other ponies had taken Screwball to a place called an orphanage and now Havoc was all alone, he cowered away in utter terror from pony civilization barely managing to survive. Then years later his fear was replaced with pure hatred. He had discovered that they had put his dad in the royal gardens like a trophy on display, and from that day forward he promised he would make every last vile pony pay and suffer, just as he did. > Meeting under the moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- POV Harmony: Today I was headed down to the royal gardens I did this every other day. I carried a picnic basket using my magic. "Hello Discord I thought today we could have a nice picnic. I have chocolate milk and pink cotton candy for dessert." I said as I arrived in front of the discord statue. I set out a soft picnic blanket and a dozen sandwiches, a big veggie salad, a stick of pink cotton candy, and a pitcher full of chocolate milk. It was a beautiful spring day, "It's a beautiful day isn't it." I say smiling. I remembered the first time I started doing this. ~flashback~ I was walking through the royal gardens. I had snuck away from my studies, being the young restless filly I was, I needed some time outside. It was then as I walked along the expertly made path, my small hooves only making a quiet 'tap' as they hit the path, I came upon a clearing and in the middle of that clearing I saw a statue. My curiosity got the better of me I quickened my pace to a steady trot. The first thing I noticed about the statue was not its mix-matched limbs but its eyes. Even in stone its eyes shone pain, loss, sadness, and something that struck a chord loneliness. Then I read the stone inscription carved in the statues base 'Discord', was the first word. My mother had told me stories of this 'chaotic creature' as she put it. "So you're Discord." I said gazing to his eyes once more. He and I had the same feeling, trapped in one place unable to venture outside appointed boundaries, unable to explore the world beyond, the idea of the world being so close yet unattainable to you. The feeling of being without a single friend of being...alone. "You're a lot like me you're all alone but cant do anything about it.... well I want to change that I'll be your friend and to prove it, every other day ill come and visit you I promise."I had said determined not to break said promise.... ~End Flashback~ ....and to the day I have never broken that promise. POV: none (note ' ' is thoughts) 'This mare never ceases to amaze me, its been what 9-10 years since she made that promise. Yet she still visits every other day like clockwork. To think I used to doubt she would ever keep such a promise so great.' Discord thought. It was true Harmony remained true to her word it was hard to tell which shone brighter her beauty or her heart.Harmony had grown into a fine young mare. She was only a few inches shorter than her mother, her coat, and horn white and pure like freshly fallen snow, her eyes like her father pools of liquid glittering gold but with long thick eyelashes framing them, her mane and tail like a sunset nearing dusk. Her body physically strong large, powerful white wings, muscular fore and hind legs a firm yet supple ample plot. Few could rival the young princess beauty, but it was not only her appearance that that made her beautiful, her heart was purest of gold. Around her neck she wore a gold chain necklace with a masterfully carved gold heart with a keyhole in its center. Unfortunately Harmony was like a diamond locked in a heavily guarded iron vault. While safe from thieves its beauty is hidden from view. Rarely did she go anywhere without a guard watching her and even rarer was she even allowed outside the castle grounds. After awhile Harmony greeted Discord fair well, but she left her picnic as she had set it.Seeing as she had lost track of time she quickly trotted back to the castle, planing to clean up after she finished her studies for the day. What Harmony didn't know is that Havoc was hiding in the shadows. He slowly, cautiously crept out from his hiding spot. His stomach growled hungrily, and so he helped himself to the remaining food. All the while Havoc couldn't remove 'her' image out of his mind. Everything about her was just so... intriguing to him, she left him with so many questions racing around in his mind, but one repeated over and over. 'Who' was she and why do I feel so.... strange at the sight of her? Havoc was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice the setting sun, nor did he hear Harmony as she trotted back. Harmony's eyes widened and a small gasp escaped her throat. This knocked Havoc from his trance and he spun around to face Harmony. His first instincts were to go on the defensive but instead he was caught in a moment of awe. The moonlight reflected off her giving her a soft silver glow, her gold eyes had hints of silver in the moonlight. Those same breathtaking eyes held not the fear he had expected but curiosity and awe. "Who are you? You... you look like..." "Discord? yeah hes my dad well was. Not that a pampered pony princess like you would care." Havoc had finished a bit harshly . Harmony was oddly hurt at his words, yet her eyes filled with sympathy as she took a step closer. Havoc saw the glimmer of hurt in her eyes and felt.... guilt?.... regret? but he just shrugged it off. "I I never knew he had...." "Well he did ok!" Havoc spat, but instead of cowering or backing up or even flinching she came closer till they were merely hoof steps apart. Then Havoc felt something warm and wet roll down his cheek. He expected her to laugh but instead with her hoof she gently wiped the tears away her hoof lingering on his cheek. as she was about to pull her hoof away his lion paw gently yet firmly held it in place. Something about the feeling of her soft hoof was calming, his vow of hatred towards pony kind seemed to melt away . Harmony offered a warm comforting smile. She saw he was thin and dirty and slightly cold. "But you're a princess why..." Havoc starts but Harmony uses her other hoof to silence him. "Because everypony, pony or not deserves to have a friend."