> The fall of the Ponies > by Noyman Jayden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in the Ponyville, and the world sang a song of beauty and intelligence. It was always a happy day like now, because in Ponyville, there was never a violent or anyone dying, because everyone was happy and LSD. One day all of this good changed suddenly to bad. This happened because a pony, for the first time in eons, for reasons unknown, became died. “OW!” Yelled Silveface, a unicorn, and then he exploded. “OH SHIT!” Yelled Princess Celestia, and she flew back to her castle home place and hid so she wouldn’t die like Silverface. She then called upon her six most trusted minions to defend her... The Justice League! “No, screw you Princess Celestia, we have to save people that actually matter, so no ponies or Jews.” Princess Celestia cried a lot because the words hurt her like a knife or maybe a gun. She was not only a pony, but also Jewish, so she had been hurt a lot. She sadly called upon six other ponies that are probably pretty useless but may be able to help. A short time later, at Twilight Sparkle’s secret underground tree, the Elements of Harmony met to discuss how to avenge Silverface and prevent future random, unpreventable explosions. “Our name sucks.” Rainbow Dash yelled in angry. “We aren’t Harmony if we’re killing something.” “But we aren’t killing anything... Are we?” Fluttershy whined like a bitch.” “Oh my, yes.” Twilight said. “Odds are, we’re going to have to kill many things.” “Yay!” Pinkie was happy because she’s always happy, also she likes killing. “I think we should call ourselves the Elements of Badassery.” Dash suggested. “Fuck you!” Applejack said in her southern accent. Her accent on the show was a censored version of a real southern accent, because everything southern people say is offensive. “I don’t like Blacks.” “Applejack has a point Rainbow Dash, that name is gay. How about the Elements of Ownage.” Rarity said, only because she hasn’t said anything else and is actually kinda useless in this story. “Okay, this meeting of the Elements of Ownage is now in order. Pinkie, have you figured out what’s been causing the explosions yet?” “YES! It’s Gummy!” “WAHT!?!?!” Everypony whatted so hard that the underground tree began to burn so they had to all jump on Twilight’s back and she flew them out of the tree in the knick of time before it exploded in a hailstorm of rainbow and acid and death. “But yeah, Gummy did it.” “HOW DARE YOU BETRAY ME!!!???!?!!?” Gummy raged, somehow speaking. He then pulled out his Fuck You ray and shot Pinkie with it, causing her to explode. “PINKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEE!” Yelled Fluttershy, but since she’s so quiet and annoying, nopony heard her. “PINKIE!” Shouted Rainbow Dash, and since she’s loud and obnoxious, everypony heard her, but nopony wanted to. “ASSMUNCH!” Yelled Applejack. Somehow, her words were a consollation to everypony’s soul. Then they ran fast away so that Gummy couldn’t explode them to death like Pinkie and Silverface. Twilight casted awesome spell that made them all be able to stand on clouds and they ascended to Cloudsdale by ripping off Fluttershy’s wings and using them to make a flying machine. “:(“ said Fluttershy but she didn’t complain because she is too nice. “ALRIGHT!” Rainbow Dash flew into the weather factory. A few minutes later there was a nuclear explosion of rainbowy goodness. Then there was rain of light blue feathers implying that Rainbow Dash had just died. “What the hell did she do that for?” Twilight wondered but didn’t actually care because she hated that bitch. “Guys! I made a dress!” Rarity said as she put on the dress she made. “Good job! Now we can definitely defeat Gummy!” Pinkie said happy. “NO!” Twilight angered. Juts then there came from behind them both a sound. When they turned them, they saw that Gummy was there now flying. “I took Silverface’s wings when I killed him, now I kill you too!” And he shot Fluttershy and she exploded but no one really cared. “NNOOO!O!!!” Everypony in all of Equestria screamed at the same time lolwut the fuck is that how does that even happen? Then Rarity and Twilight cowered as Gummy killed Pinkie and Applejack. “FUCK ASIANS!” Yelled Applejack as she died. “I AM SO ADDICTED TO METH!” Yelled Pinkie as she died. “Wait...” Twilight waited and thought. “Wasn’t Silverface a unicorn?” “Oh cock.” Gummy cocked. Suddenly, Gummy exploded into a violently plothole that sucked in all of Equestria. It was like watching a Michael Bay movie or playing Heavy Rain. Inside the plothole, life went on. Silverface and Gummy were both removed from existence, and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and Applejack came back to life. The yellow one didn’t though. Thank Celestia. “Twilight I am proud of you a lot.” Princess Celestia honored Twilight because she had pretty much saved the entire of the world. “I couldn’t have done it without my friends. Loljk they were useless I don’t like them anymore.” And Twilight flew away. “What a bitch.” Princess Celestia sighed. “You, Pink one, you are my new First Prime.” “Don’t you mean student?” “No.” Celestia’s voice was deeper and her eyes glowing because she was now a Goa’uld (You know, those parasite things from Doctor Who.) “Oh shit!” Pinkie Pie shat and also flew away also. “I’ll save us!” Rainbow Dash flew up and kicked Celestia but it did nothing and she shot zappiness at Rainbow and it hurt. “Ow.” “YOU POLISH ASSHOLE!” Racist Applejack raced all over Celestia but she didn’t even do it. Applejack flew to her death and didn’t even know why or how because the narrator was being too vague. Some more things happened, and then one big thing happened. Then some really cool action and cameos happened. “Twilight, I’m glad you came back and helped us save the world.” Magneto thanked Twilight. “You’re welcome!” Said Edward Cullen because he thought Magneto was talking to him get it? Then Magneto killed Edward Cullen and a bunch of teenyear old girls screamed but others were happy. “I’m Harry Potter lol!” Harry Potter Pottered but it wasn’t Harry Potter it was Twilight Sparkle. “Lolno, you’re Twilight Sparkle.” Magneto laughed and everyone else did too lololololololol. Their laughter echoed across the world, harmonizing the song of beauty and intelligence to ring free through the inside of the plothole. However, all was not peaceful forever and happy like they began to think a little. The world was already still in grave danger because of the Evil! You may ask yourself “Lolwut Evil?” The Evil is a terrifying scary thing that is horrible and evil and probably scary! It is takes the form of whatever it kills and slaughters. Just as anyone would expect, Fluttershy did actually come back to life too, everyone just chose to ignore her forever. She wandered sadly through Sugar Cube Corner because that’s what she decided to do when suddenly OH MY GOD THE EVIL! BOOSAMA BASH BANG RRAAAWWWWRRRRR EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! That’s about what it sounded like. The Evil killed then slaughtered Fluttershy it was a horribly vague and gruesome and painful manner. It would have been hot to any masochistic furries. “WHA HA HA AHA AHA AHA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Evil Fluttershy laughed. “I killed and slaughtered Fluttershy and now I AM Fluttershy!” Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were partying alone because the others were busy and there was booze alcohol. “I love drinking alcohol” Twilight drank. “Me too!” Pinkie... Pinked. “Hello!’ Fluttershy came in all ugly and stuff. “Look at how Fluttershy I am.” “Shut up, nopony likes you.” “What!?” EVIL thought inside of Fluttershy. “I am stuck in the body of some quiet bitch who nopony likes and has bad breath and is afraid of dragons and bad at sports!” “Get out of here, no booze alcohol for you!” Twilight ragered. “No, we have to be nice to her because she’s a good pony.” Pinkie smiled because she liked everypony and everypony liked her. “Everypony likes her?” The Evil thought, after somehow hearing the narrator say so. “Pinkie...” Fluttershy spoke through her voice. “Can I show you something in private?” “Okay!” Pinkie was drunk as hell. So she followed Fluttershy outside into the dark and rain and lightning. “WHA HA HA HA HA I’M EVIL!” Fluttershy revealed the truth and assaulted Pinkie. Pinkie didn’t care because she was too happy and drunk and loved everything even Evil. After Evilshy killed her and slaughtered her, the Evil became Pinkie Pie. So like, Evil Pie. “Twilight I’m back.” “Hi Pinkie I rike you ror I’m Asian.” “You aren’t.” Evil Pie objected and pulled out her shooter death ray of evil (SDRoE) and shot Twilight with evil and death. “Stop right there Evil!” Announced Princess Luna who decided to make a random cameo. She pulled out more guns and shot at the evil but the evil shot back so they jumped around shooting and dying but living sometimes until it all was soon to end because the bullets ran out and Evil Pie was hit by a bullet and died and the evil was defeated and Magneto and a bunch of other things that are too graphic, boring, or incomplete to be officially added to this story. “For the second time today, a bunch of shit happened and I remember nothing!” Twilight. Also, it turned out that Silverface WAS the Evil, and he faked his explosion to confuse everyone then entered Fluttershy and Pinkie but were all killed. THE END LOL > The rest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Author’s note: We are currently working with M Night Shyamalan on a movie deal. Stay tuned.) Across Ponyville the clocks read 10:00PM (some a little off like 10:01 or 11:00 in timezones) because that was the time. It was time for many to sleep, but for one to wake. It was evil long thought pony dead Silverface, who had faked his own death in order to become evil. “Now they think me to be death, so I can roam freely.” Silverface laughtered. “To the time and place!” Silverface flew to Twilight library and hiding in bushes. “Twilight!” Spike shouting. “I think you have drinking problems!” He laughed because Twilight trying to drink non alcohol beverage but spills it everyplace. “AHHAHA” she laughs too but sarcasm. The window was Silverface who looks like creepy and stalker because that is what he was. “I will be Spike and Twilight soon to follow.” His laughter made Twilight aware and exclamation points above her head as she walks to window to look. Silverface hides with effectives before sight so he isn’t seen. “I could have sworn I hear maniacal laughter.” Twilight sighed and returned to drinking with Spike. While she was windows, Spike spiked her drinks with moonshine and whiskeys. Sad insued. A short time after later, Fluttershy in her cottage smelled burning and “OH NO!” her voice. She runs to outside for what happens and sees Spike and Twilight and Angel drunk off their flanks burning down her cottage for no reason other than I thought it would be funny and someone should draw it please. Twilight and drank Spike went back to treehouses where Silverface no longer was because he got lost in confusion and was now at Sugar Cube Corner where Rainbow Dash lived. “Rainbow Dash you are better than friends now be my side.” “Ok” Rainbow said because it was true. Then Silverface and Dash starts shoting ponies and everyp0ony dies and evail prevails. > Some more stuff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing happened though and everyone was okay. After everything b etttered Dash and Applesjack were on a hill. “You trayer!’ Applesjack southerend and begans to stab Dash with pitchform. “Stop I am sorry!” Dash backed to her but AJ kept goin and didn’t say things. Back inn town Twilight knew. “Dash is dyinh there but it is her fault for traiting.” Spike and princess Luna nodded and they read more books but Pinkie Pi was unamused “I am unamuesed!’ She said wisely. Pinkie wint to hills where Dash had death and took pitchforkl from AJ and stabbed her with it in her right soul. “DAMNING” AJ died. “Dash live again!” Ad Pink threw AJ’s life at Dash who got up and was okay and happy but flew away forever to be Wonderbalt. “I must stop hr I love her.” Pinkie warned. Again Twolight knew but was unconcerned. “We have to stop Pinkie Pie!” She exapserated grabbing machetes and guns. Spie went to but Luyna stayed at Library to drink tea and read books. Twilight and spikE wrode like Gengis Kan to where Pinki was following wonderbilts. “STOP!” Twilight Spiked. “But I love heer!” Pinkie loved Rainbow Dash. “Oh I see the truth” and Twilight agve Pinkie wings and Pinkle became a Wonderbill but not rainbow who sadded to Fillydelphia. “I am geat and powful!” Trixie trixied in Fillydelphia. “Look at magic!” Ash she made a random pony disasppear forever and everypony didn’t cheer and yelled. “stop you love me!” so Trixie killed them all in fire. “Can you help mine?” Rainbows asking. “No” and Trixie helped her by kill Wonderbolts but it costed Dash her sole but it was okay she didn’t where shoes so trixie went and became queen. “Trixie is the queen now.” Fluttershy told her animals who ate and killed eachorther. “I must go and kill her” said Angel who grabbed gun knife and went to canterlot but died before long from meteors. “THERE AR METOERS!” Shouting Lyra who hides under Bon-Bon but meteors hit them but they don’t die and ride the meoter back to space. > Knew begining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Twilightland was Rainbow alive for escaped from the Trixie death but she hiding inside Twilight Sparkls Spike bed where Spike isn’t sometimes. “Is Spike here?” Trixie confused forgetting who she was looking for because she was in love with Twilightt who she made with and had to murder. “NO!” Murdered Trixie as Twologit bled to death “I did it out of love” she says meaningfully. Then Fluttershy bitched out of no where and was confused by Trixie burying Twilight under many books but liked it because she didn’t like Twilight. “Thank you” Fluttershy thanked you Trixie and flew with glee into rocket missile that Angel had shot at Ursa major but sense it blew Fluttershy to smitherrons the Ursa Major got tired and died. Trixie sadded into Spikes bed for a sleeping but found Rainbow who punched her footly and ran. Then Trixie fasted after her and a hollywood chase scene crashed into Ponyville and Lyra ran over Rainbow in a machete. No time was left for Pinkie who ate donuts until she shot herself in foreheads and many children cried and were eaten by a leoporaden it was Steven Magnet who was actually Princess Celestia in disguise to assassinate Princess Luna but Princess Luna wrongly shot the Celestia with ak-f7s. “This story makes no sense’ Edward Norton imagined before being eaten by elves. The elf eating Edward turned everything back to never and this entire story didn’t happen. > The last Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A short story not worth it is own post) "Twilight heeelp!" The ground and everything away Princess Luna became fire and there wasn't Twilight could do. "I'm sorry I'll avenge you" Twilight shouted klling the evil pony who killed Luna. Later Twilight was sulking because of her sadness but she had done her hardest. "Please apologies" Princess Celestia made ammends then resigned leaving the heir to the throne in charge it was Rainbow Dash. "Now I will make changes!" And she hung all the zebras. "Twilight you must sstop this" Spike begged and was executed and Rainbow Dash revealed off her disquise and it was actually Hitler "I escaped the real world to come kill all jewish ponies!" "Jokes on you" Pinkie Pie appeared "We already killed all our JEws" Hitler was defeatred > The First Beggininng > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere there was a fire. Everyone felt it. "We have to run there" somepony said but they were the fire "Celestia you must fix this for you." Celestia slave Twilight Sparkle abdicated. There was a demon in her soul like everyone the demon was angry. "I cant I am busy with" she was playing poker with all the leaders of Russia "Then I have no choice but handle this myself!" Twilight ran and hide. "Help the fire is bigger": the fire started biggering like Dactor Soos and the Larax. Suddenly a brave warrior emerged through the fire he was famous writer and vampirer hunter Peter CHimaera. "Now I';ll fight!" Peter kung fud and the muggers were gone "thanks for save" a young pony whined. "Now teh fire" Peter inhaled his lungs and blew and the fire danced with elegant display. then Bane rose and the fire was gone forest of time. "Peter yoyu savved me!" "Dont thankme thank your friendly neighborhodo police and teacher." Peter humbled nice and flew away and all the ponies were happy.