> World Dreamer > by TheDerpyChynna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue Somewhere in Canterlot Castle Evening Cloud "Please, please, please, send me somewhere I can have some, fun for a week, please, Princess, I love the castle and all but I am so bored!" "Evening, the outside world is dangerous. Ponies don't exactly know what people are." "If I was out there they'd know all about me! When I came here I was told I'd have fun." "You've told me how much fun you've had with the guards everyday and, they love you." "Guards aren't regular ponies!!" Evening Clouds sighed,"I'm sorry Princess Celestia, I haven't met anypony new since I've been here and I don't have many friends. I don't even see Shining Armor anymore since he had to go to the Crystal Empire" "Evening Cloud, I know you are lonely," "Am not!" "But," Princess Celestia continued, "I have made a decision. Pack up your clothes-" "Ahh! You're kicking me out!" Evening screams, "I knew this would happen soon but not now, not today! YOU DON'T LOVE ME! IT'S BECAUSE I'M DIFFERENT! I-" "EVENING! I am not kicking you out and I love you very much. I have decided to move you to Ponyville to learn with one of my favorite students. She will welcome you with open arms." "Huh? I get to go… out… well, I will be… right back!" she squeaked. "I never could say no to you, Evening, no matter what I try." Princess Celestia sighed, dealing with Evening was quite different from dealing with Twilight Sparkle. They were almost polar-opposites. While Twilight was organized and composed, Evening was messy and well, just a little bit all over the place. In fact, she would probably have to help Evening clean up her room. The Princess summoned a paper and quill. "My Most Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle, I have a mission of the utmost importance for you. You and Spike must come to Canterlot tomorrow evening. Yours truly, Princess Celestia" ~ "PRINCESS LUNA!!" I scream as I ran though the corridors,"PRINCESS LUNA I HAVE SOMETHING SUPER IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU!" "Psst," Obsidian Sword, one of the Palace Guards whispered,"Evening, she's in the kitchen but, she's hiding from some visiting Dignitary or something so," "Yeah, yeah, I didn't hear it from you!" I 'whisper' as I sprint by,"I'll bring you a muffin!" After about twenty minutes I finally reach the kitchen where Princess Luna sits gorging herself on my muffins. "There goes Obsidian's muffins." Luna stares at me for a second then bursts out laughing. "Oh Evee, I will miss you with all my heart when you're gone." she sighs, "Sorry," she says with a smile,"It seems I have eaten all of your muffins, poor Obsidian, muffinless." "I don't think you'd have to worry though, it seems like I would probably be packing for the next week even with the help of everybody around here." I wince as I think of all the stuff in my room that I would miss so dearly in a new home with probably less space when come to a revelation,"Wait, how did you already know I was leaving?" Princess Luna sighed, "Evening, Celestia and I are some of the elder beings in Equestria and Celly, she plans ahead. I have known that you would be leaving for a few months now. Trust me, you will have much fun with this pony." "Could you maybe tell me who this pony is at least?" "No, if I did you could look her up and that would be detrimental to really getting to know her. Now go get to your room, Evening, it's almost twilight and I must soon raise the moon." "G'night," I say. As I leave I grab a muffin. ~ The floor is strewn with stuffed animals, everything from turtles to little bunnies. I touch an enchanted flower and everything floats back to their spaces, the lion cleverly placed with the lambs and the teacher pony on the apple beanbag, all of my clothes in the correct drawers. The smooth air slowing by the curtains and the sounds of the laughing ponies. My eyes suddenly filled with tears. Soon I would have friends I could do things outside but, why was I so sad? This was probably one of the best days ever. "I know! I'll come back every Sunday!" I whispered as I hugged Quil the Fox, "Then you guys won't miss me at all! I will even get to see Princess Celestia and Luna!" I clapped my hands together. I grabbed my scooter and scooted out of my apartment. When I passed Captain Strong Hoof he knew exactly where I was going and the Princesses knew by the time I had shown up in Donut Joe's. "Hi Joe, chocolate with extra rainbow sprinkles, please!" "Hello Evenin' how're you today?" he said as he put a giant mound of sprinkles on my donut. "Well I'm soon gonna leave Cantelot!" "I know." "Wha- How's that even fair? Everybody knows except for me!" "Now, stop, the reason I know is because I know the pony you'll be stayin' with and the Princesses don' want me ta tell ya. An' I gotta say she's a nice pony indeed, Evee." "Still, not cool!" "Oh my gosh," came from outside, "Look, its the freak and her only friend, and there's nothing she can do to make stop, unwess shwe wants to awsk the Pwincess. But you're not a tattletale Evening Cloud are you?" I could scream those brats had no idea who I was and what I could do to them! They were nothing but the scum on my shoes! "Oh Girls," I said looking like a madpony, "At least I know the Princesses personally nothing you could claim to! Maybe it's because I don't stoop down to your bucking level! If only you knew what I could do to you. You would regret what you've done. PLUS, I AM LEAVING TOMORROW!" "Hah," Ruby Crystal scoffed as she strut through the door,"Good, finally you've realized how much ponies hate you around here and are happy you're leaving! Go cry to Princess Luna see if I care about you or what you want! They're probably sending you to an insane asylum!" "You," I taunted,"I won't have to see you anytime soon so yes, the princess will know about what you said!" I looked towards the sky and grabbed my donut. The Moon was out so yell, "Princess Luna, I am ready to come home! Thank you Joe for your support!" I feel the brief sensation of folding and appear in front of the Princess' Night Court. "Thank you, Princess." I say as I leave the throne room. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Ponyville Library Twilight Sparkle "Spike! Do you think I need quills this time?" "No, Twilight, remember last time, you didn't need anything." "Right, but I did have to come home to pack! Scarves, I need at least one! Spike go to Rarity's and get one! I left mine in the Crystal Empire. Should we invite everyone?" "You did last time." Spike said, he knew that when Twilight was in a mood like this there wasn't anything anypony could do to stop her. "Spike! Is everything prepared?" I shrieked begging it to be in my head. "Well, nopony's here yet..." "Right! Get Rarity and Pinkie Pie, I will get Fluttershy, Apple Jack, and Rainbow Dash! LET'S GO!" I ran out the door. "Oy Vey," ~ "Twilight, dearest, you do know that the train won't leave for another two hours." Rarity whined, "I'm not even done packing yet." "Yeah!" Rainbow Dash yelled, "You actually woke me up and PULLED me off my cloud!" "That's not very nice, Twilight." murmured Fluttershy. "Now guys, don' fight," Apple Jack cautions "Spike! You never told me that we had TWO hours!" I groaned, usually I was the most organized pony ever! "Two HOURS! Hurray! Let's get CUPCAKES!" Pinkie cheered as she ran out the door. "I guess then we should meet at Sugar Cube Corner as soon as you're all done with your packing and other activities! It looks like I have some free time!" I say pulling books off of their shelves, "I have some studying to do!" ~ "Okay, we're all here!" I say, "Ready to board?" "Yeah!" everypony cheers. The train leaves the station. I'm not sure my friends know but this ride has great significance. Last year I saw these views from a pegasus carriage flying across the sky. That day I met my five best friends, my life changed forever. I wipe my damp eyes, the beauty still shows. Faces flash by, blue, orange, pink, yellow, purple, colors of my own rainbow. There used to be only two but, the yarn on my own tapestry is as colorful as a pencil box. Apple Jack stops my musing, "Are ya okay, Sugarcube? You've been awful quiet." "Oh yeah," I smile, "I'm just a little bit nervous. Do you think this will be like the Crystal Empire?" "Doubtless!" Pinkie announces. "Hey! We should get donuts!" We pull into the station where a stallion says, "Hello, I am Obsidian Sword. The Princess would like Twilight Sparkle and Spike to come to the Throne Room at once. She asks that Miss Pinkie Pie, Miss Rainbow Dash, Miss Apple Jack, Miss Rarity, and Miss Fluttershy to wait for her call at Donut Joe's." Obsidian Sword steps back. "Miss Twilight, please come here I have a personal request of you." I step forwards questioningly, "Yes?" "Please take care of Evening, she's the sweetest creature you will ever meet, a little like your Pinkie Pie." I look into his eyes, damp and pleading. "This Evening, I don't know her but if I do meet her I'll surely help her." I tell him with a bit of a question in my eyes. I have a feeling that this pony is telling me something important and I promise to myself and him that I will take care of this Evening. ~ "Twilight Sparkle, I have missed you!" Exclaimed Princess Celestia, "Thank you for coming. I need your help but first I need to tell you a little history." she said grimly. "Far away there is a world, a world different from ours, called Earth, it is inhabited with People, not ponies. These people are called Humans. They walk in two legs and only have hair on the top of their heads. Most are not actually filled with love but, anger, large swathes of their world are in a state of war, over quite silly things too. In order to win these wars they create weapons, in time the Human race began to experiment on themselves to defeat their enemies, they called the poor creatures that came out of the experiments Biological Weaponry. These creatures could look into the minds of others or create fire, a Lord of the company experimented on his own unborn daughter, she had power like none of the other expements, it came at a great cost though, her power came with much pain. She could do almost anything though, teleport, move things with her mind, bring the newly dead back, kill with her stare, even change her own appearance. Her father made a mistake, he let her dream, see worlds more seemingly perfect than her own. You may see where this story goes to, my Faithful Student. This beautiful girl, she got into a wild, world consuming argument with somebody, her father perhaps, and that person ended up dead, his head ripped off, body parts everywhere words written in blood on walls, the child was placed in the testing facility, treated as a volatile animal. Finally, the constant testing was enough, the girl had had enough, she gathered up her strength, aware of the immense pain she would soon feel, she thought of all the beautiful things in the world and threw her whole body, whole soul, her memories, wishes, dreams, all her love, to the most beautiful place she could think of. The feeling was of all her bones breaking, an explosion, agony, she was obliterated, all there was was pain no thoughts only pain, the urge to escape, all of these feelings aided her trip to a world where ponies are the sentiment beings, the pain, the desperation they all made her longing stronger and she dreamed her way to Equestria." All I could do was stare. Who was this story of? "Princess, is this the story of Evening?" "Yes," Princess Celestia sighed, "I trust that my Obsidian Sword told you of her? They have a very strong friendship contrary to what they both think about themselves." "Who is this Evening and what is my job?" "Her full name is Evening Cloud, she often wears her hair midnight blue," Princess Celestia smiles the way she would smile as she described me, "She showed up in Princess Luna's quarters in the middle of the day, Luna was quite spooked, I must say. Her clothes were burned the journey was apparently quite hard, when she arrived she was almost dead, luckily she has the healing abilities of an Alicorn and was quite well as of six months after her arrival. She has been in Equestria for seven months. I need you to teach her the Magic of Friendship, and she must stay with you. She is an extremely powerful magical battery, with her you could do at least ten age spells, make sixteen pairs of gossamer wings, and at least thirty-eight minor spells, that was all I tried before I ran out of entertaining spells to do. The thing is, you need to preform quite a lot of spells through her or she will destroy towns with the excess power she would leak out." "Oh my," "Also, she enjoys quite a bit of room for when I let her mold my power she ends up creating stuffed animals and has quite a few, lastly, she would like to come back every Sunday and you must use your magic to transport her although she will provide the energy." "Uh, maybe you could write a list?" "Already done, the library now has a section for her to live in, it transports to a trans-dimensional space where her things have been stored. It just looks like a door." "Whoa, this is amazing, miraculous, how come you didn't tell me earlier?" "Evening is a valuable resource and her life needed to stabilize before somebody would be asking so many questions." "When can I meet her? Is she nice?" I ask. "You'll met her soon Twilight Sparkle, she exemplifies all Elements, she is kind, she's always laughing, she's loyal to all of the Palace Guards and sees Donut Joe everyday, and pays him quite well I must say, she lies sometimes but, when she does she feels bad and would probably tell you within the next few days, and she has her magic." Princess Luna says as she walks in, "Spike, you've been so quiet it's almost like you aren't here! What's wrong?" "Nothing, this is so much to take in." he whispers. Poor Spike, he's just a baby dragon, yet he has so many responsibilities. "Here, Spike," I say, "Why don't you go get the others, if that's okay with you, Princess Celestia?" She dips her head. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Donut Joe's, Canterlot Evening Cloud "Hi Joe, sorry about yesterday that must've been super awkward for you." I said rubbing my hands together, "Gosh, I feel so embarrassed!" "Oh, Evee, it's okay! Gee, my little person, I'm 'onna miss ya." Joe replied. "I'll miss you too! The usual please," I asked. Handing it to me he remarked, "Oh Evening Cloud, look at the board," I looked and did the donut approximate of a spit-take, "EEEPP! You put my usual on the board! 'The Eve-Usual!' I totally feel the love! Ahhhhh!" I screamed with joy, I hadn't felt this awesome since I had finally gotten better. "Joe! I'm gonna play you a song," after the Princesses' help I could channel little tiny spells, "In my world, there were tiny, little music players called iPods, they could hold like, every song made! Now, I can be my own iPod," I explained. In my head I knew this would sting. A Lot. Okay, O-Kay,Uh, Oh-k-k-Kay, "Sorry, Joe, I just can't--" "DONUTS! DONUTS, DOH-NUUTS!!" I heard coming down the road. Joe gave me the funniest look, half terror, half a slightly resigned'?' look. Something in that voice scared me, I don't know what about it but, it did. "Uh, Uh, can't sing, uh," I called on all of the Princess's power and all I could think is this won't hurt thank god. In my head I heard, "All right, Evening." as Princess Celestia heard what I was about to do. She knew the process would cause neither of us pain or suffering, for we had already tried this in one of our practice sessions. I'm pretty sure that anybody in the Southern end of Canterlot could see the bright glow shining through the Donut Shop's windows. "Whoa," I said. "E-Evening, is that you?" "Yes, see, the Sun here, the Moon here, and the Clouds here." I said pointing to the various shapes on my Cutie Mark, "I made it super unique! Since I'm Evening Cloud, I have a Sun with a Cloud on one side and a Moon with a Cloud on this side! Maybe the horn would help me channel magic? I don't know but, I love, love, love my nice kinda blue purple fu-" Jingle,Jingle. A pink pony with cotton candy hair poofed through the door "Hi Joe! It must've been at least five months since we've seen you!" All that entered my ears after that was a seemingly meaninglessly babble as I stared at her constantly buzzing mouth. I finally managed to move my head as four other ponies strolled in. Let's see, an orange earth pony, two pegasai, blue and yellow, and lastly a white unicorn. "Uh, Pinkie," said the Blue pegasus, maybe her name was Bluie? "I think you've greeted Joe enough." "Guys," whispered Yelloie(?). As her friends continued to speak I finally managed to close my mouth. Did it make an audible 'pop'? It seemingly did. "Ya'll, theres another pony here." Orangie (?) hollered. They all turned their heads towards me. The Blue walked towards me, "Hey, are you a fan?" she asked, she pointed at herself and loudly declared, "You must know who I am, Equestria's Best Young Flier, obviously destined to be a Wonderbolt!" "Uh, no, I'm sorry, I've never heard of you." "Oh, Rainbow," said the White in a posh accent, "She, seems to be quite elegant, here, I, am Rarity," and as she pointed to the others she said, "The pegasus with the cyan coat and rainbow mane is Rainbow Dash, the other pegasus is Fluttershy, this one here is Pinkie Pie, and the orange pony with the hat is Apple Jack." The four ponies said hello in turn. "I must say, your coat, the hyacinthine, I just adore the shine! What spa do you go to?" "The Princesses let me use theirs." I say as 'Rarity' has some sort of paroxysm. "Oh gosh," Fluttershy murmurs, "I am so sorry about my friends, you know this but, I am Fluttershy. My friend Rarity really likes the high class. We never actually asked for your name so-" "What's your name?" Pinkie Pie asks. "My name is Evening Cloud. You could call me Evening, Evee, or if you like, Cloud, I'm really okay with anything, just not mean stuff." "Well, nice ta meet ya." Apple Jack sweeps off her hat. A slight breeze sailed by my back side. Rainbow Dash is staring at my back flanks. "Your cutie mark. It's different on either side! That's so cool!" "Thanks! I guess you could say that I'm super special?" the set of the ponies all gape at my dissimilar cutie marks. "Oh my, my sister would be so delighted to hear your cutie mark story." Rarity announces. That's funny, I never saw the end to her fit. "Cutie Mark Crusaders! Ambushing Evening Cloud to learn how she got her unique Cutie Mark!" Rainbow Dash yells like it's some joke. Apparently it's a good one because they all laugh. I really feel that I have a connection to these other ponies. They're so leisurely, just trying to have a good time. I feel prompted to ask, "Where do you guys live?' "Sweet Apple Acres, Ponyville! Home of the best darn apples you'd ever eat!" Apple Jack proclaims proudly. "The rest of us live in just Ponyville." Fluttershy informs me, "Where do you live, if you want to tell us that is? "Oh, I, right now, live in the Palace, East Wing, super close to Princess Celestia and down the hall from Princess Luna, but, I'm moving to Ponyville really soon, actually!" "Ooh! Where? Like by the Everfree Forest? or the Library? close to Sugar Cube Corner? by the Orchard? the School? Hospital? Clock Tower? Cafe? Stirrup Street?!" Pinkie Pie asks getting more and more excited with each place. All I can see is the floor as I realize that I don't even know where I would live. When I tell the ponies of my predicament they start to make offers. "You can stay at Sweet Apple Acres!" "No, the Cakes would definitely let you have a room! but only if you don't mind all the crying." "Oh, Pinkie, the Cakes probably don't have all that much more room. Come stay at Carousel Boutique! I really could use help with my new line! Your coloring is perfect to model!" "If you wanted you could stay at my cottage. I mean if you want to." "Uhm, I think that the Princess has something planned for me. She had planed for me to move to Ponyville for a while. I was just complaining for a while because I didn't know where I'd stay." "Oh," We all laughed. A small dragon bursted through the door. "Twilight and the Princess said that you could come now." The ponies developed a serious demeanor. As they ran out the door Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy shouted, "See you in Ponyville!" > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Twilight Sparkle Throne Room, Canterlot Castle "Twilight," Rainbow Dash said as she flew through the giant doorway, "We're here. Are we ready to go or are we going to some weird place again?" "No," I say, "In fact, we're staying at home in Ponyville, let's say, Pinkie! You can start planning a party! There's a new, um, let's say pony (?) staying with us in the library!" "Yay!" Pinkie Pie exclaims hopping around my friends and me. Rarity looks at me uncertainly her mouth opens and closes slowly she finally speaks, "Twilight, dear?" "Yes!" "Who is this pony? Is it Evening Cloud?" I gasped, "How did you now?" "Well, we met her when we went to get donuts. She's really nice." Fluttershy announced. "She may have the most awesome cutie mark ever!" Rainbow screeched. I looked to Princess Celestia. Her head moves up almost imperceptibly. 'Yes.' "Yes, Evening Cloud will be coming to live with us. I can't believe that you guys got to meet her before I did." the corners of my mouth turned down. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, an' Scootaloo are gonna love her." Apple Jack says. "Now, my little ponies," Princess Celestia proclaims, "I shall summon Evening." ~ I feel the pull of magic as the Princess calls. I pour my energy into her being and my heart lights up. My heart beats a little faster and my soul soars. In my head I hear a song, a song without words that rhynme. I've always wondered the significance. The song seems to have a tune for every different pony. 'The air swishes Through my lungs My heart is gold My soul wants you But hates you all the same I just need a friend Somebody I can fly to Whoever you may be I hope you always can see Your goals' And in fact, a breeze flows throughout my body smelling of pancakes in the morning and lotus flowers. "Evening, it's time to come." "I know." In my head I wonder what people hear when they use my magic. Seconds later I gracefully stand in one of the glass windows. As I step out the ponies gasp and guess what? So do I. "Pinkie Pie? Rarity? Apple Jack and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? What are you doing in the Throne Room?" "Same thing Sugar Cube," Apple Jack says, "Gettin' ready ta go home." "Princess?" I ask. "My little person," I hear all the other ponies except for the purple one murmuring, confused, "This," she gestured to the Purple, "Is Twilight Sparkle, my personal protégée. You will be living with her for the next few months, to advance your learning and magical skills." "Yay! A new pony!" Pinkie Pie cheers. "Do I have to pack?" "No," Twilight Sparkle answers, "Your stuff has already been transferred to the Ponyville Library. It's so nice to meet you! To introduce you the me myself, I am Twilight Sparkle, but, you can just call me Twilight." "Well," I say, "My name is Evening Cloud, because they are the most beautiful, you can basically call me anything you want. Our names are synonymous for the same time of life so I guess we'll be best friends! Synonyms!" "I like the way you think, Cloud. Also, you don't mind if I study you a little?" "Nah, the Princesses do it all the time. Just let me say bye to Luna. Well, and Obsidian Sword, besties forever!" I yell as they walk in. "Hello, Elements," Luna says, "It has been a while since I have seen you last." "Yeah," Obsidian says, "You're Shining's sister right? He'd talk about you all the time. You apparently really know how to fly a kite!" "Hi," "Hello," "How ya doin', Princess" "Yay!" "Thanks, Obsidian Sword," Twilight Sparkle says, "I can't believe he told that story." "Luna, Obsidian! You came! Oh, thank you! You guys," I gasped for air, "You love me enough to come?" "Well, of course they love you, Evee," Princess Celestia smiles, "They'll probably come visit you." They nod their heads in agreement. "Oh, Evening, we love you so much," Princess Luna says. "Yeah," Obsidian agrees, "I am lovin' your new body, the cutie mark's pretty darn cool." "Right! Right?" "Completely, now, dude, we're gonna come check up on ya," he warns everypony, "See you, all, in Sugar Cube Corner! Gotta go back to work." He says as he walks out to the door. Luna looks after him, "Evening, we're coming when you least expect!" she says teasingly. She walks through the doors, "Obsidian, with me." Twilight Sparkle stares after them, unabashed, "Wow, they really love you Evening." "Well I could probably become the Alicorn of Inspiration if I really wanted to, probably, maybe? I think they like me because I talk way too much, they say it gies them ideas, but, I think they just say it to get me to stop talking." I grin. "So, where do we teleport?" "Silly pony, we don't teleport," Pinkie Pie says, "We take the train!" "But, why? It's so slow." Twilight Sparkle turns to me, "It's just the normal thing to do!" "Okay," "Goodbye," the Princess says as she smothers me in a mental hug an infinite amount better than a physical one. A feeling of warmth spread throughout my body bringing up the best memories of the best times. "See you on Sunday." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Twilight Sparkle Canterlot "Wheeee!" Pinkie and Evening Cloud squeal as they sprint throughout the streets of Canterlot. It finally sinks in, how in the world am I supposed to deal with another pun living with me? She seems to be getting along with the other ponies but, she seems reluctant to show her real self. A frown creases my brow. "I'm coming for you guys!" Rainbow yells as she sweeps past Rarity and me. The three ponies laugh as Apple Jack joins in the impromptu game of tag. Maybe I shouldn't say ponies anymore because it isn't politically correct? No, I'll call her a pony until it suits her to tell her new friends about her humanity. Gosh, I love my friends, now I get a new one. Will she change the group dynamic? "Hey! Everypony," she yells, "I have a magic trick!" I begin to feel a slight pull, 'You don't mind? Do you?' All I can do is agree as I am pushed into an enormous energy flow. Compared to her I am nothing but a puddle next to an ocean. I smell something like paper, waffles (?), and some thing I can't explain. Almost immediately I hear a song. 'What is this song?' I ask her. 'My veins are filled with rainbows.' 'High rise, veins of the avenue Bright eyes and subtle variations of blue Everywhere is balanced there like a rainbow above you Street lights glisten on the boulevard And cold nights make staying alert so hard For heaven's sake, keep me awake so I won't be caught off guard Clearly I am a passerby but I'll find a place to stay Dear pacific day, won't you take me away? Small town hearts of the New Year Brought down by gravity, crystal clear City fog and brave dialogue converge on the frontier Make haste, I feel your heartbeat With new taste for speed, out on the street Find a road to a humble abode where both of our routes meet The silver sound is all around and the colors fall like snow The feeling of letting go, I guess we'll never know Cheer up and dry your damp eyes and tell me when it rains And I'll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins 'Cause your heart has a lack of color and we should've known That we'd grow up sooner or later 'Cause we wasted all our free time alone Your nerves gather with the altitude Exhale the stress so you don't come unglued Somewhere there is a happy affair, a ghost of a good mood Wide eyed, panic on the getaway The high tide could take me so far away VCR's and motorcars unite on the Seventh Day A popular gauge will measure the rage of the new Post-Modern Age 'Cause somewhere along the line all the decades align. We were the crashing whitecaps On the ocean And what lovely sea-side holiday, away A palm tree in Christmas lights My emotion Struck a sparkling tone like a xylophone As we spent the day alone' Cheer up and dry your damp eyes and tell me when it rains And I'll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins 'Cause your heart has a lack of color and we should've known That we'd grow up sooner or later 'cause we wasted all our free time alone' All of the sudden everypony has a mustache. "I look positively repulsive!" Rarity screeches, "Get it off, Get it off!" She pouts as the rest of the ponies giggle at themselves and their friends. "Oh, Rarity, I'll help you!" Fluttershy says, "I just need some scissors." "Here!" Pinkie says handing her a pair. "Oh thank you!" "Look, Everypony, we're here! The train station is only a little bit away." Rainbow Dash says as she flies over us. "Race you there!" Evening yells to Apple Jack and Rainbow. She sprints away. After about ten feet she announces, "I win!" "Looks like we're here," I say as we board the train