> It was bound to happen > by Trigger_Finger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three years ago: Back then I was twenty-one years old. I am 6’4” with a fairly light tan despite living in Florida. I was young, spiteful and, as most of the other guys said, was as healthy as a horse. I was born in Canada though my family moved to the states when I was very young and we lived in Florida. Most people just absolutely loved Florida but I didn’t really care that much for it. It was the same old thing day after day. When I was only thirteen years old I began to read muscle builder magazines and soon got into it. To me it’s always hot and always the same. I wake up in the mornings at 4:30am, go for a jog until 7:30am then go to work until 5:30pm then hit the gym. Most of the other guys either use protein shakes or some weird fat losing drink but not me. The way I figure it is that in another few years they’ll come out with some medical study that says drinking those protein shakes is bad. It’s always like that, hell even milk was starting to get a bad rap. Back then I used to hang out with all my buddies at the gym when we worked out. They always had nicknames for each other. For example Danny was called ‘Dan the man’. But for some reason they thought it would be funny to call me ‘The Canadian Maple’. I didn’t think it was a cool nickname but they all said it was because I was built thick like a maple tree, they were probably lying and just made that last part up. It was January 16th 2010. It was about 7:45pm and I was on my regular routine. I had just arrived at the bench press and I started my stretches. I heard a couple of the other guys whisper and walk over. “Hey Maple, want me to spot you?” Dan asked and I gave him a stupid look, the look I always gave him when he called me Maple. “Just asking, you know you should have a spotter at 385lbs.” he mentioned. “Four hundred and ten” I told him as I laid down and readied myself. I let out a deep breath and both Dan and Jackson stood on opposite sides of the bar and got ready to spot me. I grabbed the bar tightly in my hands then began to lift the weight bar. I brought the bar all the way down to my chest in one fluid, slow motion. Then pushed the bar back upwards using quite a bit of effort. “ONE!” I said through a heavy breath. Then again. “TWO!” I grunted. Four hundred and ten pounds was really pushing it and I didn’t really like to push myself to the limits but I was almost done for the night and figured it couldn’t hurt to show off a little. “THREE!” I grunted and Dan chuckled. He really didn’t even need to be there. “FOUR!” Jackson laughed and saw some women who had looked over to see me weight lifting. He smiled and gave them a wink but they paid him no mind, instead watching me as I weight lifted an incredible amount of weight. Considering my age and that I didn’t use any sort of muscle builder like steroids or protein shakes, it was quite impressive. “FIVE!” Jackson smiled to the girls then did a muscular pose and showed off his physique for the girls. “SIX!” Dan rolled his eyes as I continued my reps. “SEVEN!” A few of the other guys had stopped working out and began to watch me. “EIGHT!” A few of the guys murmured to each other. “NI…NINE” I grunted, starting to feel the burn. Jackson and Dan both got ready to help me if I needed it. “T…TE…TEN” I gasped then extended my arms to full length, finishing my reps for this set. I set the bar back on the holders. I got up, breathing heavily as I tried to swallow. My saliva was sticky and hot, not wanting to go down. Instead it stuck around in my throat and making me feel uncomfortable. “Enough steroids?” Jackson laughed as he gave me a friendly punch to the arm. The women were talking to themselves as they looked at me. “Nah man, you know me. All natural and all Canadian” I said as I flexed my biceps, showing off my large muscular frame. It wasn’t freakishly huge like those steroid body builders you see in the movies but it was still noticeably large. “Yeah and all Maple” Dan laughed and I snickered. God I hated it when he called me that. I began to do a cool down stretch when suddenly an electric portal zapped and crackled in the air. Suddenly a zap of what I could only figure to be lightning struck me and my mind went black. ‘Okay, really? Did I just die?’ I thought to myself. ‘I can’t feel my body so I guess I’m dead. Well shit, this sucks’ I thought to myself. I felt my body begin to rest on a soft grassy field. Sunlight crept through my eyelids and I could feel a nice draft of wind blowing against my body. I could hear the wind blow and the birds chirp. Okay yeah… I was dead. The strands of grass grazed against my skin and tickled me. I let out a small smile. Though I loved life, this kind of afterlife didn’t seem to be all that bad. I heard footsteps racing over towards me. Probably an angel coming to greet me. I stayed lying on the ground without a care in the world. Hey I’m dead right? So I didn’t really have much to care about. I heard the footsteps stop a few feet away from my head. “Uh-oh… Spike, send a letter to Celestia… this isn’t good” said the voice. ‘Celestia? Who in god’s name is Celestia?’ I thought to myself as I opened one eye and looked over to see a freakish looking unicorn… no wait, a purple unicorn with wings and a purple mane with a pinkish streak in it. ‘Man heaven has got some fucked up angels’ > Chapter 1: Morning jog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present day: So it turned out that I wasn’t dead, just transported to some really freaky world. But as time went on I managed to settle down in a little town known as Ponyville. The first few days the librarian, who was now a princess or something, gave me shelter and even managed to find me a job. At first ponies would always stare at me and give me weird looks due to my difference from them but soon they forgot about me being different and I became a regular part of society. The job was heavy labour though it was nothing I wasn’t used to. I was a brick layer to be exact and that was generally something that unicorns did due to their magical abilities. They pay was great, 16 bits an hour, and the boss wasn’t a real hard-ass like my boss back on earth. My day became a regular routine again: Up at 4:30am, jog until 7:30, work until late then hit the gym. Unfortunately ponies didn’t have my type of weights so I was forced to improvise but soon created my own set of dumbbells and a bench-press to stay in shape. Sure I missed my family and friends but it wasn’t bad here: there were no wars, little violence… okay so it was kind of shunned upon to eat meat around ponies but that wasn’t a huge enormous problem. Now the date was now March 29th 2013, just over three years after my arrival. It was spring time and all the snow was gone. * * * I awoke as my alarm started going off. It was Friday morning, about time it was Friday because this week just seemed to drag on forever. I groaned to myself and set my hand down on the snooze button, silencing it for the moment. I rolled over in my bed. My house was small but it didn’t bother me. I had two bedrooms, one of which I converted into my exercise room, a washroom and a kitchen that was mixed into the living room. I got up out of bed and made sure to turn off my alarm before leaving my room. I did a little stretch then opened my fridge. I mouthed my tongue around as my stomach grumbled for something solid. It was really amazing, since my diet had begun to lack meats I had found it easier to keep my torso in better shape. I no longer had to work as hard to keep my abs in shape and that gave me about twenty minutes that I was able to work out in another region of my body. I grabbed some orange juice and poured myself a glass. I slurped it back then proceeded to the washroom. After relieving myself and brushing my teeth I grabbed my watch from the bathroom counter and slipped it on. I had my usual set of clothes, which Rarity had to make for me due to the fact that I was much larger than most ponies, both height wise and muscle mass. I was wearing my white t-shirt with blue jeans and white socks. I looked to my watch, 4:27am, right on time. I began to turn off the lights in my house then as I began to leave I slipped on my black steel toed work boots and grabbed my jean jacket, slipping it on as I left the house. I began my morning jog about one minute early which made me smile. I always liked to be early. The morning air was cold and fresh, the sun was still down but the moon was gone and it was still dark out. Lamp posts illuminated the semi dark streets. I continued my jog and could see my breath. No-pony was ever on the streets at this time in the morning, probably due to it being so damn early. My hands felt a little chilly and the jean jacket didn’t do all that much in the terms of keeping me warm but at the same time I wouldn’t really want to be jogging around without it. As time progressed through the morning the sun began to rise but only just slightly. The lamp posts flickered off as the morning sun rose ever so slowly over the horizon, giving off a warm feeling to the morning. Mist was on the grass, gleaming in the sunlight as I passed by the front lawns of several local residents. I checked my watch, it was still only 5:30am so I wouldn’t really be seeing any-pony for at least another twenty minutes or so. Generally the mail pony comes by at around a quarter to six and there are some early morning risers. I stopped for a moment to tie my boot laces which had come undone. Now people will say it’s not wise to jog in boots but when I take my boots off I always feel lighter. “Morning Ron” called out a familiar and friendly voice. I looked over my shoulder to the local day spa to see Aloe… or maybe it was Lotus. It was the blue one with the pink hair. You know after three years you’d think that I’d be able to remember her name but I was always too embarrassed to ask, figuring she might get mad or something. “Morning ma’am” I replied back, I always addressed her as ma’am rather than by her name just in case I did get it wrong. She quickly trotted up to my side as I stood up. She was roughly just above my waist line if she stood to her full height. I suppose she was just about the size of a Great Dane, but prettier. “Beautiful morning” I told her and she nodded. Okay so I guess I lied a little bit. About two years ago when I started to become more accepted into society Lotus, or is it Aloe, began to come outside early in the mornings and wave to me as she did whatever it was she did at this time of the morning. “Mind if I tag along?” she asked and I shrugged. “Sure, why not” I replied and we began to jog together down the streets of Ponyville. About a year ago I had started going to the spa once a week on Fridays to have them massage my back which was generally sore from work. They were always so nice and polite. I’d always be serviced by the blue one unless she was sick and we’d constantly engage in small talk. About this time last year I had stopped to time my boot laces and she trotted down to ask if she could tag along. I figured it would be nice to have some company during my early morning jogs and just like that we began to jog together starting at around 5:30am. She’d usually only go until 7:00 though, due to the spa opening, leaving me to finish my jog alone but I always enjoyed her company. I always slowed my jog down to a brisk pace so that we could talk easier. “So what’s new?” I asked and she shrugged. “Nothing much really… just the same old” she told me. She had a heavy European accent that sounded like it was French but I wasn’t sure. “How about you?” she asked and I thought about it. “About the same as you I guess. Nothing really exciting” I replied as we jogged around a street corner. We continued to converse about little things: the mayor, spring time, the fresh air in the mornings, stuff like that. “So are you coming to the spa tonight?” she asked and I nodded. “Yeah… just after work. My back has really been bugging me lately” I told her and she nodded happily. “Do you have the time?” she asked and I looked to my watch. “Six fifty-seven” I told her. ‘Jeeze time really flies’ I thought to myself. She gave me a nod then began to trot back to the spa like she always did. I quickly turned my attention back to my morning jog. She was such a nice pony. I kept jogging until my watch beeped, informing me it was time to get my ass to work. > Chapter 2: Gun show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day had been terribly long and exhausting. It seemed to go on forever and just never end. But finally it did end and I let out an exhausted sigh as I wiped the sweat from my forehead. A few of the other stallions joked around as the day ended and we got our pay. “Hey Ron, going to the spa? Ooooh look at me I’m Ron and I go to the spa” joked one of the stallions in a flamboyantly gay voice as he flicked his wrist in a homosexual manner. I smirked from the comment. “Guess that’s why I see you there all the time” I countered and several of the other stallions gave an ‘Oooh’. “Yeah well… it’s not a spa, it’s a sport tension relief… because I play soccer” the stallion, whose name was Thundershot, replied. We all had a laugh. Thistle Whistle rushed up to me. He was a unicorn and was on the rather small side. “Ron, come on man we need your help” he told me and I raised an eyebrow. “Can it wait? I really just want to go home” I asked and Thundershot laughed. “Don’t lie, you’re going to the spa” Thundershot called out and I looked back to him with a silly look that made me look like Derpy Hooves. Thistle Whistle interrupted my joke face. “No, Iron Will is in town claiming that he can help ponies with their assertiveness and is talking about how he is so strong and no-pony is as strong as him” Thistle Whistle told him. I smirked. “Well he’s probably right. No-pony is as strong as him… well maybe Snowflake but he has lost a lot of muscle mass recently to become more aerodynamic for the Wonderbolts” I told him. He groaned to himself. “Ron, he’s challenging ponies to show that he is the best. Entry is twenty bits and he says that if anyone can beat him that they win the grand prize of 1000 bits plus a free private lesson from him” he told me. “So?” I asked. He face-hoofed. “So, you go defeat him and win the money” he told me and I chuckled. “I don’t need assertiveness training or the money” I chuckled but he grabbed me by the jacket collar and gave me a shake. “Yeah, but you could enter for me. Please Ron? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?” he pleaded and I let out a sigh. “Alright-alright. What is it? Boxing match?” I asked but he shook his head. “Arm wrestling. He’s already beaten Rainbow Dash, Applejack and even Big Macintosh” he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. “Alright… let’s go” I said with a sigh. He trotted along happily as we all walked over to town square where Iron Will was doing his performance on a stage. “Does anyone else think they have the strength to compete with me: the legendary IRON WILL!” screamed the Minotaur. I did have to admit that he had a very well-toned physique. He began to boast saying how he was stronger than anyone in the crowd and began to do muscular poses which got whistles from several mares in the audience. “I challenge you” Thistle Whistle called out and every-pony went silent. “Who challenges the great, powerful IRON WILL!?” he yelled out and everyone just shifted away from us. “Well? Which one of you is it?” he asked in his masculine voice that would terrify some ponies. “I’d like to enter my contestant here. He is a human that can easily dust you” Thistle challenged and Iron Will laughed hysterically. “The human? That ape looking thing beside you? Ha, I’ll smash his arm right off the table like it was a toothpick” he boasted. My jean jacket concealed my muscular physique so it didn’t look like I was all that strong. “If he wins then you will give me the grand prize money along with the private lesson, correct?” Thistle asked and Iron Will nodded. “Why of course. That is the rules of the game” Iron Will told him. We both walked up to the stage and stepped up. Thistle Whistle paid the entry fee. “If I defeat this human let it be known. THAT IRON WILL IS THE STRONGEST IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA!” Iron Will yelled out and everyone cheered. I slipped off my jean jacket, revealing my muscular body. The white t-shirt clung to my body tightly. It was too small and made me look like a professional body builder. I grabbed my right wrist with my left hand and flexed my bicep, showing off to the crowd. Iron Will posed as well but gasped as he saw just how much bigger I was compared to him. It was like comparing Sylvester Stallone to Arnold Schwarzenegger, there was no contest. “Enough of this showing off… let’s get down to it” Iron Will said in his rough voice. I smirked as we both sat down at the table. He sat down across from me and we readied ourselves. A goat placed it’s hooves on both our hands to hold them in place. “When this goat lets us go then we begin” Iron Will said and I nodded. The goat let go and I felt his hand squeeze around mine. I tensed my entire arm, flexing my biceps in the process. Veins bulged from both our biceps and up along the underside of our forearms. He grunted in extreme effort as he tried to force my hand down. I smiled as I ever so slowly began to effortlessly twist his wrist then began to slowly pull his hand down. Sweat begun to bead down his face as he grunted in effort. “Guh… it’s im…impossible… I’m the… strongest… in Equestria” he grunted as I continued to push his hand down. I smiled deviously. “What’s wrong Will? Pushing too many pencils lately” I taunted without any sort of effortful grunts. He groaned as he tried to recover but couldn’t. I simply kept pushing down on his hand, though I wasn’t using a lot of my strength to do so. Sweat flowed profusely down his face and he blinked erratically as sweat stung his eyes. His face went red from the amount of strain he was putting on himself. “Had enough?” I said with a chuckle but he didn’t answer. Finally I slammed his hand against the table and everyone gasped. I leaned back in the chair with a smug smile as he began to grasp his sore arm. Even Thistle Whistle was in shock. I guess he figured it would’ve been harder for me. I let out a yawn and looked to my watch. 5:59pm. I stood up then began to give muscular poses for the crowd. Mares whistled out and Thistle Whistle literally lept on me. “YEAH! You did it! YOU DID IT!” he cried out in happiness and I smirked. “Bah, it was nothing” I said modestly. He gave me an appreciative nod. Iron Will walked over to me, still grasping his sore arm. “What’s your secret?” he asked and I looked to him with a smile as I changed into a different pose. “Work out constantly” I told him. I switched to yet another pose and as I flexed, I pointed out to the lake. “Hey ladies, the beach is that way” I called out. A mare fainted. Jeeze, guess I was a real knock-out. Iron Will looked over to one of his goats. “Write this down. This is prime stuff” he said then began to ask me about my ‘secrets’. I chuckled to myself. It was pretty straight forward, just work out. “I think you owe Thistle Whistle here a private lesson and some grand prize money” I reminded him. He gasped as he remembered. “Oh yeah… here take the money. Now how exactly do you work out? What’s your routine?” he asked as he handed the money over to Thistle Whistle and I continued to pose as I explained to him my routine. A camera flash went off. “Him! Get him in that pose” yelled a voice then a mare rushed up. I remembered hearing about this mare, Photo Finish I think her name was. She began to get me to do poses as she had the camera stallion use the camera. I can say I didn’t usually like to pose but this was kind of fun so I stayed a while longer. > Chapter 3: Late nights and early mornings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eventually Iron Will was satisfied with the information he got and Photo Finish finished getting the pictures for an upcoming picture calendar. I felt exhaustion set in and checked my watch, 7:46pm. ‘Christ! I had wasted my afternoon away’ I thought to myself but then shrugged and decided it was time well spent. I walked along the streets of Ponyville just as the sun set. The orange haze from the setting sun gave the world a beautiful lighting that made me smile as I walked along. I quickly arrived at my house and kicked the door shut behind me. I kicked off my boots which tumbled along the floor and hit the wall before clumping on the ground. I proceeded to stumble over to the fridge exhaustedly and opened it up. I scratched my head as I looked for something quick and convenient. ‘God I miss meat’ I thought to myself as my stomach continued to rumble. I only had a peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch which really isn’t a proper meal for the amount of physical exertion I put out. I scratched the back of my ear and pulled out a head of lettuce from the fridge. I grabbed a bowl and quickly cut up the entire head of lettuce then sliced apple bits and grapes into the salad while singing a tune to myself. One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do Two can be as bad as one It’s the loneliest number since the number one Ooh… I grabbed the salad dressing from the fridge, it was ranch, and poured a little over top of my salad as I continued to sing. No is the saddest experience you’ll ever know Yes it’s the saddest experience that you’ll ever know Cause one is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do One is the loneliest number, whoa, worse than two… I grabbed a fork and began to eat my salad but still hummed the tune to myself as I crunched the salad. It’s not like I was lonely, not at all. I just liked that song. Even back on earth I was kind of alone but that was more of a personal choice. I didn’t mind going out with the guys but I tended to stay home when they went to the bars. As for dating… well I always figured that dating was over-rated. You start dating, it goes rocky then you break up and that’s the end of the story. I placed a record in the record player beside me and it began to play depressing music. The music sort of sounded like the music I listened to back on earth but it was a little different, using the word mare instead of woman, stuff like that, yet still able to make it rhyme and go along smoothly in the song. I continued to eat my salad until it was gone. I sighed to myself and grabbed another head of lettuce then repeated the whole process. About an hour later I had gone through: three heads of lettuce, most of my apples, a bag of grapes, a loaf of bread and both my peanut butter and jam. I groaned to myself. ‘I guess I’ll have to buy more groceries tomorrow’ I thought to myself. I left the bowls on the kitchen counter as I got up and walked over to the washroom with a sway in my walk. I slipped off all my clothes as I entered the washroom. I yawned frequently and rubbed my eyes as I placed a towel on the towel holder then slipped off my watch before entering the shower. I closed the curtains before screwing around with the taps to get the water to a nice hot steamy temperature. I let out a relaxed sigh as I felt the water wash away the sweat and grit from the day’s hardships. I continued to wash myself off but soon found myself dozing off while I was standing there. I laid down on the shower floor which wasn’t exactly comfortable but I soon dozed off. * * * I was jogging in the rain. The rain was warm and rather relaxing. I jogged around the corner then the familiar voice of the blue spa pony called out to me. “Hey Ron!” she called out. I looked back over my shoulder to see her briskly trot up to my side. “Oh hey Lotus, afternoon” I said. My mind snapped ‘Lotus! That’s her name. Lotus… it’s such a beautiful name’ I thought to myself. “Mind if I tag along?” she asked and I shrugged. We began to jog in the warm rain. My jean jacket absorbed the water and it gave a sticky and uncomfortable feeling to it. I soon took off the jacket and tied the sleeves around my waist as we continued on. “You have an amazing physique” she told me in her cute little voice. “Thank you. You’re… you have pretty eyes” I stammered. I wasn’t really used to talking with mares about their bodies and was originally going to say she was also very strong but I didn’t think that would be the proper thing to say. She stopped suddenly and grabbed my wrist. “Do you mean that?” she asked as she fluttered her eyes and I shrugged. “Well I was going to say you’re pretty strong too but… I didn’t think that would be appropriate” I said with a chuckle and she giggled as she blushed. Her body fur was wet and her mane fared no better. She pulled off her mane restraint then shook her head, splashing her mane around then cocked her head back, flipping her mane back and to the side. She stopped and looked to me with fluttering eyes, her mane was drooped down and dripping wet. My jaw simply dropped as my heart began to pound. ‘Was this really happening?’ I asked myself as I gulped. She trotted up to me but just before she kissed me the rain went icy cold. I felt chills go down my back and my world faded away almost instantly. * * * I awoke to the feel of cold water spouting from the shower nozzle. I groaned in irritation and flipped the shower nozzle off with my foot. I thought back to the dream. It wasn’t the first time I had a dream about a female but it was the first time I had ever had a dream involving a pony. I got up with a groan and shook my hair out. It was relatively short, stopping just after my ears. I reached out of the shower and grabbed my towel then dried myself off. As I stepped out of the shower I wrapped the towel around my waist then tossed my laundry into the washing machine before proceeding to my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of boxer briefs then slipped them on before flopping onto my bed. It was made for two but I liked to sprawl myself out on my bed rather than be constricted during my sleep. Before I passed out I flicked on my alarm clock. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. * * * I didn’t dream and my alarm clock seemed as if it went off just as I fell asleep. I groaned to myself as I looked to the alarm clock. Sure enough it read 4:00am. I let out a saddened groan as I flicked off the alarm clock and proceeded to get some clothes on. I put on a white t-shirt and jeans before stumbling into the washroom and turning on the washing machine, which I had neglected to do last night. I felt my back muscles burn and twitch in strain. I grunted to myself as I realized that I hadn’t gone to the spa last night. I grabbed my watch and slipped it on before walking over to the kitchen. I sighed to myself and figured it didn’t really matter. I hummed a tune to myself as I grabbed an apple, cutting out the small bottom piece, and quickly crunched it down core and all. I tossed the little stem piece into the garbage then looked at my watch. It was only 4:25am so I had a little bit of time before I had to go. I opened the fridge again and sorted through to the back. There was a small white box. I pulled it out and opened it then took out a single slice of pizza. It was Hawaiian. I put the pizza box on the table and grabbed a pair of scissors then cut the end of the pizza and put the rest back in the fridge. I took the small portion of pizza and swallowed it as I walked out of my house. I looked down to my watch and checked the time, 4:28am. I smiled to myself ‘Two minutes early’ > Chapter 4: Morning spa treatment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I grabbed my brown trench coat, it was synthetic wool. Though a trench coat wasn’t the smartest thing to wear while jogging I still needed something relatively warm and something that I could put my groceries into after I bought them. I began my morning jog, it was similar to yesterday though a little nippier. The trench coat flaps fluttered about as I jogged along at a rather fast pace. The ground was a little wet and as I passed under a light post I noticed that my boot tips had become fairly wet from the moisture on the ground. Sometimes I wish I had an iPod for my morning jogs. Actually I called them iPoke because after a while the screen sensitivity would die so you’d literally have to poke at the screen to select it rather than just touch it. I began to murmur lyrics to myself on my lone jog in the morning when suddenly a voice called out to me. “Hey Ron! Wait up” Lotus called out and I stopped, waiting for her to trot up to my side. “You never came to the spa yesterday” she told me and I nodded as I let out a sigh. “Yeah I uhm… I got a little busy last night and never made it to the spa” I told her which was pretty much a straight answer though I didn’t really know why she cared all that much about it to come out at… 5:00am to talk about me not going to the spa last night. “Oh… I understand. But you must be so sore” she said and I nodded as I felt my back muscles twitch and burn a bit. “Ye…yeah. But only just a little. Don’t worry about me though, I can wait until next Friday” I told her and she gasped. “You couldn’t. That’s so hard on your body” she gasped but I shrugged. “Bah, it’s nothing. I’ve been through worse” I said casually. But I guess she didn’t quite see it my way. “Please come with me. I shall treat you immediately” she told me, or was she asking. I’d never really seen her this assertive before… ah-ha funny because just yesterday I was duking it out with Iron Will and, yeah never mind. “But isn’t the spa closed right now?” I asked hesitantly and she nodded. “So shouldn’t we wait until it opens?” I asked and she looked back to me with a stupid smile. I wanted to slap myself in the head. Of course we didn’t have to wait. She was the owner, well one of them anyway. She closed the door behind us and locked it before dragging me into the spa room. “Uhm… Lotus, I gotta go shopping in about…” I trailed off and looked to my watch. It was 5:10 now so the grocery stores would be opening in about fifty or so minutes. “Do not worry. I don’t think you’ll really want to leave just as the stores are opening” she told me as she closed and locked the spa room door. I raised an eyebrow. “But I always like to be there when they just open… no one else is there at that time of the morning so it isn’t crowded” I told her and she looked back to me. “Take off your clothes” she ordered me and I gulped. “Uhm… my clothes?” I stammered, forgetting that this was a massage. She rolled her eyes. “Well how exactly would I be able to massage you with your coat on?” she asked and I nodded stupidly. ‘Of course… man I feel stupid’ I slipped off my coat and shirt and she lay me down on the massage bed, face down. “So tell me, what had you so busy last night?” she asked as she began to massage my back with those goddess-like hooves of hers. I let out a moan of relief as she soothed my back muscles. “Ohhhhh… jusssst Iron Will… we haaaaad an arm wrestle” I told her, my words sometimes slurring as my back began to feel incredible. Damn she was good. I needed to learn how she did it so that I could do it to myself. “Oh… well how did that go?” she asked and we began to engage in small talk. I began to chuckle as I told her about the mare that fainted when I began to pose and she gave a giggle. “Well you are very handsome” she told me and it made me blush a little. “Thanks… you’re uhh… very pretty as well” I told her. I was about to tell her she was handsome but quickly remembered she was a mare, not one of the stallions from work. “Do… do you really mean that?” she asked timidly. I nodded as I let out a quiet moan. “Oh yeah… real knock-out… and you’re a goddess with those hooves of yours” I mumbled as she continued to massage me. I heard her let out a sigh. “Well… other stallions don’t really take notice. They usually think it’s gay to go to a spa. And stallions never really want to go out with me… I guess I’m not pretty enough” she said with sadness in her voice. “Nah… it’s not that. And if it is… well then to hell with those stallions… the right one will come along one day. Just you wait” I assured her. Her hooves continued to work magic on my back. “So what about you?” she asked. “What about me?” “Any marefriends?” she asked and I shook my head. “Nah. Relationships are overrated. They start, then they go rocky then the chick is like ‘I hate you, you asshole’ and I’m always like ‘Glad we see eye to eye on that” I chuckled. “Really?” she asked but I shook my head. “No, I wouldn’t talk to a woman like that. I just never really got into the whole dating thing. It just isn’t my thing. Like I said relationships are overrated” I told her. “Oh” she said with a sudden tone of depression in her voice. She continued to massage my back. “Well what if a mare came up to you and expressed her feelings to you?” she asked me. ‘What kind of question was that?’ I thought to myself. “Uhm… well for starters I don’t think that’s gonna happen for two reasons. First off: I still wouldn’t really be interested in a relationship, maybe good friends but nothing more and seconds: I’m not a pony… that’s just not right” I said with a small chuckle and she let out another depressed ‘Oh’. “Well anyway, what’s been going on around here lately” I asked, trying to engage in small talk again. “Nothing” she replied bluntly. Well that was strange. Usually she went a little more in-depth with it. “Oh… well… anything interesting happen lately?” I asked but once again she ended the conversation before it started. “Nothing worth talking about” she replied bluntly. Jeeze it was like she had just caught herself a case of the blues. She quickly finished the massage and stepped back. “Well Ron… I hope you feel better. Now if you will please see yourself out… I have work to do” she told me. It looked almost like she was in tears but she quickly turned around and left before I could ask. I went to stretch and found my back was still a little tensed up. I would probably have to come back here later after I grab some groceries and work out a little to build up a sweat. I grabbed my coat and t-shirt before leaving the spa, wondering what the hell had gotten into Lotus. > Chapter 5: Saturday hustle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I cruised around the grocery mart with a shopping cart. Of course, due to my immature nature, I had one foot resting on the shopping cart while I pushed myself along at a rather fast speed. “Wee, wee, wee” I chuckled to myself. There wasn’t anyone around to see my immaturity so I decided to let loose a little. I came to the fruits and vegetables section and quickly began to fill my cart with an assortment. Mostly apples and oranges but I tossed in some bananas and a watermelon. “An apple a day will keep the doctors away… or maybe it’s a gun” I chuckled to myself I pushed the cart along until I reached the bread and began to toss some bread into my cart. From the looks of the groceries I could already tell this would hit my wallet pretty hard but I made enough money that it wouldn’t really be all that bad. My stomach grumbled. I hadn’t really had enough to eat this morning but I was on a schedule. I began to mutter a tune to myself as I tossed more goods into my shopping cart. 'She says her love for me could never die' 'That’d change if she ever found out about you and I' 'Oooh but her love is cold' 'Wouldn’t hurt her if she didn’t know ‘cause'... I continued on singing to myself as I tossed some canned pineapple into the cart along with a jar of peanut butter. 'When it gets too much' 'I need to feel your touch' 'I’m gonna run to you' 'I’m gonna run to you'... Suddenly a voice called out to me. “What’s that song you’re singing? I’ve never heard it before” asked a mare as she walked over. I recognized this mare. She was that DJ, Vinyl Scratch I think her name was. “Oh… it’s 'Run to you'” I replied and she raised an eyebrow as she lowered her glasses. “I’ve never heard that song before. Who sings it?” she asked. I was about to say Bryan Adams but then realized she’d have no idea who that was. “It wasn’t published… well not in Equestria anyway” I told her and her face suddenly brightened up. “So… it isn’t copyrighted?” she asked with excitement in her voice. “No, not here anyway” I told her and she gasped and rushed up to me. “Please, sing the rest” she said as she took out a notepad. “I don’t know if it would be your style. It really isn’t a dubstep song” I told her and she looked to me with a plain expression. “I’m just saying… and besides aren’t you a DJ? Don’t you play other ponies’ music?” I asked and she sighed again. “Please? Just sing… for me?” she pleaded. I let out a sigh as I rolled my eyes and I tried to remember the lyrics to the song. I began to sing the song, a bit terribly, going along with the flow of the music that played in my head. “Yeah… yeah… hey thanks. If I become famous I’ll have to refer you” she said then quickly trotted off with a huge smile on her face. ‘Copycat’ I thought to myself as I continued to shop and began to sing the lyrics to a different song. Finally I got enough groceries then proceeded to the checkout. Sure enough the final cost came to 403 bits. These groceries would only last me through the week but at 16 bits an hour and ten hour days it evened out pretty well. I got several bags and stuffed a lot of the groceries in my coat then proceeded home. Once I got home I put a lot of the groceries away but before eating I did a quick stretch and a little workout. Only two sets on the bench-press with 250lbs loaded and three sets with 40lb dumbbells. After my short workout I walked into the kitchen and made myself breakfast, or well I guess now it was brunch. I fried up some potatoes and rice. I also sliced some apples and oranges with a head of lettuce for a salad. Christ, am I ever glad that I scored a good job or I wouldn’t really be able to afford all this food. I began to suck back the meal and before I knew it, the meal was gone. I was still hungry but knew that I had to conserve my food or I’d start putting myself into debt if I bought groceries twice a week. I let out a sigh then changed into just my boxers. I walked over to the bedroom that I had converted into my personal workout room. It was roughly 7:30am now so I had quite a while to spend working out but I’d have to stop early at about four to go to the spa and get a massage for my back. Usually the spa treatment was around fifty or so bits for a massage. Though sometimes I splurged and spent three hundred for the full treatment which included the sauna and the mud bath and all that other great stuff, but only sometimes. I continued to work out for the entire day, only stopping to make myself a shake comprised entirely of berries and fruits with some milk and eggs though I had to add a couple more eggs than usual to keep up my protein levels (And my cholesterol). My watch finally beeped and I looked to it, 4:00pm. I let out a deep breath of exhaustion as I turned off the treadmill. Sweat beaded down my face and drenched my body. I walked into the washroom and gave myself a quick wash but only a two minute rinse in rather cold water to wash away the rather foul smell. I quickly dried myself off and grabbed the wet clothes from the washing machine and put them in the dryer. I grabbed my clothes I had used from this morning’s run and slipped them on before turning the lights off in the house. I checked the time, 4:12pm. The spa generally closed around 6:30 or 7 on Saturdays so I could go for a quick jog until 4:30. I embraced the idea and began to do a brisk jog around Ponyville. The flaps on the trench coat dangled about, it really wasn’t meant to be used as exercise apparel. The jog seemed to blow time by rather quickly and soon it was 4:30pm. I made my way over to the spa only to be disappointed. The front sign read ‘Closed’. I swore quietly to myself then decided I could always come tomorrow and just jog home and work out some more. I sighed to myself as I jogged home. Damn, I was really looking forward to a massage. My back still stung and burned from exertion and stress but I’d manage for the time being. > Chapter 6: Can I not? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday morning arrived, with the goddess awful annoying beeping from my alarm clock. I reached over and turned it off before wanting to doze off again. I yawned and forced myself out of bed. I threw on some clean clothes, or what I called clean… cleanish… okay so they were kind of dirty but that was beside the point. I quickly walked into the kitchen and made myself a shake before slipping on my boots and going for a morning jog but I was a minute late. I cursed quietly to myself, I had this awful feeling that today was going to be a bad day. I don’t know why I just had this feeling. I continued to jog around the town. The air was icy cold and I could see my breath. The ground was moist and wet and somehow the moisture seemed to seep into my boots, giving me an awful and uncomfortable feeling to my feet as I jogged along briskly. The sun started to rise like it usually did and ponies began to trot along the streets casually. My back continued to give me problems during my jog and I’d have to stop several times and do a stretch. Finally my watch beeped, indicating that it was 7:30am. I smiled to myself. It was time for a day at the spa. I briskly jogged over to the spa which was open today. “Thank Celestia” I muttered. I entered and was greeted by Aloe, the pink one. “Morning ma’am” I said and she gave me a bright smile as always. “Good morning Mr. Ron. The usual?” she asked but I shook my head. “Nah, give me the deluxe… well minus the nail filing” I said and she nodded then wrote something down on a script of paper. “That will be two hundred and fifty bits… I presume that will be in cash?” she guessed and I smiled as I gave her a wink. I placed a large bag of bits on the table. “As always” I replied and she giggled. “Mr. Ron, you are one of our best customers. We always appreciate your visits. Please just this way” she said and led me to another room. “Can we do the massage last?” I asked and she nodded. “Whatever you want Mr. Ron” she told me then led me to the mud bath area. Now I know it sounds stupid but for some reason mud baths were actually quite relaxing and rejuvenating. She left me alone and I slipped off my clothes, all of them, and crept into the mud bath. I let the mud creep onto my skin for an hour or so before washing myself off and heading to the sauna. I cranked up the steam like I usually did and sat down, completely naked. It’s not like there was anyone else in here. I let out a sigh of relief as I sat back and relaxed. It felt like the steam was extracting all the stress and tensions from my body. I don’t know how long I was in there but I really didn’t care. Suddenly the door opened and I heard two voices conversing. It was two mares. They entered without even noticing me, probably due to the large amount of steam that had accumulated, and sat down across from one another while they continued to converse. “So you’re saying that Blueblood actually tried to propose to you? That scoundrel” said the one mare. Then it was the other mare’s turn to talk. “Yeah. Said it was our patriotic duty or something” laughed the other one. I immediately recognized the voice. “Morning princess” I mumbled and they both gasped. Soon the steam dispersed and they saw who I was. Twilight sighed in relief as she realized who I was. I guess she thought I was Blueblood or something, judging by the look on her face. “Ack! Ron, put some clothes on and make yourself decent” Rarity gasped as she realized that I was naked. I hadn’t really figured it was a bad thing to sauna naked, I usually did this naked but then again I usually didn’t have company. I reached out for a towel but realized I hadn’t brought one. I stood up to grab a towel and felt the blood rush to my head then quickly sat back down with a dazed smile. “I…I think… I think I’ll sit for just a while longer” I chuckled then placed a hand over my member to conceal myself. “Decent enough?” I asked with humor in my voice. Rarity sighed then nodded as she rolled her eyes. Twilight fluttered her wings. “Yeah, so anyway, Rainbow Dash showed me cool places to massage my wings. It feels pretty good and it makes me wonder if the spa ponies know about those spots” Twilight commented and the two began to talk about her wings which she received just before becoming a princess or something. Twilight suddenly switched the conversation over to me. “Oh yeah, so Ron I hear that you beat Iron Will in an arm wrestle. That’s pretty impressive” she commented and I nodded. Rarity piped in as well, making sure not to accidently glance down to my lower region. “Yes indeed. It was all over the Equestrian Times. ‘Local Ponyville resident beats Iron Will in arm wrestle’” Rarity told me. “Yeah and even Photo Finish got pictures of you. They got a pretty cool shot of you posing” Twilight said with a smile. “Do… do you think you could pose… for us?” she asked hesitantly with uncertainty in her voice. Rarity shot a glance over to Twilight. “Twilight! Darling, are you attempting to flirt with him?” Rarity gasped and Twilight shook her head quickly. “Nononono, not at all. It’s just… he looked so big in the picture but I figured he’d look even bigger in real life” Twilight explained. They both looked over to me. “Uhm… so… right now?” I asked unsurely and Twilight nodded. “But won’t I be indecent” I reminded them and Rarity tossed me a towel that she had used to wrap around her hair. “You can keep it… I uhh… well you know” she replied and I nodded then wrapped it around my waist. It was a little small, not really being meant for humans, but I made it fit around my waist before standing up. I brought both my arms up so that my elbows were at a perfect 90 degree angle and my fists were facing the roof. I flexed for them and I could see Twilight ogling my muscles in fascination. I switched to a pose where I held my right wrist with my left hand and flexed my right bicep. Veins began to bulge from my muscles as steam accumulated then would condensate into water droplets before dripping off my muscular body frame. I guess this was like one of those pictures you’d see in a muscle magazine. I continued to pose for them and Twilight watched intently. “Wow… you look so much more muscular in person… it’s fascinating. Are all humans this strong?” she asked and I shook my head. Then suddenly my towel became undone and it fell to the floor. I had tied it tightly but I guess that it was just too short but then I caught a glimpse of Twilight’s horn fading. ‘Did she just… nah, she wouldn’t’ I thought to myself. Rarity gasped in ladylike horror as she caught a glance of my drooping manhood and quickly covered her eyes. I leaned down and picked up the towel which was rather wet, probably weighing it down enough to slip off my waist. I simply placed the towel around my waist and gave them a nod before leaving the sauna. “See you girls later” I said and Twilight waved goodbye. “Bye Ron, see you around” she giggled and I heard Rarity scold her as I left, something about how that was completely inappropriate and unladylike. I kept myself somewhat decent with the towel. I walked over to find Aloe waiting for me in the massage room. I gave her a nod and proceeded to lie down on the table. She began to rub and massage my back. She was good, just like her sister. Moans lisped out from my mouth as I finally felt the tension in my back get relieved. Christ it felt good, almost too good. “So Aloe… what’s new?” I asked and we began to chit chat and shoot the shit. She talked about random things like new perfumes and shampoos while I talked about muscle building. Though two completely different subjects, we somehow managed to keep the conversation alive. “So… yesterday you were closed?” I asked and she nodded. “Yes… my dear sister was distraught and heart-broken. Oh how I feel for her. Poor girl was trying to impress a stallion but she wouldn’t talk about it much with me” she said and I nodded. “Yeah… I remember her talking about a stallion or something. Something about how they never find her attractive” I told her and she continued to rub my back. “Well it’s not just that. She is rather shy around most stallions. She never really goes out and everything is always straightforward and strictly business… she needs to loosen up and live a little. I mean really, she’s twenty-four years old and I’ve never seen her with a stallion for very long” she told me. I nodded as she continued to rub my back. “So what about you?” I asked and she sighed as she continued to rub my back but soon traveled up to my neck and shoulders. “Well I’m a little wilder. I like to live life for everything it’s got in the terms of love” she told me and I nodded. “How about you?” she asked. “Well… I don’t get out much due to work and personal fitness… and I’m not really interested in dating” I told her and she giggled. “Well why not? It’s fun. Have you ever experimented a little?” she asked and I shook my head. “Nah… back on earth I never really had the time” I replied. She continued to massage my back. “Well how about here? Have you ever tried relationships here?” she asked but I chuckled. “No. That’s… weird. I’m a different species you know” I told her but she simply laughed. “My dear Ron, it is okay. Heck, I’ve heard of ponies making love with wild animals, Gryphons and even sometimes with dragons” she told me. The sudden talk about sex got me mildly aroused. “Well regardless I don’t think that’s my thing” I told her and she let out a simple sigh. “Have you ever tried it?” she asked and I shook my head. “Nah. I have this feeling that it wouldn’t take my fancy” I told her. “So you are a virgin?” she asked. I almost lept up from the sudden question. “Whoa, hey! I was talking about relationships, not love making” I replied and she giggled. “I’ll take that as a yes” she said with a cute snicker. I blushed furiously. “That’s… personal information… but yes” I replied in reluctance to give out that information. It seems everyone wants to laugh at me when they found out I was a virgin. What’s so bad about being a virgin anyway? It’s not like it hurt anybody. Aloe giggled again. “Then perhaps you are judging a book from its cover, not its contents” she replied and I groaned. “You’re not seriously suggesting that I should go out and bone some pony… are you?” I asked and she chuckled as she stopped massaging my back. “Roll over” she told me and my heart felt as if it stopped. I realized at that point that all this sex talk had given me a noticeably large erection. “Uhh… I’d rather not” I told her and she sighed. “I have to finish the massage” “Can it wait?” “No” “Why not?” “Just roll over already” she ordered in a very assertive voice and I reluctantly rolled over. The towel unfortunately flopped off my body, putting my erected manhood in full view. I blushed furiously and quickly covered myself back up. Aloe giggled. “Your body doesn’t lie. You would like to be in a romantic and passionate relationship” she whispered in a seductive tone. I tried to cover myself up more than I already had by pushing my boner down but she laughed and pulled my hands to the sides of my body. “Just relax” she said then began to massage my chest. I gasped but she never took her hooves away from my chest. She laughed to herself. “What? Did you think I was going to make love to you?” she giggled and I let out a deep sigh of relief. “Kind of… yeah” I stammered and she giggled again. “Ron… I would never force anything upon a client unless they asked me too, but… would you like to be inside of me?” she asked in a very seductive voice. The sudden erotic question got me heavily aroused. My conscious yelled at me screaming ‘No Ron, don’t!’ but my more primal side said ‘Rut her. Rut her like a wild bull and fill her with your seed’. “Uhm… thanks for the offer… but I think I’m going to have to decline” I said with a very hesitant smile. She smiled back. “You have a very strong will and do not give into sudden lust. That is a good trait and one rarely found in males these days” she told me. He comment made me smile then she began to massage my shoulders. I let small moans of pleasure escape my mouth every so often. I will say that she was good at what she did although she was a little too flirtatious. “Oh yeah… oh you’re good… yeah right there” I muttered as she continued to massage my chest and shoulders. Suddenly I heard the door creak and we both looked over. I only caught a glimpse of pink but we both figured that the wind must’ve caught the door. Soon she finished my massage and handed me my folded clothes. “Hey thanks Aloe. When you get the chance tell your sister I said hey” I told her as I slipped on my clothes. “Yes I will. Until your next visit” Aloe said as she extended her hoof. I shook her hoof then checked the time. It was about 3:30pm now and I had to be up early tomorrow for work so I figured I might as well be home early and eat a little before going to bed. I gave Aloe one final nod then departed. ‘Well that was certainly interesting’ > Chapter 7: I hate Mondays > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My alarm started beeping and I groaned in tiredness as I reached over and pressed the snooze button before dozing off again. A few minutes later the alarm began to beep again, waking me up, and I once again groaned as I pressed the snooze button. I didn’t feel like going for a jog this morning, something felt… bad. I sighed to myself and rolled off the bed. I reached up from my spot on the floor and turned off the alarm so it wouldn’t go off again. I let out a grumbled sigh and flunked my head against the floor. I let out another irritated groan. I really-really didn’t want to get up. I finally came to and stood up but as I looked out the window I realized it was pissing rain. My head drooped in depression. “I hate Mondays” I muttered to myself as I yawned then tossed on some cleanish clothes. They had stains on them from something but I wasn’t sure what. The stains were a yellowish colour that didn’t blend in well with the t-shirt. I continued to mutter disgruntled ramblings to myself as I made myself a shake. “Stupid rain… stupid mornings… I hate Mondays” I murmured to myself. The shake finally blended and I slurped it right from the blender rather than pouring myself a cup. I wiped off the leftover shake from around my upper lip then set down the blender before stumbling over to the washroom and grabbing my watch. It was 4:26am. At least I was early. I slipped on the watch then walked over to the front door, straightening my posture a little so that I didn’t look like a stumbling drunk. I reached over and grabbed my jean jacket, which I had retrieved from the drying machine last night before bed. I opened the door and immediately the hairs on the back of my neck prickled up. And I thought I was going to have a bad day yesterday. Eh maybe I was predicting it like a psychic or something. I began my brisk morning jog and almost immediately my body became soaked from the pouring rain. However despite the shitty weather I knew that I had to keep in shape and not let myself slack off. The water began to slosh around inside my boot with a slick wet feeling to it. For most of the morning I simply muttered curses to myself, mostly directed at me for forcing myself to go out exercising in the terrible weather. At about 6:30am I saw the mail pony go by. I gave her a wave and she waved back before flying directly at me. She crashed into me but I was expecting it. The first time Derpy had collided with me was rather unexpected and knocked me on my ass but now I always readied myself for her imminent collisions. I held her tight, absorbing the impact of her crash, then set her down on all fours. “Hey thanks Ron. I guess I musta hit a gust of powerful wind” she said in her clumsy yet funny voice. “Yeah… the weather’s real bad right now. So what’s up?” I asked and she quickly sorted through her mail bag before pulling out a magazine with a picture of Iron Will in a muscular pose. “Here read this. I know you like working out so I figured you might need a few tips” she told me. I looked at the magazine and the headline read ‘Iron Will’s top ten secrets to quick muscles’. I checked the page number then quickly skipped to the article. It read ‘1. The first step to gaining muscle mass is easy. Know your routine. Work out 3-4 times a week’. I chuckled to myself. That wasn’t a routine, that was a schedule, a routine was something like two sets of dumbbells then two sets of leg press then two sets of weighted squats then repeat. I quickly read through the magazine and figured he hadn’t really got the gist of what I had told him. I smiled to Derpy then handed her back the magazine. “Thanks… I… uhm… I’ll have to remember those tips” I told her with a nod and she smiled. She waved as she darted off to finish her mail run. I liked Derpy. She was a good pony with a proper head on her shoulders and would seem to always have a smile on no matter what happened. Then it hit me, it was still raining. I sighed as I continued my jog. Oh well, I only had another hour or so before work started. I continued to jog along and at just about 7:25am the rain stopped and the sun came out. Now usually every-pony would be happy, but not me. The sudden warmth of the sun rays made the wetness of my clothes start to warm up, giving me a hot wet sticky feeling around almost my entire body. I could zip home right now and grab a new pair of clothes before… “RON!” yelled out a voice, interrupting my thoughts. I swiveled to see the young mare known as Lotus trot up, looking rather angery about something. “Good morning” I told her with a small smile but she jabbed a hoof into my chest with a rather forceful show of aggression. “How do you know what kind of buckin morning it is” she scowled and my eyes went wide as I heard her use somewhat foul language for the first time. “So that’s it huh? You think you can just waltz around playing with a mare’s heart then just… just… how could you do that!?... just don’t talk to me” she said as she began to sob then galloped off. “Lot… okay… well that’s… interesting. I wonder what’s gotten into her?” I began but then realized I was just talking to myself. I let out a sigh as I went to go pursue her to find out what was wrong but then my watch beeped. “Fuck” I muttered under my breath. I really needed to talk to her about this. I had a really-really-REALLY bad feeling about this one. It’d have to wait until after work. I muttered another quick curse as I took one last glance towards the spa, where Lotus had retreated to, before jogging off to work. > Chapter 8: Not a good day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about the middle of the day, it was rather warm and that made the dampness in my clothes sticky. I felt miserable but I guess I should. ‘What the fuck did I do anyway? You’d think with the way she reacted that I killed her sister or something’ I thought to myself. I heard Daffodil and Thistle Whistle talking. Daffodil was going on about some ‘Great sexual encounter’ he had last night. “Yeah, so I’m fucking this mare right, got her bent over like this” Daffodil began as he made lewd gestures which I can say honestly made me laugh. “Then she’s all like ‘Yes… oh yes… ahh… fuck me in the ass’ and I was like ‘Score, bitch wants it in the ass’” Daffodil told the younger stallion who paid close attention to the story with great fascination. Daffodil stopped his story for a moment and chuckled. “So I wrap up my cock and start stuffing her ass and she just goes off on a hitch ‘OHHHH MY FUCKING ASS… YES… RAVAGE ME LIKE THE NUGHTY WHORE I AM’. So I kept going and right before I cum she’s like ‘Cum on my back. Cum all over my back’. So…well I pulled out and…” Daffodil trailed off and shuddered in disgust. Thistle Whistle nodded intently, wanting to know what happened next. I had started to pay attention myself. “So what happened?” I asked and Daffodil gave another shudder. “She shit everywhere… ech… it was just… everywhere” he said with another shudder. I felt chills run down my back from the revolting end of the story. “That’s… not something you should tell for story time… ever… actually never talk of that moment ever again” I said with a humored chuckle. I could tell he was disappointed with himself because his head drooped and he rubbed his eyes in mortification. Daffodil looked up to me. “So how about you?” he asked and I shrugged. “What about me?” “Well how was it?” he asked and I raised an eyebrow. “How was what?” I asked with curiosity. What did he mean? How was my morning? Shitty. How am I right now? Damp and shitty. How will I be tonight? Cozy and warm. “How was that babe Lotus?” he asked and I gave him a strange look. He rolled his eyes. “Don’t play stupid. I saw you go in there Saturday morning with Lotus before the spa opened up. I know what you did” Daffodil said with a cheeky tone. “Yeah, I got a massage. That’s it” I told him bluntly and he shook his head in humor. “My dear Ron. You have to know that I will not judge you for having sex with a pony just because you are a different species” he told me with a chuckle. I let out a rather irritated sigh. “Oh… okay, I thought you… well you know” he told me. “Nah. We don’t look at each other that way. We’re just friends because we both don’t like each other in that way” I told him but he began to laugh hysterically. “Okay, now that’s a load of shit” he laughed and I raised an eyebrow. “Oh don’t play stupid this time Ron. There’s a reason you go to that spa every week and get serviced by the same pony every time” he told me and I crossed my arms. “Yeah. I go and get a massage from a nice mare that doesn’t mind to have a friendly conversation with me” I told him, but my argument wasn’t very effective. “Yeah, you know you could always go to a chiropractor. They like to talk as well and are usually a little cheaper than the massages you pay for” he told me and I went to argue with him but realized he was right. I could always have just gone to a chiropractor but instead I always went to the spa. And to add to that I was always somewhat saddened every time Lotus wasn’t there. Could it be? Did I really love Lotus? Nah couldn’t be… could it? “Yeah, I think you understand now” Daffodil said with a chuckle as he broke my train of thought. “Christ… I… I love Lotus… but… isn’t it wrong? I mean, she’s a pony and I’m a…” I trailed off as I was still conflicting to myself. Sure she was a nice mare with a great personality but did I really love her or was I just confused? Daffodil put his hoof on my shoulder as I stood there with my jaw hanging open. “Tonight, after work, go over there and tell her how you feel” he told me. “I don’t know how well that would work out. This morning she said she doesn’t want to see me because I played with her heart or something” I replied and he raised an eyebrow. “So you did bang her?” he asked but I shook my head. “So… you boned another mare?” he asked. “I’m still a virgin you idiot” I replied bluntly and he chuckled. “Oh don’t start. Anyway why should I take advice from you? You’re the one who got Lyra Heartstrings knocked up and now has a restraining order that forbids you from going anywhere near the foal” I told him and he sighed. Daffodil nodded his head. “Yeah, but she asked me to cum inside her” he said then sighed. “Yeah you’re right. Don’t listen to me. Because even though I’m a real player, I can read mares like the back of my hoof. And believe me when I say that she wants you… badly” he told me. “Yeah whatever man. I’m going back to work” I told him then began to work again but the rest of the day my mind was clouded with the conversation I just had. Did I really love her? If so then why the hell didn’t I realize it before now? I continued to ponder the question and the next thing I knew Daffodil was tapping my shoulder. “Eh?” I asked and he chuckled as he motioned to look at the imaginary watch on his wrist. I looked to my watch and realized that the day was over. 5:30pm and I was still damp from this morning. I would’ve liked to go straight home but I had a certain spa pony to talk to. I gave a nod to Daffodil as we checked out then went our separate ways. I made it look as if I was heading home but then took the back alleys over to the spa. I entered and walked up to the front desk where Aloe was doing some paper work. “Afternoon ma’am” I said in a hearty voice but she shot me a cold glare. “Ron… I think it would be best if you leave” she told me, well more like ordered me. “I uhh… I just came to talk to Lotus. Is something wrong?” I asked and she stood up, rather aggressively, and made her way over to me. “You’ve done enough talking already. You think it’s okay to just play with my sister like that? She loved you Ron and you just…just… just get out!” she barked and I stepped back in shock “What the hell’d I do?” I asked curiously, puzzled as to why they were both so mad all of a sudden. “You know damn well what you did! My sister is in her room crying right now and I can’t even go in her room to talk to her. All she told me is that you were screwing around with another mare” she yelled at me. “But I wasn’t… I didn’t. The only one was you and you know how that went down” I told her but that didn’t stop her anger. “You may be able to pull a fast one on my sister but you can’t hurt me, not like you hurt her. Now get out!” she yelled. “But Aloe I…” I began but then she spun around and booted me right in the crotch. I gasped as I dropped to my knees in agonizing pain. Christ if she was any stronger she may have ruptured one of my testicles. “Okay…okay… I’m leaving…I’m gone” I whined in pain as I staggered to my feet and hobbled out of the day spa. Aloe slammed the door behind me and I leaned up against the outside wall of the spa in pain. “Daffodil… you mother fucker… I’m gonna kill you” I groaned to myself. I slowed my breathing but I felt like I was going to puke. Shit she had a good kick to her. Eventually the pain subsided, somewhat, and I was able to walk home though I had a bit of a limp in my pace. As I entered my house I immediately checked my balls. They hadn’t bruised or anything but they still hurt a little. Shit it had been nearly half an hour and it still made me want to puke. I very steadily made my way to the washroom and took off my clothes then slipped into the shower. At first the water hurt as it touched my balls but eventually the pain went away, eventually. After a long hot shower I exited and looked at myself in the mirror. “You dumb fuck… you fucking idiot… you had it right in the palm of your hand… and you let it slip through your fingers because you were a fucking dolce” I scowled to myself. Fuck I was so angry with myself. I dropped my head in self disappointment and frustration. I tossed my laundry into the washing machine then put on some clean boxers before walking into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I made myself a quick salad then proceeded to sit down and listen to some saddening and depressing music. 'The rain has moved on' 'And left a new day' 'Nothing seems to move everything is still' 'It’s just a perfect day'… I raised an eyebrow from the lyrics and grabbed a bottle of hard cider that I had picked up from Applejack for rather special occasions. I didn’t fancy drinking alcohol but sometimes it was nice, sometimes. The lyrics continued. 'The shadows and light' 'That move with the wind' 'Hidden violets grow splashed with summer spray' 'Just another perfect day'… The lyrics continued and I began to slosh back the alcoholic beverage. I didn’t know why but for some reason I was terribly depressed and angry at the same time. It felt like my world was being split into two, anger and sadness, and I had to say it really sucked. But why the hell did I feel like this? I only knew her for… about a year and a bit and it wasn’t like we were super best friends forever or something. I continued to drink until I was absolutely hammered. I really hoped that I wouldn’t still be intoxicated tomorrow morning. I must love her. That’s why I feel this way? It’s why I’m so distraught over her being angry at me. The music continued and for some reason I became furious with the lyrics. Perfect day? This wasn’t a perfect day. I flicked off the record player then tears began to seep from my eyes. “Oh fuck off… I’m not gonna cry… not over this… I can’t… I’m a man… men don’t… don’t cry” I said as I started to become choked up with sobs of emotion. “I’m not… gonna… cry” I stammered but then I began to cry, actually I sobbed. I won’t lie, I cried like a blubbering baby. It was probably the alcohol… okay it was all me. I don’t know why but I couldn’t stand to just be kept away from her. I loved her. > Chapter 9: A sticky situation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before I knew it my alarm clock was beeping. I groaned as I hit the snooze button and dozed back off. In another few minutes my alarm was going off so I once again hit the snooze button, albeit harder. I peacefully dozed off again. I didn’t want to get up today. For some reason my world seemed so dark, so unforgiving and so heart-breaking. I guess I really deserved it. All this time it was clear as day and yet I never caught on, even to my own feelings. Daffodil was right. I could’ve gone to a chiropractor, hell most of the stallions at work did go to a chiropractor but instead I went to the spa. I was always saddened when she wasn’t there to talk to. Hell we would just start up a random conversation and keep it going. God I felt like an idiot. My alarm started blaring again and I curled my lips in anger as I smashed my hand down on it with brutal force. The alarm clock, which was mostly plastic, shattered into many pieces but somehow the speaker managed to still function enough to continue blaring out the annoying sound. “Fuck you… fuck you…FUCK YOU!” I yelled as I continued to slam my fist against the already busted alarm clock. After a few good whacks the alarm clock died for good. I simply rolled over and stared at the roof of my room. I let out a deep groan and sat up, rubbing my eyes as I did so. “Well… at least it isn’t Monday” I muttered to myself encouragingly but it didn’t help. I stood up and walked into the washroom. I looked into the mirror and let out a grunt. “I don’t blame Lotus… I wouldn’t want to see me either… fucking asshole” I muttered to myself. I wasn’t sure why I was acting like this, she was just a mare. It’s not like it was the end of the world or something. I took my wet laundry out of the washing machine and dropped it into the dryer before heading to the kitchen for something to eat. I made myself something simple, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As I chowed through several sandwiches I thought to myself. ‘She’s just a mare. This isn’t the end of the world just because the relationship went downhill’ but my thoughts couldn’t soothe me. I had specifically told Lotus that I didn’t want a relationship. Now it all flooded back to me. She had literally opened up her heart to me, well not so bluntly which would’ve made it simpler, and I had pretty much shunned her away. God I felt like such a dick right now. Maybe it’s for the better. She deserves someone better than me anyway. No matter what I tried to tell myself it wouldn’t make me feel better. I had to see Lotus and tell her how I felt. But how? I sighed to myself as I got up and grabbed my watch off the living room table. I had left it there by accident last night. I went into the washroom and grabbed my jean jacket from the drying machine, it was still relatively damp. I slipped on the jacket and watch then read the time, 4:30am. I gave a faint smile as I left my house. ‘Right on time’ I thought to myself as I began my morning jog. I was sort of wishing that it was raining. Instead it was a rather brisk morning. As I began my morning jog I subdued most all of the negative thoughts in my head, trying hard to forget about everything for the time being. I started to focus on my physical fitness which took my mind of Lotus for a little while. I had beaten Iron Will in an arm wrestle! Beaten a god damned Minotaur in a friggin arm wrestle. I stopped jogging for a second, rolled up the sleeves on my jacket then flexed. I couldn’t even reach my left hand halfway around my right bicep. I smiled to myself. When I had first started weight lifting all those years ago I thought that I’d never become all that strong and now look at me. In terms of sheer muscle mass I wasn’t at all hulking like a professional body builder but I was still noticeably large. I smiled then continued my brisk jog. Before I knew it the sun had risen and ponies had started to come out of their homes to go to work or converse with one another. My watch beeped and I checked the time, 7:25am. I nodded to myself, let out a deep breath then jogged to work. I had to say my morning was faring better than I thought it would. After I signed in I immediately began to work. Goddess I hated this stuff in the morning. Generally we’d get most of the winter off, due to the cement mixer not really cooperating nicely in cold weather. I began where I left off yesterday, with some brick wall we were making for some swanky home that was going up near the outside of town. After a half an hour Daffodil showed up and began his work. “So how’d it go?” he asked me and his question made me wince a little. I hadn’t forgotten about last night, the thought just wasn’t at the front of my mind. “You’re a fucking asshole. Her sister booted me in the dick” I said with slight irritation in my voice. His face went pale as I looked over to him with a raised eyebrow. “Guess she really wanted me bad eh?” I asked and he gulped. “Well… you win some you lose some, right?” he asked rhetorically and I just shook my head in disappointment as I continued working. We talked for the rest of the work day, about other non-related things, and before I knew it the work day was done. Daffodil looked over to me as we went to sign out. “Did you even talk to Lotus?” he asked and I shook my head. “Nah, her sister said that she was crying in her room. She wouldn’t even talk to her own sister. She thinks that I boned some other mare” I sighed. He rubbed his chin. “You need a plan to go and talk to that mare” he said as he thought deeply. “No! No more of your plans. I’ll just let this one blow over” I told him hastily and he chuckled. “Do you love Lotus?” “Of course I do! Well I mean, I didn’t know at first but then again I never really knew what love was” I told him and he was about to make a virgin joke, I just knew it by the way he laughed. “Don’t say it. Not a damned word about my virginity” I told him and he nodded with humor spread across his face. “Then find a way to tell her you love her for Celestia’s sake!” he nearly yelled. His sudden tone took me off guard and made me think. Okay sure I could tell her that I loved her, but how? Daffodil patted me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Ron. You’re a great man and you will always find a way. Love will prevail, trust me” he told me and I raised an eyebrow. “So what about you and Lyra? What happened there?” I asked him and he chuckled a little bit. “Oh she still calls me when the children are at day care” he said with a sly grin and I chuckled as I gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Thanks Daff. I’ll keep that in mind” I told him as I left. Yeah I would keep that in mind, actually I think I may have already thought of a plan. * * * I knocked on the door of the Ponyville library. ‘Come on Twilight… please be home’ I pleaded to myself. Rarity had already left to the spa with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was off somewhere with the Wonderbolts, Applejack was working and Pinkie Pie was… well she was Pinkie Pie and it wouldn’t exactly work with Pinkie Pie. The door opened and I was greeted by Twilight. She gasped, “Ron… hi, how’s it… going?” she asked through a small twitch. I raised an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” I asked curiously and she shook her head. “No, just…ngh… waiting” she replied and I looked side to side in curiosity then back to her. “For what?” I asked, kind of puzzled about why she was twitching and waiting for something. What in Equestria would make some-pony twitch while they waited for it? “Just… don’t worry about it” she said in a more casual tone. “Listen uhh… can I come in? I needed to talk with you about something and I may need your help” I told her. She nodded and led me inside. She whispered something under her breath that I couldn’t make out. It sounded like she said ‘I might need your help with something too’. “What’s that?” I asked and she looked back to me. “Huh? Oh nothing, just muttering to myself again” she told me as she closed the door behind us, locking it in the process. “Please Ron, sit down. I’ll…ooh… I’ll tend to you in a…ahh… a minute” she told me as she motioned for me to sit down on a chair in her room. I saw her back leg twitch a few times in the process. “You uhh… you feeling alright?” I asked curiously and she nodded. “You know we could always just talk another time. It’s not like it’s a huge request that needs a super magic spell or anything” I told her then thought about my words. A super fix-it spell might do the trick right about now. “Just give me a second… I need to… get something” she said, almost like she had a shortness of breath. I shrugged and sat down on the chair as she trotted off to another part of her room. For some reason I noticed her tail swishing back and forth on a regular basis. Her horn was illuminated, though faintly, and she was casting a spell on something though I didn’t know what. She trotted over to some books and began to browse through them. I began to look around the library and noticed how much it had changed from my first visit here: Spike’s bed was placed in a different spot, her bed was shifted to another place in her room. Just little things. My gaze went to under her bed where I spotted a calendar… or something. I leaned over in my chair and grabbed the booklet quickly and began to look at the cover. It was a calendar though it was a calendar meant for 2014, not 2013. On the front cover was some stallion without a shirt, showing off his chest in a seemingly romantic way. The title read ‘Playmare calendar of 2014’. If it was anything like Playboy or I guess it would be Playgirl because it was meant for females, then that mean there would be a bunch of stallions in ‘Sexy’ poses. I know it sounds kind of gay but I sort of got curious about why the princess would have such a calendar. I flipped open to January where there was a picture of a stallion licking his lips while lying on his side. They had a funny nickname for him ‘Cold Lips’ with a little bio reading about what he liked in mares. Apparently ‘Cold Lips likes his mares soft with tight holes who will let him cum on their back’. I chuckled then flipped to February. I began to flip through the pages when suddenly it went straight from June to August. “Huh?” I muttered to myself then realized that the pages were stuck together. I mumbled to myself and opened up the sticky pages. Suddenly my nostrils caught a whiff of a musky odour in the air. “Do you smell that to?” I asked Twilight and realized that she was hunched over by the book shelf muttering to herself. “Yeah never mind” I muttered then looked back to the calendar. I was stunned when I saw a picture of me in a muscular pose. It was one of the pictures that Photo Finish had taken. “Hey Twilight, where’d you get this calendar anyway?” I asked her and she looked over to me with a strange look. “Celestia… ngh… Celestia has ties… oh goddess yes… and gave me one of those calendar… calendars… she has… ahh… lots of them” Twilight said through several… moans? I rolled my eyes. Her business was her business. I looked at the calendar again. It had a small bio with my picture. ‘Ron loves affectionate mares but also loves it when they are kinky in bed’. “I DIDN’T SAY THAT!” I exclaimed. I hadn’t noticed but Twilight had staggered her way over to my side. “You didn’t say… what?” she asked through a sharp breath. The musky odour suddenly became stronger with her closer presence. “They said that I like it kinky in bed” I said with a chuckle. She put a hoof on my shoulder and gasped, nearly losing her balance as her hindlegs began to quiver. I stood up. I may be naïve but I knew what was happening, well sort of. “Uhm Twilight… I think I’ll come back at a better time” I told her but then I felt my wrists and ankles get caught in a magical binding then the magic forced me back into the chair, locking me in place. “HEY WHAT THE FUCK!” I boomed, hoping she’d snap out of it but it did no use. “Oh goddess… I’m kinky in bed” she whispered as she sat on my lap. I struggled furiously to break free of her magical bindings around my limbs but it was like they were vice grips around me. “OH GODDESS YES!... Ahhh I’m cumming” Twilight screamed at the top of her vocal capacity as she began to slide her nether region against my leg. Her voice was cut off by a deafening orgasmic scream and I felt my pant leg get soaked as she came on my leg. I groaned in horror, she just… no this had to be a bad dream… Princess Twilight Sparkle just came on my leg. That’s just not plausible. I mean why would she be… My thoughts trailed off as I looked to the calendar then to the still panting princess. I realized why the pages had been stuck together: Playmare calendar plus horny princess equals sticky pages and it just figures she’d have to look at the page with me on it. I didn’t know whether I should be somewhat at ease due to the fact that a princess finds me attractive or mortified because here I am trying to make things right with Lotus and Twilight just… yeah. Twilight was still panting heavily then finally came to. “Oh my goddess… Ron, I am sooo sorry… I don’t know what came over me. Please don’t be mad. I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t help myself and” she began but was cut off when a vibrator clacked off the floor as it fell out of her vagina. “Twilight… let’s pretend this never happened. And uhm… can you let me go, I’m still locked up” I said and motioned for her to release me. She released me from her magic and I stood up. She had a frightened look on her face. “Don’t sweat it… I uhm… I need your help with something” I told her then began to explain to her my little predicament. > Chapter 10: Sneaking in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had finally calmed down and we both had put the past in the past. She sighed, “This’ll never work! Where’d you come up with such a ludicrous idea anyway? You could be arrested for Celestia’s sake!” Twilight exclaimed. I chuckled, “Coming from the princess who pretty much just raped me… I think I’ll take my chances” I told her. She let out another sigh. “So let me get this straight… you want me to go in pretending like I have an awful wing ache and while I get serviced by Aloe you sneak in to tell Lotus how you feel?” she asked and I nodded. She let out another sigh, “Well I guess I owe you one for what I did to you… actually two for what you did for me” she said and the comment gave me the shivers. “Let’s just go before you get horned up again” I told her and went to stand up but found that I was bound to the chair again by her magic. I looked to her with wide eyes. “Twilight” I said in a cautious voice. The spell around my limbs disappeared. “Oh I was just kidding” she laughed and we both got up and left the library. It was getting somewhat late and I hoped that the spa would still be open. As we walked along, the pink mare known as Pinkie Pie bounced over to us. “Hey Twilight! Hey Ron! Whatcha doin?” Pinkie asked in her usual bubbly voice. “We’re going to the spa” Twilight replied and Pinkie gasped. “The spa!? Oooooh can I come, pretty please! They have candies at the desk but they’ll only give them to customers… oh pretty please. Pretty please with a cherry on top?” Pinkie pleaded. I sighed “Alright-alright. But try to act normal. I’m going to sneak in” I told her and she let out another gasp. “Oooh I have just the thing” she replied and pulled out a black suit, slipping it onto my body before I even knew she had. How the hell’d she do that? It defined all laws of physics and… you know what I’m not even gonna bother. “Uhm… Pinkie, where’d you get the suits?” I asked, noticing that she too had a suit on. “I always have sneaking suits for sneaking emergencies… oh speaking of which” she said and slipped an advanced eye patch on my face. It was plastic and hummed quietly. It had some sort of visual enhancer. “What is this?” I asked as I observed the eye patch that was now on my face. I could zoom with the focusing lens and it even had night vision, which in the daylight blinded me, and black and white heat vision. “It’s the Pinkie patch. It’s the newest and coolest eye patch ever!” she exclaimed. I nodded then we all proceeded towards the spa. Pinkie and I hunched over in a brush thicket as Twilight entered the spa. We watched through a window and I waited until Twilight had lured Aloe away. “Okay, now we can… Pinkie?” I asked as I turned back to look at her, only to find she was no longer at my side. I looked back inside the spa to see her sneaking towards the candy bowl. Suddenly Aloe returned and Pinkie was in plain sight! Suddenly, out of nowhere, Pinkie pulled out a cardboard box and hid inside of it, right in the middle of the hallway. Aloe took no notice. ‘WHAT THE HELL! THAT MAKES NO SENSE SHE’S… not even gonna bother’ I thought to myself as I waited for Aloe to leave the main lobby then slipped inside the spa. Pinkie was giggling to herself as she slurped away the candy meant for customers. I began to sneak along through the hallways. It was somewhat late out and the sun was setting, making it considerably darker outside. As I was proceeding down the hallways I spotted Aloe. I cursed quietly to myself as I slid behind a crate of spa supplies. I spotted a cardboard box much like Pinkie’s. It couldn’t hurt to try. I hid inside the box and waited. Aloe stopped just as she passed my box then stepped towards me. “Huh… that’s weird… I don’t remember leaving this here” she muttered to herself. ‘Fuck! How did Pinkie do it?’ I thought to myself as Aloe reached for my cardboard box but instead of grabbing the box she grabbed something else. “Oh… lilacs smell so wonderful” Aloe muttered as I heard her sniff something, which I could only presume to be the plants. She stood there for what seemed like ages before I heard a quiet voice come from my eye patch. “Okay one second… I think I know how to get rid of her” Pinkie’s voice told me. “Pinkie!? How did you…” I began but then she cut me off. “Hush, or you’ll alert Aloe… okay there” she said and as she did the lights flicked off. Aloe grumbled to herself, thinking the fuses had blown, then trotted away. “Okay now go see Lotus” Pinkie told me. I didn’t need to be told twice. I ditched the cardboard box and flicked on the night vision before beginning to sneak down the hallways. I didn’t know where Lotus’ room was but I had a fair idea. I guessed that it would be a locked door with a sobbing mare inside. I checked each door I passed, each one was open. Figures, when you’re trying to find an unlocked door then every door seems to be locked but then when it’s the other way around… well you probably know what I’m getting at. I finally found a locked door and knocked on it. “GO AWAY ALOE! I don’t want to talk to you!” Lotus sobbed from inside her room. “No Lotus, it’s me” I told her soothingly but suddenly something smashed against the door, making me jump back. “The fuck was that?” I muttered to myself, wondering just what the hell she had thrown at the door. “Go away Ron, you asshole” Lotus cried. I walked up to the door again, pressing my face up against it. “Lotus… I love you and I’m sorry that…” I began but was cut off when another object was smashed against the door, making me flinch a little. “Lotus please just hear me out. It’s not what you think” I told her but yet another fragile object was hurtled against the door. “Please Lotus… I’m sorry about what happened but believe me when I say it’s not what you think” I told her. Nothing smashed against the door and I heard the lock click open. The door creaked open and Lotus stood in front of me. I could tell she had been crying a lot which made me feel even worse about myself. She looked down to my leg as she smelt the odour of Twilight’s juices. ‘Dammit!’ I thought to myself as I realized that I had completely forgotten to switch my pants before coming over. “What the hell is… you asshole, I almost believed you!” she screamed as she flipped around to buck me in the balls, in a similar fashion to what her sister had done. I wasn’t going to let this happen again. Just as her hind hooves were about to connect I grabbed her hindlegs and held them tight, stopping her kick completely. She screamed as she began to thrash about. “Lotus it’s not what you think. Just let me explain” I tried to tell her as I released my grasp on her hind legs. She lept away and grabbed a glass vase. She threw it at me with extreme force. I grabbed the vase before it smashed against the wall and set it down gently on the floor. “Lotus please, just let me explain. It’s not what you think” I told her but she grabbed yet another vase and threw it at me. I grabbed the vase from mid-flight, setting it down as well. Lotus began to scream at me, “I know exactly what it is. It’s another mare's cum… you’re just trying to add another notch to your belt. Well you won’t add me!” she screamed and threw yet another vase at me. Fuck where was she getting all these vases anyway? “Lotus, I was almost raped. It’s not what you think. Just listen to me” I pleaded but then she grabbed a fragile china set and threw the entire set at me. There was just no way I was going to grab it. I ducked the flying objects, letting them smash against the wall and break into thousands of tiny shards. I winced to myself, what the hell was I going to do? She was going berserk and I was in too deep to pull out now. “Lotus! Just hear me out…” I trailed off and dodged another set of fine china which shattered against a personal bedroom mirror. ‘Think fast Ron!’ I thought to myself. Daffodil’s wise words… somewhat wise words… pretty stupid advice, came to my mind. ‘Love will find a way’. In a split second I knew what I had to do. I stepped back so I was closer to the mirror. She tossed another fine china set at me but I let it collide with my body. In an exaggeration of the force I simply lept back into the mirror, making it look like her china set had knocked me into it. The glass of the mirror shattered and I let myself fall to the ground. I made fake groans of extreme pain and gagged a little. I heard Lotus gasp and rush over to me. “Oh please goddess don’t let it be bad” Lotus whispered to herself. As she stepped by my body I lept up and grabbed her shoulders with my hands. “Lotus just listen to me” I said and her eyes went wide in shock. “You… you aren’t hurt… you bastard!” she began but I silenced her as I forced my lips against hers. ‘Oh please goddess let love find a way’ I prayed to myself. I slowly pulled back from the kiss. “Lotus just listen to me. The other day I just came in for a massage and your sister got a little flirty sure, but I swear on my life I didn’t let her seduce me. And as for the pussy juice on my leg… Twilight bound me to a chair I was sitting in with her magic and dry humped my leg but I swear it wasn’t my intention to let it happen” I told her and her eyes filled with tears. “Swear it?” she asked and I nodded. “And the other day when you asked me about love and relationships… I was too blinded by my own stupidity to see that I really loved you. I didn’t know” I told her and we began to make out. In my mind I let out a deep sigh. ‘Thank goddess… I seriously thought that was going to go downhill’ I thought as I felt her pull me towards her bed, pulling off my eye patch and tossing it away. It was kind of goofy I had to admit. She pulled me down on her bed and we began to roll around as we made out. After some time I pulled back from the kiss. “Lotus… I love you. I should’ve realized earlier but I swear to…” I trailed off as I realized she wasn’t looking at me but rather to the doorway of her room. I looked over to see Aloe standing in the doorway. Aloe smiled then slowly trotted towards the bed with a heavy sway in her rear. She licked her lips seductively as she eyed me. I looked up to Lotus who had the same curious look as I did. > Chapter 11: Bound to happen eventually (Sex happens in this chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Uhm… I uhm” I stammered nervously. Lotus got off from on top of my body and stepped over to her sister. Aloe looked to her sister. “I’m sorry about what happened with Ron. I never knew it was him that you had feelings for. If I had known I swear I wouldn’t have done what I did” she apologized to Lotus. Her sister nodded then they both looked back to me with somewhat seductive looks on their faces. Aloe was on the left and gave her flank a little wiggle towards me. “So what should we do? I’m feeling a little… adventurous today sister” Aloe said, making Lotus blush furiously. I gulped deeply. This was insane, I just came over to apologize to Lotus and tell her how I felt and now they were going to… do whatever it is they wanted to do with me. “Uhm… Lotus, is this okay with you? I mean… with your sister?” I asked hesitantly, not really knowing what they had in plan for me. “Well you do like it kinky in bed right?” she asked. I wanted to slap myself in the face. How the hell’d they know too, did they get a special order of next year’s calendar as well. “Okay that Playmare calendar is a load of crap. I never said that and besides, I don’t like it kinky in bed… I like sleeping in bed” I said with a chuckle. Lotus raised an eyebrow. “You read Playmare magazines and calendars?” she asked and I felt like an idiot. Playmare was for females not guys. “Not exactly… Twilight had a copy and I found a picture of myself and… yeah anyway, moving on” I said, trying to switch the subject of me reading a female erotica calendar. “Ohh, so I see someone’s quite antsy” Aloe said with a giggle. I don’t know if I felt more foolish from bringing up the subject of Playmare or by making her think I was antsy. “I didn’t mean that” I told her and she giggled again. Lotus was somewhat silent and not really engaging into the conversation. Aloe licked her lips and I saw her back left leg get a little twitchy. “So tell us… what are you going to do to us? Are you going to lavish our bodies? Stuff us with your manhood? Cum deep inside our needy wet pussies?” Aloe said with a heavy sexual tone in her voice. Her talking like this gave me a raging boner. “I uhm…” I trailed off as I realized I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I mean I know you’re supposed to stick it in one of the holes but… “Jeeze I wish I had watched more porn as a kid” I muttered, speaking my thoughts. Lotus raised an eyebrow from the comment. “Why?” she asked curiously, obviously not understanding my deep thought of what I was supposed to do. “Because I… okay don’t laugh but… I’m still a virgin” I said as I winced, figuring she might giggle. Most of the guys that found out usually laughed at me, calling me a softy or a real gentleman. “Really?” Lotus asked and I opened an eye. That question was rather unexpected. I nodded hesitantly. “Oh well I uhm…” she trailed off and I gulped but then Aloe took over. “Oh it’s easy you two. Look I’ll show you how you do it” she said and led Lotus over to me. I was still sitting on the bed not really knowing what I was supposed to do. “Okay now Lotus you get on top of him and Ron… take off your clothes already, that black suit looks ridiculous” she told us, well it was more like an order but in a very gentle tone. I easily slipped off the black suit but I stopped after I tossed it away. “Uhm… do I have to… I mean do we really have to do this?” I asked hesitantly, figuring that this escalated way out of control so fast that maybe we were pushing things. Aloe smiled then quickly lept up onto the bed. She proceeded to quickly unzip my jeans and slid my pants down. My erection made a tent out of my rather stretchy boxer briefs. Aloe smiled and Lotus blushed from the sight of my hidden manhood. “I think your body speaks for itself” Aloe said, “Now take off your clothes”. I obliged, though a bit hesitantly. I had been naked in front of people before but that was usually in a change room at the gym and only a few times had I ever been naked around a pony but never once was it around a female so I was a little shy to say the least. I slipped off my pants, socks and was about to pull of my shirt when suddenly Aloe stopped me. “No wait… stand over there” she ordered me and I got up off the bed and walked over to where she had directed me. “Take off your shirt like you would if you were in Playmare” Aloe told me as she watched me contently. Lotus was also watching me with rather lustful eyes. Why did they find this attractive exactly? Was it because I was strong and muscular? “Hey uhm Aloe… why did you want me to do this again?” I asked, speaking my mind. Lotus answered for her sister. “Because you are you: strong, loving and gorgeous” she answered. Strong, loving and gorgeous? But I was a different species and… you know what, I’ll just go with it. I reached my hands down and grabbed the bottom opposite sides of my shirt and began to pull it off, just like Aloe had wanted me to do. I got my shirt off and I let it fall to the ground. I took a deep breath as I saw Aloe slowly slide her hoof down to her exposed nether region and she began to play with herself. Lotus swallowed deeply as she too let her hoof slide down so she could pleasure herself to the sight of me, albeit more shyly then her sister. Aloe licked her lips. “Ooh… Ron… do you like what you see?” she asked through a slight whispered moan. I nodded slowly, still a little unsure of what I was supposed to be doing. “So uhm… what am I supposed to do?” I asked rather curiously. I had to say the sight of the two mares in front of me while they pleasured themselves was quite arousing. Aloe snickered. “Ron… come over here and take my sister” she told me and both Lotus and I swallowed as we blushed. I walked over to the bed and stood there. “So uhm… what do I do?” I asked and Aloe giggled. “You have to take off your underwear first” Aloe snickered. I felt sort of foolish but I wasn’t exactly sure how to do this. I slipped off my boxers and was now completely naked, standing in front of the duo like a fool. “Uhm… okay so uhm… now what do I do. Do I uhm… just…” I trailed off. Aloe giggled again. “You have to take that” Aloe said as she pointed to my erection “And put it in my sister” she said and pointed to Lotus’ somewhat moistened lower lips. I face palmed. I knew that I was supposed to stick in her but I was wondering if there was like a special way to do it. I’ve heard of stuff like doggy style and missionary and all those other good things. I slowly reached my hands over to Lotus and held her sides. Her cheeks turned a bright pink as she blushed even more. I was so nervous from all this that I stood like that for a few minutes before Aloe grabbed the back of my head and gently pushed my face forwards. I mean sure I had just made out with Lotus a few minutes ago without a second thought but now we were naked, well she was generally naked all the time but her tail usually concealed that region of her body. My mind subsided as we both just forgot about what was happening and began to kiss passionately. I felt her open her lips slightly and slip her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues began to wrestle with each other for dominance and I let her take control, figuring she’d know more about this than me. Her tongue felt pretty good in my mouth as she slithered it around, exploring even the deepest parts of my mouth. Usually when something goes that deep into my mouth I gag but she somehow kept me from gagging. I felt my manhood constantly twitch in need of attention as we moved around a little every now and then. Finally we broke from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting our parted lips. “Lotus… I love you” I whispered, a little out of breath. I never knew that it was hard to breathe when making out. I had always just figured you could breathe through your nose. I looked over to Aloe who was gently caressing her clit with her left hoof. “So uhm… do I just stick it in?” I asked, a little dumbfounded. “Yes… but slowly” she told me and with that I lined up my tip with her entrance. As I felt my tip touch her folds we both gasped from the shock of sexual contact. As directed, I very slowly began to slide myself into her hole. Her marehood was already moist from her heavy arousal which made it easier to slide into her. I only had the head of my cock inside of her and it felt absolutely amazing… and hot. Not hot as in sexy but hot as in it was warm. Not uncomfortably hot but more of an above room temperature feeling, and slick from her wet moisture. Suddenly I felt myself come to a stop as my tip pressed up against what felt like a fleshy wall inside her love tunnel. I realized that I had barely an inch inside of her. “Okay now I know that ponies are smaller than me but… is that really it?” I asked Aloe, curious to why her sister could only take one inch. Aloe sighed. “You have to break her” she told me and I raised an eyebrow. “Break her? What do you mean?” I asked curiously. “She’s a virgin just like you so you must… pop her cherry, so to speak” she informed me. Pop her cherry? What the hell was popping the cherry? “Pop her… cherry? Is that some sort of slang?” I asked and Aloe chuckled. Lotus was just about as curious as I was yet had stayed silent for the conversation. “Her hymen, you have to break it. But try to be gentle. Lotus hold my hoof, this will hurt a little” Aloe said and Lotus held her sister’s hoof. “Uhm… okay I’m having second thoughts. I don’t really want to hurt her” I said frantically. Aloe rolled her eyes. “It generally hurts during a mare’s first time, just push but try to be gentle about it” Aloe told me and I obliged. I began to give a rather gentle push and suddenly I felt the wall break and I slipped past it, Lotus cried out in pain and squeezed her sister’s hoof in a firm grip. I felt my cock get covered in a somewhat thick liquid. I looked down to see blood seeping from Lotus. “GAH! She’s bleeding!” I exclaimed and Lotus looked down also. “Don’t worry, it’s supposed to bleed. Hence the term: Pop the cherry” Aloe told us, somewhat easing our sudden shock from the sight of blood. I really wished I had watched more porn as a kid so that this sort of thing wouldn’t have scared me so much. Lotus winced in pain as I continued to slide into her and I stopped from the sight of her large amount of discomfort. “Do you want me to stop?” I asked. I was only about three inches inside of her. “Just keep going” Aloe ordered me then leaned over and began to make out with her sister. WAIT A MINUTE! She was making out with her own sister! Wasn’t that wrong? Maybe not considering that she’s having sex with a different species. I continued to slid, stretching Lotus’ inner walls which clamped around my cock very tightly as I forced myself inside of her. She finally took my entire length and I sort of wished that I could go deeper inside of her but there was just no more to put in her. We just stayed like that for a few minutes, letting Lotus’ pain subside. It felt incredible to be inside of her but I kind of felt bad for causing her this pain even if it is what happens during the first time. Aloe broke away from their little kiss. “Okay lover boy, start sliding back and forth inside of her. Give in to the pleasure you both so desire” she told me and I began to slide back ever so slowly. I could feel her inner walls close back up as I left her until only my head was left inside of her. I began to push back inside of her, feeling her love tunnel stretch around my cock and squeeze it rather tightly, though it was a pleasant feeling. Actually it was almost too pleasant. I felt a small tingly feeling start to build up in my groin. It was different from when I masturbated due to the fact that it was something much softer and wet than my bare hand. I gave a small groan of pleasure and Aloe looked to me. “Don’t go off yet. You have to satisfy my sister first. Remember that gentlecolts err gentlemen always finish last” she told me. I held back the pleasure that was starting to build in my groin area as I began to slowly and gently thrust inside Lotus’ tight pussy. Lotus was now experiencing pleasure rather than pain. Well I think she was because she was starting to moan. I continued my slow thrusts, slowing down every so often to make sure I didn’t cum before she did. Aloe smiled as she rubbed her hoof around her clit. “There, you see? You’re a natural” she told me, or maybe it was Lotus she was speaking to. Lotus’ moans soon became a little bit louder and she began to talk. It hadn’t been that long since I last heard her talk but her voice while she was in pleasure just made me feel warm all over. “Oh Ron… oh yes… oh buck me… I love you so much” Lotus whispered through several moans. Her vagina had become considerably wetter, partially due to the blood, from when we first started, which lubricated my cock and made it easier for me to thrust. Lotus began to slide her hips in unison motions with my thrusts, sliding towards me as I thrusted into her and sliding away as I pulled back. Each time I thrusted into her she would take my full length without problem. Christ it felt so good I could barely hold it back. Soon Lotus’ moans got louder than without warning she simply went haywire. She began to thrust at me without a steady pace and the feeling was just so incredible that I tried to hold back but felt it coming without any barriers whatsoever. Lotus wrapped her hindlegs around my lower back. She began to scream and suddenly I felt a large amount a wetness leak from her folds as her inner walls clamped around my shaft. I let out a groan and gave one last thrust before letting go, stuffing my entire length into her. It was like a cataclysmic tidal wave of pleasure that washed over me as I came inside of her, spurting my warm sticky seed into her deepest depths. We both began to cry out in pleasure. I could feel myself twitching inside of her, each twitch would spurt another load of cum inside of her pussy which milked me for every drop, not letting a single bit drip away. Finally we both came down from our orgasmic high and I gave a few last thrusts, which made squelching sounds, before pulling out of her. Cum dripped from her hole and stained the rather nice bed sheets. Her hole tensed and un-tensed continuously, probably craving the feel of having something inside. My cock was stained with the mixture of her fem cum, my cum, and a bit of her blood. I gave her a rather sloppy kiss and flopped down beside her but then from out of nowhere Aloe crawled up on top of me. “Ah-ah-ah, you still have to satisfy me. You owe me one for my tutelage” she told me and I looked over to Lotus. “Uhm… is it… you know, okay with you?” I asked and she gave me a shrug. I think that meant go for it but I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t exactly horny but I was still hard. Lotus crawled over to our side. “What can I do?” she asked and Aloe looked to her with a devious smile. “I know a way where we can all have fun, just follow my lead” she told us. I think I was going to be the meat in this sandwich. > Chapter 12: The second cumming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aloe wiped away the excess juices from her sister’s hole. “Okay now Ron you lie down flat on the bed and eat out my sister” Aloe told me. I raised a curious eyebrow. “Eat what now?” I asked and she face-hoofed. “Lotus just sit on his face and Ron, play the gentleman” she told me. Why would Lotus sit on my… you know what, Aloe knows more about this than me so I’m just gonna go with it. I laid back just like she had told me to while Lotus did what she was told to. Now I sort of understood why she had cleaned the juices away, or at least I think this is why she did. I gently slid my index finger along Lotus’ folds and a lone gasp of pleasure escaped her mouth before Aloe pressed her lips up against her sister’s. I felt Aloe move around a little before lining herself up with my shaft. I used both my index fingers to gently spread Lotus’ lower lips and I saw this tiny little lumpy thing that had been hidden by her folds. I licked my right thumb then gave the little lump a small rub. I heard Lotus give out a muffled moan and her inner walls quivered. “Hmmm… I shall call this squishy…no… the fun button” I said with a chuckle then groaned as I felt Aloe slide down my entire length. She was considerably wet so it worked well as a lubricant. She wasn’t as tight as her sister but she had this way about the way she moved that made her feel amazing inside. I continued to caress Lotus’ ‘Fun button’ and she continued to moan until she pulled back from the kiss and gasped. Aloe smiled, “Looks like you’re learning” she commented though I wasn’t sure if it was to Lotus or me. Lotus began to moan out a sentence, “Ron… ooh… just…ah… put your finger…ngh… inside of me” she moaned as I continued to play with her. Aloe was ridding me like a cow-pony and all she needed was the hat… I wonder if Applejack would be willing to give up her hat for a few hours? Meh, probably not. I took my right hand back and gave a quick lick to my index and middle finger, to lubricate them, before returning them to Lotus’ warm love. I used my left index and middle finger to spread her lips slightly then slowly slid my other to fingers into her pink slit. I felt her inner walls clasp around my fingers, almost as if it was my cock, and began to gently squeeze on them. Hmm I guess her entire body is good at giving massages. I began to slowly slide my fingers back and forth, resulting in more moans from Lotus. Aloe leaned forwards and began to make out with her sister again. I heard them both moan into each other’s mouths. Damn they must’ve been real close growing up to be able to do this together. I became a little more adventurous and as I fingered Lotus I leaned my face forwards and licked her ‘Fun button’. I heard a rather loud muffled gasp come from Lotus. I took my fingers out from inside of her and grabbed her supple flank with both hands while I pressed my tongue right up against her vagina. I began to move my tongue all around the outside of her folds, not yet entering her, and Lotus’ rear began to twitch and move about as she felt sensual pleasure course through her. Aloe picked up the pace as she rode my cock like I was a bucking bull. Hey wait a minute… I think I might have an idea. I began to buck my hips in unison with her strides. Aloe groaned as she pulled away from the kiss, “Oh yeah… Ron… that’s good… just like that” she gasped. Lotus tried to speak but couldn’t piece together a sentence due to the rather large amount of sexual tension that she had built up. “Ron… tongue… inside” she managed. I obliged and slipped my tongue inside of her, exploring the innermost depths of her with my tongue. It made a slurping sound then it hit me, ‘Eat her out’. It didn’t mean actually eat her but use my tongue to lick up her pussy. Clever pun on words, sex talk seems to have more puns than Schwarzenegger. I don’t know why but having Aloe ride me while I ate out Lotus felt simply amazing, it was indescribable. I wanted to explore deeper inside Lotus so I pressed my face right up to her rear as I continued to grope her flank. I began to feel that familiar feeling of pressure building up in my groin. I couldn’t really time my bucking with Aloe’s strides anymore so I just let myself go wild, like a real bucking bull. Aloe screamed, “Ah Ron, not yet… wait until I… cum” she moaned. My pace picked up considerably and so did hers. Lotus began to press her rear up against my face a little harder, obviously wanting more. As I continued to lap up her pussy with my tongue I slid my right thumb back down to her fun button and began to caress it. Soon Lotus began to hump my face, though rather gently, making it a little bit tedious to keep up my pace with Aloe and eat out Lotus at the same time. Lotus began to pant and moan more frequently while Aloe bit her lower lip and her thrusts became highly erratic. The slapping sound of my balls hitting her filled the room each time I bucked her or she thrusted me. Lotus’ moans soon drowned out the slapping sound. Aloe grabbed Lotus around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a furious kiss. Lotus pushed back hard against my face then I felt her inner walls clasp around my tongue. I tasted a bitterly sweet liquid squirt out of her pussy and into my opened mouth as I still continued to eat her out. It wasn’t a delicious taste but it was decent and I mouthed around the fluids which now covered the majority of my face and almost filled my mouth. Lotus’ inner walls continued to squeeze at my tongue, trying to extract any sort of liquids from my tongue to fill itself. Then I felt Aloe suddenly jolt and her thrusts became untalented and ridiculously timed. I reached away from Lotus’ rear and grabbed Aloe by her hips, guiding her thrusts. I felt my shaft tense up for the second time this night and my back arched. “Ngh… Aloe… I’m…” I grunted, trying to piece together the sentence but I just couldn’t hold it anymore. I released inside of her while I pulled down on her hips and kept our bodies locked together in a stationary position while I came inside of her. Only moments after did I feel her pussy walls clamp around my throbbing cock and she began to milk me. Ha-ha, milk me. We were all panting heavily and about a minute after the climax they both fell to my sides, Lotus on my right and Aloe on my left. Lotus nestled up to my bare chest while Aloe got up. “Well that was certainly fun. We’ll have to do this again soon but in the meantime I have an alicorn with a bad…” Aloe trailed off as she looked to the door which was open. Standing in the doorway was Princess Twilight Sparkle, who was masturbating. Guessing by the fact that there were no fluids on the floor I was guessing she hadn’t gotten off yet. Twilight gasped as she realized that her presence had been known. Her wings poofed out and she tried to backpedal but ended up just tripping over herself. She repositioned herself then gave us all a hopeful look. Lotus spoke before I did. “Sister, is there a way to make this work with three mares and only one man?” she asked and Aloe let a sly smile creep across her face. * * * Third person, Earth: Dan the man and the others were working out in the gym where Ron had last been seen well over two years ago. Dan was speaking with the others. “So… what do you think happened to Ron anyway?” he asked and the others just shrugged. A younger more spiteful man had joined their group last year and he spoke his mind. “Maybe he got teleported to another world and is now part of their society” he said and the others laughed. “Spinner, you watch too much TV. Next thing you’ll be saying that he’s boning… two spa maids or something” Dan laughed. Spinner just sighed as he continued to work out. Back in Equestria, Canterlot: Celestia gazed upon the magnificent magazine. She was reading a little article about a certain male human with large muscles who apparently liked it kinky in bed. Celestia’s face twitched as she forced the sixteen inch vibrating dildo into her pussy. As she read the highly erotic article about the time when he made love to a musical artist, which was probably a made up story but it still got Celestia heavily aroused, she gave the best poker face any-pony could do. “Oh yeah… how’s that for… kinky” Celestia gasped as she felt herself reach the bridge of her orgasm. She began to scream uncontrollably as her orgasm struck her then suddenly her bedchamber doors swung open and Luna rushed in. “Sister are you okay!?” Luna gasped and Celestia let out a scream of shock from being caught in a naughty act. Celestia grasped the large dildo in her magic and quickly slipped it out of her pussy before flinging it in a random direction, trying to conceal the evidence. Unfortunately for her the wet and still vibrating dildo ended up smacking Luna in the face, smearing Celestia’s juices into her sister’s fur. Luna winced, “Ah… what in Equestria!” she gasped as the dildo clattered to the floor and began to chatter as it vibrated on the floor tiles. As Luna wiped her eyes Celestia quickly tossed the erotic magazine out the window, she had dozens more just like it hidden in between her bed mattresses. Luna looked down in shock to the vibrating dildo which chattered around on the floor. “Uhm… Tia… I was just wondering if you were okay” Luna said and Celestia nodded. “Yep, couldn’t be better… you mind tossing that back to me?” Celestia asked and Luna picked up the sex toy in her magic and levitated it over to her sister. Celestia was grateful for her sister’s understanding. “Tell me sister, do you like bananas?” Celestia asked and Luna raised an eyebrow. “Bananas?” Luna asked and Celestia nodded. “Well I guess… I mean they are good, and good for me” Luna replied in curiosity to why she would ask that sort of question at a time like this. Then the answer slapped her in the ass, quite literally. Celestia slapped her sister in the flank with a perfectly yellow banana then proceeded to quickly slip it into Luna’s still unsuspecting cunt. Luna screamed in sudden shock as the banana pierced her vagina and spread her walls to accommodate the banana’s length. Celestia giggled as she gave another perfect poker face look. Outside of the castle, Cadence was trotting along when she noticed a magazine flickering in the wind. She scoffed in irritation, she hated litterers so much it just drove her insane. She walked up to the magazine to dispose of it but gasped as she realized just what kind of magazine it was. She quickly glanced all around to make sure she was alone then slowly and cautiously picked up the magazine. She quickly browsed through the magazine, stopping several times to gaze upon stallions with hung cocks. She just craved sex right now but that was a natural side effect of being in heat. As she continued to browse she stopped at the small erotica story about a strong muscular human. She quickly gave the page a fold then tucked the magazine under her wing and sheepishly trotted off into a bush to conceal herself. Cadence hunkered down into the bush and pulled out the magazine and began to read the article. As she did she found herself heavily aroused and began to play with herself but stopped suddenly when she heard the faintest of screaming coming from the castle. Something about ‘Tell me you love bananas'!