A master puppeteer

by coffeebrony

First published

The god of chaos has been reformed? Celestia is optimistic to think that it shall last, the question is how long will he stay true, the answer is not long.

Discord, the god of chaos is not happy with his life of conformity and regulation. Whilst Celestia and Luna are preparing for the Grand galloping gala, Discord is busy making preparations of his own.

bored bored bored

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It was a normal day in Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia was busy in her chambers writing and sending notes out to ponies all across the land, Luna on the other hand was attending to other royal duties around the castle such as overseeing the Royal guards training. This however was the problem, it was normal, nothing out of the ordinary and this displeased one of the castles residents. "Yaaaaaaaawn!" This echoed around a few of the halls, shattering the silence that hung in the air like a thick blanket into nothing.

The origin of the noise came from behind a large wooden door that lay at the end of an immaculate white hall, upon it was a plaque with the word "Discord" embossed into it. In this room dwelt the Draconequus king of chaos. "hmmmm!" He groaned as he stretched out his body. "I am absolutely boooooored. There's nothing fun to do here if i'm not allowed to cause a little chaos." The words were long and drawn out as his brain thought about all the different things he could do with his powers, from the harmless to the devastating, the funny to the horrific."I know, i'll have a little fun." Upon saying this he snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash of light.

Meanwhile in Celestia's chambers, the princess was tired and taking a small break from writing letters, she trotted over to the a balcony that overlooked the castle gardens. She sat down to allow her senses to be overtaken by nature, feeling so serene as the warm summer breeze flowed through her aurora mane, the sound of the birds singing in the trees graced her ears and the smell of fresh grass wafted past her nose. Suddenly a small snap caused her to come back to reality, she furtively looked around to see what it was,but upon surveying the garden she saw that a large twig had snapped off of a tree. After taking a deep breath she once more returned to her desk and resumed the monotonous task of manipulating quill and parchment to write letters, this task was so familiar to her she could write without looking at the pieces of parchment and simply glanced at them to wrap and send them.

With a small flash a letter appeared in front of Celestia, she stopped writing to open it and inside was a simple message from her student, Twilight Sparkle.

"Dear princess Celestia, thanks for the invitations to the Grand galloping gala, me and the girls will be glad to attend, although i must admit it will be slightly weird being there as a member of royalty. see you soon. Twilight Sparkle-"

After reading the note Celestia smiled, but this smile soon faded as she noticed one of her letters beginning to tremble. "Aaaaaah!" As she trotted over she let out a small cry as the note shot at her, followed by several others, which began to swirl around her, This would have caused her more panic if a small voice hadn't started laughing from up on a small marble ledge. "Discord, come down here now." With this the letters dropped to the ground, also descending while still laughing was Discord, a broad grin spread across his face. "Oh Celestia, that was such a cute scream, Aaaah." He crudely mimicked."But did you really have to spoil the game so early I was just starting to have fun?" She looked at him with a stern yet gentle expression. "I am busy right now preparing for the gala at them moment Discord, and I would appreciate it if you could find something else to do."

The draconequus' smile faded as he lowered his head and he let out a small tut, he floated in the air and began to float around before replying. "Oh i know, I've read those letters you've been sending, and honestly i cant wait for something lively to happen around here. Sometimes its like i'm still made of stone I hardly do anything." Celestia's eyes followed discord around the room, softening as he said this. "I understand it must be difficult for you, but please understand that you are a most valued asset to this kingdom." Discord gave out a little chuckle before giving her a single glance and snapping his finger causing his to disappear with a flash. He reappeared out in the gardens thinking about what Celestia had said, but this didn't last long as a bellowing voice could be heard coming from the other side of a large wall. Curious as to what the commotion was about with another click of his fingers he once more vanished to go explore.


Princess Luna's royal canterlot voice boomed as she ordered a string of royal guards around the front entrance of the castle. Each was positioned facing another guard on either side of the pathway holding a trumpet, practicing for the welcoming parade, but being her first Gala in 1000 years, Luna was being a perfectionist with the execution of the performance, and one guard had missed his cue.

Discord sat atop a wall watching, unbeknownst to Luna and the guards, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the guards failed attempts at performing and Luna's constant criticism.

"OKAY! ONE MORE TIME FROM THE START!" Came the command, and after a few seconds the sound of Trumpets playing a ceremonial tune erupted. With this Discord suddenly got an idea for another prank, and with a quick snap of his fingers he sat with a grin on his face waiting for his handiwork to become known.

As the music continued, Luna marched proudly along the path imitating the nobles and gentry that would be trotting along it on the night, this made discord squeal with delight, because as the princess reached the center of the guards all of their instruments began spouting streams of purple goo that covered Luna from horn to hoof.

All the guards immediately stopped playing and let their instruments fall to the ground, frozen to the spot with suprise and unable to think of a correct response whilst Luna stood there also incapable of saying or doing anything.

"PAHAHAHAHA OH....OH.. this is just priceless." Discord spluttered for air as he began laughing uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face.

The purple blob that was the princess spun around in fury "DISCORD, HOW DARE YOU DEFILE THE COAT OF SOMEPONY OF MY STANDING!!" Her voice full of anger, but this did little to stop him from laughing. Her horn glowed midnight blue as the goo was lifted from her and collected into a hovering ball, before being flung back at the assailant. It hit Discord who was too busy laughing to notice it, covering him and rendering him a purple blob.

"How does one like that?" Luna mocked, now with a more subdued tone, her gaze fixed upon Discord as he simply snapped his fingers and made the goo vanish.

"Lulu, you are much more fun than your sister, far easier to get a reaction." He chuckled while looking at Luna who still had her glare fixed upon him, with this she turned back to the guards and simply ordered them to pick up the instruments and continue.

"Discord, Leave now as i have important work to do. If thou wantest to mess about, do it in the confines of thine own room." Once more he looked away with another laugh and simply vanished back to his room.

He returned to his prior actions of floating around his room thinking, but this time he thoughts were more focused on the up and coming Gala that was only a few nights away. "Hmm, well that should be a fun evening, all those noble ponies in one location, all the princesses here too, plus i'll get to see my favourite bunch of Ponies form lil' old ponyville." as he sarcastically thought about this he began to smirk. "Although i guess i cant cause any chaos there as the consequences could be tedious...."

He floated over to a small desk in his room and began to write a few notes on some parchments. "But then again......." He paused as he finished writing the two small notes, which rolled up and vanished with a snap of his fingers. "Now all i have to do is wait, ooh the anticipation is going to kill me. I'm going to be so bored."

With this he began to laugh, quiet at first, but it soon escalated into a loud laugh that once more filled the quiet halls with a silence shattering echo.