The Real War

by Overwhelming Light

First published

The son of a great warrior must step up to the plate when Equestria is attacked by an unknown enemy. The teen must learn the truth to his father's great abilities and control them as his father once had.

The son of a great warrior must step up to the plate when Equestria is attacked by an unknown enemy. The teen must learn the truth to his father's great abilities and control them as his father once had. The young warrior must face many challenges to find out the truth behind the attacks, but it seems any progress he makes does not bring him any closer to his goal.

Chapter 1

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The Real War

My friends call me by my callsign "Angel." My enemies do not know who I am, for they only know of my work.
The War broke out suddenly, it wasn't even a war at that point, it was merely radicals attacking embassies. At first the citizens of this Republic were told, "Do not worry this small skirmish will not last longer than a few months! This pitiful resistance will be crushed soon enough."

That was four years ago. This War has changed the lives of everypony in Equestria, too many innocents have been killed by the crossfire. The innocent townsfolk watching their homes burn, or worse yet, knowing one of their friends or relatives are in the home slowly losing their life...

Most Equestrians feel that this war is not worth the risk of the lives of mares and stallions. They believe there should be some sort of 'Diplomatic Resolution'. They don't know the whole story... But I do. For, I am one that is not in any record book. I am a Phantom for the Republic. I do not exist.

My 'Story' is only being released because I have retired and I have changed the names of those who are still in combat. There is still classified information that I can not inform anyone of yet, but I can tell some information that has been declassified.

When I was younger around the age of Fourteen, I always studied the past. I studied the past wars and tried to learn from them. I was always interested in serving my country just like my father who was a veteran of the guard. I had read many, many autobiographies from way back. The autobiographies told the truth of the war, how it was bloody and nopony wins. There is always loss in war, but less loss then the competitor is the goal for most leaders. Less casualties, less innocents hurt, less destruction to the home land, these were the goals of the leaders back then. I understood this, most autobiographies were very descriptive and told of the wounds inflicted during combat. They were gruesome but I was strong at that age.

I continued learning about war until my senior year of High School. I was planning on joining the military or the guard after I graduated, but my parents had different ideas. They were planning on me going to some college somewhere to be a 'great intelligent stallion'. I really did not want to but my parents chose for me. My summer after I had graduated was coming to a close. I was preparing to go to Manehattan for college.
It was packing day for me, I had to gather up my possessions. As I was gathering all my newly acquired 'formal wear', my brother rushed into my room carrying on about something. He was screaming that something had happened. I quickly followed him outside.

There was a large group of ponies gathered around a messenger from Canterlot. The messenger looked very tired he had bags under his eyes and he looked scared or something similar. I walked into the group to hear what was going on. There were mares crying every which way I looked. I began to move faster through the crowd.

I finally reached the messenger. I hurriedly asked him what had happened. He looked at me with weary eyes, then he spoke. "Canterlot Castle was attacked, The Princesses are unharmed but many guard ponies were injured or worse." A stab of fear hit my heart, for my father was at the castle. He had been called there by the Princesses themselves.

"Who is responsible for this!?" Somepony shouted. The messenger shook his head. "That's the worst part, we don't even know who did it! All we know is they came at night and surprised the guards. They hit a few of our archives and took off without a trace." My worry for my father had mounted to breaking point, I had to make sure he was okay. I left the group and took off for home, my little brother in pursuit. I could not find my mother at home so I went out to look for her.
I was beginning to lose my self when I found her. She was eerily quiet, her face was dark and she looked as if she had cried...

I asked her if she had heard the news. She began crying and I knew right away something was horribly wrong. "Is Dad alright? ...Mom? ...Is Dad okay!?" She sobbed a little louder every time I had said 'Dad'. I left my brother to comfort her. I ran out the door and raced towards Canterlot. (We lived in the 'suburbs' around Canterlot.) I reached Canterlot Castle a short time later. I automatically noticed the large groups of Guards and the Military everywhere. I raced through this grand city as fast as I could. I was on a mission, no one could stop me.

Except for the very large guard who happened to be blocking my way. I collided with him and I tumbled head over hooves. I landed on the ground with a very audible thud. I turned around to apologize when I noticed he was staring at me intently. He asked me if I was a relative of Standing Tall. I told him I am his son. The Guard told me to follow him, so that's what I did.

We walked through multiple squads of ponies to reach... where ever we were going. The guard told me that his name was Bent Steel. I nodded and asked him where we were going. He told me 'I would find out soon enough.'
We entered the Castle and began to take lefts and rights through the halls. I felt like we were lost, I was nowhere near used to the mirror-esqe corridors, it was all identical!

A short blind walk later, I noticed we were coming up on a rather large steel door. I began to study it, because I couldn't see a handle, a knob or anything for the matter to open this monstrous obstacle. After a good minute of studying I gave up, that's when I noticed Bent Steel was smirking at me.

"Give up ehh? Haha you lasted longer than your father!" He said gleaming.

"My father? What was he doi-" Was all I got out before the door squealed. I turned my head to see Steel placing his hoof on a seemingly random wall brick. He pushed ever so slightly and a spark of gold magic flew from the brick to the door.

"Lets see if your reaction was as great as your fathers." Steel began before he gave the brick a mighty shove and a flurry of gold magic tendrils flew out and gripped the door.

The door ripped open suddenly and...

"Hey son..."


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The Real War


“Hey son...” I immediately recognized the voice. It was my father, my dear father. He who loved me throughout my life, the one that had helped me throughout every sticky situation I had gotten into. He trusted me and I trusted him.

“Son...come over here.” I regained my senses and noticed that the steel door had moved and there was now a very large room filled with equipment ranging from medical equipment to weaponry and armor. I was overwhelmed with the magnitude of this room, at one end there were many stallions dressed in black putting on metallic armor. On the other side of the room there were many doctors working on patients. It was then that I noticed my father laying on a cot with many machines connected to him. He waved his hoof at me, I nodded and walked towards him.

“Hey Dad.” I had to be strong or at least act like it.

“Son, I need to tell you something.” He began.

“What is it Dad?”

“I haven’t been quite 100% honest to you.” I was a bit taken off guard but I let him continue. “I was never a standard Royal Guard....I was something more...something greater. I was a trained killer for justice, my team and I fought for safety and liberty for the common Equestrian. We killed Tyrants!” He gave a short pause. “We saved thousands through killing one...but with the justice came restrictions...”

He began again “I was never allowed to tell your mother of my team or my actions. I had to keep it to myself or my family could become targets.” He sighed. “I do not regret my actions though. They needed to be done and I was the unfortunate pony who had to do said tasks.” He looked up to me. “Son I know I am dying. I needed to clear my conscience to you so I could be at peace.”

“WHA..? How do you know your dying!?” I asked completely terrified.

“All the times in the field that I had been injured have finally added up...I can no longer feel or use my rear hooves.”

“Why.” I asked slightly taken back but trying to stay calm.

“The times when I had been healed by a unicorn in the field have left a mutation in my cells that causes paralysis, as soon as it reaches my brain. I will cease to be.” He shook his head effectively wiping the thought from his mind. “The doctors, even here in Canterlot, cannot undo what has been done to my cells.”

I gazed at the floor, “How long do you have left D-Dad?”

“I do not know, as we speak the doctors are trying to find a way to slow the process...”

“Oh” I said my heart aching.

“Yes but I needed to tell you all that, I couldn’t leave without explaining to my only son why I would disappear for months during his filly hood.”

“Dad, I understand and I admire your duty to the Princesses. I have always tried to strive to become you. This... 'I waved my hoof to the entire room' does not change anything. You have just proved to a greater extent why I should be just like you...” I paused. “Do we know who did this?”

My father nodded.

“Do we know why?”

“Revenge” My father said sternly.

Shortly after my discussion with my father I was hauled away still very worried and confused about well...everything. I admired my father even more so than when I was a colt. He was a hero. A hero who nopony knew. I know of one thing, I wanted to became...whatever my father was. I wanted to destroy the ponies who had hurt Canterlot.

And my father.

Bent Steel led the way as we silently trotted through the Training Grounds. Bent Steel had told me before we had entered, “Do not show emotion only show discipline as we enter the Grounds. Doing this will show the rest that you are meant to be here. They will eat you alive if they know your soft and fragile.”

The Facility was created to test Guards to see if they could become the next great soldier. I would be here for the same reason but I would have a much less rigid training schedule due to my lack of skill. I would begin at the bottom, a simple newcomer. I would be a target, I knew that much for sure, I was not much to look at. I wasn’t a weakling but I wasn't an Iron Pony, I was average. I had a charcoal coat and a long black and navy blue mane. My eyes usually got the most looks, for they were golden.

My attention snapped back to reality when Steel nudged my side, I looked to him then ahead. There was a mare wearing a light blue dress uniform, and be the looks of it, was a very commendable pony. (Judging by her many, many medals.) She stared at me, her lavender eyes strafing over my body in an erratic fashion clearly assessing my abilities or strength.

I suddenly felt very insecure.

“So your the son of Standing Tall?” She questioned staring at each of my hooves.

“Yes Ma'am”

“I figured you would be well...taller.” She cracked a smile.

“Sorry?” I raised an eyebrow, I had not expected her to be so....normal.

“Right, now down to business. I am Gilded Edge. I have heard of your fathers great successes, he is truly a hero. I severely hope you have gained some of his innate ability, it would be...beneficial to our cause.”

“And what is that cause?” I asked curiously.

Gilded Steel stared harshly into my eyes bringing a wraith that only Fluttershy could match. “Our duty is to safeguard and protect Equestria against every threat we know of.” She closed the gap, her snout almost rubbing mine. “Any threat! Public or private.” She quickly turned around and began to walk away.

Bent Steel broke the short silence following. “Lets get you settled in, your hardest day begins tomorrow.”

The next day became a blur of pain, hate and a lot of running. Bent Steel was quite older than me but he was a lot more athletic and in a better shape. He only became slightly winded while I would be gasping for air. In total during the day we ran about eight miles which was still less than everypony else. All in all I didn’t think I did too bad, I mean it was only my first day. I began to really enjoy Bent's company. When ever I would be at the back of the pack when running Bent would slow down a bit and wait for me. Then while we were jogging, he would tell me of some stories he had heard of my father. (Most were exaggerated I could tell, because like who could take on five stallions at once?)

“-then your father turned back around and bucked the third in the face sending him flying into the fourth. The thirds horn impaled the fourth and by the time the fourth had died, your father had already fired two shots, one at the third and one at the fifth assailant who was hiding behind one of the bodies.” Bent Steel chuckled. “Even I still don’t believe parts of that story but I know for a fact he killed five ponies that day.” We had just got done with training for the day and were walking back to the barracks.

“Ya, ya you told me that story twice already today.” I said tiredly.

“Oh sorry I forgot that I tol-” Bent Steel began.

“HEY! Colt cuddler! Get over here!”

“Fuck not this sped again....” Bent Steel whispered through his teeth.

“What does he wa-”

“I SAID get over here!” The idiot yelled again.

“Fine lets go see what he wants Bent.” I hissed through my teeth. We slowly began walking over to a yellow stallion with a green mane who had been yelling across the yard. The yard consisted of a few brick roads crisscrossing and a small apple tree. We had just gotten over to where he was standing when two more ran up behind us so we were trapped between them.

“What gives you the right to be here? Why the FUCK do you get privileges? I have earned it! We have all earned it!” He waved a fore hoof to the two behind us, then he pointed at me. “Except you...”

Next thing I know the one stallion behind Steel, twists around and bucks Bent right on his head. Bents bloody body hit the ground painfully slow. As soon as his eyes closed, I felt a weird burning feeling in my heart that was not normal. I turned my head back around to see the yellow stallion running at me, but he was barely moving any closer. His movements showed he was running. That is when I saw it, a bird flying overhead..... was barely moving at all. It was moving maybe couple inches every second.

Time had slowed.

When I looked back forward I saw the yellow stallion had gotten closer and was about to turn and buck me. I brought my fore hoof up and brought it down on the side of his head. Then I turned my head around once I saw the yellow stallion start to bleed where I had hit him. The pony behind me was about to stab a knife into my flank so I bucked him in the jaw and I heard a delayed 'Crack'. I looked to my left and saw the other stallion was about to bring a hoof down on top of Bent's head so I turned and ran at him. I twisted my body the last second and bucked him in the side sending him launching into the air comically. I heard a very low grumbling noise and turned to see the Royal Guard, who was stationed on the other end of the yard by the double doors of the barracks, running at me yelling something.

I suddenly felt very weak, and I fell to my stomach in the grass. I just needed rest...... I just needed a little nap. I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes. The burning in my heart stopped...


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The Real War


I am surrounded, ponies and griffins circling around me. My front left hoof is bleeding badly and I have no where to go. Burning Pegasi fly up high above me, circling me as they scream and howl. A few close their wings and fall down towards me choosing to kill me with the sacrifice of their own bodies. I stare up at them with despair as I know this will be the end.

My eyes close and I grit my teeth as they hit. The first two break one of my hindlegs with a thundering crunch. The third angles its hooves and crushes a few ribs. I yell out and try to open my eyes only to watch as my vision fades away. The corners of my eyes begin to grow dark. As I am seeing my life flash before my eyes, a real cascading white flash erupts above the battlefield.

The pegasi above me scream and try to get away only prolonging their demise. The white light evaporates everything it touches. Slowly working its way towards me, the light destroys all the enemies that I could not. When the light touches me, I expect to feel pain and/or agony. No, the sensation is that of relief, sweet relief.

Dull beeps and boops are heard all around me. I wiggle and feel cold metal all around me.

“He is waking up.” A male voice whispers.

“What?” Two mares sound shocked.

“He is coming to.” The stallion says again.

“Its too early!” A mare hisses.

I feel a tiny needle puncture my foreleg.

“I know...” The stallions voice fades away.


Birds are chirping and a warm wave of air slides across my face. I raise a hoof to my eyes and rub them intensely trying to eradicate the weird dream from my mind. I stretch all my legs apart and stretch and sigh loudly. I finally decide to open my eyes.

I first look over my self, I feel fine and I don’t see any problems. No cuts, no bumps. Then I look at my surroundings.

I am in what appears to be a hospital of some sort. White walls everywhere! Stupid plastic wrap on the pillow. Yup. I am in a Hospital.

I look around for a nurse or an aid button. On the nightstand beside me I see the remote to call for help and a few glasses of water. I use my magic to push the button and sure enough I can hear the clops of the nurse.

“Need something Mr. Light?” The small olive-colored mare nurse asked.

“Umm yes, why am I here? Is something wrong?”

The nurse smiled. “I'll check for ya!”

The nurse trotted over to a small table that had a clipboard on it, she flipped a few pages and her eyes grew wide. She looked at me shocked, and dashed out of my room yelling 'Doctor!'

I laid back in my bed. “Great, cuz thats a good sign...”

Just as I begin to close my eyes and wait for the inevitable return of the nurse, I hear two loud sets of hooves outside. The clops get closer and the door opens.

“Hello Light! Why you have made an outstanding recovery! Pardon me, I am Dr. Orange.” States the newly arrived orange stallion.

“Recovery? Recovery from what?” I questioned.

“Well you were supposed to be in a coma!” I grimaced. “But it seems you have woken up and are completely healthy!” The doc smiled.

“Wait. Wait.” I raised a hoof. “Why was I supposed to be in a coma?”

“Well we put you in a medically induced coma to try to alleviate some stress on your heart. You see whenever you did, whatever it was with those other stallions, you put immense stress on your heart.” The doctor explained.

“Oh. Well what is next? Do I need to be put back under?” I asked a little uneasy.

“No, no, no from what this says,” He floated the clipboard up to his face. “You are completely healthy and can be released.”

“Are you sure? Just like that?”

“Just like that!” The doctor confirmed.

“Well then, thank you!”

“Its my pleasure and my cutie mark.” The doctor chuckled and left the room.

The over dramatic olive-colored nurse returned back into the room with a wheelchair, she had apparently left sometime during the conversation. She smiled nicely and brought the wheelchair next to the bed.

As I struggled and wiggled around to get into the wheelchair I asked, “Is anypony waiting for me in the lobby?”

“I don't know but we sure are going to find out!” She smiled again.

After finally getting into the wheelchair the nurse began to wheel me out. When we arrived at the lobby and main door a friendly face was there to greet us.

“Well you look great!” I said happily.

“I don't feel too great mate.”

“Well at least your up Bent.”

“Yeah it is a good sign.”

“So how is your head?” I gestured towards his bandaged up cranium.

“Well the buck to the head hurt like hell but I should be okay now. I had to take a few of those disgusting potions cause I had one hell of a bump” He chuckled which I assumed was a great sign.

“Stop your whining, its for the better. Those potions pack one hell of a punch. So what do we do now?” I asked.

“Well actually. We are going to meet the Princesses. They, for some unknown reason, want to question both you and the other stallions.” He shifted around slightly. “When I came to they asked me all about the incident and what exactly happened. I told them I didn’t see too much because the buck was so sudden.”

I stood there for a second, mouth agape. “W-We are going to meet the Princesses? B-But why!? Oh no! They must be angry that I did that! That I hurt somepony!” I started moving around uncomfortably and shaking slightly.

“Shut up and come on. You don't want to be late to the meeting with the Princesses.” Bent grunted and pushed me towards the door.

The Talk

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The Real War

“The Talk”

The castle seemed to be glowing as we neared it. Bent and I had had a short quiet walk here. Once again I had despised every second that I was in the “Rich” part of Canterlot. We had entered this horrible place shortly after departing from the hospital. The hospital was not too far from my home, which I wanted to make a quick visit, but Bent insisted that we should hurry to the castle. I agreed only out of fear of being late to a meeting with the two most powerful beings in the world. I would hate to end up on their bad side.

As we began our ascent inside the castle towards the Princesses' Throne Room a bright flash erupted and I was transported to a tower that overlooked Canterlot. As my fear of heights quickly alerted my brain that we were indeed very high, a sweet sound peaked my interest and I turned around to see Princess Luna humming, looking towards the high mountains to the North.

“M-My apologies Princess, I do not know how I ended up here.” I said as I bowed before the Goddess of the Night.

“Do not worry of formalities here Light, we are alone. For you see I must give you a very important offer.” The Princess said calmly.

“What is it Princess? And where did Bent go?”

“Bent Steel is in his chambers, with no knowledge of how he got there.” Luna snickered then continued on, “I have reason to believe that the organization your father is a part of is giving intelligence to the Zebras. It was Zebras who attacked the archives a short time ago. The Zebras knew exactly where to go to get what they needed and how to avoid most of our Guard. They had intelligence.”

“The organization my father works for helps Equestria! They are the good guys! I have talked to them!” I replied astonished that she technically accused my father.

“Light, it is a possibility you must consider. You are still new to them, they might not give you the ugly truth till you are one of them. You may go, but if you ever need me, speak to the night.” Luna's voice seemed almost... disappointed.

“I should not need to speak to you further, I have trust in my father and the organization he is a part of. However I will think about what you said.” I said trying to be kind of polite.

“That is all I ask of you. Thank you. Good bye Overwhelming Light.”

I trotted over to the railing and looked out, I bowed and turned to walk away when another bright flash erupted and I was thrown into something soft and fluffy.

I heard a muffled laugh and looked about the room. After a moderate amount of searching, I found Bent laughing in the corner of the ceiling.

“Where did you come from?” He said in the midst of his laugh.

I reasserted myself on the bed and looked at Bent. “Ha-Ha its sooo funny.” I said sarcastically. He chuckled and I continued, “I had to talk to someone who was misguided.”

Bent raised an eyebrow and I shrugged my shoulders. Bent then looked at the wall clock and gasped.

“Shoot! We are late! Time to go!” He began as a hiss then to a yell.

After I got off the bed, Bent pushed me through the door and out into the hall. We began walking down the hall and upon nearing the throne room Bent spoke up.

“Now do not speak unless you are spoken to. These are our Princesses and deserve our respect.” Bent said with the utmost sincerity.

“I understand.” I whispered as I thought about how utterly rude I was to Luna, our goddess.

As I was sulking over my actions, we entered the throne room. I first noticed the icon of Equestria, Princess Celestia sitting on her throne in the center of the room. Second I saw Princess Twilight Sparkle sitting to the left of Celestia. One thing struck me as abnormal, Princess Luna was no where to be seen. I know she had just been up on the tower, but that shouldn’t really be an excuse for a princess.

Princess looked down at us and seemed to examine me and Bent. She had a stern look in her eyes. Celestia then gave us a kindhearted smile and turned to Twilight to whisper something in her ear. Twilight nodded and smiled but quickly got serious as she turned to look at us.

“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. We are here to discuss the actions of Mr. Overwhelming Light. The Princesses and I shall collaborate to make a justification regarding his punishment if any is needed.” Twilight smiled quickly but hid it under her serious face again. She was clearly having fun being in charge.

“First we must discuss the reasoning, behind the act, with the defendant. Mr. Light please step forward.” Twilight sounded very mature as I slowly took a few steps forward.

“Mr. Light would you please tell us what had happened.”

“Well uh, Bent and I were walking back from training when a stallion yelled at us and threatened us. Another stallion hit Bent and everything went down hill.” I explained as I thought about the suddenness of it all.

Bent spoke up, “From what I heard and felt, his actions were spectacular and saved my life. The other stallions were carrying weapons they were not permitted to have.”

Twilight hummed and said a quiet 'Okay'.

“His actions were justified, so he will not be given a punishment. However these other three will be punished harshly.” Twilight looked over to Celestia, “I believe this is the correct response. Unless there is something you would like to modify?”

Celestia smiled happily at her old pupil. “No, that is correct Twilight.”

Twilight looked back at us and smiled. “Then you two may leave if you wish.”

As Bent and I turned around to leave there was a bright yellow flash and a zebra appeared in the center of the room. The guards next to the door rushed him and brought him to the ground. The zebra squirmed and wiggled around trying to get free.

Celestia arose from her throne and steadily trotted to the downed zebra.

“Guards, let go.” As soon as the guards let go, Celestia levitated him into the air.
“Guards leave us.”

The Guards looked confused then nodded and left the room. Before Bent and I could follow Celestia told us to wait just a moment.

Celestia turned back to the floating zebra.“Carella what are you doing here?!”

“Celestia wait! I can explain! I know who attacked your archives.” Carella, the female zebra announced.

“Who?” Twilight, who had joined Celestia at her side, asked curiously.

“Before I tell you, I need you to do me a favor.”

Requests Can Be Made

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The Real War

“Requests can be made.”

“What do you need Carella?” Celestia asked sternly.

“I need... help.” Carella hung her head.

Celestia raised an eyebrow and lowered Carella to the floor. “Now Carella what exactly do you need help with.”

“I need to get some things back. Very very important.”

“If I assist you in the retrieval of your items, will you give us the information you know about the archive attack?” Celestia stared intently at her waiting for the answer.

“Yes. Of course. But I must warn you, the items I need are not just any items. They are special.”

Celestia then looked at Bent and I. “Will you two help her?”

“US?” Bent and I exclaimed in unison.

“How could we even help her? What if its dangerous? I am but a rookie and Bent is still injured!” I was shocked. How could she want to send us? Why not send in professionals to deal with this problem.

Celestia walked over to Bent and touched his forehead with her horn. A dull gold glow covered Bent's head and he gasped slightly. A few seconds later she pulled back and smiled at him.

“Thank you Princess.” Bent took off the wraps he had had on his head. There were no signs of scarring or anything he looked totally fine.

“But still. Princess, how do you expect us to achieve this task?” I didn’t think I could do this. The self doubt train had arrived on time.

“Do not worry. Bent is a veteran, and Light took out three other stallions by his lonesome. I think you should be fine. If you do ever get into trouble, we will be able to communicate.” Took me a second, but I realized Celestia wasn’t calming me, she was talking to Carella.

“How would we be able to communicate?” Carella asked curiously.

“I will put a spell on the five of us that will allow easy communication through magic.” Twilight said proudly with a smile.

Twilight quickly conjured a lavender sphere in the center of the five of us. She slowly began rotating the sphere. Faster and faster the sphere turned, lavender lightning began shooting out of the sphere. As the ball of light spun faster the more it looked unstable. Finally the ball burst and purple mist blew everywhere.

I coughed as the purple mist began going inside my mouth. I couldn’t blow it away, it would just come back. So I opened my mouth and the mist flew inside and disappeared. As the mist cleared I could tell everyone had done the same thing for the most part. Bent, Carella and I, all had our mouths wide opened. Celestia and Twilight giggled slightly.

I laughed sarcastically and closed my mouth. Bent and Carella did the same.

“So how does this communication stuff work?” I asked while coughing out some purple mist.

“The communication magic works with keywords, each pony has a keyword, when you say the said pony's keyword you will communicate with them. Such as Celestia's keyword is Mother Bird. Celestia if you would?”

“No problem.” Celestia disappeared in a flash of light.

“Mother Bird can you hear me?” Twilight said in a deep voice right before she giggled.

A few seconds passed and Twilight smiled happily. “Celestia said she can hear me rather well. If you say 'Goddesses Above' you can communicate with everypony. Go ahead, somepony try it!”

“Goddesses Above, anyone there?...” I said quietly.

“I can hear you Light.” Bent replied. “Hey Twilight, when we talk to each other do we have to say the keyword over and over again.”

“No of course not! There is a reply time, you only need to begin the conversation with the keyword.” Twilight explained.

“Oh okay, well that is convenient.” Bent said.

Celestia reappeared into the room with a flash of light and a small smile. She began whispering to Twilight. I turned to Bent to see he was talking to Carella.

“...will try to help you the best we can. We will get back what you need.” Bent said with pride.

“I hope so, but there many things we need to do.” Carella said sadly.

“Like what?” I asked jumping into the conversation.

“Well first off we need to figure out a way to get you two into the Zebra Lands up north. Not to be rude but you two are not zebras.” Carella said blankly.

“Hmm could we just hop the fence or whatever it is?” I thought aloud.

“The Zebra Lands are composed of many tribes, each has a section of the land. The tribes are always at war so the borders are always guarded with warriors.” Carella said as if we should have known.

“Maybe Twilight or Celestia has a spell that could help us?...” Bent replied.

Ironically Celestia and Twilight were walking towards us.

“Bent, Light. We have any idea on how you can cross the borders in the Zebra Lands.” Twilight said happily. “Celestia and I believe we could place an enchantment on your gear when you leave so when needed you can appear to be a zebra.”

“Beware the enchantment is only temporary and it has a cool down time.” Celestia added.

“Light, Bent we need to get you two prepped to leave as soon as possible.” Twilight said. “Please go with one of my personal guards.” She gestured toward a nearby window.

When I looked at the window, I was about to explain that nothing was there until I noticed a slight shimmer. The window pane appeared ripple and move, until an outline of a mare was showing. The mare moved forward and was fully exposed. She was a dark blue mare with a baby blue mane, she was wearing sleek black armour.

“Hazel, please outfit these two with standard TG Armour.” Twilight stated.

“As you wish Princess.” Came the raspy voice of Hazel. “Come with me please.”

“We will be back in a few Carella.” Bent said before joining me behind Hazel.

As we followed Hazel out of the room, I asked Bent a question that had been bothering me. “Bent do you think we should tell someone at the organization we are leaving?”

“I'm sure they already know.” Bent said matter-of-factly.

I sighed and thought about what Carella's items could possibly be. Money maybe? No. Maybe it's an heirloom? I doubt it.

We reached a large wooden door with no door handle. Hazel, I had just realized was a unicorn. She walked forward and placed her horn against the door and began to draw a diagram. Anywhere she passed over with her horn would draw a blue line. She slowly and carefully drew an arcane symbol. After she had finished the ancient symbol, the door opened to a small hardwood room. The room had approximately twenty lockers each with a number on it.

“Light, grab the gear from locker 17. Bent, grab the gear from locker 8. They should fit.” Hazel said thoughtfully.

I nodded and trotted over to the respective locker, inside the metal locker multiple sets of different colored armour were hung up, each looked like it had a purpose. I choose a black with dull white rimming set of cloth and metal armor that had many pockets and two sheaths for edged weapons.

The armour overall was composed of an under suit of cloth armour that was slightly armoured and an over suit of metal armour that allowed the most possible agility while still maintaining max protection with little weight.

I returned to Hazel, helmet in hoof, feeling pretty cool. I saw Bent walking back over with this large tank-like black armour. He had many many sheaths and other equipment slots that made him look massive.

“You guys don't look too bad, the armour is of my own design with help from Princess Twilight Sparkle of course. Now please follow me, we need to arm you.” Hazel stated with pride.

As we followed Hazel back outside Bent looked over to me. “I look sooo much better than you.” He whispered and winked at me. I laughed at him.

“Where are you two going?” Hazel asked.

I had not been paying attention, Hazel had stopped just outside the door. We assumed we were going somewhere else but apparently she has something else in mind. Hazel turned around and closed the door, the symbol on the door faded away back into the wood. Bent looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Hazel lit up her horn and slowly began drawing another arcane symbol on the wall it took the shape of a warped longsword. Once again the door opened and we stepped into.... the same room.

“Hazel we are in the same room.” I said curiously.

“Check out the lockers.” Hazel said slightly irritated.

I raised an eyebrow and walked over to locker 17. I opened the metal door and looked in to see a whole load of swords, daggers and weapons of all sizes. I smiled and grabbed a black short sword with a black and gold hilt. I put it into my sheathe after I twirled it for a bit. The next thing I grabbed was a white bow with white and gold arrows. I strung the bow around me and grabbed a small knife and sheathed it.

Bent whistled and I looked behind me to see him with a longsword in his sheath and two short swords on his back. Bent smirked and stood on his hind legs to strike a pose. I laughed and Hazel rolled her eyes.

“We should get back to the throne room.” Hazel said sounding bored.

“Okay.” Bent and I said slightly after each other.

We followed Hazel back up to the throne room.

“Carella you simply must tell me how you got here in the first place.” Twilight asked curiously. Being a princess certainly didn’t change her search for knowledge.

“Zebras have always had potions, they are primarily used for medicine but some new potions have been tested and are used for teleportation, it is not nearly as accurate as unicorn magic but it gets you there or close to there.” Carella replied.

“Ah I see, after you retrieve your items, you need to let me examine some!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

Celestia chuckled and turned to us. “Now that you are prepared you must prepare your minds.”

“What do you mean princess?” I asked confusedly.

“You must get your rest, tomorrow will be stressful.” Carella said plainly. Celestia nodded as Carella spoke.

That's when I really noticed that the sun was beginning to set. Bent and I had had a really long day, we needed to get our rest. Carella, Celestia, Twilight all waved to us as we left the room. We waved back and smiled. Carella decided to leave shortly after, disappearing into yet another yellow light and mist.

Twilight, after watching Light and Bent leave, turned to Celestia. “Are you sure about this Princess?”

“Do not worry, I have faith in them.” Celestia said.

The Beginning

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The Real War

“The Beginning”

Slowly I opened my eyes and wiped my face with a hoof. I stared up at the ceiling for a minute or two. Then I remembered everything from yesterday, the hospital, the talk with Celestia, the mission to help Carella.


I jumped out of bed.

I cringed and swayed unsteadily from the sudden movement. After regaining my balance, I took a look at my room to notice I was in the barracks. Yay! Boring décor! I heard somepony move around and noticed Bent in a bunk behind mine. He was waking up.

“What time is it?” Bent said groggily.

I took a look at one of the few window that were in the room, “Looks like just after dawn.”

“We should go, shouldn't we.” He said with a groan.

I nodded and grabbed his hoof to help him up.

“I forget, where did we leave our armour?” I said curiously.

“We put them in our chests.” He said casually.

I gave him a weird look and he gestured I look down. Sure enough at the foot of my bed was a chest.

“Oh.” I said unconsciously. Bent rolled his eyes and went to his chest.

Bent and I began putting on our armour while I put mine on I thought about how actually scared I was to go to the Zebra Lands. The Zebra Lands are always at war right? So that means their warriors are either really skillful or are recruits. I hope for the latter. As I strung my bow around me I decided it was for the greater good of Equestria that I take these risks.

I followed the tank formally known as Bent Steel to the Princesses Throne Room. We had stopped for a few to get something to eat at the mess hall. Nopony was there due to morning training so we ate in silence.

As we arrived at the throne room, the guards stationed outside saluted us and quickly got out of our way.

“Welcome Overwhelming Light. Welcome Bent Steel.” Princess Celestia exclaimed.

“How was your sleep?” Princess Twilight Sparkle asked happily.

“Good.” Bent replied. I simply nodded to agree.

“That's wonderful!” Twilight smiled at us.

“Carella should be here momentarily.” Celestia explained.

“Princess may I ask why you were so hostile towards Carella when she first arrived? Like I understand that she is a zebra who just magically popped here, but it seemed you had a personal problem with her.”

“She stole my coltfriend.” Celestia replied casual as can be.

Twilight smiled at us then jerked her head towards the princess. “Princess?!”

Celestia smiled and chuckled. “Gotcha.”

Sudden the room was filled with yellow blinding light yet again.

“Goddess damned potion. These things are basically worthless. I swear.” Carella appeared to be wearing some tribal armour of sorts. Her mane was shortened and she had leather armor on underneath her shawl. The shawl was a worn leather material.

“Good you are ready. We should leave immediately.” Carella said quickly.

Celestia arose from her throne and began walking toward us. She touched her horn against my armour. Slowly the armour lit up and after a few seconds went back to its original color. She did the same to Bent.

“You now can appear as a zebra when at the borders.” Celestia stated.

“We have arranged a chariot to take you a mile from the Equestrian and the Zebra Lands border.” Twilight said. “Best of luck.”

“May the stars watch over you and your friends.” Came a calming voice.

“Please be careful.” Celestia said.

“We will Princess. I promise.” I replied nodding towards Celestia.

“I will meet you two at the border.” Carella said before she threw a flask at the ground. She disappeared in a 'poof' of yellow smoke.

“Ho many times is she going to do that?” Bent exclaimed.

I chuckled and followed the two pegasi guards who would be our temporary chauffeurs. The two guards were quiet and in sync as they walked. As one hoof would drop the same hoof on the other would drop.

We arrived at a platform on the southern side of the castle where a small chariot was awaiting us. The two guards quickly hooked each other up and stretched their wings. Bent and I quickly got in the chariot and sat down.

After the trip began, it was evident that it would take a while. We had been traveling for around an hour and a half and all we had seen so far was a few towns off in the distance. I could not believe the strength of these two guards. They stayed in sync the entire trip with no altercations. It was astounding.

About twenty minutes later we began to descend. A few miles back it had begin to get chilly but nothing too bad. Right here it was cold but no snow so that was a good thing. The chariot landed on the cold snow covered ground and we departed. The guards saluted us and began their journey to home.

“Where is Carella?” Bent asked as he looked around.

“I am here.” I turned around to see Carella looking smug. “Lets go, we have land to cover. Follow me.”

Carella took point, Bent and I took either side. We began to walk towards a guard platform. The platform was a wooden platform in a large tree that seemed to have been hollowed out. The platform itself was nestled in the top of the tree on three large limbs. I could see a zebra with a crossbow and war paint covering its body. The visibility was pretty bad so we figured if we laid down next to a pile of stone that used to be the border wall, we would be unseen.

“Carella why don't we go around the platform not to it?” I asked her.

“Do you remember the giant shield that went up over the Crystal Empire?” Carella replied.

“Yeah why?” Bent replied

“This border is the same but the shield, if touched, will almost kill you. The shield created by the Princesses mixes with an artificial shield from the Zebra lands and the result is very dangerous.” Carella said quietly.

“So how do we get passed?” I asked. “Wait can't we just walk right through?”

“No, not this one, this border is far too important to let any zebra through.” Carella said as if I was stupid. “I will show you how we get through.” Carella raised a small blue one inch ball. “This is a sleep pellet, it is filled with a toxin that will render anypony unconscious for three hours. The great thing about these is it does not leave any after affects, it will appear as if you went to sleep. No way to detect it either.” She said happily.

“Well that's cool in all, but how do we get him to eat it!?” I asked still confused.

“What? No. No. He doesn't have to eat it. If we hit him with it, the toxin should take effect.” Carella replied.

I wasn't too sure about this, so I pulled my bow out in case he didn't go to sleep fast enough.

“Stand back.” Carella stood up and tossed the ball in the air. She spun around and bucked the ball towards the guard. The ball somehow made its way towards the guards neck. The guard gasped and fell off the platform.

“Nice shot. You could of killed the poor guy.” Bent said.

“Don't worry he will be okay.” Carella snickered back.

“Guys. We have a problem.” I said and gestured to the door on tree opening.

“More than one!? There is never more than one.” Carella hissed.

The second guard walked into the open and noticed the first guard.

“Xiel? Xiel you bum get up. What did you do? Drink too much? I told you not to.”

Carella stood up again and tossed another ball into the air. She whipped around and bucked the ball towards the second guard. The ball flew through the air.

She missed.

“What was that?” The guard looked around, he spotted Carella still standing. “Who are yo..”

He didn’t get to finish, my arrow tore through his abdomen, hitting his heart most likely. The guard slumped to the ground lifeless.

Bent looked at me shocked. The realization of what I had just done kicked in.

“I-I killed somepony.” I threw my bow to the ground.

“Do not worry. He certainly would have tried to kill us. You did the right thing. Do not worry young one.” Carella said as she gave me my bow back.

“I was more surprised about your short reaction time and your accuracy.” Bent chuckled.

I did a fake laugh and followed Carella to the platform. Carella pulled my arrow out of the body, wiped it off in the snow and slid it into my sling.

“You did the right thing. Do not worry.” Carella said as she gave me a comforting look.

“We need to reach the first village before sundown. We must hurry.” Carella said hurriedly.

“What about the body?” Bent asked looking down at it.

“Here drag it over to that snow drift.” Carella told us.

With a rope we took out of the platform/outpost thing. We began to drag the body towards the drift. With a kick from Bent the body rolled down into the drift.

“Don't worry the blood will get covered with snow. We should be alright now.” Bent said gesturing towards the trail of gore we had just created.

Following Carella we began our trek through the snow covered plains of the Zebra Lands. Every so often we would see another traveler and Bent and I would jump into a ditch while Carella would talk to the traveler to make sure we still had the right heading.

As the snow began to fall overhead, Carella pulled up her hood. We had been walking for about two hours now, only stopping to get a heading. As we reached the top of a hill we had been climbing, we could see a village below us in the distance.

“Gentlecolts. Welcome to Heil.”

The Heil-hole

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The Real War

“The Heil-hole”

As we approached Heil, it was abundantly clear that this place sucked. Many zebras huddled around fire in the middle of the streets. Children fought for food, dear Goddess adults fought for food. Carella told us that we shouldn't need to hide here, that there were other ponies here. I had yet to see one but nopony had said anything to us yet, so I wasn't worried.

“What happened here Carella?” I asked as we sat down in a bar.

“The price of war. The tribe leaders, in a state of war, will take all able bodied stallions to fight.” She took a drink of her ale. “Besides the lack of stallion power, this town is struggling due to their crops being razed.” Carella replied.

Come to think of it I had not seen a single stallion since arriving in this town. I thought it was poker night or something, but I guess they are all at war, or training for it.

“So what are we here for?” Bent asked.

“Well I have a home here, I was planning on using the home as a command post sort of thing. We can't just go walking across the Zebra Lands, we need some where that if need be we could lay low. I figured no one would come here to look.” Carella replied.

“That's a great idea but not to be rude. This place is not exactly the best place to settle down.” I stated.

“Oh I do not live here, I merely own a residence here.” Carella stated casually. “A friend of mine died and gave the property to me.”

“So where is this property?” Bent asked.

“It is an old farm house just outside of town, do not worry it is not too far. I just had to make a stop here to grab something.” Carella said as she stood up and left the booth.

I watched Carella make her way towards a unmarked door, she spoke a few words to a large mare next to the door, the mare nodded and Carella entered.

“So what do you think of her?” Bent asked.

“I don't know, I mean she didn't even flinch when I killed that guard. Something is up.” I whispered back.

“Didn't you listen to her? These lands are always at war. She must be accustomed to everyday bloodshed.” Bent replied as he laid back.

“Yeah your probably right.” I said as I laid back also.

I turned as I heard the door once again open and close. Carella looked smug as she made her way back over.

“So here's the plan. We go to the farm house and rest for the night, then tomorrow we will need to do a job for an old friend of mine.” Carella explained in a hushed whisper.

“Wait why are we doing a job for a friend of yours? I thought we were here to help you regain your possessions?” Bent asked for the both of us.

“Oh I am, but I need the knowledge he possesses. So we must do this.” Carella stated.

A small silence fell over the table. All that could be heard was the swallowing of the ale.

“We should probably leave soon don't you think?” I asked.

“Yes, don't want to be out in the dark out here.” Carella explained.

Carella stood up, followed by Bent and I. We paid for our drinks and left. The bartender had been taken a little off guard by our bits, but Carella quickly explained how we had found them in a abandoned home.

“You can never let them know that you have money or even food. There are dozens of thieves in this area.” Carella hissed at us.

Bent and I nodded our heads quickly and followed Carella as she began walking back out of the village. The sun was still showing its warmth over the horizon but we could not see it. The orange glow of the sun was enough for me, knowing Celestia's sun was still nearby made me feel at home in an out of body sort of way.

Not long after we had left Heil's border we came upon a small log cabin accompanied by a small barn. Carella made her way to the door and we followed suit. The snow began to fall as we waited for Carella to unlock the door. She was searching through her packs when we heard the first howl.

“Carella! What was that?!” I asked.

“What? The Snow Spirits?” Carella said as she finally found the key. We all huddled into the house and quickly made our way to the fireplace to create some heat.

“The Snow Spirits are heard to be the souls of ancient ponies who came to claim the Zebra Lands as their own. They came in force but the tribe leaders concocted a plan to get rid of them. The plan failed and instead of teleportation the potions the leaders gave them, that were a mixture of poison joke and a few other concoctions. The results created the Snow Spirits. The Snow Spirits are supposed to appear as a bright white pony wearing ancient armor. They howl because that is all they can do.”

Bent and I laid on the floor next to the fire as Carella laid in a cot behind us. We had stripped off our gear and proceeded to lay down for rest. The fire crackled and danced as I looked up at the ceiling.

I awoke from a hoof to the side courtesy of Bent. I dont feel like moving so I kept my eyes closed and turned over. I laid like this for a while until I got hungry. I sat up and looked around, I could see Carella chanting something as she dumped things into a pot hanging above the fire. Bent was sharpening one of his swords while humming.

“Good morning Light.” Bent said when he looked up from his blade.

I nodded and groggily stretched. My stomach gurgled and Bent chuckled.

“Don't worry, Carella is making...something.” He shrugged and went back to sharpening his blade.

“I am making a stew.” Carella replied still focusing on her mixture.

My voice crackled as I spoke, “Whats in it?”

“Some assorted roots of nearby trees, mushrooms, berries of all kinds. It is rather tasty.” Carella responded.

A few minutes later, we all sat down and ate Carella delicious stew.

“Carella where did you get that food? I thought the crops were razed?” Bent asked after finishing.

“Oh they did. The barn you saw yesterday has a magic garden that produces food. The enemy tribes never found it. So I have been using it for myself.” Carella explained.

“Oh. Well, now that we ate what is next?” I asked as I finished.

“Now I must brief you. You remember the room I went into yesterday at the bar?” Bent and I nodded. “Well inside that room is a mare who runs the local distillery. Her name is Zana. She is pretty important around here and is a friend of mine. She supplies the town drunks with booze and in some cases medicine. She needs us to deal with a problem of hers.” Carella explained.

“What is it? Gang problem?” I chuckled.

“Well sort of, one of the workers at Zana's distillery got into something she shouldn't have. The mare stole quite a bit of information and we must, unfortunately, kill her. The mare is going to take the information to a gang on the other side of town for money and food. We must kill her and burn the information.” She sighed. “Then Zana will give me the information she knows about my possessions.”

“Cant we just burn the information and let the mare live!?” I yelled.

“We can not, in order to protect the secrets of the distillery and so that I acquire my information, we must kill her.” Carella tried to explain.

“You will have to go without me then.” I said as I turned away from her.

“I need your help. Please. The gang has sent an escort to retrieve her safely. I can not do it alone.”

I thought it over. I was sent here by Celestia to help this mare, surely I can not leave her to do this alone. I must help her. There was no other choice.

“If you must do this. Then I will help, but I will not end the mare's life.” I said with a sigh.

“I will do what must be done.” Bent stated flatly.

“Good, we must make haste. She will be departing soon.”

We suited up and left the farm home soon after, making our way to the most western point of the town. We avoided all zebra and pony kind on our way here. We crouched behind a snow covered embankment as we spotted the warehouse where the mare and the escort were going to meet.

“Okay so the plan is to get to the mare before she meets up with her escort. If we can do that it will make our lives simpler.” Bent said in a hushed whisper. Well as hushed as you can be when there is a small windstorm behind you.

“What does she look like Carella?” I asked.

“Average size zebra, has a limp and light blue eyes.” Carella said as she looked through binoculars, trying to spot her.

“Where did you get the binoculars?” Bent asked.

Carella rolled her eyes. “Alright I see her. Coming from the north.”

As we began to move towards the ditch beside the north road, I spotted one of the gang members outside having a smoke.

“Down. Down!” I hissed.

“What is the plan now?!” Bent whispered back.

“Okay how about I stay here and on your command I will disable her. If I don’t, she will notice us when we go after the mare.” I said frantically. “Now hurry!”

Bent and Carella started crawling towards the ditch as I drew my bow. I sat there watching this gang member swaying back and forth humming a tune which I didn't know. She sucked in more tobacco and dropped her bud to the ground. She squashed it with her hoof and was about to go back inside when she stopped and looked towards the north road. She smiled and began trotting towards the mare.

“Go. Do it now.” Bent echoed in my head.

I sent the arrow flying.

The arrow impacted her side but did not kill her. She fell over gasping. She grabbed her throat with her hooves.

I rushed over towards her. I could not let her suffer! When I made it to her I quickly grabbed my sword and plunged it into her neck, severing her spinal chord killing her instantly. Instantly was not quick enough however because after I had killed her, her emerald eyes looked up at me with no emotion. Her mouth opened involuntarily and blood ran out unto the snow.

She was gone.

I fell back and looked at her. I stared at her until I got a tap behind me from Bent.

“We need to get rid of the body. Help me, they will becoming to check soon.” Bent said quietly.

I did not take my eyes off her as we pushed her into the lake far behind the warehouse. I watched as her lifeless body sunk below the ice, never to be seen again.

While I was sulking beside the lake, Bent and Carella were burning the folder of information one piece of paper at a time. The storm had begun shortly after the death of the mare. We had drug the body here under the cover of the storm.

As the last piece of paper was lit on fire, from one of Carella's many flasks which she keeps inside her shawl, we heard hooves approaching.

“Span out! Find the female!” We heard a stallion say.

“They are looking for her! Hurry! We must get out of here!” Carella whispered to us.

We followed Carella as we began working our way to a nearby embankment.


“INTRUDERS!” The stallion yelled.

I looked back at Bent to notice the noise was one of his swords hitting of a rock. Four gang members flanked by the stallion rounded the corner behind us.

I turned and ran to the embankment. I grabbed my bow and hid behind the cover. Carella had ran to the right and Bent to the left. Carella downed a potion as she ran and disappeared. Bent drew his swords and jumped behind a jagged rock.

I drew back my bow and aimed over the embankment. I fired an arrow into the neck of the first mare zebra I saw. She fell to the ground blood pouring out of the wound around the arrow.

I drew another arrow and looked up over the embankment again. The second mare's hoof collided with my bow knocking me backwards and sending her over top of me. I got up and drew my sword. The zebra quickly collected herself and swung her spear at me. I jumped out of the way and slashed at her but she spun her spear around and blocked it. She ran at me and jabbed the spear towards me. I jumped on top of her spear, driving it into the ground. I quickly slashed her forehoof holding the spear. She jumped forward slamming into me, knocking me to the ground. Alongside my fallen helmet.

She slammed her hoof into my cheek a few times, I could feel the hot blood from her hoof on my face. I kicked upwards with my rear hooves throwing her over me. I got up woozily and grabbed my fallen sword, I walked towards her on the ground, the cut had been more severe than I thought. Her hoof was almost completely severed. I looked down at her with fire in my eyes.

“Do it!” The zebra yelled up at me. “KILL ME!” She then laughed crazily.

I raised my sword and drove it into her chest.

I turned to the sound of trouble. I saw Bent standing on top of a zebra. The zebra was pleading for its life, well trying to, it was pretty hard for her to speak with all the blood coming out of her mouth. He took his two swords and placed each at one side of the zebra's neck. He then brought the twin swords together once again effectively decapitating the zebra. The head rolled over to the other dead zebra beside Bent.

Bent then got off the zebra and nodded towards me.

“Plead for your life!”

I turned and ran to the male voice. I jumped over the embankment. I saw Carella on the ground wounded and pinned by the stallion. I ran towards the stallion followed by Bent. The stallion turned and swung a sword at me but I ducked and slid below his sword. Bent collided against the stallion and tumbled across the snow.

I got back up and slashed my sword down at the fallen stallion. The stallion sword in hoof blocked it and slashed my leg. I crumpled over as pain exploded throughout my body. Bent got back up and charged the stallion again knocking him to the ground and pinning him. I saw Carella shakily rise, grab my fallen sword and limp over to the pinned stallion.

“This is for Kineye.” She whispered right before she drove the sword into the stallion's eye. The stallion screamed in agony and slumped over as blood began to pool outside of his mouth.