> Luna's Night Out > by Pinkamena666 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You think you could just destroy the Elements Of Harmony just like that?" Twilight asked Nightmare Moon. "But you're wrong. 'Cause the spirits of the Elements Of Harmony are right here!" Her friends stood next to her, ready to take on Nightmare Moon. The broken pieces of the Elements Of Harmony started to glow. They then lifted into the air and surrounded Nightmare Moon. Spinning around her uncontrollably. "What?" asked Nightmare Moon. Shocked. "Applejack," said Twilight. "who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the Spirit Of Honesty." The shards of the Honesty Element Stone gathered around Applejack. "Fluttershy, who tamed the Manticore with her compassion, represents the Spirit Of Kindness." The shards of the Kindness Element Stone gathered around Fluttershy. "Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the Spirit Of Laughter." The shards of the Laughter Element Stone gathered around Pinkie Pie. "Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the Spirit Of Generosity." The shards of the Generosity Element Stone gathered around Rarity. "And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own hearts desire, represents the Spirit Of Loyalty." The shards of the Loyalty Element Stone gathered around Rainbow Dash. "The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us." "You still don't have the sixth element." said Nightmare Moon. The spark didn't work!" "But it did." said Twilight. "A different kind of spark." She turned to her friends. "I felt it the moment I realized how happy I was to hear you. To see you. How much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me. When I realized that you are all my friends." She turned back to Nightmare Moon. Then a bright light shown above them. They all looked up and saw another stone floating above them. It lowered itself above Twilight's head. "You see, Nightmare Moon," Twilight began. "when those elements are united by the... the spark that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element. The Element Of Magic!" The Magic Element Stone shone show bright that Nightmare Moon had to look away. All of the shards came together with their respected pony, turning into necklaces embedded with a jewel that represented that ponies cutie mark. Except for Twilight's which turned into a crown. The Elements Of Harmony have been found. All the ponies came together and shot of a rainbow that rose up and then circled around Nightmare Moon. She screamed in fear as the rainbow circled around her, eventually covering her completely. Then the light from the ponies grew so bright that it blinded every pony. When the light faded, every pony was lying on the floor. "My head." Rainbow Dash said with a groan as she got up. "Everypony okay?" asked Applejack. "Oh, thank goodness!" said Rarity. "Why, Rarity," said Fluttershy. "It's so lovely." "I know." said Rarity, happily waving her tail. "I'll never part with it again." "No." said Fluttershy. "Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark." Rarity looked at her cutie mark and saw that Fluttershy was right. "So does yours." said Rarity. "Look at mine! Look at mine!" screamed Pinkie Pie cheerfully. "Aw yeah!" said Rainbow Dash. "Gee, Twilight." said Applejack. "I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooie. But I reckon we really do represent the Elements Of Friendship." "Indeed you do." came voice, along with a bright light. All the ponies looked towards the window as the sun rose, causing a bright light to shine through the window. Then the light disappeared, revealing a white alicorn. "Princess!" Twilight yelled happily as the others bowed. "Twilight Sparkle." said the princess. "My faithful student. I knew you could do it." "But you told me it was an old pony tale." "I told you that you needed to make some friends. Nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and saw it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her. But you could not unleash it until you had true friendship in your heart. Now if only another will as well." she said, walking over to who used to be Nightmare Moon. "Princess Luna." The armor that was once Nightmare Moon's now lay shattered in pieces all about the floor. What was left was a dark purple pony with a blue mane and tail. Luna opened her eyes as Celestia approached her. "It has been a thousand years since I've seen you like this." said Celestia. Luna cowered as Celestia knelt down to be closer with her. "Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister." "Sister?" the other ponies asked. "Will you accept my friendship?" asked Celestia, standing up. Twilight and her new friends awaited Luna's response. "I'm so sorry!" cried Luna, hugging Celestia. "I missed you so much, big sister." "I missed you, too." > Some Sisterly Advice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10:25pm Luna stood out on the balcony outside of her room at Canterlot Castle. It was a nice view which overlooked all of Ponyville. Luna crossed her front hooves on the balcony railing and rested her head. She let out a sigh of discontent. "Is something wrong?" came a voice. Luna looked back and saw Celestia. "Hey, sis." she said, returning her head to her hooves. Celestia walked up next to Luna. "You can tell me." said Celestia, putting a hoof on Luna's back. "You can tell me anything." "It's just..." Luna started. "I've made peace with the ponies in Ponyville but..." Luna let out another sigh. "Ponyville's only a small part of Equestria." "I bet Rainbow Dash let the Pegasuses in Cloudsdale know. And everypony in Canterlot knows, too." "That's only three, sis." said Luna. "What about the other five? Fillydelphia. Hoofington. Trottingham. Manehattan. Appleloosa. They're all still afraid of me." Luna closed her eyes and a tear fell out. Celestia hated to see her sister like this. Worst of all, Luna was right. The other towns and cities had no idea of Luna's change of heart. The only way to show them would be too... "I have an idea." said Celestia. Luna slowly opened her eyes. "What?" "What if you visited the other places? Show them the new you." "But what if they run away?" Luna asked. She started to cry. "It wasn't my fault! I never asked to become Nightmare Moon!" Celestia held her sister close to help calm her down. "I know." she said calmly. "I know." "It's not fair!" Celestia continued to sooth Luna. "It's all right." said Celestia. "Everything will be okay." Luna continued to cry. "If you really want them to like you you're going to have to show them who you really are. Show them the you that I know." "You really think I should?" asked Luna. "I do." said Celestia. 'It may be the only way." "All right then." said Luna. She took a deep breath and stopped crying. "I'll do it. I'll start tomorrow." "Good luck." said Celestia. "Not that you'll need it." Celestia went back inside and headed to the door. "Hey, sis." said Luna. Celestia stopped and looked back. "Yes?" "Thanks." Celestia smiled. "I'll always be here for you. You know that, right?" Luna nodded and Celestia left the room. Luna spent another our or so staring out at Ponyville, wondering what she was going to do when she got to Hoofington tomorrow. Luna thought about how if this works, all ponies in Equestria will love and appreciate her again. This thought made her smile and she headed off to bed. > Saying Good-Byes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5:00am Luna awoke the next morning feeling as tired as ever. "Well, today's the day." she said to herself. There was a knock at the door. "Yes?" The door opened slightly and Celestia stuck her head in. "May I come in?" she asked. "Of course." Luna said with a smile. Celestia nudged the door open some more and entered. "Today's a big day for you, isn't it?" asked Celestia. "It sure is." said Luna getting out of bed. "Ready to make Equestria love you again?" "Of course." said Luna. "But first..." She looked out the window. "I want to take one last walk around Ponyville before I go." "I think that's a wonderful idea, little sister." said Celestia. 6:15am Luna left the castle and flew down to Ponyville. She landed in the center of town and looked around, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air and started walking to the Library. When she got to the Library she knocked. The door opened. "Princess Luna!" said Twilight. "Hello, Twilight Sparkle." said Luna. "May I come in?" "Of course." said Twilight, stepping out of the way. Luna entered and Twilight closed the door. "What brings you here?" "I'm going off to visit the other civilizations in Equestria." Luna explained. "You see, none of the other towns know that I'm no longer Nightmare Moon. I have to go and show them the real me." "That's a great idea." Twilight agreed. "No one should be afraid of you." "I should go now." said Luna. "Thanks for your time." she said, opening the door with her magic. "I'm sure everything will turn out just fine." said Twilight. Luna nodded and left, only to be greeted by Pinkie Pie. "Hiya, princess!" she said cheerfully. "Hey, Pinkie Pie." said Luna with a smile. "Good luck on your quest." "How..." Luna began. "How did you know?" "Well, I went to Twilight's to ask her something about something when I heard you two talking and I didn't want to be rude so I waited out here patiently for you two to finish your conversation and then you came out and I said 'Hiya, princess!' and then you said 'Hi, Pinkie Pie' and then--" "I get it." said Luna quickly. "You heard us talking." "Precisely!" said Pinkie Pie. "Well, I have to get going." said Luna. "Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie Pie yelled with a smile. Pinkie continued to stare at Luna with a huge smile. "Uh..." Luna said nervously. Pinkie continued to smile. "Pinkie Pie?" "Yes?" Pinkie Pie asked, still continuing to smile. "I have to..." said Luna, taking a step to the right. "I have to go." she said, taking another step to the right. "Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie said again. Luna backed away from Pinkie Pie and turned around. "Princess Luna." said Rarity. "I thought that was you." "Hey, Rarity." "Going somewhere?" she asked. "I'm going to visit the other colonies in Equestria." Luna explained. "Really?" asked Rarity. "Why?" "To show them I've changed. That I'm not Nightmare Moon anymore." "Well, I think that's a marvelous idea. Good luck." "Thank you." said Luna. "What's going on?" asked Rainbow Dash. She was with Applejack and Fluttershy. "Luna's going on a quest." said Rarity. "To show she's changed." "How wonderful." said Fluttershy. "Well, I think that's a mighty fine idea, Princess." said Applejack. "I really should be getting going." said Luna. "Well, don't let us keep you." said Applejack. "If you've got somewhere to go then go." Luna smiled, nodded slightly, and took off from the ground. "Good luck, Princess." said Fluttershy. Luna took another look back and thought, If all the ponies in Equestria are as kind as the ones in Ponyville and Cloudsdale then I should have no problem. > Hoofington > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7:30am Luna could see Hoofington coming into view. "My first stop." Luna said to herself. She landed in the forest next to the town. After landing, she peered through the brush. In the town were many ponies. All of them going about their own business. Luna took a deep breath and stepped out into the open. Her heart was beating fast due to the fact that she was now more nervous than ever. None of the ponies saw her until she was right outside the town. A couple ponies who were walking by stopped and looked at her. Luna stopped moving and looked at them. At first, she thought they would welcome her. But then... "IT'S NIGHTMARE MOON!" screamed one of the ponies. "RUN!!!" All the ponies in the town stopped what they were doing and looked at Luna. When they saw her they all screamed and ran. "Wait!" yelled Luna. "Come back!" Every pony stayed in their homes. The streets were absent of life besides Luna. She let out a sigh and slowly headed for the center of town. In the center was a fountain. Luna stopped at it and peered into the water. Her reflection stared back at her. "Why did this have to happen to me?" she asked herself. She turned away from the fountain and headed back to the forest. She found a nice spot under a tree and laid down. The ponies back in Hoofington opened their windows and looked around. When they saw the coast was clear they all came out. Three ponies got together. One was a purple pony with a pink mane and a cutie mark that resembled a pair of scissors and a piece of thread. This pony was named Violet. Another was yellow with a white mane and a cutie mark that resembled cauliflower. This pony was named Cauliflower. The other was a gray Pegasus with a black mane and a cutie mark that resembled three peppermints. This Pegasus' name was Pepper Mint. "What was she doing here?" asked Cauliflower. "Not sure." said Violet. "But I don't like it." "Why is everypony jumping to conclusions?" asked Pepper Mint. "Didn't anypony see that she was sad?" "Oh, Pepper." said Violet. "Always the optimist." "I'm serious." said Pepper. "She didn't seem like the Nightmare Moon we all know and fear." Pepper thought for a minute and then looked at Cauliflower. "What?" she asked. Pepper said nothing. "Oh, no. You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do?" With that Pepper was off to the forest. "What was she thinking?" asked Violet. "She's gonna go talk to Nightmare Moon." Luna opened her eyes when she heard approaching footsteps. She stood up, looked out of the forest, and saw a gray unicorn running towards her. The unicorn stopped in front of Luna. "Um... Nightmare Moon?" asked Pepper. "Yes?" asked Luna. "I just wanted to... um... ask..." Pepper started. "You're nervous, aren't you?" asked Luna. "Well..." said Pepper. Luna let out a sigh and started walking away from Pepper. "It's all the same with you ponies!" Luna started to cry. "Everypony's afraid of me!" Pepper ran after Luna. "Hey! Wait!" Luna stopped and turned around. "I'm not scared of you." "You're not?" "Of course not." said Pepper. "I mean if you were really evil you wouldn't be acting like this." "Thank you..." Luna started. "Pepper." "Thank you, Pepper. I just wish everypony in Hoofington was as welcoming as you." "Maybe I can help." said Pepper. "Maybe if they see you with me they won't be afraid." "I hope." said Luna. "I really want all of Equestria to know me as I really am." "Then, let's head back to town." said Pepper. "I'm not sure if I can help you with Equestria but I can help you with Hoofington." Luna followed Pepper Mint back to town. When the got there, it was empty again. "They're all hiding again." said Luna. Pepper glanced at Luna and saw her face. "Cheer up, princess." said Pepper. "We'll figure out a way." "I doubt it." "Why so negative?" asked Pepper. "You wouldn't understand." said Luna. "Try me." Pepper said, stopping at the fountain in the center of town. "It's all really hard to remember." Luna started. "It all began over a thousand years ago." This really intrigued Pepper. "I was loved and adored by all of Equestria. Until..." Luna paused. "Until what?" asked Pepper. "I'm not sure." said Luna. "Something happened to me and I started to feel some resentment towards my sister. Soon after I grew angry at Equestria for sleeping during my beautiful night. Then I was taken over by hatred and turned against my sister. I became Nightmare Moon. My sister defeated me and imprisoned me in the moon for one thousand years. When I was freed, Twilight Sparkle and her friends used the Elements Of Harmony to change me back. Ever since I turned, Equestria's been afraid of me. I managed to prove to Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and Ponyville that I'm good now." "You lost me. You're upset because..." "Because everypony's afraid of me for something that wasn't my fault." said Luna. "That moment ruined my life for a thousand years. Now I want to redeem myself. That's why I'm traveling to the other towns in Equestria." "I see." said a voice. Luna and Pepper turned around. "Violet! Collie!" said Pepper. "We heard you two talking." said Violet. "And we want to help." Pepper smiled and then realized something. "Oh! Luna. These are my friends. Violet and Cauliflower." "But my friends call me Collie for short." said Cauliflower. "Violet. Collie." said Luna. "A pleasure to meet you." "Same here, princess." said Cauliflower. "Please. Call me Luna." Just then they heard a door open. They looked over at a nearby building to see a young filly starting to walk out. The filly was a brown pony. A pony appeared behind the filly. "What are you doing?" the pony asked. The filly kept moving forward slowly. Luna and her new friends watched as the filly got closer and closer. It looked both nervous and cautious as it stopped in front of Luna. The filly looked up at her and asked, "Nightmare Moon?" Luna knelt down so she could be closer to eye level with this filly. "Yes?" she asked. "Hi." said the filly. "My name is Cinnamon Swirl." "Hello." said Luna sweetly. "But, please... call me Luna." The filly gave her a hug. At this moment, all the other ponies started to return to the streets. They all wanted to see this for themselves. The filly let go of Luna and took a couple steps back. Luna got back up and looked around. The citizens of Hoofington were all gathered around her. There was an awkward silence before all the ponies bowed in respect to the new Princess Of The Night. Luna couldn't help but smile. She turned to Pepper, Violet, and Collie. They smiled back and bowed as well. Luna was now one step closer to redeeming herself. > Fillydelphia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9:00am Luna stood at the Hoofington border. Pepper Mint, Violet, and Cauliflower stood in front of her. The majority of the townsfolk were also watching. "I guess this is farewell for now." said Luna. "Thank you, girls. For everything." "It was nothing." said Cauliflower, almost bashfully. "No, it's everything." said Luna, taking a step forward. "You have no idea how much this means to me." Violet smiled. "Glad we could help. Luna gave a slight nod and turned. "I guess I'll move on to Fillydelphia next." Luna took a step forward. "Wait." said Pepper Mint. Luna stopped and turned around to face her. "I wanna come with you." Luna couldn't help but smile. "Really?" she asked. "Of course." said Pepper Mint with a smile. "I could help. If others see you with another, they may immediately think you're good and you won't have to go through all this again." "She does have a point." said Cauliflower. "I would go with you, but..." She poked Pepper Mint's wing. "I can't fly." "Hey, watch it." said Pepper Mint softly, side-stepping away from Cauliflower. Luna smiled. "Ready?" she asked. "You bet." said Pepper Mint, flapping her wings once. Luna took one last look at Cauliflower and Violet before taking off into the sky. Pepper Mint followed. "I hope you find what you're looking for, Princess." said Cauliflower, watching Luna and Pepper Mint fly off towards Fillydelphia. 9:20am Luna and Pepper Mint soared through the sky, the wind rushing through their mane. Pepper Mint looked over at Luna. She couldn't believe she was in the presence of royalty. I mean, this was Princess Luna. Princess. She was psyched. She couldn't help but smile. Luna noticed. "What is it?" she asked. "Oh, nothing." said Pepper Mint. 9:35am They soon landed outside of Fillydelphia. "Are you ready for this?" Pepper Mint asked. "I don't know, Pepper." said Luna, sounding a bit sad. "What are you talking about?" Pepper Mint asked, stepping in front of Luna. "This is all you've talked about. You're one step closer to achieving your dream. Don't pass it up." Luna took a deep breath. "You're right." she said. "Let's go." Pepper Mint followed Luna as she made her way towards the town's entrance. She was nervous that she would receive the same reaction as before. But she hoped that her new friends were right; that seeing her with another will make others not afraid of her. This was not the case. The first pony who saw her screamed. "RUN!" she yelled. "IT'S NIGHTMARE MOON! AND SHE'S GOT A FRIEND!" All the ponies screamed and ran inside their homes, locking the doors behind them and slamming the blinds shut. Luna and Pepper Mint stood near the town's exit and looked around. There wasn't a pony anywhere in the streets. Luna looked at the windows of nearby houses and could see ponies peering out, watching them. "They all ran away again." said Luna, looking at Pepper Mint. "Well, say something." Pepper urged. "I can't speak loudly without yelling." Luna explained. "I still find myself speaking in the royal Canterlot voice." "The what now?" Pepper Mint asked, confused. "It's how we princesses used to address our subjects a thousand years ago." Luna continued to explain. "We would talk in a booming voice so all could hear. But I'm afraid, given the circumstances of our current situation, I would only succeed in scaring them." "Yeah, probably." Pepper Mint agreed. She let out a sigh. "So, what now?" "I don't know." said Luna sadly, walking forward. Pepper Mint followed. She couldn't help but feel sorry for Luna. Luna sighed and hung her head, closing her eyes. "Don't worry, Princess." Pepper said soothingly. "We'll find a way." 10:15am Later that day, Luna and Pepper Mint sat in a motel room. The pony at the front desk didn't bother to check them in. She just slid the key across the counter and ducked back down. Luna lay on the bed, head resting on the pillow. Pepper sat in a chair nearby and sighed. "I'm sorry, Luna." said Pepper. "Don't be." said Luna, without moving. "It's not your fault." Pepper Mint got up from the chair and went to the door. "I'll be right back." said Pepper. "I'm going for a walk." Luna said nothing. Pepper Mint waited for an answer. When she didn't get one she left, closing the door behind her. She looked to her left and noticed a pony slowly leaving her room and closing her door. She stopped and looked over at Pepper Mint. She stood frozen in fear. "Uh..." said Pepper Mint. "Hi." The pony said nothing. She was a white pony with a blue mane. "Please don't run." said Pepper Mint. "All the others do." "I c-can't imagine w-why." said the pony. Pepper sighed. "Look. If you want to run away like the others, go right ahead. Or you could be the first to see the new Princess Of The Night for yourself. I'll let you decide. I won't force you." "Has she really changed?" the pony asked. Pepper nodded her head towards the door to say 'see for yourself'. The pony hesitated for a second before slowly moving towards the door. Pepper Mint stepped aside as the pony stood in front of the door. The pony slowly opened the door and saw Luna laying on the bed. She looked over at Pepper. She nodded and the pony nodded back. She opened the door some more and headed inside. Every fiber in her body kept telling her that this was a bad idea. But she didn't listen. She had to see this for herself. She circled the bed and stood next to Luna, whose eyes were closed. "Uh..." said the pony. "princess?" Luna slowly opened her eyes. "Who are you?" asked Luna, sounding tired. "I'm Sapphire." said the pony. "Sapphire." Luna repeated. "That's a pretty name." "Thanks." said Sapphire. "You don't seem all... you know?" "Because I'm not, Sapphire. Though every pony thinks I am." Sapphire thought about an idea for a second before suggesting it. "Maybe I could help." "How?" asked Luna. "Lots of ponies know me. I could spread the word." A smile appeared on Luna's face. "That would be nice." "All right, then." said Sapphire, smiling back. She made her way to the door. "Sapphire?" Luna asked. Sapphire stopped and turned around. "Yeah?" "Thanks." Sapphire smiled again. "Don't mention it." She left the room and closed the door. Pepper Mint was still standing in the same spot. "So, how'd it go?" she asked. "Really well, actually." answered Sapphire. "I'm Sapphire by the way." "Pepper Mint. Shall we start letting others know?" "Absolutely." said Sapphire, feeling proud of herself. 10:35am Sapphire and Pepper Mint stood in the streets of Fillydelphia. Things had calmed down outside and ponies were walking about again. "It's a good thing no pony knows you're with the princess." Sapphire whispered. "I know." Pepper agreed. "Or else this would not work at all." "Ready?" asked Sapphire. Pepper nodded. Sapphire cleared her throat. "Have you heard about the princess?" Sapphire asked a bit loudly so others could hear. "What about her?" Pepper asked, also loudly. "I heard she's nice now." "Really?" asked Pepper. "Yous sure?" "Yeah. I know someone who's seen her and she says she's really nice." "Is that so?" "You bet." said Sapphire. "I was thinking of seeing her later." "Really?" asked Pepper Mint. "Where is she?" "At the motel. Room 4." "Cool." said Pepper. "I'll visit her later as well." The two walked away and headed for a shoppe. There were tables with umbrellas near the shoppe as well as chairs. Pepper and Sapphire sat down at one of the tables. Almost at the same time, two others sat down at a nearby table. "Did you hear?" one of them asked. "Hear what?" the other one asked. "The princess has changed. She's good now." Pepper and Sapphire smiled slightly. The plan had worked. "No kidding." said the other pony. "I gotta tell the others." The ponies got up and left. "The power of rumors." said Sapphire. "It worked perfectly." said Pepper. "Nice job." "I've been known to spread a few rumors here and there. Nothing hurtful, mind you. But funny nonetheless." She let out a soft giggle. Pepper responded with a smile and turned her gaze to the ponies walking by. She could hear them talking about the fast-spreading rumor about the Princess. They had done it. By using the skill of rumor spreading, they had succeeded in redeeming Luna's reputation in Fillydelphia. 11:00am Luna got up from bed when she heard a knock on her door. It opened slightly and Pepper and Sapphire entered. "I think there's something you should see, princess." said Sapphire. "What?" Luna asked softly. "You really do." said Pepper. Luna slowly walked passed them and opened the door. The hall was filled with ponies from the town. "Hey, princess." said one of the ponies in front. "I'm Azure." "Luna." said Luna with a smile. Luna looked down the hall. The line of ponies went outside. Every pony wanted to get to know the new princess. Pepper and Sapphire gave each other a smile as if to say 'good job and it's been a pleasure working with you'. Azure went up to Luna and hugged her. Luna hugged back. She was one step closer to achieving her dream.