> Slendermane and a slender form. > by Shadowstalker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What else, can you do with those tentacles? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia read through some older scrolls, very old scrolls dating back to her own childhood. As she was going through them, a particular silver one caught her eye. It was a love letter, the only one that mattered to her over the years. She picked it up and smiled, recalling the morning she woke up and saw it on the bridge of her nose. The parchment was an enchanted piece of silver, making it bend easily. It had red trimmings on the corners and delicate white hoofwriting. "My dearest alicorn, Celestia." She read. "I... Well you know who I am, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now. But, I'm to nervous to ask you myself. Would you like to be my special somepony? Signed, Slendermane~" She gave a giggle, a faint blush going to her cheeks as she recalled the memory. But then frowned as she had learned she had to move before she could give him an answer. "I don't remember the last time I spoke to him." She muttered. "And I still haven't given the poor thing an answer yet. Guard!" She called. A solar guard came through the door, giving a quick salute as he stood in attention. "Guard, I need you to guide a squadron and find a certain pony for me." She said. "Yes Princess! But, who is it were looking for?" "An old friend of mine that I need to make amends with." She gave a sigh. "Slendermane." And now one body hit the floor. "Fine, I'll look for him myself." She opened her window and spread her wings, taking to the evening sky. Heart of the Everfree Celestia had long since teleported her regalia back to Canterlot, with a note to make sure no panic was caused. She touched down by a river, just by a small stone house with a thatch roof and brick chimney. And sitting inside, leaning against the window was a writhing mass of black. She thought he had seen her when she saw it remove itself and she saw the back of his head, one tentacle plucking away small red dots. She gave a gulp, her legs shaky as she went across and to the front door. Wiping her hooves on the mat, she knocked. The sound of startled hooves hitting the floor was heard, very quietly, they grew closer finally stopping at the frame. The door slid open by a crack, the side of a white muzzle sticking out. "Slendermane, it's me... C-Celestia." She said. The door flew open and he immediately stood at his full height. Towering a head above her, she now saw he had changed from his old lanky self. His shoulders and chest had broadened out, nearly becoming as large as her on from the shoulders, his neck also seemed more muscular. Even his barrel had thickened out. "Celestia?" He said, his voice no longer a raspy whisper, but a gentle deep voice. "W-what are you doing here?" "I thought I would stop by and see an old friend." She said. "Right," he splayed his ears back at the mention of friend. "Would you like to come in?" "It would be rude to keep a mare outside." She said going in. "I see you have been busy." She noticed looking around. There was a small fireplace, a few logs going on it. A red recliner in front of it with a small table, on top were a few heavy and light novels. A floral rug was placed over the floor boards, the wall were painted a cream color and the ceiling was white. The only exception being the small candle holder on it. "Yes, have been busy actually." He said. "All these years trying to make one other... Friend, besides you." He sighed, sitting in a chair. "Here, let me get you a seat." One of his tendrils went into a small crack in the wall and turned it around, revealing a secret wall. he pulled a chair out and shut it. She sat down and looked around some more. There was a silence between them, not one of them speaking or making a sound. "So Slendermane, I see you've changed quite a lot since the last time I saw you." "Yes, I know." he muttered. "I was still going through puberty then. I couldn't help it if I was a little shy, and I was practically a walking skeleton... Or the only thing I could wear were these suits." he pulled at his tie. "I really don't care for them." "I could imagine." She said. "Do... Do you have anything to drink? My throat's a little dry from flying here." "Yes, I have something if memory serves correct. Give me a second." As he got up, she looked at the small table. A single rose was on top of the books, a small pile of petals surrounded the stem. She sighed, frowning because that was what he only did when he was sad. She remembered it from when she tried to help him make friends. A loud clattering was heard, she got up and went to the source of the noise. "Blasted stool!" Slender cursed as he propped himself up with his three good legs. "I knew I should have made a new one." "Are you alright? You aren't too hurt, are you?" Celestia said helping him up. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He said. "Give it a second." His leg snapped back into place, an eerie red glow coming from his sleeve. "All better." "I didn't know you could do that." She said. "It came with the curse." He said. "Please don't ask about that, it still hurts." He got out two unused mugs and twisted the knob on the faucet. When no water came out, he opened the cabnit below and sighed. "Stupid plumbing." He said, staring at the missing pipe. "I knew I should have gotten that stupid pipe replaced. I really only have a few things left, I do have wine. If that's aright with you?" "It's fine." She said. "We serve it at the gala every year." "The gala...Isn't that, that annual ball Canterlot hosts every year?" "Yes. That ball hosted for goodwill towards ponies who wouldn't care if a neighbor would have been evicted, but they lose one coin and they panic. It's hard keeping a neutral expression when dealing with some of them, the ludicrous problems they come up never ceases to amaze me." "I bet." He said, uncorking a bottle. "be careful with this one, it's aged a bit." She took the glass and sipped, coughing from the taste at first. They both wen't back to the living room, Slendermane remaining quite as he sipped his wine. His formed mouth hidden from view by the tentacle. Another awkward silence hung over them. "So, Celestia" Slendermane said. "What brings a mare like you out to a place like this?" "W-well," she stuttered. "I came about this." She pulled out the silver letter from her wing. "Y-You kept that? After all these years?" He said, gingerly taking it from her. "But why?" "Because, I never gave you an answer." She sighed. "I had to move then, and was unable to find you." "S-So, what is your answer?" He asked, setting it down on the table. She got up and gulped, she put a hoof to his cheek before leaning in and kissing it. "Yes." She said. "If I had tear ducts, which I could just make, I think I'd cry. Thank you Celestia, that's the answer I've wanted to hear for over six hundred years." "Well, considering it would be hard for us to date, and considering the distance and the publicity, I think it would be better if you showed me how much you truly love me." She grinned with a strong blush on her cheeks. "If you know what I mean?" His ears pointed directly upwards. "Really Celestia? Is that the wine talking or yourself?" He asked. "And besides, we haven't even went on one date yet. We cant just go into the bedroom and do it, its not right." "Slendermane, I care deeply about you." She said. "Ever since I met you in the forest those many years ago, I've been wanting to be with you. IF we don't know, we may not get another chance. So I'm asking this, for you, will you bed me?" "Your not saying we should... Are you sure? I mean... Here of all places? The living room? I was thinking the bedroom." She gave a giggle, taking her hoof off his cheek she winked. "Lead the way, my love." She whispered. He got up shakily and led her to a door around a corner from the front, it was just a small oak door. Big enough for him and any other large visitor he would get. If he had ever gotten any until now. The bedroom was a deep blue, the bed was a large mattress, a white comforter and three pillows. A pair of white drapes blocked most sunlight out. As he slipped off his suit, she climbed into bed behind him, laying in a seductive position, he turned around and stopped momentarily. He laughed before going in after her. "So, how should we start?" He asked. "That's up to you." She said. "Although, I have a good idea on where I can start." She smiled as she felt something poke her in the side. She slid a hoof down and smiled when he shivered. "Would you mind If I took over before your ready?" She asked. "Be my guest." He said, rolling onto his back, taking her with him. Now on top of him, she felt quite nervous. She shook slightly but relaxed when he brushed a tentacle against her cutie mark. She gave a moan before going back to him. Her eyes widened slightly at his shaft. It was bigger than any stallion alive, and it had the girth to match. She gulped before rubbing a hoof down it, making it stand to it's full height. Satisfied, she gave the first lick from the base to the tip, deliberately going slow. She sucked on the head, swirling her tongue on it at times. The slight tremors coming from him motivated her more. She leaned down slightly, taking the first few inches in, she gave an involuntary moan, sending vibrations through him. She swirled her tongue around the first few inches, sticking her tongue out of her mouth at the bottom as she got deeper. She wrapped a hoof on the lower part, not wanting to go that far yet, she began to stroke it. He gave a moan of his own, but kept his shaking down to a bare minimum. She took in half of it now, letting her tongue slide over the bottom of it as she pulled back, just keeping the head in. She gave another wink before leaning down as far as she could, taking his entire shaft in. He jumped slightly from the unexpected sensation, but relaxed as pleasure took over. She held herself there, for a minute or two before leaning back, gasping for air with a heavy blush on her cheeks. "Now that I've had my fun, I'm sure my host would like to have some too?" She asked. "Say, what else can you do with those tentacles?" She smiled, playfully putting a hoof to one. "Maybe, hold a sweet, little innocent mare like me down to the bed as a stallion, such as yourself, forcefully ruts her?" "All you had to do was ask." He said, flipping over but keeping her on her belly. With a surprised yelp, she felt her legs and wings restrained by his black tentacles, even one going around her muzzle. She felt a pair of hooves slide around her shoulders, looking to the side, she saw a pair of white hooves blending in with her coat. Her eyes widened slightly as she felt his shaft press against her rear entrance. With a quick thrust, he pushed in. She gave a moan, arching her back as she felt him thrust deeper inside. With a grunt, he pushed even more of himself inside, burying himself at 3/4ths of the way already. He pulled back before ramming into her again, eliciting another moan. She felt his hooves press harder against her, she didn't mind, her eyes were rolled back in her head. Just as she thought it couldn't have gotten better, he stopped and pulled out. "If I'm too hard, just start struggling, I'll let go." He said. He put the head of his shaft against her marehood, pressing lightly against it before thrusting. She arched he back as far as he would let her, giving a long throaty moan. He began slowly, but forcefully, taking himself out to the tip before forcefully plunging back in to half his length. With a grunt, he thrusted faster, putting more of his length in with each one. As he sped up, she began to feel her climax coming on. A tight knot forming in her chest, for over a thousand years it had built up. His breathing started to become more forced, as he tried holding his breath for longer thrusts. With a few more, he lifted her up and had her face him as he rutted her. She put her head on his shoulder as she wrapped her backlegs around him, taking more of his length in. "S-Slendermane... I'm getting close!" She said. "So... Am I!" He grunted. As she felt herself reaching climax, he brushed her feathers with his tentacles, sending her over the edge. With a blissful yell, she wrapped herself around him, feeling her own juices spill onto him. He was near his own climax as she went through hers. As she was in the middle of hers, with a few more deep thrusts, he filled her with his seed. She gasped sharply, feeling the hot thick strands pump into her. As they fell back again, she felt her belly bulge slightly from the amount. After a few, weaker thrust's, he pulled out, his own seed spilling onto the covers. he collapsed next to her, wrapping them int he comforter as she cleaned the bed up with a quick spell. As she rested her head on his chest, putting a hoof under her chin, her eyes snapped open as the door to the bedroom was blown in. "You shall release our sister or-" Luna was saying before she saw the two in bed. "Oh dear..." "Luna!?" Celestia yelled, bolting up, the smell of sweat still in the room. Her own coat was still matted in places as she stared at her sister. "What are you doing here!?" "I came to rescue you!" She yelled back. "Well now you can wait in the living room, if that is of course you didn't break anything in there." Slendermane said, wrapping himself in his tentacles. "You may be a princess, but I still expect to see a warrant, otherwise, just as I am an equestrian citizen, I can have you arrested." "We do not have a warrant, our captain of the guard does. Midnight Armor! Come here!" A black stallion in crimson armor came into view, in his mouth was a piece of parchment. She took it from him and gave it to Slendermane. He read it over before nodding. "It seems you have the paperwork," he said. "But about my door..." He tapped a hoof. "We had every right. We called out to thee multiple times, and when we heard our sister, we ordered for it to be broken down." "Well, we were busy at the moment." He said. "So, Celestia, does this mean we can get... You know?" "Yes, I have every intention on doing so." She said, a bright blush still on her cheeks. "Do what exactly?" Luna asked. "You'll know soon enough," he ruffled her mane with a hoof. "Little step-sister." Her eyes widened, only now did she know what they had truly done. "W-We think, it to be best to leave the two of you alone. Our apologies." She bowed before fixing the door and running out. He gave a curt nod and went back to bed, letting Celestia lay on him again, sighing gently, they both were shrouded in darkness as night came. > Marriage. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot castle "I'm so nervous." Celestia said trotting in place. "I'm finally getting married! I should be happy, but I'm also so very nervous." Rarity sighed, smiling gently. "You know, when my parents got married, my mom took slow deep breathes to help her calm down." She said. "Just focus on something else and breath in, and out." Celestia smiled gently, inhaling before exhaling a few times. Her breathing slowed, she nodded to herself, breathing slow and steady. "Hello? Are you there dear?" Slendermane asked, cracking the door open. "No!" Rarity yelled, pushing back. "The groom mustn't see the bride before the wedding! It's bad luck!" "Alright! Alright! Just quit pushing the door, my hoof is in the frame!" He said pulling back. "I actually just came to talk. Behind the door is fine too... I suppose." "What did you want to talk about dear?" Celestia asked. "Well, a thought just came up... Or more of a problem actually. How are we going to kiss?" Celestia mentally facehoofed herself, Rarity did it physically. Slendermane chuckled. "But, I fixed it. I just hope it doesn't creep out the guests as much as I think." He said. "I'll see you at the altar, my love." Celestia smiled, just now looking int he mirror. She had a flawless white dress, nearly thousands of small diamonds decorated it. The fabric wasn't see through but hugged her tight, but not to tight to look like a strip piece. Her Vail, threaded slightly so her eyes could barely be shown through, hung over her face. "So, how do you like it?" Rarity asked. "I love it, thank you." She said. Another knock came from the door and Rarity swung it open, glaring daggers. "Um... The wedding's starting." Spike said nervously. "I love the dress by the way. Best work yet." He walked away, the rings on a small red pillow. "Come along princess, we wouldn't want to be late to your own-" In a flash of gold light, they were both at the entrance to the hall. "let's hope Changelings don't attack this time." Rarity joked. "Otherwise that could cause a lot of theories." Celestia nodded before straightening herself up. She took one last deep breath before swinging the doors open. What she saw made her do a double-take. "Where is he?" She asked though her teeth as they walked down the isle. "I don't know, maybe he's just fixing his bowtie or something." Rarity replied. Half way to the altar, nearly everypony groaned when a, all to familiar voice, made itself know. "Hello auntie!" Blueblood called, obviously running from his panting. "So sorry I was late, but the traffic was horrible." "Blueblood?" Celestia said. "May I ask why your interrupting, my wedding?" "I came as quick as I could, I gathered some of the best guards and mercenaries to take care of him." He said, smiling brightly at her. "Take care of who...?" Celestia asked but already knowing the answer. He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "That thing that you supposedly love. I know it has you under a spell, I mean really, who would ever fall for something like that?" As he ranted on, he failed to notice the light's in the room turn blue, casting shadows over the walls and guests. They all went wide eyed as the shadows began swirling directly behind Blueblood. "...Blueblood..." Slendermane whispered. "What?" He opened his eyes. "What's going on? Where are you so I may smight you down with my hooves!?" "Is that really what you think of me? a simple thing....?" he whispered from no particular direction, yet saying it from everywhere at once. "Y-Yes!" He said, rubbing his head as his vision began to blur. "What are you doing to me?" A snort of hot air ran down his neck, with a gulp Blueblood turned slowly, and looking down at him was a faceless head with a mouth of sharp teeth. Slendermane leaned down, almost touching Blueblood's nose with his. "Boo." Blueblood gave a long, ear piercing scream as he ran back through the doors. Once they closed, the lights returned to normal and the guests began to clap. "Slender, why did you do that to my rotten nephew?" Celestia asked as they both walked to the altar. "The guards did warn me about him and his band of merry misfits. It turns out, when I went to go say hello to them, they dropped their weapons and ran off. I figured you wouldn't want him blurting out something every second." "But was that really necessary? Scaring him like that?" "I'm entitled to one scare, per one thousand years. I have them saved up, and, so you know I don't actually like scaring ponies who don't deserve it. He, definitely deserved it from what Rarity told me." As they walked, Celestia looked at his attire. He was wearing a black tuxedo, a forked flap resting on his flank. White frills decorated the open part of his chest and sleeves, and in the middle was a small red bowtie. "We are all gathered here today to witness, the marriage of two souls throughout Equestria." Discord said. "Princess Celestia, you may now say your vow." "I, Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria promise to take care of you, Slendermane through sickness, health and death." She said. "And I, Slendermane Pagefinder, promise to care for you, Princess Celestia through sickness, health and death." He said proudly. "Do you, Celestia, take Slendermane to be your lawfully, wedded husband?" Discord recited. "I do." She said. "And do you, Slendermane, take Celestia to be your lawfully, wedded wife?" "I do." "Then you may kiss the bride." He lifted her Vail up, she had a faint blush on her cheeks. He turned away momentarily, a ripping and snapping sound was heard, when he turned back the ponies present, minus Celestia, gasped. He gave a smile, showing off two rows of polished white canines. "What? Did you expect some writing mass of tentacles and yellow teeth, dripping acidic ooze onto the floor?" He asked. "I'm still expecting a kiss." Celestia said. She turned her head to the side and he leaned forward; their lips met, a slight shock going through both of them. It only lasted for a minute, but it felt like hours, bliss filled hours. "If the ring bearer may present the rings." Discord said. Spike went up to the couple, smiling brightly as Slendermane took the rings. He slipped one onto her horn, letting it settle at the base. She wiped a tear away as his hoof retracted. He slipped on his own ring, putting it onto his hoof. He closed his mouth and looked back at her. They both turned and saw the crowd burst into cheers. Clapping and whistling, everyone with bright smiles. "Spike, are you alright?" Twilight asked as she wiped away a tear of her own with a wing. "Yes." He sniffled. "I'm crying many manly tears. I promised myself I wouldn't cry...!" He blew his nose into a hoofkerchief. "Why do I always do this at weddings!?" Slendermane saw them and walked over, excusing himself from the small group of mares crowding him and his wife. Towering above everyone in the room, they made way for him and he then stood in front of Twilight. "I suppose we're related now?" He said. "Welcome to the family," she said. "Uncle Slendermane." She said. "Uncle... If Celestia is your step aunt, and Cadence is also her niece... Wouldn't that mean Blueblood is your step-brother?" All the sound in the room died in an instant. "Was it something I said?"