The tool

by I had no idea

First published

Why hasn't anypony seen Trixie after she was beaten by Twilight?

Trixie Lulamoon.
Braggart, performer, and vengeful villain.
Why did she choose to go to Ponyville in the first place? Why does nopony know anything about her?
Why doesn't anypony know where she has gone?

Chapter 1

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"Don't you think the Great and Apologetic Trixie is the most magnificent humble pony you've ever seen?"

Twilight Sparkle suppressed a giggle, smiling benevolently to the pony who caused so much trouble in the past few days, but was finally freed from the corruptive grip of the Alicorn Amulet. Trixie raised her front legs, rising to her signature pose for a moment, then with a puff of smoke, she ran away. Barely thirty feet away, however, she fell face first to the ground, quickly regaining her footing and running even faster away.

She fell because she couldn't see properly.

She couldn't see properly because she was crying.

She was crying because she knew that despite all that's been said, they will never meet again.


If somepony would have taken the time or cared enough to actually follow her, they would have been surprised seeing her galloping right into the heart of the Everfree. Her expression was one of sadness and emptiness; soon, she will meet her mistress, and then... then she will disappear, for she has served her purpose, and has no further use to her. A single tear rolled down her muzzle. She really enjoyed interacting with ponies—even if she was not one of them.

Lost too deep in her own thoughts, she failed to notice she trailed off the forest path that was supposed to take her to the place where she will meet her mistress—instead, a guttural growl warned her of a beast lurking near. Glancing around, she realised how far she left the relatively safe road that leads deep into the heart of the forest. Deciding that ignoring the beast was probably for the best, she turned back, unwilling to make her mistress wait. She did not expect, however, to stare right into the eyes of a cockatrice.

The monster intensified it's gaze, causing her hooves to turn to rock, slowly spreading throughout her body, transforming her into a lifeless statue which it would feast on later.

Except, it didn't happen. The cockatrice stared at her, but nothing happened. The mare had a burdened expression on her face.

"Please, noble creature, I do not wish to harm you. Leave me be and I would be forever grateful."

The cockatrice did not comprehend her words, of course, but still faltered at the intensive sorrow and loneliness from her voice; the voice of one who hates fighting, but is forced to battle. The creature, however has not eaten in days, and was getting desperate. It bared it's fangs, which were admittedly less intimidating than it's ability to turn it's prey into stone; they alone, however were more than capable of severely wounding a pony. With a sharp cry, the creature lunged at the unicorn.

The mare sighed, and suddenly, a pink aura enveloped the cockatrice. The beast struggled, but Trixie held it tightly in her grip.

"I am afraid I cannot let you roam free, noble creature, not after you decided to attack a seemingly harmless pony. I do not wish to take your life, however; so... this will be the best option."

Her magic intensified, washing through the cockatrice. Moments later, only a hen stood in it's place. The unicorn gently placed it on the ground. The beast was confused. It had a sudden craving for crops and grass, not for flesh anymore.

Trixie nodded, and with a flick of her horn, she made the hen disappear. Proceeding back to the correct path, she thought about how Fluttershy will react when she finds a new chicken in her coop.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a cloud hovering in front of the moon, blocking the lights for a moment. The time is almost here.

She doubled her pace.


It was a small clearing, nothing strange or mysterious about it. It didn't bear any sign of being visited by a sentient thing, which was probably why they had to meet here. Seeing as nopony was in view, she sighed, grateful for making it on time. The Orion shone brightly, the constellation which always filled her with ease.

"You're late."

Trixie jumped at the sudden exclamation, looking in the direction where the voice came from. Slowly, she could discern a tall, pitch-black figure with long, greenish blue mane. The owner of the voice smiled evilly, and stepped out in the moonlight, which shone through the holes in her legs.

"So? How was it?"

The unicorn considered not answering for a second, but then realised this might as well be the last conversation in her life. She would have to make the most of it.

"It was... terrible. I hated every moment of it. Exactly as I hated it upon my first arrival in Ponyville."

"Huh. I thought you enjoyed being the princess' tool of teaching a special friendship lesson to that unicorn."

"I was but a means to an end. I helped her learn the lesson of forgiveness, and you helped once her friends to learn the lesson of trust."

Chrysalis snorted.

"Stop with that style of speech. I know exactly whom you're trying to imitate; but you're just a hollow shell compared to her."

"I cannot give you else but what I am." she replied calmly.

"... Whatever. When is she supposed to arrive again?"

"I see that you still have not learned patience yet."

A similarly tall alicorn appeared, slowly descending from the night sky with calm, calculated flaps of her wing. She curtly nodded to the two of them.

"Oh hey, a princess." the changeling queen intoned sarcastically. "Let me just get my humility from Idon'giveabuck."

"Trixie, " the princess began, ignoring the fuming queen, "have you done as I asked?"

The unicorn nodded.

"Yes, mistress. I put on the amulet, and burst into the city, challenging Twilight Sparkle to a duel. I defeated her, and separated her from her friends. Then, I waited until they smuggled out one of them, and then I burned the book with the information on the Alicorn Amulet. I waited until she got back and defeated me. As a last gesture, I created some fireworks during her performance." The neutral mask she wore tore down, and she began sobbing loudly. "I felt so bad! Why did I have to hurt ponies? The very same ponies this was supposed to help?"

The alicorn stepped closer, and gently nuzzled her.

"Do not fear, my child, for toworrow onwards, you will never have to hurt anypony again."

Chrysalis' smile, which she wore upon seeing the blue mare's breakdown, slowly faltered.

"Wait. What do you mean?"

The princess shook her head with sorrow.

"I am going to return you two where you came from."

Any hint of finding this humorous disappeared from the changeling's face. She slowly charged up her horn.

"I don't think so. I like living like this, and you certainly don't need me anymore. So, I'll just take my freedom from you by force! I remember beating a certain princess with ease in Canterlot!"

Lightning crackled from her horn, hitting the alicorn square in her chest. Chrysalis let out a victorious howl... her smile faltered however upon seeing the unscatched princess, who slowly shook her head again.

"I am sorry, child, but you are just as strong as I let you be. Now... the ritual shall begin."

She raised her own horn, sending a single ray of blue magical thread to the changeling. Once it connected them, she silently uttered the words of the incantation.

"Revoco te, quae prognatam in partem ferocis mea animae, rede in me iterum.*"

Chrysalis looked at her hatefully, while she was slowly being pulled through the thread.

" Non orabo pro venia.**"

The blue glow intensified, and the changeling ceased to exist. The alicorn looked at Trixie, sadness slowly overwhelming her, too.

"Are you ready, child?"

The unicorn nodded, and took off her cape and hat, only to fold it prim and proper beside a surprised princess.

"If... If it is not too much to ask, I would like to ask you to keep these as a memento. I really felt bad about causing so much trouble, but these clothes grown dear to me. If you keep them, then at least one pony will remember me."

The princess pulled her into a hug, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I am so sorry!"

The alicorn lit up her horn again, and a pink thread appeared, connecting her and Trixie. She hesitantly spoke the words of binding.

"Filia meae animae, revoco te. Factes tuae paenitet equum, sed tu obsequor imperatos mei. Voveo te vocem audibo.***"

With a smile on her face, Trixie Lulamoon sank back into the princess' chest, once again reuniting with the soul she was part of. The alicorn was openly crying, but still carried the hat and the cape with her as she flew away.

"I am sorry... Even if you were once a part of my soul, I had no right to force you to act like I ordered you to... I swear to keep you in my memory forever."


A few months later, on Nightmare Night

Celestia knocked gently on her sister's bedroom door.

"Luna? Are you ready? We have to go really soon."

"Yes, sister, I am ready. Stand back, I am going to open the door."

Celestia smiled at her sister's caution. Stepping aside, it wasn't long before the moon princess emerged from her bedroom, clad in a strange purple cloak and hat, with stars of gold and silver upon them. The white alicorn cocked her head curiously.

"What is this costume supposed to represent, Luna?"

Luna raised her head, and looked deep into her sister's eyes.

"A reminder that every action carries it's consequences. Shall we?"

With a nod, the two of them were on their way to the festivities. Upon exiting the castle, however, Luna stopped for a brief moment. She looked up the night sky, and gazed upon a familiar constellation.

"It truly puts one's mind to ease."