Stallions' Soliloquy

by Hack_N_Slash

First published

Two strangers must band together, despite their many differences, in order to save Equestria from a new threat.

While working undercover on a secret mission from his past that had been haunting him, Hack N. Slash meets up with a new pony, who desperately wishes to befriend him, in order to utilize his skill in battle for an upcoming epidemic.

Chapter 1: The Dragon and the Impostor

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It has been said, all things in this life must come to an end. While that may be true, the things we do in this life, may last for generations after we ourselves cease to exist. The friends we make, the bonds we share, may seem ephemeral to others, but when it comes your time to look back and reflect on your life, it is those very bonds for which you shall be judged...This is a tale of two strangers, who in a twisted chain of events, become the saviors of their land!

Hack N. Slash, a nomadic red unicorn with a jet black mane, was cantering down a road leading to Ponyville.. This particular stallion’s cutie mark was two crossed swords. As if his appearance was not menacing enough! While wandering through the plaza, many ponies were staring suspiciously at this strange stallion. head hanging low, he scowls to himself and ignores the onlookers.

Foolish ponyfolk. Going about their business as if nothing is wrong... if only they knew what I knew, then they wouldn’t be so oblivious and happy....The sulking pony continued to walk down the path until he saw a bench with a peculiar mare sitting on it in a strange position. He grunted and walked past this interesting sight. Such strange inhabitants... I keep forgetting how strange this place is....

Slash sits down in the grass adjacent to a grand fountain in Ponyville park. He is deep in thought about this “mission” that he has set out on. Well, what should I do now? I have no leads and this is the only place I know of in Equestria where ‘its’ kind can lay low... no... it is worth everything to me... I must complete this task, if not for him, then for myself...

While deep in thought, Slash did not even notice a green stallion walking down the path opposite of his position. This stallion, who had an emerald for a cutie mark, and a magenta colored mane, had noticed a red stallion meditating on what he considered to be 'the great enigmas of life.' Steel decided to attempt to greet the pensive pony. He attempts to give a greeting, but is soon found to be in a choke hold by this same pony.

Seeing that his greeting is not working out, Steel teleports out of the red pony’s hold and brushes the dust off his fur. “Is this how you greet everypony or am I a special case?” Steel quipped “My apologies... I tend to act on impulse... didn’t know if you were friend or foe...” Slash said, almost flippantly. The green stallion stared intensely into the eyes of the mysterious pony. Steel studied the stallion for a while and began to speak, “That is quite alright, my friend. I honestly wasn’t expecting to be accosted this early in my day, but you know, I needed the exercise.” He laughed to himself, although no one around him confirmed the humor of the situation.

Slash stared at the jovial stallion, with no hint of emotion found in his facial structure. Steel regained his composure. “I must ask you: what is your name, good sir? I don’t think you heard mine while I was gasping for air!” Slash spoke, “My name is Hack n. Slash, or Slash for short.” Steel performed a courteous bow, “Steel Masquerade, at your service!” Slash couldn’t help but chuckle at such a display. “I didn’t know you were one of those frou-frou types.” Steel put on a playful face, “Well, I am glad that you feel that way about such a fantastic new friend! I just like to sound professional and sophisticated."

“Friend? No, I think not. I do not have time for friends in my line of work.”

“I guess I just consider every stallion that chokes me for merely talking to them a good friend of mine! Please excuse my indiscretion. You are a very interesting character indeed!”

“I could say the same of yourself. You seem to be, interesting, as you put it.”

I think I found an interesting case! Steel thought to himself. He could be a useful aid when things get hairy... “So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?” Steel posed. “you don’t seem to be from around here...”

“I really don’t see how that’s any of your business. I will leave you with this, I am on a mission of the utmost importance. I have traveled far and wide, and my search has brought me here, of all places.” Slash said with a slightly annoyed expression. Steel thought for a moment and responded. “Well, it honestly isn’t my business, but I am a curious pony. I am on a mission of sorts as well, although its importance is honestly up to debate. Because of this, we have kinship in the professional sense. How about I go with you to help on your mission while simultaneously completing mine? It would make both of our lives much easier!”

“No. This mission is mine, and mine alone. I shall, however, accompany you on your mission, as to make up for that choke hold I put you in, but after that, we shall part ways.” Steel shrugged. “Ok, it’s your prerogative...” I cannot let this stallion go without a fight! I know he will be of great assistance!!

The two stallions walked toward an undisclosed location as Steel stubbornly attempted to carry a conversation.“So, do you have any family?” The disgruntled pony seemed hesitant to answer. “No.”

“Ok... do you have a special somepony?”

“No. Any other inane questions you would like to ask about my personal life?”

“No... I will spare you of any more ‘inane’ questions. Now I will get to the really interesting ones!”

“I can’t wait...” He said in a monotonous voice, his visage devoid of emotion. Steel continued to ask more and more questions until Slash felt like ‘greeting’ the pony again. Slash had about all he could take of the obnoxious, green stallion and finally confronted him. “Are all ponies in this town as nosy and easy-going as yourself? I remember having to resort to hiding from that incredibly annoying ‘pink’ one.”

“The majority of this town definitely fits your criteria. But look, we are finally here!!”Steel pointed at a structure that was carved into a tree. A sign next to the entrance read “Ponyville Library.” Steel looked expectantly at the structure while Slash retained his disinterested, annoyed look. “Finally! We’re here! I can’t wait to meet he- I mean, the inhabitant!”

“Good. The faster I help you complete your task, the faster I can be on my way, and never have to see this town again. Now, who did you say lives here again?” The green stallion winced a bit at the derisive comment. “I guess that you are not a fan of quiet towns such like this one... Anyway, a powerful unicorn lives in this tree. Her name is Twilight Sparkle. She is without peer in the arcane arts, nearly as powerful as the princesses themselves. I need to speak with her about these strange emanations I keep feeling... They seem to originate from the Everfree forest. If I can sense them, then Twilight certainly can as well.”

Still contemplating the fact that Steel had used the word “quiet” to describe Ponyville, Slash stated, “As powerful as the Princesses?” He raised an eyebrow. “This should prove to be a more interesting visit than I thought.”

Intrigue!! At last!! I just need to build upon this so that I may add him to our cause!! “I am glad to see that something suddenly strikes your fancy! Let us be off then!” The two stallions walk into the library. They look around to an empty antechamber with many books strewn about in an ostensibly random fashion. Books of all kinds could be seen in the shelves built into the tree. What they did not see was the creature who was watching their every move.

“Very intriguing place...” Steel remarked. “I wonder where Twilight is...”

“I take it, she was not expecting your arrival?” Slash said with a poorly attempted chuckle. Suddenly, a green and purple figure jumped out from on top of the staircase and was standing on the red pony’s head, specifically his olfactory regions.
“Who are you ponies, and what do you want with Twilight?” The small figure demanded. Upon closer inspection, the two saw that the figure that accosted them, was a tiny dragon, about knee high to them in stature.

Slash’s eyes went red, as he lashed out at the dragon, tossing him from his muzzle, nearly landing him on the other side of the room, before charging him. “WHOA!!!” The dragon exclaimed. Steel noticed the blood lust in Slash’s pupils and cried out, “WAIT!! Don’t hurt him, Slash! He meant no harm!!”

“He is one of the tainted spawn! He belongs to ‘him’, and thus, he must be destroyed!” He exclaimed, still rampaging through the library. “I have no idea what you are talking about! Calm down! We came to talk, not wage war!!”

“This is my mission! I was sent here to destroy ‘him’ and all his children! Do not get in my way, or I shall be forced to destroy you as well!” Slash began to charge his horn, preparing what looked like a bolt of red lightning. Steel acted upon this threat. “You do not give ME any choices either! I will not let you hurt an innocent child despite your preconceived notions! You have forced my hoof!”

Steel prepared a spell. He surrounded Slash in a containment field of pure magic. Strong as he is, Slash could not break the barrier. “I will let you out of this cage once you start acting rationally. Please, for Celestia’s sake explain what you meant by ‘tainted spawn’.” At this point, Slash was beyond all reasoning. Cage or not, he loosed a spell so explosive, it left a crater in the floor below him, eyes aglow with pure anger and malice.

After a few good blasts, and an enormous hole where he used to be standing, Slash finally realized the futility of his efforts, and began to levitate in place, his eyes returning to their normal state. Seeing the fatigue on his ‘friend’s’ face, Steel at last spoke, “Ok, I honestly have no clue what made you rampage like that and I do not care why. I will NOT let you harm this dragon. I will let you out once you ha-” Suddenly, a purple aura appeared right beside the two stallions, with an overt look of rage and confusion.


Steel immediately recognized the mare as Twilight Sparkle, the great mage mare of her time. Slash eyed her suspiciously and with great interest. Steel struggled to form sentences, let alone an explanation. “Well... you see... I can...” Before he could say anything coherent, the diminutive dragon spoke, “What the hay is going on?! This crazy stallion just appears and starts attacking me for no reason!! I don’t trust these guys, Twilight!”

Slash remained silent, as he watched the reaction of the enraged purple mare, and her dragon associate. Twilight breathed in and let out a breath of air in order to calm her already-destroyed nerves. “Before I make any judgments, and do many, detailed things that I will later regret, (or not) I want to know... what in the HAY is going on here?!”

After many failed attempts to speak, Steel finally got his act together and spoke, “Well, you see Ms. Sparkle, I came into this establishment seeking your aid for a most dire matter that must be resolved posthaste. When we entered the library, your little dragon friend thought it pertinent to stand on my friends muzzle. For a reason foreign to my understanding, Slash here began attacking the poor fellow and I had to contain him in order to prevent the destruction of the dragon, and possibly this establishment. I apologize for my friend’s rash behavior.”

Not missing a beat, Slash spoke in an annoyed and monotonous manner, “I told you once before, we’re not ‘friends’. I am merely accompanying you to make up for this morning. Also, I am quite interested in this, Ms. Sparkle, as you call her. You claimed she was powerful, did you not?”

Twilight answered, “I am very powerful, yes, but not to show off. I am glad that this whole situation is explained, but I failed to catch any names other than this Slash fellow, which must be you, judging from the position you are currently in.”

Steel spoke, “My name is Steel Masquerade! At your service, madame and dragon!” He gave a courteous bow.

“Hardly the time for proper introductions, what with half of her house destroyed, and a tainted spawn standing mere feet away from her, wouldn’t you say?” Slash quipped.

“You keep using that term. I don’t think it means what you think it means.” Steel replied “Anyway, I came to this library to speak with you about some matters of the utmost importance. Will you allow me the pleasure of speaking with the faire- I mean, most intelligent unicorn in the land?”

Twilight gave him a sort of studying glance, attempting to hide the fact that Steel’s words had caused her to blush a little. “Well, since you have my attention, I suppose I will allow this. What is it that you want?” She said, trying to sound as authoritative as possible. Steel collected his thoughts and spoke, “Ahem! ok! I am sure that you have noticed, but there are strange emanations from the Everfree Forest. I cannot identify a sort of specific point of origin nor an identification of what they might be. I came to ask your opinions on me... errr, I mean these quaint rays of magic I keep feeling.”

Twilight considered his words and spoke, “So, you have felt these strange magical pulses as well, hm? You certainly show some promise in the field of magic. Back to the matter at hand, they definitely don’t feel like any sort of magical disturbance that could be caused by an ordinary unicorn...”

Slash looked up, and turned his gaze towards Twilight. “Of course they weren’t created by an ordinary ‘unicorn’, even I could have told you that. They were created by-” but just as he was about to finish his sentence, Slash noticed something was, off... “Do either of you feel that?”

Twilight and Steel had stopped, and attuned themselves to the magical aura that had begun to engulf the remains of the tree dwelling. Twilight, nearly overwhelmed with shock, inquired, “What in Celestia’s name is that AWFUL energy I’m feeling?” Steel, too, began to quiver at the feeling of the dark essence wrapping itself around his body. “Slash... what do you know?”

The entire room turned to look at Slash, but as he began to speak, a sound that could only be described as a large swarm of insects began to emanate from outside.Steel questioned, “What in the hay is that noise?!”Twilight froze up, “I know this sound of incessant buzzing... I thought that we repulsed the swarm...”

“Well, what are they?!” Steel exclaimed.

Slash looked up and answered, “You wanted to know the source of the magical pulsations? Well, there’s your answer...”

Twilight nodded her head in terrified recognition, “Yes, they are the source of this magical disturbance... I never thought it possible that they would go to all this trouble and invade Ponyville...”

Steel, annoyed by all the cryptic banter, shouted, “Who, or what, in the hay are these things?!” Before an answer could be told, the door of the Library burst open, magnifying the cacophonous buzzing of the creatures. Twilight looked upon the spectacle in pure horror. Steel lowered the shield around Slash out of surprise.

“Chrysalis... but how?!?!” Twilight shouted, horror in her breath.

“Surprised to see me?” The dark figure floated through the air, stopping mere inches away from Twilight and Spike. Steel stood calmly, assessing the situation, “Well, I never thought I would end up seeing a changeling in my life, especially the matriarch of their species...”

“Wait a minute... you’re not-” but Slash was cut off by a swarm of changelings surrounding him. Chrysalis let out a triumphant laugh, “This was easier than I thought! Lure the catalyst here by letting my magical font run wild, and I also catch Twilight Sparkle as a bonus!! I love it when plans work!!”

Steel snorted derisively, “What about me....”

Twilight interrogated Chrysalis, “What on earth is this ‘catalyst’ you are talking about?! What does it have to do with me?!”

Chrysalis laughed disparagingly, “The fact is, Twilight, this isn’t even about you! You just were in the wrong place at the wrong time! This ‘catalyst’ I speak of is none other than that stallion over there!!” All eyes turned on Slash, who was incapacitated by changelings. Steel looked on questioningly. “Wait... What does this have to do with Slash?”

“More than you know, my little stallion.” Chrysalis answered. Slash tried to speak, but the changelings had begun to overpower him, pinning him to the ground.

When that happened, Slash’s eyes began to glow again...

“We may want to stand back a bit...” Steel warned Twilight and her dragon companion. A red aura began to swirl around Slash’s body, engulfing him, and the mound of changelings in a maelstrom of energy. A flash of light, and a small explosion rang out through the library, sending changelings in all directions. “You fail to recognise who you have double-crossed...” Slash said, focusing his intense gaze upon the insect queen.

Despite changelings flying in all directions around her, Chrysalis was smiling as devilishly before, as if there was more than she was telling, “Yes! Show me that hatred you adore so much!! It is so delicious!!!”

Steel was all about fed up with the proceedings, and turned his solemn gaze on the insect queen, “While this experience has been engaging, I must admit that I think it should end immediately. Prepare yourself!”

Magic began coalescing around the stallion’s horn, turning into a sharp spike of green coloration. He charged the insect queen, but instead of running her through, he phased right through her, crashing into the wall behind her.

“It’s no use trying to fight this thing, it’s not even real...” Slash stated, implying he knew more about this being than previously suspected.

Twilight and Steel gave him an incredulous look. Chrysalis never ceased her cynical laughter, and began to speak in deeper tones. “Heh...heh...heh... So, you have figured me out so quickly, Hack N. Slash. You should know how deceptive our kind can be...”

Twilight beheld the situation in utter confusion. “Wait.. so you are telling me that this ISN’T Chrysalis? But SHE was the leader of the changelings!!”

‘Chrysalis’ laughed harshly at her confusion. “I thought that you were the smartest of the Unicorns... pity... I do not see how my wife could've been so foolish as to have been beaten by the likes of yourself...”

Twilight spoke, “Excuse me? I don’t think we have ever met...”

‘Chrysalis’ replied, “You are correct, Twilight Sparkle. We have never met, but I have been looking forward to this day!! My wife’s death shall not be in vain!!!”

Steel interjected, “Wait! You said that your wife was Chrysalis, correct? Then that makes you the KING of the changelings, correct?”

‘Chrysalis’ smiled maliciously, “You are, in fact, correct, my little stallion! I am the king of the changelings!!”

The mirror-like facade of Chrysalis shattered like glass, leaving only a figure etched in smoke, with pale, glowing eyes... “My name is King Larvre! I am the true ruler over the changeling hordes!! We will not stop until all of Equestria is consumed and we become the dominant life forms!! Since you have seen through my ruse, I will bid thee inferior creatures adieu!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!”

As soon as he appeared, a bright green light shone around his silhouette, blinding the ponies. Before any of them could act, the changeling king was gone; only the charred remains of changelings unfortunate enough to behold Slash’s wrath were left behind.

Recovering from the ordeal, Steel’s normally bright mien became austere and bold. He stared at Slash with accusatory eyes. “Ok, Slash. We need to talk. NOW. No excuses.” Slash brushed himself off with his hoof, raising an eyebrow to Steel’s new, less-than-composed self. “Fine...” he replied. “What is it exactly that you would wish of me?”

“I wish to have a detailed, honest explanation as to what the HAY just happened!! You seem to be smack dab in the middle of this! If you wish, we can take this conversation outside, so it is confidential.” Despite the most recent happenings, Twilight appeared to be mostly calm. “Well, I can’t make you tell me anything, Slash, so I will leave you to the interrogation of Steel!”

Spike was having none of this acquiescence. “Twilight! How can you be so accepting of this pony?! He is trying to kill me!!”

“Keep talking, and I won’t just be ‘trying’...” Slash stated coldly.

“You are not helping your case at all, Slash...” Steel said disapprovingly. “Oh Spike, knock it off. We have bigger things to worry about, like this King Larvre. I didn’t even consider the existence of a king...”

“You have no idea how correct you are, Miss Sparkle... and that King Larvre isn’t even close to being the biggest threat.” And with that, Slash was out the door, followed by Steel. The two stallions walked out into a solitary glen away from the city limits. Both ponies’ faces had the quality of stone and absolutely no expression.

“Anything else?” Slash inquired hoarsely.

Steel groaned, “Dude, you have NO CLUE how upset I am with you... The irony of this is that we both do not consider each other friends in any capacity...”

Steel composed himself and continued, “I just want to ask what this whole debacle is about! You obviously know more than you are telling! Also, about Spike. What on Celestia’s green earth makes him a “spawn of evil?”

Slash still retained his indifferent expression. Begrudgingly, he began to speak, “The Lavender Grimm...” he said with a sigh.

Steel tilted his head askance, with a definite look of confusion, “Who or what is the Lavender Grimm?”

Slash raised an eyebrow, and shook his head disapprovingly. “You really don’t know, do you?” He began to walk in circles around Steel, as he recounted his tale... “You remember that ‘mission’ I told you about?” he turned his head to look Steel in the eyes, a glint of sadness in his own.

Steel answered, “Yes, I do remember this ‘mission’. Please elaborate, if you will.”

“Well..” he paused for a moment before answering. “‘It’ is the beast that claimed my village, my family, and most recently, my mentor...”

Steel’s mouth hung open wide, “Wow... I cannot even begin to fathom such a loss...”

“Hmpf, I thought not...” Slash turned his back to Steel, more angry at himself than anyone. “You Ponyvillians have had it easy, until now that is, for it seems that this was the beasts’ next target.”

Steel, beginning to put the pieces together, asked, “So, are you saying that Spike is...??”

“No, he is not the beast in question, just one of its’ many children.” Slash said, matter-of-factly.

Steel was taken aback by this revelation and began raising his voice, “Spike is one this... thing’s children?!”

Slash, who had stopped pacing back and forth, walked over to a grassy patch, and took a seat. Not even bothering to look back at the pony behind him, he answered, “He has all the signs. The purple scales, the green spines, and, those EYES...” he said with a shudder.

Steel began pensively assessing all that was said. At last, he spoke with the calmness and authority of Celestia herself, “Slash, I know this baby dragon, for all intents and purposes, looks like this Lavender Grimm, but neither his heart, nor actions, or intentions denote any sort of malice to ponykind. If he is the alleged spawn of this great evil, then why hasn’t he taken over this town? There was this one time where he rapidly ascended into adulthood and terrorized this place, but that was not how he ostensibly acts.”Slash pondered a thought to himself for a while before his next answer.

“I suppose, he COULD be a valuable ally, were we to train him properly...” Realizing how easily he had given in, Slash retorts, “But the FIRST sign of him becoming tainted, you already know what I must do!”

“Fair enough.” Then Steel’s demeanor changed again, not dissimilar to earlier, “But if you even ATTEMPT to attack him unprovoked...” Slash chuckled at the attempted threat, “Yeah, yeah, don’t get your knickers in a knot there, Fancy Pants.”Steel gave Slash a look only a manticore could adore. “Despite my higher upbringing, I am far more capable than you could ever comprehend.”

“Whatever you say, killer. Let’s head back inside and tell your ‘friends’ what’s going down. First thing’s first, we’re going after that King...” Steel assented, “Yes, we must stop this king before more troubles arise. Let us be off!”

The two stallions walked off toward the wooden homestead of Twilight Sparkle, or what remained of it that is. Soon, their whole world would be turned upside down...