Fight the Power

by Coconutswallow

First published

The Alicorn Amulet has corrupted Twilight and compelled her to take over Ponyville, leaving Trixie and Fluttershy as the only ones able to stop her.

It was supposed to be Trixie's vacation, a soul searching trip to Ponyville. Instead she found herself in a town full of crazy, enthralled ponies, the result of Twilight becoming corrupted by a mysterious amulet.

Managing to escape conversion, she set out to form a resistance movement. It's off to a great start. She already has Fluttershy.

(Genre-deviating sequel to Hostile Takeover)

It Doesn't Take Much to Recognize an Evil Grin

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It Doesn't Take Much to Recognize an Evil Grin



The spell circled around the amulet for several seconds before fizzling out, telling Twilight that she didn’t have to worry about it turning her into a pastry. “I don’t think it’s dangerous,” she said, stepping back. She had checked it for every possible dangerous enchantment, from A to Z, and it appeared to be completely benign.

“So can I touch it?” asked Spike, staring at the red gem that glinted from the library’s light.

“No, you can’t touch it! I said I don’t think it’s dangerous. There are still a few more tests I need to run on it.” Twilight walked over to a series of test tubes she had lined up on the table. “It’s free from magic, but it could still have something bad in its chemical composition.”

Her assistant didn’t seem to hear her. He leaned in over the table, his face mere inches from the amulet, and licked his lips.

“Spike!” She pulled him back. He had been unproductive all morning, ever since she started studying this new enigma in her life, and it was starting to get on her nerves. “Go get something to eat. I can finish this on my own.”

“But…” He kept his eyes glued on the ruby. “It just looks so good!”

“There are other gems out there. Gems that aren’t attached to mysterious amulets.” She frowned, waving a hoof in front of his face. No reaction. She sighed and picked him up, putting him on her back.

“No, wait!” His claw reached for the amulet but only grasped thin air before he was carried out of reach.

She walked him to the door and slid him onto the floor, prodding him forward. “Go eat!”

He shook and clutched his head. “Yeah, sorry about that Twilight. That was weird. It was like I blacked out a little there.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You must be really hungry today. Go! Eat!” She shooed him with a hoof.

“I will! I’ll be right back!” He rushed out the door.

She rolled her eyes. That gem obsession of his was going to get him in trouble some day. How could he get so engrossed in a simple piece of food? As she returned to her test tubes, however, something nagged at the back of her mind. How long had she herself been studying this amulet? She vaguely recalled having other appointments today but she couldn’t pin the thoughts down. Ever since she had found the amulet in an unmarked package at the door of the library, she had made it her day’s mission to solve it. She shrugged. Whatever her other engagements were, they could wait until she finished. Unless…

She paused on her way back to the table. Perhaps it had some sort of entrancing power? Was she being controlled? No, she was imagining things. She had just concluded that the jewelry wasn’t enchanted, and even if it was, enchanted objects were incapable of giving off an aura that extended beyond direct contact, and she had made absolutely sure to not touch it.

As she started preparing her test tubes, the corner of her eye caught a flash that seemed to come from the amulet’s gem. Was some sort of magic naturally housed in the ruby? She stared into the amulet’s centerpiece, seeing if there was some sort of magical image imprinted into it. There didn’t seem to be any signs of such, though she suddenly realized how beautiful of a jewel it was. Its geometry was perfect, every side expertly cut, and each of its facets seemed to accentuate its center. It was as if the gem was a window into a magnificent world of red.

She placed her hooves on the table and leaned in closer. The ruby’s depths seemed endless, an ocean of crimson that ran off into an infinite horizon. It almost seemed like blood. She leaned in even closer, her nose almost touching it. It was blood. The viscous liquid started to swirl and launch itself outside of its frame. It flowed upwards to the carved unicorn head at the top of the amulet, running into a smaller ruby that represented the metal pony’s eye.

The metal head slowly turned to look at her, two red vortices gazing back at her, sucking her in, showing her a world of power.

Sucking in a sharp breath, she pulled back and shook her head. How long had she been staring at it? She looked back at the amulet and jumped. A yelp escaped her throat.

She was staring into the mirror by her dresser, the reflection of the amulet shining back at her as it hung firmly around her neck.

She raised her hooves up to remove it but the amulet’s texture overwhelmed her. It was smooth like silk, but completely unyielding like iron. It felt cool. A comfortable, relaxing cool that made the room temperature of the library around her feel irritating.

“Twilight, what are you doing?”

She started and turned to look at the door where Spike stood with a raised eyebrow and a claw picking at his teeth. “Did you conclude that it was safe?”

She looked down at the amulet, noticing how well it looked in contrast with the purple of her chest. “Oh yes, it’s perfectly safe. Very… very… very… safe.” She ran a hoof along it again, the hairs on her neck standing up at the thrill. She smiled lazily.

“Um… Twilight… are you okay?” Spike slowly walked closer to her. “You’re acting really weird, and you seem to like that amulet… a lot.”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She held her breath. She could feel a deep, thick magical energy crawl out of the amulet and up her body.

Spike moved beside her and tilted his head. “Um… maybe you should take it off?” He reached his claw towards it.

“I will never take it off!” She shrieked, recoiling from Spike’s claw and baring her teeth at the thief.

He jumped back, shielding his face. “Okay, I’m sorry, Twilight! You’re right! It looks good on you!”

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths and let the amulet’s calming magic flow through her body. With tranquility overtaking her again, she opened her eyes and looked back at her assistant, watching as he carefully tried to shuffle towards the door. The poor little guy just didn’t understand yet. “Spike, trying to escape isn’t going to help you. I better show you the power of this amulet before you cause trouble.”

He stood stock still and gave her wide eyes.

“Spike, come here.” She waved a hoof for him to come closer.

He visibly swallowed but made no movement.

“Spike, come here!” She growled at the simpleton.

That seemed to do it. He started breathing heavily as he dragged himself to her. As soon as he was nearby she plunged into the magical depths contained in the amulet and shivered as a well-spring of power leapt out of it and gave her reserves a surge of energy. The force it contained started to course through her veins. She lit up her horn and shot a magical blast directly at Spike and watched as he was lifted into the air and spun about.

It spun him faster and faster, and within seconds, he fell to the floor. She reached a hoof over to help him up and look into his eyes. They had a distinctive red glow. She grinned. “Excellent! Now to show the rest of my friends!”

“I’d be happy to help,” said Trixie, smiling at the stallion. “Where are you headed?”

“I’m headed down the road. Ponyville, actually. Are you sure it’s no trouble?” The stallion lowered his head and looked at her over his thick glasses.

He made a strange picture with his tunic and braided gray-blue mane. Had she not seen some of the bizarre modern fashions that made themselves known in downtown Manehattan, she would have thought he was from a distant land. There was a time when she would have had nothing to do with helping a pony so strange but she was in good spirits and it wouldn’t be any trouble to chauffeur him for a small amount of time.

“No trouble at all. I’m heading to Ponyville myself. Hop aboard.” She unhitched herself from her mobile stage and traveling house and walked to its rear to open it.

“Oh, thank you, miss, thank you.” The stallion walked up the wagon’s back ramp. “Oh my, the inside of this is amazing!”

“I know. It’s quite luxurious, isn’t it? I spent quite a few shiny bits on it right before I left on this trip, but it was entirely worth it. I wanted to travel like I used to, just with a little more… style. Help yourself to the massage chair.”

The stallion’s face broke out into a wide grin as he peeked his head around the corner. “Oh, don’t mind if I do.”

She could feel the chair inside start to vibrate and she smirked. She closed the back of the wagon and ran her hoof along its polished, oak exterior. She hitched herself back up to it and, with a small breath, she continued walking down the dirt road, picking up the pace. She needed to hit Ponyville by sundown if she was to be on schedule.

She smiled as an ever-so-light breeze started up, rustling her mane and brushing gusts of good-smelling, fresh Equestrian field air into her nose. She loved Manehattan but a change of locale had been long overdue. When her vacation time came around she had mailed Fluttershy and asked if it was all right with her coming to visit for awhile, and of course the pegasus was absolutely ecstatic, though confused when Trixie said that she had no intention of taking a train or a series of chariot flights. Trixie managed to convince the worry-wart that she was fine traveling alone, saying that she wanted to relive the freedom of her older, traveling days.

Somewhere in the depths of her mind she realized that by being in such good spirits she was completely betraying the entire reason for choosing Ponyville as her destination. She had originally done so in an attempt to put an end to this new, weaker part of her that had taken over her life of recent, or if not get rid of it, at least try to understand it. Ever since she and Fluttershy crossed paths, her life had been radically changed, a change that confused and irritated her to no end. She had never been put through so much drama and stress in her entire life than during the time she had lived and worked alongside that silly pegasus, all because the stupid stage show’s manager just had to get a new animal handler. Yet, despite the rough spots, she had come out of the ordeal with a helpful, selfless facet to her that hadn’t been there before. At first she managed to fight it but then Fluttershy started sending letters and Trixie found herself unable to resist being chipper every day. Even her speech had changed.

So she had decided to come to Ponyville to see if she could break ties with her one-time nemesis and become her old self again-- a mindset she held for all of an hour before the thought of visiting her old friend and getting out of the city overwhelmed her and put a smile on her face.

Grassland stretched out in all directions, providing a view for her to soak in along with the sun’s warm rays. Her smile grew. Another small voice cried out from the recesses of her mind, cursing her for surrendering the battle so quickly but as the day continued its blissful conditions the voice was drowned out, succumbing to the joys of travel. She impressed even herself with her speed, reaching the Ponyville well before sunset. Of course, her wagon was enchanted to be extremely light-weight, but surely some of the speed had to be from her well toned legs. A tune sprang to her lips, something sappy from the rarely used parts of her brain and she found herself humming loudly as she skipped towards the outskirts of town.

She pulled up to a bridge that led into Ponyville proper and knocked on the back of the wagon. The door opened and her passenger peered out. His eyebrows raised. “We’re there already? You keep up a good pace, lady.”

“Oh, it’s just my regular speed.” She batted a hoof. “Is this a good place to drop you off?”

The stallion glanced around and nodded his head. “This will do fine, thank you. Is there any way I can repay you?”

For once, Trixie couldn’t think of anything she needed, much less why the stallion should even be in debt to her. “Of course not. I’m just helping a fellow pony out.”

“Well thank you, miss. I won’t forget it. Have a good day!” He reached back to grab his odd hat and started walking towards town.

“You too,” she called back. She hooked herself back up to her wagon and started skirting the river. If Fluttershy’s directions were correct, it would take her right to the nature dweller’s home.

She could feel another warm glow start to build up inside her subconscious, a result of the help she had just provided, but she really didn’t want to think about it too much. Nonetheless, her insides acknowledged it and if her steps weren’t already light enough, she now felt like she was going to bounce straight into the air. If the smile on her face grew any wider then she was going to need a doctor.

Walking over the apex of one last hill, she saw her destination: a quaint, little cottage nestled just past a burbling stream. Fish periodically jumped out of it, their scales glinting in the sunlight, while birds chirped happily as they flew from tree to tree that dotted the surrounding landscape. Trixie let out a sigh as her hooves brushed against the brilliantly green grass just outside the house. It was so soft. She stopped her walking and loosed herself from her wagon, listening to the sounds around her. All of nature was forming a harmony, making a melody that she could hear clearly. She closed her eyes and let it all sink in.


She opened her eyes just in time to see a rush of pink and yellow wrap two hooves tightly around her. Without thinking, she returned the embrace. Fluttershy let out a squeal and Trixie found herself giggling.

Then, in an explosion, her brain woke up and finally registered the situation. This was most certainly not acceptable behavior. She instantly ended the hug, backed up a few steps, and coughed. The smile on her face slid into a frown and the harmony of nature around her turned to an ugly din. A bluejay glided on top of Fluttershy’s head and she shot a glare at it, sending it back into the air.

“Sorry, Trixie is a little lightheaded right now. She hasn’t had lunch yet.” She brushed her chest lightly.

“Oh, I understand!” Fluttershy beamed. “I was just on my way to the Ponyville market to pick up some more food. Do you want to come?”

The knee-jerk reaction in Trixie settled down and she took a deep breath. Obviously now was not the time to let out her annoyance in full and she still had a part of her that enjoyed Fluttershy’s company. She sighed and nodded at the offer. “Sure.”

Fluttershy started skipping down the path and Trixie followed with a casual canter.

“You’ll have to tell me all about the Mane Event since I left! How is everypony doing? Is it still successful? Have you heard anything about High Hat and Maribel? What about—“ Fluttershy stopped mid-sentence and ducked her head. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m asking too many questions aren’t I?”

Trixie laughed and shook her head. “No, I can answer all of those quite easily.”

She explained all to Fluttershy’s desire as they made their way towards Ponyville. It turned out there wasn’t much to tell. The Mane Event was still going strong if not stronger, Ivy had become a little less sarcastic around her, Hue was pretty unaffected, and Big Entrance had only become more flamboyant. It was as if Trixie had been the only one really transformed by Fluttershy’s visit.

“Um…” Fluttershy slowed to a halt as they walked into Ponyville’s market. “Where is everypony?”

Trixie broke off from her status report and looked around. Sure enough, the place was dead. It was more than dead. It already had a memorial service and had been buried in the ground. The shops and booths still had their wares on fine and eye-catching display as if the market was still filled with hustle and bustle, but there were no ponies.

“Is there some sort of town meeting you weren’t invited to?” she asked, starting to slowly turn in a circle, looking for any signs of life.

“Uh, no, no I don’t think so. Maybe they forgot to invite me?” Fluttershy started to imitate Trixie in her spinning.

Trixie stood stock still and perked her ears up. Nothing but silence. “Am I… the only one getting a little disturbed by this?”

“No,” said Fluttershy in a whisper, crouching beside Trixie.

“Hey, look, stragglers!”

The two ponies shot up and turned around, looking down the street behind them. Out of all the things Trixie expected to find, a small, purple dragon pointing an accusing claw was quite far down the list. There was something… off about him, though. “That’s Twilight’s dragon, isn’t it?” She squinted her eyes. “Are his eyes… glowing?”

Fluttershy squeaked as another voice spoke behind them. “I thought we had gotten the last of them.”

Trixie sighed as she was forced to turn around again. She spun to find herself almost nose to nose with Twilight. Now, she didn't have the best memory in Equestria, but observing the face before her, she was quite sure that her old Ponyville rival didn’t used to have glowing, red smoke wisping out of her eyes.

Twilight scrunched up her nose. “What are you doing here?” She paused before slapping a hoof to her face. “That’s right! You were coming over to visit Fluttershy today. I entirely forgot! If I had remembered to check my calendar before I started fixing the town then I would have already taken care of you two.” She bopped her hoof against her head again and shook it. “Well, there’s no time like the present!”

“Twilight, are you okay? What happened to you?” asked Fluttershy.

“I discovered it, Fluttershy!” A toothy grin spread across Twilight’s face and she started shuffling her hooves. “All my life I’ve been studying this world, but now I’ve finally found it, the answer! I’ve never been better in my whole life!”

“What is… it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Obviously something bad! Just look at that smile!” Trixie pointed a hoof at Twilight’s face. “I recognize an evil grin when I see one!”

“Haven’t you noticed the new part of me?” Twilight looked down at the amulet on her neck. “It changed me. Made me…” She sucked in a sharp breath and let it out slowly. “Well, I don’t think I can even describe it. How weird is that? With all my knowledge and vocabulary, I can’t even explain its power. You’ll just have to see for yourself.” The gem at the center of the amulet seemed to shine.

Trixie averted her eyes, instead watching as Fluttershy looked straight at it, her eyes started to glaze over.

She was having none of it. She grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her to the side, shielding her eyes with her hoof.

“Ah, Trixie.” Twilight clicked her tongue. “Fluttershy has been talking about how you’re not the arrogant showpony that you used to be. If that’s true, why are you being so standoffish? Don’t you want to be friends?”

“Let’s get something settled, first.” Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Are you crazy right now?”

“Crazy? Uh, no.” Twilight frowned and looked behind them. “Spike, have I been acting odd lately?”

Her assistant walked up to her side. “No, Twilight. You’re totally fine.” He looked at Trixie and crossed his claws.

“Now, if you two could just hold still, I’ll let you join the rest of the town and we can continue being friends.” Twilight’s horn lit up with a crimson aura and the glow of her eyes intensified.

“All right, time to leave!” Trixie pushed Fluttershy sharply. “Run!”

The two ponies darted back the way they came. Before they could even build momentum, their attacker appeared out of thin air in front of them, forcing them to dig their hooves into the ground to come to a halt.

Twilight frowned at them. “If you run, it’s only going to make things more difficult.”

“Oh really?” Trixie lit up her horn with as much vivid magenta as she could manage. “I will blast you if you don’t move out of the way!”

Twilight’s eyes glimmered and her horn’s tip exploded with red arcs of electricity. One bolt shocked Trixie’s horn and several more crackled in the air above their heads. A transparent, red forcefield built up around them. “That is a high level physical barrier.” She looked down her nose at the two and tapped the barrier with a hoof. “For all intents and purposes, it acts as a several feet thick concrete wall. That spell I just cast on your horn will magnify and reflect back any spell you cast on me and renders you completely trapped. Can I show you two a new way of life now?”

“Twilight, please don’t do this.” Fluttershy huddled close to the ground.

“It’s not bad, Fluttershy. Don’t worry. In fact, I’ll show you.” Twilight turned to Spike who stood outside of the force field. “Spike, go get the rest of the town.”

He nodded and ran off.

“The rest?” Fluttershy hid behind her hooves.

“Yes. They’ve all been shown a new way of life.” Twilight stared at her friend and walked closer.

Trixie examined her captor and the barrier around her. Spells like those were never foolproof. She just had to come up with something novel, like on her stage performances, something the audience didn’t expect. She smirked and cast a spell softening the tip of her horn. "Trixie hates books."

"What?" Twilight whipped her head in Trixie's direction.

"Nothing. It's just that times like these remind Trixie just how much she hates the written word."

Twilight took a few steps towards Trixie. "Books are amazing! Why would say that?"

"Grr!" Trixie sighed. "Trixie just forgot that she didn't get a chance to burn any books this morning. She's just going to have to burn twice as many tomorrow."

She stared straight into red eyes as Twilight moved to stand right next to her, her jaw firmly set. "How many have you burned?"

Trixie quickly stepped back and lowered her head. With a yell, she jabbed straight forward.

“Ow, my eye!” Twilight clutched at it and recoiled, the barrier going down with her concentration.

“No rule says that unicorns can’t get a little physical in a magic fight.” Trixie stood over her rival and grinned.

Twilight groaned and slowly got back to her hooves. She looked up at Trixie, rubbing her eye. “No, I guess not. I’ll have to remember that next time.”

“Save yourself the trouble of remembering. Trixie will best you the second time, too.” Trixie breathed onto her hoof and rubbed her chest.

“Trixie, that second time is now.” Twilight raised an eyebrow and smiled. Her horn lit up before quickly dimming. “Hey, wait, where’s Fluttershy?” She looked around her.

“Trixie thinks you scared her. Would you expect Fluttershy to hang around after behavior like that?” Trixie shook her head.

“Wait a second…” Twilight leaned in closely to look at Trixie. “You’re not even here are you?”

Trixie looked to the side and scrunched up her face. “What do you mean?”

Twilight fired a blast of magic and watched as it went right through the unicorn. “Illusions? You’re kidding.”

Trixie smiled and waved a hoof at her opponent. “It’s one of Trixie’s many skills. She’ll be seeing you.”

She retracted the part of her concentration she was using to keep up the illusion and brought her full attention to the matter at hoof—running away. She and Fluttershy had made it outside of Ponyville proper by the time Twilight had caught on. She turned to her fellow escapee. “We’re going to need a place to hide.”

The bush had one hundred and thirty-six leaves. Trixie was quite sure that was the number. She had counted twice. Concluding that there was no more amusement to be had there, she turned her attention elsewhere, paying attention to the regular gust of air that brushed against her side. Apparently Fluttershy’s breathing finally slowed down. They must have been laying low for awhile now.

“I think I’m going to check outside,” Trixie whispered.

The bursts of air became more frequent. “No, we should wait here longer.” She could feel Fluttershy crawl closer to her. “They could still be looking for us.”

“If I don’t stretch in the next minute, then I think I will become permanently stuck in this position,” Trixie whispered back. “I’m only going to take a quick, quiet look.” She started crawling forward and pulled herself out of the clump of brush they had taken refuge in. There wasn’t a pony in sight, just a light breeze and the gentle rays of the sun. Which, of course, only meant one thing—they had abandoned the search in favor of a reactionary approach. She poked her head back into the bush that had housed her boredom for the past few hours. “You can come out now. It’s safe.”

Slowly but surely, Fluttershy’s face slid out of the bush, her eyes darting in all directions. After confirming the clear coast, she carefully took the rest of her body with her. “Did they just give up?”

“No, they’ve setup some sort of trap. It’s what I would do if I had two ponies I wanted to foalnap running amuck around the countryside. It would take forever to properly comb every nook and cranny. Why go through all the trouble when you can just set some ponies up to capture us.” Trixie looked into the horizon. “We can’t go back to your place. Twilight knows you live there and will have somepony, maybe even herself, waiting there.”

“But what about my animals? We can’t just leave them there!”

“We’re going to have to. Besides, I’m sure they can take care of themselves, right?” Trixie tried to smile reassuringly but it felt more like a grimace.

“This is evil magic! They don’t know how to handle something like that!” Fluttershy started shaking visibly and biting at the nails of her hooves.

“I don’t see any reason for them to hurt defenseless animals, or if the stories you’ve told me about your bunny are true, very violent animals. Regardless, we’re going to wind up with red glow in our eyes if we go back to your cottage.” Trixie pulled down the skin under her eyes to emphasize her point.

“But, but, but—“

“Fluttershy, you’re animals will be fine! Fine! F-I-N-E!” Trixie prodded the bundle of nerves with her hoof.

“Okay, deep breaths, Fluttershy.” Fluttershy sucked in air with a gasp and let it out slowly.

“Yes, try to calm yourself. Now’s not the time to be emotional. We need clear heads. Now, where would good substitute shelter be? Oh, we could use my--” Trixie pounded a hoof into the ground. “I just remembered that my wagon is at your home! All of my clothes, my massage chair, my makeup, my wine, my favorite snack, you know, the little crackers made by that baker in downtown Manehattan?” She growled.

“Okay, I think I’m ready… I’m okay…” Fluttershy slowly got to her hooves. “I need to just not think about… my animals… and their cute little faces… ahh—“

She started to let out a loud squeak before Trixie clamped a hoof on her mouth and gave her a hard glare. “Are. You. Good?”

Fluttershy said something muffled and nodded her head.

Trixie slowly pulled her hoof off of Fluttershy’s mouth. “Now, where can we go other than my lovely, expensive wagon?" She started her own breathing exercises and stared at the ground. "They’re bound to have ponies stationed at the perimeter of the town and we ever-so-wisely decided to run in the direction of the forest so that we could corner ourselves, so there's no heading to another town.” She glanced back. “And I really don’t want to sit in those bushes another second longer.”

Fluttershy twisted her mouth before her eyes lit up. “Oh, we could go to Zecora’s! She needs to know what’s happened and I’m sure she’d let us stay there while we figured something out. But…”

“But?” Trixie raised an eyebrow.

“We’d have to go into the Everfree forest.”

Trixie waved a hoof. “That sounds easy enough. Haven’t you been in there dozens of times?”

“Well, yes, but that doesn’t make it any easier! You never know what you might come across in there!”

“Don’t worry, it can’t be anything worse than an Ursa Major. Don’t you remember who you’re talking to?” Trixie smiled widely. There was no reaction. “Not funny?”

Fluttershy gave her a worried frown.

Trixie sighed and her shoulders drooped. “I didn’t think so either.”

“I think it’s time for twenty questions.”

It was dark enough that Trixie could only see a few feet in front of her and the trees seemed to close in from all around them, housing eerie, animal noises, but Trixie was determined to not let the scenario bother her. She had a mystery to solve.

“Q-questions?” asked Fluttershy.

Trixie patted her companion on the shoulder. She had to admit, the pegasus was handling things a lot better than she had previously expected. Instead of jumping at every sound or freezing midstep and requiring pushing to get the rest of the way, she was actually just shaking at regular intervals and scanning the perimeter constantly.

“Yes. How long has Twilight had that amulet?”

“Um, uh, I- I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.” Fluttershy’s head turned quickly to a howl in the distance.

“So she must have gotten it recently?” asked Trixie. “Hmm. Does she normally collect things like that?”

“Well, she’s interested in all sorts of magical items, b-but I wouldn’t say she has a collection, no, and she’s never mentioned anything like that before.” Fluttershy gasped at a rustle of leaves overhead.

“So she doesn’t collect magic jewelry, has never mentioned it before, but one day it’s in her possession and she goes crazy?” Trixie frowned. “That’s odd.”

“I th-think we’re here.”

Trixie looked up. The trees before them were starting to become sparser. They walked past a few more series of them and we’re met with the glow of artificial light. Bamboo poles holding torches were spread in a circle around a hut. Visible from its windows was an even brighter light inside.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Fluttershy rushed up to the door of the hut and knocked on it.

Trixie slowly caught up with her. They waited. Trixie coughed. They waited some more. Fluttershy knocked again. “Zecora, it’s me, Fluttershy! I’ve brought my friend, Trixie!”

Still no answer.

“Well I’m not about to stay outside in the elements with a roof right here.” Trixie tried the door and was pleased to find it unlocked. “I’m sure she won’t mind.” She walked inside and examined the place.

She was quite sure she had never seen more bottles in a single room in her entire life. The shelves surrounding the room had all the bars in downtown Manehattan beaten by a large margin. There had to be every herb and potion imaginable sitting on those shelves. She examined the rest of the hut, taking note of the strange masks and the jungle theme. “Of course she’s a zebra. I should have known with a name like Zecora.”

“Is that a problem?” asked Fluttershy.

“No, I just like knowing my deductive skills are still good.” She grinned and directed her attention to the much more important aspect of the place-- the floor. “Ah, good, there’s plenty of room for us.”

“I really hope she doesn’t mind.” Fluttershy stepped in and closed the door behind her.

“Tough cookies if she does,” said Trixie. “I’d like to see her—“

Fluttershy squeaked loudly as the door flew back open behind her.

“To walk into a home uninvited, is to show yourself quite shortsighted.”

The two intruders stared as Zecora slowly walked inside, her eyes on the floor. She kicked the door closed behind her and lifted her head. Her eyes glowed brightly with red smoke.

“Of course!” Trixie rolled her eyes.

“No! Zecora! Not you too!” Fluttershy held a hoof over her mouth.

“Yes, I have been shown the light, and soon you will be given such sight.” Zecora grinned and started walking towards them.

“Enough with your silly rhymes, let’s do this!” Trixie lowered her head and spread her legs apart. “Attack positions, Fluttershy.”

“I don’t want to have to hurt you Zecora, but it’s for your own good.” Fluttershy opened her wings and bit her bottom lip.

Before Trixie could even fully register it, Zecora whipped a hoof into a pouch at her waist and threw a cloud of purple powder at Fluttershy.

The pegasus blinked as the powder hung in the air around her face. She sneezed and every part of her body stiffened. She fell to the side, her wing bending to meet the floor.

Trixie stared at the perfectly still Fluttershy and then back to Zecora.

“Well… feathers.”

You're in the Everfree, So Just Leave the Animals Alone

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You're in the Everfree, So Just Leave the Animals Alone



There wasn’t any way out of it. Much to Fluttershy’s chagrin, the powder thrown at her had paralyzed every part of her except her eyes, which left her to helplessly watch her companion get similarly defeated. Her thoughts had already turned to what it would be like to be mind controlled. Would it hurt? Was it actually enlightening? Twilight talked about it like it was, and that was a good thing, right? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad?

Her thoughts were startled as Trixie let out a cry. She blinked, realizing that she hadn’t counted on the possibility of her friend doing something completely… out of the box.

“Taste your own medicine! Literally!”

As Zecora turned to Trixie and reached her hoof back to her pouch, the unicorn magically grabbed all the nearby potions off the hut’s shelves and flung them at her attacker. The swarm of bottles erupted into a cloud of smoke as soon as they hit their target. It lingered and obscured its victim, flashing odd colors and shapes, leaving Fluttershy to desperately hope that Zecora hadn’t been seriously harmed.

When the last wisps dissipated it was apparent that she was alright, though hardly unscathed. There was now a green, stripeless, frizz-maned, unconscious zebra on the hut floor.

“Well, it could have been worse.” Trixie shrugged and prodded her defeated enemy several times. “Time for some rope.” She poked around the hut, making an “aha” as she found a coil inside a cupboard. Her horn glowing, she snaked the rope around Zecora, binding her hooves together securely, and rolled her over to the corner of the room. “Trixie prevails again!” She puffed her chest out and her eyes fell on Fluttershy. She exhaled. “Except what am I going to do with you?” She walked over to the motionless pony and lifted and dropped a wing. “You’re completely paralyzed aren’t you?”

Fluttershy reflexively tried nodding her head before resorting to blinking. It was going to take awhile for her to get used to.

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “But you can move and blink your eyes? That’s something, at least. Can you feel anything?”

With a quick test of all her muscles, Fluttershy confirmed to herself that she couldn’t feel any of her extremities. She blinked a few more times.

“Just use the standard. Blink once for yes, twice for no. I have no intention of trying to aimlessly interpret your wide-eyed stares.” She lifted and wiggled one of Fluttershy’s hind legs. “Yes, you’ve definitely been magically paralyzed. Wonderful.” She shook her head. “What am I going to do with you? Because if you think I’m going to be your keeper for the rest of this endeavor then you have a few more thinks coming your way.” She turned to the lone bookshelf up against one wall of the hut. “Though I suppose I should cure you, shouldn’t I?” She magically grabbed a bundle of books and circled them around her so she could quickly read their titles. “Whatever Zecora just used on you has to have an antidote. It’s just a matter of looking through the books she has around here and examining that powder in her pouch. How hard could it be?”

Not that hard, Fluttershy thought. Trixie was very capable. She would make sure the paralysis didn’t last any longer than it needed to. Grinning inwardly, she felt a surge of confidence.

“Aha, I bet it’s this! Prune’s Paralysis Powder.” Trixie retrieved the pouch from Zecora and looked inside it and back at the book. “Success! It’s not even her own concoction! What a hack! And I was expecting to have to figure out zebra writing. Let’s see… we’re going to need some burning chrysanthemums, crimson tree bark, and frog’s lily. What is the matter with these sketches? That lily looks like a bad deformity. I’m going to have a hard enough time figuring out where to look for these without having to figure out what a frog lily really looks like.”

Fluttershy lit up internally. She knew what each of those were and where to find them. Though, the only way she was going to be able to help was if--

Trixie looked up and gritted her teeth. “But you know, don’t you?” She narrowed her eyes. “And I’m going to have to carry you aren’t I?”

Fluttershy blinked.

It really wasn’t at all bad, at least Fluttershy didn’t think so. Her hooves hung limply over each side of Trixie’s back and her head rested on her friend’s shoulder rather easily. However, the longer they were out in the wilderness, the more irritated her ride became, or so it seemed. Unleashing what would have been a squeak had her vocal chords been working, her thoughts were interrupted as she suddenly lurched forward, half of her sliding up Trixie’s neck onto her head.

“Stupid log! I hate you nature!”

Fluttershy’s thoughts put on a frown. That wasn’t a very nice thing to say, especially to one of the best parts of life.

Righting herself from her trip, Trixie turned to stare daggers at her passenger. “Would it have been too much trouble for you to have just held your breath as soon as you saw a cloud of paralysis coming your way? Yes, of course it would, because by being rendered useless now I have to carry you on my back through the Everfree Forest on a scavenger hunt for the ingredients to cure you all while some crazed, corrupted unicorn and her henchponies are out to get us!” She breathed heavily and snorted.

Fluttershy certainly would have tried to hold her breath had she had enough time to think about it. Maybe that was the problem. She wasn’t a quick thinker. A pony like Pinkie Pie would have dodged something like that. At least Trixie was willing to forgive her. She seemed angry now but Fluttershy knew better. Her friend was just venting. The poor mare needed a comforting pat on the head but until she could provide one Fluttershy had to remain content sending her mental well wishes.

Trixie pulled out a folded page from the pouch at her side, an item she relieved from the hut. She opened it up, revealing the map on it. She pointed just to the right of its center. “We’re here, right?” She looked into Fluttershy’s eyes.

She blinked once. They had just walked east of the hut which meant that the plants they needed were just to the northwest.

Turning back to the map, Trixie rubbed her chin and peered at the notes on the side. “Weird flowers and rare bark. This is looking to be so much fun.”

It probably would be fun. What could be more fun than enjoying nature?

Trixie glanced at Fluttershy again. “I don’t even want to know what’s going through your mind right now. It would only make me angrier.” She folded the map back up and continued on.

She could hardly think of what thoughts she could be thinking that would make Trixie angry. She was, in a way, almost enjoying her predicament. It was somewhat refreshing to not be responsible for anything but thinking and blinking. She hoped she didn’t have to remain in her current state any longer than necessary, but until her cure, it gave her a great opportunity to just passively take in life. Despite it being the Everfree, the forest seemed quite peaceful with its background wildlife noises. It was so much easier to handle when it was in daylight.

Trixie grunted as she stepped over a large fallen tree. “Ha, ha, not this time, rotten log!” She shot a glance at Fluttershy. "It’s a good thing you’re very light. That’s the only bright spot to this entire venture.” She paused as she entered a clearing and approached a patch of plants in its center. “Hey, is this what we’re looking for? It’s got green speckled petals.” She leaned forward and tilted her head to the side, looking at the nature expert’s eyes.

Fluttershy blinked twice. It didn’t have a purple stem. It was a good thing that Trixie decided to bring her along. She didn’t seem very detail oriented.

“Great! Fantastic!” Trixie stomped on the flower.

Fluttershy blinked in dismay and tried to poke Trixie with her hoof, but as usual, her attempt proved unfruitful.

“You know," Trixie continued. "I didn’t come out here to lock horns with a crazed, amulet wielding maniac! Had I known that was part of the vacation package then I would have happily stayed back in Manehattan! I could still be asleep in bed right now after having stayed all night in a bar downtown!”

Fluttershy tried to wrap her head around that scenario but came up blank. The outdoors trumped the indoors in just about every situation. The forest they were in was a far better locale than some concrete jungle.

“Is there a reason that we haven’t come across any dangerous wildlife yet? I thought the Everfree was supposed to be perilous? Where’s the pony crushing beasts of legend?”

Glancing around, Fluttershy had wondered that herself, though she had long suspected that Zecora somehow managed to pick out a quieter part of the Everfree. How she had managed that, Fluttershy didn’t know, but for a fair radius around the hut there just wasn’t much animal activity. It had been that way ever since she started visiting the zebra. She wondered if magic was involved.

“And of course, I’ve opened my big mouth,” Trixie whispered. She ducked behind a tree and slowly peered out of it. She lifted Fluttershy’s head to her level and pointed it ahead. There was a family of manticores in another small clearing ahead. One of them was playing with three cubs while the other one slept. Smack dab in their midst was a clump of flowers. She looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. “Are those what we need?”

Fluttershy had no choice but to blink once. She quickly averted her eyes. She let her heart settle down and gave the situation some thought. With the proper behavior they could avoid upsetting the manticores and get what they needed. It would just take a keen animal knack.

Had she been the one to enter the clearing, Fluttershy would have slowly approached the animals. She would have clearly shown them that she meant no harm and that all she wanted was the flowers they were laying around. As long as she maintained a calm demeanor and the manticores weren’t in a bad mood, then she would have had two burning chrysanthemums in a matter of a minute. Unfortunately, she wasn’t the one to enter the clearing.

Trixie turned to look behind her while she sped at a full gallop. “I don’t see why you’re chasing me! I wanted nothing to do with your ugly young! They just happened to be next to a flower I needed to make an antidote! Cease before I unleash some serious pain!”

Fluttershy wanted to tell Trixie that the manticore wouldn’t have gotten angry if she hadn’t pushed one of the young ones aside to get the flower. She wanted to tell Trixie that given how big the manticore was, if she went up one of the thicker sets of trees then they could easily shake it. There were a lot of things she wanted to say, and possibly even do, but all she could do was radiate fear. She couldn’t tell which was worse: being able to do something or nothing at all. She supposed that when she was able to do something she oftentimes just froze up anyway, which made the whole comparison rather moot.

“Hold on, there’s a big jump coming up!”

Her thoughts scrambled as she watched the ground distance itself from her and turn into water. She felt the momentum of being launched into the air and her eyes widened as saw her hooves loosening from what passed as a grip around Trixie’s neck. As the ascent turned to descent, her hooves finally came free and the last thing she saw before she hit the water was Trixie landing on the other end of the stream. It was just deep enough to cushion her fall and instantly push her back to the surface, and thanks to what could only have been the will of Celestia, she landed on her back. She saw the manticore jump over her before the flowing water started carrying her forward.

“I’ll come back for you as soon as I lose this annoyance! Everything will be fiiine!” Trixie’s voice faded into the distance.

The water carried her slowly through the Everfree and Fluttershy’s pounding heart started to slow down. With a nice view of the sky above and the soothing sounds of flowing water, the journey was quite peaceable. She closed her eyes and tried to get some rest. Maybe it would lead her straight to another town where she could get some help? One never knew.


Her eyes shot open. Something was stopping her progress. She was hauled out of the water and onto the ground. Two crossed eyes peered over her.

Fluttershy’s brain raised its eyebrow.

Derpy leaned in close to her face and stared into her eyes as best she could. “Oh, thank Cadence’s cutie mark, you’re not red-eyed! What are you doing out here in the middle of the Everfree Forest, in a stream, on your back?”

There was a pause. Fluttershy desperately hoped that Derpy picked up that she was incapable of replying. She blinked back in response.

“Fluttershy… are you okay?”

Fluttershy moved her eyes from side to side.

“Fluttershy...?” Derpy poked her a few times. “Well… if you can’t move, then I guess I’m going to have to take you to safety.”

With a scoop of her hooves, Derpy had Fluttershy on her back and was carrying her into the forest. “So you must have fled here too, huh? Smart thinking, Fluttershy. The all-seeing eye can’t find us here. The Purple Usurper hasn’t claimed these lands yet!”

Purple usurper? Twilight wasn’t that bad, was she? How badly was she abusing her power? Was she treating the rest of her friends kindly? They were red-eyed too, weren’t they? That at least entitled them to fair behavior, right?

“I’ve found a place that we can hideout in until this all blows over. Hopefully other ponies will find us eventually and then we can form a resistance movement!”

Fluttershy started blinking rapidly. That sounded dangerous. Couldn’t they just find a way to get to Canterlot and get the Princesses to handle everything?

“So far it’s just Carrot and me, and I guess you now. As soon as we get you back up to shape then we can start to take back what is rightfully ours!” She pumped a hoof into the air. “Follow me, Fluttershy, and I’ll show you the heart of the next revolution!”

Revolution? That definitely sounded dangerous. So waiting it out wasn’t an option?

“And here we are! Home sweet, temporary home!” Derpy started picking up the pace.

A cave? They were going into a cave in the middle of the Everfree? She wished with all her heart that she could start chewing on her hoof nails. This was getting into critical territory.

The cave descended down a rocky path that was lit with torches until it opened into a large space with a campfire in its midst. “Welcome to my new abode!” Derpy deposited Fluttershy gently on the ground by the fire. “I found some daisies while I was out. They’re wild daisies but I think they’ll taste fine inside my muffins.”

Fluttershy didn’t know what to do anymore. Her brain was about to overload and she decided to shut it down before things got worse. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine the fire she was next to was instead one she made inside her cottage and that she was lying by it instead of Ponyville’s eccentric mailmare.

“It’s a good thing I managed to raid the bakery before I escaped. Like I was going to survive in the wild without my muffins. Ha!”

Angel Bunny would be nestling in between her front hooves and all the other animals would start to quietly enter and start sleeping beside her while the fire crackled soothingly.

“Fluttershy, are you alive over there?” Fluttershy felt hoofsteps coming in her direction and a poke in her side. She reluctantly opened her eyes, her relaxing fantasy melting away. “I really need to find out what’s wrong with you. Did Twilight steal away your voice and limbs? Did you get hit on the head? Did you take a vow of dead weight? I’ll get to the bottom of this! Until then, you want somepony to keep you company while I cook? I’ll get Carrot.” Derpy left Fluttershy’s field of view and there was a dragging sound from down the cave. Slowly, she saw a tied up pony with a cloth in her mouth pulled into view. Derpy removed the gag and patted the mare on the head.

Carrot Top growled. “Derpy, how could you leave me like that for several hours?”

“Sorry, Carrot, but it took longer to find what I needed than I thought. Here, I have another pony to keep you company.” Derpy gestured towards Fluttershy. “She’s mute and unable to move for some reason right now, but still, maybe you guys can learn how to communicate psychically. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

Carrot Top turned her head and stared at Fluttershy with burning red eyes. “Aw, come on, she hasn’t even been enlightened yet.”

“And she won’t ever if I have anything to say about it!” Derpy pumped another hoof into the air.

“No, my compatriots will help me and then you will both be shown the Way of Twilight!” Carrot yelled.

“It’s okay, Carrot, I forgive your treason.” Derpy patted her friend on the head again and left Fluttershy’s field of vision.

The corrupted pony turned her gaze back on Fluttershy. “It’s really the best way to live you know. I’ve had a few turn-arounds in my life, but none as existentially satisfying as being shown the power of Twilight and her Amulet. When she and her followers finally find us, I suggest converting willingly.”

If it came down to it, Fluttershy was pretty sure that she would convert willingly. She’d get to be with her friends again. She far preferred the alternative of getting everypony back to normal, but beggars could hardly be choosers. She blinked a few times to convey her thoughts.

Carrot Top stretched her neck out and narrowed her eyes. “Because they will find us and you will be converted. It is as inevitable as the cycle of the crops and all will come to know the glory of Empress Twilight.”

“Carrot, how many cups of flour does this need again?”

“Derpy, dear, it only needs two. Are you going to forget every time?”

“No, not every time! Just… most of the time. I hope the wild daisies still work. I haven’t had a daisy muffin in forever.”

“You know, if you join Twilight’s empire then she’ll make you as many daisy muffins as you could ever want.”

“Oh, silly Carrot, I’m perfectly content making muffins myself.”

“But think, Derpy, think of all the wondrous muffins that could be made by a horde of Twilight-dedicated bakers. Think about it!”

Derpy walked over to Carrot and put a hoof to her mouth. “Shhh, now, Carrot. I have muffins to make. Do you want me to put the gag back on you?”

“No! It’s always the gag with you!”

“Well, you keep on talking about Twilight, so it sounded to me like you wanted the gag back. I don’t know why, it’s been getting kind of dirty from this cave and it’s not a very pretty color.”

“I want to be heard, Derpy! I want my words to be understood, to be acknowledged! I want you all to know the wonder that is the new joy in life that I’ve found!”

“Carrot, are you sure you don’t want the gag back on? You’re sending me mixed signals here.”

Carrot Top turned her head to the side. “No.”

“Oh… Well that’s good.” Derpy tossed the gag over her shoulder and smiled cheerfully. “Back to the event of the evening!”

She wanted a re-do. Trixie wanted to jump back in time to the moment she decided to go to Ponyville and beat the ever-loving stuffing out of herself. The idiot. How could she have thought returning to Fluttershy would have ended with anything other than trouble? Had she forgotten what had been a source of misery to her for months? Of course she did. With a smile plastered on her face, she just went gallivanting off. How Luna-blasted smart.

She sucked in a sharp breath as she barely avoided tripping on a rock. Stupid things popped up in the most inopportune times. A roar sounded behind her and she could feel the hot breath brush across her neck. How long was this thing going to chase her? This was far past territorial and fast approaching the realm of vendetta. It was a good thing that Fluttershy landed on her back or Trixie would have been forced to rescue her and then they would both be pushing daisies. Well, Fluttershy would be pushing daisies. Trixie would probably be pushing something much prettier, like tulips.

It was time to ditch the beast. Long past time. But what could she do now that she hadn’t counted out before? She smirked. The situation had changed. Now that Fluttershy was no longer a burden, there was a solution. Her horn lit up as she shot a ball of magical energy into the ground in front of her, sending up a shower of dirt which she quickly caught in a magical field and coalesced into a ball. Still in a gallop, she looked back at the manticore and threw the dirt ball in its face. It halted its chase and wiped at its eyes. Darting into a thick set of brush, she ducked her head to hide her horn’s glow. She watched as a fake version of herself continued to run down a gap in the trees. The manticore growled and started its chase again, running after the illusion that would keep on galloping straight ahead until it ran out of magical energy.

She turned and headed back the way she came. She doubted it would be long before the manticore realized that it was following a figment and as much as she was now ready to never see Fluttershy again, she couldn’t just leave her paralyzed and stranded in the middle of the Everfree.

She pushed aside leaves and brambles, hissing at each twig that caught her mane and each stick that scratched her. She was going to be a mess before everything was over. She pushed a particularly thick patch of bushes out of her way and heard a sharp click as she put her hoof forward. Hard ropes flung up into her face and wrapped around her as she was carried into the air.

“See, Bon Bon, see?!"

Trixie scrunched up her nose at the sudden sight of a red-eyed, mint-green mare beaming a Smile of Death inches away from her.

"They doubted my skills!" continued Lyra. "They thought it'd take too long to hunt down two ponies! They thought it would be best just to setup traps and sit back, but no, I convinced the Empress to let me use my tracking skills! Now they'll see who was right!”

“Lyra, where did you learn tracking skills?” A white mare walked into the clearing and shot a red colored glance at Trixie before approaching Lyra.

Lyra pulled back and pointed at her head. “It’s all up here! It’s filled with countless facts! Countless ways of handling any situation! Stick with me and you might learn something!”

“Lyra, I’ve been sticking with your for years now, and I’ve learned nothing other than you’re always full of surprises.” She smiled and shook her head. “Now how in Equestria did you know that she was going to come by here?”

“Intuition! Pure intuition! Intuition that comes from knowing your prey!” Lyra turned her terrifying grin back on Trixie.

“You don’t know me from Princess Platinum’s royal cat!” Trixie yelled.

“Don't I?! I know everything about you, Trixie! Everything I need to know! Everything I needed to know to capture you and now to bring you back to Empress Twilight!” Lyra’s eyes glinted and she slowly moved closer to her prisoner.

“Oh really?” Trixie wriggled in her rope cage before quickly giving it up as pointless. “What’s my favorite color? When was I born? What’s the most amount of tacos I’ve ever eaten in a single night?”

“Irrelevant!” Lyra threw her hooves up and grabbed the sides of the rope trap. She inched her face forward until her nose was almost touching Trixie’s. “My methods are a secret!”

“What’s a secret is how you could be this stupid.” Trixie narrowed her eyes at the red eyes in her face.

“How is this remotely stupid?!”

Trixie’s horn lit up—and quickly fizzled out. She hit it a few times. “What gives?”

Lyra giggled and brought a hoof to her mouth. “Surprise!” She threw her head back and let out a cackle.

“Those are anti-magic ropes. We knew one of you was a unicorn after all.” Bon Bon walked up to Trixie and smirked.

Her guffaws finally settling down, Lyra looked back at Trixie. “Thank you! I’ve been holding that in for awhile!” She pulled a knife from her pack with her magic and sliced off a lock of Trixie’s mane that was poking out from the net. “There! I’ll put that away for safe-keeping!” She stuffed it into her pack.

“Did you just cut off some of my mane?” Trixie gaped and tried to pull her hair back.

“Silence! Time to take you back to the Empress!” Her horn glowed as the rope trap was unhooked and brought to the ground. She kept her magical hold on it and dragged it behind her as she and Bon Bon made their way out of the small clearing.

Trixie stared at the leaves and fallen sticks that littered the ground, watching as it all passed slowly beneath her. She made a mental note to never visit Ponyville again.

“Sweet glory! They’re done!” Derpy plopped herself down in between Fluttershy and Carrot Top, a plate full of still steaming muffins in her mouth. She put it down next to Fluttershy. “Do you want any?”

Doing what she was only capable of, Fluttershy blinked. It was getting rather tiresome.

“Oh, yeah, that’s right.” Derpy picked the plate back up and deposited it next to Carrot Top. “How about you, Carrot?”

She snorted and eyed the muffins with distaste. “Fine.”

Derpy smiled and took a muffin from the plate and placed it in her mouth. “There you go! Tell me how they are.”

“Ahh cahhn ell yuh wihh ih uh ma mouh.”

“Well take a bite first, silly.” Derpy did what Fluttershy could only assume was rolling her eyes.

Carrot Top bit out of the muffin and Derpy caught it before it rolled onto the ground. She looked at her friend with wide eyes. “Well?”

Carrot chewed it slowly, closing her eyes. She swallowed. There was several seconds of silence. “Pretty good this time, Derpy. Those wild daisies actually worked well. Perhaps a bit more sugar next time, these flowers are a little more bitter than the ones we grow in Ponyville.”

Derpy took a muffin, threw it into her mouth, and sped-chewed it. “You’re right. It could use a little more sugar next time. Good one, Carrot! But I’m glad they at least turned out edible this time!”

“You know,” said Carrot, “If we go back to our place then we could easily make a whole lot more.”

Derpy shot up. “You know, Carrot, you’re right! We could! I’ll—“ She stopped and put a hoof to her chin. “But if we go back to Ponyville then we’ll be walking right back into the midst of the Purple Menace. That’s not a safe plan. That sounds like an unhealthy plan.”

“Oh, she won’t bother us if we tell her that we’re on a muffin mission. It’s like diplomatic immunity.”

“I don’t know. Don’t you worship her or something? Are you trying to get me to walk into certain corruption?”

“No, of course not, Derpy. Why would I do that?”

“It’s what I would do if I were you.” Derpy shook her head. “No, I think I’m fine with what we have right now. I’m sure I can go just… a few… days without… muffins.” Her ears flopped down and she stared down at the plate before her with a pouted lip. There were only two muffins left on it.

“Just think, Derpy, think about more muffins than you can possibly imagine. I promise you that the Empress will be able to provide them in abundance.”

“Hmmm.” Derpy narrowed her eyes until they were barely slits. “That does sound amazing.”

Fluttershy started blinking rapidly. Surely she wasn’t seriously considering going to Ponyville just on the promise of numerous baked goods? That wasn’t a good enough reason to get corrupted by Twilight. Well, it wasn’t a good enough reason for Fluttershy. Maybe Derpy just really, really, really liked muffins. Who was she to judge? She reflexively brought a hoof to her face. Her foreleg wiggled. Her eyes widened. It wiggled! She did it again and it did the same thing. Does that mean the paralysis was wearing off? How much longer?

A deep growl sounded from the entrance of the cave. Derpy raised her head. “Uh-oh. I think the wolfies figured out that they have visitors and I did forget to call ahead.”

“Wolves? Wolves? Derpy, is this a timber wolf cave?”

“I… I think so.”

The growling intensified and sounded closer.

“Think so? Derpy, why? Why, Derpy? Why?”

“Oh, well that’s easy to explain. I was—“

“No time! We got to get out!”

Derpy quickly grabbed both Carrot and Fluttershy and tried to fly into the air only to instantly fall back down.

“That’s not going to work!” yelled Carrot Top.

“Well, if you two weren’t so heavy…”

An echoing pounding sounded from the caves entrance.

Derpy picked up the plate of muffins and walked forward to stand right in front of the entrance to the chamber they were in. The thunder of the approaching wolves grew louder and louder and finally through the darkness emerged three large figures. Their shapes bore a strong resemblance to that of timber wolves but they were made out of dark, jagged stone. Their eyes glowed orange and they growled as soon as they spotted the ponies. It sounded to Fluttershy like this was their home.

Lifting the plate of muffins higher, Derpy offered her life’s obsession to them. They all sniffed the goods being proffered. One of the more adventurous wolves snapped out its tongue, snatched a muffin, and rolled it into its mouth. Its eyes lit up and it turned to its fellows and nodded its head. They both moved forward to take the other muffin. Derpy shook her head and tossed the plate into the corner of the cave. The wolves leapt after it. “Now it’s time to go,” she said matter-of-factly. She hoisted Fluttershy onto her back and quickly released Carrot Top of her bonds. They both started galloping out of the cave with loud roars chasing behind them.

“I think they ran out of muffins. I would roar like that too if I suddenly ran out of muffins.”

The light from outside stabbed at Fluttershy’s eyes as they finally made it out.

“Where are we going?” asked Carrot Top, glancing behind her.

Fluttershy knew that the best place would be Zecora’s. She was willing to bet that that the zebra had some sort of ward around her house. She tried wiggling her hoof again and to her amazement she could actually move it around a little. She patted Derpy with one of them. The pegasus looked back at her and she pointed to the northeast of them.

“I think Fluttershy’s telling us to go this way.” Derpy made a quick adjustment to her running.

“Well that direction is as good as any, I suppose!” Carrot looked back again. “Though those wolves are looking to be much faster than us!”

Fluttershy could hear their heavy paws thud into the ground behind her. She dearly hoped she was right about the wards.

“Do you think we’ll get a reward?”

Lyra puffed her chest out. “For bravery such as this?! Of course we will! The Empress will have no choice but to let us into her inner circle for besting one who claims to be so Great and Powerful!”

“I hope she’ll pat me on the head!” Bon Bon brought a hoof to her flushed cheeks. “Can you imagine? Getting a pat by the Empress herself?”

“It’d be the best moment of my entire life! And I’ve had many fantastic moments!” Lyra gave her rope sack an extra hard yank with her magic as she dragged it behind her. “You hear that?! You will be our good little ticket to the Empress’s heart!”

“Stab it for me once you get to it, if it’s not too much trouble,” said Trixie.

Bon Bon gasped. “How can you be so casual talking about killing the Empress?”

Trixie closed her eyes and brought both her hooves to her temples. “It’s very easy. I’m imagining Twilight being maimed by a dragon right now. Dear Luna, it’s gruesome. Oh my, that’s not suitable for little colts and fillies. Was that her liver? Oops, not anymore.”

“Quiet!” Lyra lifted the rope cage into the air and brought it back down to the ground hard. “I have to bring you back alive but I can easily make up excuses for bruises if I have to!”

Trixie grumbled to herself and crossed her forehooves, glancing around her. Then, because Celestia decided to have pity on her, she saw a savior in the distance. The savior was in the form of a manticore plodding through the forest, but it was a savior nonetheless. It was the same that had tormented for what felt like a mile, but enemies quickly became one’s friends in the right circumstances. “Ahem!” she said, loudly. The manticore’s head turned in her direction.

“What is it now?” asked Bon Bon.

“Yeah, come and get me you simpleton!” Trixie grinned as the manticore got closer, finally locking eyes with Trixie.

“We already have you! What is with the taunting?!” Lyra gave Trixie’s ropes another yank just as the manticore picked up its pace and started to run at them. It gave a roar.

Lyra gasped. Bon Bon squeaked. Trixie beamed. She backed up and stuck her back hoof out to put distance between the edge of her trap and herself. The manticore leaped and unleashed its claws. With one swipe it had inadvertently cut her from her bonds, as well as nicked her back hoof, but she could worry about scratches after she was in safety. Slipping out of the ropes, she grabbed both Lyra and Bon Bon by the tail with her magic and pulled them to the side of her before galloping ahead.

“Clever girl!” Lyra called after her. Trixie glanced back to see her ex-captors almost on her tail with the manticore taking up the rear. Back where she started, just with different company. She felt a magic field form around her tail. She quickly dispelled and looked back to see Lyra grit her teeth. Trixie stuck her tongue out.

There were very few actions she had taken in her life that she considered heroic and none that were the sort of thing that could be found in an epic novel. She had read plenty of adventure stories when she was a young filly and she always dreamed of being able to do what the heroes in those books did, dreams that left her as she aged. Now, as she ran through what some considered the most dangerous woods in the entirety of Equestria, those thoughts came rushing back to her. As she led the living example of a pecking order through the trees she came upon a scene that on any other day would have thrown her for loop, but today she was over everything. So what if a group of rock-like wolves were chasing a trio of ponies? Instead, she looked past the chaos and a glorious idea formed before her mind’s eye. She yelled and tore towards the one pony she recognized.

Fluttershy turned her head to see the source of the new commotion and her eyes widened. A squeal flew out of her throat and made her blink. "Icanshpeak!” she yelled. She waggled a hoof at her oncoming rescuer. Her newfound vocal powers emitted a squeak as Trixie ran right behind Derpy and magically yanked Fluttershy over onto her back. “DuntforgetabutDerpy!” she yelled as she struggled to get a grip around Trixie.

Her eyes narrowed, Trixie leaped on top of one of the wolves and then onto another right next to it. They growled as her hooves met the ground again and changed their direction to go after the annoyance. She whipped back around and galloped headlong towards the manticore she had just invited to the party. Lyra and Bon Bon gaped at her and ducked out of the way. However, the manticore seemed entirely okay with playing chicken. Trixie grinned, waited till the last moment, and darted to the sidelines, cringing as she heard the wolves and manticore slam into each other. There was a roar and she ducked as a wolf flew over her and smashed into the ground right in front of Carrot Top. Despite digging her hooves into the ground, the earth pony couldn't put on the brakes fast enough to prevent herself from running into it. Derpy ran towards her friend but didn’t make it to her before Trixie caught up with her.

“You’re coming with us!” Trixie pulled Derpy back with her hoof.

“But what about Carrot?” Derpy looked at her friend laying stunned on the ground rubbing her head.

“She’s a crazy! And we don’t have time to linger!” Trixie pointed ahead of her. “That way if you want to join us living ponies!” She started up her gallop again.

“I shall have you yet, Trixie! I shall have you yet!”

Trixie looked back to see Lyra shaking a hoof at her while sitting beside Bon Bon on a higher branch of a tree as a wolf barked at her from its base. On the other side of the clearing Derpy hit Carrot Top on the head again and dragged her behind a bush right before the manticore and a wolf tussled past them. The ditzy pegasus took to the air and flew towards Trixie who turned her concentration back to running as fast as her hooves could carry her.

The door slammed so hard that the entire hut shook. Trixie took deep breathes and dropped Fluttershy onto the floor.

“Are you all right?” Derpy looked closely at Trixie, who held up a hoof and continued to gasp for breath. She shrugged and start looking around the place.


“Coming, Fluttershy.” Derpy pulled the still paralyzed pony up from her face-down position on the ground.

“Did you see that?” Trixie sucked in another gulp of air. “Did everyone in this room just see the amazing feat I just performed?”

Three pairs of eyes fell on her. She did a double take at the last one. “Looks like someone is with us again.” She approached Zecora slowly.

“I found it quite unkind for you to go and leave my hooves in a bind.” The zebra narrowed her red eyes at the magician.

“Well I found it unkind for you to assault ponies with paralysis powder! And if you keep up that rhyming then you’re about to get a gag! Speaking of which…” Trixie emptied the pouch at her side. She sighed. “We only got the burning chrysanthemums, nothing else. We’re going to need to make another trip.”

“Acthually I think I’m gettin’ buther.” Fluttershy rolled onto her side.

“Yeah…” Trixie trailed off and stared at the pegasus with an ever furrowing brow. She pointed an accusatory hoof at her. “Yeah you are! So we could have waited it out this entire time? The zebra's book said nothing about that!”

“I felt certain facts not needed, something you would have known had the footnotes been heeded.” Zecora made a “tsk” noise.

Trixie slowly turned around. “What?”

“Though if cure you needed fast, then it is the pots you should have looked past.” Zecora smirked and nodded at a shelf holding several samplings of zebra pottery.

“What?” Trixie ran to them and moved them out of the way revealing a hole in the wall filled with several bags of various substances. “What?” She rifled through them, spotting one with the right label. She slowly walked towards Fluttershy, took a hoof-full, and blew it at the prostrate pony. She almost instantly shot up and squeaked. “What?!”

Fluttershy glanced into Trixie’s eyes and moved to the same corner Derpy had already retreated to.

“It was here the whole time? All of my amazing feats were for nothing?” A low growl emanated from her throat and she frantically searched the room, her eyes landing on its only table. The growl grew to a yell and she flipped the table straight up into the air, upending it and sending its plate and pots crashing to the floor. “That’s it! Trixie has had enough! She’s had enough of you!” She pointed at Fluttershy. “She’s had enough of your kind!” She whipped around to face Zecora. “And she’s had more than enough of Ponyville!”

“The Empire of Twilight, actually.”

Trixie jumped into the air and recoiled with a shriek. Twilight had somehow appeared right before her eyes.

Time is Valuable, Next Time Get a Messenger Dragon

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Time is Valuable, Next Time Get a Messenger Dragon



“That’s no way to greet your Empress,” said Twilight, shaking her head at the new thorn in her side. “Next time remember to bow.”

The thorn hissed. “Trixie will bow when she’s dead!”

Twilight frowned. She was quickly losing her patience for nonsense. “You can’t bow when you’re dead. You can’t do anything when you’re dead. You’re body is lifeless and inert.”

“Well then, I guess you’ll never get any submission from Trixie! Now if we’re about to fight, then let’s get it over with!” Trixie’s horn emitted a fierce glow and she lowered her head.

Leaning back in her chair, Twilight exhaled sharply through her nose. She had everything perfectly in hoof until Trixie showed up in Ponyville. She was going to have to think of some suitable punishment for the unicorn’s hubris when she was finally assimilated into the fold, preferably something humiliating. Equestria’s new Empress was not about to let slide her besting by a simple stage magician.

“Well, are we about to show each other our magical prowess or you just going to sit there?” The Wannabe’s nostrils flared. She paused and stood up straighter. “Are you in a chair?”

“Are you normally this unobservant?” Twilight gently clopped her hooves together. “We’re not going to fight, as much as I’d like to because of all the trouble you’ve caused. We can’t.”

“Then what did you come here for? Did you just come here to mock Trixie? Because you have some—”

“I’m not even there!” Twilight yelled. She reached her hoof forward to where Trixie's face was, letting the lack of contact speak for itself.

A voice spoke at Trixie’s side, just out of sight. “Trixie, um, who are you talking to?”

Trixie turned, her stare softening. “What do you mean? I’m talking to your amulet-wielding ex-friend.”

“Ah, so is Fluttershy there?” That was good news. Twilight was hoping that the last of the Bearers hadn’t run off on her own.

“Yes she’s here! Can’t you see her?” Trixie squinted at Twilight and reached out a hoof in her direction. “You’re just a communication portal, aren’t you? Trixie has never seen one this good.”

Twilight lifted the source of her life’s blood from her neck towards her confused rival. “I was already good at them but now, with this wonderful artifact, I’m the best at it. You shouldn’t have let yourself get captured, Trixie. It has costs.” She presented a small tuft of hair. “Lyra managed to bring me back a sampling of your biology, all I needed to cast a spell to track you.”

Trixie cocked her to the side. “How did she get back to you so fast?”

“She has her ways.” Twilight shrugged. “Unfortunately,” she continued, frowning, “My spell still isn’t capable of locating you. I can send these portals to you but I still don’t know where it is that you are.” She put a hoof to her mouth and started tapping it. How many places could they hide out in? There weren’t many she didn’t already have covered.

“Well you’ll never be finding out from Trixie! Now begone with you!” Tendrils of electricity shot out of Trixie’s horn at the portal, fizzling as they made contact. “Why is Trixie’s dispelling magic not working?”

“Because I’ve made it impervious to all forms of dispellation.” Twilight waved a hoof. “Please be quiet, I’m trying to think.” They had to still be in the Everfree, but where? There was no place in the Everfree that they could safely camp out.

“Um, Trixie, I, uh, I don’t mean to pry, but what is Twilight saying?”

“Tell her to send us some muffins! We’re fugitives and we deserve good treatment!”

“Shh, you two, our Illustrious Empress is trying to think. She’s having trouble getting a lock on us with her little horn. Maybe the shiny bauble around her neck is weighing her down.” Trixie turned to stare straight at Twilight, the edges of her mouth curling up into a highly irritating grin.

Twilight’s hairs stood on end as tendrils of electricity shot through her. She stood up, kicking her temporary throne onto its side with her back hoof. “It is not a bauble! It is my life! It is the definition of the universe!” Her eyes burned with magic fire. If only they could pierce the foolish unicorn’s very soul.

“Mock not our Empress’s source of power, and tell her that we’re at my hut so she doesn’t have to scour!”

“Shush!” Trixie yelled.

A large, toothy grin spread across Twilight’s face. Now that made sense. “So you’re at Zecora’s? I figured you wouldn’t have been able to overpower her. I’ll try not to underestimate you again. That’s why I can’t track you. She has wards around her hut. Well, little matter now, I’ll just send some ponies to pull you all back into the fold. See you when you get here.”

“No, wait!” Trixie held up a hoof.

Twilight waved and broke off the connection. Now that she knew where the last few dissidents were, it was time for the continuation of her grand plans. She pulled the rope dangling by her side. A bell rang in the other room of the library.

Her ever faithful assistant marched into the room and bowed before her. “You rung, O Empress?”

“Yes, Spike, fetch the Bearers, please.” Twilight righted her throne chair and sat back down in it. If there was one group of ponies she knew she could count on, it was them.

The door swung open and four ponies filed in, their eyes burning intently.

“How can we serve ya yer Highness?” Applejack led the pack and bowed, an action echoed by the others.

“I have finally discovered the location of our most recent problem. Trixie is hiding in Zecora’s hut and most importantly, she still has Fluttershy with her.” Twilight’s regal composure broke to allow a lopsided smile.

“Yes!” Rainbow Dash yelled, pumping a hoof into the air. “When we finally have her then we can start having some real fun!”

“Correct, Rainbow. Once we have all the Bearers enlightened, then we can truly start on the path to our destiny. Canterlot will not know what hit it.” The amulet sent a shockwave of energy throughout Twilight’s body causing her to shiver. It knew just the right time to be dramatic.

“Ooh, ooh, can we takeover Phillydelphia, first?”

Twilight frowned at Pinkie. “And why would we do that?”

“Because I want my own city! If you get Canterlot then what will I have? Be fair, Twilight!” Pinkie frowned right back.

“I believe that Twilight intends to share the ruling of Canterlot, Pinkie,” said Rarity, “and once we have Twilight on the Princess’s throne then we’ll control all of Equestria. We won’t need our own cities.”

“Ah can’t wait to outlaw all the other apple growin’ businesses in Equestria. It’ll be just Apple Family apples and cider in every city.” Applejack rubbed her hooves together.

Ah, such ambition. Twilight liked it but she would have to keep an eye on it. She held a hoof up, hushing them. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, girls. We first need to take care of this little problem. It shouldn’t take much, but I’ll need two of you to join the team to go and capture them. I’m not taking any risks this time.”

“I would never miss the chance for some action! I’ll go!” Rainbow Dash raised her hoof.

“Ah’ll join ‘er. I can handle myself in a fight as Ah’m sure ya know.”

“You won’t hear me object. Those two will work perfectly.” Rarity smiled.

“But what am I going to do? It’s been getting boring around here now that we’ve caught everypony that needed to be enlightened.” Pinkie jutted her lower lip out.

“Don’t worry, I have a job for you and Rarity as well.” Twilight rang the bell again and Spike entered the room. “Spike, fetch our tracker. Rarity and Pinkie, I need you two to join me on my trip to Cloudsdale.”

“Actually, your majesty," said Spike. "Lyra's right outsi—”

“You called your Highness! Your Majesty! Your Amazingness!” Lyra hopped in front of the Bearers and bowed deeply before springing backing up and standing straight. She saluted. “I am here to serve! No, not just serve, I’m here to be your right hoof! I am but another instrument of your body! I am an extension of your life changing presence!”

“I’m more like your observant spyglass,” said Bon Bon, finally making it from the door to the Lyra’s side.

“You two are to join Rainbow Dash and Applejack in apprehending Trixie and Fluttershy and bringing them before me. Do your Empress proud!” Twilight’s eyes flashed a deeper crimson.

“I won’t fail you again! I will exceed expectations! Thank you for giving your humble servant another chance to redeem herself! I apologize once again for my previous mishap!” Lyra bowed again, repeatedly.

"As I told you before," said Twilight, "I don't need your apologies. You have already helped tremendously. Now you need to just try again."

Lyra straightened. “Can they be bruised before I bring them here?!”

“You can give Trixie as much damage as you want but leave Fluttershy unharmed.”

“It’ll be an honor serving with you.” Bon Bon nodded at Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Applejack tipped her hat. “It’ll be our pleasure to help you rope in those two varmints.”

“Can we head out now?” Rainbow Dash wrung her hooves gleefully.

“You may.” Twilight watched as the four ponies left the room and set her gaze on the other two Bearers. “You two—follow me. Cloudsdale needs to be shown the true meaning of life.”

There were times when language suitable for the stage and its mixed audience, the language Trixie typically stuck too, just wasn’t enough. She expressed this notion. Fluttershy squeaked and held a hoof to her mouth, receiving a sidelong glance from the culprit. “Trixie isn’t going to apologize for the language she just used. She considers it entirely appropriate given the situation.”

A hoof tapped Trixie on the shoulder. “So, uh, what’s the situation again?”

Trixie faced Derpy with a frown. “We’ve been found out you ditz!” The exclamation was reinforced with frantic hoof waving. “All because some zebra around here, Trixie won’t point any hooves, ratted us out!” She faced the subject in question just in time to see the shameless, ex-striped equine open her mouth. “No!” Trixie approached her a few steps and held a hoof up. “No! If Trixie hears one more rhyme from you she will not hesitate to dump what’s left of your potions and powders around here on top of you. You’re already green. Trixie would love to see what other sorts of things could happen to you!”

“Trixie, be nice.” Fluttershy patted her shoulder, a move that didn’t make Trixie feel at all comforted. “She’s under the amulet’s thrall. She can’t be held responsible for her actions.”

“And neither can Trixie at this point!” Trixie pounded a hoof into the ground.

There was a brief silence as she paced the floor. Her thoughts were a storm of an emotions and she needed to let them stew and bury themselves inside her to come out in triplicate later. She could feel them drifting to her core while her eyes bore a hole into the floor. Something vaguely resembling calm reclaimed her senses. She looked up. “What we need is reinforcements. We need back up. Twilight might be able to pose a threat to us, but let’s see her pose a threat against the might of the Princesses and the Royal Guard!”

She ran to the upturned table in the middle of the room and rifled around it. Her search provided her with a quill, some paper, and a fortunately capped inkwell. Righting the table, she scribbled furiously on the paper, getting across the dire situation with as few words as possible. Rolling it up with her magic, she offered it to Derpy. “This will be our lifesaver. It’s a message to the Princesses asking for their help and it’s our only hope. Make sure that little fact sticks in your brain. Trixie’s described what’s happening and told them that if they don’t get their flanks down here then they’ll have the entirety of Equestria taken out from under them by their favorite student. You can fly above the Everfree and take it straight to Canterlot.”

"Straight to Canterlot, got it! And I can get muffins while I’m there!” Derpy’s face lit up.

“Whatever, just don’t eat the message!” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof.

“I won’t let you down! Or the message! Because I’ll be in the air and that’d be bad!” Derpy ran out the door and took to the air.

Trixie cursed again under her breath. Their hope was on a thin wire. She didn’t have to be around that wall-eyed pegasus for long to figure that out. “She’s probably not going to make it.”

“Then why did you send her?” asked Fluttershy. “I could have taken it. I don’t want Derpy to get hurt.”

“Well Trixie couldn’t send you. If that wonky-eyed klutz isn’t likely to make it then Trixie certainly wasn’t going to put you in the same danger.”

Fluttershy ducked her head. “Trixie, that’s very caring of you. I didn’t—“ A blue hoof blocked the rest of her words.

“Stuff it! It’s nothing like that. Trixie is simply choosing the best mare for the job and that wasn’t you!”

Fluttershy’s eyes smiled and Trixie scrunched her nose up. “Fine, don’t believe Trixie! You just wait until we’re in a dire situation and Trixie has to choose between herself and you! You’ll be very disappointed at the outcome!” She removed her hoof from its helpful position and walked to the hut’s front window. She scanned the clearing that served as the house’s front lawn. There wasn’t much going for it. “That small clearing out there is going to be our battlefield in less than an hour.”

“Oh my,” whispered Fluttershy. “We’re not going to make it are we?”

Where was the vote of confidence? Had not Trixie rose above her humble beginnings as a roaming performer? Had she not become a very successful stage magician in Manehattan? Did she not survive the menace that was having an obnoxiously kind pony as a roommate for several months? Compared to all that, what was defeating an uber-powerful, artifact wielding unicorn’s highly competent minions?

“We can do this!” Trixie exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement within herself. “We only need to hold out for several hours, enough time for that thin excuse of a pegasus to get a message to the Princesses and bring them back here!” She gave that statement a few more thoughts. Her excitement faded. “Or that pegasus won’t make it like Trixie suspects and we’ll just be holding out for nothing.” She sighed. “At least Trixie is confident she'd look good with red eyes. She'd probably be quite intimidating.”

“Why don’t we just run?”

“Where will we run? Twilight has the ability to track Trixie now. There’s no place we can go! No, we have to bunker down here. Surely there’s something that we’re missing that will give us the upper hoof.” Trixie eyed Zecora. “And we do have a hostage. Tell me, Frizzmane, how much does the Empress value you?”

In devilish fashion, Twilight’s face took over the space between Trixie and Zecora.

Recovering from her startled jump, Trixie looked at her rival with scrutiny. “Why aren’t your ears on fire?”

“Trixie, I felt it best to send you a warning. You will be facing an unstoppable force. It’s best that you surrender now or you might get hurt.”

“Trixie will take her chances.”

Twilight’s eyes gleamed. “That's a very unwise decision.”

“Blah, blah.” Trixie shook her head. “Tell me, Miss Shiny Amulet, what would you say if I threatened to seriously harm Zecora here if you didn’t call off your minions?”

Twilight blinked. “I would say that she would be taking harm for a good cause.”

“Tyranny! Trixie calls for impeachment!”

“You can’t impeach an empress. My rule is despotic and until death.”

“Well you just wait until the minority has spoken!”

“You’re making political analogy jokes aren’t you?”

“Is that a problem?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Try not to get yourself too injured.” The portal disappeared.

“Try not get yourself too injured,” Trixie mocked.

“You would not have hurt me, that is too harsh for you, I see.” Zecora smiled.

“Trixie thought she told you to can it you rhyming machine!”

The zebra returned to her more pleasant demeanor of silent fuming.

“Trixie, please be nice.” Fluttershy unleashed her Eyes of Worry.

“Fluttershy, come over here.” Trixie stood by Zecora and motioned Fluttershy to follow her. “Take a close look at this face.” She poked Zecora in the cheek, coaxing a deep frown out of its owner. “This is the face of the enemy!”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, they’re our friends!”

“Not as long as they have these crimson eye sockets! They don’t deserve our pity or our sympathy! They will be crushed beneath our hooves! Or at least until we can save them from whatever is bungling their mind!” Trixie wiggled Zecora’s head around before snapping her hooves back, barely avoiding being bitten. “Watch it! Biting your captors is stupid if you’re useless!” She blinked. “Actually...” Her eyes narrowed and she brought her face mere centimeters away from Zecora’s. “Trixie’s noticed that your mysticalness is very versatile. Those wards around this hut do more than just repel wildlife, don’t they? If they can block tracking spells, then they must have a lot of power behind them.”

Zecora stared at the ceiling and pursed her lips.

“Fine. If Trixie can’t get you to talk then she’ll just have to resort to drastic measures— searching your books.”

Zecora’s eyes flicked in Trixie’s direction before facing the ceiling again.

“Aha! You wrote it all down, didn’t you? Trixie thought as much!” Trixie ran towards the single bookshelf in the room. She started rifling through them as fast as her speed reading could let her.

“Should we maybe make a plan B?” asked Fluttershy. “We don’t have much time.”

“Found it!” The table creaked as Trixie slammed a book open on top of it. “Never underestimate Trixie’s ability to find only the information she needs.” She snickered as she read the first few pages. “Well isn’t this just convenient. ‘To Twilight Sparkle: In zebra magic you showed unfamiliarity, so I have written down what I know to provide clarity.’" She looked up at Zecora. "How sweet. A gift perhaps? A keepsake for after your death?”

Zecora turned to face Trixie with a sneer.

“Rhetorical questions!” yelled Trixie, before the book’s author could say something annoying again. “And not something Trixie cares about.” She read past the book’s introduction, finding her way to a lengthy chapter on “Savannah Wards.” She read it slowly and carefully. She let out an “ahh” when she got to the end before closing the book and throwing it back on the shelf. “Trixie was right, those wards are very powerful. She has what she needs.”

“So you know how to operate them now?” asked Fluttershy.


“Somewhat?” Fluttershy started chewing on one of her hooves.

“Yes, but for Trixie, ‘somewhat’ is all she needs!”

There’s something about knowing you have the upper hoof that makes a standoff boring. Four sets of burning red eyes gazed upon Trixie and all she could think about was how much of a better pose she could strike with her hat and cape. Fluttershy, well, she was being as imposing as a doorstop. Trixie reconsidered the thought. She had actually seen doorstops more fearsome than that quivering, yellow pile of pony.

It was the mint one that stepped forward first and served as the very loud mouthpiece of the opposition. “Listen up! You are scum! You are villains! You represent everything that this new empire stands against! If it were up to me, I would have you strung from the clouds, your bodies left to rot! But our Empress is much more merciful! She has chosen to spare you!”

Bon Bon nudged the loudspeaker’s side. She cupped her hooves over her mouth. “She also really needs Fluttershy!”

“A technicality!” exclaimed Lyra. “Now you can surrender or you can face our wrath!”

“That was a pretty good speech, there, Lyra.” Applejack nodded. “Imposin’.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Rainbow Dash hovered above Lyra and shrugged.

“Did you have a problem with it?!” Lyra stared daggers at the unwarranted critique.

“It was too long. We all know they’re not going to surrender.” Rainbow Dash started yelling in Trixie and Fluttershy’s direction. “Hey, we know you’re going to end up fighting us, so let’s get this over with, huh! We’re going to own you! I claim the arrogant one!”

“Trixie doesn’t think fighting yourself is wise if you aim to win this.” Trixie raised an eyebrow. “One question: why are you all yelling? You’re barely ten feet away from us.”

“Because we’re passionate!” Lyra took exaggerated steps forward. “Now surrender!”

Trixie leaned her head towards Fluttershy and whispered. “Are you ready for this? The wards are buried just under the ground right in front of us.”

Two hooves snapped out to grab her. “Trixie, please tell me they won’t get hurt?”

“They shouldn’t, but Trixie promises nothing!” She pried Fluttershy’s hooves away from her shoulders. Whipping around, she fired a blast of sizzling magic at her wanna-be attackers. “The answer is… no.”

“I told you.” Rainbow Dash snorted. “Let’s get ‘em!”

The four ponies went into attack mode.

Trixie activated her trap.

As a mare bent on taking over the world, Twilight couldn’t have been more proud of her little minions. They were doing their jobs so well. She had just heard back that the Cakes had finished setting up the rationing cafeteria and that the Spike was making good progress in getting all the Ponyvillians arranged into units, with positions being assigned based on merit. She was going to have a wonderful army to work with in the next few days.

She gazed down at the stretching Equestrian landscape before her. She pictured a grid over it, with each quadrant assigned to a governor, all of them sending her reports three times daily so she could send them back corrections and ensure they worked at maximum efficiency at all times. Equestria was going to be a well-oiled machine in her hooves.

“I found these stragglers!”

She made a mental note to continue her reveling of power at a later date. She turned to Pinkie, observing the two thrashing ponies tied to her back. “Bring them here.” If there was one part of her job that never got old, it was the joy of showing ponies the missing piece of the puzzle that was life. With her magic, she delved deep into the wellspring of the Amulet and arced magical energy to the two ponies. The magic lingered around their heads, rotating around them. A tingling energy made its way from them to Twilight and she felt it reverberate throughout her, its sensations making her catch her breath. The magic fell away, leaving two freshly reddened eyes.

“That's always fun to watch!” Pinkie patted the two new converts on the head. “How do you feel? Awesome? Refreshed? Hungry for a few cupcakes?”

“I feel kind of dizzy,” one of them ventured. “But I also feel purposeful. Purposefully dizzy.”

“Oh.” Pinkie’s face scrunched up in confusion. “That’s not how I felt when I was shown the shiny red light.”

“You were a special case, Pinkie,” said Twilight, gently, “like you always are.”

“Thanks, Twilight!” Pinkie beamed.

“How is Rarity coming along?”

“Excellent! She’s getting most of the Cloudsdalinians—the Cloudsdalese—the pegasi into nice, orderly groups, just like you wanted!”

“Good! We should have the clouds re-arranged by midnight, then.” The dreams of conquest started to seep back into Twilight’s thoughts.

“Uh,” said one of Pinkie’s passengers, “could you possibly untie us now?”

“Not yet!” exclaimed Pinkie. “I’m going to get you guys some cupcakes whether you want ‘em or not! I’ll do another check for stragglers afterwards, Twilight Empress!” The clouds barely made a sound as she skipped away on them.

Returning to her euphoric landscape gazing, Twilight was unprepared for the face of Trixie to suddenly invade her view.

“Greetings, Empress! How are you?”

Twilight armed herself with a commanding glower. “Pretty well. I’ll be better once I don’t have to worry about you anymore. How did you even open a communication portal back to me?”

“Give Trixie more credit. You goofed with the last portal you sent. Trixie back-traced it.”

“Shouldn’t you have surrendered by now? I was predicting you would.”

“Predicting Trixie is impossible. She’s a wildcard.” Trixie smirked and winked. “Do you have a communication connection with your smunderlings? Because if you do, you might want to check it right now.” The portal dissipated and her face disappeared.

It was absolutely preposterous that anything could have happened. A stage magician and the weakest of the Bearers defeating the team she sent after them? There was simply no possible way. However, they obviously hadn’t been captured yet, and that bore investigating. Twilight established two communication portals with her Bearers on duty. Her eyes widened at the scene in front of her.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were suspended in midair, unmoving. A magical glow softly radiated from their bodies.

“Bearers, report!” she yelled.

Applejack’s ear twitched. Rainbow Dash seemed to spin a few centimeters.

With a huff, Twilight tore the portals away and flashed one to Trixie. She was greeted with the smuggest face she had ever seen in her life. She wished with all her might that she could punch it. “What have you done to my Bearers?”

“Your ‘Bearers?’” Trixie raised an arrogant eyebrow. “Oh, you mean your friends? Well, as you saw, I’ve made them rather immobile. I mean, they’re not capable of capturing a moment, much less Trixie. Now, let’s get down to business and start up some bargaining.”

Twilight bared her teeth. “Well we can start with the fact that I’ve captured Derpy. Obviously she was important to you, so you should start by bargaining for her release.”

“Important to me? Not at all. Don’t assume that I care about the ponies that ally themselves with me. Besides, you don’t actually have her anyway.”

“I do too!” Twilight stamped a hoof.

“No you don’t, you’re a horrible liar!”

“Agh!” Twilight whirled around and started pacing back and forth. “She somehow managed to evade the best pegasi I have at my disposal! I don’t know how! I think she was literally flying upside down at one point!”

“So,” Trixie said, brushing a hoof on her chest, “about that bargaining.”

A sharp pain stabbed into Twilight’s eyes. She could feel their ethereal flames burst into a roar. Trixie’s smug demeanor slowly faded. “You’ll regret this,” whispered Twilight. With a flick of her hoof, the portal disappeared.

Her horn started to glow brightly as a large magical aura stretched out from it. It enveloped nearby clouds, cramming them together. The aura radiated out from her for half a mile, a dark cloud forming inside of it as it absorbed increasing amounts of cloud material. She sent sparks of electricity into it, forming it into a volatile cumulonimbus with her magic. A massive lightning bolt shot into the air, emitting an echoing boom, showing her that it was ready. She pictured the location of Zecora's hut in her head and released the cloud, watching as it sped through the sky towards the Everfree. That would keep them more than busy.

But it wasn’t quite enough. She had planned on having Fluttershy by her side within the hour. Without her and with possible Canterlot reinforcements coming in at any moment, her plan was going to have to be sped up. She needed to find Rarity and Pinkie right away.

“Oh my goodness, something bad happened didn’t it?”

Trixie did her best to ease down her worried expression as she turned to face Fluttershy. “Trixie thinks that something bad could, possibly, maybe happen very soon.”

“Can we stop it?”

“Um, I don’t know, can you stop that?” Trixie’s face fell as she pointed towards a gigantic incoming storm cloud.

The cloud loomed large over the horizon, quickly blocking out the sun as it sped towards them. It came to a rest over the clearing, stretching over it and into the surrounding trees. Sheet lightning flashed from inside it, causing it to rumble deeply.

“The amulet-lover can control the weather now?” Trixie stared up at the cloud in awe.

“Is it dangerous?” Fluttershy ducked behind Trixie.

“Trixie thinks it's just meant to be intimidating.”

A lightning bolt ripped from it and struck the ground bare inches from the wards around the hut. The prisoners it contained fell to the ground, free.

“Run!” screamed Trixie, barely able to hear her own voice, her ears still ringing from the thunderclap.

She barely made it halfway to the edge of the clearing when she was knocked to the ground with the distinct feeling of having four hooves impressed on her back. She twisted around and managed to register that she had been jumped by Rainbow Dash before the pegasus right hooked her and sent her mind reeling. Another giant shot of electricity struck the ground beside them and Rainbow Dash jumped off of her in surprise.

Trixie blinked slowly. The sky spun rapidly as she stared up at it through dazed vision. Something wet hit her face, followed by more somethings. The rain picked up in intensity, becoming a torrent in mere seconds. As if the party wasn’t lively enough, the lightning strikes increased, striking the ground rapidly in scattered bursts. Wrestling her senses back under her control, she sat up. With a half-working mind she tried to assess the situation.

Applejack and Bon Bon were fleeing to the south side of the clearing. Fluttershy had taken the east, the exact opposite of Trixie's direction. She contemplated going after her. A yelp sounded to her side. She looked to see Rainbow Dash with a blackened wing giving off smoke. Shaking her head vigorously, she decided to bail and live to fight another day. She hauled herself up as three bolts struck around her and continued her escape. With nothing but clear space from her to the treeline, sirens went of in her head. Where was Lyra? Her eyes widened as she saw a mint covered hoof appear in her trajectory. The impact knocked her off her hooves and her body slid several feet on the wet grass.

“No prey ever really escapes me!” Lyra stood over Trixie, looking all the world like some primal huntress, her grin shining with the glory of a victorious fight. She lifted a hoof over her prey’s face.

A ground shaking explosion went off in the center of the clearing. It rattled Trixie’s teeth and she watched Lyra fall to the ground. There was utter silence. The rain stopped briefly before starting to fall again, unaccompanied by destructive electricity.

Trixie groaned as she brought herself back to her hooves. She wasn’t fast enough. Lyra had already righted herself and was poised to spring. Time seemed to slow down as Trixie begrudgingly admitted to herself that Lyra was quite graceful with her mid-air attacks. She winced in preparation for yet more facial pain. Celestia, however, smiled upon her. A figured darted through the air and smashed Lyra into the grass.

The rescuer faced Trixie, two hardened eyes staring back at her. He was a very stocky figure. The rain clinked off his full suit of armor.

“Reinforcements have arrived.”

It's Way Too Soon for a Climax, Trixie. Get Your Acts Together.

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It's Way Too Soon for a Climax, Trixie. Get Your Acts Together.

By the time Trixie had gotten her faculties unrattled, their attackers had scattered to the four winds. She supposed that made them victorious. Huzzah. Managing to keep in her irritation for a few moments, she set about making sure everypony was accounted for. She found Fluttershy in a tree and Derpy had apparently returned, having fetched Carrot Top’s unconscious form from where they had left her earlier. Good. Growing ranks and no deaths. Yet.

Satisfied, she turned her attention to the new arrival and asked the one question that was burned on her brain. “There’s only one of you?”

There was a distinct lack of glistening, armored soldiers filling the forest clearing she was standing in. She had envisioned the entire blunt force of the Equestrian Royal Guard brought down to bear on Twilight and her minions. Instead there was but one guard in sight, and she demanded answers.

Raising his hoof to his forehead in salute, the Royal Guard stood up straight, his back hooves locking together. “I was sent to find out what was going on, ma’am! I assume you are the good guys? Instinct told me to associate with the ponies that weren’t red eyed.”

A simple investigator? Had she not been perfectly clear that the apocalypse was nigh? “Yes, of course we’re the right side! But what do you mean you were sent to ‘find out what’s going on?’ There’s a big Luna-blasted mess going on!” She gestured to the still smoking portions of the ground that pocked the area. “Where’s the entire Royal Guard? Where are the Princesses? Where are the reinforcements?”

He raised his chin. “I shall quote, ‘Go and find what the hay is being talked about in this mess of a letter. If this is a prank, then fine them five hundred bits. I have better things to do than send out the entire Equestrian guard to respond to a lunatic.’”

She grit her teeth. “Who said that?”

“I was sent by his majesty, Prince Blueblood.”

“No! That letter wasn’t meant for him! I’ve sent other, far more personal letters to the Prince which he never replied to, but this one was different! This was meant for the Princesses! Where are their Eminences?”

“The Princesses are currently indisposed. They are in Saddle Arabia visiting the rulers there. Prince Blueblood has been put in charge of matters temporarily until they return. He has assigned me as in charge of this official investigation.”

“Well this is just wonderful!” She pounded a hoof against her head. “Well you go back and tell him that this is not a prank!”

“I’d need proof of that first, ma’am.” He looked at her seriously.

“Proof? Proof?” She shoved her face into the guard’s personal space. “Do you realize what you just witnessed?”

“Despite red being commonly associated with ‘evil,’ the Royal Guard cannot condemn ponies based upon color association. Those red-eyes could be a condition. As for the storm, this is the Everfree. Wild, uncontrolled weather is common. You citizens should consider yourself fortunate that I’ve been taught how to efficiently disable errant weather.” He nodded at her.

“Oh, well look who has some useful skills.” She batted his still saluting hoof down. “Follow me and we’ll see what looks like a prank and what looks like the end of Equestria as we know it!”

“I would appreciate you showing me the respect an officer of the law deserves,” he said with a steely gaze. “But I will excuse this lapse and assume it’s mere excitability.”

“Excitabili—“ She cut her yell short, responding with a dagger-like stare. “Just follow Trixie.” She led him back to the hut, ramming the door open. The rest of her pathetic resistance looked up at them with inquisitive eyes. She stared at them and gave a slight wave to the guard. “Our reinforcements.” She shook her head and grabbed Zecora with a yank and rolled her onto the floor pushing her in front of the guard. She pointed at the defiant red eyes that stared up at them. “Take a good look and just try and tell Trixie this is a joke!”

He went nose-to-nose with the captive, scrutinizing her eyes. “It appears to be magical in nature.”

“Oh really, I never supposed!” She used her magic to shove Zecora back to the corner of the room and started ushering the guard out of the hut. “Are we done with this prank nonsense now? Can you head back and tell that handsome buffoon that we need every ounce of guard power that is at his disposal?”

“Most certainly not, citizen. I’m going to need an explanation. What do the red eyes mean? Why were they fighting you?”

“There is no time for in-depth explanations! Begone with you!” She waved her hoof frantically.

“It’s necessary.”

Her nostrils flared. Fine, a condensed version was in order. “Twilight Sparkle has been corrupted by an amulet that’s given her unimaginable power and the ability to enthrall others to do her bidding!”

He nodded slowly. “Twilight Sparkle? Celestia’s star student? Hmm, most troublesome.” He rubbed his chin. “And a cursed amulet, you say? Very troublesome indeed, citizen. Well then, that should be adequate. I will return to the Prince and deliver this troubling news. Until I return, you had best avoid all contact with any of these enthralled ponies, stay indoors, and stay away from any windows. It’s for your own safety.”

There was a pause as she blinked at him, incredulity boiling inside of her. “Trixie suggests you leave before she lets out her frustration out on you.”

He frowned at her but proceeded to unfold his wings. As he took to the sky, a burst of light flashed above, tendrils of it spreading down across the area, forming a cage. The space in between the arcs filled with a glowing purple sheen. The guard slowly brought himself back to the ground. “The area’s been encased with a shield,” he said, pointing up at it.

She gave one glance at the magical barrier before turning her gaze on him. “I hate you and everything you stand for.”


Her two friends slumped to the cloud floor, breathing heavily. Twilight twitched as the magic she had siphoned continued to course through her. The amulet sparked with red electricity, reveling in the power it was being given. She regained her composure as the last tendril shot through her.

“Thank you, girls. I couldn’t have done this without you.” She leaned down to look at their faces. “You two all right?”

Rarity managed a faint smile. “Of course, dear, we’re… we’re fine. It just took a lot out of me, that’s all. You’re right as rain, aren’t you Pinkie?”

Pinkie gave a small nod. “Okey… dokey… lokey…” A groan escaped her mouth.

Twilight patted them both on the head. “It’s all right my Elements. Your magic was put to good use. With this shield encompassing the entirety of Ponyville, we don’t have to worry about my plan being stopped prematurely.” She stood at the edge of her cloud and looked up at the shimmering dome above her head, following it with her eyes down to the ground. She had captured a good portion of the Everfree and the surrounding countryside past the town proper. It didn’t hurt to have room to expand, now did it? Plus, that foolish band of rebels by Zecora’s wouldn’t be able to escape now, making their doom just a matter of time.

Thinking of which, she needed to see how the next attempt at pulling them in was going. She opened up a communication portal with her underlings. “Attack team, report in!” She waited, tapping her hoof on the soft, spongy material beneath her. “Attack team, respond to your empress! You had better not all be dead! Those lightning strikes had a clear pattern if you had paid attention and counted out the seconds in your head!” A few more taps. She frowned. If they had been foiled twice in a row...

A message flashed back at her. “Hey Twilight…”

She looked quizzically at the battered, blue face before her. “Rainbow Dash? What happened?”

“They won.” She grimaced and rubbed a hoof along her wing. “And I think they got reinforcements.”

“Reinforcements?” she asked in confusion. “From where? How?”

“I dunno.” Her wings moved in a shrugging gesture. “I just saw a royal guard show up before I hightailed it out of there.”

“Royal guard?” she yelled. “Just one? Because there’s not a chance in Equestria that a troop of them came in without my noticing!”

“I… only saw one. Like I said, I’m not big on the details. My head’s still spinning.” She touched it gingerly.

“So just one guard? A single one? Well now that the shield wall’s up, that makes their presence pointless.” Twilight perked her head up, realizing a gaping, unanswered question. “Explain how you just lost!... Again!”

Rainbow Dash ducked her head. “Um… they’re tough, you know? It wasn’t as easy of a fight as I expected. Um… here, I’ll let Applejack explain.” The communication portal disappeared.

Another portal opened up with a disheveled Applejack peering through. “Howdy there, Empress.” She rubbed her bruised nose. “How we got beat? Well… It was kinda hard to wrastle down a buncha ponies when the sky’s tryin’ to turn ya crispy. Begging yer pardon, of course. I’m sure ya knew what you were doin…” She smiled sheepishly.

Twilight brought a hoof to her forehead. “Timing… Pattern…” she whispered to herself. She took in a deep breath. “Fine. It’s fine. Just regroup. It’s only a matter of time before we take them down anyway. They’re trapped inside my shield wall and now that I’ve got Cloudsdale under my control, the conversion is complete. We’ve got to spend the rest of our time finding the last Element. Once it’s under our control we’ll be ready when the Princesses get back and launch an assault. Tell everypony to meet me back at the throne room so we can arrange search parties.”

Applejack gave her a nod and Twilight closed the portal. She gave one last look over her domain and found a smile creeping to her lips despite her mood. How could she be too mad? Total control was so close she could taste it…


“It’s just a bruise and a few cuts. Now that I’ve washed them, they should be fine. I'm glad you’re conscious again.” Fluttershy patted Carrot Top's head before looking back over the bandage she had put on Derpy’s wing and was satisfied with how well it stayed on. She was no Nurse Redheart, but she had done her best to mend the injuries everypony had received during the scuffle. It was the least she could do to make herself feel useful.

“You’re a good pony, Fluttershy. If the Empress ever ordered me to kill you all then I’d kill you last.” Carrot Top smiled at her.

She smiled back. “Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say. Though I do hope you don’t kill any of us. We’re only trying to help.”

“I understand and I’m sorry, but if Empress Twilight demanded the end of your lives, then I’d make it happen. It’s just the way things have to be.” She sighed and shook her head. “Twilight wishes and the universe bends to fit her desires.”

Derpy’s ears perked up. “But what if it didn’t? The universe is pretty stubborn. If it had to be that way and then it wasn’t, would an impossibility be made possible? Would Equestria explode?” She tapped her mouth with her hoof.

“No, no, it wouldn’t happen like that at all. Empress Twilight is eternal. She can’t die. So Equestria would not explode. Get your facts straight, Derpy.” Carrot Top frowned at her companion.

“But if Twilight is the cause of it, maybe just she would explode…” Derpy stared into the distance.

Carrot gasped and shook her head in horror.

“That would be horrible!” Fluttershy put a hoof to her mouth. “I don’t want anypony to explode!”

“I want everything here to explode!” cried Trixie as she burst into the hut, the lone royal guard marching behind her. “This entire fiasco is going to drive Trixie absolutely crazy! She might already be crazy! Wouldn’t that be wonderful, you all being parts of her insane imagination?”

“I would find that unsettling, citizen.” The guard stated matter-of-factly.

“I find your singular nature unsettling.” She sneered.

“You should have heard our conversation about exploding,” said Derpy. “It was pretty unsettling.”

“Only to those unenlightened ponies that would find themselves scattered about,” corrected Carrot Top.

“Oh, why don’t you explode!” spat Trixie.

Nopony is exploding!” Fluttershy stamped a hoof.

“That’s easy for you to say! Have you looked outside?” Trixie gestured to one of the hut’s windows. “There’s a giant shield surrounding the entire region. We’re trapped! No reinforcements getting in and no way to notify anypony in Canterlot!” She leaned her head against the wall.

“Yes, one hoofstep closer to victory!” exclaimed Carrot Top.

“Trixie will bring her hoof one step closer to your face.” She raised it menacingly.

Fluttershy stepped in between them, giving them both a stern look. “We can't be fighting each other. One of you might be under the control of an evil amulet and the other not, but that doesn't mean we can't get along."

The two ponies looked at each briefly before letting their eyes wander the room, both of them sighing.

"That's better." Fluttershy smiled and approached Trixie. "Now, what do you think Twilight’s trying to accomplish?”

Trixie’s mouth twisted in contemplation. “Trixie thinks she’s making a ploy to take over Equestria, starting with Canterlot. She’ll gather an army of extremely loyal followers, storm the city along with a dazzling display of magic and, using intimidation and her cult, she’ll start a craze of dominoing loyalism that quickly turns to a propaganda wave which she’ll ride until the city’s ponies have either converted or been put down, and with the capital under her control, she’ll have easy pickings of the other towns. It’s what Trixie would do if she was in Twilight’s place.”

Fluttershy cocked an eyebrow.

“What? Trixie has had several dreams of taking over Equestria. Who hasn’t? Think of all the things you could change…” She looked up at the ceiling with hazy eyes.

“Um…” Fluttershy stared at her friend, unsure how to respond to such a confession.

“But Trixie doesn’t know how Twilight will deal with the Princesses. That’s a big obstacle.”

“So what should we do?”

“What we need is barricades,” said the guard, stepping into the center of the room, standing as tall as his short form would allow. “With a good defensive perimeter we can hold off any attempted attack by this rebel.”

Trixie gave him a piercing look. “Trixie supposes that would be prudent. We have plenty of wood we can use around here. But we need a more long term solution. We can’t just bunker down here and hope for an all-powerful, bookish unicorn to just fall over, especially not without the help of an army.” She gave the guard another pointed look. “It’s up to us. We’re going to need to foil her somehow. If only we knew what she was going to use to take the Princesses down…”

“Isn’t it obvious? She needs the key to Equ—“

A muffled yell emitted from Zecora, cutting Carrot Top off, the zebra’s hooves kicking frantically as she directed a stern look at her fellow prisoner.

“Um… I mean… I have no idea!” Carrot Top pursed her lips.

“Lies!” exclaimed Trixie, looming over the captive.

“Please, tell us! Ponies lives depend on it!” Fluttershy put a hoof on Carrot Top’s shoulder.

The captive looked back at Zecora’s piercing stare and shook her head.

“Carrot…” Derpy sighed. “Don’t make me have to do this.” She raised a hoof slowly.

Her eyes widened. “You wouldn’t! No, Derpy, I thought we were friends!”

“We are, Carrot, we are… but Equestria needs this. I’m sorry.” Her hoof stretched to her friend's side.

“No, Derpy, no, n—“ Her yells were cut short as she burst out into laughter as her side was poked and prodded.

“I know her weak spot,” said Derpy quietly, her head hung.

Fluttershy gasped and put a hoof to her mouth. She looked at Trixie. “Should we stop her?”

Trixie stared at the procedure with narrow eyes. She glanced up at Fluttershy and narrowed them further. “This is ridiculous.”

“Great Celestia...” The guard turned away from the gruesome spectacle.

“All right! Enough! E… enough!” Carrot Top waved a hoof frantically.

Derpy withdrew her attack. “Sorry.”

“I’ll remember that in your hour of need, Derpy!” She scowled.

“Twilight’s goals! Out with them!” yelled Trixie.

Carrot Top sighed. “She wants the Elements of Harmony. The key to Equestria’s defense. One of the biggest sources of power in the world. She’s missing one.”

Fluttershy quickly became aware of all the eyes on the room looking at her. “You mean… me?”

“Yes, you! You and your amulet are the keys to the kingdom!”

Zecora let out a long sigh through her nostrils.

“What was I to do with that sort of torture?” asked Carrot. “I don’t want to hear it, Zecora!”

“You’re one of the Elements?” asked the guard, approaching Fluttershy with a look of awe.

“Um, yes, I am. I’m Fluttershy.” She smiled weakly.

“As one of Equestria’s key defenders, you outrank me, ma’am.” He saluted her. “I planned on taking charge of this operation but now I am relieved to know there is one much worthier than I to facilitate the protection of these citizens. I await your orders.”

She blushed and ducked her head. “I couldn’t lead an operation. I don’t have any military experience.”

“Perhaps not formally, ma’am, but you’ve saved Equestria from terrible danger on more than one occasion.”

“I just helped. It was really Twilight who did all the defeating.” She unfolded a wing to put more obstruction between her and these far-too-generous compliments.

“But not this time!” exclaimed Trixie. “Now quiet! Trixie is trying to think!” She threw her hooves into the air and moved to one of the hut’s far sides to stare out the window.

Fluttershy moved to join her. “So you have a plan now?”

“Well Trixie considered a negotiation, but she couldn’t think of anything worthwhile to gain from giving you over.”

“Oh…” Fluttershy once again found herself searching for words. “That’s good.”

“So where is your amulet?” she asked, turning to face the Element Bearer.

“It’s back at my cottage.”

“Then why hasn’t Twilight recovered it yet? Your cottage is free for the ransacking!”

“Well… um… it’s part of a bird’s nest.” She let out a sheepish smile and hoped more inquiring wasn’t made.

She blinked. “Your Element, a legendary artifact, is part of an animal’s stick and twig bowl?”

“Well…” She drew idle circles into the floor with her hoof. This was quickly going into embarrassing territory. “Bluntbeak has been suffering from low self-esteem lately. I thought he could use something to make his place look nice so he could feel good about himself.”

Trixie’s eyebrows slowly lowered into a squint.

Fluttershy noticed a fascinating mote of dust on the hut’s floor. “I’ve borrowed it a few times myself because it makes me feel pretty...”

A thick silence reigned.

Fluttershy looked up and smiled again, letting out a nervous squee.

Blinking a few times, Trixie spoke. “Well, it looks like our best plan is to play bird-home wrecker. Trixie will need you to come along to show her which tree it’s in.”

“Won’t Twilight know we’ll be going after it? I thought she was tracking you.”

“Ha, she has to cast the spell to know. She probably thinks we’ll just be holing up here for awhile. She’ll be clueless until the Element is in our hooves.”

“Okay… if you’re sure…”

“Listen up, everypony!” Trixie exclaimed, walking to the center of the hut. “Fluttershy and Trixie are going to retrieve the Element of Kindness from a bird’s nest! Guard, you said you know how to build defenses?”

He looked down his nostrils at Trixie as best he could. “I don’t think you know your place, citizen. Fluttershy is your leader and one of only two ponies here capable of officially handling things. I strongly advise you to stay put and refrain from venturing into danger.”

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy smiled at him. “Trixie’s good at being a leader.”

“So you agree with this plan?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

“Well… yes.” It might not have been the wisest of decisions, but Fluttershy desperately wanted to see her animals and how they were doing. That alone made the plan worth a try.

“Then it’s settled!” Trixie moved towards the door. “The ditzy one can help you build.”

“I don’t think we should let Carrot help. She still has divided loyalties,” said Derpy.

“I think she means you, Derpy,” said Carrot.

“Now’s not the time for jokes, Carrot.” Derpy shook her head. “But I can help Mr. Guard put up defenses.”

“I have a name.” The guard scowled. “I am Corporal—“

“Fluttershy and Trixie are off!” Trixie yelled, quickly making her way outside.


The trip was surprisingly uneventful. There was a near snake biting and they narrowly avoided a field of poison joke, but otherwise, the Everfree had been the kindest it had ever been to them. Trixie wondered if it was starting to get the message that ponies were trouble.

Fluttershy’s residence was a welcome sight after the cramped feeling of the forest, with a wonderful view of Ponyville in the distance and bright colors of various flowers and plants surrounding it. It was the same quaint image that she was greeted with when she first arrived and was naïve enough to believe that her trip was going to be routine. She grumbled to herself as they circled around to get a good look at the front and get a bead on the tree that contained their target. It also gave them an excellent view of their obstacle.

“These two again!” exclaimed Trixie. She scowled at the mint-colored mare and her candy-cutie-marked companion that sat in front of the cottage. “I’ve had more than enough of these two!”

“What did Lyra and Bon Bon want with you?” asked Fluttershy, peeking over the bushes they were using as cover.

“They were inviting me over for a tea-party.” Trixie turned her scowl towards her own companion.

She blinked a few times. “They… were?”

“One day, Fluttershy, you’ll learn what sarcasm is.” She rolled her eyes and perked up her ears as their enemies started to converse.

“They had better show!” yelled Lyra. “I can’t believe I’ve been relegated to guard duty! I need to be where the action is! I should be out looking for the amulet! I can serve the Empress so much better than sitting here!”

“Well we probably would be where the action is if we hadn't flubbed up during out last piece of action.” Bon Bon shook her head.

“That was a fluke, a one-time mistake, a pattern not doomed to repeat itself! I refuse to be made a cosmic joke! I am a strong willed mare and right now my will is telling me that if I don't move in the next few minutes, I’m going to implode!” She fidgeted, her whole body shaking.

“No need to be hyperbolic, Lyra.” Her companion watched her movements. “Or dramatic.”

Lyra huffed and tried to stare in every direction at once, her head darting back and forth.

With a sigh, Trixie slumped to the ground behind their bush. “Well, Trixie has dealt with these buffoons before. She sees no reason why it can’t happen again.”

“Didn’t they capture you last time?” Fluttershy asked.

“Details!” she hissed, as loud as a whisper would allow. “This time Trixie is prepared for them! She’ll just make herself look so intimidating that they’ll run off, allowing us to grab the amulet.”

“Actually, Trixie, I was thinking…”

“Yes, Trixie likes this plan! She has yet to put her stage talent to the test against these simpletons. You just hang back here, Fluttershy, and let Trixie take care of this one.” She stepped forward from her foliage hideout and approached the cottage’s guards. ”Your Greatest and Most Powerful Nightmare has returned!” Though she was missing her cape and hat, she felt that she made quite the impressive figure, her head held high, her eyes piercing, and her disheveled mane giving her a wild touch.

“Yes! Sweet, sweet action!” Lyra beamed and pumped a hoof into the air.

“Your luck is uncanny,” said Bon Bon, shaking her head.

“Stand aside or risk Trixie’s wrath!” Her horn started to glow with a menacing light.

“We saw your wrath this morning. We weren’t very impressed.” Bon Bon rolled her eyes.

“Well prepare for an encore that will blow your little pony minds!” Her horn sparked and crackled as she continued to walk closer to them. They were merely feigning courage. They would move any moment now.

“Encore?! We want our money back!” Lyra grinned. “You’re not the only pony with tricks!”

Her confident hoofsteps faltered as she looked into Lyra’s enthusiastic face. Was she missing something? She quickly did a check for any magical traps around her vicinity. Perhaps Twilight didn’t leave the two entirely to their own devices. The reading came back clear. Smiling to herself, she took one more hoofstep forward and felt the ground give way under her. What had appeared to be a harmless patch of grass collapsed to reveal a pit. She had a few good seconds look at its well rounded edges before her face had an intimate meeting with its bottom.

There was a brief thought given to just lying there at the bottom indefinitely, waiting for the world to slowly erode around her, but it wasn’t very comfortable and she wasn’t about to give up on life in a position where she couldn’t complain loudly. She pushed herself to her hooves and shook the dirt out of her mane.

“It’s my pit trap! What do you think?!”

“I think she loves it.”

The red eyed faces of the Enemy peered over her, taunting her with their distance from her hooves. But that’s why the Powers had given unicorns magic…

“Anti-magic net!” Lyra flung the announced item into the pit.

There was no point in reacting. There wasn’t enough space to dodge. Trixie watched as the net fell towards her, enveloping her. She continued to stare up at her second-time captors. She couldn’t think of any appropriate words. The Equestrian language had yet to contain anything that fully expressed her disdain, leaving her to merely hope her burning stare was communication enough.

“I think she really loves it.” Bon Bon barely kept in a laugh.

“I’m thinking about just leaving her in there awhile!” Lyra smiled. “Gloating is so much fun!”

“Uh…” Bon Bon stared behind her companion. “Lyra? Where did all those squirrels come from? And those birds? And… that… bear…?”

The two ponies turned around. “When did the creatures get a backbone?!”

“Nice angry critters! Niiice angry critters!” Bon Bon smiled weakly and waved a placating hoof.

“Retreat!” yelled Lyra. She bounded over to the other side of the pit with Bon Bon following suit shortly after.

Creatures of more kinds than Trixie really felt like counting peered over the pit’s top edge at her. She blinked. They blinked. One of them chattered and then a small flock of birds flew down to her and snatched her net in their talons, lifting it off of her.

“Wonderful. Now how is Trixie going to get out? Does she look like she has wings? Does she look like she knows teleportation spells?” She kicked at the ground while grumbling. “Does she look like she has a purple coat and a mane with obnoxious highlights?”

A bunny pushed through the crowd and looked down at her with disdain. It shook its head, held up a paw, gesturing Trixie to wait, and then hopped away. She rolled her eyes and imagined a scenario in which the pit was her trap except that hers had a wonderful spiky upgrade to it. Just as things were getting wonderfully gruesome in her mind's eye, the rabbit returned with a companion.

“Oh dear, Trixie, how did you get down there?”

“Sheer force of will.” She sneered up at Fluttershy.

“Would you like some help?”

“No, no.” She waved a hoof. “It’s cozy down here. Trixie is considering taking the time to make a summer home in this very spot. Just look at the view.”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “That’s… sar—“

“Of course it’s sarcasm you pile of feathers! Now help Trixie out of this pit at once!” She unleashed her frustration on the dirt walls around her, the subsequent showering of dust giving her coat a browner hue.

She hung limply in the air with as much annoyed dignity as she could muster as her winged-companion carried her up and out of a pit that seemed to be an excellent representation of how her entire day had been going. Hooves back on topsoil, she got a good view at what had scared her trappers away. The entire front lawn of the cottage was now taken up by an army of animals. From rabbits, to mice, to owls, to lizards, to ferrets, to foxes, and even a bear, the entire Equestrian Fauna Encyclopedia seemed to be on display, all of them watching her attentively.

“Trixie,” said their pony leader, making a sweeping gesture to the ad hoc zoo before them, “I’d like you to meet all my critters! Aren’t they all wonderful? They recognized something was wrong with my friends when they showed up here so they all ran away and hid, except for Angel. I found him tied up inside, the poor thing! But once I freed him, he told me where everyone went, so I let them know I was okay and they decided to scare away Lyra and Bon Bon. I just talked with the skunks and I think that’s all of them.” She turned to look at her animals. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet my friend Trixie.” She smiled and laid a hoof on her.

Seeing them look at her with wide eyes and start to move in her direction, Trixie quickly made the decision she wanted nothing to do with such an introduction. “Yes, yes, nice to meet you all. Feel graced to be in the presence of Trixie, Great, Powerful, and yada yada.” She shook off Fluttershy’s hoof. “Now, about that amulet?”

She nodded and flew off to the tree by the side of the cottage. She carefully wiggled the amulet out its wrap of twigs and brought it back. She stared at it in her hoof, watching it glint brilliantly in the afternoon sunlight.

“Now what?” asked Trixie.

“I guess I put it on?”

“Well, Trixie was thinking she might try it on first…” The glint of the amulet gave off a sudden sharper glare into her eyes, forcing her to shield them with her hoof. “Or not. Yes, go ahead and put it on.”

Its owner nodded and put it around her neck, snapping it in the back. It flashed.

They watched as it proceeded to do nothing else.

“Well… that’s disappointing.” Trixie frowned. “But it’s out of Purplecrazy’s hooves. I would say our mission is accomplished. Better head back to Zecora’s before Yelly and her friend get back.”

“Good idea.” She turned to her animals. “All right every creature, I’m going to have ask something brave of all of you. We’ll have to travel through the Everfree Forest to get to our new home. I know that’s a place you’re supposed to stay away from but we have to if we’re going to be safe. It’s very wild so I’ll…”

“Wait, what?” Trixie cut her off. “No, these animals aren’t coming with us! Where will we put them all? What will they do?”

“We have to take them! They’ve been so scared all this time not knowing what’s been going on! I can’t leave them again, I have to take care of them!”

“They were fine all this time. They obviously can take care of themselves. Haven’t animals been surviving on their own for centuries?”

Fluttershy gave Trixie a harsh frown. She backed up a few steps in surprise, unused to seeing such a face directed at her from the Element of Kindness. “I’m taking them with us.”

Trixie ducked her head and kicked at a nearby flower. “Fine, we’ll take your animals. Filthy little things.” A sharp pain coursed through her head as it was slapped from behind. She turned to see Angel sitting atop her back with a withering stare and crossed paws. “You better not ever be around Trixie when she’s alone.”


Two slices of bread, some dandelion in between, a few pickles, and a just a hint of mayonnaise and one had a snack fit for an Empress. With a perfect temperature outside blowing its ever-so-slightly cool breeze through her throne room’s open windows, how could Twilight resist enjoying the afternoon with a little laziness as she slumped in her chair?

“Furry assault! They’ve banded together to bring ponydom down!”

However, if there was one thing she had learned from Celestia, the poor doomed alicorn, it was that regality was the ever present garment of leadership. Her dandelion sandwich hovering less than an inch from her mouth, she paused to stare at Lyra and Bon Bon, ignoring their bursting entrance to the room. She carefully took a bite from her food and chewed it slowly while her audience watched tensely.

She swallowed and put the sandwich down on the plate beside her. With a deep breath and calculated frown she returned to eyeing them. “What are you talking about?”

“You sent us to guard Fluttershy’s cottage, and we did, we even captured Trixie, but then we were attacked by every animal in Equestria’s existence!” Lyra waved her hooves frantically.

“It was a fair amount,” corrected Bon Bon. “But still scary.”

“You two were run off by animals?” Twilight rubbed her forehead. She was quickly reaching her limit in regards to her followers’ incompetence.

“There was a bear!” exclaimed Lyra.

She stopped rubbing away her headache and looked up. “There was?” That was very unusual. She could only think of one reason that a bear would approach a pony directly… “Did all the animals seem very organized?”

“Yes, like an army! Like an army of death!”

“It was just more than two ponies could handle.” Bon Bon shrugged.

Her headache upgraded to a migraine and she started to sooth it with both her hooves. “That’s because Fluttershy was there.”

Bon Bon and Lyra exchanged looks.

With a sigh, Twilight opened up a communications portal to Trixie. A startled face looked back at her. She frowned at it. It was quickly becoming a face that symbolized all the little troublesome obstacles against her ambition to reign supreme. “I hear you and Fluttershy rescued her animals.”

“Ha, like Trixie suspected, you haven’t been keeping close track of her.” She smirked.

“Why should I have? You haven’t been doing anything worth paying attention to. I have a country to take over you know.”

She looked down, grumbling. “Well… Trixie has some rebels to guide. So there.” A bird alighted on her head which she quickly shooed away. “Though she could do without all these animals joining her. It wasn’t Trixie’s decision to take them, she’ll tell you that.”

She levitated her sandwich back up to her. Looking at it, she suddenly had a good idea as to what she’d have Trixie do once she was introduced to the freedom of the Amulet. She could be the Empress’s Sandwich Maker. If she was even allowed to live… “Then you do realize that a horde of animals won’t help you stop me?”

“Well of course not. They’re animals. Other than surprise easily intimidated mares, they’ll just eat everything.”

She nodded in agreement. Trixie wasn’t as stupid as she seemed most of the time. She was garnering points in the “Not Kill” decision. “Have you met Angel yet?”

“You mean the demon that pretends to be a rabbit? Dear Celestia, how have you not killed that abomination yet?”

Shrugging, she spoke through a bite of dandelion. “Becudth Fludderthy likth hm.”

“But… why?”

She swallowed. “Your guess is as good as mine. I tend to just stay away from him.”

“Do you think if Trixie ends the little thing’s existence behind some bushes…?”

“She’ll know.”


There was a pause as Trixie stared ahead of her morosely, eliciting a smirk from Twilight. The poor, silly mare. “You also realize you’ll soon have made two treacherous trips through the Everfree for no real gain, right?”

“Yes, yes, Trixie realizes this. Though she doubts you have any throne room to talk. Just what have you accomplished lately, Miss Empress?”

Frowning at her sandwich, she had to unfortunately concede that the thorn had a point. “Not much, really. Sent out search parties for the amulet but they’re all coming up short.” Trixie held back a chortle and she looked at her sharply. “Hey, I should remind you that you accomplished absolutely nothing with your venture. Completely pointless. Possibly even detrimental.”

“Then Trixie thinks you’ll be surprised to learn that we recovered the amulet! How does that fee—“ Trixie slapped a hoof to her mouth and stared with wide eyes. “Did Trixie say ‘amulet’, she meant to uh… say…. um… amu— let… No wait, she means…”

Twilight barely registered that her magic had slipped and the sandwich had fallen and bounced off her throne and onto the floor. She met Trixie’s wide stare with one of her own. “You’ve got the amulet?” She felt surges of magical energy come from her own, like it was licking its lips in anticipation.

“No! Please don’t end this communication abruptly and intercept Trixie, she meant to say—“

She ended the spell and looked at Lyra and Bon Bon who had been standing there un-dismissed. “Get everypony ready.”


Sweat dripped from Trixie’s face as she raced as fast as she could through the thick brush and dense trees of the Everfree. The Animal Lover was close on her hooves, an army of fuzzy, scaly, and featheriness trailing her. She noticed a few hulky figures lurking in the periphery of her vision, shadowed by the canopy, yet they all seemed reluctant to approach adrenaline filled ponies playing the piper. Small blessings.

“They better have part of that barricade up,” she hissed.

“I… think they have all of it up.” Fluttershy’s voice was shaky with surprise as she looked ahead.

Trixie herself was so taken in by the sight before her that she almost slammed into it, stopping just short of a nasty headache. Where the clearing nearby Zecora’s hut used to be, there was now a wall twenty feet tall that wrapped around it, made up of excellently cut logs. The top of it slanted outwardly, the wood sharpened at the edge. The Royal Guard peered his head through one of the many spaces that were patterned on the upper level.

“You’ve returned, citizens. Do not be alarmed by this defensive structure. It’s for your own protection.” He looked over his shoulder. “Pegasus, open the gate!”

A portion of the wall to their side lifted from the ground, allowing them inside. Trixie and Fluttershy looked at each other, looked at the wall, back at each other, and slowly made their way into it. Derpy waved cheerily at them, sitting by a wheel mechanism that Trixie guessed raised and lowered the gate. From within, she could see that the wall had an entire upper deck to it, accessible by several ladders. The guard glided down to them and nodded. He looked at Fluttershy.

“Do you find this structure suitable, ma’am?”

Turning slowly around to take it all in, she nodded. “It’s very suitable.”

“H…how did you accomplish this?” asked Trixie, her jaw unable to move upward. It took her a whole day to assemble a toy log cabin. Luna and Celestia would have a gray hair by the time she finished the wall she saw before her.

The guard looked at her with confusion. “I cut down the logs and assembled them.”

Her jaw found a way to re-meet its counterpart as she frowned. She opened her mouth, thought better of it, and settled for shaking her head. “We need to prepare for an attack by Twilight immediately. She knows we have the Element.”

The guard tensed. “What sort of forces does she have?”

“How is Trixie supposed to know? The whole of Ponyville, probably?”

“An entire town? We must organize at once!” He looked at Fluttershy with concern. “Ma’am, you may choose to fight by my side but I’d urge you to instead seek sanctuary.”

“Hold a hoof,” said Trixie, stepping up to the guard. “Are you thinking about taking on Twilight and Minions all by yourself? Is being crazy a requirement to join the guard these days?”

“It is my duty to protect Equestria’s citizens. None of you are trained members of the militia and as such I cannot have you put in danger. Now please seek protection, citizen.”

“Hole up with two Red-Eyes and a smelly assortment of animals? Trixie thinks not! She is fighting as she always has!”

The guard looked over at the blank-stared creatures that seemed to have claimed a portion of the clearing as their own, a fierce-eyed rabbit standing before them. “Yes, the animals… They are not citizens, and could be put to use as warriors...”

“No, you can’t put them in harm’s way!” Fluttershy squeaked.

A loud horn blasted outside the walls. All the ponies glanced at each other. They ran to the upper level of the barricade and peered down.

It was an impressively intimidating sight. Twilight Sparkle, her eyes glowing with a menacing, cackling crimson, stood before what seemed to be at least half of Ponyville. Her friends were fanned out on either side of her, a semi-organized column of ponies behind each of them, stretching back enough that they disappeared behind the treeline. Lyra, by her empress’s side, lowered the horn she had to her lips.

“Presenting Her Wonderfulness, Twilight Sparkle!”

Walking forward, Twilight stared up at them, her expression deadly serious. She examined the wall they stood on. “Good defensive structure on short notice.”

The guard looked down at her. “Your compliment is noted, traitor!”

“You’re welcome, unenlightened.” Her eyes turned to Trixie. “It’s time to finish things, Trixie. You’ve avoided me long enough, barely escaping my wrath by the skin of your teeth and it’s all been very amusing, comical even, really we’ve had a good laugh. But it’s time to end this little escapade of yours. Surrender, embrace the Meaning of Life, join me as my friends, or resist and I’ll personally set fire to each of your flanks.”

Wracking her brain, Trixie tried to look for another trick up her proverbial hat. They had been plentiful and timely as of yet. Where was one now?

“What do we do, Trixie?” asked Fluttershy, her hunched form just barely enabling her to look down at the army below.

“I urge you not to consult that citizen for military advice. I have the expertise you seek, ma’am.” The guard gave Trixie a sharp look.

“Okay…” Fluttershy turned to look at the guard. “What do we do?”

“We fight!” He shook his hoof into the air.

Fluttershy’s response was to melt further into the wood platform.

“No, it’s way too soon for a Big Fight!” Trixie shook her head. “Trixie was hoping we’d be more prepared before this!”

“You have exactly one minute to give me an answer!” yelled Twilight.

“Yes, yes, cool your dragons!” Trixie called back. How was a pony to come to a decision with a countdown shouted at them?

“How can I help?” Derpy peered over the floor of the upper level, looking up at them.

“Well, if we could find some dynamite and some straps…” Trixie rubbed her chin. Maybe if she just combined a binding spell with one of her firecracker spells… “No, that won’t work.” She sighed. It was tricky to pull a spell, to pull a spell that was right on time. Tricky, tricky…

“Trixie?” asked Fluttershy, easing up to her hooves.


“We’re going to have to talk to her. I don’t think we have any other option.”

Giving the idea its due consideration, several undesirable outcomes danced in her head, visions of a yellow puddle smoldering underneath a red beam of light. Or worse, a red-eyed Fluttershy. Who knew what sort of unspeakable horror would amount from such a transformation? “Trixie’s answer is still an emphatic no.”

“What if I brought a pony that could speak their language?” Derpy asked, drawing Trixie’s disdainful stare. She could hardly predict what sort of mangled logic was about to make its way out of such a brain. “I’ll be right back!” She flew off towards the hut.

“You’ve got thirty seconds!” yelled Twilight. Trixie had no doubt it was an exact count.

Fluttershy leaned over the rampart. “Listen, Twilight, think of what you’re doing!”

“I’m trying to show you all what life truly is. I’ve given it plenty of thought.”

“Perhaps you should think about it a little more,” suggested Trixie. “Just to be sure.”

“Twenty seconds! I penalized you by five for uncalled for sarcasm!”

Trixie growled but swallowed a retort. There was no wisdom in taunting the all-powerful madmare any further. She closed her eyes and pushed her brain to find her a way out of the situation, it had to have something in its recesses other than fond memories of her many successes.

“Our translator!” She plopped an angry-eyed Carrot Top beside the group. Somehow, Trixie was not surprised. She wondered if anything would really surprise her ever again.

“We’re not different beings, Derpy.” Carrot Top huffed.

With a sudden click, the pieces came together in Trixie’s mind. “Trixie has a plan!” She grinned fiercely, eyeing each of her chess pieces.

“Wait…” Fluttershy stared down at the Element around her neck as it started glowing brightly, pulling its owner closer to its target as a beam of light stretched from it towards Carrot Top.

“Hey, hey, what’s happening?” She twitched and struggled against her bonds. “Make it stop doing that!”

The beam grew brighter and brighter, shifting towards her eyes. With a brilliant flash, the beams disappeared. Their victim blinked a few times. Her eyes had returned to normal.

“Um…” She glanced around at everypony standing over her. “Sorry about the evilness?”

Trixie huffed, her shoulders slumping. “Trixie supposes that works too.”

Fine, Hog the Spotlight Like Always, Just Make Room for Some Depth

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Fine, Hog the Spotlight Like Always, Just Make Room for Some Depth



The silence was of the stunned variety as the assorted “rebels” stood atop their rampart. They all stared at the newly converted Carrot Top as she slowly got to her hooves, completely free from the enthralling power of the Amulet. Fluttershy rubbed her element with a wordless gape.

“So should we just… throw her over?” asked Derpy, flying close to Fluttershy, forehooves bent in preparation for a heaving action.

A squeak shot through her target, followed by a huddling against the rampart wall.

“There will be no heaving of the Element of Kindness!” cried the guardpony, placing himself between Derpy and Fluttershy like a large, nondescript shield.

“So if no heaving, what are we supposed to do? I would think we should at least take a vote.” Carrot Top raised her hoof and glanced at her compatriots.

There was little time for voting. Trixie stared over the wall down to Empress Twilight and her rallied army and noted that there was no countdown anymore. Their time was up and that meant that the menacing red glow emanating from Twilight’s horn was unlikely to be a wholly pleasant experience. The thought barely occurred to Trixie to warn the others of the incoming danger. She barreled towards Fluttershy, wrapping a hoof around her middle, and jumped off the rampart. A floating spell cushioned the blow of the ground just as the wall they had vacated exploded.

As was the way with fiery combustion, it was a spectacle to behold, and Trixie found herself admiring the flaming debris as it flew into the air, the support beams smoldering into collapsed ruin. Twilight and her friends walked slowly through the brand new opening, and she had to admit that it was one of the better stage entrances she had ever seen.

“Surrender and she’ll think about sparing your lives!” Lyra belted into the clearing, moving to stand beside her idol, receiving hard stares from Twilight’s friends.

“Do you have an element?” Rainbow Dash shot a hard stare at the self-appointed voice of her leader. “Back of line!” She jerked her head and Lyra slunk back behind the Heroes of Equestria.

“This rebellion is over, Trixie.” The Amulet Wielder scowled as she watched them slowly rise to their hooves.

“Please, Twilight, you don’t have to do this.” Fluttershy peered from behind Trixie.

“Oh let her!” Trixie brushed a cinder out of her mane. “Trixie welcomes the challenge!” She planted her hooves into the ground and looked straight into the eyes of the assembled Elements, their glowing redness glinting back at her. She was so going to be toast.

“You shall not stand alone!” Shifting out from underneath a pile of burnt wood, the guard pony rose and stuck his chest out.

“Very not alone!” Derpy landed by Fluttershy, carrying Carrot Top who, once finding solid ground, proceeded to stamp out the fire raging its way through her mane. Regaining composure, she lowered her head in what could have possibly been an intimidating stare if the imposee squinted their eyes and tilted their head.

Looking across at her… “team,” Trixie found herself ever so slightly empowered. They might have been a band of idiotic misfits but they had Trixie to lead them. She stood tall and grinned. “Come and get us, Empress!”

Twilight shrugged. “My lieutenants have got this for me.” She nodded and the Elements surged forward, faces in grim array.

There was a blur of multi-color that shot towards Trixie. Following her first instinct, she stepped to the side and let it fly into Fluttershy. Before the exposed pony could even cover her face with her hooves, a beam of light fired from her necklace into Rainbow’s eyes. With a cry of pain, the pegasus’s wings curled in and she faceplanted into the ground, skidding a few feet past them.

“Bullseye!” Trixie patted Fluttershy’s cringing form on the shoulder.

Hopping to her hooves, Rainbow Dash rubbed her now normal eyes and shook her head. She looked back at them. “W-what happened? What did you do to me? I feel less… servant-y.” She blinked while Trixie moved closer.

“Welcome to Trixie’s Team!” she exclaimed.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re normal again!” Fluttershy ran to hug her friend closely.

“You can’t tell me what to do!” yelled Rainbow, a little bit of foam forming on the corners of her mouth. She shook her head. “Sorry, I must have had that built up or something.”

As nice as it was to have another member of Trixie’s Resistance Fighters, Trixie wasn’t about to dwell on the moment. She took in the fighting around her and noted the trouble that was about to come their way. Applejack was wrestling the guard to the ground while Rarity and Pinkie went hoof-to-hoof with Derpy and Carrot Top. She was about to lend an assist when she locked eyes with Twilight.

“Rainbow mare, you can move fast. Get Fluttershy to your friends as of now!” Trixie’s eyes widened as she watched Twilight walk toward them, her horn glowing.

“Hey, I’m done taking orders, Trixie!” Rainbow Dash frowned. “What’s the problem?”

Trixie’s hairs stood on end giving her just enough warning to throw up a magic shield before a crackling bolt of electricity fired from Twilight’s horn, dissipating the shield, and rocketing its caster back onto the ground.

“Fluttershy to our friends. Got it.” Rainbow grabbed Fluttershy’s ever-sqeaking form and flew off.

“What are you doing to my servants?” The Angry Tyrant bared her teeth at Trixie, her horn starting to glow again.

Shaking away the fuzz in her brain, Trixie tried to anticipate what could next be coming spellwise. Not able to imagine an output from her nemesis that was remotely pleasant, she settled on negotiation. She would need all the honeyed words at her disposal. “Trixie is merely freeing your servants from the evils of your dumb, little, pony mind.”

Stopping in her tracks, the glow left her horn. “Insults? Really? Do you think you’re in a position to throw bon mots? You have to be the most irrational pony I’ve ever met.”

“Trixie would like to take this opportunity to point out that it is you who has chosen to concentrate on Trixie and not the thing that is freeing your followers.” She smiled. It was a smug smile, straight from the ego.

“I thought you were causing it.” Her brow furrowed as she looked around her. Trixie’s eyes followed hers as she stared at the ponies approaching them. It was an impressive sight, the Heroes of Equestria all walking in file, their eyes lacking any sort of crimson. “But… how?” She stepped back.

“Through the power of friendship!” Pinkie beamed.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Through the power of the Elements.”

“Same difference.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Listen, Twilight.” Applejack walked forward. “We know the real you is somewhere in there.”

“This is the real me, you peons! This is the new me! Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to need to re-enslave you!” The Amulet surged with a menacing energy. Crimson tendrils flew out of it and directed themselves at the eyes of the converts. With a low hiss, the tendrils flinched back, leaving still normal eyes in their wake. Tapping the Amulet, Twilight growled. “What gives!”

“Twilight, we don’t want to do you any harm, but if you won’t act civilized then we might have to get a little rough.” Rarity tossed her hair back.

“Oh hush!” Twilight turned to the now smoking entrance to the clearing. “Everypony attack!”

With a ear-puncturing screech, Lyra reared into the air and ran forward, Bon Bon and the entirety of Ponyville following behind her.

“Oh great.” Rainbow sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Let’s do this, I guess.”

“Well you might be immune to the Amulet for now, but I know you’re not immune to my magi—“ Twilight went silent as a large hoof-full of dirt smacked into her face.

“Get her while she’s down!” yelled Trixie.

The Do-Gooders walked up to her in her brief moment of confusion. The gems around their necks lit up with brilliance, coalescing into a single beam that fired at Twilight, who disappeared in teleportation just before it hit her.

“She’s good,” said Pinkie.

“Bigger fish to fry, everypony.” Applejack turned to face the horde that was stampeding toward them.

“Trixie are you okay?” Fluttershy walked over to help her back to her hooves.

“Trixie has suffered worse in her early career. Do you think they need help?”

They watched the others wade into battle with the attacking army, their elements flashing regularly, pony after pony collapsing to the ground converted.

“I… think they’re doing fine.” Fluttershy cringed at the spectacle.

“Trixie thinks you’re right.” She brushed herself off. “What she wants to know is where Miss Ego went.”

“I don’t know. She just disappeared.”

“Situation’s under control.” Rainbow Dash walked back up to them, the entirety of Ponyville in tow. “Lickety-split.”

“Well that’s fantastic,” said Trixie, looking at the Heroes, all of them smiling, heads held high. She wondered when a wind would pick up and blow back their manes. “Would you all like cookies?”

“Pony, do you even know me?” asked Pinkie.

“Trixie knows that we need to find the head of the snake! This isn’t a victory until Celestia’s Favored gets a nice long detention for her actions!”

“I think you’re mixing your metaphors there a bit, darling, but I agree. We might have freed the people but we must find Twilight before she does who-knows-what damage to somepony else.” Rarity rubbed a hoof on her chin. “She’s off to rebuild, no doubt.”

“Which means we need to hit her now before she can get another force together. She might find a way to get critters under control with her spell and I’d rather not face anymore timberwolves in my lifetime.” Applejack eyed her friends. “Do we have a plan?”

“Do we need one?” Rainbow shrugged.

“Plans are always… nice.” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

“Trixie has to agree. She proposes a simple one: we split into two groups and scout for her. If Trixie was her, she would be hiding out in the forest somewhere. We just need to find where fallen leaves are organized.”

“Not a bad plan.” Applejack nodded. “We’ll head out ourselves and take the west side of the forest from here and you can take the east side. Just send a signal into the air if you run into trouble and we’ll do the same.”

“Do you think we should do something about the crowd?” Rarity turned around and eyed the assorted ponies all in various states of disheveledness watching them with curious eyes.

“If I might volunteer, ma’ams.” The guard pony approached them. “I can lead the civilians safely back through the Everfree to Ponyville.”

“I like the go-getting attitude!” Pinkie clapped the guard on the shoulder. “You’re getting some cupcakes once this all over.”

“It would be an honor, Miss Pie.” The guard nodded. He flew into the air and hovered over the crowd. “Follow me, citizens!”

“Well that’s settled. So let’s get hunting!” Rainbow flew towards the hole in the wall with the rest of companions in tow. All but one.

“Thank you for saving me.” Fluttershy hugged Trixie tightly.

Trixie coughed loudly. “It was nothing. Now go and join your eccentric pals.”

“Stay safe.” She smiled and chased after her friends.

Trixie quickly wiped the turning corners of her mouth away. “Alright, Trixie, time for payback to that purple lunatic.”

“So... we get attention now, right?”

Trixie turned to see Carrot Top smiling sheepishly at her. Derpy looked up from a flower she was staring at and side hugged Carrot. “I think so! Now’s our time to shine!”

“Trixie guesses you’re the rest of her search party. She would get the scraps. Fine, come along. We’ve got a purple menace to eradicate.” She let out her frustrations on a piece of smoking wood, kicking it across the clearing. Trixie rescues, leads, and protects the Element that saved them all and what does she get? Shooed off. Not that she wouldn’t have lent a hoof to Fluttershy had she known there would be no gratitude coming her way after words. It was only courteous to keep an old… acquaintance from falling into the mind controlling servitude of one of their best friends, but still, a few thank you’s and lavish praise wasn’t too much to ask was it? She audibly huffed.

“You okay?” asked Derpy, hovering closely over her head.

“Trixie would be far better if she didn’t have a light breeze down her neck.” She turned her head to stare down the pegasus.

“Sorry, but I can’t control the weather in the Everfree. It’s wild here.” She stared up into the sky with wide, wonky eyes.

“So are the ponies,” Trixie muttered.

“How do you think we’ll find a trail that leads us to Empress Twilight? Oops, I mean, just… Twilight.” Carrot Top put a hoof over her mouth. “Goodness, that still rolls off the tongue.”

“Are you sure you’re free from her influences?” asked Derpy, flying face-to-face with her friend. “I might have to give you the loyalty test again.”

“Derpy, I still have no idea how balancing a muffin on my nose has anything to do with my affiliations.”

Trixie’s nostrils flared. No. No this couldn’t go on through the rest of her forest combing. Stands had to be taken. “Trixie has decided that it would be best if you both stayed a good one hundred feet from her at all times… Better spread for searching that way.”

“Good idea, Trixie!” Derpy shoved Carrot off the overrun path into a dense thicket, apparently oblivious to her friend’s startled surprise.

Finally. Alone with her grumpy thoughts. Trixie plodded along the forest just daring a dangerous creature to make itself known to her sour mood.

Before she could even form a half-baked searching plan, a flash of light shot off in the distance, hovering above a space in the forest not far from her. Of course The Mares Glorious would find Twilight first. With a snort, Trixie galloped towards it.

The forest started to feel more encroaching and darker the closer to she got to the falling flare, its glowing light having little illuminating effect on its surroundings. She slowed her gallop to a creeping plod. Thick trees opened up to a small clearing which she eyed while hunched behind a bush. Right in the center was a mint colored mare and a white one with a highlighted mane, both still with red eyes. Those two.

“Do you think you could have made it a little less… drab?” Bon Bon looked up at the white orb above them.

“Nonsense!” Lyra prodded her friend lightly. “This magical flare is for practical purposes! To put pleasing colors on it would be to disrespect its valuable role!”

So it wasn’t Celestia’s Favorites that set off the flare? Trixie frowned. This didn’t sit well. What were they playing at? She would have marched right in if she hadn’t learned her lesson the last time. She had had enough of pits and nets to last a lifetime.

“All right, what’s goin’ on here?” Applejack waltzed into the clearing blasé as peaches with the rest of the team right behind.

“Wow, you’re right, it didn’t take that long.” Bon Bon smiled at Lyra.

“Am I ever really wrong?!” Lyra smiled and walked forward to address Applejack. “What’s going on is your surrender! The Great One will spare you a most excruciating fate if you agree to hand over your elements!”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Really? Just give up our elements? Are you kidding?”

“This is too serious for jokes!” Lyra stood tall and looked down at them through her nose. “I’m afraid we have no choice but to take them from you!”

“I’d like to see you try!” Rainbow Dash flew into the air.

The look in Lyra’s eye. The posture. The small clearing. The luring flare. Trixie saw that a trap was coming as if a giant neon-sign had materialized over head with the words TRAPS HERE: FULL OF SURPRISES. With a cry, she was about to jump from her hiding spot but was too late.

A large light beamed down on the clearing, blinding. She shielded her eyes with her forehoof.

“Stick close, girls! Use your elements!”

“Or you could not!”

She heard sounds of a scuffle. The light started to feel warm. It continued to heat up and began emanating a low, rumbling thrum. The thrum seemed to drift off into the distance as her head began swimming. She slowly slumped into the ground and drifted off.


Twilight looked down at the unconscious forms of her previous lieutenants. Their necks were regrettably bare but the Elements had become too dangerous for her to get in close contact with. Somehow the Element of Kindness had purified the others and she felt from a distance that they were too strong to handle. She was going to have to find a way to corrupt their natures fundamentally before she could return to harnessing their power.

She directed the cloud she had commandeered as a carriage back to Ponyville. She didn’t mind leaving the necklaces behind. If her plans came to fruition, she would be re-housing their energies.

She watched as Ponyville zoomed closer, looking down on the crowds of ponies that had been freed from her liberating thrall. Their time would come later.

“Face me, traitor!” A guard pony, the only guard pony, flew up from the crowd towards her.

The audacity of her opponents had worn out its welcome a long, long time ago. She rolled her eyes and stomped her hoof lightly on her cloud. A sharp bolt of lightning fired down at him. She watched him fall back to the sea of ponies.

Dissipating the cloud, she telekinetically grabbed her friends and floated down into the library from the second story balcony. With a blast from her horn, the entire library was encased in one of her best shields, the Amulet crackling, adding its power to hers. It was time to get to work.

She carried her lieutenants to the center room and laid them in a heap. She proceeded to rummage through her shelves for all her magical apparatuses. It was going to take everything at her disposal to get to the root of their power and turn it to her and the Amulet’s will.

“You won’t be able to solve it without some help, you know.”

With a jump, Twilight wheeled around, finding herself nose-to-nose with a stallion in a tunic, his grey-blue mane distinctly braided. “Who are you?”

“I am but the most dedicated of followers, Your Highness.” He bowed low to the ground, looking at her over his thick glasses.

She had been preparing an attack spell, but she let it fizzle at his show of deference. For once a proper response of respect to one’s betters. “Well… thank you, but I don’t know you.” She narrowed her eyes. “Rise.” He stood up allowing her to peer into his eyes. “You say you’re a follower yet you haven’t been shown the taste of its glory?”

“I don’t require being a host of its energy for it to persuade me of its worthiness. After all, it was I who shipped it to your doorstep.” He frowned slightly. “Which cost me enormously in postage. The Royal Mail Service is one of the biggest rip-offs of our age.”

She stepped back. “You sent it to me? Why?”

“You are the Element of Magic. The favorite student of Princess Celestia. A most gifted mare, and you ask why I sent it to you? Because I couldn’t think of anypony more worthy of its power and will. It has a destiny to fulfill and I believe you to be the one that can bring its fate to fruition.” He smiled. “And it’s not all I sent you.” He grabbed a book of a shelf with his magic. “Clairvoyance: Myth or Outright Lie. Sent as a ‘promotion’ to a ‘loyal buyer.’” He removed the spine, revealing a silver rod inlaid with deep red gems. “Really a host for a powering rod.” He grabbed another book with his magic, one in an end corner bookshelf. “How to Learn Magic in Ten Seconds Flat. A stale title. Bold, blatantly false claim. Disrespects the deep amount of studying that magic requires. Obviously you never opened it.” He opened it, showing that the center of the pages had been cut-out and a tarnished silver cube with intricate carvings had been laid inside the space. “There are a few more hidden throughout. All of them have been leaking their dark magics for months now, slowly and subtly influencing your mind, preparing it for the Amulet’s arrival.”

It was a lot to take in. Her mind spun in thought trying to come to a concluding reaction. On one hoof she felt betrayed by deceit yet on the other hoof she never would have been shown the glory of true power had this mysterious stallion not prepared her. She needed to know more. “Though I agree that there is no unicorn better suited than yours truly, why have you done this? What do you stand to gain?”

“I have done much research of the Alicorn Amulet, even unearthed it from its ancient resting place. I have learned its nature inside and out and it has an agenda that I have come to respect, a desire buried deep that I’m sure you have felt tingle in the back of your skull. I want a better world.” He smiled broadly. “Plus a place by your side as you takeover Equestria seems like a pretty sweet deal.”

They were points that she could hardly argue against. She knew exactly of what he spoke. There was a drive behind the Amulet’s exhilarating energies that teased at glorious, dark portent. “I accept your help. Now you said that you could assist in corrupting the Elements?”


It was a dream. Trixie knew it was a dream. But that didn’t stop her from pushing it along. She was riding atop an Ursa Major watching as buildings, wildlife, ponies, all like ants to her gaze, got squashed with abandon. She no longer desired the peaceful, happy-go-lucky vacation that she wanted when she first arrived in Ponyville. No, there was only one satisfaction to be had in her heart now— total destruction… with maybe one exception. It wouldn’t be entirely unsatisfactory if a yellow and pink maned mare was spared and riding atop the Ursa with her. She quickly moved past this dream thought and pictured squashed purple and violet. “Yes, stomp her again! Now her library! Now that barn just for good measure!”

With a start, she woke up. She let out a curse and wiped the bleariness from her eyes. She was still at the edge of the clearing but she was the only one around. She scanned the surroundings but there was no sign of the Do Good Five or the Dynamically Trapping Duo. There was, however, something glinting underneath the light that fell on the clearing. Several somethings. Getting to her hooves, she carefully walked towards them, eyes glued to the ground for any residual surprise pits.

They were the Elements. Sitting in a neat little pile with a certain magical sparkle, they seemed at once both mischievous and petulant lying on the forest floor. Why would Twilight want her “friends” but not the objects of their power? Well it was certainly her loss. She scooped up the necklaces with her magic and felt the heft of power within them. If these didn’t come in useful then she didn’t know what would. Now where could Evil Hooves have taken her prisoners? Most likely Ponyville. Which was on the other side of the Everfree. Wonderful. With a sigh and the Elements in telekinetic grasp, she trotted out of the clearing. She kept a steady pace realizing that the sun was due to be down in a few hours.

The fortress was right on her way to Ponyville, so she decided to stop by it, if only to entertain herself with any forest fires that might have resulted from Twilight’s explosive magic. To her disappointment, there was neither fire nor smoke coming from the place. There was a small gathering, however.

“Trixie, there you are!” Derpy flew to her and hugged her. “We thought you might have been swallowed by the forest!”

Quickly escaping the hug, Trixie found herself flanked by Carrot Top on her other side.

“We ended up a lot more than a hundred feet from you.” She frowned.

Trixie barely registered the two. She had her eyes on an entirely different pair.

“Trixie! Greetings! I think we have apologies we need to make!” Lyra hopped forward to her.

Bon Bon slunk behind her, her head hung low. “Yeah, heh, we’re terribly sorry about all that business.” She offered a sheepish smile.

“The regret cuts us to the bone!” Lyra touched a hoof to her chest and closed her eyes in what would have been quiet repose if vibrant energy didn’t come off of her in waves.

Trixie clutched the ex-right hoof of Twilight by the shoulders and met her eye to eye. They stared at each other until it was apparent there was no red to be found anywhere. She did the same with Bon Bon, convinced that there was going to be some tiny dot of menacing crimson just waiting to be used as an excuse to magically obliterate the two.

Backing away, Trixie’s mouth formed a hard line. “Trixie partially forgives but she never forgets. You shall have to redeem yourselves to her.”

“We shall endeavor to serve in every way possible! Name your task!” Lyra grabbed Bon Bon close. “This will be our way back to the light, Bon Bon!”

“How did you two even get fixed?” asked Trixie.

“Well,” started Bon Bon, “when we were used as bait for Twilight’s friends we had to distract them from using their Elements on Twilight’s trap but that put us in contact with them, so we got freed.”

“Do you know where she took Fluttershy?” asked Trixie. She cleared her throat. “Trixie means: do you know where she took the Equestrian Six Minus One?”

“Pretty sure it was back to Ponyville.”

“Trixie suspected as much.” She nodded to nopony in particular. “Then that’s where we go. You all are part of Trixie’s team now.” She sighed. “Regrettably.” She turned and started her trek back to Ponyville, the rest following her.

Derpy nudged Carrot Top. “See, Carrot, I told you we weren’t just secondaries.”

“I mean, we kind of are still.” Carrot Top frowned. “For instance, why did we just come back and wait in this clearing?”

“Because it was a good rendezvous point!” exclaimed Lyra.

“For what, though?” asked Bon Bon.

“For getting us back in things!” Lyra moved to wrap two forehooves around Derpy and Carrot. “And to be joined by these talented mares!”

Derpy pumped her hoof into the air. “Now we have a chance to glow in the spotlight!”

“You’ll have a chance to glow in flames if you won’t stop the chatter!” Trixie glared back at the ragtags. “Just because Trixie has to make do with you doesn’t mean she’s willing to tolerate your conversation.” Derpy nodded stiffly and motioned locking her mouth and disposing a key.

Things continued quietly with only the occasional whisper about what sort of monstrous beast might lurch out at them from the forest at any moment, but as was becoming on par, they were unaccosted by the wildlife. Trixie rather hoped it was because she cut a far too intimidating figure for them to want to bother her but in the back of her mind she knew it was more likely that they felt far too much evil magic being slung around and decided it best to stay home.

They emerged from the forest just as the sun plunged underneath the horizon. Ponyville stood lighted in the distance, one particular part of it standing out above the other sources of illumination. The entire library was encased with a glimmering purple glow.

“Isn’t it enough that she’s trapped the surrounding countryside under a shield?” Trixie shook her head. “Of course she would have to protect her books twice as much.”

“We’ll just have to break it through sheer willpower!” Lyra stamped her hoof into the ground.

“Trixie has a much better idea.” She presented the Elements. “She thinks that these have enough power to take down such an obstacle.”

“Where did those come from?” asked Carrot Top, blinking at what was once thin air but was now occupied by the most famous artifacts in Equestria.

“Simple little invisibility spell.” Trixie shrugged with a smirk on her face. “Only works on small objects but that’s often all you need.”

“Glad you found them,” said Bon Bon. “We looked for them after we woke up but couldn’t find them anywhere.”

“They know who’s important.” Trixie’s smirk turned into a broad grin and she marched forward.

A crowd of ponies around the library started becoming readily apparent. They all turned in unison to watch them approach. A somewhat familiar figure walked out of the crowd.

“Ah, greetings, citizens! Glad you survived.” It was the guard, though it took Trixie a second to recognize him. He was missing his helmet, half of his coat was blackened and burnt, and his mane stood on end.

“Us survive? How about yourself?” asked Trixie. “Mind explaining what’s happened here?”

The guard locked his hooves together. “Report: the Traitor Empress flew in here on a cloud that she appeared to be controlling with magic. On this cloud there also appeared to be the other Heroes of Equestria but they were unconscious. I attempted to stop her with a underside targeted aerial assault but was shot down by a bolt from the cloud she directed at me. Though I was not seriously injured, the shock prevented me from reaching her before she entered the library with her prisoners. Upon entering she immediately established a magical shield that has thwarted all my attempts to break it. She has been in there for several hours now and I have made no visual contact with her.”

Trixie stared at him. He stared back. There was a pause. She blinked. “Trixie’s sorry, she was waiting to you to see if you’d give her a count of exactly how many hairs you think were burnt.” The guard continued staring back at her, his mouth forming a hard line.

“I’m thinking I can bring them down with these.” Trixie held up the Elements in the light.

“But without the heroes to wield them, how will we get them to activate?”

“Honestly, I don’t see how we can,” said Carrot Top.

“Well whatever comes, you have my loyalty!” cried Lyra.

“I’ll generously help however I can,” said Bon Bon.

“This whole thing is laughable,” said the guard.

“Kindness!” Derpy pumped her hoof into the air.

Rubbing her chin, Trixie slowly eyed all them. She was on the verge of a great idea and she knew it. She closed her eyes and absorbed her thoughts. A firecracker went off in her brain and her eyes shot open. “Trixie has an idea!”