Ponyville: Tangled Hearts - A Story in Haikus

by Pascal

First published

Bon Bon swore to love Lyra forever, but when evil tears them apart, she must delve into Ponyville's seedy underbelly to seek the truth in an adventure filled with action, adventure, and love!

This story is written entirely in haiku verses as a challenge.

Bon Bon swore to love Lyra forever, but when evil tears them apart, she must delve into Ponyville's seedy underbelly to seek the truth in an adventure filled with action, mystery, and love! When love is on the line, does her heart have the strength to face destiny?

Bedroom Power Play

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Bedroom power play.
Lyra gets banged in the butt.
Bon Bon dominantes.

Later, cinema.
Lyra still sore from strap-on.
Can't enjoy movie.

Lyra must make choice.
Move out, or chloroform rape?
Time to take back pride.

Ambush in shower.
Bon Bon wakes up in leather.
Lyra rape face on.

Rape starts hard and fast.
Every orifice gets fucked.
Revenge comes, is sweet.

After orgasm,
heart to heart about feelings.
They make peace and kiss.

Now they will take turns.
Neither butt feels too sore now.
Couples share burdens.

Prologue: Tea Time

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Tea time! Lovely tea.
Rainbow visits Rarity.
Lame tea, but can't hurt.

Dash is growing up.
Will she accept female role,
learn ladylike manners?

Can't find a boyfriend.
Unpleasant reality:
boys like girly girls.

Can she balance life?
Be strong, but feminine too.
A very hard choice.

Tummy churns. Farts once.
Ranbow Dash cramps up. Gut pains.
Going to crap! No!

Run to bathroom fast!
Don't go shit on the carpet!
Going to make it?

Door locked! Pinkie in.
Pink butt makes foghorn fart blast.
Shitting toilet up.

Knock Knock. "Hurry, please!
I can't hold it in, Pinkie!"
Pinkie just giggles.

Rainbow Dash smells, chokes.
Pinkie eats roadkill? Smells bad!
Agony, nausea.

Tight, clenching hole fails.
Rainbow's butt making a turd,
Can't wait any more.

"Pinkie, forgive me!"
Buck door with all your might now!
Don't ever give up!

Crash! Door opens wide!
Push Pinkie quick, Rainbow Dash!
Get on that toilet!

Pinkie won't play nice.
Laughing, cruelty in her eyes,
Pinkamena lives!

Rarity grins wide.
Tea was spiked with laxative.
Revenge for leaving.

Ladies don't forget
when someone wrongs them so bad.
Revenge always sweet.

Meenwhile, bathroom fun.
Not so fun for Rainbow Dash.
Pinkamena poops.

"Hehe! Poop, Dashie!"
Her chocolate stink fudge
sprays in the face, mouth.

Rainbow don't like poop.
The pain, the trauma, won't end.
Pink butt like firehose.

Drowning, room flooding.
Shit is everywhere. So dark.
Air gone. Cold. So cold.

Dashie's heart has stopped
All feel the embrace of death
sooner or later.

Rarity comes up.
Sees what she has done to Dash.
"No! This is not right!"

"Ha! My shit killed her!
Isn't that what you wanted?"
Pinkamena laughs.

"Not like this! Oh, no!"
Wanted to embarrass, not kill.
Screams: "What have I done!"

I am Satan cult pony!"
Pinkamena says.

Evil laser eyes!
Red explosion destroys room.
Rarity is gone!

"Now I will conquer!"
Pinkamena becomes huge,
fifty foot giant.

Crash! Busts through ceiling.
Equestria is doomed now.
No force can stop her.

Gilda's Gift

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Gilda sits on couch
Watching tv. Nothing good.
Boredom killing her.

Lyra comes over.
Bon Bon sleeping after sex.
Lyra is bored too.

"Want to get high, bitch?"
Gilda offers heroine.
Fool Lyra accepts.

"Derpy!" Gilda yells.
"Bake some pizza rolls, you slut!"
Need food for munchies.

Derpy has eye bags.
Been on the bong too long. Stoned.
Giggles, hard to think.

Gilda opens coat.
Colt .45 revolver.
"You want to hear it?!"

Bang! Bang! Loud gunshots!
Derpy pays attention now.
Goes to kitchen, cooks.

Crying. Gilda mean.
Derpy lives in garage now.
Her baby taken.

Social worker came
weeks ago, unfit parent.
Derpy sad, takes drugs.

Now slave to drug lord.
Gilda is big drug pusher.
No one ever escapes.

Now Lyra has come.
She will be drug a slave too.
When will it all end?

Meenwhile, Lyra trips.
"Gilda, you have spiders in!"
She points at pussy.

Gilda don't believe.
"You're a dumb shithead cracker."
Contemptuous glare.

But in kitchen, Derpy.
She accendently cook pot.
She missed the pizza.

House filling with smoke.
Now Gilda getting high too.
"Oh shit! Stop oven!

Stop, Derpy, you dumb,
assburgers-having retard!"
But it's too late now.

World slips for griffon.
"Oh shit! I do have spiders!
Get out of pussy!"

She aims with the gun.
Colt .45 revolver
goes up vagina.

"I will kill you all!
Motherfuckers, you fucked up!
I fuck you instead!"

Nearly orgasm.
Gun like a big cock. Fucks her.
"Ooooooooh I'll kill spiders!"

Derpy's hope growing.
Maybe griffon suicide!
Freedom will come!

There is a loud bang!
Gilda has big period.
Bullet sex ends her.

Unloved, she falls down.
Her spirit goes down farther.
Only Hell awaits.

"Yes! We are free now!"
Derpy dances with great joy.
But Lyra just cries.

"It was not Gilda!
We belong to addiction.
There is no escape."

It is sadly true.
The drugs fester in their blood.
Entwined with their life.

Lyra takes the gun.
Red with griffon period.
"Only one way out."

She puts gun in mouth.
"Bon Bon can't see me like this."
Better to end it.

Close your eyes, Lyra.
Say a prayer before you go.
Take one last deep breath.

Requiem for the Sweet Lover

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Bon Bon wakes to phone.
Where is Lyra? Not in bed.
Bon has bad feeling.

Ring again. Pick up.
"Hello? Bon Bon Heartstrings here."
"Hello, police here.

We need you to come.
Body to identify.
We think it's Lyra."

Bon Bon goes to morgue.
Her tummy is filled with fear.
Could it really be?

She cries when she sees.
It's Lyra with hole in head.
"Why?! Why, Lyra?! Why?"

Gilda, Derp there too.
"There were lots of drugs in them.
We think drug orgy.

They thought gun was cock,
tried to sex it and suck it,"
Police pony says.

Bon sadly go home.
They bought the house together.
They were so in love.

Bon Bon go upstairs.
Can't do anything but lie.
Can sleep stop the pain?

But someone in bedroom!
Bon Bon screams! It is an orc!
Orc with knife lunges!

"Die, you pony bitch!"
Orc screams with sadistic joy.
Bon Bon, no! Don't die!

She ducks between legs.
Orc assassin trips, falls down.
Cock lands on his knife.


The orc is mad now.
Murder-rape is on his mind.
He gets up again.

He thrusts, this time true.
Bon Bon can't dodge. It's too close!
Crash! Window opens!

Black robed pone jumps in,
karate kicks orc's knife hand!
Orc screams as hand breaks.

Black Robe bucks in crotch.
Injured junk explodes in blood.
Orc dies of heart fail.

Bon Bon lets out breath
She barely escaped from death.

Black Robe Pony Thickens the Plot

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Black robed pony speaks.
"Sinister forces work here."
Bon Bon gasps suprise.

"Who are you, pony?"
"I know about Lyra's death.
A dark force took her."

"Drugs? Yes, I know that."
Robed pony shakes its robed head.
"No. Pinkamena."

Bon Bon disbelieves.
"Gilda was working for evil,"
Dark pony explains.

"Where did she get drugs?
From the evil Pinkie Pie!
She wants to end love."

"Lyra... Her death was..."
"Yes, all part of villian plot.
Perfect set up kills.

Gilda, Lyra, Derp.
All set up for suicide.
Drugs put there to kill.

Pink bribed social guy.
He took Dink baby from Derp.
Then gave Gilda drugs.

Pink knew Derp would derp.
All three get high, kill themselves,
leave no evidence."

Bon Bon head spinning.
Black pone might be bad guy too
How can she trust it?

"Who are you, Black Robe?"
Bon Bon demands. She grabs hood.
Rarity! But how?

Back in the bathroom,
she dodged the big explosion.
Faked death to escape.

"I swore to avenge.
My fault Rainbow was murdered.
I must stop evil!"

Guilty from Dash death,
she is dark, brooding hero.
Much like the Batman.

"Please, Bon Bon. Help me.
I cannot stop Pink alone.
She has Satan eyes."

Bon Bon burning rage.
Pink killed her Lyra-Wyra.
Time to get payback.

The Hunt is on

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Rarity, Bon Bon.
They have joined forces for good.
They leave the dead orc.

"Where we go?" Bon asks.
Rarity leads down the street.
"We find social pone,

the one who took Dink.
He will give clues to find Pink."
They slip into night.

Unseen, they arrive.
Sweet Apple Acres, quiet.
"He is here?" Bon asks.

"Yes. It is Big Mac.
He changed career to help kids,
but Pink got to him."

Unseen, move with stealth,
they cross the fields cautiously.
Bon Bon looks around.

"Apple trees are gone."
Bon Bon can see only drugs.
Pot and crack trees now.

"What happened here, Rare?"
"I don't know, Bon," Rare replies.
"Expect evil guys."

In the moonlit night,
they come to distillery.
Raw pot rolled in blunts.

Big Macintosh there.
His eyes are dark, his soul dead.
Now Big Crackintosh.

Yes, Pink bribed with drugs.
How many lives she ruin?!
But no time to mourn.

Drug slave Big Crack works.
Heroes sneak up from behind.
They tackle him hard.

"Mac, evil ends now!
Look in your heart and find truth!
Stop Pinkie's dark plans!"

But he's high on crack.
He struggles, fights like monster.
His drug strength throws them!

Oh no! Bon Bon stuck!
Tail fell in the pot machine.
"Haha, Bon Bon blunts!"

Big Crack evil laugh.
"I will smoke you and get crunk!
High on your damned soul!"

Machine pulls Bon in!
Crack Mac punches Rarity.
She falls, bleeding face.

"Haircut spell!" screams Bon.
Rare's horn spews fashion magic.
Big Crack gets afro,

but Bon's tail is cut!
Just before her druggy death,
she leaps from pot pit.

Bon Bon's terrible fury
fills her with power.

Screams and flaming 'fro!
Mac falls in heroine pile.
Body burns in fire.

Needles stab his skin.
Overdose floods his body.
He coughs blood on ground.

"We will get you help.
The hospital isn't far."
Bon Bon says, concerned.

"Death only escape.
Crack is in my blood, my heart.
I am free now. Go.

Evil Pinkie is..."
He coughs. "She is in basement.
Under barn... stop her..."

Then Big Mac is dead.
Bon Bon and Rare cry big tears.
"Gone before his time!"

But they found the Pink.
They will go to her drug lair,
and end this evil!

Showdown with Destiny

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They go in the barn.
Evil villain is close now.
Fear in hearts, they move.

"Bon Bon, your poor tail,"
Rarity says. "I'm sorry.
It was a beauty."

Bon pats Rare with hoof.
"Better than being a blunt.
It was so worth it."

"Bon, when we are done...
Could you love again after her?"
Talking 'bout Lyra.

She looked at Bon's eyes.
She could feel Bon in her heart.
Together they fought,

first orc, then Big Crack.
When two heroes meet, hearts grow.
Rare in love with Bon.

But Bon Bon shakes head.
"Sorry. My heart died with her.
I will love no more."

Rarity was sad,
but that was the way of things.
Hearts break so easy.

Secret passage found.
Floor rug opens, Staircase down.
Time to save the day.

Find evil basement.
Big cave filled with skulls and bones.
Evil drug smell down here.

Pinkamena there.
She has skin hard as crack rocks,
and drug needle teeth.

Her breath is pot smoke.
And she has cocain dandruff.

"Found my evil lair?
It will do you no good, fools!
I already won!

My drugs will enslave!
All ponies become crackheads.
The world will be mine!"

Bon Bon, Rarity.
Two heroes face destiny.
It all ends tonight.

"Your scheme is over!
Rarity shouts with fury.
"I will avenge Dash!"

"Yes, and Lyra too!"
Bon Bon adds. She feels the rush.
Trust your courage, Bon!

Pinkie evil laugh.
"Aren't you missing something, Bon?"
She opens her ribs.

Bon Bon screams with fear!
Lyra soul burns inside Pink!
Pink is crackhead Hell!

"Help me please, Bon Bon!
Pink's tummy is damnation!
The pain is so bad!"

Pinkie laughs, and pukes!
Doritos and taco goo,
munchie snacks come out.

Bon, Rare leap! Dodge puke!
FSHEEW! Red hot LASER eye blast!
Did heroes escape?

No! I can't see them!
Oh God! The humanity!
It's over! Pink wins!

Wait, smoke is clearing!
Rarity magic shield wall,
just like in bathroom!

"Ha! You're going down!"
Heroes shout and charge forward.
Bon Bon leap attack!

Ouch! Hurt hoof on Pink.
Her crack rock skin is too hard!
"Rarity, you try!"

Rarity casts spell.
Makes flying sewing needles!
They just bounce off too.

Pinkie laughs pot smoke.
Rare and Bon choke on drug gas.
"Fools! You can't beat me!

I have one weakness!
Unicorn and Earth pony,
together in love!"

Bon Bon gasps. "Oh no!
That is why you killed Lyra,
and tried to kill me!"

"Yes!" Pinkie swats them.
They go flying far away.
Land in corner, hurt.

"It looks like this is..."
Rarity can't say the end.
They have come so far!

Bon Bon clears her throat.
"Rarity, something to tell.
Before, when you asked...

Rare, I told a lie."
Rarity looks up at Bon.
"I... I do love you!"

Yes, she can't deny.
She tried to lie to her heart.
But she knew the truth.

Love always beats pain.
When two heroes meet, hearts grow,
even if mourning.

Bon and Rare entwined with love.
Big heart explosion!

Pinkamena dies!
Bursts into flaming shit cloud!
Destroyed forever.

There will be no drugs.
Equestrian drug lord dead.
Drug was is over!

Body breaks open
Lyra ghost rises up free
"Lyra, oh Lyra!

Bon tries to hug her,
but ghosts can't be hugged by flesh.
Lyra speaks comfort.

"Bon Bon, forget me.
You must find a new lover.
I want you happy."

Bon Bon cries and shakes.
"I can't let you go, Lyra."
"It's fine," Lyra says.

"You must love again.
When you are cold, I'm cold too.
Love Rare and be warm."

"I will love, Lyra,"
Bon Bon blows a goodbye kiss.
Feels bittersweet tears.

Lyra waved her hoof,
Then her soul rose to Heaven,
happy and free now.

Bon and Rare kiss deep.
They will join lives and marry,
have hero babies.

All heroes should bang.
New villains come every day.
Heroes must come too.

There is a moral:
Don't do drugs. They will kill you.
Your loved ones will cry.