Umbral Shadows

by pchn00

First published

Is a pony still a pony if raised by creatures so unlike herself there is literally no comparison between the two?

Umbra works hard to contribute to her family's efforts against their enemies. No one in her family has ever been so gifted in crafting clever traps and insidious poisons. The youngest daughter to the Queen of the mysterious Spiderkin, Umbra does her best to set a good example for her mother's subjects.

Umbra is also a pony.

This' my first try at writing a first person story, hope it's not awful!
Sequel is up, Umbral Travels. If you like this one check it out :o

Chapter 1: Where the Sun Don't Shine

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Chapter 1: Where the Sun Don’t Shine

It is bright. Blindingly bright. I cannot stand the light yet it seems more and more I am subjected to it. It overwhelms my sight and renders me blind. Truly blind, which is a terrifying prospect to me. Then I hear the sounds.

The noises of the beasts of this nightmarishly bright land. Snarling and snapping teeth.

Finally I hear the voices. I do not know how I know they are voices, and not merely meaningless sounds made by unthinking beasts.

But I know.

They are terrified. Screams all about me. Then I am lifted, carried by…something. I am still blind from the brightness and so cannot see my rescuer.

Then we are running. I do not know how long but it is some distance. I hear something pursuing us. The creature makes horrifying sounds as it chases us.

My rescuer stops abruptly. And then, I am enveloped in darkness. I still cannot see, but the darkness is comforting to me. My eyes do not burn anymore.

Then I hear it. Our pursuer catches my savior and she screams. A horrible sound. No less horrible then the crunching and tearing that accompanies it. I look to the sound, and see clearly one horrible blood shot eye staring hard at me.

I jerk upright in bed, breathing heavily. I scowl as I am already coated in a thin sheen of sweat.

The dream. Again. How I hate it.

With a soft sigh to start the day, I rise and stretch making only the quietest of sounds as I touch the stone floor beneath my bedding. With practiced steps I navigate the darkness of my dwelling.

A flick of my ear and I can hear the water rushing from the wall nearby. It’s the time of year when the water running through the cracks in the walls turns icy and cold, but I don’t mind, it helps chase the drowsiness away. With a deep breath, I jump and plunge into the icy pool. Seconds later I surface with a gasp, allowing the frigid water to run over my head and back. Then I blunder from the pool and give a vigorous shake sending the bulk of my bath to splatter about the floor and walls of my living space.

Tilting my head toward the opening to the greater cave structures I can hear the scurrying of my family rushing about to their early business. The others have been quiet for some time so we have had time to reinforce defenses around the primary web, and even outer caves and tunnels are being laced with traps and pit falls. I smile to myself as I give a sharp kick to the wall near the exit. I am rewarded with a couple of soft plops as the large fungi that grow on the walls fall to the ground. Pausing a moment to enjoy my first meal of the day I again listen to the workers outside.

The occasional chitter and hiss would drift along the tunnels to my home, bringing conversations to my ears. It seems the workers are in high spirits, no attacks mean no deaths, which means the queen and her ilk are happy. And when the queen is happy everyone is happy.

As I step out into the tunnel beyond my cave I move into the flow of general traffic coming and going. It’s always busy here, whether we’re actively engaged in hostilities or not, so I’m used to the rushing press of bodies. Most pay me no mind, at best I get curious glances from some of the younger hatchlings who immediately dismiss me and move on.

It long ago stopped bothering me. I know I am….different. Seen as an outsider among my people, but I do not let that stop me from doing my part for the family. I was a great burden to my mother for many years until I discovered my own unique way to contribute. I could not hunt, was a poor fighter and an even poorer builder…but I AM a good thinker. I put my mind to work coming up with new and inventive ways for my family to put THEIR talents to good use and I know it has improved our lot.

Mother rarely shows outward displays of affection to her children. It would be unbecoming of the queen to show such favoritism. But when we are alone and it is just she and I, she tells me she is proud. That I have done more for our family and home than the rest of her direct children combined. My smile dims as I approach the queen’s chambers…I can hear at least ONE of my siblings inside already arguing again. They always argue with her, as if she did not have enough troubles weighing on her.

It was one of my sisters of course. Ranting about some new imagined slight I am sure a drone or warrior perpetuated on her. It seemed as if everything anyone did in my sisters’ vicinity that was not overt groveling was an insult. I tune her out and settle on the floor of the immense cavern, just enjoying the sounds of the builders making repairs or expansions, or the workers dragging food through for the others.

It’s not until several moments pass before I realize my sister has stopped her rambling, and my mother speaks. Many find her voice intimidating but not me, it is like sweet music to my ears.

“Enough. I will investigate your claims against the worker but promise nothing Thakiss. Now you are dismissed. You have duties of your own to tend to.”

I cannot hide a smile as I hear my sister scoff then scurry off in a huff. Though the room is still cloaked in the perfect black of darkness my entire home is covered in, I know mother is looking at me suddenly.

“Umbra…how many times have I told you, you must be able to see at all times. An attack can come from anywhere, at any time. Hamper yourself and hamper the family.”

My smile fades and I know she is right. With a sigh I reach into myself calling up the…power…I was born with. A faint red glow bathes my mother’s cavern, and I feel a tingling in my eyes. When I blink next the glow is gone but I see clearly in stark black and white.

It always takes me a moment to adjust to seeing. I prefer to make my way by sound it seems much more…elegant to me. I cast my gaze up to look upon the massive form of my mother, our queen. Settled comfortably in the center of her massive web she gazes down at me impassively. I hear most say they find her eyes impossible to read…as if she were carved of smooth stone. But not to me. I can always tell when she is sad, when she is angry, and when she is happy. Today she just looks…tired.

Each of her eight legs is easily thrice my size, ending in a fiercely jagged chitinous blade. From the waist down she appears as any other of the family. A massive arachnid shape. Each leg can cleave through stone as if it were soft moss. I have only seen her engage our enemies personally once, but it was a sight I will never forget. Nor will any survivors of the battle I should think.

Her upper half is unique to the ruling class of our family. Long slender arms ending in delicate looking hands. Delicate looking I say, because I have seen her crush our foes with her bare hands. Her smooth torso ripples with sleek muscle. I see the sizeable fangs protruding from her lips…her cool eight eyes gaze down from her high perch. I run my tongue along my own teeth, sighing at their…odd shape. How I wish I more properly reflected her regal form.

I clear my throat, and speak softly. “I am low on material for several of my more potent concoctions. I must make a foray into the outer tunnels and collect more components.”

She tilts her head. “Do you require an escort?”

I shake mine in response. “No highness, I know my destination well. They are not far from the web and have never been disturbed by our rivals.”

“Then go Umbra. Return to the family safely.”

I bow low. She cannot voice it, but I see the concern for my safety in her eyes. Always worried for me. The most helpless of her children. I hide my scowl as I turn back for my own chambers. Again ignored by the passing workers, I collect my bags and set out of the main tunnels into the outer chambers.

My gait is swift this morning. I did not lie to my mother, I DO need more components. The poisons and potions I craft have aided the family in so many ways it astounds me at times if I stop to ponder it. No, I did not lie…I simply did not tell her the entire truth. If she knew how far I truly roamed from the safety of the web I know she would send an escort…if she ever let me go on my own again. More likely she would send workers in my stead, and this I could not allow.

Now and again as I travel the tunnels I pause to collect a mushroom here, some lichen there. I go through my components so frequently it is never bad to have extra close by. I pause in my walk, as I always do when I come to the end of our territory. I know I always risk much by leaving…but it is the only way to see my friend.

With renewed determination I continue forward. It has been many waking’s since I have been to see her, and I yearn for the companionship she offers. I always travel a little slower away from the safety of our tunnels. Each step I take seems to echo and bound off the walls like a pair of boulders crashing together.

Picking my way along the tunnels slowly, careful not to make more noise than I can help I soon find myself in the upper levels of the tunnels we call home. I never see any sign that another of my family has passed this way, no errant strands of webbing or remains of a meal to indicate anything other than myself has come this way in many years.

Soon enough the chamber she resides in is near at hand and I let my vision flicker and fade. I once made the mistake of trying to view her the same way I view most things…it was not a pleasant experience. My friend seemed to give off a light of her own…far brighter than even the dim red glow I emitted when I unleashed my freakish gifts.

A thin trickle of sweet water always runs through the floor of my friends’ home, and I paused to slake my thirst. Moving into her chamber I carefully avoid the bones of some massive creature that fell here long ago and settle next to the far smaller pile of bones. Sometimes I have to wait for her to make herself known, and in that time I busy myself running through new formulas in my head. Trying to think of new ways to combine certain components for different results.

As always my patience is rewarded, a chill fills the air and a pale silvery glow rises from the bones before me, coalescing into the shape of my friend. She does not speak…I do not think she CAN speak. But she listens. She smiles as I talk. It matters not what I talk about, my work, my family, and my aspirations. She provides me a friendly ear with which to pour my thoughts into.

We are very similar in shape she and I…save she somehow has the protective shell so many of my family have, and I lack. When we first met…after I got over my initial fear of her, I eagerly tried to pry the secret of her shell. Once I realized she could not speak I abandoned my attempts at questioning. I had once made the mistake of trying to remove the shell from her mortal remains…but the…thing she wore on one leg did not take kindly to this and repulsed me with a burst of light bright enough I could not see for hours after wards. I did not try a second time.

I sigh and lie on my side. She does likewise with a smile, her ghostly form simply collapsing onto its side. The question is in her eyes.

“It is nothing different today than any other day my friend.” I shrug. “I worry for my mother. I know my presence is difficult for her. She has so much to tend to, so many other children more deserving of her attention. She worries for me, for my future I think.”

She wrinkles her nose…a gesture I always thought looked odd…of course she is the only creature besides myself I interact with who HAS a nose…I wonder if I make the same looks? She nods to the bag at my side, bulging with my gathered components.

I allow a smile to find my face once more. “Yes I DO contribute but I cannot hunt for myself. She fears if I become separated from the family I will be unable to fend for myself. Most likely she is right.”

Now she rolls her eyes…another gesture that I find strange, but fills me with irritation once I realized what it meant. “I am not being irrational, I know it is truth.”

There is sympathy in her eyes. Sympathy and sadness. I am very adept at reading emotions from years of learning to read my mother’s. She wants to help me I am sure, but she is bound to this cavern. She once tried to leave with me, only to vanish and reappear by her bones once more.

“But you do help me my friend, more than I can say. Just having someone to…speak openly with is very comforting for me.”
Her smile matches my own now, as I rise to leave. “I should return. If I am gone long mother will mobilize an entire battalion to search for me.”

Now we both laugh…even if hers is silent I know she shares my mirth. I dip into a bow, a gesture she also returns. I learned it from her after all. “I will come back soon I think. It has been quiet for a while now and safer to travel the outer pathways.”

With a wave she begins to fade. Until the cavern is dark again. I turn to go, calling up my power and regaining my dark sight. Once again I set on the path for home…then freeze. I have barely entered the tunnels from my friends’ home when I hear something. A fluttering sound that sends a thrill of fear through me. I whip my head from side to side seeking the source…to my surprise; it is standing calmly in the tunnel behind me regarding me with its head tilted.

There is no doubt…it is one of THEM. Those my family is always fighting with, always killing and being killed by. What pains me most are our similarities. We both have four legs…and roughly the same body shape. However it is covered in a chitin more resembling my family. Translucent wings flicker across its back as it gazes at me with unblinking solid eyes.

I tense myself…surely it is about to attack, to strike me down. Mother was right…I should not be out wandering the far tunnels on my own. My foolishness will now get me killed.

To my surprise…it does not attack. It seems perfectly at ease around one of its mortal foes. Instead of attacking…it speaks.

“A pony? Down here?”

Chapter 2: Another Friend?

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Chapter 2: Another Friend?

It spoke to me. I did not know the others COULD speak. My whole body is tense…every muscle coiled and ready to spring back and make a run for home. I had never been so close to one before but I recognized it had wings. That meant it could fly and likely catch me. It did not seem hostile…merely curious. And what had it called me? Pony?

I shuffled back a step, wincing at the thunderous crash the step makes. It regards me curiously, merely standing still and watching. “Gotta say yer pretty quiet on yer hooves, don’t think I’ve seen a pony who could walk on stone an’ not make a sound.”

Another unfamiliar word. ‘Hooves’. I do not know its meaning. My confusion is mingled with irritation now, the creature mocks me. I know I am clumsy, every step a thunderous cascade of noise in my world of shadows and silence. Fear over rides my anger however…as I back up quickly. With a sharp movement I turn on my back legs and begin to bolt down the tunnel.

“Wait! Wait….please.”

Its tone gives me pause. I look back to find it in the same position, one of its legs held in my direction…almost imploringly. Against my better judgment I stop and turn back to it, silently bidding it to continue.

It lowers its leg and shuffled uncomfortably under my scrutiny. “D’you talk pony?”

“I speak.”

It relaxes further. I understand why. My legs end in blunt clumsy stubs…not the elegant cutting edges my family possesses. My teeth are blunt and flat. No venom, no fangs. Though if it thinks I am entirely helpless it will be in for a shock.
“I don’t wanna hurt you…I promise. Really. I’m an exile from the hive you see? I don’t follow my queen.”

I look it over again, studying closer now. I note it seems…emaciated. Upon closer examination I see it shaking…not with fear. But with fatigue perhaps, or hunger. I look into its eyes and see…desperation. Longing. Despite myself I feel a twinge of sorrow for the creature. Sorrow and…curiosity. It calls me something odd.

“What is a pony?”

My question has confused it, I can see clearly. It screws up its brow and is clearly floundering for a response. “Uh….you?”

Not very eloquent but it seems an honest answer. “I am not a…pony.”

Now its brow rises in interest. “Oh? What are you? Yer not a changeling, we can see through our own disguises.”

I frown trying to recall the term his kind uses for mine. “You call us spiderkin.”

His jaw falls open in clear astonishment. Then to my irritation he laughs. He is laughing at ME. I may be the least of my siblings but by rights I am still royalty. I should be afforded SOME small shred of respect.

“So.” He starts…now seeming amused. “Yer a spiderkin.”

Eyes narrowed in suspicion at his sudden acceptance I nod. “I am. Seventh daughter of Queen Spinnerette.”

Now he is laughing again and I feel my anger rising. “Do not laugh at me…CHANGELING.” I spit its name as if it were poison. “I will not be mocked.”

His mirth fades…again replaced by confusion. “Are…are you serious? You live among them? You’re the…daughter of their queen?”

I calm as his tone is, if not respectful, not mocking any longer. “I am…why would I make such a claim if it were not true?”

Now he is thinking. I am thankful I have learned to study my mother’s own solid, oft emotionless orbs that I can read easily what this creature is feeling. I wait patiently…again surprised by my responses. I should do my duty…strike this creature down. It is weak and alone from its swarm…but…I have questions.

He seems to be choosing his words with more care. Perhaps he HAS realized he should show respect. “How long have you lived down here?”

I do not know why he would care, but it is an innocent enough question. “All of my life. Nineteen years, I believe.”

His large empty eyes widen. I do not need to be an expert in reading face to know he is surprised. “Yer tellin me you’ve lived with the spiders yer whole life?”

I nod. “Of course. I was hatched from a royal egg sac. I am Princess Umbra, seventh in line for my mother’s crown.”

Now the changeling is in such a state of shock he sits heavily. Are my words truly so perplexing to him? He studies me for some time. I allow him to. The longer I observe him the less I fear.

“You do know yer NOT a spider don’tcha? Yer a pony. You don’t find it odd you have four legs instead’a eight? Are you hidin fangs in that muzzle of yers? Oh! How about’cha spin me a web?”

His insolent tone has returned, and I find it grates on my nerves heavily. Not so much because of how impertinent he is being…but because he is giving voice to every doubt I have had about myself over the years.

He is studying me again, gauging my reactions. What he sees seems to surprise him. “You really don’t know do you? You’ve never even left these tunnels eh?”

“I…” I try to sort through the jumble that has become of my thoughts. “I am not a…pony.” I speak the foreign word slowly. “I was merely born…different. Mother says.”

He approaches me now. Slowly. Non-threateningly. “Look kid…Umbra you said?” At my nod he continues. “Umbra I’m pretty sure you didn’t hatch outta any spider sac. Yer a pony. I know ‘em when I see ‘em, believe me. Four legs, hooves, mane, tail…and yer horn. Yer a unicorn, Umbra.”

I recognize legs and horn…the rest are more nonsense words. I do not move as he approaches, he is close enough to touch now. “…what do you want, changeling?”

He sits comfortably before me. Companionably, in fact. “Well, I was hoping for a favor.”

While I no longer fear him, I am certainly not about to become friendly with one of my family’s enemies. Though he said he is no longer of his hive, perhaps he CAN be trusted? “What favor?”

I see the relief in his eyes. “I won’t beat around the bush then Umbra. I’m starving y’mighta noticed. T’death.”

I shrug. “So eat something.”

He perks up. “Well there’s the rub! What I eat is…well…you.” He pokes one of his legs…a…hoof? On the end at me.
Now I narrow my eyes and tense once more. He sees the shift in my stance and he flails his front hoofs…hooves he called them in my direction. “No no no! Not YOU you…just feelings! Emotions. Changelings feed on emotion!”

I calm…but not by much. “So you are asking me to what? Allow you to feed off me?” I do not try to hide the disgust in my voice.

He winces. He seems to genuinely care about my disapproval. “Please. I know we just met, and ya don’t really got any reason t’help me but I’m beggin ya kid. Umbra. It don’t hurt, I won’t take more’n I need. Just a li’l bit of something. Anger, fear, sadness…love if ya can muster it up.”

I consider his request. I do not know why I care…but some part of me does. I know the traps I have crafted and poisons I brew have unleashed great pain and death upon this creature’s people, but I have never brought harm to another sentient creature personally. I find his suffering…unpleasant.

“I will allow this…in exchange for information about ponies.”

He brightens immediately. “That’s it? That’s all ya want? Stories about ponies? You got it! I got so many stories about them Technicolor chumps it’ll make yer head spin! Uh…no offense.”

I shake my head. “None taken, changeling. I do not believe I am one of them, despite your words. I am merely…curious about things beyond my home.”

“Sure sure, kid.” He nods emphatically. “I gotta get kinda close fer this, goes smoothest if we’re touchin’. Y’okay with that?”

I consider for a moment. Even in close proximity, I am confident I could overpower his slender frame easily. “Very well.”

He approaches. Despite my words, I tense. He stops as our faces are inches from one another. “Now…just think of somethin’ that makes ya feel…strong. Don’t matter if it’s a good feelin’ or a bad, but love is the best.”

I shrug. I close my eyes and conjure images of my mother. Those fleeting moments when we are alone. The tenderness she shows me. I feel the bright green light on my eyelids. It is bright enough that it causes irritation and I flinch back, but I feel him rest his horn against my cheek. I feel….drowsy as a wave of green energy rolls from my head to rear, and then sweeps back up racing back into his horn.

The light fades and I lazily blink my eyes open. I do not feel…bad. I just feel somewhat drained. On the other hand, the changeling looks much healthier. Standing taller, his frame filled out healthier. With a little trill of alarm, I realize he is suddenly larger than I. However, he makes no threatening move instead merely hopping back and…gesticulating oddly. His hind end…wiggles back and forth.

Noticing my incredulous stare he stops. “What? You spiders don’t dance?”

Dance. Another word I file away for explanation later. “We do not.”

“Yeesh maybe ya AIN’T a pony. So ya don’t dance. Do ya sing?” I can tell his question is in jest.

He does not seem prepared for my suddenly flustered countenance. “Our agreement was I ask YOU questions, not the other way around changeling.”

He is smiling wider now. I believe I prefer him starving and desperate. “Alright alright, don’t getcher tail in a knot. Before we start the Q an’ A, enough of callin’ me changeling. I gotta name, it’s Tak.” He holds his hoof out to me.

I stare at it a moment…surely he does not expect me to kiss it? I am royalty, not he. Then I notice he glances down to the…hoof on my own leg. Slowly I lift it to mimic his gesture, and he plants his firmly against him. The ensuing CLOP causes me to wince, but he is smiling.

“Congrats Umbra, yer very first hoofshake. How’s it feel?”

I lower my leg looking from my hoof to his. “…loud.”

I nod and continue. “Very well. Now that we have been introduced. What is a tail? What is a mane? What is a coat? What is a unicorn? How does my horn further indicate my status as a pony?”

He chuckles now. Again he laughs at me. “Yer tail’s that thing stickin’ outta yer backside there. Mane is the hair on yer head. Coat is yer fur. Unicorn is a pony with a horn. I think that answers two questions in one.”

I look from the long white…tail to the mane on my head. I never had words for them before; I just assumed it was all hair. And the hair on my body…fur he called it. I never gave much thought to my silken black coat of fur.

“All ponies are shaped as I am? Do they all have black coats and white manes?” I cannot keep all the eagerness from my voice.

This seems to amuse him, and once more he sits by me looking relaxed. “More or less the same shape. Ponies come in three varieties mostly. Unicorns like yerself, then there’s earth ponies no horns or wings but they have a sorta magic with the soil they grow food from. Then ya got yer pegasus ponies. They got wings an’ control the weather.”

I nod as I absorb this newest batch of information. “And I look like a unicorn?”

“Pretty sure you ARE a unicorn kid, but let’s not get back inta that.”

He said another word I have not heard before. “What is magic?”

My question seems to have him stumped for a moment. “Well that’s a pretty hard question t’answer. D’you do anything the uh…other…spiders can’t? Maybe something that makes yer horn glow?”

I frown. How does he know about my power? He could not unless he has seen me wield it. Unless… “…THAT is magic? The power I use to see?” I use it for many other things, but I do not think he needs to know this.

He grins and gives a nod. “Yup! Magic can do tons of stuff. It all depends on the unicorn usin’ it. My kind can do some magic too. It’s how I eat, an’ how I change shape.”

I did not know his kind fed on emotion…I DID know they could change shape. I have heard of changeling who would infiltrate the web in the early years of our hostilities. They ceased this once they learned mother could effortlessly detect them.

“Can you show me? How you…change?” The more I talk to this changeling…Tak, the more at ease I feel in his presence. In some ways this is so much better than speaking to my friend. Tak can talk back. Eventually I learned to communicate with her without words on her part but still…to have a conversation. It is a pleasant experience.

He smirks and hops to his hooves now. “Hold onto yer horn kid.” His own flared with that irksome green light, and with a yelp I looked away, eyes shut tight. Then the light faded and I looked back I was looking at….me.

She tilts her head just as I have. Her own ruby red eyes widened, mouth hanging open in a perfect mirror to myself. I shake my head as she shakes hers, tossing the thick mane as it falls over one eye. Gingerly I reach a hoof toward her and she again mirrors me. The faint ‘tak’ sound as they touch seems to jar me from my momentary stupefaction and I shake my head, affecting a stern look. She does the same.

Despite the oddness of the situation watching Tak mirror my actions is…amusing. I cannot help but smile at his antics. Tak’s smirk seems odd on my face…then as another bright green flash and I am looking at him in his true form once more. It takes several moments of blinking before I see clearly again.

I have more questions. Many more…but then I realize why I left my friends cave in the first place. “I must return to my home now. Mother worries if I am gone long. Farwell Tak.” I bow politely.

He seems distraught suddenly. “You uh…come around these parts a lot Umbra?”

I pause as I turn to leave, looking him over carefully. “At times. My only friend lives in the cavern over there. I visit her as frequently as I am able.”

He glances back toward her cavern. “Think she’d mind if I stayed there too?”

I shrug. “Do not touch her shell and I doubt she will protest. She seems to enjoy my company…and you seem…companionable enough.”

He smirks again. “Well thanks, yer pretty ‘companionable’ yerself there Umbra.”

“Thank you. I will return…soon.”

My step is unusually light as I return home. I always feel more pleasant after visiting my friend, but my encounter with Tak has put me in quite an upbeat mood. It is not long before I am back in the familiar tunnels of my family. Soon I see some advance scouts of the warrior caste. They relax as they realize it is only I who approach.

Moving through the checkpoint, I duck down another tunnel that leads deeper underground. I reach inward for my power…my magic Tak called it…and a red glow flows from my horn to settle about my face. Mother came to realize that occasionally my brewing could produce noxious fumes. She had the builders specially craft this cavern for my work.

I cannot hide my smile as I enter my work room. This is my place, only for me. Only my magic makes the foul air safe to breathe. None could disturb me even if they wished to. I waste no time going to work. Crushing the gathered ingredients from this afternoon into the bowls made from hollowed beetle shells, I fill the waiting sacs of webbing with my various concoctions.

Acids powerful enough to melt stone, oils that will burst into flame upon exposure to the flesh of our foes. Many of the warriors are fond of the toxins I craft to coat their legs with. With but a scratch they can paralyze or kill an enemy. If I am lucky I find a very rare deep flower growing in the cracks of the upper tunnels. I can craft powerful healing drafts with those…but they are few and far between.

I pause in my work for my late meal. A few mushrooms and a bit of thick lichen add a touch of extra flavor. I wonder…do ponies eat these things as well? I shake my head, banishing those thoughts. I know who I am, what I am.

Carefully, I gather my finished creations and venture back up to the main tunnels. Making my way by mother’s chambers, I shake my head. Another of my sister’s inside complaining. I do not understand how they can be so content to be so…useless. My brother may not have the most cheerful demeanor, but he is a warrior without peer. Worthy of the respect all afford him.

Arriving in the armory, I exchange a nod of greeting with the aged veteran who oversees the weapons for the warriors. A special table is set aside for my contributions, and I arrange them carefully. It would not do for a warrior to take one of the sacs of acid and mistake it for poison. Each potion has its own space.

Creating a new brew is always exciting for me. I go to my brother and explain to him precisely what it can do and how best to utilize it. Like mother, he is very skilled at hiding his feelings, though I see a glimmer of pride as I present something new. He rarely speaks to any save his warriors. A question now and again for clarification’s sake, but that is all. But I know he cares for me.

When I was many years younger and crafted my very first toxin, I was ignored by the warriors…all save my brother. He listened attentively as I excitedly explained precisely what I had made, and what it could do. I do not know if he believed my claims, or was merely humoring his strange and excitable little sister…but he coated his fine blade in my poison.
Upon his return from that battle every warrior came to me, asking how soon I could create more. From that moment on, I knew I had found my place. Mother personally called me to her side and told me how very proud she was of me.

I glide through the tunnels now, back to mother’s chamber. Feeling whimsical, I reach within and call up another of my favorite tricks for my power. I see mother shift only barely as I enter, and begin to make my way up the wall and lie comfortably on the ceiling. One of her eyes follows my ascent…and I can see the laughter lurking there.

I smile widely down at her, then furrow my brow and open and close my mouth in exaggerated pantomime of my ranting sister. Lithia, I think this time. No doubt a worker did not bow low enough as she passed him in a tunnel.

Mother shifts and rolls her shoulders, forcing herself to look away from me…but I see it for just a second. Her lips quirk in a smile and my heart soars. I smoothly make my way back down the wall and to my own chambers.

I visited my friend. Perhaps made a new one? And made mother smile. All in all it had been an excellent day.

Chapter 3: Commander Umbra

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Chapter 3: Commander Umbra

This day begins on a better note then my last. I do not have the dream so already I find myself in higher spirits. Yesterdays’ events still fresh in my mind. I bathe and eat as I do every morning, then leave my cave.

This morning I remember to call upon my magic to bring me sight. I do not know how I feel about the word. Magic. It is strange but at the same time I am glad I have a word to put to this power within me. Somehow knowing what it is called makes it seem less foreign. I am less intimidated by it.

As I approach mothers cavern I am not surprised to hear one of my sisters whining again. Though I raise a brow as I hear a second, third…then fourth voice join the chorus. Curiously I edge into her great chamber and settle on the by the entrance. My intrigue heightens when I see all of my siblings standing before the queen. My six elder sisters and my solitary brother.
Mother seems…particularly vexed this day. “Prince Spinner cannot lead a new expedition. He is needed here in this time of relative peace to oversee training of new hatchlings and increase our defenses. ONE of you must go out to these newly discovered tunnels with a cadre of warriors. It will not be overly dangerous. We will be sending our finest veteran along as well.”

I shift my attention from my sniveling sisters to the small group of warriors. It is unusual for common members of the family to be in the queen’s personal chambers for any length of time. I recognize one of the warriors. A jagged scar runs from the crown of his head to just below his left mandible, three of the eyes on that side a milky white. He has much acclaim on the battlefield and has even earned a name.

It does not surprise me that my sisters are coming up with a seemingly endless litany of excuses to not have to undertake what will be at best, a tedious errand and at worst a potentially hazardous one. I find it amusing that they can look so much like my mother, rather than the commonly large arachnids of the bulk of our family, and yet possess none of the qualities in her that make her so strong a queen.

My brother looks…irritated. I know he must feel it strongly if he is letting the emotion show on his face. No doubt mother will chastise him for it later but I can sympathize with his feelings. Aside from the mandated outing every Princess must take into the outer tunnels, I do not believe my sisters have set foot away from our home.

Then a thought occurs to me. The mandated outing each Princess save myself has taken. I know mother never assigned me to one for fear of my safety…but that is showing favoritism. And that simply cannot be allowed.

I stand and approach the rest of my family, standing nearer my brother then sisters. He glances at me curiously while they do not so much as look in my direction.

“I will go.”

Ah. NOW they look at me. In fact everyone is looking at me. Generally with looks of astonishment from my sisters…to amusement from my brother and the warriors. My mother alas does not look amused. I return her hard gaze…forcing myself to remain calm. She knows I have trapped her. There is no real reason to refuse; she was seeking a volunteer after all. And to say it is too dangerous for me is the same as saying she values my safety over the others.

The silence stretches for several moments. So long that the warriors amusement fades. Finally she speaks. “Very well Princess Umbra. You will be the commander of this expedition. Our workers have discovered a new tunnel network on the fringes of our territory. You are to lead our warriors into them and determine if they will be a valuable asset to the family or not.”

My heart is hammering in excitement. I will be delving into unknown tunnels. Who knows what secrets we may uncover? Not to mention I will finally, FINALLY see a chance for battle. Like my brother and his warriors. Perhaps I can finally prove I have more use then brewing potions and poisons.

Mother shifts her gaze to my brother. “Prince Spinner. See to it Princess Umbra is properly outfitted.” He nods once before she looks back to me. Again I must force myself not to wilt beneath her withering gaze. “Princess Umbra…” She pauses unsure of how she can phrase the words I see in her eyes. “Serve the family well and return in all haste.”

I dip into a low bow. “I am honored to be assigned this task.”

The warriors skitter off to make preparations of their own I am sure, while my sisters return to whatever uselessness they occupy themselves with. My brother jerks his head indicating for me to follow, and I fall into step beside him. He does not speak until we are clear of the queen’s chamber.

“She is not pleased with you Umbra.”

I frown. “Yes I know. But if I am truly a Princess of the family, is it not my duty to lead at least one such outing?”

He walks with his arms folded behind his back. His expression unreadable for a moment before he slowly nods. “Yes. Yes I suppose it is. Come with me. I have prepared something for you in the event this day would ever come to pass.”

I follow him eagerly now, a spring in my step. I do not even care how loud I walk today. To my surprise we do not go to the armory, rather he is leading me to his own chambers. He smoothly glides up the wall and through a large entrance in the ceiling. He does not wait for me, or offer to help me up as so many others would. He knows I can manage.

With my magic I climb the wall as easily as he, entering his rooms. I have only been here once when I was a hatchling myself. It is not so different from my own. He does not keep trophies or shiny baubles like our sisters do. He has a place for rest, his food stores, and his weapons leaning against one wall. I approach those magnificent blades with wide eyes. I have never seen him wield them, though I have heard stories. The warriors say his movements are nearly impossible to see. He is simply a blur…and all before him fall.

He allows me to admire the fine craftsmanship before I turn and join him. He looks amused again and once more I feel like the little hatchling presenting her first batch of poison. Gently he unlocks the only other object in the room, a large trunk made of a giant petrified mushroom nearly as hard as the obsidian his blades are forged from.

Gently he removes what it contains and I cannot hide a gasp. It is armor, fashioned from the same nearly unbreakable stone as his blades. The helm is stylized like any common member of our family, eight stones set among the top to simulate arachnid eyes and fearsome looking mandibles would frame the wearers chin. There is even a hole for my horn to stand out.

Setting the helmet aside he next retrieves four matching sleeves of interlocking plates. They look quite fearsome and the ridges seem very sharp. Finally the largest piece of all, a thick ridged plate with firm straps along the sides. The armor is shaped to fit only one member of our family.

“Did you craft this for me brother?”

He nods. I see the proud look in his eyes again. “Yes, for the only Princess of our family worthy of her title in my opinion. In the hopes that one day our Queen would allow her favorite out from beneath her strands.”

I snort at his teasing, but I am too elated with this fabulous gift to be upset long. I stand calmly as he approaches, settling the plate along my back. I find it odd he seemed to have minor difficulty lifting it, though it feels nearly weightless to me. It is perfectly contoured to my frame; I can move my legs with easy. He slides a thinner plate around my neck, fastening it tightly. I grunt as he jerks the straps beneath me firmly attaching it to my body.

Next the leg guards. I lift my hooves one at a time so he may attach them. The interlocking plates shift and move smoothly and silently. I have full range of motion. Finally he settles the helm about my head. It hides the bulk of my mane which I am glad for. Its stark white color is not very conducive to stealth. Lifting my chin he fastens the last strap then steps back looking me over critically.

“You can move freely?”

In response I trot around his chamber, a casual bounce in my step. He looks impressed. Obviously he is admiring his own craftsmanship. “It is almost as if I am wearing nothing at all.”

With a chuckle he beckons me close once again. “If you should be forced into battle…your greatest strength is here.” He gives my haunches a tap. “And here.” He lifts one of my hind legs tapping a hoof.

Again I find I like having words to put with my oddities. Hoof, mane. Before I just considered them deformities. I still do I suppose…but that they have names makes me feel better.

“I understand.” I have never been in battle, though I have used my hind legs to dislodge troublesome stones that were in the way of retrieving some component or another. Often I shatter the stone to dust.

He steps back folding his arms across his chest and staring down at me. “…I must go tend the new warriors. Be safe Umbra. Mother would be heartbroken were anything to happen to you.”

I nod and resist the urge to embrace him. The amount of emotion we have displayed is already quite shameful, I do not wish to ruin it further by doing something so childish. “I will return soon.”

And then I am gone. I walk back down the wall and into the main corridors. I am also drawing much attention from the workers. Many stop in their toil and stare as I pass. I find I enjoy the looks. I head next to the armory…the arms master looks just as surprised as the rest once he recognizes just who is wearing the fearsome armor.

I give my customary nod to him and retrieve several of my potent acids. Gently I fasten them to one of the ridged spikes near a foreleg. The sticky webbing adheres smoothly to my armor. It will not dislodge itself but it is not secured strongly enough I will not be able to remove it if need be.

I make it a point to cross through my mother’s chamber again on my way to the warriors who await my arrival. I spare her a brief glance and find she is watching me openly. Though I see the fear in her eyes…it is mingled with pride.

Head held high I join the small contingent of warriors. There are only six, including the scarred veteran named Kasson. They form a tight line at my approach. I can tell they are…uncomfortable with me. As everyone in the family is, and I cannot fault them. I have yet to prove myself in any capacity beyond a cleverness for brewing and trap lying. Now they are expected to put their lives in my hands…hooves I correct myself…looking at the stumpy appendages on the ends of my legs.

To their surprise I bow my head in deference to Kasson, who shifts uncomfortably about. “Kasson I understand you are a well-seasoned warrior of many campaigns. As such I would greatly appreciate any advice you may have to share as we proceed. I would like this mission to proceed smoothly and with as little incident as possible.”

The warriors lose some of their discipline and mutter amongst themselves. I do not chastise them. I am sure they were expecting me to be more akin to the other princesses. Kasson seems pleased however. “Of course Commander Umbra. I will be honored to lend you my expertise.”

I nod again. “Excellent. Shall we depart? The sooner we complete our mission the sooner we can add any potential resources to our own.”

Kasson jerks his head and the warriors fall into a tight formation surrounding me. I have no doubt this is how my sisters insisted they travel. We depart and I set a brisk pace, forcing the warriors around me to match. We travel through the tunnels where our builders are busy preparing new pitfalls. I cannot hide a smile as I see them coating the sharp spears that rest at the bottom in some of my poisons.

My company travels in silence through our family tunnels. I feel my nerves growing again as we have travelled for some time. Even to reach my friends cavern I do not need to venture so far. Gradually sign of the builders and workers is fading, and soon the only sound is the faintest whisper of an arachnid leg tapping the stone. I am surprised they do not protest over much at my own clumsy blunderings. My sisters never passed up an opportunity to tell me just how clumsy and noisy I am.

Then a thought occurs to me. Tak mentioned he had never seen a pony make so little sound on her hooves. Perhaps I am not as loud as my sisters had lead me to believe. I glance over my shoulder and note we have left the more familiar tunnels of the family behind. We are now in unexplored territory.

“Please halt a moment.” I give them warning so that when I stop they do not crash into my backside.

The company does halt, Kasson looking to me with a slight hint of irritation in his eyes. No doubt he does not expect I can discern the typically unreadable emotion of the family’s blank eyes. “Do you require rest Princess?” I not it is ‘princess’ again, not commander.

I shake my head. Again I do not rebuke him for his behavior. “No but I am curious. Would it not be wiser to send a pair of you ahead to scout for the rest of us? Surely two can move swifter and more quietly than seven. For that matter I believe it would be more sensible if we were spread further from one another. Two forming a rear guard, two at our sides. You and I would comprise the center.” I nod to Kasson.

Now they are all put off guard once again. I frown wondering if perhaps I grossly misread the situation and simply embarrassed myself. Then Kasson speaks.

“You heard the commander. Get into a proper formation none of this circle nonsense.”

The warriors hurry to obey; they each choose a position without being ordered moving in crisp practiced fashion. Kasson nods approvingly to me as we once again set out.

“Kasson…” I begin with only slight hesitation. “May I ask why we were in such a…poor formation to begin with?”
His mandibles click and I can tell he is considering how best to answer without insulting my sisters. I of course know the answer already but am curious to hear his interpretation. He looks to me for several seconds before seeming to reach a decision.

“Your fellow princesses have been less than….” Again he pauses. Speaking ill of the royalty has only one punishment. Death both swift and brutal.

“Helpful?” I supply.

He nods. “Helpful is a good way to say it. I was present for five of them and they insisted we keep tight ranks around them as their well-being and safe return was the most important aspect of the mission.”

I give a rather undignified snort, drawing the eyes of our group. “I am not surprised.” I compose myself quickly however. “Our primary goal here is precisely what the queen outlines. My safety is no more important than yours or any other warrior of this troupe. Am I understood?”

He nods sharply. “Yes commander. I suggest we keep the conversation to a minimum from here on. It is impossible to know what dangers lay ahead.”

“Yes I apologize.” He seems pleasantly surprised that I not only heed his advice but apologize for myself. I am not terribly surprised. I cannot stand to spend more than a few minutes with most of my siblings, let alone a potentially dangerous scouting mission. I can only imagine the whining the warriors had to endure.

We march on in silence again. I remain alert. While I only have two eyes rather than eight, I learned some time ago my…magic given sight has advantages to that of my kin. They perceive heat patterns in the air allowing them to easily identify potential threats from great distances. My vision works in a manner where everything is outlined in stark blacks and whites. So while I cannot perceive heat I generally have a much further field of vision than the average spiderkin.

Soon we reach a larger cave with two branches splitting into other directions. It would be quicker to divide our forces and search each at the same time, though infinitely more dangerous.

“Let us investigate the left passage together. We will travel for a time and see where it leads before returning here.”
Kasson nods in approval. “I suggest we leave markers along the way in case there are more turns or corridors commander.”
“An excellent suggestion. Please do so.”

We proceed once again Kasson pausing periodically to place a bit of web along the wall to indicate we have passed. The passage descends rather sharply. I shift beneath my armor as my coat grows heavy and uncomfortable from the rapidly increasing humidity. Of course the others do not seem disturbed, though I know such conditions will play havoc with their vision.

I catch a smell on the air and my eyes widen in alarm. “Stop! Forward scouts return immediately!”

Kasson looks at me reproachfully for my raised voice but does not speak yet. The scouts return and the company forms around me watching expectantly.

“I recognize the odor ahead. It is emitted by very toxic mushrooms. Overexposure to the fumes will suffocate and kill us in moments.”

Now they all shuffle and mutter again, Kasson just nods firmly. “Suggestions commander?”

I frown as I consider. I have my magic to protect me from such things…but what of the others. “Mmm. Shield your eyes. All of you.”

More confused muttering but they do as I bid. I reach in and pull up the trick I have in mind. The tunnel is bathed in a brilliant red light as my horn flares to live. Settling around my nose and mouth. Then I try something new. I bid it to spread…to shield my warriors as well. I am pleasantly surprised as I see the twinkling motes spread to the warriors and cover their mandibles. Typically I shut my own eyes against such displays…I cannot stand the light my magic creates, but I had to be sure my warriors were safe.

As it fades I nod firmly. Though they all shuffle uncomfortably, most twitching a leg against their mandibles. Even steadfast Kasson seems more than a little off put.

“Commander? What was all that?”

I return his look. “It is the…magic I use to see and breathe in such unpleasant conditions when I work my alchemy. We will be able to proceed safely through the hazardous conditions ahead. Let us not tarry any longer.”

The warriors exchange nervous glances and I do not blame them. Most that see me display my abilities for the first time are uncomfortable around them. Their trepidation vanishes as we leave the tunnel and enter a rather sizeable chamber. Colossal specimens of the toxic fungi I use in my work tower above us. The air is so thick with fumes and humidity it is difficult for even me to make out anything any distance ahead. I imagine the warriors can barely see an inch in front of their mandibles.

Still we press on stoically. I may be able to see better but the heat is causing me to sweat profusely beneath my armor and I once again curse this freakish coat of…fur…I was hatched with.

Then I see it…from the corner of my eye. It almost looks like a strand of webbing weaving itself slowly through the air above us, angling for Kasson. I cry out a warning just as it snaps downward and ensnares the veteran, jerking him upward.
“Attack! We are under attack!” Though with their vision clouded as it is I know the warriors will be of little to no help…and even worse I see more of the strands descending. I lunge tackle one of my companions away, but three more snare others of my troupe. They frantically bite and slash but the strands seem impenetrable. With a scowl I look up squinting through the haze.

Then I see it…at first I assumed it was merely a large stalactite hanging from the ceiling and dismissed it. However it was merely a dangerous predator who disguises itself as such. My people call them Grabbers. They ensnare prey and draw them toward their stony bodies. Even now I see its body split in half as a vile toothy maw opens up dragging Kasson toward it.

“Warriors that are free press forward, the exit is not far ahead!” I dash forward myself passed the startled warriors and with another bit of magic I am running along the wall. I have never tried to maintain so many things at once but if I do not reach the Grabber soon Kasson and three others will be dead. Steeling myself for the coming headache I call on another use for my magic. I feel the power spread through my legs and kick off the wall vaulting high into the air and twisting to land on the ceiling.

A throbbing pain is spreading from my horn to my head, warning me I am over using my magic’s. It is of no consequence however…the safety of this company is on my shoulders. I hear Kasson cry out in dismay as I charge the Grabber. The scarred warrior is inches from a gruesome death.

My first instinct is to attempt to gore it with my horn…though I immediately dismiss this as foolish. It is not very long at all and would likely hurt me more than the grabber. I consider the ridged plates of my leg guards but the angle is too awkward to cut it. Then I remember my brothers’ words. I skid to a stop at the Grabber’s base where it connects to the ceiling and pivot on my front hooves. Rearing forward I bring my hind legs up…then smash them into the base with all my might.


Suddenly it was screaming! Flailing its tendrils wildly and throwing the held spiderkin in all directions. A hateful red eye split open on its side and focused on me. All of its thrashing tentacles angling for me now. Gathering my courage I reared back and smashed my hooves into it again.


How it screeched as one hoof smashed right through its eye. Cracks were splitting from the impact points where my hooves stuck and a warm fluid began to seep over my legs. Still the tendrils reached for me…and this time I screamed in rage as I kicked it again.


I stumbled backwards almost losing my grip on the ceiling as my third kick not only silenced the monster, but dislodged it entirely from the ceiling sending it soaring across the room to crash upon the ground. I also discovered that day that Grabbers DO in fact bleed, and if you are foolish enough to stand beneath a gaping hole they leave when kicked across a cavern you will be doused in the foul gunk.

Unable to ignore the pulsing in my head I shakily trot to the wall and begin my descent. Gratefully I let the climbing magic vanish and the headache is slightly alleviated. I see three of our warriors getting up slowly before my eyes fall upon the prone form of Kasson. Rushing to his side I am relieved to see he is breathing…though two of his legs are broken.
With a scowl he spits a bit of ichor across the floor. “I think this is it for me commander. I cannot walk with my legs crushed. Thing probably cracked my carapace along the sides too.”

I glance to his thorax and indeed fine cracks show along the chitin there. “Warriors to me.”

I do not need to shout, the plainly spoken command brings all five rushing to my side. They look from me to the injured Kasson with concern. Generally when one is unfit for duty he is killed and eaten so that he may serve the family and not hold us back. I can see they are dreading my command.

“Lift Kasson onto my back and secure him tightly. We will return to the web immediately bringing our prize for the family. They will feed well I think.” I nod to the dead Grabber.

Silence greets my command…and this time I do not let the impertinence slide. I raise a brow and lift my chin. “Well?”
They snap to it then, hoisting a grumbling Kasson from the ground and resting him on my back, fastening him with a few well-placed strands. All the while he grumbles about being carted about like a worthless hatchling but I ignore him. The warriors scramble over to the fallen Grabber immediately beginning to wrap the carcass in thick strands of webbing. While they work I take the time to move about the cavern.

So many raw materials…and so large. I can create enough poison to last YEARS with all this. Then to my increasing delight I find several specimens I have never seen before. New possibilities race through my head as I turn to look back at the warrior I carry.

“Kasson can you retrieve several of those plants and place them in the satchel at my side?” I feel foolish needing someone to claim them for me…but I cannot risk them being poisonous and lifting them with my mouth as I usually would.

He shifts about on my back, swiftly plucking several of the mushrooms and sliding them away. “Thinking to make some new brews back home commander?”

I simply nod and turn to find the warriors finished and beginning to haul the Grabber carcass home. “Let us return to the web. I have much to report to the queen. Hopefully once Kasson has healed we will set out and explore further.”

None seemed to object to this idea and I felt my heart swell. The earlier trepidation they felt at being under the command of the freakish mutant princess was gone. Replaced with a firm camaraderie. I set a brisk pace for home, concerned about my wounded charge. I know he will heal soon enough. Mother will likely not even question my sparing him. Kasson is a well-known and well liked leader among the common warriors.

We meet little to no resistance on our return trip. There is minor difficulty dragging the large Grabber into the tunnels, but all make way for us. As is custom I lead my company to the queen’s chambers to present our findings. She is not busy apparently. Merely sitting in her web, eyes closed and resting. I am loathe to disturb her but protocol is there for a reason.
Gently I clear my throat and she stirs gazing down at me. Then her eyes widen seeing me covered in the gore of my recent kill. I am…surprised and embarrassed as she thunders down from the web and plucking me from the ground with a leg.
“Umbra! You are hurt! What has happened? They were supposed to protect you!” She turns her gaze onto the warriors below…suddenly frightful warriors.

With a frown I squirm about to catch her attention. “I killed a Grabber unaware they could have such….explosive deaths.”
She frowns and narrows her eyes, examining me closely. I feel quite foolish dangling from the tip of her leg with my legs hanging uselessly beneath me. Realization slowly creeps in and she gingerly sets me down. Her stoic mask back in place she resumes her place in the web above.

“…you killed a Grabber?” She speaks slowly.

I nod as I bid the warriors approach. They slice enough webbing from the carcass to afford her a clear view of what the cocoon contains. Then she does it again. Her eyes widen in surprise looking from it to me. I find myself growing very uncomfortable. I do not recall ever seeing her so…outwardly emotional. I can tell the warriors are surprised by it too.

“We were ambushed in a chamber too humid for the warriors’ sight. Fortunately I see things…differently and was able to slay the beast and rescue the warriors it held. Kasson was injured but not too badly. He will recover with rest.” I kneel down as some workers rush to relieve me of my burden. “I have found….a very large amount of material for my work. Enough for every warrior to be equipped with my creations. I request the tunnel from here to there be secured and workers sent to begin harvesting.”

The queen listens without speaking. She nods slowly. Still looking from me to the Grabber and back to me. I clear my throat. “I also request I be allowed to lead further expeditions in the newly discovered tunnels with the same cadre of warriors. Once Kasson is well enough of course.”

Now she frowns. Outwardly…again. I stand quietly while she thinks. Workers already come to claim the Grabber and remove its shell for arms and armor. Once this is done its juices will be used to feed the family for days. As its killer I would normally receive first rights…alas I cannot eat such things.

“Clear the chamber. Save Commander Umbra.” All rush to obey her commands. Even sealing the tunnels behind themselves to afford the queen her privacy. I shift about now feeling more nervous than ever as she slowly approaches once more. This time lifting me more gently and carrying me back to her web.

“I….I apologize mother I spoke out of turn. It was not my place to make such a request.” I keep my eyes lowered.

She does not attempt to hide the pride in her voice. “Oh my little Umbra. If only you could communicate with the family as I do. You would surely be my choice for my successor.”

My eyes widen in shock. Her successor? The next queen? ME? I had never even considered that I would be worth for such things. Putting aside the impossibility of bearing heirs and issuing commands by thought and pheromone the other princesses are capable of…I am so…plain.

She can see everything I think on my face of course. Just as I can read her she could always read me…and I am far less adept at concealing my thoughts. “You think yourself unworthy of such praise but it is precisely the opposite. You think before you act. Your concern for your family is as great as mine or Prince Spinner’s. You are clever, hardworking, and now apparently…” She gestures in the direction the Grabber was drug off. “…a great warrior. You are content to stay quiet and listen; only speaking when necessary. All of these are requirements for ruling Umbra.”

Her pride is tinged with sadness. For once…I cannot tell exactly what she is thinking. But when she speaks I know they are not the words she WANTS to say. “…but none of that changes the fact that you cannot truly rule our people.”

I frown staring hard at her. She is right…I know this rationally. But another part of me is…angry. “It is because I am not truly your daughter, is it not?”

Her eyes widen and for a moment I fear she will drop me out of shock if nothing else. I have never seen my mother stricken speechless…and it would likely be amusing if not so unsettling. She recovers but I can see the hurt in her eyes. “How can you say that Umbra? I have raised you all your life.”

Slowly I nod…but now I know I am right. “I am not spiderkin at all…am I? I am not just some…malformed hatchling that was allowed to live because I am a princess.”

She does not speak verbally…but her eyes tell me all I need to know. “…am I a pony?”

Still she looks wounded…but now her eyes narrow. “Where did you hear this word?”

I shake my head. I will not be dissuaded this time. Nineteen years of questions and doubts are forcing themselves to the surface. “It does not matter. Am I a pony?”

Now she is upset by my refusal to answer. I can tell she wants to deny it, to force me to answer her question. But then just as suddenly her shoulders sag in defeat. She nods. “Yes…you are a pony Umbra. Let me tell you of a village called Colton…and of its destruction.”

Chapter 4: Origins and Promotions

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Chapter 4: Origins and Promotions

I settle comfortably in the palm of mothers’ hand. I am still distressed at her admission but now I am curious to hear her tale. “Colton. This is where I was born?”

She nods, not bothering to hide the pain in her eyes. “Yes. Colton was a pony community on the surface. It was not too far from our tunnels and while we were not close friends, at times we would engage in trade. The ponies of Colton had split from their homeland of Equestria and settled in the valley of the Crystal Mountains above. I know little of the troubles that caused them to relocate but they must have been terrible to uproot from their homes.”

One of her eyes roves over my body, armor tarnished and coat matted with the Grabbers gore. With a little click of her tongue she works the clasps free and places my armor on the floor of her caverns. I fidget again…feeling the hatchling once more as she carries me to a stream of water running beneath her web beginning to clean my fur.

“At first I considered removing them from the valley. Ponies had lived there once many, MANY years ago but a great catastrophe caused them to leave. Those ponies were outright hostile to our kind. Not in the way of the Changelings who seek to take our territory, but if a pony saw a spiderkin on the surface we were attacked without provocation.”

Mother pauses in her story as she dunks me beneath the frigid flow of water. Again I squirm in protest but she ignores me as she always did when I was little and protested such treatment. Once she is satisfied I am clean she hauls me from the water and again carries me to her web. She looks somewhat amused at my no doubt bedraggled appearance. Mane and tail drooping with water. I vigorously shake myself dry showering her with little droplets in a bit of revenge. She smiles as she continues.

“When the valley was resettled it was some ways from their original home. Our scouts returned with stories of ponies frozen solid and a never ending blizzard so their reluctance to settle into their old homes was understandable. They named their new community Colton. I was prepared to dismiss their presence…but they began to explore the tunnels they discovered near their new homes. They had been away for many, many years and seemed to have forgotten our existence entirely.”
Despite my hurt feelings I felt myself drawn into mothers’ tale. She holds me close to her chest, one thumb running from my head to my tail in a gesture I used to find soothing as a hatchling. Evidently I still found it so as an adult, as I grow more calm and relaxed.

“Expecting the same hostile reactions but hoping otherwise, I sent scouts to meet with our neighbors once again. I was pleasantly surprised to find the ponies a good deal more…open to communication with us. Naturally they were surprised and put off by our appearance being so very alien to their own, but these new ponies seemed to have much warmer hearts then their ancestors. I learned much of their troubles. They brought tales of a monstrous spirit called Discord, and of the heroic alicorn princesses who over threw him.”

Alicorn. I sigh as I hear another word whose definition eludes me. I had thought myself rather clever until the obnoxious changeling Tak introduced me to the concept of ponies. Now it seemed a day could not pass where I did not hear something new. Annoying as I find it, it is also somewhat…exciting.

“Most notably they spoke of Princess Luna, the princess of the night. She and her sister Celestia ruled their land of Equestria with kind benevolence. One would see to their subjects needs in the day, the other in the night. The ponies of Colton were mainly comprised of ponies that made up Luna’s night court and their families. I do not know the particulars, but from what I understand something happened to Luna creating a creature they called Nightmare Moon. When Celestia banished her from Equestria, the ponies of the night court felt lost and betrayed. This was the final straw, and they departed for a new home.”

I grimace as my stomach suddenly decides to make its presence known. I have not eaten since early this morning. It must have been sometime since I left on my expedition. Mother just smiles and reaches behind herself. I hear her claws scrape the stone of the walls and she gently deposits some plump mushrooms before me. Gleefully I begin to eat.

“So they settled the valley once more. Now and again they would request aid in construction from us, in exchange they offered fine metal works, something to this day we lack the ability to craft ourselves. The ponies of Colton kept to their old ways and celebrations. While Equestria tried to forget about Luna and Nightmare Moon, they held their annual Winter’s Moon Festival giving thanks to their absent princess for the nights she provided. While Celestia had taken over her sister’s duties of raising the moon and sheparding stars, Colton’s populace still believed Luna had a hand in it.”

More words. Moon, stars? The longer mother speaks the more I feel an odd…yearning. A want to see these things. I had never before considered going to the surface world and why would I? My home and family are here. But despite my best efforts I cannot fully quash these feelings stirring.

“Now I did not witness this myself but only heard second hand through one of Colton’s ponies. However twenty years ago it was said their efforts were finally rewarded. After centuries of silence…Princess Luna graced their festival. I do not know if it was Luna or the creature she had become…this…Nightmare Moon. I do not even know if it was true or merely drunken hallucination. What I DO know, is something happened in Colton that night. Even I could feel the power being wielded above from my web here.”

“It is said that their princess of the night did indeed grace their festival. She even left a gift to her subjects who remained loyal to her name for so very, very long. A child she promised would become her successor. The new princess of the night. I had never heard such frivolous celebration as on that evening. Their music and revelry carried all the way to our caverns.” She allows herself a wistful smile.

“However…I was not the only creature to feel the power unleashed that night. A terrible monster felt the great echoes from its faraway home…and came searching for its source.” Now mother sighs…a deep sadness in her eyes. “Had we known what was approaching our pony neighbors I would have offered shelter to as many as I could have.”

This surprised me more than anything she had said so far. We are a very tightly knit community. Not outright hostile to the idea of outsiders save the wretched changelings of course, but all had strict orders to firmly turn aside any non-family we encountered in our tunnels.

“A monstrous abomination found the valley above, and the nearly defenseless city of Colton waiting to be picked clean. A unicorn pony though he should have long ago passed into the realm of death. A creature alive but not alive…undead is the term used. I do not know his true name, but we call him the Lich.”

“The Lich swept upon Colton with an army of beasts straight from the gates of Tartarus. Colton’s destruction was absolute. The Lich’s hellhouds killed everything that dwelt within the small town. Only their mayor escaped, carrying the child Luna had supposedly left them. It would be her last act. One of our scout patrols was investigating the trouble near the surface and followed the sounds of a crying infant. There they found you Umbra.”

My eyes widen at this revelation. “…am I to believe I am the biological daughter of this…mythical moon princess?”

I see the relief in appreciation in mother’s eyes for my inclusion of ‘biological’ in reference to Luna. Her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. “If the ponies are to be believed…yes.” She frowns now. “There is some physical evidence to back this claim. So far as I know there are only two alicorn’s in existence. Celestia and Luna. A defining characteristic of the breed is they possess both a unicorn’s horn and the wings of a pegasus.”

I take a deep breath to steady myself. While pegasus is another unknown word to me I believe I can infer its meaning. Unbidden my gaze shifts to my sides…and the imperceptible seam of black against black tucked in tightly to my sides. How I have always loathed those appendages. Bad enough I look more akin to the changelings than my own kin…but to possess…THOSE as well. I am freakish enough without wings. I do not even recall the last time I thought of the things let alone looked at them. And I certainly have not thought of flexing the muscles that control them. For all I know they are withered and useless by now.

Mother of course does not miss my shift in attention at all. Gingerly resting the tip of a claw against my side she tickles at me. I scowl trying to ignore the twitching sensations rolling through my shoulders and the things attached to them…but I cannot hold my composure for long. With a gasp I feel muscles weakened from years of disuse flex…and the hated wings unfurl from my sides twitching feebly. I do not attempt to hide my disgust…or my outrage.

Mother naturally smiles down at me. Slowly my anger fades. I know it is silly to feel as I do…mother loves me unconditionally. I have always known this no matter how many deformities I possessed. Still when she relents I snap the wings back into my sides tightly. Only she and Prince Spinner are aware of them and I intend to keep it that way.

“The scouts brought you to me, unsure of what to do.” She chuckles…I so dearly love mothers laugh and so rarely hear it. I only wish I Was not in so foul a mood that I could enjoy it. “I was unsure of what to do. I cannot count the years I have lived, ruling our family Umbra. But that squalling pony hatchling had me utterly stupefied. When confirmation of Colton’s destruction reached me I had at first thought to send you to Equestria. Though I dismissed that. I knew its name and nothing else. Not even which direction it lay in. And so…I swore those scouts to secrecy. My own royal eggs were close to hatching and I passed you off as an…aberration to the common members of the family.”

Slowly she lowers me back to the cavern floor, and I rest on my hooves once again. “So yes Umbra, you are not my daughter by birth. You ARE a pony. That said…I could not be more proud of you or what you have accomplished. All the handicaps you have overcome to not only survive, but thrive within our family. It pains me more than I hope you ever know to not be able to fully entrust the family to your ruler ship. Though I hope you understand why?”

My head is whirling with innumerable thoughts. I feel weak and dizzy. And suddenly oh so tired. But I manage to nod slowly. I DO understand.

She relaxes visibly. “I love you dearly Umbra. And as far as I and any are concerned…you ARE my daughter. And while I cannot name you my proper successor, I CAN entrust you with the same responsibilities as your brother. I will speak with him at length soon about you relieving him of his duty overseeing the scouts. He has enough with commanding the warriors I think. I believe naming you Commander of every scout in the family is fair yes?”

Now I look up, eyes wide. My brother is second only to the queen in terms of authority and leadership. If he so chose he could even command my sister’s in times of emergency. To be given the same amount of responsibility. My eyes burn and I swallow to push the tears back.

“More than fair mother.” I bow my head.

She nods and her mask slips back into place. “It has been a long day Commander Umbra; I suggest you return to your chambers and rest. Your new duties begin tomorrow.”

With another bow I slip away. I manage to hold my stony countenance for some ways. Almost making it from the family tunnels fully before the wide smile finds my face and I break into a full run. I do not even bother trying to remain quiet as I follow the usual turns to my friends cavern. News such as this must be shared.

I round the corner to her chamber and am surprised to hear laughter. Then I recall Tak, who I told could share this space. With a frown I realize that while he may be benign, Tak IS a changeling and somehow he infiltrated tunnels controlled by my family. Perhaps I should find out how.

I approach and find the changeling engaged in a one-sided conversation with my friend who seems to be enjoying herself. I relax and casually cross the span to the pair, letting my dark sight fade as the silvery illumination from my friends form stings at my eyes.

She sees me first and lifts a leg in greeting…waving a hoof. Tak takes notice and does likewise. “Hey kid, y’look like yer in a good mood.”

I nod. “I AM in a good mood. Mother confessed the truth that I am indeed a pony.” At this Tak and my friend look to one another. I find myself doubly annoyed as they roll their eyes at the same time though I push it aside quickly enough. “I was given command of a scouting party this morning.”

My friend now looks excited. She knows how long I have wished for such responsibility. Tak shrugs. “Congratulations?”
I beam at them both. My friends. And nod. “Thank you! It was exciting. I discovered some resources and slew a Grabber.”
Tak gives a low whistle while my friend looks at me in astonishment. “Jeez kid not bad. Them things don’t go down easy. How’d ya do it?”

I grin again and crouch low. “My troops and I entered its cavern and it immediately seized several of the warriors! I rushed up the wall to the base of the monster and…” I rear back delivering a kick to the stone behind me, leaving very sizeable indents.

Tak and the specter look to one another in confusion, then back to me. “Ya kicked it?”

I nod. “Well I kicked it three times, but yes.”

They share another look. “Ya kicked a GRABBER…three times. An’ it died?”

I wrinkle my nose confused, a gesture my friend makes that I typically don’t realize I make as well. “Well yes.”
Now Tak crosses his arms over his barrel and plops down. “Bull.”

I blink. “Bull?”

He nods. “Yeah bull. Them things’ shell is stronger’n steel kid. No way some skinny unicorn filly kicks one t’death.” I snort as my other friend nods.

I look to the things tucked against my sides for the second time today. Twice more than I’ve thought of them in several years really. “Well…I am told I am not a unicorn.”

I bristle as they share a laughing look. “No? Maybe yer ma said yer an earth pony?”

Another snort as I flex my shoulders and spread the wings again. “An alicorn.”

Now I am not entirely sure of the reaction I wanted to elicit. Obviously some surprise from my first friend, Tak maybe less so. But the wide eyed horror on Tak’s face causes me to frown. My other friend immediately dropped to her front legs in a deep bow.

“Yer…yer a princess kid? What the hell’re you doin down here?!” He practically screams.

Immediately I snap my wings shut with a scowl. I had hoped to show them up…not terrify and cow them into submission. “I already told you I was a princess Tak…”

He shakes his head violently. “Crazy pony princess o’the spider folk is one thing! But yer an alicorn! ACTUAL Equestrian royalty!” The unicorn spirit eventually lifts her head, nodding with his assessment.

I settle down comfortably and begin to relay the tale as mother told it to me. Omitting nothing from the supposed visit from Luna, (which causes the spirit to gape so much I fear her mouth will detach and hit the floor), to the assault of the Lich and my delivery to the spiderkin. By the end she is nodding and he still just looks befuddled.

“Jeez kid…Luna’s filly huh? That’s a big deal! Wonder if that’s why she’s always lookin like she’s gotta stick up her…” The ghost gives him a look. “…rear end. Cause she thinks yer dead!”

I shrug as if this news means nothing. Though I am surprised to hear this Princess Luna is still about. From mothers story it seemed she was to be imprisoned forever. “That is not even the most exciting news.”

Tak frowns while the spirit blinks. “Kid I dunno if I can take any more big news t’day. Y’just about popped my heart as it is.”
“Mother is appointing me scout commander. I will work alongside my brother coordinating all of the scouts of the family. It is a tremendous honor!” I fairly gush with excitement.

Another look passes between my companions. She looks pleased…though pensive. Tak is of course the vocal. “But whatta bout yer ma?”

I furrow my brow. “I told you, she appointed me scout commander.”

He shakes his head. “No kid yer OTHER one, Luna. Don’tcha…I dunno, wanna meet her?”

I shrug with a little huff. “Not particularly. There is no guarantee this Luna is in fact my birth mother. I find the whole story a bit ridiculous. As far as I am concerned I have one mother, Queen Spinnerette. She is the only mother I have ever had, and ever needed. Or WILL ever need.”

The finality in my tone seems to reach them as with a hint of sadness she nods and he shrugs. “Well its yer business I s’pose kid. Congrats then. Sorry I didn’t say it before…y’were tossin out curve balls left an right.”

I smile. Though I do not recall throwing any balls of any sort his thanks warms me. Even the spirit is nodding with a small though still sad smile. “Thank you. I cannot stay for a long visit today, it has been very busy and I am quite weary. If you hunger Tak you may…dine.”

I see the relief in his eyes at my invitation. He wastes no time in approaching and gently resting his horn against my cheek, the same as before. I clench my eyes shut against the ensuing flash of light…and shake of the same lethargy as before. The invigorated changeling steps back apology in his eyes. “Thanks kid…yer a real life saver.”

I wave off his gratitude and frown a touch. “I will be sending several scouts and likely a warrior or two to secure these tunnels. Your presence here tells me that this is a blind spot in our security. I will give instructions to leave this particular
chamber alone…though I recommend you do not venture far from it in the future.”

He looks a little worried at the new, but gives me a nod. “Well thanks fer th’heads up kid. I know how t’keep my head down.”

Bidding both farewell I return home head held high. Unceremoniously I collapse into my bedding and let sleep claim me.
Despite the bit of troubling news from mother…this has been another excellent day.

Chapter 5: New Duties and New Friends

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Chapter 5: New Duties and New Friends

Today has been…a challenge. Spinner comes and rouses me before I wake myself. Blearily I allow him to fasten my armor securely.

“Umbra you are Scout Commander now. You must rise earlier and assign the patrols.”

I frown shaking the sleep away and nod firmly. “Yes, I apologize. It was a…long day.”

His expression softens as he fastens my helm for me, giving it a swift rap and causing me to wince. “I know sister. I hope you know mothers’ sentiments mirror my own. Regardless of your true origins, you are my sister above all.”
I smile and nod. “Allow me to eat and then I will join you?”

He nods ducking from my chamber. Once he is gone I allow some of my fatigue to show as I kick down my morning meal. It has been a very long time since I was not allowed to keep my own hours. I am not lazy, but I would rise and sleep when I wished to. With a determined nod I set out into the tunnels.

I travel along a path I do not typically follow. I deliver alchemical creations to the armory and that is generally the extent of my forays into the warriors’ tunnels. Now however I am moving deep into their tunnels toward the command room. Only the highest ranked warriors gather within and I swallow my fear as I enter.

I move to my brother’s side ignoring the surprised looks from the gathered common spiders. He glances to me for a moment before he finishes giving orders to his fighters.

“Commander Umbra I understand the Queen has appointed you as head of our scouts. You are responsible for determining which squads patrol which tunnels. Here is their usual schedule.” He slides me several papers. Maps, squad names and diagrams. I gingerly take them in my mouth and slip them into the satchel at my side.

“I recommend you alter the set patrols as little as possible until you are more comfortable in your duties.” Some of the formality leaves his tone. “Most of these squads are seasoned and know their routes well. You will not have any serious decisions to make until you have new recruits needing to be assigned a squad of their own. The bulk of your duties for now are to receive their reports, and if something warrants my warrior’s attention…bring said reports to me. Anything to do with builders or workers you do not need permission to order squads of those lesser groups out. Do you understand?”

I nod, somewhat relieved that my daunting new title is not going to be as terrible as I initially expected. “What about my other works?”

“Our Queen has requested you train several workers in your…alchemy.” He say the word slowly, clearly not one he is familiar with. “They will take over the bulk of your work there.” He sees my frown forming and lifts a hand. “You will still have time to see to your works personally, and are encouraged to continue your experimentations when you are not coordinating the scouts. I would also suggest you make it a point to accompany as many patrols as your free time allows. The better you know the tunnels and your scouts, the better you can perform your duties.”

Slowly I nod. It had not occurred to me for some reason that my increased responsibilities would take away from the time I have to do the work I so enjoy. It pains me to put it aside but this is what I wanted. I nod. “Thank you Commander Spinner. I will be in my quarters looking these over if I am needed.”

We exchange quick salutes and I am off, back to my chambers. It was not too long before I had the papers spread out on the floor before me, my dark sight allowing me to easily make out the words on the pages. The next several hours I spend poring over them, committing as much to memory as possible. I had a fairly steady stream of scout squad leaders delivering typically mundane reports. They seemed surprised at their shift in authority figure, but my actions yesterday seem to have endeared me to them.

I have been studying so long my eyes begin to feel sore from the strain when a messenger arrives. I look up as he salutes. “Commander Umbra. The workers you are to educate are awaiting your presence outside your work room.”

I rise and stretch the kinks from my back. “Is Commander Spinner busy?” When the messenger shakes his head I continue. “If any scouts have urgent business in the next…two hours have them report to Spinner. I do not wish to be interrupted.”

With another salute he departs and I make the short trip to my work room. The workers awaiting my tutelage are very young, most likely hatched within the past week. This will be their first assignment. That is not so surprising, what does surprise me is one of my sisters standing among them. It is Neela the youngest of my older sisters. I have never had much use for any of my sisters, nor they me. However my feelings toward Neela stem from her just…being there. She does not complain. She does not work that I know of. She simply is about.

I eye her for a long moment then look to all my charges. “When we begin we will be creating poisonous fumes. I can protect myself but I will not be here while you are working at all times. I believe a simple mask to shield your mandibles and…” I nod to Neela, “…mouth will suffice. If you feel light headed simply step out for fresh air.”

They all hurry to comply, even Neela which pleases me. I am unsure why precisely she is here but if she wishes to learn and contribute I will not question her presence. I lead my charges down the short sloping tunnel and into my work room with a faint sense of trepidation. For some years now this has been my place, and mine alone. Now I am admitting several young hatchlings and one of my siblings to work in her as well.

I shake off such useless thoughts and begin my lessons. I start simple. Teaching my most basic toxin, a powerful paralytic. The workers take to the job immediately of course. They are bred to receive and follow orders perfectly. Neela seems a touch more reluctant. She holds the mushrooms gingerly and seems unwilling to properly crush them.

“You must put your weight behind it as you crush the mushrooms Neela.” I demonstrate, grinding one to pulp beneath a hoof.

She chews her lip nervously…a habit I always found odd on someone with fangs. “The…juice within is safe for me to touch?” She speaks so softly. I had forgotten almost, so rarely have we conversed.

Nodding my head I manage not to smile at her timidity. “No it has to be introduced to your insides for it to take effect. Just do not lick your fingers and you will be fine.” Now I allow a faint smile.

A smile that she returns. She crushes the components with more vigor and I nod approvingly. The workers need no coaching, they perfectly mimic my actions. I move to Neela’s side as she works. My tables are set lower than she is used to of course, my head only comes to the joint where her spider body meets her other half so she must crouch low on her arachnid legs to work.

“I am curious why you volunteered to learn my art Neela.” I crush a few more mushrooms with swift stomps of my leg.

Her work slows as she ponders my question. “First Spinner became the commander of our scouts and warriors. Our sisters scoffed at such ‘indelicate’ pursuits. They feel our place is to lead from the safety of the web and not the front lines. Then you began your work here and again they disparaged it as a chore the workers should perform, not the royalty.”

I do not hide my frown at that. Saying such is the same as saying that I am of no more value than one of the common workers. I value their contribution of course, but they are more akin to mindless drones then thinking contributors. “You still have not answered my question Neela.”

Now she stops entirely turning to face me. I can see her struggling to find the words she wishes to speak. “I…believe you and Spinner contribute more to the family than I and our sisters combined. And this was before you became scout commander, now you do even more. I felt it time I find a place I can make myself useful.” She gives a self-depreciating smile. “I do not care for combat or heavy labor. When mother chose these young workers to learn your craft…I felt perhaps this is something I too could learn and excel at. She seemed quite pleased with the idea.”

I nod slowly as she explains. “Well it is not too physically straining I will admit. Though it requires a deft touch and a good deal of patience. I suspect you will have a gentler touch then I at least.” I gesture to one of her delicate hands with my own clumsy hoof.

She smiles again and titters a soft laugh. I am warming to the idea of spending more time around her, and idly wonder if my other sisters have similar redeeming qualities. Perhaps I have not tried hard enough to foster a stronger relationship. I spend some time with my new students. Crushing mushrooms, straining lichens, which mushroom does what and what combinations make up my more basic concoctions.

“I believe that is enough for today. We shall do more tomorrow hm?” The workers simply leave without a word, no doubt to find some other toil to fill their day.

Neela stands with a soft groan flexing her stiff legs and wiggling her fingers. “I am going to have my mid-meal Umbra, will you join me?”

I shift on my hooves for a moment. Seeing my family feed has always...unsettled me. I do not know if it is my inability to do likewise or some other unknowable reason. I look up and see Neela looking down at me hopefully and suppress a sigh. She seems to genuinely want to spend time with me. “I suppose, so long as it is a short meal. I would like to venture out with one of the late patrols.”

Together we set out into the tunnels toward the royal feeding chambers. Each caste has their own designated area for food stores. “Your armor is very impressive Umbra. Quite fearsome to our enemies I am sure. Spinner crafted it for you?”
I nod as we gradually leave the hustle and bustle of the common tunnels behind, ascending a wall near mothers’ chambers to the room my siblings have their personal food storage. I glimpse mother from the corner of my eye, focusing on Neela and I with a ghost of a smile. I know my lack of inclusion with my siblings disturbed her and I believe she is happy to see me in the company of one of my fellow princesses.

“He did. Apparently he had been saving it for me for my first venture. He made similar for you did he not?” We enter the feeding chamber; it is empty save the pair of us. I see a large portion of the Grabber I slew resting against the wall. Most of it has been drained already, though Neela eagerly scurries to it and sinks her fangs deep into the flesh. My stomach twists and I look away as she gorges herself.

Slowly the smacks and slurps die down and I look back. She wipes some juice from her mouth with the back of her hand and nods. “He did…though I have only worn it once.” That little smile again as she shrugs. “I keep it on hand in case of invasion.”

I do not hide a laugh at the idea of our home being invaded. It has not happened in my lifetime, or in the lifetime of any within the family save mothers seemingly endless one. “I suppose there is always the chance.”

Neela nods and moves from the now fully drained Grabber claiming a still wriggling fire beetle. The sizeable bugs are half my own size and when alarmed can ignite their backsides with brilliant flames. A useful defense mechanism for escaping a heat sensing people. This specimen has had its flame sac severed so Neela bites in and begins to drain it unmolested. Again I avert my gaze, though I cannot help but wonder if the beetles’ flames could be put to use in my alchemical works.
“Neela can you leave its backside untouched. I would like to see if I cannot make something of use from its flame glands.” I look back as she finished her meal.

Head tilted curiously she nods and gently separates the two halves of the beetle. “Shall I store it with your other components?”

At my nod she sets out at once. “I will see you tomorrow for more lessons I am sure Neela. For now I should go see which patrol is ready to leave.”

She gives me a cheerful wave as she disappears around the bend in the tunnel. I am quite looking forward to seeing her tomorrow. First Tak and now one of my own sisters. I would never complain about my lack of companionship. My spectral friend in the upper tunnels and the occasional visit with Spinner were very pleasant. Even my rare moments alone with mother went far to fulfill my desires. However with the inclusion of Tak, and now perhaps Neela among the ranks of my friends I feel…a great contentment.

The scouts are surprised at the presence of their new commander…and even more so at my wide smile. It is rare for the royal family to be so emotive and I hastily hide my good cheer. “Ahem. I understand your squad is heading into the south eastern tunnels today?”

At their leaders nod I continue. “I would be honored to join you on this patrol. I wish to learn firsthand my scouts’ routes and the dangers you face along them. I will do my utmost to remain unobtrusive.”

Their leader offers a faint chuckle. “Commander if your idea of being obtrusive is saving several of us from a Grabber you are more than welcome to be as much of a disruption as you like.”

His lack of formality surprised me…though pleasantly so. I wonder if this is what Spinner’s men are like when he is alone with them. It would not surprise me. He always speaks with great pride of his warriors. My smile returns and I nod. “Well then let us hope I do not need to be a disruption hm?”

They all seem much more at ease with my presence as we set out. Where before I was practically an unseen curiosity my more frequent appearances are going great lengths to showing that while I am not the same physically, I am the same where it matters.

I keep pace with their leader as the squad starts down the tunnels. It is a well-fortified route. The squad travels in nearly an identical formation to that I used on my first outing. “Do these tunnels see much hostility?”

The leader nods. “They do. Typically not changeling, but we see our fair share of Clackers and Elementals along this route. It is one of the more dangerous Commander.”

With that I fall silent. I do not wish to give us away to any potential danger. I note that this group certainly has some of the more burly scouts I have seen. Some seem to rival even Kasson in size and scars. I allow my gaze to roam about the caverns we pass through. Several are illuminated by various lichen glowing enough to irritate my eyes. I have never seen such plant life.

I motion I wish to stop and they comply. Nodding to a distant collection of the glowing plant life I speak softly. “I apologize for the imposition but could one of you collect a sample of that for me? I would like to see if it has any uses in my works.”

The squad leader nods vigorously. I note that all in this squad have one or more of my creations secured to their abdomens with a bit of webbing. He personally leaps the span leaving a thin trail of webbing in his wake. Scrapping a good amount and scurrying back along the web line he left. “It would be an honor to assist you in making more of your surprises for our foes. Always fun to see the looks on their faces when some new horror explodes in them.”

I accept the compliments and the lichen, stowing it in a satchel and securing it tightly to stifle the glow. “Perhaps it would be a good idea for me to brief our scouts on what I use, and what I have not seen. If I had the patrols returning with components when able I could craft much more efficiently.”

He nods at my words. “It would not be dangerous or difficult for us to do such a thing commander.”

With a gesture from myself we continue on. The squad’s spirits seem quite high. We press on through several more chambers and tunnels before the scouts rush back to the rest of us. “Clackers. Three of them ahead and on a direct route toward us.”

I lapse into silence as plans are made. The squad leader is suddenly looking to me. “Commander I admit I am not entirely sure of your combat capabilities.”

This is not an unexpected problem, and I should have discussed it before we even set out. Vowing to do so in the future I clear my throat. “I am more useful in blunt force than surgical strikes. Clacker shells are not harder than Grabber?” He shakes his head. “Then I should have little difficulty cracking them. Do not worry for my safety, I will tend myself and assist where I am able.”

He nods with only slight reluctance. I am not only his commander but a Princess of the royalty as well. I doubt he wants to be the one to explain to the queen that one of her daughters died. “Very well commander.” He outlines their plan of attack. It is rather standard from what I have observed in planning sessions with Spinner. Move along the ceiling, drop down from above and ambush.

I reach into myself bringing forth the magic and follow them along the walls and ceiling into the great chamber beyond. The Clackers are not difficult to locate. Lumbering about on two spindly legs, they possess great ridged shells shielding their back and abdomens. Long arms with massive claws they snap now and again giving off the loud sound they are named for drag at their sides. Eyeless heads move about slowly, and cruelly curved beaks snap at the air occasionally. For the scouts those heads are the targets to sink their fangs into.

Clackers ‘see’ by feeling vibrations in the stone around them, so the scouts slowly descending on their thin lines of webbing remain invisible until the moment they strike. With perfect precision they move as one, three dropping to the shells of the unsuspecting Clackers and sinking their fangs into the soft flesh of their necks. In a move so swift it almost seems as if they have not stopped, the scouts leap off the now poisoned Clackers. The beasts spin beaks open and trilling shrieks of rage.
One of the scouts cries out in alarm as another beast hoists itself over the edge of the walkway they were traversing, seizing him in one of its huge claws. As they rush to aid their comrade the scouts have to fall back as several more creatures appear from the edges suddenly. The initial three monsters sink to their knees before collapsing face first to the ground, the poison having done its work. Now however there are four more enraged monsters.

I spring from my own perch and land before the creature crushing one of my scouts. I ignore the sound of crunching carapace and pivot, driving my hind hooves into the creatures’ abdominal shell. A satisfying crunch is my reward as it reels back, dropping the dazed scout who rapidly shakes himself out of his stupor.

I spin to charge another foe, when I feel a powerful claw snap shut over a one of my hind legs. With a yelp of alarm I feel myself hoisted into the air by the very beast I thought I had already dispatched. Even through the leg guard protecting me I feel the pressure of its claw…and know that my leg would be gone were it not for my brothers’ fine armor. I thrash futilely in its grasp, without firm footing my powerful hooves do me little good.

It seems to have realized it is not getting through my own protective shell, and settles instead for raising me into the air and smashing me upon the ground. Even through the armor I feel the impact as the air is forced from my lungs. Seeing spots dance across my vision I offer no resistance as it raises me for a second slam, then the beast jerks and releases me. I crash to the floor of the cavern and look back to see the wounded scout, no recovered and biting the Clacker repeatedly about the head. Nimbly he leaps off the heavily envenomed foe, which topples to the ground almost instantly.

The sounds of battle have died down and the scouts are victorious. I and the scout who assisted me seem to be the only wounded. And my own wounds are superficial. I will likely ache something fierce soon enough, but Spinner’s fine armor has done its job well. I give my savior a grateful nod. “Thank you for the rescue.”

He clicks his mandibles in a laugh. “Only returning the favor Commander. I would be in two halves if not for your ‘intrusion.’” He chuckles again.

Slowly I nod and stand. I wince as I put my weight on the wounded leg. Even through the powerful armor my leg is likely badly bruised. “I am afraid I will be more hindrance than help from this point on.”

The squad leader approaches. “We are near the end of our patrol anyhow Commander. We will cocoon our kills and head back hm?” He looks from me to the Clacker with the obvious hoof indents in its abdomen. “Some advice?” I nod. “Make sure your foe is dead or fully incapacitated before moving on. If you had paused to deliver a finishing blow to its head you would have been able to assist the rest of us.”

I nod at his advice. “Yes thank you, I do apologize I am something of a…novice to combat.”

He chuckles and goes to work cocooning the fallen Clacker. “We all were at some point Commander. Even so you are welcome to join our patrol anytime in the future.”

With a grateful smile I nod my thanks as we set out back for home…at a slightly slower pace due to my limp. It would seem I still have a long way to go before I am even close to Spinners equal…but I find I am eager to make the journey regardless of the promised hardships.

Chapter 6: Familial Machinations

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Chapter 6: Familial Machinations

It has been several days since my skirmish with the Clackers. My leg has healed swiftly and I was accompanying patrols after a day of rest. Each excursion I have learned more and more from the scouts I tail along with. Of course I do not think I needed to experience being swallowed by a giant worm to learn it was not something I wished to experience, but releasing one of my acids within the beast was enough to affect my escape. It was not an experience I wish to relive, and the scouts teased me endlessly about the odor on the walk home.

That is another change. Now the scouts actively seek my company, whether on duty or not. I have learned several games of chance they partake in on their free time and find I enjoy spending time with them. Of course my tutoring in alchemy has not gone neglected and Neela has proven to be a most wonderful and eager student. She has even begun experimentations of her own…thus far she has learned that a fire beetle bladder is capable of burning her eyebrows off, but her efforts make me proud.

Mother is pleased to see me flourishing finally. I believe she was fearful of my reaction to learning my supposed origin but the names in her story hold no meaning to me save a vague curiosity that I feel no real compulsion to explore. Perhaps this Princess Luna pony is my birth mother, if so she has obviously not felt the need to seek me out so why should I seek her?

I excuse myself from my normal duties today. It has been sometime since I visited the pony ghost and Tak, and I am curious to see how the outpost in the upper tunnels is coming. Tak revealed an entrance to the surface there that he used to enter our territory and while he has been a benign presence I do not want more hostile creatures to blunder into our tunnels.

As I approach the exit into the tunnels I am surprised to find Neela waiting for me. She brightens at my approach and though I am confused to her presence here it pleases me. We have become closer and closer the past week. “Neela is there something you needed?”

I suppress a chuckle as she chews her lip again, somehow never penetrating her lip with her fangs. “Well…I was hoping to accompany you?”

Now my smile fades. It is not so unreasonable a request and one I would normally grant, were I not also planning to visit two very unusual friends in the upper tunnels. “Are you not worried for your safety?”

She shakes her head. “Of course not. With the heroic scout commander seeing to my safety?” She titters her pleasant laugh and I cannot stop a smile from forming.

Slowly I nod. “You may come…so long as you follow my instructions without question. Agreed?”

At her eager nod we set out into the tunnels together. Neela looks a touch frightful and stays close to my side. “These tunnels are very safe Neela, there are no real twists or bends between us and our destination and a sizeable contingent of scouts and builders lay at the end fortifying a new outpost. We are perfectly safe.”

She regards me curiously. “If it is so safe why the question earlier?”

I frown as I realize she has trapped me in a bit of a lie. “I…do not wish to be dishonest. I am visiting two friends as well as checking on the outpost.”

Now her curiosity grows. “Friends? Some of your scouts?”

I shake my head. “No…they are…not of the family.”

All eight of her eyes widen at this. “But they live within our tunnels? Does…mother know?”

I look up at her and shake my head slowly. “She does not…but they are no threat to us. One is a spirit of a deceased creature shaped like myself. The other is…” I am unsure of how to explain Tak’s presence to Neela. He is of a race our family has been at war with for as long as the two have existed so far as I know. “…the other is a source of information.”
She seems more interested in the former. “Shaped like yourself? Another defect?” She immediately winces realizing what she has just called me.

I admit it stings to hear the words, though I know there is no malice in them. “I suppose so. She cannot speak. She has been…a good listener for me.”

Realization dawns on her as she nods, regarding me a touch sadly. “Yes…you were always…very alone when you were young weren’t you?”

I smile up at her to show the past does not harm me anymore. “I was, but then I discovered her and she has been a good companion to me. Even without words I know she cares and is concerned. She enjoys my presence as much as I do hers I believe.”

Neela returns my smile, glad the conversation is turning positive again. “And the other? Information you said?”

I chew my lip now in a good imitation of Neela’s gesture when she is hesitant to speak. “His name is Tak. He is…a changeling.” Neela gasps loudly. “I know…I know it is…very hard to fathom. But Tak has broken from his family, he was alone and dying. I do not know why I helped him…or why I told no one of his presence but he has likewise proven to be a good friend. I have not known him long but I firmly believe he means us no harm. He is not like we have heard his people to be.”

My sister lapses into an uncomfortable silence as she processes this information. Several moments pass before she finally speaks. “I do not believe you would have allowed his presence if he were a danger. I trust your judgment Umbra.”
I smile brightly. “Thank you Neela. You will see, they are good…creatures.”

We are nearing our destination before she speaks again. “Umbra…what is the specter’s name?”

I shrug helplessly. “As I told you she cannot speak, so I do not know.”

She looks confused now. “Surely there are other ways of communicating aside from speech Umbra.”

The simply observation causes me to frown. She is correct. If I had tried hard enough I am sure I could have riddled her name out by now. Am I so self-absorbed that I only thought of the spirit as a silent source for me to vent on? A sort of sentient journal?

“You are right Neela…we shall endeavor to correct that today.” My sister smiles at the determination in my voice.

We finally enter my friend’s cavern and Neela cannot hide a gasp at the great skeletons strewn about. She scuttles toward one in excitement as I approach my friends resting place. I do not immediately see Tak about…perhaps he is not here. Or hiding from Neela. My sister’s attention is pulled from the massive draconic skull as the spirit appears in a swirl of silvery motes. Neela approaches slowly, hand held over her eyes to stave some of the harsh glare.

My friend looks from her to me questioningly and I smile. “This is my sister, Princess Neela.” My friend turns to Neela and dips into a low bow as she approaches.

Neela circles her and the pile of bones that were her mortal body slowly, examining her carefully. “Goodness Umbra she looks very much like you does she not?”

I am not hiding my nerves well. “Indeed…it was what drew me to her in the first place. We were both born with such deformities after all.” I give the spirit a pleading look.

She rolls her eyes and though she makes no sound, and no air escapes her nostrils I know she is snorting in exasperation. Though she looks to my sister and smiles radiantly.

“Have a care, do not touch her remains. The shield she bears reacts poorly to any trying to touch her.” Neela instantly snaps back the curious hand she was reaching toward her.

“Tak are you about? It is safe to come out.” Neela jumps back at the sound of Tak’s buzzing wings slowly descending from the cavern ceiling above. She watches his approach stiffly, looking ready to spring for the exit. I move to stand at his side, to show Neela it is safe.

Tak looks from her to me with a faint frown. “Uh…good t’see ya again kid. This…one of yer siblings then?” At my nod he mimics the spirits bow. “A pleasure yer highness. Yer sister’s been very good t’me.”

Neela seems to have recovered her wits somewhat, put at ease by my relaxed posture and Tak’s surprising politeness. He certainly does not speak so formally to ME. Gingerly my sister approaches again. “I…thank you…Tak. Umbra has spoken highly of you.”

He looks at me and flashes the smirk I am far more used to seeing on his face. “Izzat so? Betchur a little smitten with ol’Tak eh kid?”

I snort and stalk passed him to take my customary seat by my first friend’s remains. Neela does not attempt to hide her giggling at my expense. I look at the spirit with a slight frown. “Neela has made me realize perhaps there is a way you can share your name with us without words?”

She raises her eyebrows at my query and sits, tapping a hoof to her muzzle in contemplation. Tak’s wings buzz as he lands on the other side of her. “Hey good idea. Why don’tcha do some charades or somethin’ for us.”

She brightens almost instantly at his suggestion and nods standing again. She taps a hoof silently on the cave floor twice. Neela and I exchange equally clueless looks while Tak chuckles at our ignorance. “Two words. Her name’s two words ladies.”

She nods rapidly as the realization dawns on me. “How are you so knowledgeable about this…communication method?”
Tak rolls his eyes. “It’s a game fer foals an such among ponies.”

Neela blinks and looks from the spirit to Tak. “What is a ponies?”

Tak looks to me and seems at a loss for words for once. My own eyes are wide as I try to subtly shake my head no. “Er…ponies’re folk who live up on th’surface. Don’t worry about it princess.”

Neela seems satisfied with his answer and we again look to the spirit. She seems to ponder a moment, and then draws a spectral blade from the shield on her leg. She pantomimes drawing the blade across her throat, then with her hoof mimics…something spraying or gushing from the wound.




I tilt my head. “Bleed?” She blinks and gestures.

“She says that’s close kid. Uh…izzit bleeds? Bleeder?”

“Bleeding?” Neela asks.

The spirit nods emphatically and now the three of us exchange a look at her gruesome nomenclature. She huffs and waves for our attention again. This time drawing a pair of curves in the air with her hooves, then sloping them downward to meet in the middle.

She has once more stumped Neela and I but Tak just smirks. “Heart. Yer name’s Bleeding Heart.”

My friend…Bleeding Heart…nods with a happy smile. It is such a simple thing, having ones name known. Yet I can see the happiness and relief in her eyes. It must have been painful to have no name for so long. “Bleeding Heart.” I speak the name slowly, as if testing it. “It is a bit…morbid.”

She crosses her forelegs over her chest affecting an offended look, but Tak laughs. “Nah kid, it’s a phrase up above. They say if ya got a bleedin’ heart yer a real…generous an altruistic sort. It’s a good name.”

Bleeding Heart nods in approval of Tak’s information and I slowly nod, looking at her in a new light. Reluctantly I rise to my hooves; I have an actual duty in the upper tunnels today. “I will return soon.”

Neela looks at me unable to conceal her nervousness. I suppose being left alone with a ghost and a changeling WOULD seem a bit daunting, especially for my timid sister. I smile to her though. “I will not be gone long Neela, stay and speak with my friends.”

Slowly she nods her assent and I turn making my way out. I can hear their quite conversation as I proceed through the tunnels toward a massive chamber. It is tall enough I cannot see the ceiling, though I know a number of scouts and workers are above. I make my way up the nearest wall and onto the thin span of stone that crosses either end of the chamber. It is a long climb and a highly defensible position. It is why I had the outpost crafted above rather than below.

The rustling above is almost impossible to detect, but gazing up my dark sight clearly outlines each of the spiderkin milling about above me. I gesture and the squad leader spins a thread and lowers himself to the span beside me. Snapping off a crisp salute that I return, he relaxes. “Good to see you Commander. To what do we owe the pleasure?”

I look about slowly, their outpost is nearly finished. Very thick webs spun about the ceiling make perfect places for rest and food storage. I look from the ceiling toward a smooth round tunnel leading upward steeply. I speak as I walk toward it. “I wished to see your progress and determine how well you were settling in. Nothing more.”

He nods as he moves at my side. “Careful Commander, do not look to the tunnels end for long.”

Despite the warning now I am curious. I peer through the smoothly cut tunnel and gasp flinching back. At the end is by far the brightest light I have ever seen. It takes me several moments of rapidly blinking to get my sight back. “This tunnel leads to the surface!”

The scout nods with an annoyed clack of his mandibles. “It does. Though it has not been used in who knows how long. Many years if the dust and dirt about is any indicator. We were planning to block the entrance.”

“No!” He actually jumps back in alarm from my sudden shout. I frown and shake my head. “No…do not block the exit.”

He looks at me, I can see the desire to question my order in his eyes but he is too well trained to actually voice it. “Very well Commander…what are your orders regarding it then?”

I look down at the floor beneath my hooves, considering. Why DO I wish it to remain open? Surely it would be safer to seal it and forget its existence. But…no. No. I shake my head firmly. “I was in error. Make preparations to seal it properly.”

He seems relieved. “Yes Commander. Perhaps one of your brews could melt the stone and seal it up proper?”

I turn my gaze back to the tunnel and nod as I consider it. “Yes that is a fine idea. It will take several days to prepare enough, but I can be done. Carry on.” Another exchange of salutes and I make my way back to the spirit…to Bleeding Heart’s cavern.

All eyes turn to me as I enter. “All is well Umbra?”

I nod to my sister. “The outpost is finished. A tunnel to the surface has been discovered. I will seal it soon.”

Tak and Heart exchange a look as Neela nods. “That is good. Though unlikely we do not want any surface monsters making their way into our home.”

Now the pair seems on the verge of bursting into laughter looking from me to Neela, who mercifully seems oblivious to their growing mirth. “I believe we should return home Neela. You and I have much acid to craft.”

She nods and rises looking from Tak to Bleeding Heart. “It was a pleasure to meet both of you. And worry not; I will not divulge your presence either. A friend of my sister is a friend to me.”

Both bow again and Tak flashes her a subdued version of his smirk he seems only to use for me. “Y’have my thanks princess. It means a lot t’me.”

I notice Tak looks…thin once again. “Neela go ahead of me. I will catch up shortly.”

She blinks and chews her lip before nodding. “Yes sister…I will see you at home.”

She scurries out without another word and Tak chuckles. “She seems like a good kid.”

I shrug. “She is my elder in fact. I am the youngest after all. I did not wish her to see you feed. It may unsettle her.”
Pain flashes across Tak’s face as he nods. “Ah...yeah it’s pretty awful I s’pose. I can’t thank ya enough fer puttin’ up with this kid.”

I wave a hoof dismissively. Bleeding Heart just smiles approvingly at me as I settle on the floor. The now familiar feel of Tak drawing on my emotion sweeps through my body and I lazily blink off the drowsy sensation. The changeling is of course back to full health.

As I turn to go his voice stops me. “Y’know…we could go up.”

I turn back, brow furrowed. “Go up where?”

He gestures with a hoof. “All th’way up. Th’surface y’know? Aint’cha a little curious bout where ya come from kid?”
Immediately I shake my head no…even if his words stir something in my heart. Am I not the least bit curious? Perhaps…perhaps I am. I raise my eyes to meet his and do not see his usual cocksure smirk. He is concerned, deeply concerned for me I can tell. I look to Bleeding Heart and to my chagrin see her expression mirroring the changelings.

He continues before I can speak. “I know ya love yer ma an yer family an what not kid. This’ yer place, where ya belong an that’s great thatcha have it but I know somethin’ about wonderin’ about where ya came from kid. It ain’t a good feelin’ t’know y’can NEVER go see it.”

Course manners aside Tak truly does seem to possess a worldly wisdom I sadly lack. While I do not now desire a visit to the surface, is it impossible I will not wish to go at some future date? It seems unlikely there are a large number of exits to the surface near home. Every one discovered is sealed up. For all I know this is the very last exit near home. Still…my duty is to my family. We have rules in place for a reason.

I shake my head. “It is not entirely my choice to make. I cannot jeopardize my families’ safety to satisfy a potential curiosity at some unknowable point in the future.”

The pair of them exchange a rather resigned look but he nods. “Well I can’t faultcha for yer integrity there kid. Still…just think about it alright?”

“Mm. Very well I will think on the matter. I will return soon.” I bid them a farewell and make my way out. I am not entirely surprised to find Neela lurking about outside Bleeding Heart’s cavern entrance. “How much did you over hear?”

It is an amusing sight, eight nervous eyes darting to and fro trying to avoid meeting one’s gaze. “Over hear? Nothing! Er…well…some…” She chews her lip. “All of it.”

My scowl could rival that of our mother’s when she is in one of her rare foul moods…and the look on Neela’s face is identical to that of one of us being on the receiving end of mother’s wrath. “Neela…you understand that what you overheard cannot be repeated to anyone in the family. Not the lowest worker and not any of our sisters.”

She does not seem to like this newest secret I am asking her to keep. “Umbra…you are not my sister by blood are you?”
I am relieved she phrased it as such, rather than saying I am not really her sister. This shows she considers me family still despite our different birth mothers. “I am not Neela. I am a…pony. Like Bleeding Heart. I have only just learned of this myself a short time ago from mother.”

Instantly relief floods her face. “Mother already knows? Thank goodness. I do not think I could keep so large a secret from her.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I would be very surprised if mother was unaware of the circumstances of one of her own hatchlings birth.”

Neela gives a nervous titter and shrugs. “True…I am sorry this is a lot to take in at once. I am sure you are already aware. I cannot imagine what you must have felt.”

I shrug as we walk. “I was angry at first. Hurt and betrayed. But I came to realize, mother loves me as her own despite not hatching from one of her eggs.” For that matter, do ponies come from eggs? I will have to ask Tak. “While I obviously cannot become queen, I am pleased that she has allowed me more authority and responsibility. It shows she trusts me implicitly.”

My sister smiles at my words. “Does anyone else know?”

“Spinner. Obviously Tak and Bleeding Heart. Otherwise no. And NO one, not even mother knows of the latter two.”
She chews her lip again as she mulls this over. “Well I will not tell anyone of your friends. Though…are you thinking of visiting the surface?”

Now I snort in exasperation. “Yes Neela…I am thinking of it. Just as I occasionally wonder at the taste of the toxins and acids I craft. Or of what it would be like to feed the way you do. I think of a great many things that I will never do.”
One of her legs gives me a playful poke in the side, tinking loudly against my armor. “I was only curious. You do not need to get so upset.”

“I apologize. It has been a very…strenuous time for me. Most of the changes have been pleasant but one obviously not so.”

“Changes?” It is a new voice…feminine like Neela’s though far deeper. More akin to mother’s. We look ahead to see our eldest sister Kilanna blocking the tunnel. She is twice as large as Neela, and most assume she will assume mother’s crown when she finally passes. “What sort of changes dear sister?”

She says sister with a sneer…as she always does. I stifle a sigh. “Merely my increased duties as Scout Commander. I am finding it a pleasant role though more demanding than my past pursuits.”

She nods with feigned concern. Moving to my side and nudging Neela less than gently away. Neela gives me an apologetic look before scurrying ahead to our home caverns. “If you find the role too difficult I am sure mother would relieve you of this burden. You always did seem happiest with your little plants.”

I force a smile and polite tone. “I am touched by your obvious concern dear sister, but I will have to refuse your most generous offer. While I find my alchemy easier, I enjoy my new role. It makes life easier for both Spinner and mother. And she has so many problems already.” I do not say she has six very specific problems, though Kilanna is perceptive. She knows my feelings for her.

Slowly she nods. “Yes you have always had a big heart Umbra. Mother’s favorite little pet.”

I bristle at her words but keep my temper under control. “Was there anything else you wished?”

She stops my brisk pace by slamming one large leg to the ground before my nose, the razor tip sinking into the stone slightly. “Yes. Mother is feeling unwell and has asked that I take on more of her duties. I have deployed Spinner and a large cadre of his warriors to the southern tunnels. Your scouts have seen increased changeling activity there yes?”

I cannot hide my alarm at her words. Mother is sick? I do not believe she has ever been sick in my entire life. And now she is sending a veritable army out to the furthest tunnels from home? “Yes…there have been more changelings though not in any number that my own patrols cannot handle. I believe sending Spinner is unnecessary.”

She shrugs and lifts her leg, allowing me to keep walking. “What you believe is of no consequence to me. Mother has put ME in charge little Umbra. Keep your head down and keep your queer little nose out of my affairs and I will leave you to your own.” With that she sweeps away, scattering worker and builder alike as she stalks through the tight tunnels.

I do not bother to hide my worry as I dash through the tunnels. I do not have to worry about colliding with anyone else in the tunnels, my hooves thunder loudly against the stone scattering any from my path well before I might run into them. Bursting into mother’s chambers I am both relieved and dismayed. She does not look…terrible. Though she is visibly unwell. The flesh on her humanoid half is closer to gray then its usual ebon black. Her eyes are half-lidded and she visibly sags in her web.

I approach in a more reserved manner. “Mother?”

Of course she heard me coming and seemed to have been waiting for me. “Hello Umbra…you look disturbed.”

I am practically hopping from hoof to hoof in a most undignified manner. “Kilanna said you were ill…I was worried.”

Slowly she nods. “I am feeling a little sick. It is nothing to be overly concerned about. I AM getting on in my years; I will be fine in a day or so of rest. Until then I have tasked Kilanna with more duties. She seems pleased.”

I am sure she is. More authority means now she can demand the groveling she so loves rather than having to go to mother and complain when it is not given. “She has sent Spinner to the furthest tunnels. With a good number of our warriors.”
Now she looks down at me with more focus. “Was it not your own scouts who reported a large swell in changeling activity there?”

“Well…yes. Though it is not so large a change my scouts cannot handle it. Sending Spinner and so many warriors was unnecessary.”

She shrugs. “Perhaps so great a force was not entirely needed, but neither will it hurt. They will put the changelings back in their own holes and tunnels. It is a heavy handed solution but one that will succeed. I expect you to show Kilanna the same amount of respect and deference you show me.”

I bristle but bow. “Of course mother. I am glad you seem well enough. I will leave you to your rest.”

She nods and settles back into her web, preparing to doze I would guess. I leave briskly. I do not enjoy feeling…angry with mother. Of all my sister’s Kilanna is the only one I actively dislike. The bulk of them may be useless whiners but they do not actively antagonize me as Kilanna does.

I give orders to the workers in my lab to prepare mass quantities of a potent stone melting acid. With all the scout patrols bringing me load after load of components it is not difficult to create; it will simply take time to ferment properly.

My last duty done I return to my chambers. I do not even bother to remove my armor…it is too much a hassle to take on and off by myself and I would rather not bother one of the workers with so menial a task. I simply thud onto my bedding with a grunt and close my eyes.

Between the nonsense with the tunnel to the surface and now Kilanna…this has not been a good day.

Chapter 7: Disaster

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Chapter 7: Disaster

After the unpleasantness of the past few days I receive good news. Kasson is up and about, and eagerly awaiting our return to the new tunnels. I have had a growing sense of unease in the tunnels I call home, and have decided to wear my armor at all times. Neela has been busy working on the large quantities of acid to seal the tunnel to the surface so I have been left to my own devices.

Kilanna has grown increasingly demanding of me and my scouts, trying to push us further and further into the tunnels away from home. Fortunately as scout commander I can override any order I feel unnecessary in regards to my own troops, and have done so at every turn.

This has upset mother to my chagrin. All my life I have endeavored to make things easier on her, and now when she is at her worst I have suddenly become yet another thorn in her side. Her condition seems to worsen by the day, and more often than not she sleeps for hours on end. When she does wake it is long enough to summon and chastise me for being so uncooperative toward Kilanna’s wishes.

After my morning meal I stride from my chambers in a more pleasant mood than I have known in some time. Kasson and his squad are awaiting me to join them, that we may continue or expedition into the new tunnels. Of course my smile immediately reverses upon seeing my eldest sister berating the scarred veteran.

“I am ordering you to join the front lines! You are warrior caste, I am royalty! You WILL obey!” She was practically frothing at the mouth…it is embarrassing to see.

I do not attempt to hide my scowl as I approach. “This is my personal squad Kilanna. You have no more authority over them than I do over your own bodyguards. Even mother would need my permission to send them elsewhere.”

She rounds on me, eyes blazing with a fierce rage…a rage that calms quickly to my surprise. “…very well scout
commander.” She spits my title with the same venom she typically reserves for ‘sister’. “Take your little troop out to the new tunnels then. I expect a detailed report upon your return.”

A snort is my response. “Where is Spinner? He and the warriors have been gone for days with almost no word.”

She brushes by me without answering of course. One of her legs ‘accidentally’ slapping my side and sending me stumbling into the wall. Kasson bristles and to my alarm looks ready to attack but I hastily raise a leg to stave off such a suicidal course. He complies though I can see he is tensed and ready to leap should she harass me further.

I salvage what dignity I can and nod to the tunnels ahead. “Let us be away from here. Perhaps our expedition will keep us occupied for several days.”

My scouts chuckle at my ill concealed reasons for wishing to be gone from home, but depart without comment. Kasson takes his place at my side. “I am glad you have recovered so completely Kasson.”

He is still angry and does not attempt to hide it. Mandibles constantly clicking and each step he takes dig little grooves into the stone beneath his legs. “Thanks to you of course Commander.”

Once we are clear of the tunnels of home I speak more candidly. “You were not seriously considering attacking a member of the royal family were you?”

His ire seems to have calmed somewhat during our walk. But he still snaps his mandibles as he speaks. “You are our Commander; the queen named you and your brother such and granted you unopposed authority over us. Even she cannot override an order from you without extremely extenuating circumstances. Just as the warriors first loyalty lies with Prince Spinner, the scouts lay with Princess Umbra.”

I do not hide my smile at his generous words. They warm me a good deal. “Be that as it may…attacking one of us is akin to treason for any reason.”

He glances at me from the corner of his good eyes. “And if one of your siblings attacks YOU Commander?”

I have encouraged my men to speak candidly with me at all times, so I suppose I have only myself to blame for his argumentative attitude toward me. “While Kilanna is obnoxious and over bearing she did not attack me Kasson. I believe the stress of her new position is clouding her judgment. That is all.”

His next snap I think sounds disturbingly similar to one of my own snorts of frustration. “If you say so Commander. She has always been something of a bad egg in my opinion. I do not like that we have only a token force of warriors protecting our home.”

It is unsettling how close his thoughts mirror my own. “I do not disagree, on either count. There has been something…off about our home the past several days. And I do not just mean the queen’s illness.”

I am met with a general murmur of agreement from my troop, and I do not know if the fact that they too have noticed something amiss should make me happy or upset. “Let us make haste. I wish to be through the mushroom chamber shortly.”

The conversation ends and we quicken our pace. I find the lack of any worker or builder in these tunnels odd. I have been receiving the valuable mushrooms from the Grabber’s chamber the last few days for my alchemical work and expected there to be a number of the lesser family here busy working. The chamber is deserted however. There are signs that they were here recently, but it is as if they were recalled and ordered not to return. A possibility I find likely given Kilanna’s antagonistic attitude toward me.

We pass through the chamber filled with the massive fungi and proceed into unexplored territory. The troop’s attitude shifts instantly. The casual formation tightens up, two scouts ahead two at our sides and two in the rear. All conversation ceases as we move on with more caution.

We pass through several more chambers without incident. One houses many precious gemstones that could be used to augment our armory, and they are marked for harvesting. The air grows uncomfortably warm once more, and the ground is…softening? Curiously I look down and scuff one of my hooves onto the floor, and find it yields to my scraping. “…the floor is not stone?”

The squad halts and begins their own inspection. It is Kasson who confirms my query. “No Commander, looks like it is dirt.”
Dirt. I have seen it of course, here and there. Never like this, sprawling out as far as my field of vision could take in. It is…curious. I take a few more steps, and am embarrassed to admit they were almost…prances. The look on my scouts’ face is enough to tell me I am acting foolish and I reign in my unexpected enthusiasm. “Ahem…yes we shall carry on. Mark this chamber for further study. Perhaps…digging this dirt wi-“

Suddenly a massive clawed fist punches through the dirt and catches me directly in my abdomen, launching me into the air and blasting the air from my lungs. I manage to gather my wits enough to enact my jumping power…the crimson glow from my horn fills illuminates the cavern as I land on all fours with a grunt.

“Hulks! Form up! Don’t look em in the eyes!” Kasson is rallying the scouts as I collect myself…then my thoughts flee as another of the huge insectoid brutes rises directly in front of me. They tower almost four or five times my height. Thick shells protect the soft flesh beneath. Two bulbous eyes glare over clacking mandibles, as a pair of antennae twitch above their head. I find my gaze transfixed by its own and then…

“The commander is hit! Deal with the hulks while I neutralize her!” Treachery! I whirl at the voice and see…I do not know what it is. It is horrible to behold. It LOOKS like kin, but malformed and twisted. Sneering cruelly at me it approaches menacingly. I paw the ground preparing to charge.

“Sorry about this commander, just need to get your hooves off the ground.” It leaps forward impossibly fast; I turn to keep it in my eye line, then feel thick webbing splatter against my eyes and face. I snarl in rage and begin to thrash my head. I am satisfied to hear a shout of alarm from the foul creature trying desperately to contain me.

I grunt as it lands on my back. “Hope you do not execute me for this…” I gasp as sharp fangs pierce the flesh beneath my neck where my armor does not protect me. Immediately I feel my strength ebbing, as the beast leaps off my back leaving more stands of webbing. Then I feel myself flipped upside down to hang dangling from the ceiling. I thrash and scream in rage but it is no use. My movements are slowing as the paralyzing toxin works its way through my blood, and soon I can only dangle helplessly to await my fate.

Below me the battle is being ended decisively. The well trained squad operates as one, quickly subduing the brutes. I hear the creature that assaulted me issue orders. “Return the prizes to the web, I will wait for the commander to regain her senses and return soon.”

They obey it without hesitation. More traitors! I…where is my squad? Where is Kasson…I cannot believe he abandoned me. My breath freezes in my chest as I feel the creature lowering itself to meet my gaze. I glare defiantly, determined to meet my end with dignity. …then I blink. The creature is gone, and an annoyingly amused looking Kasson is studying me calmly. “Back with us?”

I groan at my own ineptitude and he laughs. “Do not feel upset Commander, we have all been on the receiving end of a Hulks gaze before.” He gently lowers me to the floor and slices through his webbing.

Slowly I climb to my hooves and shake my head. “A rite of passage hm?” I smile now as he does. “Still I apologize for the distraction and…” I tilt my head. “…you said hooves.”

There. His eyes widen and he shifts to avoid meeting my gaze. “You must have heard wrong in your addled state.” His normally steady voice falters.

I move, forcing him to look me in the eye. “I know what I heard Kasson. How do you know this word?”

He stiffens, looking defiant. “How do YOU?”

“I asked you first.” I keep my calm. I have him cornered.

He scowls and shuffles on his legs. “It is not safe here. We may speak as we return.”

Knowing that without directly ordering him to speak, this is as good as I will receive we begin the trip home. “I assume you have already spoken with the queen about this?”

I nod. “Yes she told me of Colton, how it was attacked and I was found by a scout patrol.”

We walk in silence for a time before he speaks again. “It was not a patrol; it was a single scout who found you as a foal.”
My brow furrows again. “You speak pony words as if you are familiar with them.”

“Well I am familiar with them. Did the queen not tell you some of us communicated with Colton? I was one of those that ventured onto the surface to speak with our…neighbors. It was strained, the ponies found our appearance fearsome, but once we showed we did not wish to harm them they were oddly welcoming. Always had a friendly greeting for me.” He chuckled at the thought. “I came to think of Colton as a home away from home. The ponies even prepared a dwelling for me, when I had to stay for extended periods. The surface has…a light. It is nearly impossible to describe. Try to imagine a massive ball of fire burning in the sky, illuminating the land more intensely than your horn could at its strongest.”

I did try to imagine what he was describing…but as he predicted it was nearly impossible to picture. “It sounds…unpleasant.”
“Ha! Yes I suppose it is in a way. But the surface has…a beauty of its own. Everything is very…bright. And the colors, oh Commander you cannot imagine how many different colors there are.”

I frown as he speaks. His words are stirring…feelings. “What of the scout who found me?”

“Well. I was going for my usual visit to Colton. Imagine my surprise to hear a pony foal squealing in our tunnels. I followed the sound and…there you were. Some…creature trying to claw its way in to you.” His mandibles clicked softly at the memory. “It spewed flames, I shielded you. Lost half my eyes, then scooped you up and carried you to the queen. I had no idea what to do; I was still fairly young at the time.”

He spoke of these events so casually but…it was all I could do to keep from toppling over in shock. Kasson was the scout who found me? Who brought me to my mother? He was so badly wounded for my sake? “Kasson I…”

He continued, ignoring me. “The queen herself was as unsure of what to do as I was. She knew of your kind of course, but had never seen one personally. She has a bit of difficulty getting about as you may be aware. At first I thought she was going to order you returned where I found you…and let nature take its course. Then you…looked up at her. Reached with those…stubby little hooves of yours.” He chuckles again and I blush at his mirth. “The queen must have seen something she liked. She scooped you up and dumped you beside one of the stillborn royal eggs. Slitting it open and making it appears as if YOU had hatched from it. The rest I am sure you know.”

I walked at his side, my pace much slower than before as I think. “I think…I wish to see Colton.”

To my surprise he nods. “It would be a good idea I think. When your mother regains her health I will guide you.”
“…thank you Kasson. For everything. Truly.” My voice is low, annoyingly emotional.

He clears his throat gruffly. “Now…no need for all this. Remember who you are Umbra.”

That helps. I swallow the welling emotions and nod. “Yes. Yes I am sorry.”

He chuckles again. “Do not apologize for who you are Umbra. I admit I do not know how you feel, though I suspect were our positions reversed I would be confused and emotional as well.”

We complete the journey in companionable silence. My intention is to venture immediately to mother’s chamber to see how she is feeling, but to my surprise I am greeted by Neela. My sister looks rather distraught. “Umbra! It is the upper outpost! They are under attack!”

I gasp sharply and snap to attention. “Elaborate on the way, Kasson you may accompany us if you wish.”

Neela and Kasson flank me as I set out at a run through the family tunnels, the workers scattering to make way for us. “I was…visiting…” She casts a wary glance at Kasson and I shrug. “I was visiting Tak and Bleeding Heart. When I heard the sounds of a struggle in the chasm chamber. Tak told me he would investigate and that I should fetch you immediately.”
I knew Kasson wanted to know who Tak and Bleeding Heart were but I did not feel the need to enlighten him just now. “You did well Neela, we will see what the trouble is and put things right.”

We must halt sharply as our way is blocked by a number of workers who refuse to move. I am even more confused when it seems they are intentionally barring our passage. “Princess Kilanna requires the presence of Princesses Umbra and Neela in the meeting chamber. She is gathering all of her kin.”

I shake my head. “Our business is urgent; tell her we will join her when we are able.”

Still they do not move. “We were ordered to not allow you passage.”

My eyes widen in shock, Neela and Kasson look no less surprised. Only the queen has the authority to issue such orders to any member of the royal family. “Well I am ordering you to move aside. You are barring me from my duties as scout commander, and if you continue to interfere I will use force.”

Neela, a stranger to combat and confrontation shifts uncomfortably but I feel Kasson tense at my side, ready to lend aid if this should come to violence. Eventually the workers make a path. “Princess Kilanna will not be pleased.”

“I do not care.” I say it so simply, I suppose because it is a simple truth. We rush passed them, but my pace slows as I hear voices. Not Tak’s irksome accent…and certainly none of the family.

They were definitely female. I could barely make out the words. “…foun…ur…swee…sword.” My eyes widened, it was coming from Bleeding Heart’s chamber! I beckon Kasson and Neela to hide. We blend in almost seamlessly with the pitch black tunnels of course.

My eyes widen further as the intruders emerge and look back and forth. One is…very tall. Not as large as a hulk or clacker, but still at least twice again my height. Closer to Neela’s. She is…vaguely shaped like Neela’s upper half as well. Two arms, a small head…though her face resembled mine, horn included. She even loped about on two legs like many of the beasts I am familiar with.

Her companion is…a pony. A full-fledged, very much alive pony. I feel Neela’s eyes boring into my back as she too realizes the nature of the intruders. Unlike myself this pony only has wings, no horn to match. Then I see what the large one wears on her arm…it is Bleeding Heart’s shield! I tense preparing to launch myself at them, but Kasson snaps a leg out and firmly halts me. I look at him enraged, but he shakes his head once…firmly.

The big one speaks. “…guess so. I’ll feel better when we meet up with Pinkie and Twilight again.” We has to squint our eyes shut as the large creature sweeps some sort of…light about, illuminating the cavern before they begin the ascent toward the surface tunnels again.

Once I am sure they are gone I rush ahead. “Kasson continue on to the outpost! You and I will have words about why you halted me.” I do not hide the steel in my voice. I do not know why he stopped me, only that he impeded my reclamation of my dear friends’ property.

He must realize how angry I am, though I am sure he does not know why. He complies with my order without question, as Neela and I rush to Bleeding Heart’s side. I slow my run to a walk as I see her remains. They are bathed in a bright pillar of silver light…the light is consuming the bones and rusted metal of her armor. I see her then, in the center. She is smiling.
“Umbra…I am so glad thou hath arrived when thou did. I feared I’d not get a chance to bid thee farewell. ”She looks over my shoulder. “And to you as well Lady Neela…I only wish Ser Tak were here.”

I do not know which I find more surprising. That she is speaking or that she is…leaving? “What…what do you mean goodbye?”

Her smile turns sad. “I hath fulfilled my duty. The Sword of Harmony hath been passed to a new, worthy bearer. I am now free to move on to my final reward.” Her form was growing hazy and indistinct.

“You…you cannot leave me NOW! Now that we can finally speak! I have so much to ask! So much I wish to know about…about our kind!” Neela looks at me in shock, but I do not care.

“My poor lost friend. How it pains me to not be able to answer your questions. But would though deny me my final rest dear Umbra?” She looks at me with such kind warmth. The sort I only receive from mother.

I shake my head, her words make no sense. “I do not understand Bleeding Heart. What do you mean reward?”

She tilts her head. “When a pony passes from this world to the next, they go on to the Fields of Elysium. A paradise where we may reunite with already deceased friends and loved ones. Now at last…I am free to make mine own journey to the fields.”

Slowly I nod. A journey I can understand even if she spouts more nonsense words. “V…very well. When will you return? I am very patient.”

I can barely make out her form now. “…fare thee well fair Umbra. Know always thy presence warmed my weary soul in the darkness, and kept me from losing my wits. If thou truly wish to learn of thy people, seek out the filly I bequeathed my blade to. She has a good and just heart, and will make as true a friend as I have.”

And then the light is gone. She is gone. Nothing remains. No bones, no armor, no light. Just…nothing. I feel…something stirring within me. A feeling I have not experienced since I was very tiny. Something mother worked tirelessly to weed out of me. I sink to my knees, and I weep.

I do not try to hide my feelings now. Just the opposite. I push them out, I force them out. I feel the tears flow freely from my eyes to roll down my cheeks. I want to scream…and I do. An anguished cry that reverberates around the chamber. Then my sadness passes. I feel something else. This is an emotion I am more familiar with…though one mother has tried to temper rather than stamp out.

I look to where my friend has vanished and I grit my teeth. The tears still flow but now…now I am filled with rage. With anger. Neela recoils as I scream again…terrified of my primal release of emotion. But I do not care. I lash out. I charge recklessly at the nearest pile of bones…dragon remains some part of my rational mind recalls. I slam into the massive bones with my hooves crushing them to dust. Again and again I kick, thrash and throw my body against my surroundings wanting only to make the world as ruined as I now feel.

I am aware of two more figures entering the chamber. I do not pay them any mind, until I feel something seize me. A force is surrounding my body and lifting it from the ground…magic. A brilliant green aura has me gripped and I see Tak standing beside Kasson. Both looked pained…why? Why do THEY hurt? I am the one who has lost!

Tak brings me closer now, he does not ask permission…but he leans forward touching his horn gently to my face. I feel him begin to feed on my emotion…and I find myself calming. The rage and pain are easing. They are still there…only now they are not a solid wall blocking out all reasoning. Kasson gently rests a leg over my shoulders. Tak breaks the contact and he looks…different. Much taller. Imposing even. His eyes have changed. No longer a solid opaque blue, they have white like mines, with vivid red ringing a slitted pupil. The same red as my own eyes.

Neela approaches cautiously, and at a nod from Kasson she crouches low and folds her arms around me. “Oh Umbra…I am so sorry. I know what she meant to you.”

“Death is a part of life Princess. It never gets easier, but it never should.” Kasson is the voice of reason of course. “We always remember those we lost and care for. And we carry on in their names.”

Only Tak remains silent. He looks so…different from the flippant creature I have come to see him as. My eyes lock with his…he feels my own feelings now. He took the burden of my crushing despair onto himself to make this easier for me to bear.

Slowly I find my voice. “…thank you. I will…miss her.” I am slow to collect myself, but I somehow manage. With a deep shuddering breath I stand. “…what did you find at the outpost.”

Tak and Kasson exchange a concerned look. I am suddenly stuck by how odd it is that Kasson has so readily accepted the presence of one of our ancient enemies so readily. “It…was attacked. One of the survivors reported a group of intruders. They were…he did not know, but they were ponies. Unsure of how to proceed they attempted contact and were attacked. One of them had powerful magic. They toppled a pair into the chasm…that must have been the two we saw.”

I was slowly shifting to rage again. “Why did you stop me Kasson? Not only are they thieves but killers as well?”

Tak shook his head. “I don’t think they attacked maliciously Umbra. Remember ponies have never seen your kind before. And spiders on the surface aren’t very popular to begin with. More than likely they reacted out of fear.” Not only did Tak look different physically but his manner of speech had changed too.

Kasson was nodding. “The changeling is right. Most of our kind cannot communicate properly with ponies. You only understand the sounds we common spiderkin make because you were raised among us your whole life. To an ordinary pony it would just sound like…clicks and hisses. Menacing I imagine.”

I open my mouth to berate Tak, or Kasson…or both. I do not care whom at this point. Before one of our patrol bursts into the room. It is one of the scouts I only recently returned with. He looks at the changeling in alarm but quickly enough focuses on Kasson and I. “Scout Commander! You must hurry the family is under attack!”

All other thoughts flee. Bleeding Heart, the ponies, the thief. “From who?” We are already running.

“Your sister. Princess Kilanna has assassinated the queen, and the other princesses. You, Princess Neela, and Prince Spinner are all that remains of the royal family.”

Chapter 8: Endings and Beginnings

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Chapter 8: Endings and Beginnings

Neela gasps and stumbles, I almost do the same. “ALL of them? All of our sisters and…and the queen?” I can barely speak the words. “How could this have happened?”

The scout matches our pace with ease. “The workers, they are all changelings. They have infiltrated our home. Princess Kilanna poisoned the rest of the princesses at the meeting she called. The scouts are fighting as best we can but it is…difficult. They look like family one moment then attack the next.”

My eyes shift to Tak, the suddenly oddly tall and…I do not wish to say regal looking but I can think of no other word to describe his imposing new form…changeling racing at my side. He is running into danger with no thought for himself. “Kasson take charge of the scouts. Rally them to yourself. Attack anyone behaving suspiciously…err on the side of caution. I accept responsibility for wrongful deaths.”

He snaps his mandibles…clearly agitated. “Should you not be taking command Commander?”

I shake my head. “I must confront Kilanna. Only royalty may challenge royalty regardless of circumstance. Tak I want you do protect Neela. She will show you to her personal chambers.” I look to my sister. “Barricade your chambers. Tak will keep you safe.”

Both changeling and princess protest immediately…shouting over the other to be heard.

“I’m not leaving your side Umbra!”

“I am royalty as well; it is my right to challenge Kilanna as much as yours!”

I stop and slam a hoof down…cracking the stone. Both stop their shouting immediately. “You will do as I say. I am the highest authority in the family aside from Kilanna. Go to your chambers. Tak I am trusting you to protect my sister.”

They both exchange an unhappy look. “Alright Umbra, I’ll look after your sister. But once I’m sure she’s safe I’m coming for you.”

Neela does not speak. We enter our home tunnels to find pandemonium. Bright green flashes of magical light flare in every direction. I hear spider and changeling screams mingle together in a horrible symphony of violence and death. I am no unaffected…and find myself deeply unsettled. I can see my feelings mirrored on Tak’s face…Kasson and Neela however both remain impassive. Each rushing to their assigned duties. Tak casts one last look my way before rushing down a tunnel at Neela’s side.

Satisfied the resourceful changeling can keep my sister safe I make for mother’s chamber. A builder lunges at me from the shadows and I do not hesitate. I rear back smashing my forehooves against its head. It gives with a sickening crunch, and with a flash I find a changeling’s body smashed beneath my hooves. The sticky substance coating my forelegs nearly causes me to retch. I do not know why this violence is suddenly so upsetting to me.

There are small pockets of fighting all around me. My glorious scouts fight bravely, and are more than a match for any two or three changelings…but they seem to have replaced our worker caste completely. They outnumber my scouts at least five to one. I am torn between aiding them and getting to my mother’s side. I was told she was already dead but I refuse to believe it. With a cry I fling myself at the nearest fighting group easily dispatching the scouts attackers.

He looks up at me, hope flashing in his eyes. “Commander, you are here!”

I nod and do not speak as I leap to the next group. Each liberated scout bolsters the force now gathering at my sides. It is slow going…agonizingly so. Each moment I am away from mother tears me apart inside but I cannot abandon my scouts. It takes me a moment to realize we have nearly reached the royal web. I look back at the brave members of the scout caste behind me.

“Kasson is rallying all he can in the western tunnels. Go to him and lend him your aid. Remove these vermin from our home!”

As one they snap off a salute. “Yes commander!” Then they are gone. Any spiderkin can move quietly when they wish to, but the members of the scout caste can be swift and silent as shadows. Soon the tunnels behind me are empty…save the many, many dead. With a shudder I turn back toward the entrance to mother’s chamber and step inside.

I must admit Kilanna looks impressive in her armor. Each of the princess’ has a suit of their own, though to my knowledge I am the only to receive hers from Spinner. The ridged plates cover her vulnerable upper torso, with a helmet similar to my own upon her head. At her waist a viciously barbed whip is coiled on one side, the other a flanged mace.

I look from my treacherous sister to the queen. My mother’s chest rises and falls…she lives if barely. “Umbra! My dear sister, I am so glad you and Neela returned! I was worried my new friends would have to hunt you down.” That is when I notice the changelings along the walls and ceiling. All cackling wickedly.

“Kilanna! What have you done?! You murdered our kin…and allied yourself with these creatures? Spinner and the warriors will destroy you when they return!”

She throws back her head and laughs. “What have I done? I have claimed my rightful place in the family of course. It will endure and strengthen under my rule and through the pact I form with the changelings. As for Spinner…he is powerful but he is male. He will follow the dominant female…who is me by the way.” She sighs as she turns to regard the queen. “I admit I was worried the poison I had been feeding her would not work in such small doses. Fortunately our sisters had the decency to succumb more quickly…at least they did something right for once.”

My eyes narrow as I lower my head, digging a hoof into the stone. “I will stop you Kilanna.”

She turns to face me again, sneering gleefully. “Will you? WILL you stop me oh mighty Scout Commander Umbra?” The smile vanishes as soon as it appeared. “Kill her.”

Suddenly the walls and ceiling swarm to life as dozens of changelings descend upon me. I kick out with my hind legs crushing the muzzles of the two immediately behind me, and then fling myself forward goring another with my horn. It is…painful. I have never tried to attack anything with the stubby thing, and it is far more sensitive than I ever imagined.
Still I push through the pain and continue my attack. Calling on my leaping magic I spring away from the throng and crush another pair as I land. My confidence rises as I turn to smash my hoof into another’s face…then I see her.

Bleeding Heart! Here? Now? But how?! She-realization dawns on me too late as the changeling who had stolen the image of my beloved friend from my very thoughts spins and bucks me solidly in the jaw. With a solid crack her hooves connect and I am flung into the air to land with a pained cry amidst the changeling swarm that waste no time battering me with their hooves and horns, some try to tear into my exposed flesh with their fangs.

My armor does an admirable job softening the blows, and my flailing hooves send more than one changeling reeling back screeching in pain. But it is too little. I cannot get to my hooves, I cannot focus my magic and there are so…so many of them.

Then I am temporarily blinded as a brilliant streak rips through the changelings immediately above me. They reel back screeching, trailing green flames. The throng parts for a moment and I see them. Tak’s horn still glowing angrily and brightly illuminating mother’s chamber. Neela at his side in her own armor, the daggers she favors still sheathed at her sides but a pair of web sacs filled with one of our alchemical concoctions in either hand.

She does not delay in flinging the sacs into the pack of changelings. They webbing bursts and showers them in hissing viscous fluids eliciting more screams of pain and surprise. Now she draws her weapons and surges forward with a fury I could not have imagined from my timid sister. Her blades whistle through the air leaving dead or dying changelings with each swipe. Her armored legs rise and fall, slashing, gouging, and impaling changelings.

Tak is not content to let Neela do all the fighting. He releases more gouts of powerful magical fire from his horn as he charges at her side. His kin fall before their combined assault with startling efficiency as they clear a path to me. Neela hauls me to my hooves as I slowly regain my wits.

“Deal with Kilanna! We will slaughter this filth!” She is so…fearsome. Tak fights just as hard, but there is pain in his eyes. He is not enjoying the battle with his own kind…but he slays them for my sake. I feel a strange warmth spreading from my chest to the rest of my limbs, forcing the pain and fatigue away.

With a nod I spring toward our eldest sister who has already readied her weapons. The whip snaps out at me and I turn my head at the last second and it merely cracks against my armored side. Then I am upon her. I lunge to the side as her mace strikes the space I occupied seconds ago sending up a shower of sparks and splintered stone. With a cry of triumph I turn and buck my hind legs directly into the carapace protecting her vitals where her upper and lower halves meet.

Something is not right however…there is no crack, in fact I am pushed back. Then she laughs. “Mighty Umbra! Slayer of the fearsome Grabber! Victorious over roving packs of Clackers! Did you truly think your deformed little STUMPS could harm me? Could pierce the shell of TRUE royalty?” Her mace whips down again and just clips my side but it is enough to send me stumbling back. She laughs again and comes on in a rush now. Her legs slamming the ground all about me trying to pierce my armor…and I know they shall if she lands a hit.

It is all I can do to hop, skip, and scramble away from her relentless assault, barely keeping one step ahead. Then I stumble on a rock and stagger back. Kilanna crows in triumph and rises to slam a killing blow…when a green ray lances over my head and strikes her in the eyes. She recoils with a shriek…unprepared and unused to the bright light.

I do not waste the opportunity Tak has given me. I leap forward and slam my hooves down upon her softer shoulder. She screams in pain now, even through her armor she feels the force of my blow and the arm holding her whip goes slack. One of her flailing legs catches me and flings me away, but there is little force and I land on my hooves, charging again. I am emboldened to find Tak charging at my side, his horn flaring and peppering my sister with several more blasts staggering her back with each that connects.

I am upon her again, this time leaping onto her back and slamming my hind hooves into her armored back…now there is the crack I am waiting to hear. She screams in pain and to my horror whips around to glare directly at Tak, her sight recovered. One of her legs hitches around my own and flings me to the side even as she raises her mace and smashes it with bone crunching force upon my changeling friend’s head.

My legs fail me and I stagger to my knees as Tak falls. The glossy black carapace of his skull cracked and weeping blood. With a disdainful grunt Kilanna kicks the changelings’ body aside and he lands with a thud beside me. I look down upon my friend and for the second time feel tears flow unbidden. I do not even react as she stalks up behind me.

“You managed to harm me Umbra…I will admit I am impressed. But I am through playing with you rejects.” I do not try to move as her leg raises and she brings it down upon my back. I only gasp softly as it pierces through my armor and out my abdomen. I hear Neela shriek a denial and Kilanna is flung away, the leg impaling me violently ripped out.

It is…harder to breath and I lay beside my dying friend. I do not care that my life is ending. I have lost nearly everything that I care about…it is better this way. I do not belong here…I never did. I crawl closer to Tak, resting my nose against his. If I am to die…at least it will be with my friend.

Then…his eye cracks open. “…you look…terrible…”

I laugh…and taste coppery fluid upon my tongue and lips. “As do you.” Then I remember his appearance when we first met. He was hurt, perhaps not as badly as now…but still. Feeding from my emotions healed his wounds. “Tak…save yourself.”
The mirth leaves his eyes. “Umbra I can’t…you’re too badly hurt. You’ll never survive.”

I cough again. “You grow stronger…the more you take yes? Promise you will destroy Kilanna…and I will die happy.”
He groans and closes his eyes…for a moment I fear he has passed. Then his horn flickers to life. “Think of…something powerful. A powerful emotion…the strongest you can.”

I know precisely what to feel. I have never felt something this strong in my life and will be glad if I do not feel it again. I feel the transfer begin…it becomes even more difficult to focus as Tak feeds…longer than he ever has before. He stops…and I feel the power radiating from him. With great effort I watch as he steps over me, and I shuffle to see what has his focus.
Neela is still fighting Kilanna, both sporting numerous wounds. My younger sister is fighting valiantly, but Kilanna is nearly twice her size and strength. The end is an inevitability. I want to cry out as Kilanna’s mace smashes against Neela’s arm, crushing it and sending her sprawling. Then Tak’s horn flares and he shouts his fury…another beam lancing out and striking Kilanna in the chest.

The chamber is silent for a moment. It is illuminated by Tak’s still glowing horn…and we can see the hole the size of her own fist burned cleanly through Kilanna’s chest. It is Tak who speaks first.

“Your sister is very angry with you. VERY angry.”

Kilanna staggers and clenches her hand against the garish wound. So preoccupied with her own plight, she does not take notice of Neela slipping behind her.

“We are both very angry.” Then Neela plunges her dagger into the back of Kilanna’s head. Our eldest sister’s body goes rigid…then slowly slides to the floor.

Tak is at my side then…Neela on the other. Both have such sad looks on their faces. It is making me want to cry all over again. Before either can speak our gaze is drawn to the queen. Who is slowly moving. She is so pale to be almost white, with agonizing slowness she lifts her legs, descending from her web to settle among us.
“My…daughters. I am…heartened to see you survive.”

Neela does not bow as is customary…and I cannot for obvious reasons. Instead my formerly timid sister stands tall. “I am glad we could speak one last time mother.”

She nods slowly. “Yes…I am not long for this world.” She has to pause to take several labored breaths. “But I leave it knowing a strong and good queen will lead our family into the future.”

Then mother shifts her gaze to me…and the changeling at my side. She smiles…then laughs weakly. “Oh my little Umbra…such strange friends you make. And so very unbecoming of you…to let your emotions so decide your actions.” She clicks her tongue disapprovingly. “I thought I taught you better.” But there is no malice…no true disappointment I her tone and her smile does not fade. She gently scoops me into her hands and lifts me to eye level with her.

I lift my head weakly. “I…do not know why I have been behaving…so poorly. I beg you…forgive me.” My own breathing is as labored as mothers…I feel better knowing she will not be departing alone.

She shakes her head slowly. “It is…in your nature Umbra. Who you are meant to be…and whoever you become…know that you are always my daughter. And that I always love you.”

Now it is my turn to laugh. “Of course I know you love me…as I love you mother. Though I…” I grit my teeth against a wave of fresh pain. “…I do not believe…my future is of consequence.”

Another reproachful click of her tongue. “Silly child…it is just a little cut…” She lifts me to her lips, as they gently brush against the garish wound in my back. “It is customary for mother’s to kiss such…inconsequential sores to make them better.”

As her lips touch my back I feel a cool rush of energy surging through my body. Then…the pain is gone. I lift my head in wonder…then let it fall when I see the light in my mother’s eyes is gone. She is dead.

I rise to my hooves and make my way back to Tak’s side…I can tell he is barely containing himself and so with a heavy sigh I am the first to step forward, resting my head against his shoulder in an embrace he swiftly returns. I am still crying…but the tears feel different…refreshing.

Neela coughs gently and we part. “Umbra we must cleans the rest of the tunnels of these invaders before we rest. Come…your scouts need you.”

My eyes are closed as I stand still…taking several deep breaths to collect myself, before I finally nod. “Yes. Let us finish this awful business.”

There is little for us to do at the end of it. Kasson has done an admirable job routing the changeling force on his own, the reinforcements I freed up turned the tide decisively. Soon we are dumping changeling carcasses by the dozen in the feeding rooms. “Kasson select several veteran scouts to perform duty in the hatcheries. With our worker caste decimate they will need to fill in until more are hatched.”

He grunts. “Doubt many are going to be happy about that, but they will do their duties of course Commander.” We are alone and so he steps closer. “…are you alright?”

I take a deep breath. “No. I am…I am very far from alright. But I will see my own duties through to the end. For now let us attend Queen Neela.”

Kasson looks as if he wants to say more but I stride briskly from the chamber toward the royal web. Mother’s body is gone…I know what Neela has done with it, but I do not think on it. That is the way of the spiderkin. The dead are used to strengthen the living. She will grow strong feeding from our mother.

Spinner has returned and is already in the royal chambers. He is…agitated, constantly clenching the hilts of his blades as if trying to will an opponent to appear. Our remaining sister is perched on mothers…on her web looking only slightly intimidated. She brightens as I enter.

“Umbr…er…Scout Commander! Things are going well? The tunnels are clear?”

I nod. “Yes my queen, our home is secured once more.”

“What of Tak? I wished to thank him personally.”

I glance at our violence prone brother. “I believe he felt it prudent to await me outside the home tunnels.”

Neela frowned now. “Awaiting you for what purpose Umbra? You are needed here. There is much to do.”

I scuff the floor with my hoof now. I knew this would be difficult. “I…am leaving Neela. I plan to travel to the surface.”

I do not know if Spinner is shocked by my lack of protocol regarding the queen, or my pronouncement. For Neela of course it is the latter. “L…LEAVING? After all this?! What of the scouts?!”

Poor Spinner’s head is whipping from his insubordinate sister to his unseemly emotional sister. Our poor brother is looking more unsettled as the conversation continues.

“I wish to formally pass my title to Kasson. He has more than proven himself worthy of the position.” Neela has descended to stand before me. “I have to go Neela. I do not know who I am anymore. I am your sister…and I love you dearly but…I am also a pony. I feel I must go out into the world and learn what that means. I only hope I will be welcomed home when I return.”

Neela’s eyes shoot to Spinner and I could see her wrestling to contain the words she wanted to say…she did not hold them back for long. “You cannot go Umbra. I need you here with me…at my side. Please sister…I cannot do this alone.”

I smile now. “You will not be alone Neela. You have Spinner…you know how capable he is. And you will have Kasson. He served mother longer than any of us were alive…he will be a valuable font of wisdom. I do not ask you to understand…merely to accept that I must leave.”

She was silent for several moments. “While I do not understand…I give you my blessing on your journey. Know that your sister, and that your queen wish you well. A safe journey and speedy return.”

Partly because I wish to more than anything, and partly because I am getting a considerable amount of joy from so unsettling our normally cool and collected brother I throw my forelegs around Neela’s waist in a firm embrace. One that she returns just as strongly.

“I will return with stories of the surface Neela. Perhaps with new friends for you to meet.” We finally separate and I approach Spinner, whose eyes widen and he backs off hastily. With a snicker I stop and bow formally. “Thank you brother, for everything you did for me.”

He clears his throat gruffly, clearly uncomfortable with the raw emotion in the room. “Y…yes well…as her majesty said. Safe journey and speedy return Umbra. Kasson is only interim scout commander, the title is yours.”

I bow my head accepting his words. “Until then, keep each other safe.” I turn and trot briskly from the chamber leaving the only family I have left behind. I have little I need to gather from my own chambers. I sling my bag across my back. I do not need to turn to know who has entered behind me. “I am disappointed we cannot see Colton together.”

Kasson snaps his mandibles in his usual sign of agitation. “You could have asked me if I wanted the position before thrusting it upon me.”

With a little smirk I turn to face him. “It could be no one else. If not you than Spinner would have to take the burden upon himself again, and I have a feeling he will be incredibly busy as it is.”

Another sharp snap. “…I suppose that is true. Still…you must be careful on the surface. While the beasts and dangers are not as numerous, it is not free of them. Listen to your pet changeling; he will guide you well I am sure.”

With a frown I shake my head. “Tak is not a pet…he is a friend. As dear a friend to me as you are.”

He turns away now. “You are most certainly a pony. Go find your own kind…learn what you may of them and return if you wish.”

I nudge his side with a hoof. “Goodbye Kasson, I will miss you too.”

And then I am gone, leaving my home behind hopefully not for the last time, but certainly for the longest time. The trip to Bleeding Heart’s chamber passes all too swiftly, and I find Tak waiting for me.

“Heya kid! Y’ready t’get goin’?”

I scowl. “Why are you small again? And sound stupid again…”

He affects a hurt look. “Stupid?! I’ll have ya know this here is a gen-u-ine Fillydelphia accent y’little ingrate.”

I snort at his antics…but they make me smile. “The entrance the intruders used is sealed; do you know another way to the surface?”

His wings buzz as he crosses the chamber to land at my side, then sets out along the path sloping upward. “Sure do, stick with me kid an’ I’ll gitcha all over Equestria! We’ll see all th’sights. Las Pegasus, Filly o’course my personal fav’rite! The Big Orange herself, Manehattan! Mebbe Canterlot…though them Canterlot folk ain’t too fond’a my kind.”

“I wish to meet Princess Luna.”

He urks and staggers a bit. “Uh…kid meetin’ onna th’princesses ain’t exactly somethin’ just anypony can wander in an’ do. They’re pretty big deals.”

I ignore him and continue walking the direction he was leading a moment ago and he rushes to catch up. “I also intend to find the thief who stole Bleeding Heart’s sword.”

This seems to please him even less than my previous goal. “What for kid? They’re probly long gone.”

“I do not care how long they have been gone. I will find my treasured friend’s property and return it to its proper resting place. Will you assist me or not?”

With a sigh and a shake his head he chuckles. “Yeah yeah I’ll help ya kid, ‘course I will. Y’don’t even hafta ask. But things don’t work th’same up there. Ponies don’t take kindly t’strangers attackin’ em.”

“If the thief surrenders the shield without incident then there will be no need to attack anyone.”


I raise an eyebrow and look back at him…he simply shrugs. “Hey y’wanna blend in y’gotta learn th’lingo. Anypony…not anyone.”

I scowl. “That is moronic.”

He shrugs again. “Hey I didn’t singlehoofedly craft th’equestrian language kid. I just speak if fluent-like.”

I scowl at his use of singlehoofedly. “Is everything in their speech based around…ponies and their anatomy.”

My changeling friend laughs aloud now, shaking his head. “Oh kid…y’got NO idea.”

I had not even realized we were approaching the end of the tunnel…and it opened up to the surface. Tak moved ahead without hesitation. I pause only a moment…then take my first steps out into the surface world.