Fire Inside

by Error

First published

2nd person, Spitfire and a wonderbolt work out some stress.

(2nd person) You're a senior member of the world famous wonderbolts. Life's been good, until a few days ago when your captain started becoming more bossy and angry. Knowing her the best out of anyone, you decide to see if there's anything you can do to help.

The Fire

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The Fire

It was another beautiful day in the stadium. There was hardly a cloud in the sky, and the afternoon breeze made the sun more than bearable. It was days like this that reminded you just why you loved having this job. You were waiting on the field with your fellow companions, watching as the next team took flight for their routines. Between the idle chatting and the excellent performances from your team mates, it was shaping up to be a pretty good day.

That is, until you saw that telltale yellow streak fly past you vision. With that you knew that this day was going to go to hell very fast. As you let out a sigh of irritation, all you could think was, Not again. The team that was flying suddenly stopped when a certain mare bolted in front of them, looking rather irate.

"No, No, and No!" you heard Spitfire shouting from your position below, "That was completely off! You were supposed to bank right after you got back into formation!" It had become a regular thing for her lately. You'd known her for a good amount of time, ever since the two of you first joined the Wonder Bolts. But never had you seen her that mad. It was the third time she'd done it that day alone.

Whatever it was, it had been going on for the past three weeks. And, to be bluntly honest, it was really starting to piss everyone else off. You had somehow managed to keep from getting mad through the whole thing. Maybe it was your patience beyond your years, or the fact that you knew she was better than this. Or it could have been something all together different. Whatever it was, it was really a saving grace at this time.

The first few time it happened, you just marked it off as maybe her being a little more angry then usual. Maybe it was just something going on in her life or just a bit of undo stress. But that was weeks ago. Now, instead of just popping off a few times a week, she did it every single day of practice. And, from what you noticed about the team, most of them weren't exactly taking it as well as you. Several of the female members had a few emotional cases, be it crying or merely just flying off in a huff. The male members were trying to take it in stride, but even they had their limits.

You really didn't want to involve yourself in her business, knowing that she very much so hated it when anyone asked. You were simply thinking that everyone else was going to have to develop thicker skin. After all, it wasn't your fault she was like that. That is, until another one of your team mates confronted you.

"Hey, dude?" you heard a voice behind you say, pulling you away from your train of thought. You looked back, seeing that it was another fairly long time member of the group, Soarin. "Can I talk to you a sec?"

"Sure man, what's up?" you ask him flat out. You never were one to beat around the bush.

"Do you have any idea what's been going on with Spitfire lately? She's acting like a total bitch." he took a short pause before finishing his sentence. "... well, more so then usual."

You let out a short chuckle before answering. "Good one, but no. I don't have endless access to her personal life, much to everyone's disappointment." you could tell that he wasn't in a joking mood.

"Dude, come on. This is serious." he said, a desperate look on his face. "The team is so on edge lately. If she keeps doing this, someone is going to have a break down."

"I thought we already had a few of those." you said, referring to one of the crying fits that happened a while back.

"I mean much worse than that." now he almost looked pleading. "Look, you are the..." he paused trying to think of a word.

"Oldest?" you tried filling in the blank.

"Most senior member." he corrected you, "You've known her the longest, can you just please talk to her or something. Honestly, if this doesn't stop soon, some one is gonna crack."

"Alright, alright." you finally give in, "I'll talk to her after practice today. I'll see what's up and if there's anything I can do to get her to relax a bit. You happy?"

"You have no idea." he said, showing he had physically relaxed. He went back to where his team was, waiting for their turn in the firing line.

Man, how many times are they are gonna ask me? was all you thought. That was the third time this week that someone said something about it. The two times before, you simple blew it off, thinking it best not to get involved. But after that, from one of the best members of the team... you knew you had to do something. But the question was: What?

You had nothing to go on. There was no sign of her being unhappy... well actual, it was pretty clear she was unhappy, but you had no real reason. That was the bad thing about her, she never talked to anyone about much. Except you and the coach. You and him were the only one's she talked to, but she never discussed personal problems with you. And that's when you got an idea.

You looked over to the far end of the stadium, noticing the coach shaking his head, clearly not impressed with the verbal beating Spitfire was giving the team. If anyone was going to know what was wrong with that mare, it was him. So, figuring it would be better to get it over with now, you flew over to the spot he was at and prepared yourself for whatever it was that he was going to say.

"Excuse me, coach." you manage to get his attention, and he was glad to see you.

"Hey bud, haven't talked to you in a while." he said with a bit of cheer, "How's things going for you?"

"All things considering?" you said looking back up at Spitfire, "I guess I'm doing better than everybody else."

"I've noticed." he said with a bit of disappointment, "She has been so high strung lately. You are probably the only one who has been able to keep a level head about all this. You must have the patience of Celestia."

"I don't know about that, sir." you said with a grin, "But that is what I wanted to talk to you about." That got his attention. "Look, the others are worried... and their nerves are shot from all this crap that's been going on with her. I know she won't talk to me about her personal life, but you... well that's a different story."

He takes a moment to think, perhaps maybe wondering weather or not it would be a good idea to tell you. You tried to do your best to show a face of true concern, but body language was never your strong suit.

"Do you plan on doing something?" he asked you.

"Yeah." you stated simply.

"Good." he answered back, "Maybe with you involved, things will finally be settled." You didn't quite know how to take that, but just simply went with it as he pulled you off to the side where no one would bother you two.

It was late, and the locker room was all but empty, save for you. You had decided to hang back this time around, rather than leave with everyone else. The reason being is that you knew that she was always the last one to leave after practice. Never wanting to face any of the others after the day was over with. You knew that this was the only time you could get her by herself, and you needed to take it.

You sat there in one of the bathroom stalls, flipping through the pages of one of the outdated magazines that were often left behind. Your uniform was already tucked away in your locker, so that left you in your every day outfit. That being nothing. Just as you were about to flip to another page, you heard the telltale sound of the main doors opening. If there was one thing you were keen on, it was sound.

After you heard the sound of the door re-latching, you waited for the next distinct sound. It came, in the form of a locker door opening. You carefully opened the door to the stall you were in, making sure to keep quiet. You left the magazine behind, knowing you wouldn't need it. You looked out the door of the restroom, thankfully her locker wasn't that far away.

The first thing that you noticed was the expression on her face. It was a mixture of sadness and irritation, and it never changed as she slowly slipped out of her suit. Once her suit was fully off, she pulled out one of the hangers in the locker, hanging her suit up and placing it inside. Before she continued on, she took a pause and rested her head against one of the lockers next to her own and let out a disheartened sigh.

You could tell that she was stressed out, but you didn't expect what she did next. She picked herself up, and went back into her locker, pulling something out. Upon being able to actually see it, you noticed that it was a small orange bottle, the kind you only get at a pharmacy.

She opened the top, and gave the bottle a good shake to get a single pill out. After swallowing the pill dry, she replaced the lid and put the bottle back on the top shelf. That's exactly what you needed. Now you had something to confront her with. You made your way out of the bathroom, this time not caring if she heard you. Strangely enough, she didn't notice you, not even when you were standing right next to her.

"What was that?" you could tell she was surprised by you speaking up from the way she jumped slightly. She closed the locker door slightly, trying to see who it was. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was you, but her expression didn't change.

"What are you doing here?" she asked you, trying to change the subject. "I thought you left with all the others."

"I was thinking that's the way it was gonna be today too," you told her, "but I was asked to hang back today."

"By who?" she asks.

"Several of the team members, and all for the same reason." being straight to the point was always your way.

She let out an exasperated sigh before answering. "Don't tell me, your worried about the way I've been acting, right?" You simply nod, her attitude not effect you in the slightest. "Well, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I've told everybody else; it's none of your business, and I'm fine!"

You weren't convinced at all by her out burst. "Is that right?" you say, before reaching into her locker and pulling out the small bottle you saw her with before. "Then what are these?" you demanded.

"Give me those!" she gasped as she tried reach for them. Thankfully, you were much taller than her, and strong enough to keep her from flying up as read the side of the bottle out loud.

"Doxepin, patient: Spitfire, take one a by mouth per day, prescribed for Anxiety, second refill." you read off the prescription. Once you were done, you put the bottle just in her reach and she immediately swiped them away.

"Are you done, asshole?" she asked in an all too pissed off tone.

"No, I'm not." you said, try to match her tone. "Why are you taking those pills? And another thing, what's up with attitude lately?"

"I don't have to answer that." she stated, slamming the locker door. "I don't know what it is that's gotten into you that you think you need to be an ass all of the sudden, but maybe coach will know tomorrow when he asks you." she tried walking off, but weren't gonna have it.

"Then maybe he'd like to know about your pill popping too." you snap back. That made her stop dead in her tracks. She turned around slowly, getting a look at your expressionless face. She walks right back up to you, trying to give the tough mare act. Sadly, it wasn't working on you. It never did.

"It seems to me that were in a dead lock. If you tell him about me, then I will tell him about you stalking me after work hours." she thought she had you.

"Actually, your wrong." you shot back, she gave you a confused look. "Coach wanted me to do this. He's been very concerned about your behavior lately and wanted me to find out what's been happening. You could say I got his permission." she was starting to look panicked, you had her.

"Please, you can not tell him about this. I could loss my place as captain, and even my job if he found out I was on meds." she half begged, and half demanded you. It was true, it was not easy to maintain a job in the Bolts if you were on any kind of prescription medication. They didn't accept anything but the best after all.

"The way I see it," you told her "you have two options. One: you tell me what's been going on, and we try to figure something out. Or two: you don't tell me, and I go to coach and tell him about your pills. It's your call."

You knew she was stuck, and you knew there was no way she was going to weasel her way out of this. Once again, you ability to stay calm had won over. That was, until you saw the look on her face. She looked truly upset over what you had told her. You could tell that it was taking a toll on her mind. It was a very big decision for her. It was either spill her story, or possibly lose her job. You hoped she would make the right choice, but you knew she was stubborn. You needed to make it a little easier.

"Spits," you used the nickname you gave her, trying to show that you did care, "I know it seems like I'm just being an ass right now. But I want you to know something. Just because I got asked to do this, doesn't mean I didn't want to. The reason I'm doing this, is because I care about you and the team as a whole. If somethings bothering you, you don't have to shoulder the burden alone. It's why we're a team."

She looked back up to you, that deciding look still on her face had softened a bit. It was then you seriously considered just letting things be and leaving. But, before you could get a word out, she made her choice.

"I haven't exactly been having the greatest few weeks if you haven't already noticed." she told you in a calm voice, "Between all the things that have been happening at work, and in my life, it's been very hard to keep them from getting to me."

You thought about what you should say next, but decided that it would be best if you said as little as possible. "Why don't you tell me all about it."

She hesitated at first, just as you thought she would. She never did like letting her emotional side come out. But she eventually relented. She sat down on the floor, and you did the same. She told you everything. She told you about her parents having financial problems, she told you about her boyfriend breaking up with her, and just about anything else there was to tell. Where as you knew it was taking a lot from her to simply tell you about it, you could also tell that she was looking less stressed by releasing all of her pent up anxiety.

"So, I was trying my best to keep my personal life out of work." she told you, her voice slightly heavy, "But with everything going on, it was just so hard to keep from getting frustrated. That's why I started taking those pills. I know that's not an excuse." she tried to say.

"Excuse nothing." you told her, "If anything, I'm surprised you didn't start doing something worse than that. But you didn't, and that proves that you have enough sense to do a smart thing about it." she smiled slightly at you unexpected kind words, "But Spits, it's like I said: You don't have to do this alone, that's what a team is for. I'm glad you told me."

She smiled at you, happy that you took it well. "Thank you. I should have known to talk to you earlier. You always know how to be calm and level headed." She picked herself up slightly, before giving you a hug. You return the embrace, smiling slightly to yourself.

Even though you were happy that she got out what she needed to, you still weren't convinced that it was the full reason she was so stressed out. The tense feeling in her muscles was enough to tell you that. It was time to tackle the real issue you thought she was having.

"I just have one more question." you asked, the only response you got was a nod, "When was the last time you had sex?"

You almost feel her eyes shoot open after you asked the question. She pulled away from the embrace, and you immediately noticed the strong blush that she had. All you can do is give her a sultry smile, trying to show her it didn't matter what kind of answer she might give.

"Uh...Um" she stammered, "W-Why do yo want to know that?"

"I'm no psychiatrist, but I do know that there are several factors that can contribute to being stressed. And not all of them involve your social and private life."

Her blush became more intense, and she started digging her hooves into the ground as she tried to avoid eye contact with you. She ran one of her hooves through her hair, as she continued to dart her eyes around the room to find a distraction. But you were not going to just let this go by that easily. Finally, she did give you an answer.

"It was... I-It was," she stuttered again, "I think it was... about... a few weeks before my boyfriend broke up with me." It was just the answer you were expecting.

"A few weeks before, huh?" you asked in a tone of mock surprise, "By my calculations, that's been at least a few months." you take an intentional long pause, letting the air get nice and tense. "And that is far longer than anyone should wait."

She begins biting her lower lip, clearly getting what your trying to say. In panic, she reaches out to her locker and opened it, trying to avoid looking at you at all. "Um... y-yeah you're right." she says behind the metal door as she pretended to look for something, "You're right, I really shouldn't do this to myself. I'll be sure to start a new tomorrow, you can count on that." she says in a rushed tone, clearly nervous. But you weren't about to have any of that.

You slammed the locker door shut. Making her jump back to the wall slightly. "Why not right now?" you asked, keeping your voice in the same collected manner. She backed up until she hit the back wall, her face beat red, and her heart pounding so hard you can almost hear it.

You took your time, enjoying the way she writhed in her own nervousness. You did your best to put on a smile, hoping it was what you wanted it to pass for. Once again, facial expressions not your strong point. You lifted you hooves up, pinning her against the wall, feeling her rapid breathing against your snout.

"Please... wait." she says at an almost inaudible tone, but all it did was turn you on. Here was normally hot headed, brash and impulsive Spitfire, and she was sounding meek and worried. Something about it really got your testosterone flowing.

"What's this?" you whispered into her ear, "A Wonder Bolt wanting to slow down? And the captain no less." You brought yourself away from her ear, bringing your muzzle just an inch away from her. You could still feel her rapid breathing, and you noticed that she had closed her eyes. "You've been uptight for too long." you said in a husky tone, "Now you just relax... and let me do all the work."

Your lips crashed against hers, but it didn't start as an intense passion. Rather, you first let her get used to it. At first you she did almost nothing, merely accepting the kiss. But after a few moments, she was the one to take the next step. You feel her tongue glide across lips, silently asking permission for entrance. You were all too willing to oblige.

Your tongue met with hers, and it almost seemed like a practiced motion between the two wet muscles. Although you were thoroughly enjoying it, you had other plans for her. You pulled away from the kiss, a sigh of disappointment escaping Spitfire's mouth. You returned quickly, but rather than going to her lips again, you made your way to her neck. You slowly trailed kisses down her neck, earning a moan of appreciation from her as you continued on.

You kept your lips at her neck, giving it a small suck and nibble, which caused Spitfire to gasp. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this was going exactly as you planned. Taking yourself away from her neck for just a moment, you grabbed her by the shoulders and slowly lowered her to the floor.

Once on the floor, you returned to her neck, giving her small pecks as she continued to moan. Taking a dare, you dragged your tongue across neck, hoping that she would like it. You began working your way down, past her neck, over her chest, across her belly, until finally you reached your goal.

You took a moment to look at her moistening sex, and you were rather impressed with our work. You looked back up to her face for a moment, noticing she was beat red and her breathing was starting to slow down from your lack of contact. You changed that quickly. After licking your lips, you lowered your mouth to her pussy.

You gave her a teasing lick up her slit, causing her to take a sharp breath. It was music to your ears. Knowing that she was probably getting impatient, you got to work. You ran your tongue up and down her slit a few times, before fully inserting it inside of her. The way she tasted was unreal. She had her own sort of unique flavor, some sort of combination of being sweet and spicy at the same time. As you continued your ministration, you felt her legs lock around your head, not allowing you to go. Not that you even wanted to stop.

As you went on, Spitfire continued to moan and writhe above you. Your tongue continued exploring the inside of her, until it found something much better to play with. Her clit had become engorged from her arousal, and you didn't plan on leaving it alone. Taking your tongue out of her heated vagina, you took her clit between your lips, giving it a strong suck. This proved to be a little too much.

Spitfire let out a moan loud enough to be considered a scream, her legs tightened around your head, and her body started to tremble. After about a minute of that, she finally released her vice like hold on your head, taking long hard breathes as she lied there motionlessly.

"Well, it certainly has been a while, hasn't it?" you asked her in sultry voice. She didn't respond, and only kept breathing heavily. Where as you were rather proud of yourself for being able to get her to climax so quickly, you were not yet satisfied. "But don't worry." you tell her in a wicked manner, "We're far from done here."

"W-Wha-" she took a sharp breath of air, not ready for your sudden attack on her still burning loins. "But I... haven't even... come off my first.." she couldn't even finish her sentence before she was lost in a sea of pleasure. You grinned evilly to yourself as you went on using your tongue to drive her insane.

While you were still occupying her pussy with your tongue, you looked up at her and noticed her newest development. Her wings had stretched to their full length underneath her, and it gave you an idea. Reaching your hooves up, you began to slowly message the delicate yellow feathers. She let out another gasp, not expecting your sudden touch. Her reaction only served to drive you farther on.

You continued to work your tongue and hooves at the same time, but she was not giving in. You expected her to last long due to already having one orgasm, but she was lasting a lot longer then you would have imagined. It only served to heighten your ever growing arousal, and you kept working harder to make her hit her second peak.

As you started to speed up your movements, you noticed that she started taking shorter gasping breathes. A sure sign that she was very close. Just as you felt her about to go over the edge, you simultaneously gave her clit a firm nibble and gave her wings and extra hard squeeze. That triggered and eruption.

Her body stiffened, and her mouth opened to let out a scream, but nothing came. She stayed like that for a few moments, body stiff as a board, and mouth open to let out a silent shout.

Once she started coming back down from her climax, her body relaxed and her mouth finally let out the sound of heavy panting. You smiled, licking your lips as you pulled your mouth away from her now dripping sex. You looked down to her, body giving of light spasms every few seconds, and her eyes half closed in pure bliss. But you were still not done. You had your own needs that had to be taken care of after all.

You got up on all fours, not even waiting for her to fully recover. You gently rolled her over onto her stomach, much to her surprise. You grabbed her by the rump, propping her hind legs up so that she had her ass in the air. She looks back at you, her half lidded eyes asking all the questions. It just made you laugh lightly.

"You didn't think I was going to let you have all the fun, did you?" you ask, your voice dripping with a seductive tone. All she could do was look back at you with that bright red face expectantly. It was clear to you that she wanted this just as much as you did. But you didn't plan on making this that easy for her. You took your member in your hoof, and gently ran it up and down her now over sensitive slit. She let out an impatient moan, wanting you to take the full plunge. So, you decided to have a bit of fun with it.

"Tell me what you want." you say to her. All she did was look back at you with a quizzical face. You smile devilishly, "I wanna hear what you want me to do to you." She started biting her lip, not really sure of what she should say. Being lost in a haze of sexual desire, she didn't know whether or not she wanted to sacrifice her pride for this. But you knew just how to egg her on.

"All you gotta do is say it," you said, running your cock up and down her slit again. "and it's all yours. It's your call." You continued teasing her, knowing it was putting her agony. You continued your slow torture, watching as her face contorted into several anguished expressions. Finally, she broke.

"Fuck me!" she shouted, "I'll do anything, just please! I need it!" That really got your hormones pumping. The usually head strong and bossy Spitfire was practically begging for sexual satisfaction. You didn't know how it was doing it to you, but it made you have a high like none you've ever experienced before.

"That's a good girl." you say, before forcefully shoving your whole length into her. She let out a sharp gasp of pleasure, and you couldn't suppress the moan that forced it's way out of your throat. She was much tighter than you thought she was going to be. You could only chalk it up to being the lack of sex made her this way, and you would just have to pace yourself.

You began your slowly thrusting in and out of her, letting her body get used to your member. The entire time you moved, she kept mumbling something incoherent to your ears. You took that as a sign that you need to pick up the pace if you wanted her to hit her next high in time with you.

You started moving faster, slamming your hips against her ass as you went. She started getting really into it, in more ways then one. She began thrusting herself back, trying to time your rhythm with her own. After a few tries, the two of you finally had it down to a synced pattern. That's when you started getting really bold. With the testosterone surging through your system, all rational thoughts were thrown to the wayside. You raised your hoof up, and then brought it firmly down on her cutie mark, making a loud smacking sound.

She let out a short cry. At first you thought you may have hurt her. But that proved to be the wrong thinking.

"Harder!" she demanded from you. Smirking to yourself, you willingly obliged her with another hard spank to her well toned ass. She let out another cry of pleasure, and you were busy thanking whatever forces were listening that no one was around. It was so good you just wanted it to last forever. But sadly, all things must come to an end.

You could feel the pressure mounting in groin, knowing that you weren't going to be able to last much longer. You didn't know how much time Spitfire had left either, but you could tell that she may have been close too. Thinking on your hooves, you look down to her still fully extended wings, and it gives you an idea.

You reach down, just barely able to grab the very tips of her wings. She let out another gasp as you began to massage the delicate plumes of her wings. Her breathing started to become ragged and labored, and you knew she wouldn't be able to last much long. And after a few more minutes of this, she hit her crescendo.

She threw her head back, letting out a loud moan as her entire body tensed up. You could feel her vaginal walls tightening around you, and it was too much for your mind to handle. Before another thought could cross your mind, you released all that you had inside of her, and a powerful feeling of relief and euphoria washed over in an instance. It was simply mind numbing.

After you took a few moments to collect your thoughts and get the feeling back in you legs, you slowly pulled yourself out of her, making her give off a sigh of pure relief. You sat down on the floor, taking a few breaths to get the blood flowing back to your head, and then noticed Spitfire still lying there with her ass in air.

"Are you alright?" you ask, genuine concern in your voice.

"Am I alright?" she asked from the floor, lifting herself up slightly, "Am I alright? You come in here, accuse me of having problems, threaten my job, make advances on me, then rut me until I can hardly feel my legs, and you want to know if I'm alright?" That kinda scared you. You were thinking then that you might get in trouble for unwanted sexual conduct. That thought alone scared the hell out of you. But your worries were laid to rest.

She lifted herself from the floor, and planted a short kiss on your lips. "I am better then alright." she said in a tone that you hadn't heard from her in some time. She then turned away, and started making her way down the hall. "I don't know about you, but I need a shower after that." You just smiled, and got up to follow her.

The hot water proved most relaxing after your little exercise. The two of you shared the same stall, washing the sweat and other stink off of each others bodies. You gave her back a good rubbing, working out some of the knots that were formed from your earlier touch. It was then you felt just how relaxed she was compared to before. Her muscles felt nice and loose compared to when you felt her back when she hugged you.

"You know, that was a first for me." She told you in a hushed tone.

"What was?" you asked, giving her a smile.

"I've never had three all at the same time. Usually I'm lucky just to get one. I've never had a stallion that was so willing to give me three, and only take one for himself." she said, giving you a sexy smile.

"Just doing what I can for you and the team." after saying that, you remember something, "Speaking of which, I hope this might help things with work."

"Oh, you have no idea." she said laughingly, "I don't think I'll have to worry about stress anymore. Now that I have an outlet for all of it."

All you did was smile at her, before giving her a quick peck on the lips. The water was shut off, and the two of you dried yourselves off. As the two of you made your way to the exit, you thought of one last thing.

"See you at practice tomorrow, babe." You knew she hated when others called her that. But to your surprise, she simply turned around and gave you a smile.

"You know it, stud."

Everybody had lined up like they normally did for practice. Just like before, everyone was nervous about what Spitfire was going to say before practice actually started. And, just like before, you were the only one who remained collected. Even if you had a different reason for it today. Just then, Spitfire came out on the field, sporting a smile for once.

"Alright everybody!" she called out to the team, "I know the past few days haven't been the greatest, but we're gonna keep going and we'll get this down." The entire team, save for you, were shocked at her new behavior. And it continued on like that for the whole day. Not once did she have an out burst, and she never yelled. Where as everyone was grateful for it, they were also very disturbed at her over night change.

As for you? You simply sat on the side lines when it wasn't your turn, wearing a smile as you watched her do her work. Until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked to see who it was, only to find Soarin with a confused look on his face.

"Okay, what did you do?" he asked you, "I know I said talk to her, but this... this is just unbelievable. What did you do?"

You thought for a moment, and just decided to give him a straight forward answer. "We talked things out for a while. She was telling me she had some problems, and I told her she didn't have to deal with them alone. There were a few points when she was shouting, and it did get physical at one point. But I managed to have it all under control. And as you can see, the results are undeniable."

He just nodded his head, a strange grin crossing his mouth. "Thanks man. I know it must have been a pain, but you don't know how much we all appreciate it."

"Oh believe me." you say in a somewhat sly manner, "I'd be more than happy to do it again."