> The Vamp-ponies > by devil001 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Vamp-Ponies Ch.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vamp-pony CH.1 By Devil001 Proof read by Englishwitch The story begins on a dark and foggy night; a lone pony is walking home by them self. In the shadows, mist rises and takes shape; a cloak unfurls and drapes over a now solid body. "Silently the hunter stalks her prey" Twilight said to herself as she watched the pony from the shadows "having no clue of the fate that awaits them, the pony continues through the night enjoying the stars and moon." Suddenly the pony stopped and looked in Twilights direction, squinting at the darkness, as if trying to see something. Shrugging they continued. Stepping out of the shadows Twilight followed, her hooves making no sound as they hit the ground. Slowly she got closer and closer until the pony stopped and tensed. Slowly the pony turned her head, and as she saw the shape in the corner of her eye Twilight moved faster then she could see, bowling her off her hooves. She was pinned to the ground. Staring down at her prey Twilight smiled, opening her mouth she dove at the pony, and she blew as hard as she could on the ponies stomach, making her laugh and giggle loudly. "Twilight" the pony gasped and laughed as another raspberry was blown on her stomach "stop, please" she begged. "Does my prey give in?" Twilight smiled as she stopped for a moment, giving her friend a chance to catch her breath. "Yes I do" the pony gulped down air "must you do that everytime?" "It gets the heart pumping hard, makes you... Taste sweeter" Twilight smiled, watching as her prey blushed. Licking her teeth thouroughly Twilight opened her mouth and felt her fangs extend. Lowering her head she bit gently into the pony's neck, who only shuddered at the feeling. After having a mouth and a half of blood Twilight licked the two holes on the throat to stop the blood, her saliva acting as a very good quagulant to stop the bleeding. If a vamp-ponies saliva didn't have to be fresh to be fully effective, Twilight would've bottled and sold it to hospitals and ponies. Licking the last traces of blood away Twilight pulled back and looked at the pony's face, which held a smiling dreamy look on it "you ok?" Twilight asked, she always asked because she cared for the pony, and every other pony who let her drink some of their blood. She never took blood without asking, Twilight's parents had raised her and Shining Armour that way. Its no good living in a city or town and stealing a pony’s blood, sooner or later they'll hunt you down and put a certain pointy wooden object in a vital place on your person. "Oh yes, absolutly fine" the pony sighed, Twilight helped her back onto her hooves and walked her home. Once the door was shut Twilight turned happily and headed back to her own. ---****--- Waking with a jolt Rarity blinked at the dark, quickly lighting a candle and picking up a pencil she sketched with amazing skill and accuracy on the designs she'd dreamt, they were chic, sleek and most definitely fantastique. "Oh Rarity darling you've done it again," she said to herself quietly as she placed the pencil down and clapped her hooves together, lightly. Sweetie Bell was sleeping in the next room and she didn't want to wake her up. Looking down on her designs her smiled faulted slightly, now she looked at the finished drawings she felt something was missing, something that would give them an extra edge. If only she had some designer books in her home. She would have to pay a visit to Twilight and find a book in her extensive library, but it was the dead of night and there was no way she'd be awake and she'd hate to intrude. "Although" Rarity said to herself quietly as she looked at her drawings "there is no possible way I can sleep with these gorgeus things playing on my mind." Biting her lip she had an internal arguement with herself, eventually after both winning and losing she pulled a cloak and saddlebag over and put them on. She'd apologize to Twilight of course but these dresses wouldn't wait. Gently opening and closing the doors Rarity felt the night air nip at her legs as she moved quickly to Twilight's home. ---***--- "I'm back Owlawicious" Twilight whispered as she closed and locked the door behind her, the owl giving a gentle hoot to acknowledge he heard her, Spike was snoring softly up in the bedroom overhead. Moving over to the table in the centre of the large room Twilight's horn glowed as she magically lit a candle she'd left there, she didn't need it as her eyes worked perfectly in the dark but she always enjoyed the candle light late at night, something about the dancing shadows she felt complimented her vamp-pony side. The candle hovered in front of her as she walked to the small cupbard where she stored her cloak, as she opened the door she cought the reflection of something. Pausing for a moment she smiled as she decided to treat herself, pulling out the tall sheet of polished obsidan she walked back over to the table, placing it at an angle and setting the candle to the side of it. Now she had a good reflection of herself in the smooth black surface. With the cloak adding to the moving picture she smiled even more until she heard a hoot come from Owlawicious. "I know but its been some time" Twilight replied as she turned her head left and right, seeing herself at different angles "I can't help myself" Every pony knew vamp-ponies loved looking at their own reflections, it was part of their nature but no pony knew why. In the olden days it was annoying because a mirror wouldn't cast their reflection, so they had to find other means, reflections in water or highly polished metal. Twilight had been given this obsidian slab about twenty years ago by her mother. She hadn't stopped looking at herself until her brother took it away so she could join in on her own birthday party. Modern day mirrors weren't so bad, something about the way they were made over the last few decades had changed. But Twilight felt there was just something about the obsidian mirror, which made her appear all the more beautiful. Owlawicious landed in front of the slab of shiny rock and hooted again, Twilight sighed. "Fine, you're right. I'll put it away right now." As Owlawicious moved she used her magic to place the stone face down so she wouldn't see herself but before she could put it away she heard a gentle knock on the door. Before she could take off her cloak Owlawicious flew over to the door, unlocking it he opened it to reveal Rarity. "Rarity?" Twilight whispered as she picked the candle up with her magic and moved to the door "what are you doing here?" "I'm so sorry to disturb you at this hour darling but I had a flash of inspiration. However as I finished drawing some of my finest works ever I discovered they were missing something." "Let me guess, you need a book to help complete them" Twilight shook her head but smiled, Rarity had done this on several occassions before, at least this time she hadn't interupted a pleasent dream. Laughing nerviously Rarity smiled slightly "again, sorry to disturb you." "Its no problem" turning, Twilight lead Rarity into her home. Now that the immediate fashion problem was about to be cleared Rarity noticed the cloak Twilight was wearing, it looked old and made mainly with black and the collar was far too big. "Twilight darling why are you wearing that cloak? It looks so old and scruffy, not to mention a bit tacky." Stopping Twilight looked at Rarity and spoke steadly so each word was clear. "My mother made me this cloak." Laughing nervously again Rarity blushed slightly "black is, very fitting on you. And the collar... Really help put focus on your face." Smiling Twilight stifled a giggle, she knew Rarity wouldn't intentionally insult anything her mother had made. "Um, if I may ask. Why are you wearing it?" Rarity asked "Oh... Um. I plan to wear it, on Nightmare Night. I'm going as a Vamp-pony this year" Twilight lied quickly "since no one got my Star Swirl the Bearded last time. I needed to see if it still fit, and if it needed any repairs." "Oh how charming" Rarity smiled "a vamp-pony, I never would've... Hello?" Noticing the faint reflection of the candle light Rarity's expert eye saw the obolisk slab on the table "now this is beautiful" she said as the brought the sheet over to them "I didn't know you had something like this." "Oh, that. Its just a small momento" Twilight lied. "Small momento? I can see my reflection in it, its almost as good as a real mirror" walking next to Twilight she placed her face to hers and positioned the rock just right so they could see both their reflections at the same time "picture worthy wouldn't you say?" Rarity smiled at her own face, Twilight couldn't help but stare at herself "but I have something better" placing the slab down she opened one of her saddle bags "I always carry a compact mirror with me." The mirror she pulled out was in no way compact, it was big enough to fit three faces on it, and just big enough so Rarity could see herself from every angle without any problems "its really old you know, an antique. Perfect size for fixing your mane on windy days." As Rarity brought the mirror up Twilight blinked on the sudden realisation of what was about to happen. Mirror, antique, old fashioned mirror meant old fashioned reflection. Or in her case, lack thereof. Twilight was about to step away and into the shadows when Rarity put a leg around her "there darling, don't we look... Beautiful?" As Rarity looked at the mirror something was amiss, she was there obviously and she could feel Twilight next to her. But the mirror seemed to ignore her existence and where Twilight was supposed to be there was an empty space. Rarity looked from Twilight to the mirror as gears in her head slowly moved into place. CLUNK, Twilight was standing next to her. CLUNK, Twilight had no reflection. Why? CLUNK, the cloak was going to be for her vamp-pony costume. CLUNK, Vamp-ponies don't have reflection. CLUNK, Uh-Oh Dropping the mirror and backing away quickly Rarity screamed. She saw Twilight's lips move but her ears didn't pick up anything she said. Her mind was screaming "why are you still here? Run, run now. Why aren't you running?" Feeling her mouth forced shut Rarity looked at Twilight, her horn glowing as it wrapped her mouth in magic. "Rarity please, let me explain" Twilight begged as Rarity breathed heavily through her nose "do you promise not to scream?" Rarity nodded and felt the preasure on her jaw disappear. "Are you a... A vamp-pony?" She asked shakily, ready to run at anytime. "Yes" Twilight simply answered "Are you... Are you going to drink my blood?" Rarity took a step back. "What? No I've already eaten tonight" above them Twilight heard Spike say something in his sleep "That's MY cookie Pinkie Pie" Before his snores followed "You mean, you drank all of some ponies blood?" Rarity had a shocked look on her face, she thought she knew Twilight so well. "Of course not. I'd never drink all the blood from a pony." "But you just said-" Rarity began but was interrupted "I don't need a lot of blood to survive" Twilight explained "only about a pint a month, and I don't get that from one pony. A mouthful here and there is plenty." "So you sneak up on ponies while they sleep and take some blood?" She started to back toward the door, her face paling. Twilight sighed "Rarity, please let me explain. No, I don't take blood from ponies while they sleep, I ask for some. My parents taught me it was better to ask for something than just taking it, its that same with blood. If ponies start waking up with puncture marks on their necks soon there's going to be a witch hunt, and I don't want that to happen." "So you, ask, ponies for their blood?" Rarity asked, she found herself sitting down "I explain everything to them. What happens, my fangs, how much blood I'd take, my saliva" "Saliva?" "A vamp-ponies saliva helps act as a pain-killer and a mild narcotic, leaving the pony with a pleasent sensation, which resembels being happily drunk or so I'm told. There's a reason the ponies moaned like they were having an orgasm when they're bitten by a vamp-pony in the old horror movies." Twilight smiled and winked, this caught Rarity off guard and she blushed slightly. "So you really do drink blood?" "Yes but like I said, about a pint a month and that keeps my vamp-pony powers strong" "Powers? You mean shapeshifting and flying and such?" Now her fear was fading, and she was becoming surer she wasn’t going to be killed by a monster, Rarity was eager to hear what parts of the legends were true, her true purpose at the library temporarilly forgotten. "Amongst others, I can live on normal food like regular ponies but that makes me like a normal pony. The same with sunlight, it weakens my powers to the point I'm only a bit stronger than a regular pony." Now that it was mentioned it Rarity did realise Twilight didn't burn into a pile of ash's everytime the sun touched her, she was the favourite and personal student of Celestia, princess of the sun for fashion sake. "Did you mention your parents taught you, and your brother?" Rarity was starting to have trouble absorbing all the information at once, her head was feeling a little dizzy. "My parents are vamp-ponies, so's my brother. We're all natural born, not turned" Twilight smiled, she rembered her parents telling her Shinning Armour had been a handful when he was young "Natural born? You mean vamp-ponies can have babies?" Twilight heard Rarity say and snapped back to the moment. "That's something else we spread" Twilight smiled at Rarity "puts the other ponies at ease knowing us 'monsters' can't have kids." "But vamp-ponies are immortal, wouldn't they be infants forever?" Rarity started to feel herself getting intrigued. "Oh no, until we turn eighteen we age normally, but after that we age more slowly. We're not really immune to old age, we just age Really slowly" Twilight smiled sheepishly "How slowly?" Rarity heard herself ask "Um, about one year for every fifty" "But you don't look any older than..." It dawned on Rarity "how old are you?" Blushing slightly, but holding back a smile,Twilight replied "nearly sixty" Rarity felt her jaw drop "Sixty? You've been studying under Celestia for SIXTY years? Does she know your a vamp-pony?" Twilight couldn’t help but laugh at the question, it was obvious Rarity was shocked but was still a silly question to ask "Of course she knows" Twilight smiled "when I started being tought by her my parents were nervous, but after a few years they felt they had to tell her before I stopped aging. They were surprised by how understanding she was" "How old are your parents by the way?" "Now Rarity a pony is entitled to some secrets, even vamp-ponies" Twilight smiled slyly "Oh" Rarity thought "That old" "Like I said, they were nervous but Celestia was very understanding. She asked questions about us feeding and if we actually hurt ponies, but they explained to her that they have close and trusted friends that let us take some blood, like I have here in ponyville, and they never took without asking. All my parents wanted was a quiet life that was as normal as possible." "And the Princess believed them?" "I think the fact that she'd tought me and had gotten to know me helped. Princess Celestia decided that me and my family were no threat and let us live our lives in Canterlot, she even let Shining join the army and become the Captain of her guard with that knowledge." "I guess the Princess really is a good judge of character" Rarity smiled "but why didn't you tell us you were a vamp-pony?" "To tell you the truth I wanted to, but we've worked hard over the years to become a scary story. It's not easy to find ponies we can trust with our secrets, when I arrived in Ponyville it took me nearly two weeks to find a pony I could trust to share their blood with me, and that was after hours of explaining things. You're my friends but I'm a myth, plus most of the time when a pony finds out they either try to kill us, or they want to be turned into a vamp-pony too and not everypony can handle such a long life." "Wait, you can turn ponies into vamp-ponies?" Rarity asked, the gears were slowly starting to turn again "Well yes of course, although they wouldn't be as powerful as me or age as slowly" Twilight started but was cut off "How slowly?" "It's one year for every twenty for a turned pony" something clicked in Twilight's head "Rarity?" "One in twenty? I can work with that?" Rarity began smiling "seeing all the fashions, meeting new ponies" "You can't be thinking..." Twilight began "I am" Rarity continued smiling "You can't want me to..." Rarity’s head nodded slowly as she walked closer to Twilight. "But I do darling." > Vamp-Ponies Ch.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CH.2 "Rarity we're talking centuries of life, you wouldn't be able to stay in ponyville, you'd have to move eventually. Its tricky for my parents and they live in a large city" Twilight pleaded. "You'd have to stop appearing at fashion shows and wouldn't be able to join the high society-" "I know I will have to make a few changes in my life, I'll have to move around a bit and eventually step down from public fashion appearences" Rarity conceeded "but to see the fashions change through out the years, to travel the world and see new styles of clothing. Honestly darling its too good to pass up" "And what about Sweetie Bell? You'll watch her grow old and die" Twilight pointed out. "Surely you can change her as well" Rarity smiled, but faulted at Twilights look. "No, I won't." Twilight said flatly "A born vamp-pony grows, but a turned filly won't. If I turn Sweetie Bell into a vamp-pony it'll take centuries untill she looks eighteen." "I can see how that would be a problem" Rarity admitted "but Twilight darling you must turn me into a vamp-pony, everypony and their grandmother knows they have style and grace. Which I have an abundence of" flicking her mane Rarity shot Twilight her best smile. Twilight sighed. "Rarity, none of those are good enough reasons to turn you into a vamp-pony" "Well then think about this" Rarity huffed "eventualy you'll have to move away from Ponyville and your friends, wouldn't it be better if some of them came with you" Twilight sighed, Rarity did bring up a good point, she would have to leave someday and she hated the thought of leaving her friends behind. Now she had friends she knew how painful it would be to say goodbye. "Well" Twilight said slowly "it would be nice to know I have friends around who aren't alicorns or family" "Well there you are darling" Rarity smiled "I may not age as slowly as you but we'll still have a long and happy friendship. I'll even fix up your cloak" "What's wrong with my cloak?" Twilight asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Oh nothing, nothing. It just needs a few touches here and there, a few stitches to help spruce it up. Maybe a bit of gold thread around the trim" Sighing Twilight took off her cloak and drapped it on the table, removing it from thoat for the moment. "You do realise that once you're turned there's no way to go back to being a normal pony" Saying nothing Rarity just nodded and and bounced slightly. "Ok then, I've never turned a pony before but from what my parents told me it's simple. All we do is-" Twilight began but was cut off by Rarity who placed a hoof over her mouth "Wait. Are you planning to do it here?" Rarity asked, Twilight who still still had the hoof over her mouth nodded. "Oh no no no no no darling that won't do, we need to do it properly" Removing the hoof from her mouth Twilight asked " and how, prey tell, is the 'Proper way'?" Sighing happily and getting a dreamy look in her eyes Rarity described the scene "a dark bedroom with a few candles lit, an open window with a gentle breeze and moonlight flowing in with our beauty sleeping peacefully in her bed wearing an elagent night dress" Again Rarity sighed as Twilight just stared at her "You want a scene from an old vamp-pony novel?" "Oh yes darling, it's so romantic. The mysterious dark figure hovering above the beautiful sleeping damsel." As Rarity explained the scene Twilight heard something. Blocking out Rarity as best she could Twilight focused on her hearing. Underneath the talking, there was Rarity's heartbeat, a little quicker than usual from getting excited from her own explanation. Spike's slow heart beat from being asleep and Owlawicious’ who simply sat in the corner. Then there was a fourth, beating a little faster than Rarity's, coming from outside her window "Sorry Rarity" Twilight interrupted Rarity's continued explanation "but stay right where you are." Turning Twilight blew out the candle. "Twilight?" Rarity said to the darkness ---***--- Outside Rainbow Dash looked in on Rarity and Twilight, or at least she was until Twilight blew out the candle. Now she couldn't see or hear anything they were saying. Pressing her ear against the window she still couldn't ear anything, accept for the occasional hoot from Owlawicious. "Hear anything good?" A cold voice said behind her, making Rainbow Dash jump in surprise. Turning around Dash saw Twilight standing there. Looking back and forth between the window and Twilight she spluttered out "how did? When did you? You Really are a vamp-pony" "Why are you here Dash? And how much did you hear?" Twilight took a step forward and stared unblinking into Rainbow Dash's eyes. There was something different how Twilight presented herself, and there was something in her eyes that compelled Dash to tell her what she wanted to know, like her own version of The Stare. "I... I came to get the latest Daring Do story" Dash tried to look away from Twilight, to break the eye contact but there was something about them drawing her in “In the middle of the night?” “I really wanted to read the next one.” Dash responded, her voice becoming distant and dreamy. Twilight understood, it wouldn’t be the first time Dash had pulled an all nighter with her reading. "But when I heard Rarity knock I decided to wait till she'd gone and you were in bed, then I'd sneak in and take the book" “You could have asked and I would have given it to you.” Twilight responded, as though this was a normal conversation and she was not putting her friend into a trance with her vamp-pony gaze. “But that’s not as fun.” Dash replied in a flat, neutral tone. She was deep in The Gaze now. She would respond to questions just as she normally would, but none of the emotion or passion of the normal Dash. There was no capacity for lying in this state, no made up excuses to try and fool Twilight. It also made her very suggestible to instructions. "Owlawicious would've seen you" Twilight didn't really like using this ability, but it got quick answers when she needed them "He let's me take them." Rainbow Dash spoke ‘I’ll have to speak with him about that.’ Twilight thought to herself. “And how much did you hear?” "I heard everything you and Rarity said to each other." Breaking the eye contact Twilight paced a bit while Dash blinked rapidly, trying to get her eyes to focus and remember what just happened. Her head felt fuzzy. Something had just happened over the last minute but she wasn’t entirely sure what. "Are you really a vamp-pony?" Dash asked again as Twilight continued to pace, a look of deep thought on her face. "Yes" "That's So Awesome!" Dash smiled widely "Not as awesome as me but pretty close. What kind of things can you do? Can you turn into a bat? Can you fly? Turn to mist? Control ponies minds?" "Dash" Twilight half shouted to be heard above Rainbow Dash, looking into her eyes again "I want you to go home, and tell no pony what you heard tonight understand?" "But... What about Daring Do?" Dash half mumbled "Come back for it in the morning. Now Go" Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash flew away, sighing deeply as the blue pegasis flew out of sight and a vamp-pony has good eye sight. ---***--- Rarity jumped as the candle was relit by Twilight "Oh my. Is everything alright? I heard you talking to somepony." "It was just Rainbow Dash, she heard everything but I sent her home" turning Twilight glared at Owlawicious "and you. You're in trouble mister" "Whooo?" "You know who" turning back to Rarity Twilight sighed again, it was become her theme for the evening. "Now, where were we?" "I was explaining the scene of my transformation" Rarity's eyes shined as she thought of it "an open window, flowing curtains and lit candles. Me sleeping in my lovely bed and glorious nightgown-" "You have to be awake" Twilight interrupted "Fine. Me sitting at a desk in my glorious night gown-" "You sure you want to do it like that?" Twilight interrupted again "a scene from a corny vamp-pony story?" "Well since we can only do it the once I say it should be done memorably" Rarity huffed "and its not corny, its romantic" "Ok Rarity, it's your choice" Twilight fought to keep a smile back. She wasn't sure why she was smiling. Because she going to turn her first pony? She was going to have a real true friend for a long time to come? Because of Rarity's flare for the dramatic and romantic? "We'll wait a couple of days, it'll give me a chance to gether some blood for you." "For after I'm turned?" Rarity asked "Unless you want to drink before" Twilight smiled fully at Rarity's face "from what my parents told me you'll be hungry afterwards. But since we're going to be waiting I want you to take the time to explain to Sweetie Bell what your doing, we don't want her worrying about your up and coming 'Odd Behaviour'." "That is a good point" Rarity conceeded as she knew her sister and CMC friends would investigate eventually, who knows what the three fillies would do. Stake her in her sleep? Mix garlic into her food? Get into religion and try to cast her demons out? "About actually turning me into a vamp-pony. How does one actually go about doing that?" "Apparently its pretty easy, from what my parents have told me. First the pony as to be willing" Twilight pulled out a quil, an inkpot and a scroll, jotting down the details as she told them to Rarity. > Vamp-Ponies Ch.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.3 "But Twilight" Spike complained as he followed Twilight "Rarity doesn't need to become a vamp-pony." "This is her decision Spike," Twilight said for the twentieth time "she's set on becoming a vamp-pony. I told her about everything that that's going to happen to her, her family dying, having to move. She still wants to be a vamp-pony, or is there something wrong with being a vamp-pony?" "No of course not" Spike blurted out, seeing Twilight smile told him she was only teasing. "It’s just, what if her personality changes? I don't want to lose the Rarity we know." "Spike it's sweet of you to worry but everything will be fine, plus we'll be there to look after her and help." Opening the closet door Twilight pulled out the saddlebag she'd previously prepared and her black cloak "besides Rarity will live longer, and who knows, she might travel with us when we have to leave." Leaving Spike with his thoughts Twilight put on her cloak and saddle bag and, after doing a mental check of what she'd need, turned to mist and slid out into the night. Silently gliding through the darkness, past homes and now closed shops, until she reached Rarity's shop/home, where she turned back into her usual pony form then straight into a bat. She never could get the hang of shifting from one form to another without going back to pony first. Flying through the open window Twilight landed in the shadows before returning to normal. "Ah Twilight darling, so glad you could make it" Rarity said as Twilight stepped into the moonlight. Twilight rolled her eyes as she took in the scene, a few candles lit and dotted around the room, Rarity in one of her silk nightgowns and even the moonlight spilling into the room. But what surprised Twilight the most was that Sweetie Belle sat at the small table Rarity had set up, in front of her was a wine glass half full of a dark liquid. "What's Sweetie Belle doing here?" Twilight asked, watching the young fillys face have a mix of surprise, horror and intriegue on it all at once. "When I told her what we're going to be doing tonight she didn't believe me, said I was making fun of her and trying to scare her the poor dear. So I told her to wait in my room tonight for your arrival and she could see for herself." Rarity smiled, using her magic to pick up her glass and take a sip. "And the glasses? I hope its not wine" "Unfermented wine darling-" Rarity began but was cut off suddenly by Sweetie Belle, who shouted "It's grape juice Ms. Twilight, honest" Sweetie Bell blushed as she came to her senses "um... Are you going to drink my blood?" She asked nerviously "No Sweetie Bell I'm not going to drink your blood, I never take blood from fillies" Twilight said politely, she saw Sweetie Bell relax a little but she could practically hear her muscles creak with tension as she moved. "But I do want you to promise to never tell anypony about me or Rarity, not even Applebloom and Scootaloo" "Um... Why?" Sweetie Belle shrinking in her seat "Because someone might hear, somepony that might want to hurt us." Twilight watched as Sweetie Belle realised what she was saying. "Ok, I promise not to tell anypony. I Pinkie Promise, cross my heart and hope to fly stuck a cupcake in my eye." Sweetie Belle watched as Twilight and Rarity smiled as she went through the motions, gently placing her hoof over her eye at the end. "Good. Now I want you to leave," Twilight used her magic to take off her saddle bag and place it on Raritys bed, before Sweetie Belle could ask she said "this is a private activity, between a pony and vamp-pony, and this is my first time doing it. There's going to be a bit of blood and I'm not entirly sure how Rarity is going to act, so for your own protection I need you to leave the room." Without saying a word Sweetie Belle slowly tipped her glass and drank the last of the grape juice before jumping down from her seat and walked to the door, as she passed Rarity she jumped up and hugged her sister. "Please don't change too much" she whispered so Twilight wouldn't hear. Though Twilight could hear she had the decency to act like she didn't. "Don't worry" Rarity smiled as she hugged back "the only thing that will change is that I have a reason to wear a cloak every night, I might even bring them back." Once Sweetie Bell had closed the door behind her Twilight used her magic to lock it as she moved to the bed and opened her satchel. "You absolutely sure you want to do this?" She asked Rarity, who drained her glass and moved to Twilight. "This is your last chance, once we begin there's no going back." "I'm sure darling, no regrets and such." Rarity watched as Twilight pulled out two bottles and set them aside, along with the instructions she'd written two nights ago and some weird looking, dark coloured herbs she'd never seen before. "Ok. These contain blood, one for me one for you." Twilight motioned to the bottles "I'm going to be drained and you're going to be hungry when you wake up, more hungry than you've ever been. I'll leave the bottle right next to you so when you wake up I want you to drink it all, understand?" Rarity simply nodded and watched as Twilight placed a bottle on the cabinet next to her bed. Then the herbs were wrapped in Twilights magic and started hovering. "Being a vamp-pony, or any vamp for that matter, means you're going to get predator instincts. You'll feel the urge to hunt, attack and feed on ponies and anything else weaker than you, that's everypony in town but me. You're senses will be hightened and until you can control them and your instincts these herbs will help you." Twilight placed the herbs gently back on the bed as Rarity asked "Are you sure they'll work?" "They helped me when I was growing up, you think teething is bad? Trying hunting bugs around the house." Twilight couldn't help but smile at her own memories of 'Stealthily' hunting a spider through her parents home. "Apparently my brother was worse, he was like a dragon hunting jewels my dad says, hunting anything that moved" Rarity chuckled at her own mental image of a young, and dashing, Shining Armour following something on a piece of string being pulled by his mother. "I sometimes use the herbs myself on the brightest days, even with shades and a hat on you'll still find it very bright. They should have more of an affect on you though." Turning her attention back to the task at hand Twilight unrolled the scroll, quickly reading her own writing to double check her own instructions. "Cut, bite, drink, lick, sleep, drink." She thought to herself as she put the scroll back down and looked at Rarity, saying out loud "ok, you ready?" "Whenever you are darling" "Good. We've got to drink each others blood at the same time, once we're done you'll feel sleepy and I'll be drained. You sleep, I'll drink my blood and when you wake you drink. Understand?" Twilight raised her leg and extended her fanges. With her cloak on she did look like a vamp-pony from a classic novel. "Absolutely" Rarity watched as Twilight cut her own foreleg with her fang then presented it to her. The sight of the crimson jewel on Twilights wrist flared up Rarity's instinct for ickyness. With only the briefest of hesitation Rarity tilted her head to put her mouth over the small cut, exposing her neck fully and allowing Twilight easy access. As she felt the fangs sink into her neck she flinched slightly but as she swallowed the blood she felt something slowly spread itself across her body. First she felt her body getting warmer and her heart beating faster. She felt she could run for miles and stitch twenty ballgown dresses at once, but then it hit her suddenly. She felt exhausted; her body felt heavier than ever before and could feel her heart slowing. That was when she felt Twilight remove her fangs from her neck and leg from her mouth. "T... Twilight darling, I feel..." Rarity mumbled as she felt more drained than ever before, if it weren't for Twilight steadying her she would've collapsed onto the floor. Her eyes were getting heavy and her heart was slowing, her limbs felt like someone has put weights on them. "It's all right Rarity, it's normal." Twilight helped Rarity into her bed "don't fight it, just sleep. But remember to drink the blood when you wake." "I... Promise" Rarity mumbled as she fell asleep. Panting slightly herself Twilight looked at her own bottle of blood, focusing she tried to move it closer but it seemed heavier than before. Raising it slightly Twilight slowly moved the bottle towards her until it became to much and it dropped onto the bed, bouncing. Jumping with what strength she could muster Twilight caught it before it hit the floor, cursing herself at the close call. "Stupid. Stupid Twilight" she said to herself as she lay on the floor, the bottle resting in her hoofs. "You knew you'd be drained you stupid mare." Slowly she sat up, and even more slowly she used her magic to open the bottle. ---***--- Rarity slowly opened her eyes and saw the curtains were open, she could see outside that it was night, but to her it was bright enough to be a cloudless day. She felt different, like she’d just spent a whole week at a special vacation spa. She felt refreshed and could take on anything. As she sat up she felt her stomach clench up and her throat dry out. She’d never felt so hungry or thirsty in her life, not even after spending all day travelling through the desert with Pinkie that one time. As Rarity placed her hooves around her stomach she heard a thump-thump noise, looking around she saw Sweetie Belle sleeping on the edge of her bed. Her younger sister looked different to her, like she saw how weak she was for the first time. Again she heard the slow thumping sound, Rarity realised it was Sweetie Belles sleeping heartbeat, as she looked at the young filly something told her she could stop the hunger. All it would take was a small bite. Climbeding out of her sheets and as quietly as she could Rarity moved closer to her sister, as she stood over her she opened her mouth and felt her new fangs extend. She heard the slow rhythm of Sweetie Belles heart as she began moving her head downwards. A hoof appeared from nowhere and slapped itself over her mouth and nose. “Before you do anything you’ll regret, look to your left.” Twilight moved Rarity's face to make her look at the bottle of blood she’d left next to the bed. Without saying anything Rarity grabbed it with her magic and pulled it over, opening it she drank it down as fast as she could. Her throat no longer dry her stomach suddenly full Rarity gave a satisfying, yet prim, sighing noise. “How do you feel now?” “Much better darling, I feel like I haven’t eaten in days,” Rarity said as she placed the bottle down. “It’s natural, you have just gone through a major change” Twilight gently shook Sweetie Belle awake, who rubbed her eyes and, once she’d gotten used to the dark, saw Rarity. “Rarity” She screamed happily, jumping into her sisters’ hoofs and hugging her. Her messy mane rubbing into Rarity’s face “How do you feel? Different? Do you feel like flying? Turning into a bat?” Thinking about it for a second Rarity slowly answered “I…” looking into her sisters eyes she smiled” I…” putting on a obviously fake accent she started to tickle Sweetie Belle “I Vant To Style Your Mane Ah, Ah, Ah.” ---**--- After making sure Sweetie Belle was asleep again Twilight found Rarity in her boutique, where she'd propped up two mirrors. One was obviously an antique as it wasn't giving her a reflection. She was currently inspecting her new fangs. "What do you think?" Twilight asked, resisting the urge to stand in front of the mirror herself and see her reflection. "Well I'll need to get the correct cloak, but I can make them work" Rarity smiled as Twilight rolled her eyes. "So darling, what now?" "Now I teach you how to control your abilities, starting with strength." Summoning a wine glass from the kitchen Twilight placed it in front of Rarity "I want you to pick the glass up between your hooves and raise it to eye level." "If you want me to." Rarity sat down and raised her hooves, it seemed a bit ridiculas to her, she could easily lift the thing in her magic, "though I'm sure it-" as she tried to touch the glass it shattered, making Rarity blink in disbalief. "Oh my." "You're many times stronger now Rarity, you have to be careful especially at night. In the sun you'll be as you were when your were a normal pony, but even sitting in the shade will make you stronger." Turning Twilight opened the door to the shop "follow me" she instructed. Stepping out into the night Rarity couldn't believe how bright everything seemed, the world lacked its usual array of bright colours but she could see perfectly. "Is this how you've seen the world all these years?" Rarity asked amazed "Ever since I was a baby" Twilight smiled as she watched Rarity take the new experience in "now we're going to run to the Everfree Forest, as fast as you can." "Run? But it’s a good mile outside of town." "Yep, should take us no time at all to get there if we run." "Oh very well" Rarity stood next to Twilight and, after a small countdown, dash forwards as quickly as she could. Her body felt lighter, like all her life she'd been weighed down and pulled back. For the first time Rarity felt like she could move freely, and she was moving fast. "Oh my" Rarity panted, more from surprise than anything else. Looking over she shoulder she couldn't even see her home any more. "You'll get used to it" Twilight smiled, she could only imagine the exhilaration Rarity was feeling. She had been born with the agility and stamina, Rarity had just woken up with it. "You ready for the last bit?" "As long as I don't have to take any corners I'll be fine" Rarity smiled back, she was already having fun with her new body. ---***--- "I can't believe how quickly we got here" Rarity brushed aside a branch with her magic as they walked through the forest. The run there had been short but exciting, she'd left slowing down a little too late and nearly slammed into a tree but that embarrising fact never happened. "Glad you're finding the experience thrilling, but this next part is harder. There is a reason we're in the forest," turning Twilight stopped in her tracks and faced Rarity "sight and sound. You've got to be able to control what you take in and what you leave out, or you never be able to sleep again." "Tell me your joking darling" Rarity saw on Twilights face she wasn't. Past experience perhaps? "For now we'll focus on your hearing. I want you to close your eyes and focus on the noises coming from the forest." Twilight watched as Rarity closed her eyes, her ears twitching and head turning slightly. Speaking softer and quieter she said "now strain you hearing, like your trying to focus on a noise you can't quite hear." To Rarity the forest was alive with noise, the rustling of the leaves, the small animals flying and scampering in the forest were all amplified to her. She listened to one noise then moved to another, being careful not to focus on all the sounds at once but try and seperate them into single noises. The creak of the wood, the flapping of the grass in the breeze, even the many thumps of a centipedes legs were like a constant drum roll to her that was perfectly synched. "I never knew those ugly bugs could made such nice music" Rarity thought to herself as she slowly opened her eyes, her hearing returning to normal. "That was... An experience" she said aloud. "I like to think what you just heard was the forest breathing" Twilight held a weird smile on her face, she’d been listening as well and there were nights she did come to the forest just to listen. "Did you hear the centipede?" "You mean the thousand drums perfectly playing together?" Rarity had to admit that dirty messy nature had more of an appeal to it when you listened to it and it gave back music. "All those times I saw Applejack talking to those trees and I thought her silly." "Talking to it a tree and thanking it for its fruit is one thing, wrapping it in a blanket and reading it a bed time story is something else" Twilight giggled as she remembered helping take the tree to her cousin Braeburn in Appleloosa. "Now I want you to focus on your sight." Twilight snapped back to the task at hand, Rarity following suit. "But I can already see fine, it's like I'm wearing those nightvision goggles of Pinkies just without the green glow" "But our eyes are better than that, in that patch of shadows over there what do you see?" Twilight pointed her hoof to an area covered in thick dark shadows compliments of the trees thick growth. Figuring it was like her hearing Rarity focused on the shadows, slowly they gave way to a shape. Then it became more prominent. "Oh my" Rarity gasped, blinking and returning her eys to normal "it's a... Body" "Yep" Twilight raised her head and a second later several howls rang across the forest. "Timber wolves, we've been in their territory for a while now. I was starting to think they wouldn't show." "Twilight?" Rarity asked nervously as Twilight took a fighting pose, a more dangerous smile spreading across her face. "You're a vamp-pony now Rarity, not just a predator. A top-of-the-foodchain predator. When you're in civilisation you have to keep your insticts in check, but out here you show the animals who the real boss is and let your instincts run wild" as she saw a timber wolf step out from behind a tree Twilights fangs extended. Rarity looked around and saw several more surrounding them, a whole pack against two ponies? Slaughter. But a whole pack of Timber Wolves against two vamp-ponies? Rarity felt different than she’d expected, a couple of days ago if she found herself in this situation she'd be running for her life and crying for help. But now something told to stand her ground and dig her hooves in, to bare her own fangs and claws. Figuratively speaking on the claws of course. And that's what she did, back to back with Twilight she lowered her head, spread her legs slightly for quick movements and her fangs extended. So what if there was six timber wolves, they wanted a piece of her? She'd turn them into toothpicks. As the wolves charged and leapt so did Rarity, meeting one in mid-jump she slammed into it sending it flying backwards. Twilight met one straight on in a charge, sending it flying into the air. Another tried to bite her but she easily dodged and bucked it in the face, the wood cracked and splintered easily under her strength. Rarity had tackled one to the ground and sunk her fangs into its side, ripping out a large chunk of wood with her powerful jaws before leaping aside as one barreled into its fallen companion. Twilight dodged as one tried to swipe at her but she caught its leg in her mouth and ripped the whole thing off, then proceeded to hit its previous owner with the clawed end. In the space of a couple of minutes the pack of Timber Wolves were beaten and bested by two vamp-ponies, one of nearly sixty years the other freshly turned. The wooden creatures ran back into the forest, leaving the two ponies panting and not a scratch on them. "That... That was so exhilerating" Rarity panted as Twilight dropped the leg "I've never felt like that after a fight before, I've never felt... So alive." "A mix of adrenaline and instincts." Twilight said as she started walking towards the forest exit "sometimes you got to control your instincts, sometimes you've got to let them control you." "You mean to say you've come into this forest, alone, and fought off Timber Wolves by yourself before?" Rarity asked, dashing to Twilights side once she realised they were leaving the forest. "I've beaten a manticore by myself" Twilight stated proudly. "Always when I've just had some blood though, when I'm at full strength." "Is there anything you can't fight in the forest?" Raritys curiosity getting the better of her. "I wouldn't even dream about facing an Ursa Major, or Minor. Ever." Twilight shuddered slightly as she thought about the giant bear creatures. She doubted she'd be able to win against either even if she had her parents and brother with her. "Understandable darling. I bet a fully grown dragon would have difficulty, speaking of dragons have you ever, you know, drank any blood from Spike-wikey?" Rarity asked as they left the forest. "Of course not" Twilight said in a surprised tone, her face looking more shocked than she sounded. "Spike is still a baby dragon, I'd never drink his blood. Besides I hear dragons blood tastes like rotten meat, and his scales are too hard. I don't want to chip a fang." "Point made" Rarity giggled, picking up her pace a little and Twilight matching it. Soon enough they were running again. "The fight with the Timber Wolves, the music of the forest and this speed. It's all so amazing." "Yeah, it all sounds great" a voice said above them. Looking up Rarity and Twilight saw Rainbow Dash flying just above them, easily keeping up with their running. "So, when is it my turn to be turned into a vamp-pony?" She asked smiling down at them. > Vamp-Ponies Ch.4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.4 "Come on Twilight why not turn me into a vamp-pony too?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew above Twilight and Rarity, who were walking towards Raritys home. "No" Twilight simply stated. "You're not even gonna give me a reason?" Rainbow Dash hovered in place as Twilight and Rarity walked past her. "Nope" "I think Twilight is saying she can't darling." Rarity spoke up, giving a proper answer before Dash did something without thinking. Like screaming loudly and waking everypony up, or trying to tackling Twilight. "She's probably still weak after turning me." The reason Twilight didn't give proper answers was because she was angry, with herself. She'd told Rainbow Dash to go home and not tell anypony what she heard, she should've guessed she'd be back later. "So we wait a few days then you can turn me." Dash landed as they stopped in front of the Boutique. "She's also busy with helping me to control my new abilities" Rarity pointed out. "She could train us together" Rainbow Dash retaliated. "I could. But I won't, because I'm not turning you" Twilight stated, her tone indictaing she was bringing the argument to an end. Rainbow glared at Twilight. She crossed her forelegs and huffed loudly. "Fine, we'll see what the others say when I tell them about you sharing your gift" taking off Rainbow Dash flew quickly out of sight leaving Twilight and Rarity standing there. "She's acting like a spoilt filly" Rarity unlocked the door and entered, as she turned to face Twilight she saw her friend, and now mentor, had a smile on her face. "Aren't you worried she's going to tell everypony?" Twilight's grin widened as she shook her head. "Nope" Twilight looked into the distance where Dash flew, knowing the next day would be fun. ---***--- Hours later, after the sun had risen Rainbow Dash flew over Sweet Apple Acres looking for her friend knowing she'd be awake. "Applejack" Dash called out as she saw her, landing next to her. "Hey Dash, ya come ta help me like ya said ya would?" Applejack asked as she continued to buck the tree. "Never mind that now," Rainbow Dash brushed that perticular subject aside, it always clashed with her snoozing schedual. "Twilight's got a major secret she's keeping from us." "Dash every pony's allowed to keep secrets, and ah ain't no gossip gal so ah don't want to know" Applejack started picking up the few apples that missed the bucket "and ya shouldn't be telling other ponies secrets." "But this is important, it can help us and make us more awesome" Rainbow almost pleaded, she was desperate to tell Applejack. "Something Twilight has that ya'll say is awesome?" Now Applejack was getting interested, it wasn't often Rainbow Dash, self proclaimed most Awesome pony in Ponyville said something Twilight Sparkle, dubbed Egghead by said Awsome pony, had was awesome. Sighing and giving in to her curiosity Applejack said "Fine Dash, what is it?" Smiling broadly, and mischievesly, Dash took a dramatic deep breath. "Twilight is-" suddenly she couldn't talk, the words had stopped in her throat and were setting up home. All she could manage was a strange stretched rasping noise that made Applejack take a step back. "Dash ya'll ok?" "Yeah, I'm ok" Dash panted, she had no clue what was going on. Why couldn't she tell Applejack Twilight was a vamp-pony? "I was trying to say, Twilight is-" again the words stopped and the same rasping noise. "Dash if ya'll just foolin' around ah ain't got time" Applejack said angrily, turning back to the apples "NO, wait. I'll write it" Dash cried out desperatly. Using her hoof she started to write in the dirt, a look of concentration and desperation on her face. Mumbling the words as she wrote them "Twilight. Is. A" Her hoofed stopped, she couldn't move it. She grunted with the effort of trying to move it until she cried out in anger "write it or I'll break you off." Suddenly the hoof moved by itself and turned to face Dash, using her other hoof to protect herself Dash cried out as the hoof launched itself at her face. "Dash ya'll acting really weird. Ya should go home and rest, ah got work to do." Grabbing the bucket full of apples she heard Dash cry out again. Turning around to face Dash she saw she'd drawn a dirt moustache on her own face, it running onto her cheeks and curling. "I'll sky write it" Dash called out desperatly, flying off into the sky. Applejack just shook her head and went back to work. In the sky Rainbow Dash flew as fast as she could, grabbing clouds and shaping them into letters and words. Reading them off in her mind she only had one more word to go. "Twilight. Is. A-" Suddenly she felt something was wrong, she wanted to turn but she was still going straight, and seemed to be dropping. That was when she realised her wings had clamped against her body and refused to open again. Screaming, Dash fell toward the ground. She'd never noticed before just how solid it looked. Tumbling out of control, her limbs flailing, hoping, praying there would be a cloud or something to grab onto but she'd used all the closest clouds to make the words. Dash closed her eyes, she didn't want to see the end come. SPLASH! Dash had landed in the river; the freezing cold water was almost as much of a shock as finding her wings didn't work. Gasping deeply for breath as she broke the surface she felt her wings move under her power again. Looking to the shore line she saw Twilight sitting there with a satisfied smile on her face. "What did you do to me?" Dash shouted as she tried to swim, only to be picked up by Twilights magic and placed her on solid ground. "Had enough yet? Or you thirsty for more?" Twilight giggled as Dash shook the water out of her mane, sending the water in every direction. "What's going on with me? What did you do? Is this another weird vamp-pony power?" Dash felt so angry the water should've been steaming off her, Twilight on the other hoof looked like she was having the time of her life. "Hypnotic suggestion. I told you not to tell anypony so you can't, and your mind stops you anyway it can" Twilight looked like she was about to burst out in laughter, if she knew this would be so fun she would've done it years ago. Though the telling off she'd had gotten from her parents might have out weighed the fun. "So it's your fault. Unable to talk, my hoof attacking me. My wings closing and me crashing out of the sky, I could've died" Dash shouted, her wings springing open in anger. "Come now Dash, do you really think I'd let my friends get hurt. I've been watching you all day, there's a reason you landed in the river instead of someone's home." ---***--- Sweetie Belle opened the door to the boutique as quietly as she could, peering in through the small gap she couldn't see her sister anywhere. Opening it more she sneaked into the dim room, the store was closed for the day and Rarity had closed all the curtains but Sweetie Belle had enough light to see. Looking into the kitchen she saw Rarity sitting at the table with various broken glasses in front of here, a mixture of sweat and tears had messed her make up slightly. She currently held a glass in her hooves and an intense look of concentration on her face. As Rarity slowly raised the glass off the table Sweetie Belle watched it crack until finely it shattered into large and small chunks and fall onto the table, crying out loudly Rarity held her hoof to her head and began to swoon. Rushing forwards Sweetie Belle managed to grab Rarity and hold her up for a few seconds, before Rarity's weight becane too much for her little legs and collapsed onto the floor. "Are you alright Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked picking herself up now that her moment of drama was over. "I'm fine" Sweetie Belle felt herself get picked up by Raritys magic and her now slightly squished mane get restyled. "What are you doing? I've never seen you smash a glass so easily before." "Oh it's something Twilight has me doing; it's suppose to teach me to control my new found strength but as you can see, I've not been that successful as of yet." Rarity looked at the amount of glass on the table and felt another dramatic scene coming. "Oh Sweetie Bell," she cried out, resisting the urge to swoon again "the glass it too fragile, I fear I shall never hold another glass it my hoofs again." "You always used your magic to hold a glass" Sweetie Belle pointed out, earning a coy look from her older sister. "Quiet darling I'm having a moment" Rarity whsipered so the empty room couldn't hear, Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. Raritys 'moments' could last a while, and the best of them deserved to be in a play by William Shakesmare. "Never shall I raise it to my lips and taste its sweet contents, for my new found strength seems too much for such a fragile thing." "You could practise on something stronger, like wood or stone. Or one of Scootaloo's cupcakes, I've seen Applebloom use them to knock nails into stuff." The CMC had each tried cooking and needless to say it wasn't successful, not even Spike could take a bite out of Scootaloo's cupcakes and he ate jewels. Though he did say they were helpful in cleaning his scales. "Now that's a thought" Rarity tapped her chin, all dramatic sonnets forgotten for the moment. "If I practise with stronger materials first then I can practise until I can control myself perfectly. That's such a good idea I could hug you Sweetie Belle." Looking at the table and broken glass Sweetie Belle took a few steps back. "That's ok, why don't you try hugging a doll?" Suddenly remembering something Raritys horn began to glow. "Actually Twilight gave me something for just this moment" a poorly stitched and obviously home made doll floated into the kitchen, the head was small while the chest and one of the legs were over stuffed, the stitching was made from thick thread that looked like it should be used to make a bears fur into a coat. In other words something Rarity had an urge to throw away and make something from fresh, but for its purpose it served well so she didn't. Yet. Taking the doll into her hoofs Rarity hugged it tightly, the stuffing spreading itself throughout its small body until finaly with a strained ripping noise Sweetie Bell watched as the thick leg fell off and onto the floor, closly followed by the by the head. The weird X stitched eyes facing up with its creepy four X smily facing up at them. Looking from the doll to Sweetie Belle Rarity cried out again, throwing the doll on the floor as Sweetie Bell ran out before she could be dragged into anything. As she left Opalescence entered, she'd been snoozing most of the day which she enjoyed doing. But with the curtains closed and no warm sun shine coming in it had desturbed her sleep, lucky for all it was nearly lunch time and the large white one that kept her well groomed always had good eats for her. As she took in the scene of the room Opalescence stopped, broken glass, a torn up stuffed object and the large white one crying in the middle of it all. "Oh Opal, mommy needs a hug" Rarity sniffed as she saw her cat and held open her hooves. Oh well, maybe Fluttershy has some good eats today, Opal thought to herself as she turned and left. But how best to get there? The blue loud one had the flying shell thing that could get her there quickly. Rarity cried out again as Opal left, slamming her hooves on the ground like a filly who'd just lost its favourite toy. As her cries died away she sulked, until a thought struck her. "Come now Rarity you must simply take your mind off the matter,” she said to herself, picking herself up and moving into the design room. Pulling a design book over Rarity knew it contained ideas she'd had in the past for various and many designs. Some where out of season or would be too expensive to make, or would take too long and would interfear with her business. But as she flicked through the pages she searched for a complex one, a design that would take hours to make and she found it in a dress that would only look right being worn at a suare held by royalty. Placing the book down Rarity set her mind to automatic and let her magic do its work, wrapping itself around various items she'd need as she looked over the disgn. Complex stitching, a large jewelled broach and of course the colours would match the ponies mane and coat, for this one basing it on her own mane and coat would do. Focusing entirly on her work Rarity ignored the flow of time, cutting and shapping the fabric, stitching here and adding a pin there until finally the dress was complete. As her gorgeous design stood gorgeously in front of her Rarity couldn't help but admire how gorgeous her design had turn out. As she placed everything back in its proper place Rarity smiled to herself "that was just what I needed, the only thing that could relax me this much would be a trip to the spa" glancing at her dress again she couldn't help smile broader "making that dress must had wasted a good... FIFTEEN MINUTES?" Looking at her clock Rarity thought it must have been broken, a dress of that design should have taken her hours to make if not all day. But to make it within fifteen minutes? How? Why? Then she remembered what Twilight had said about her various new abilities, and aparently running a mile a minute wasn't all the speed she had. Sitting down Rarity cried again, the sorrow of her bereavement of being unable to lift a single glass with her hooves welling up again. "Now what am I supposed to do?" She wailed, the new and freshly made dress having no answers. Suddenly Rarity stopped. "Although now that I think about it, this will help with bulk orders." ---***--- Twilight sat at her working desk in the library, a book open infront of her with an ink well and quil ready to be used next to it and a roll of parchment spread and ready to be written on. The fact that Twilight was using the desk as a make shift bed made the other items a moot point, She'd finally got some quiet time to herself after leaving Rainbow Dash next to the river, and as such Twilight did what she enjoyed best; reading, writing and learning. The plan had gotten as far as everything was ready to use when exhaustion set in, staying up all night and still being drained from turning Rarity was a bad mix. As her body rested Twilights mind played an old scene in her head, one that was over fifty years old and one she hadn't thought about for a long, long time. Twilight was a filly and was excitied the way only a filly could be, she was at her first social gathering of vamp-ponies and would hopefully meet other filly vamp-ponies. As they entered the large room filled with other vamp-ponies wearing their own cloaks Twilight couldn't help but feel nervous, she and her family were wearing their own cloaks made by her mother; large collars, black on the outside and the inside matching the colour of their coats. Twilight hid behind her mother slightly as she watched all the larger and older vamp-ponies walk by, some giving a greeting to her parents and some giving a simple nod. "Do you know all those ponies mommy?" The young Twilight asked as she stepped out from behind her slightly. "I recognise a few of them from my younger days" mommy smiled as she looked down at Twilight, her father and brother already mixing with the crowd as he proudly introduced his son, and pointed out his daughter. "Most of these vamp-ponies I've never met. But this pony I shall never forget" mommy smiled brightly as a vamp-pony walked upto her, a dark brown coat with matching mane wearing a blood red cloak. "Twilight dear I want you to meet a very old friend of mine and your father, how are you Dracule?" "Now now, I haven't gone by that name for the last 500 years. I now go by the name Al Card" the brown pony sweapt his cloak over his body for effect and gave a bow, Twilight could see his cutie mark, three white cards with the third over lapping the other two giving ponies a clear view of the bright red dragon on it. "And you say this is Twilight? A pleasure to meet you" Al bowed again, Twilight shrunk back slightly. "Hello" she said quietly as her mother brought her fully into view "you know my mommy?" "Know her? Why your mother and I go back centuries?" Al laughed loudly "I knew her when she was barely older than you are, why I'll never forget the day she-" he bousted loudly but was cut off by an even louder "Yes thank you Dra- I mean Al, I do not think my daughter needs any ideas on how to misbehave." Twilight tugged slightly on her mothers cloak as Al laughed, her mother leaning down as she whispered "I'm hungry" "There's a table over there with food on it, have you been practicing your magic?" Mommy asked and received a nod from her daughter "don't eat too many sweets." Twilight smiled as she walked away, she said not to have too many sweats so that meant she was allowed to have plenty as long as it didn't become too much. Three big plates isn't too much is it? As she walked towards the table she heard Al ask loudly, which seemed to be his theme. Loud. "Do you still play the piano? I know a few ponies who would love to hear some of the old music. Todays modern rubbish is nothing compared to the classics." As Twilight approached the table she gleefully looked at the food, there was chocolates, dandelions, chocolate cake, wheat grass, chocolates, fancy looking fruits, a trifle and most importantly chocolate. One at a time Twilight floated a plate and various foods down in front of her, a few pieces of her favourite fruit and a large slice of cake was, what she figured, a good start. Picking up the plate with her magic Twilight looked for a good place to eat, as she looked around she walked into somepony. It was a light blue filly, with a white mane and a cloak with a few hoof stitched stars on it for an effect of a night sky, she turned on Twilight and barked "Apologise" "I'm sorry?" Twilight asked, the plate still hovering next to her. "That will do" the filly stuck her nose up at Twilight, she seemed a bit odd to Twilight but at least it was someone her own age to talk to. "I'm Twilight, what your name?" "You awe talking to Twixie. The soon-to-be Gweat and Powewful Twixie" the blue unicorn introduced herself, the tone of superiority not leaving her voice. "Twixie?" Twilight asked, thinking it was a strange name "Not Twixie. TWIXIE, the soon-to-be Gweat and Powewful Twixie" Trixie complained, as if Twilight intentionally got her name wrong. A Lot of ponies got it wrong first time. Twilight looked at her confused for a second before she realised something. "Oh, The gReat and poweRful TRixie" Twilight said happily, putting a lot of anunsiation on the Rs. "That's what Twixie said. Awe you hovewing that plate? What have you got on it?" Trixie asked, remembering it Twilight hurridly put it down and showed her new 'friend' what she'd put on it. "Fwuit, I mean, fruit and cake" Twilight blushed slightly but Trixie seemed to have ignored her. "Twixie likes this fwuit" Trixie stated before grabbing a piece with her own magic, it faltered slightly several times but remained in the air long enough for her to eat it. Twilight was going to complain but there was plenty more back at the food table, plus she wanted a vamp-pony friend other than her brother. The older vamp-ponies had quietened down slightly as piano music started playing. "Why are you the soon-to-be great and powerful Trixie?" Twilight asked as she ate a piece of fruit. "Because Twixie's pawents are gweat, and powewful, so that means Twixie will be too. I'm gonna, I mean, Twixie is gonna be the stwongest unicown ever." Trixie tried to levitate another piece of fruit but it dropped back on the plate several times before she got it in her mouth, she seemed to ignore her mistakes and continued. "Then Twixie is gonna show nowmal ponies how much bettew she is, and they'll have to do as I say. As Twixie says" she quickly corrected herself. "Why? My mommy says we need ponies and in sunlight we're not much better than they are. She also said there are more of them than of us." Twilight didn't like what Trixie was saying, as she understood it the vamp-ponies needed normal ponies for blood and she was always told never to take blood. She liked the ponies that gave blood to her family, they were nice to her and gave her a cookie when she visited. "So? Twixie is gonna solve the sunlight problem when she's oldew and is the most powewful unicown evew. Then we can take blood whenevew we want it and won't need to hide 'cause no pony will be able to stop us." Trixie tried picking up the last piece of fruit but as her magic faultered Twilight grabbed it with her own magic and ate it, earning a glare from Trixie. "Taking something that isn't yours is wrong, and if we attack ponies Princess Celestia would stop us" Twilight pointed out as she broke off a large piece of cake and pushed it in her mouth as Trixie laughed harshly. "Even Pwincess Celestia would fall to vamp-ponies, especially if they were led by the Gweat and Powewful Twixie." Breaking off her own piece of cake equil in size to Twilight's Trixie raised it to her face, as she was about to bite into it her magic stopped and it fell to the floor missing the plate entirely. Ignoring the cake Trixie broke off a small piece and ate that instead. "How are you going to be great and powerfull? You can't even levitate food. Plus you sound ridicules calling yourself 'Trixie' all the time" nudging the plate closer to Trixie Twilight stood and turned, leaving Trixie with a stunned and angry look on her face. Twilight had hoped they could be friends but she didn't like what the blue filly was saying. "Can't levitate food?" Trixie shouted, turning around Twilight saw she had an angry look on her face and her horn was glowing, the plate with what was left of the cake above her head. Suddenly the cake flew towards Twilight who yelped and closed her eyes, she could feel her magic rising and her horn glowing as she expected the cake to hit her at any second but it didn't. Opening one eye Twilight saw Trixie covered in the cake and an even angrier look on her face. "You can telepowt things?" She screamed, some of the older vamp-ponies watching them now as the piano continued to play. "I can?" Twilight asked surprised, she'd never teleported anything before, she was just getting the hang of levitating things. Brushing the plate and cake off her Trixie ran past Twilight and jumped up onto the food table, and with all magic showmanship forgotten, grabbed the trifle with her hooves before throwing it at Twilight who only yelped again but this time her magic didn't kick in automatically, the trifle was flying towards her and she couldn’t stop it and it was going to hit her and ruin her mane. Accept it didn't. Opening her eyes Twilight say the trifle floating in front of her face wrapped in a familiar colour of magic. "What are you doing to my sister?" Shining Armor stepped out of the crowd and in front of Twilight, who felt so happy to see him she could hug him. The trifle flew back to Trixie and hit her in the face knocking her backwards into the other food and covering her mane in various colours as the contents splattered everywhere. Shining laughed triumphantly as protecting his sister and defeating the nasty pony who tried to humiliate her was both noble and exciting, something a royal guard would do any day of the week, he heard somepony shout "What Are You Doing To My Daughter?" A vamp-pony stepped forwards, a dark blue coat and a white mane, and grabbed Shining Armor roughly only to be pushed away by magic, another vamp-pony stepped forwards. "He was protecting his sister, now what do you think you were going to do to my son?" "Daddy" Twilight happily hugged him as he wrapped a hoof around her. Around her the older vamp-ponies were starting to shout and argue with each other and were getting angrier and angrier. She wanted to say something but nopony would hear her and just when she thought it was about to get worse the shouting stopped and all the vamp-ponies froze. Deep powerfull notes were being played on the piano and each chored struck at every vamp-pony. Things had just gotten worse. "It has been a very, very long time since we could come together." Twilight heard a voice speak and she knew it, mommy was angry. As she spoke the piano still played out the deep notes. "I had hoped my daughter and son could make friends here, that my husband and I could see old friends. To show each other that we have survived this long time apart and have changed to suit the world around us. It seems I am to leave disapointed, it seems some of us are trying to cling to the so called glory we could have had if She was still around." her voice turned to venom when she was said "but there was no glory, only failure and fear and hunting. If that is what you are teaching you fillies then neither I nor my family shall see you ever again." The piano stopped playing and Twilight felt herself get picked up by her father and placed on his back. Even though she felt safe and secure so near her father and brother she still shook, her body was scared for some reason. She'd never heard her mommy talk like that before, her little body couldn't take it, she felt like a large scary monster had jumped out of the closet and chased her. ---***--- Twilight's eyes flickered open as her body and mind woke up, the events of the dream still fresh in her mind. But it wasn't a dream, it was a memory and she knew it. Sighing deeply Twilight said to herself "I forgot all about that." > Vamp-Ponies Ch.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vamp-pony Ch.5 Rainbow Dash looked at the piece of paper in front of her, it was blank and plain. Nothing wrong with that. Rainbow Dash then had an idea, she knew what the piece of paper needed. It need a nice big V drawn on it, nothing but a V would do for this piece of paper. Picking up the pencil in her mouth Dash skillfully drew a line, going from top to bottom at an angle then repeat in opposite. Putting the pencil down she looked at the V, it was a good V. She liked it. Putting the piece of paper aside she saw the other paper she'd put letters on. There was two with P, one with Y, A, O and finally one with an M. They were all good letters that seemed to suit the paper she'd put them on. But she felt she had one letter left, picking up the pencil she tried to think of the letter. It came after M but before O and it seemed to want to be put on the paper, who was she to deny it? Quickly and as neatly as she could Rainbow Dash drew an N on the paper and pushed it aside, dropping the pencil she fell back onto the cloud floor. "Ok, that's done" she was mentally tired, it wasn't easy focusing on every single letter of a word one at a time without thinking of the whole word at least once. She'd been thinking for hours trying to think of a way to beat Twilights hypnotism, everytime she tried to say the line to somepony she stopped herself. Everytime she tried to write it down, she stopped herself. Rainbow Dash then had a brief genius moment and tried writing each word down seperatly, it had worked until she got to vamp-pony. Everytime her mind linked it all the words together it stopped her but if she could stop herself from linking it, it might work and it did. Dash was greatful it did, she didn't feel like trying to explain it to herself again. Reluctently she got up and grabbed her saddle bag, grabbing the pile of papers she looked through them. One word per page at first then single letters, she checked to see if she had them all. Twilight Is A Then came the letters, it was tricky to not link them but if she read them in the wrong order it might work. P P O A N Y M V "It worked" Dash smiled to herself, as she put the papers in the bag "I beat it, I'm finally gonna tell Applejack Twilight is a-" she tried to stop herself, but too late. As she said it she mentally thought of the letters and put them in the right order, now her body was betraying her. Again. Unable to stop herself Dash dived face first into the saddle and starting ripping mouthfulls of paper off and eating them. This was the third time she'd eaten them. ---***--- Spike looked at Twilight as she just sat at her desk. Book and parchment in front of her but not one word jotted down, she hadn't even opened her ink or touched her quill. "Twilight? You ok?" He asked as he approached her. Slowly she turned around to face him and he saw the face that represented she'd been worrying and over thinking things. Spike wanted to run. "Do you think I didn't think about it enough?" Twilight asked grabbing Spike "About what?" He was forced to look into her deranged eyes, suddenly he was shook. "About Rarity, and turning her into a vamp-pony." Dropping Spike she started pacing around the room "I've never turned a pony before so I don't know if I gave it enough thought and I can't ask anypony because no one knows." Twilight ranted to herself "It's not that I regret turning her cause I'm gonna have a friend for a long long time but she'll have to move away from Ponyville and Sweetie Belle and her parents-" "Twilight calm down," Spike shouted as he looked up at Twilight who was now standing on the ceiling "if you need to talk to somepony why not send a letter to your parents?" Dropping down from the ceiling and landing in front of him Twilight grabbed Spike again "NO, if they found out I turned somepony without fully thinking about it they'll be mad, and come see me. And drag me away. FOREVER" "What about Cilestia?" Spike asked as his eyes spun "Celestia? Yes. She'll know what to do" Twilight hugged Spike tightly then dropped him "Spike, take a letter." Using her magic she thrust the quill, scroll and ink into his hands. Dear Princess Celestia It may shock you to find that my friend Rarity has accidently discovered that I am a vamp-pony, but after explaining things to her and answering her questions she realised I wasn't a blood sucking monster from the fairy tales. In fact, she took it a completly different way. After discussing it and her convincing me, I turned her into a vamp-pony. She seems to be adjusting well but another of my friends, Rainbow Dash, found out I am a vamp-pony and is constantly begging me to turn her as well. So far the hypnotic suggestion I put on her has stopped her from telling anypony else but I fear she will find away around it. The reason I am writing this letter is to ask for your advice, I fear I didn't give enough thought into the long-term results of turning Rarity. I also fear that I mght have to tell my other friends and they won't accept the real me, the vamp-pony me, the 60-year-old me who will outlive them and will have to move away in a few years before they notice my slow aging. I humbly seak your advice, your ever faithfull student Twilight Sparkle Rolling it up Spike engulfed it in flame and magically sent the letter to its intended occupent. Twilight stood in front of Spike for a full 10 seconds before screaming "Where is it? Is it stuck?" Grabbing Spike she forced his mouth open and looked into his mouth, nothing there but sharp teeth, a seprentine tongue and the uvuela. But no note. "Do you think she's disappointed in me? Or worse, told my mother?" "Twilight calm down, it takes even princess Celestia time to write a letter. Geez your acting more skittish then the time Fluttershy was at that Hen party. Who knew those feathery birds could party so hard?" Spike watched as Twilight took a few deep breaths to try and calm her nerves. Suddenly he belched out a large flame followed by the scroll. "MINE" Twilight yelled as she grabbed it with her magic and unrolled it. Dear Twilight Sparkle While it was inevitable that your friends would find out about you being a vamp-pony sooner or later I have confidence in your judgement at all times, wether it is helping organising the winter wrap up, the odd behavour in an old filly-hood friend or explaining yourself fully. Remember, your friendship is special and you have all been through so much together. Bonds such as those are not easily broken. Rarity accepted the real you as has Rainbow Dash, trust your friends and believe in them. I have full confidence that the barers of the Elemants of Harmony cannot be seperated so easily. This is the advice I give you, and hope it eases your mind. Your Teacher Princess Celestia Twilight read, and re-read, the letter with her mouth open. She flipped it over in case Celestia had written something on the back but it was blank. "Feel any better?" Spike asked "She trusts my judgement!? But I don't trust my judgement. This was no help at all" Twilight cried out stamping her hooves. Spike watched as Twilight paced back and forth talking to herself, he knew what to do. Rushing into the kitchen he climbed into the cupboards, this called for the special brew tea leaves. Grabbing the tin of leaves he filled the kettle with water and blew on it, a steady stream of flame quickly bringing it to the boil. Grabbing a cup he dropped in a couple of leaves and poured in the water, careful not to spill a drop Spike rushed back into the library to find Twilight walking up the walls again. "Twilight, drink this" Spike ordered over her rambling. "What is that? Tea? Good, it'll calm me down and relax me" using her magic Twilight lifted the cup up. "What type is it? I need something strong right now or I think I'm going to lose it." Spike watched as Twilight drank the tea at the odd angle of the wall, she let out a relaxed sigh as the tea slid down her throat and into her stomach. "Feeling any better?" Spike asked. Saying nothing Twilight just stood on the wall, a relaxed look on her face. She started to slowly slide down the wall like a great weight had been added that was working with gravity to pull her down, stopping only when she reached the top of the bookshelf. Then as if the suction had been removed from her hoovers she fell to the floor face first, the tea cup falling to the floor as her magic cut off. "Twilight you ok?" Spike rushed over to her as she flopped onto her side "What was that tea you gave me?" Twilight asked slowly in a relaxed, almost dream-like state "I dunno. It was the one Zecora gave you" Spike looked at the puddle of tea on the floor. He'd seen the plays and read the books, right now someone would smell or taste the tea and something would happen. He neither smelt or tasted it, just increased the space between them. "Spike you silly... Short... Dragon... Thing" Twilight tried to raise her hoof but it just kept flopping onto the floor next to her. "That was Atropa Belladonna. Also known as Deadly Nightshade." For a normal pony Nightshade was relaxing in a small amount but too much was deadly, hence the name. The hand full Spike had used to make the tea would've knocked an elephant out. It was only thanks to Twilight being a vamp-pony she wasn't down for good. It was also thanks to her being a vamp-pony that Spike was going to have the oppotunity forced upon him to have a lecture on paying proper attention, knowing the different drinking herbs and leaves as well as proper tea making etiquette. ---***--- "And that's how you'll know if the water is too hot for the leaves" Twilight finished, placing the blackboard aside and putting a fresh blank one in it place. Turning around she saw Spike face down on the table gently snoring, she thought she'd heard a thud thirty minutes ago but she had been enjoying her own lecture on controlling the tempurature of the flame used to boil the water. Slamming her hoof on the table Twilight watched as Spike woke with a start, mutting a few random words before his brain woke up and took over his body again. "Spike if you're going to sleep through my leessons I might as well not try to teach you." "Works for me" Spike said happily as he jumped out of seat, Twilight groaning as he left the library. Twilight sighed to herself and sat on the floor, the so-called tea had worn off hours ago and the distraction of trying to teach Spike had kept her calm and her mind occupied. Now she was by herself she needed something new to occupy her mind, her books called to her. As she sat at her desk Twilight sighed happily as she opened her book and started reading. Before she reached the end of the first paragraph she heard the door slam open and two familiar voices shouted "TWILIGHT" Not even turning around Twilight knew who it was "Hello Rarirty, Hello Rainbow Dash. How can I help?" Speaking over each other Rarity and Rainbow Dash tried to explain why they were there. Only stopping when Twilight screamed at the top of her voice for them to be quiet. "One at a time girls, I can't understand a thing your saying. Rarity first" "Twilight darling I just can't get the hang of holding a glass between my hoofs" Rarity placed a hoof to her head and swooned onto Rainbow Dash, who only pushed her away. "Try holding something tougher, then work back to glass" Twilight suggested with an unamused look on her face. "Sweetie Belle did suggest something like that" Rarity tapped her chin "but I got distracted making new dresses" she smiled bashfully as Twilight’s face remained unchanged "That's great" Rainbow Dash spoke up before either pony could say anything else "Twi you gotta undo the crazy hypno-thing, I'm starting to have an all paper diet" "First of all I have no idea what that means," Twilight responded "second I'm not going to undo the hypnotism because you'll just tell everypony I'm a vamp-pony." "I won't tell anypony if you turn me into a vamp-pony." Rainbow Dash smiled "NO. If I turn you you'll just tell everypony You're a vamp-pony" Twilight was getting aggrivated and tired of saying the same thing to Rainbow Dash over and over. "That so bad? Telling everypony how awesome you are and how you can turn into things and hypnotise ponies and all sorts of cool things." "Yes it's bad. Rainbow Dash my kind have spent a millenium trying to become myths and fair tales. For every pony that thinks we're 'Awesome' there will be five ponies afraid of us and try to hurt us. If everypony finds out I'm a vamp-pony I'll have to leave ponyville and my friends, and while I will have to leave eventually it won't be anytime soon. So you'll exscuse me if I don't want to tell anypony else I'm a mythical fairy tail creature of the night that's sucks blood, turns into mist and bats, able to walk up walls, hypnotise ponies and loves wearing my big collered cloak because it puts focus on my face. And yes I can be that shallow, All vamp-ponies are." Twilight panted for breath as she finished her rant, both Rarity and Rainbow Dash had a surprised look on their faces as she vented is her stress. She felt better slightly, like a weight had been taken off her shoulders. Twilight heard a gentle cough behind her, slowly looking over her should she saw Applejack and Fluttershy standing on the doorway. Both had an uncomfertable look on their faces and Twilight could guess how much they'd heard. Raising a hoof to her mouth and clearing her throat, Applejack asked "Twi, can we talk about that fact you're a vamp-pony?" The weight had been doubled. ---***--- Princess Celestia sat in her room by herself, Luna having taken over the royal duties for the night. She was reading a new love novel that had been released when a scroll landed in front of her, recognising the seal instantly as Twilights she placed the book aside and picked the scroll up with her magic. "Another letter from Twilight? Perhaps she has told her friends and is no longer feeling stressed over hiding the secret from them" Celestia thought to herself as she opened the scroll. Inside was one word written in large capital letters that had clearly been written in a hurry. "HELP!" Placing the scroll down and returning to her book Celestia said outloud to herself "Perhaps not." > Vamp-Ponies Ch.6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vamp-pony Ch.6 "Twilight. C'mon sugar cube we need to talk" Applejack shouted through the door as she knocked on it. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike crowded around her as she tried to get Twilight to open the door to her room. On the inside Twilight hid under her bed, stroking her tail as she tried to ignore the voices shouting through her door. "It's ok Twilight, you'll think of something, you're a smart pony. Mommy says you're a smart pony so you are and you can fix this." She tried to think but couldn't concentrate with the banging on the door and the shouting voices. She needed them to go away so she could think, but if they went away they might tell somepony else then she'd be in real trouble. "It's no use, ah can't get an answer out of her" Applejack sighed stepping aside, Rainbow Dash stepped up and pounded on the door. "Twilight, you get your flank out here right now." She demanded "Get out here and undo this hypnotism, everypony knows your a-" suddenly Dash's wings opened and beat as hard as they could, sending her unexpectedly backwards and tumbling down the stairs. Sighing Spike stepped up for his go, knocking politely in the door he spoke loudly "Twilight? How you doing?" "I'm A Good Pony. Mommy Says So!" Twilight's voice rang through the door "Oh great, we got a level Five" Spike sighed "That bad?" Applejack asked "It's not good. The only one's I've seen Twilight listen to in this state is her mother and Princess Celestia." Spike sighed and leant his head against the wall. Fluttershy stepped up to the door and gently cleared her throat, gently knocking on the door she gently said "Twilight you're being a bad pony" "No I'm not, I'm a good pony. Mommy says so" Twilights voice rang out sounding more desperate than before. "You're being a bad host, and if your being a bad host then your being a bad pony" as Fluttershy finished speaking they heard some noise then a heavy thud on the door, Twilight's voice sounded clearer. "NO. I'm a good pony" opening the door slightly Twilight peared out to her friends "please don't be mad" "We're not mad Twilight, but we would like an explanation. Can you please come out and tell us" Fluttershy smiled as Twilight slowly opened the door and mumbled something. Stepping out of the room Twilight looked at her friends with a shamed look on her face, Rainbow Dash walking back up the stairs with an annoyed look on her face. "Do you hate me? For keeping who, and what, I am from you?" Twilight asked, almost unable to look at Fluttershy and Applejack. "Heck sugar cube we know who you really are. You're our friend," Applejack smiled "even if you are a fairy tail creature." Twilight smiled slightly "I guess I should start by answering any questions you have." "Well ah guess the thing ah want to know is, what's real about a vamp-pony and what's story? Are you really immortal?" Smiling slightly more Twilight sat down "that's the first question everypony asks, make yourself comfortable girls this is going to be a long explanation." The others simply listened as Twilight explained as much as she could about vamp-ponies; the slow aging, the drinking of blood and the various abilities that she had. She explained about her family and turning Rarity into a vamp-pony as well as explaining why Rainbow Dash had been acting so weird. "Ah can't belive y'all is nearly sixty years old," Applejack spoke as Twilight finished "must seem pretty childish the things we do sometimes." "Not at all, most of my life I either spent in the castle studying or at home studying. Accept for my BBBFF I didn't have any real friends until I came to ponyville" Twilight felt a lot better having fully opened herself to her friends and none of them had pitchforks or flaming torches pointed at her. "No wonder you're so much of an egghead and boring at times," Rainbow Dash smiled mischievesly "you're an old mare, everypony knows the older you get the more boring you are. Except for me, I’m gonna be awesome forever." "I told you Dash I'm still young compared to other vamp-ponies" Twilight rolled her eyes; she knew Dash would make fun of her age sooner or later. "Oh speaking of other vamp-ponies, have you ever met any others? Except your family that is." Fluttershy asked "A few, most were through my parents and a few were chance meetings. Those ones didn't generally end well, I usually ended up doing something embarressing" Twilight blushed; she knew the others would make her talk about her past and she wanted to, no matter how embarrassing it was. "Like what darling? Surely you have a tale to spin from your long experience of life?" Rarity asked as elegently as she could without outright saying Twilight was old. "Alright I'll tell you but you're going to laugh when you hear how much of a fool I made of myself." "Count on it" Rainbow Dash smiled. ---***--- Over 20 Years Ago Twilight stood outside the club with her friends? Acquaintances? They knew each other through their families as they donated blood to Twilights, and while she got along with them she never really made any attempts to get to know them beyond what was needed. Usually Twilight would be busy learning and practising her magic but tonight, at the insistance of her parents as well as Princess Celestia, she was visiting one of the cities nightclubs to celebrate a birthday. Even outside she could hear the music playing away inside, her 'friends' talking excitedly as the line moved and they enterred the club, the music growing louder and louder as they walked down the stairs until finally the entered the party room. Twilight had never seen so many ponies packed into one room before, she couldn't help but think it had to break a few health and safety rules. Twilight followed the small group to the bar and looked around the room, the flashing lights hurt her eyes and she had to focus to keep her hearing of the music low or else she might go deaf. Nightclubs were definetly not a vamp-ponies friend. "I love this DJ" a pony shouted next to Twilight, her mane was a golden yellow with a white coat. "She's new to the scene but ponies says she's gonna be the next big thing." "Really?" Twilight asked as she accepted a drink from another pony, using her magic to lift it as she took a sip. Looking over the crowd she tried to see the pony playing the music, she'd never seen a DJ pony before and wouldn't mind seeing what kind of cutie mark they had. Focussing through the flashing lights as best she could Twilight saw the pony playing the record, the oddest thing about her was she was wearing sunglasses. Sunglasses inside a dark club? How was she seeing what she was doing? Twilight watched as the DJ pony scanned the room, watching the other ponies dance and enjoying her music but once her gaze moved to Twilight she stopped, and slowly a smile spread across her lips. The pony added a record and slowly phased out the last song and started up the new one. "Alright you ponies in love and looking for love, time for you to hit the dance floor" the DJ pony shouted above the crowd and started playing the new song. As soon as Twilight’s group recognised the song they started singing along with it. ~What Is Love? Pony don't hurt me Don't hurt me, no more~ "Come on Twilight," the blond haired mare shouted and grabbed Twilight, forcing her to follow her "tonight we all get a pony." Twilight was dragged against her will to the dance floor which was already full of ponies dancing together and some looking for somepony to dance with. Twilight blushed and felt more awkward than the time she accidently gave Princess Celestia a mustache, thankfully Celestia laughed it off and never mentioned it to anypony. Twilight's friends danced around her to the song but Twilight just stood there not knowing what to do, she looked around the dance floor watching the other ponies do simple moves while others did weird ones that didn't go with the music. Twilight looked up at the DJ and saw her watching her and still smiling, Twilight looked away almost instantly but found her gaze always moving back to the DJ. Before Twilight knew it the song was finished and the ponies started to leave the dance floor, around her Twilight’s friends laughed as she heard the DJ shout to the crowd "And that was my final song of the night ponies, I hope you enjoy yourselves and dance harder for the next DJ." Before hopping down from the set the DJ looked at Twilight and motioned with her head to follow her. Before Twilight could react she heard her friends laugh again. "She wants us to follow her, let's go." Grabbing Twilight again the small group of ponies followed the white coated DJ backstage, only stopping briefly as she informed the security griffon to allow them to pass. Backstage was an open area, the mares pointed, giggled and talked in hurried whispers as they walked, following the DJ at a slightly distance until finally the found a door with the word 'Vinyl' on it. "In here ladies, this is where the party really is." The now named DJ pony Vinyl said confidently, opening the door she revealed her room to the small group. It was probably bigger than most rooms in the club and most likely the biggest room for the DJ's for the night; it had a sofa, a small bar in the corner, a comfortable bed which was big enough to hold three fully grown ponies and of course a door leading to the bathroom. "Woah, this room's yours?" The blond pony asked as she stepped in and started looking around "Just for tonight, the club gives this room to the DJ they want most, and every pony wants Vinyl Scratch," Vinyl moved over to the bar and expertly started mixing drinks as the group started giggling slightly. "Here you go Purple Rain try this, I mix drinks almost as good as I mix music." A glass floated to Twilight and she took it in her own magic, something about Vinyl seemed off about Twilight. The unwavering confidence in her voice and body movement, they way she could get others to react and the fact she still hadn't taken off her glasses was bothering Twilight. She'd never met Vinyl before but there was something familiar about her. "What's a matter Purple Rain? Don't like the drink?" Vinyl asked snapping Twilight back to reality. Twilight heard her friends giggle again as they enjoyed their drinks. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, not Purple Rain" Twilight took a small sip of the drink and pulled a face, her vamp-pony constitution stopped her from getting drunk easily but she had no taste for alcohol and this drink was so strong if she dropped a flame in it the ceiling would've got scortched. "Sparkle huh? Name matches your mark, though that's not the only reason to look at a flank like yours" Vinyl watched as Twilight blushed and repositioned herself. "Careful Twilight, I think she likes you" one of the ponies teased before falling into a fit of giggles with the other ponies. "Well Sparkle why don't come over here and tell me what’s your pleasure so I can mix you up a new drink." as Vinyl wrapped the glass in her own magic she saw Twilight hesitate slightly "Don't worry, I don't bite. Hard" Ignoring the fresh outburst of giggles Twilight slowly walked over to Vinyl, as she approached Vinyl gave her a large smile and that's when she saw them. A pair of canine teeth amongst the rest, something a normal pony doesn't have. "You're a vamp-pony?" Twilight asked in a hushed voice "Took you long enough to figure out," Vinyl laughed, "I had you pegged the moment I saw you." "But how? We've never met before" Twilight watched as Vinyl raised her glasses as showed her eyes, they were strange even for a vamp-pony. "Kid when you've lived over a century not much can get past your eyes" Vinyl dropped her glasses down again as somone shouted "I thought you were gonna make her a drink, or are you too far looking into her eyes?" As Vinyl dropped her glasses back down she used her magic to start mixing another drink "some good friends you got, or are they something a little more... Personal?" "W... Well our families are close. We've, we've known each other since they were fillies and-" Twilight could feel her face burning again, she felt like she could melt a marshmellow on it and was afraid that if this kept up much longer she'd have a permanent blush on her face without the use of make up. "They're your doners, I get ya." Leaning closer Vinyl whispered "Be honest, things sometimes went a bit further than a simple bite on the neck." "What? No I never-" Twilight started but got cut off by Vinyl "Come on, you and one of them, or more. Alone together, she's feeling good, you're feeling good. You've never used your seduction to push yourself over the edge a little?" Vinyl smiled as she looked between Twilight and the ponies on the sofa. Twilight knew of the vamp-pony seduction, it was on her mothers 'The Talk' list and was an even longer, and more embarrassing, talk than about being safe. It was a form of the vamp-pony hypnosis but much much weaker, it could effect a large group as well as the vamp-pony themselves as it released the inhebitions and let instinct have a firmer hold. What do top predators do best other than hunting? Twilight knew the theory behind it but had never used it herself, she was always in her studies to have much of a social life and she was ok with that. Improving her spells and magic for Princess Celestia was more important to her. "I... I can't hit on them. The age gap is too big and... And" Twilight had trouble trying to think of more reasons, but she could feel Vinyl trying to use her seduction on her. Her friends had quietened down and she could feel their eyes watching them as it affected them. "Trust me Twilight, sooner or later you'll be like me. Preferring young stallions, and younger mare's." Vinyl forced the drink she'd been mixing onto Twilight who held it shakily in her magic. "How... How young do you prefer your mares?" Twilight asked, her voice ending as a squeek. Vinyl suddenly standing right next to her and stoking her hoof down the side of Twilights face and whispered into her ear "How young are you?" Ever since a young age Twilight had always been taught that as a vamp-pony she must always be level headed, show ad give respect to everypony she met and have poise and grace in everything that she did and try never embarress herself in public. All this left Twilight's mind as she felt the stroking hoof and whisper in her ear, and as such she dropped the drink and simply screamed out "BAD TOUCH!" Before running from the room and back through the club, the flashing lights making her half blind and the music making her half deaf as she bumped into various ponies. Knocking into a plum coloured one with braces and wearing hoof-socks so bad they both fell to the floor, Twilight didn't even pause to say her apologies or help the pony up as she continued to run out of the club and back to her home. The idea of turning into a bat never enterring her mind. ---***--- Twilight sat and waited patiently as her friends roared with laughter around her, except Fluttershy who hid behind her mane and blushed as red as a tomato. "I can't believe," Dash panted between laughter, trying to gulp down enough air to talk "you got hit on by Vinyl Scratch, and freaked out like a little filly with her first crush." "Speaking from personal experience Dash?" Twilight smirked as Dash stopped laughing and blushed slightly "I've got a better question," Dash ignored the sniggering at her expense; something had clicked in her mind that wanted answering. "If you're nearly sixty and that happened twenty years ago, what really happened to you when I first did the Sonic Rainboom as a filly?" "That is a good question, did Spikey-Wikey really hatch on that day or is he older than you say?" Rarity watched as Spike brought some drinks and snacks on a tray being balanced on his head as he walked up the stairs, she tried to imagine him a little older which wasn't difficult since she'd seen with with a mustache. Not to mention the time when he went 'Greedy Dragon' on the town. "Spike did hatch on the day of the Sonic Rainboom, but it was a bit different from how I told it originally. To understand the full story I need to go back to when I was a filly, and taking my magic test for the first time." Twilight watched as Spike served up the drinks, as everyone got comfortable again. ---***--- Twilight stood nervously in front of the magic examination board, she glanced to the side and saw her parents standing at the door her mother giving her an encouraging smile. Twilight’s eyes snapped forwards again as she heard somepony say "You have passed the written part of the exam along with the question and answer with remarkable grades Ms Sparkle." A grey haired mare with half-moon glasses looked down at Twilight, she was surprised a filly so young could answer the questions so well and indepth. She definitely saw the potential to be a magic teacher in her future, maybe even an examiner. "Now comes the practical, stay calm and you should do fine." "Yes ma'am" Twilight gulped, she tried her best to stay calm but her heart was beating a mile a minute and she was finding it difficult to remember how her spells went. In her head she tried her best to get them right. "If it’s a fire performance just focus on heating up the air, then do two circles. Will that be enough or will they expect something more? Perhaps it'll be an ice spell, or levitation. How do I levitate again?" Twilight could feel her brow start to sweat, her mind was purposely forgetting things to make her fail the test, she could tell. She hated her brain at that moment. "This is a pheonix egg," the grey haired instructor pointed to the egg being wheeled in "your test is to simply make it hatch." "Ok. Hatch an egg. No problem" Twilight thought as she gulped again, she could feel all the eyes in the room on her expectantly. "An egg, hatchet it. No problem. It’s a phoenix egg; a phoenix is a bird of fire, so it needs some fire to heat it up. Right? How do I make fire again?" Twilight looked from the egg to the examiners to her parents, who held worried looks on their faces, back to the egg. She needed to do something, anything, so she wouldn't look completely stupid. Closing her eyes and focusing as best she could, the magic was there in her she knew it, she could feel it. But for some reason it wouldn't listen, it wouldn't do anything. Twilight heard some slight murmering and knew what the older ponies were thinking, and redoubled her efforts. But too much time passed and as she heard somepony sigh Twilight knew for the first time in her life she'd gotten a zero on a test. Opening her eyes she could feel the tears swelling up. "Please" Twilight looked at the exam ponies "can I have a little more time? Please." "I'm sorry Ms. Sparkle but your time is up, you've failed" the grey haired pony sighed and used her magic to pick up her pencil and put a circle next to Twilights name. She looked up at the teary eyed filly and couldn't help feel sorry for her, so much potential. "You can try again next term." "But I... I practised so hard," Twilight sniffed doing her best to fight back her tears "I can do it. I know I can." "Of that I have no doubt, but you're not the first filly to fail under pressure." Standing up the grey haired mare made to leave "Good day Ms. Sparkle" "No, wait... I..." Twilight tried to think quickly, think of a spell that could help her but nothing came. "It's alright Twilight" Twilight heard her mother say as she and her father walked over to her "You'll retake the test next term, and you'll be ready for it." "I'm ready for it now" Twilight ignored the tears rolling down her cheeks, ignored the examiner ponies as they talked to each other about her and ignored her mothers kind hoof on her shoulder. There were too many voices too many ponies around, she just needed a moment by herself to think. Her heart was beating so heard she could hear it, she was starting to feel weird. "Twilight that's enough, you did your best and no pony can fault you," Twilight's mother spoke firmly but softly like only a mother can to her child "We'll go to the ice cream shop before we go home, you can have anything you want." The weird feeling kept rising in Twilight as did the pressure of her mother's hoof to turn her and leed her out. Her tears wouldn't stop and her heart just kept beating hader and faster "I want..." Her horn felt hot, she felt like she was going to explode "I WANT TO HATCH THE EGG" ---***--- "The rest you know, I accidently transformed my parents, I hatched the pheonix egg, Princess Celsetia put it all back to normal, made me her student and I got my cutie mark" Twilight smiled at the memory, and that she wasn't hopping through town saying 'Yes' over and over. "What a lovely story, tell us darling what happened to the pheonix?" Rarity asked, the snacks had been eaten and the drinks finished. Now they all sat in a circle listening to Twilight's stories. "Princess Celestia took her as her own pet, Philamena liked causing a bit of mischief even when she was a chick. But that was only half the story, next is the Sonic Rainboom and how I met Spike." ---***--- Twilight hung upside down in her bat form on the cieling of the cave; it was a good spot to watch from and the dragon were none the wiser. Twilight had recently heard a dragon had taken over this cave to lay her eggs, and after expresing her idea of watching and researching how dragon eggs are watched over and hatched by the mother with Princess Celestia and getting her support, she headed straight for the cave during the night. She easily covered the distance in no time and had turned into a bat before entering the cave, now she would be able to watch the eggs hatch as the baby dragons are born with no problems. It was fasinating to watch, each egg was placed in its own small pile of gold that the mother dragon then breathed fire on to melt it. Once the gold had melted she stopped, only breathing fire again to keep the gold and the base of the egg hot. Slowly the eggs began to move then over time began to crack as the little dragons inside tried to fight their way out, as their heads poked out the baby dragons gave a small cry grabbing its mothers attention. As the babies fell from their eggs she picked them up and cleaned them, wiping away any eggshell or gold that stuck to them before giving them a smooth edged jewel to suck on. Twilight watched enthraled as the eggs hatched, each dragon was a different colour to the mother; one had red scales while another was a dull green and the third was blue, the mother herself was was purple with a touch of dark pink on her belly and wings. As the three babies were kept together Twilight watched as the mother watched the forth egg, she breathed fire on it several times but nothing happened, no shaking no cracking sound and no baby trying to get out. The mother gave a low groan and rubbed the egg slightly before regretfully turning her attention to her three new borns, scooping them up on one hand she walked to the edge of the cave before spreading her wings and flew away. Waiting a couple of minutes in case the mother dragon decided to come back Twilight dropped down from the cieling and flew to the edge of the cave before transforming back to normal, when she didn't see an outline of a dragon she turned back into the cave and looked at the egg. As she approached it she couldn't help but feel sorry for it, she sat down in front of it and simply watched it for a while. "I'm sorry your mother left you," Twilight didn't know why she was speaking to the egg, it couldn't listen to her. Not really anyway. "And I'm sorry you'll never have the chance to grow up, meet other dragons and... Do whatever dragons do." Leaning in Twilight closed her eyes and gently touched the top of the egg with her horn. In the dark of the cave Twilight's vamp-pony abilies were heightened. Sight, sound and hearing were all improved in the shadows of the cave. As she touched her horn to the egg and closed her eyes that's when she heard it, a small faint heartbeat. Not daring to move, not opening her eyes Twilight concentrated. Again a small heartbeat. The baby dragon was alive and it was sleeping in the egg. Standing up Twilight thought quickly about what to do. She couldn't just leave the egg here incase some creature might find and eat it along the baby. She couldn't wait here with it since she didn't know when it was going to hatch, that left only one option. She'd have to take the egg with her. Twilight reminded herself of her exam all those years ago where she had to hatch the phoenix egg; perhaps they'd be able to do the same with this one. Carefully and slowly Twilight lifted the egg out of the cooling gold, turning she walked to the edge of the cave and looked down at the forest. She'd be able to survive the jump easily enough but not the egg, luckily there was a small path leading down the side of the mountain she could take. "Looks like it'll just be me and you for a while" Twilight smiled at the egg, it was a shame it wasn't night then she'd be able to get back to Canterlot in no time and show Celestia the egg. That's when she saw one of the strangest things, a shockwave of light and colour moving across the sky followed by a thunderous noise and a massive gust of wind threatening to throw her back into the cave. The sound was deafening, the colours amazing and the force behind it all almost too much to stand against. But as quick as it came it all passed, Twilight had crouched low and dug her hooves in to withstand it all. As she looked to check the egg was ok she was shocked to see the it was gone, and in its place was a purple and green baby dragon, yawning and sucking on its own tail. "Wow" was all Twilight could say, whatever had just happened had been strong enough to wake the baby up and remove the egg, now instead of an egg to protect she had a baby dragon. What did baby dragons eat? And did she have any? "Hey little guy" Twilight moved the baby dragon closer and looked into his big innocent eyes "I'm Twilight, welcome to OUCH" As she moved the dragon closer he'd grabbed her mane and tugged on a small fistfull of hair. ---***--- "Even as a baby Spike had a strong grip, and enjoyed grabbing ponies mane's" Twilight smiled as Spike blushed "Princess Celestia was surprised when he did it to her the first time" "What can I say?" Spike blushed more as the girsl laughed around him "I liked to grab things." "What happened when you got back to Canterlot?" Fluttershy asked as Rainbow Dash gave Spike a 'You've-got-guts' noogie. "Well since I was the first thing Spike saw I was imprinted as his mother, no matter where I went he tried to follow, and everytime he was away from me he cried none stop. So Princess Celestia had me and my family raise Spike, with the help from dragon experts of course. Though sometimes I think it was a punishment for bringing him to Canterlot and giving him the opportunity to pull out some of her mane." "I should think so, messing up a ponies mane is bad enough. But to mess with a mane like Celestia's is unimaginable" Rarity squeezed Spike's cheeks together and couldn't help but put on a baby voice "but these cheeks are so adorable you can't help but forgive Spikey-Wickey." "Thanks," Spike managed "but weren't we laughing at Twilight's expense?" "Yeah, let's save the embarresing baby stuff for later and get down to business." Rainbow Dash floated in the air and moved closer to Twilight "Like getting rid of this stupid hypnotism thing." "Well, I suppose I could if you promised, pinkie promised, not to tell anypony who doesn't already know I'm a vamp-pony." Twilight took her time speaking, porously saying each word slowly just to annoy Dash. "YES, fine I Pinkie promise" Dash shouted, going the the motions with her hood "it doesn't really matter anyway, all of us know." "Um, not everypony" Fluttershy spoke up, surprisng Dash and causing her to poke herself in the eye "Pinkie still doesn't know." Twilight realised this, the most random pony in all of Equestia and knower of random things didn't know she was a vamp-pony. Probably. Slowly a smile spread across Twilights face. "Girls, how do you feel about pranking Pinkie?" > Vamp-Ponies Ch.7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vamp-pony Ch.7 As the sun set over Ponyville, the sky set alight by an orange blaze, the shadows slowly crept over the town. Mares and colts made their way home while a few, a select few, were drawn to That Place. The kind of place you know you're not supposed to go to at this hour, when the day was ending and night was starting. The place where fillies were drawn to at all hours and had to be weary. That Place. Sugar Cube Corner "Aren't you fillies supposed to be at home having dinner?" Mrs Cake asked the two young mares as they reached for the cupcakes Pinkie was offering. "We will be, we were... buying these for dessert" one filly said as they watched the cupcakes put in a box "Of course, because cupcakes always taste better when they're for dessert after a yummy meal." Pinkie smiled with her usual perkiness, passing the box to the fillies and leading them to the door. As they were about to walk out she whispered to them "but they taste even yummier when you sneak them before a meal." Giggling the fillies left, Pinkie was about to shut and lock the door when she saw Applejack walking towards her. "Hi Applejack, come to get some treats for tonight?" Pinkie asked as she turned the sign to Closed "Not tonight Pinkie, tonight we're gonna throw Twilight a surprise party at the library" Applejack smiled, she knew had Pinkie's attention as she'd just used two of her favourite words. Surprise and Party. "I Love throwing surprise parties," Pinkie squeeked "who's gonna be there? What's the occasion? What the theme? Which should I bring cupcakes, muffins or pastries?" Applejack blinked a few times as he brain processed Pinkie's hyper talking "Just us girls, no reason for the party and all three." Applejack watched as Pinkie bounced into the kitchen and walked back out pulling a cart topped with various treats a second later. "I love 'No-Reason-For-a-Surprise-Party' surprise parties, they're the best." Pinkie made to walk out the door but was stopped by Applejack; her nose honking as she walked into Applejack's hoof. "Hold on there suger cube, we need to get Twilight out of the library first. Rarity is gonna get her out in an hours time and the rest of us is gonna get things set up, just make sure no pony see's ya or learns about it ya hear?" Applejack watched as Pinkie nodded and zipped her mouth closed and locked it then threw away the key. "Good, I'll see ya in an hour then" Pinkie watched as Applejack turned to leave, she waved and tried to speak but her mouth was zipped and locked. Detatching herself from the cart she looked around the room, where did that key land? ---***--- Pinkie sneaked as quietly as she could to the library, she could see the curtains were drawn so she guessed Twilight was out and the others were already getting things ready. Leaving her cart of desserts outside incase Twilight was home Pinkie tried the door and found it unlocked, stepping in she whispered "Hello?" When no pony answered she shouted "Any pony here?" But still no answer She then saw a light at the top of the stairs getting closer until finally she saw it was a candelabrum with three lit candles and flouting in the air, held up by a familiar colour of magic. "Ah Pinkie, so glad you could make it" Twilight's voice spoke from the darkness of the library, Pinkie watched as Twilight stepped into the light, she was wearing a black cloak with a large coller, putting focus on her face. "I was just about to have a bite to eat." "Hi Twilight," Pinkie smiled, glad she'd left the cart outside "have you seen Rarity?" "Not yet, but I'm expecting her at any moment, she said I've been cooped up for too long and she was going to treat me to a meal." Twilight put on a weird smile, to Pinkie everything about Twilight was different right now. "Do you know where she's going to take you? What are you gonna order?" Pinkie bounced a little, soon Twilight would leave with Rarity and she'd be able to start on the 'No-Reason-For-a-Surprise-Party' surprise party. "I was thinking of having something sweet, filling..." Pinkie suddenly felt a pinchy knee, but why? There was only her and Twilight. Looking down she stared at her knee for a second, her Pinkie sense had never been wrong before so why was it acting up now? Looking back up Pinkie was surprised that Twilight had disappeared, she was probably upset that Pinkie was looking at her knee instead of listening to her dinner plans. She was about to apologies loudly when she heard Twilight's voice whisper in her ear "And sweet" Screaming slightly Pinkie jumped into the air and grabbed the first thing she could, which was the ceiling light. So that's what her pinchy knee meant, Twilight was gonna pull a prank on her and scare her. Silly Twilight. But how did she move so quickly and quietly? "Nice one Twilight," Pinkie giggled, swaying on the light a little "how did you move so quickly?" Again her pinchy knee "Oh you know," Twilight's voice calm from behind Pinkie again, slowly Pinkie turned with the light and as the candelabra was brought up to the ceiling she could perfectly see Twilight standing upside down on the ceiling, her mane and cloak drooping down towards the floor. "It's a natural gift." "But how? Are you? When? Where? Chimcherry?" Pinkie stuttered out, she couldn't see anything helping Twilight from not falling. No magic aura holding her in place, no plungers or pullies. "Come now Pinkie, surely you've figured it out" Twilight put on a weird smile, which looked even weirder to Pinkie as it was upside down "living in darkness, swift movements, standing upside down on a ceiling. Yes Pinkie, I am a-" "A Superhero?" Pinkie squeed, her eyes sparkling in the dim light and a large smile on her face. Twilight's face wasn't amused, but recovered and put the weird smile back on. "No. I, am a Vamp-Pony" Twilight used her magic to position her cloak in a dramatic way. Pinkie's eyes widened in shock and she gasped, letting go of the light and falling to the floor. Flipping in the air Pinkie managed to land on her hooves, before she could look up again she heard Twilight's voice behind her again. "Yes Pinkie, a vamp-pony. Using my vamp-pony powers I will control you and all of Ponyville, then using the Elements of Harmony I shall beat Princess Celestia and rule all of Equestria." Twilight villain laughed as Pinkie's jaw dropped, unable to believe what she was hearing "and when the sun finishes setting there will be nothing you can do to stop me, it is best to submit now." "Setting sun?" Rembering what her granny told her as a filly, Pinkie remembered the old stories about how they hated sunlight. Without thinking Pinkie ran over to a curtain and grabbed it with her teeth, she heard Twilight ask "Pinkie, what are you doing?" "I'm sorry Twilight," Pinkie's voice was muffled between her clenched teeth and the fabric in her mouth "but I have to stop you" Yanking the curtain open the sunlight from the setting sun spilled into the room, hitting Twilight straight on. Screaming loudly Twilight slowly turned to mist "NOOO, Pinkie why? We were friends. What a world." As the mist disapeared Pinkie sat down "Oh Twilight, I'm sorry" she said again Pinchy knee "That's ok" Twilight said behind her, making her scream and jump to the ceiling again. "Twilight? But how? You got hit by sunlight" Pinkie watched Twilight laughed her normal laugh and stepped into the remaining sunlight. "Alright girls you can come in. I think it's time to explain everything to Pinkie" Twilight giggled as the door to the library opened, the others laughing as they entered. "Come on down Pinkie and we'll explain everything" "No, you'll put me under a vamp-pony spell just like you did with the others. You're all under Twilight's spell aren't you?" Pinkie pointed to all of them in turn as she hung from the light. "Pinkie we ain't under no vamp-pony spell" Applejack shook her head as she watched Pinkie hang from the light "That exactly what you'd say if you were under a vamp-pony spell" Pinkie slipped and nearly fell but managed to hold on with her hooves, now dangling from the light. "Pinkie none of us is under a spell, Twilight ain't evil and she ain't gonna take over Equestria. Now get your pink butt down her so we can get this party started" Dash stamped her hoof as she made her point, she watched as Pinkie processed what she just heard. "Twilight isn't evil?" Pinkie asked, watching as her friends shook their heads "this was a prank?" She watched as they nodded "and you don't want a 'No-Reason-For-a-Surprise-Party' surprise party, but a 'Twilight-Is-A-Vamp-Pony-But-Is-Still-our-Friend' party?" "The way only you can do them sugar cube" Applejack smiled as Pinkie let go and landed safely on the floor, before jumping up again and shouting "VAMP-PONY PARTY" ---***--- A few hours later and the party was still going strong, Twilight having spent the previous few hours explaining everything to Pinkie and answering her questions. Such as how it felt to be mist, and if she would like some of pinkie's blood in her cupcakes from now on. Twilight refused. As Pinkie asked Rarity questions on how it felt to be a vamp-pony Twilight joined Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy for various treats. "So you managed to distract Pinkie long enough to get away huh?" Dash chuckled as Twilight picked up a macaroon and ate it. "Yeah, I'll apologies to Rarity later," Twilight smiled "I'm glad Pinkie took the prank well, I don't want to think about what she would've done if she hadn't." "Aw come on it's Pinkie Pie, she gives as good as she gets. If there's one pony in all of Equestria who can laugh after a prank was pulled on them it's Pinkie. Though I got to be honest, I thought you'd have been more hesitant about it Fluttershy" Dash pointed out, Pinkie never pulled pranks on Fluttershy and as such she'd never pull a prank on anypony. "Oh I knew at first Pinkie wouldn't like it and would think it we were being too rough with her, but once she relaxed and accepted it she'd have a lot of fun. That's the kind of pony Pinkie is." Fluttershy smiled, then faltered as Twilight and Dash were staring at her. As she realised what she'd said she blushed slightly and hid behind her mane as Rainbow Dash's wing's sprung open. "Well anyway, I'm just glad we're all still friends and we can have a small party with just the seven of us here" Dash blushed slightly, trying to get her wings to go back down. "Seven? There's eight of us here." Twilight said with a confussed look "No there isn't. There's me, you and fluttershy, that's three. As well as Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Spike, that makes seven." Dash pointed each pony, and dragon, out as she spoke. A confussed look on her own face. "Oh damn, in all the excitement of pranking Pinkie I forgot to tell everypony. There is an eighth pony here, though she can't exactly mingle right now" Twilight hit herself on the head with her hoof as she picked up a muffin and held it above her head, a second a grey bat landed on it and wrapped its wings around it, taking small bites. "Girls, you know Derpy the mail pony." Looking closely Dash and Fluttershy could see a small patch of blond fur on top of the bats head, and if they looked even closer they saw its eyes were looking in two directions. "You're telling me Derpy is a vamp-pony?" Dash asked unbelievebly "Why is she a bat?" "Sometimes when she transforms she has difficulty remembering how to turn back, so I let her stay her till she's able to and tell her daughter Dinky where she is so she doesn't worry." Twilight would've been worried for Dinky but she knew Carrot Top was able to look after the filly, and her mother, when she needed to. "I can't believe Derpy, of all ponies, is a vamp-pony," Dash leaned on closer and watched the Derpy-bat eat the muffin happily "she must be terrible at it." "Actually Derpy is one of the most powerful vamp-ponies I've ever seen despite being only a couple of hundred years old, you ever notice how Derpy's able to be at random place she shouldn't be? Despite a few memory lapses she is a great vamp-pony, though sometimes I think she chooses to be stuck as a bat so the muffins last longer." "How did we not notice?" Dash couldn't believe the clumsiest pony she knew was a vamp-pony, which meant her daughter Dinky was a vamp-pony as well. "To be fair, when Depry does something strange or clumsy we just think that's Derpy. Like when Pinky does something random, it's just who they are" Fluttershy spoke up, watching as derpy sucked on a large blueberry. "Have you told Rarity yet?" "Now that you mention it, I've been too busy training her or arguing with Dash or going crazy with worry to take five seconds to tell her. But now is the perfect time." using her magic to hover the muffin with Derpy on it Twilight turned and walked over to Rarity as Applejack and Spike joined Dash and Fluttershy, a second later Pinkie joined them. "I'm so happy I got to throw a vamp-pony party, I've never thrown one before" Pinkie bounced as she picked the tray of macaroons and tilted it, sliding them all into her mouth. "Why would ya? Couple of hours ago you thought they were nothin' but stories and Twi was a normal, ish, pony" Applejack watched as Pinkie put down the now empty tray and picked up a plate of cupcakes. "Or did ya? Did you know Twilight was a vamp-pony? Or suspect? Did your pinkie sense tell you you were never in any danger tonight?" Pinkie simply smiled at Applejack and held up the plate at her "Cupcake?" "I can't belive how long Twilight and Rarity are gonna live, and see so many awesome things. Imagine being awesome for over a hundred years, or a thousand." Dash sighed "Yes but they'll have to move away from Ponyville eventually, and leave their friends behind and make new ones over and over. That would be both happy and sad" Fluttershy sighed "Yep living such a long life can't be easy, 'les yer an alicorn, and everypony lives as long as they need to. Though it would be nice to make sure yer family does well and will have a place to stay if they need it." Applejack sighed "Yeah, and imagine all the parties you'd be able to go to and new food you be able to try. Imagine all the candles on a cake for a pony whose lived a thousand years, and how big it would be" Pinkie sighed, drooling slightly. Spike watched his pony friends as in unison they turned to look at Twilight and Rarity.