> GOD OF WAR- FINAL JOURNEY > by ldh4001 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- What...? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "GAIA!" Kratos called out. "I CAN HOLD ON NO LONGER!" "If I help you, we will both FALL. Even now, Zeus gains!" Gaia shouted to Kratos, barely hold on the mountain. She couldn't holed no longer. If she help Kratos, Zeus will gain the chance to kill both of them. She decided to abandon the demi god, to save herself. "THE DESTRUCTION OF ZEUS IS WHY YOU SAVED ME FROM DEATH!" he bellowed angrily. Gaia couldn't holed her temple against the Demi god, she almost reached her final goal, kill the Zeus, but she thought right now, Kratos are the annoying tiny human who interrupting her final plan. Almost there, Gaia thought. Almost few more steps, I can face the Zeus, after all, without Kratos, she still have other titans to face the rest of the god. Kratos already defeated one of the great God- Poseidon, he already did enough his task. Finally, she spoke her true intention. "I saved you to serve the Titans, You were a simple pawn. Nothing more. Zeus is no longer your concern. This is our war, not yours!" Now by another strike from the Zeus, the mountain trembled and Kratos lost his grip of blade of Olympus, fell from the Titan. "GAIAAAAAAAAA-!!!!!!" And he fell... 'I have lived as a warrior...' 'I have died as a God...' 'Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice...' 'I have been denied release.' 'I... I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge!' And with the loud splash, Kratos fall in to the River Styx, with any second, swarm of the souls crawled to him and ripped out his most of the souls. Kratos lost all of his power, and his powerless blade became his only weapons. But before rest of his soul going to rip apart, multiple colors of light covered his body, and with the loud bang, Kratos disappeared in the river Styx. In the mountain of Olympus, Zeus, God of the Skies and Thunder, stood with his arms crossed, chuckled at what happened to Kratos and Gaia. Standing with his brothers, he spoke to remain gods of Olympus. "Kratos is no longer our threat now, brothers." "What about the remaining titans?" Helios asked. He was the only god... no, Hermes and Helios were the only god who couldn't barely fight against the single titan. Zeus expected someone said that, he simply gave Helios an evil grin, walked to the edge of the Olympus, and raised his hand. With any second, dark clouds covered the entire sky, and began raining. When every raindrop soaked the skin of the titans, he summoned the giant lighting, focused all of his power on the hand. "FROM NOW ON..." "OLYMPUS WILL RISE AGAIN!" And he throw lighting to the rest of the titans. With the several bangs, whole Titians screamed in pain inside the bright thundering light. “ZEUSSSSS-!!!!” And so the Gaia, one of the great titan, screamed in the agony, her rock skin burned furiously and began melt down, trees one her body became black coals, and finally, her body began shattered and only left her trace… Titans… are all dead. After a while, there were no more titan remained in the mountain. There were only the burned spot of titan's shape on the mountain. Zeus retrieved the blade of Olympus from fallen Gaia. "Anymore question?" Zeus asked rest of the gods. Everyone were remained in silence. They stared down, saw the corpse of titans, which were burned in to black, shattered in to millions pieces. "No... But what about Kratos? He’s still alive. He can rise again you know." Hermes broke the silence. "He had fall in to the river Styx. Now he lost all of his power against us. He can't do anything how. Hades, he is all yours now." But Hades didn't answered. Zeus looked at him. Something wasn't right. "What wrong, brother?" "... his not there..." "What?" "Kratos... I can't sense him... He is not in the underworld...!" Hades burst out the anger, roared loudly that made Olympus trembled. He took out his vicious claws, swung them down to the sky and jump down. "HE'S STILL ALIVE!!!!!" “Hades, wait!” Helios tried to stop him, but it was too late. He already jumped. Helios and Hermes just watched the cliff of the Olympus Mountain blankly. “Let him pass, my brothers.” He chuckled. “Kratos lost his blade and all of his power, now he can’t even face with one single Minotaur. Beside…-” “-Hades is the one who really want to kill Kratos. Let him have a fun.” ……… ……… ……… Meanwhile, in the Equestria- “Ummm…” “What wrong pinkie?” “Oh, twilight!” Pinkie pie saw rest of her friends, she felt something wasn’t right. So she decided to tell them something will going to happen. “Something is going to happen, Twilight! I know! My tail is twitching!” “Oh come on, Pinkie, I do believe your Pinkie sense, but what will terribly go wrong after the invasion of the Changelings?” Twilight tried to calm pinkie down, every pony cannot be panic by the action of Pinkie. Beside, right now it’s her brother’s wedding, of course she don’t want to screw him and cadence wedding again. “Don’t worry pinkie, I guess nothing going to happen. Who knows? Maybe one single bird fall from the sky? Nothing a big deal!” “did… did somepony said bird fall from the sky…?” twilight heard small mumble from her back. She turned her back and saw Fluttershy looked worried. “Oh, nothing Fluttershy, nothing at all. Pinkie say her tail is twitching, but not a big deal right?” “You don’t understand, Twilight!” Shouted Pinkie, that made most of pony drawled their attention, even princess Celestia and Luna. “what is going on here, Twilight Sparkle?” Princess Celestia approached to Twilight, she and her sister didn’t know what is Pinkie sense is. When both of princess asked her faithful students little worried look, that made rest of other ponies- … I mean, noble ponies began wondering about Princess and her students. When every ponies in party all stare twilight and pinkie, someone broke the silence. “Hey, who dare interrupt my music!” “Sorry DJ, but right now its emergency!” “Pinkie, it’s just a twitchy tail!” “Not a simple Twitchy tail!” Pinkie began explained. “My tail are twitching more than the other time, it mean something REEEEEAAAAALLLLLLL-Y Big going to fall! Look at my tail! IT’S TWICHING REALLY FAST!” “Could anypony please tell me what in the Tarnation is going on in here!” “Twitch twitchy… twitched twitchy twitchy tail…!” And when Pinkie finish her word, sky suddenly made the loud bang, and then, something fall from the sky. When everypony watched the fallen object, they heard the roar from that ‘thing.’. “ZEEUUUSSSSSSS-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “GAHHHH-*SPLASH*” Object had fall in to the small pond, and with the big splash, water had spread all over the wedding party. Everypony didn’t got any idea what just happened. “What happened? Twily, are you alright?” now Shining Armor and Cadence ran to Twilight and her friends, worried about his sister having trouble. “I don’t know big brother, I really don’t know what just happened!” “Stand back, my little pony, I will face that thing…” Celestia stroke twilight with her wing, relaxing her a bite. Princess Celestia and Luna approached to the pond, and prepare for the incoming. Then something big jumped out the pond, raising the blades in both hand, and shouted loud. “ZEUS!!! FACE ME COWAR…Huh?!” “… Did you just talked?” judging by the sound, it was male. But Luna was surprised by it talked the Equestrian. “…What…?!... DID YOU JUST TALKED?!” “…… This will going to be the one heck of the Wedding…” Twilight spoke. > Chapter 2: ... What the Hay... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUMB!!! A giant god who have spike all over on his back land over the underworld. He couldn’t believe Kratos escape from his domain. His flame in his dark helmet was became much more furious when he stepped toward river Styx. "Where is he..." Hades searched underworld whole time, but he didn't get any trace of ghost of Sparta. Now he had to searched last domain he did not searched- River Styx. But still, he didn’t found out anything. He could not hold his temple, he swung his chain claws and began destroying everything in his sight with his dark, rich and full roar. “GAHHHHHHH!!!!” There is reason why Kratos incur Hades anger. First, He killed his wife. Persephone hated him, but Hades was loved her. Kratos also killed one of his most able right arm Tanatos, Zeus killed Kratos in first time, Kratos denied his death and escaped from hell. Now, that mortal escape from underworld- Again?! Now one mortal had completely destroyed his pride of god... and moreover, he also destroyed that really important to him. "Where ever you are, Mortal... I will find you... and I will rip out your soul..." Hades gripped his chain claw tightly. As planned, he supposed to torture him very slowly and painfully in his kingdom. But now it’s over. Kratos shall never die in peace. While Hades was thinking about how to torture Kratos most painfully, the bright light that leaded Kratos in to Equestria appeared in the river again. "Huh...?" Hades noticed strange light in the river. It was defiantly not the light of the dead. It was too bright, and colorful. Could it be the one which took Kratos away from the underworld...? He thought. Hades slowly walked in to the river, and stared the light. Hades waved his hand, all spirits inside the river began ran away from the Hades. Now, he was able to saw the source of the light. Soon he realized what it was... "A Portal...? Strange......" It was not the portal Hades and other god seen before. It was not the portal of Olympus. Their portal are form with blue light, and this one is colorful. Perhaps this one are not from this 'world?’ He tried to touch the Portal, but with the loud spark, his hand flick away from the portal. “Looks like I can’t enter this one… but maybe I can absorb it for temperedly…” Hades slowly raise one of his hand in to the portal, and began absorbed the light it self. Soon, the colorful bright light slowly turned in to sick black smoke, and faded away. "Perhaps she maybe hold the answer about this…” as he finish his sentence, he throw his claws in to the middle of air and jumped, headed in to his castle. Meanwhile in Equestria- "What trickery is this?!" Kratos looked around the place. Last thing he remember was that he entered the river Styx, but is this place are underworld? There have many colorful small horses, he didn’t even found out one single souls around the world. Sky was dark, but not gloomy dark as hell. He saw moonlight, which mean he was not in the Hell. And judging by the buildings and structures around his area, he was sure he was not in the hell. Or maybe he think it is not hell… "A talking horse? Is this is illusion?!" Too many colorful small horses around him, and they are stared and him. Judging by their shape, they were normal horses, unicorns and Pegasus… Pegasus? What is this PLACE? IS this is some kind RANCH OF HELIOS? And by the name of god, why are they wearing cloth?! Kratos couldn’t adapted to the situation he was in to. When he heard those horses suddenly speak Greek, it made him much more confuse. He thought everything are the illusion that Hades made, for mocking him. But he stopped thinking when one of the largest white horse with horn and wing spoke to him. "Please, I do not know who you are, but please clam down, you only make my citizens panics." "And what do you think you are?!" he couldn’t hold anger about the situation, almost shout to Celestia, almost made royal guards assumed the defensive as Kratos shout. "I am princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria." "Equestria...? Never heard about it..." "Excuse me, but what are you exactly?" Twilight sparkle asked him. She know this ‘thing’ maybe dangerous, but more than fear, her curiosity were covered her head. "None of Your Concern, small horse. Now go away before you touch my temple." Twilight start back suddenly when he stare him angrily. She almost cried when she saw Kratos pale white face and his crimson red mark on his face, and his eyes… she only could see the sick colors of his emotionless pupils. She had fight against night mare moon, Discord and Queen Chrysalis, but this man… she never faced the creatures more scary than nightmare moon before. She froze at front of him. What a tiresome creatures, Kratos slowly raised his leg, trying to kick her, just like he always did to his enemies who blocked his path. But before Kratos kick twilight away, Shining Armor dashed toward Kratos, headbutting the mighty warrior and made him stepped back away from Twilight. Shining Armor Stopped his front hooves at front of Kratos. “You shall not hurt her, you freaks!” "You dare trying to fight me?!" Now Kratos lost his temple. He stretched his left hand immediately, and grab his enemy. He acted so fast, Shining Armor tried to struggle, but more he tried, he felt more pain. Kratos strangled the neck of Shining Armor, and used his other hand grabbed his chain sword. He didn't cared what kind of this creatures are, but no one will survive in his path. Nobody shall stop his vengeance. “I’m not in Hell, but I will lead you to your Hell!” "Stop! Please, just stop!" Twilight cried. But instead release him, Kratos raised his blade. He swung his blade, but instead of sound of the cut, his blade bumped with some kind of invisible shield. Twilight turned her back, saw Cadence using her magic created a shield for Shining. "Wha...?" He tried again, but nothing happened. How could this happen? His blade are strong enough to destroy simple magic force! He looked his blade, realized his blade had lost all of the power when it drawn in the river Styx. His blade were lost his power, so he decided to rip Shining Armor in to two pieces. But Celestia know what he was tried to do. She aimed her horn toward chest of Kratos and shot a strong magic blast. With it, Kratos felt pain and released his enemy. He stared Celestia with his furious eye, slowly get up, and raised his blade and pointed to her. "Yet I lost all of my power..." "YOU SHALL NEVER STOP ME!!!" With his war roar, he ran toward Celestia, and began swing his blades. "AND ANYONE WHO TRYING TO STOP ME- SHALL ALL DIE!!!" Kratos jumped, raising his blade and swinging toward Celestia. But something unexpected had happened. “GAAHHHHHHHHH-” *BANG* “AAAHHHHhhhh……” THUD! Before Celestia prepare for incoming, Kratos just fell down to the ground. When she curious about the situation, she relized what just happened. Luna just shot him with her magic. “HA! Always effect on Careless one!” “Uhmmm… Luna…? What did you just do?” Celestia asked her sister with worrided tone. Did she just killed him? he might be the danger one, but she didn’t wish to kill. “Do Not Worry, Celly, I Only Used Simple Spell. He is fall asleep now.” “…………” Every pony just stared Luna quietly, don’t know what to say. “Uhmmm… Celly? Thu I Spoiled Anything?” Luna giggled at her. “What the hay, I expected the awesome fight between Princess and Creature!” Dash complained what Luna just did. She expected Celestia defeat the monster just the Daring Do. Then, Pinkie shown up. “Sorry Dahie, But author don’t want to let Celestia and Luna hurt! Also he is bite lazy, don’t want to wright more on this chapter!!” Oh shut up Pinkie. “What?!” Rainbow Dash tried to refute Pinkie’s answer, but she stopped. After are, Pinkie is just Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie, You are So Random.” > Chapter 3- Choice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I can’t believe it.” After the incident with the Kratos is wedding party, Twilight looked at Rainbow dash and the rest of her friends angrily. “What? Something wrong?” Dash asked Twilight, she didn’t quite understand what Twilight talk about. Then Twilight became more furious, she could contain herself no longer and burst out. Her face turned almost red. “Wrong? WRONG?!” she screamed, it made Rainbow dash, Applejack and Rarity take a step backward, Fluttershy made a small ‘Eeep’ squeak and hide behind rainbow dash, watching Twilight with worried looks. “My brother almost killed by half naked creature, and you just pissed off because it fall a sleep?!” “Ah calm down, twilight, ya brother is safe now, isn’t it?” “Yes, you are right applejack, it’s over, yes, it’s over…” Applejack tried to calm her down, so approached to Twilight and patted her shoulder a bite, it made Twilight abled to relax a bite… “BUT IT’S STILL DANGEROUS!!!” …… Maybe not. “YEAH! Even author think Kratos is to dangerous to Equestria!” Pinkie pie suddenly popped out right front of Twilight and agreed with her opinion. SHUT UP AGAIN, PINKIE. “What the Buck is author anyway… never mind, I don’t want to know.” Twilight facehooved herself. With a moment of silence echoed the members of element of Harmony, Rarity broke out the silence. “Twilight is right, we can’t just leave that creature, you girls saw what he tried to do at the wedding! Also, he have a real worst passion!!” “Ah think cloth is not the big problem in here…” Applejack objected Rarity’s opinion. “Ummm… so what are you going to do now…?” “Princess Celestia told us she will interrogate the creature, so what we all going to do right now is wait for princess.” Twilight spoke but still worried about the situation. She hoped everything going to be fine just like the other days. “I hope nopony going to hurt.” “…. Uhh….” Inside the dark dungeon, Kratos was imprisoned in the steel barrage cage. He slowly opened his eye, he couldn’t see anything but a pitch black. Last thing he remember was he faced the white horse with horn and wing. But fall into sleep by the ambush. It felt really strange, he never faced the magic like it before. And besides, when he fall asleep. He never faced the nightmare and pain he suffered. He had a nice sleep… Kratos didn’t know how long he missed a peaceful sleep. Perhaps before he became a servant of Ares? But how…? Even god of Olympus didn’t stopped his pain… He tried to walk, but he could not move. When his sense returned from the sleep, he realized his both arm were tied with some kind of magic chains, and his blades were chained on the celling, but chain of blades were tied to his arms. Of course, after he gained the blades from god, The Blades have been on his flesh for years, his blade is part of his body now, even Kratos cannot remove it, how could anyone can? Kratos tried to drag chain to his hand, but it was waste of time. Until he heard the voice from the empty jail. “Looks like you are in a trouble know, Kratos.” That voice… can’t be…? A light green orb appeared at front of him, and with a small burst of green flame, it formed into a women, with half invisible shape. Kratos know who she was. “Athena…?” “I have missed you, Spartan.” “I… I don’t…” Kratos remembered he killed Athena, how could this possibly happen? “My sacrifice to save Zeus has brought me to a higher existence” “You still appear to be an Olympian.” “Appearances can be deceiving, Kratos.” Athena simply answered his answer, and that made him groaned a bit. “So can the children of Olympus.” “Perhaps, but remember, my death came by your blade.” “My blade was meant for Zeus. And why are you here?” he almost yelled at her, forget he is being watched by loyal guards. But gladly, it looked nobody heard his yelling or talking between him and Athena. “Do not speak to loud, Kratos, or I might lose time to talk with you if they hear out.” Athena looked around the dungeon, nobody was in the pitch black but she and Kratos. “I’m here because you need my help to escape from this world.” “So this is not Olympus, and either my world.” “You are the only one who can stop the rage of the gods. As we speak, the war for Olympus rages on and mankind suffers.” “Let them suffer. The death of Zeus is all that matters.” Kratos spoke with cold hearted expression. “Zeus will not fall as easily as Ares. To destroy the King of the Gods, you must seek the source of his strength: the Flame of Olympus.” Kratos struggled his arms a bite, chains made a sound by bumping against each other, showed Athena a tardy response. “Huh, look at me, Athena, I’m powerless. Weakened by the souls in the river, I’m nothing now... What are you expect from me.” “You are the only one who can kill the Zeus, Kratos, you are the son of Zeus. Only you can kill Zeus just like Zeus defeated his father- Kronos.” “You once sacrificed yourself to save Zeus, and now you seek to destroy him!? What has brought about this change?” “I see truths where I did not before. Perhaps these will earn back your trust.” Athena goes through Kratos and grabbed the ruined Blades of Athena, used her powers to transformed them into the Blades of Exile. “These are the Blades of Exile. These will help guide you on your journey to the Flame. But unfortunately I can’t abled to transform it into a complete form. Looks like the powers in the world weaken my powers.” Kratos couldn’t expected Athena said next. “And way to complete your weapon… is kill those ponies.” “What?” “For bring the true power of the Blade, you must gather the red orbs, and you know the best way to gathering it.” Kratos thought carefully, Athena was right. The only best way to gathering the orbs in here was slaughter. Just like he did every time when he lost his power every time. When he was the servant of Ares, he slayed the enemy, When he received his duty to kill Ares, he slaughtered the enemy, When he lost his power because of Zeus, he butchered the enemy, All were for gain the power to fight against gods. “Remember what did they done to you, Ghost of Sparta, they disturbed your revenge. And once you break out this dungeon, they will block your path again.” “……” “Kill them, Kratos, and blade of Exile will help guide you on your journey to the Flame” “……” “Remember, as long as Zeus reigns, there is no hope for mankind. Destroy the Flame, Kratos, and the very foundations of Olympus will crumble.” He maintained keeping quiet all the while. “I will be waiting for your answer.” And Athena faded away, leaving a green dusty lights, Kratos closed his eyes and relaxed his entire muscles, for regain his strength. But few minutes later, he heard someone approaching to his way. …… Princess Celestia and Luna walked to the gate of dungeon. They were planned to communicate with the creature. Celestia thought if this creature is friendly, maybe nothing will happen. But if not…… “Celly, you looks uncomfortable.” “… Oh, nothing, Luna, I was worried about the prisoner.” “Everything will be fine, sister, beside, if it going to hurt us, I can use the sleeping spell again!” Luna gave Celestia a smile. “I hope so.” Celestia giggled a bite. Both princess approached to the gate, Celestia gave gate keepers a sign, and the gate opened slowly. And two princess stepped in to the dungeon. ……… Chamber went bright, Kratos winced his eye when the bright light dazzled his face. He saw two shadow at his front. When the light slowly reduced its power, he was able to recognize who they are. White horse and light blue horse… two ‘Princess’ he faced before when he arrive to this world. “……” he stared both princess, and so did Celestia. “We know you can speak, creature, do not try to fool us.” “What do you want from me, Horse.” “Before we talk, we are not a Horse, We are the race call “Pony”.” “Pony? What a pathetic creatures from a children’s imagination.” “We do not know where you from are, but in Equestria, pony are the sentient being and not an imaginary creature.” Celestia spoke. “If you say so, ‘Ponies’, but that does not change anything that you are the weakest being.” Screw this, he is not a nice one, he is completely a brute!!! Celestia yelled in her mind. Celestia and Kratos stared each other again, more furious in this time. Both of them gnashed their teeth. Gladly, Luna changed the mood. “Did you sleep well?” Luna ignored his insult, tried to change the subject. She smiled to him fleeringly and that made Kratos frown. “So you are the one put me in to sleep.” “Yes I am. Sorry for the spell. It was the only way to settled down the mess. Anyway, I am Princess Luna, Co-ruler of Equestria. Umm… can you introduce yourself? We don’t even know your name.” He stared Luna. Strange, he never faced the one who tried to nice to him, it made his feeling… comfortable. If she is the one who gave him a good sleep without any nightmare he always suffered, should he need to thanks to her? Kratos thought. “… Kratos.” “Then could you tell me why you are here?” Celestia asked him. But Kratos didn’t answered her question. He only gave him a furious look, his face looked like it telling ‘If I break out this stupid dungeon I will break your horn and stab in to your eye.’ “… So you are not going to tell us anything?” Luna asked in this time. And this time, Kratos answered her question. “Yes.” These made Celestia angry. She reared her voice. “Why are you only speaking to Luna?!” “Because I do not like your altitude, pony ‘Princess’!” he growled. “Oh, How Ironic, I hate your altitude too, hairless ape!” she yelled. “Celestia…? Kratos…? Please do not fight each other right now, please-?” But both of them ignored Luna, started yelling each other. “Let me tell you something, princess, if I break out this chains, I will tear you in to parts!!” “If you willing to, then I will send you in to the Sun!!!” “Oh, please send me to the SUN then, so I can kill Helios and kill you next!!!!” “No, I changed my mind. I’m going to use element of harmony and turn you in to the STATU….” “ENOUGH, BOTH OF YOU!!!” They gave Luna no choice. She used the loyal Canterlot voice loud as she can. It made the dungeon… no, the entire Canterlot trembled. Celestia and Kratos both stared Luna nervously. They had no idea what Luna just did. Pitiful to tell, both of them didn’t had any chance to cover their ears. Luna’s voice were still echoed in their ears. “………” “………” “if you two doing that again, I swear to you, Sister, I’m going to use Loyal voice again!!” “Uh… Guh… Umm….” Kratos murmured. He never expected the voice attack. Her voice was much louder than any other gigantic monsters, include Siren he faced before. Maybe he should train his ears in next time. “Kratos, Listen to me.” Luna pleased Kratos. “We will help you. I don’t want any trouble between you and our citizens. Please trust us. I don’t know what kind of life you had, and why you are not trust anyone, but please remember this. I will help you.” “……” he didn’t know what he had to say. “Please…?” “…… I… I…” Kratos finally spoke. “Give me some time… I will think about it.” “I hope you will have a wise choice.” “Why did you said that?” In the throne room, Celestia asked Luna. She had no idea why she talked to Kratos like that. And moreover, why that creatures did answered her? "And Luna, why did you tried to friendly with him? everytime you spoke, it was like you was tried to be friendly with him. we cannot trust him right now, you know." “I don’t know, Celly. I just… I feel that he is… similar to me.” “What?” she surprised Luna said that. That brute is similar to Luna? In which way?! “I don’t get it.” “I saw his eye, sister. His eyes were full with rage, but I saw a deep sorrow and pain through his eyes. Just like when I became a nightmare moon. I think we need to give him… a chance… ” “If you said so…” Celestia sighted. And ordered to guards to bring prisoner to her. “……I hope you are right… Luna…” > mayhem... situation? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This your only chance, Ghost of Sparta.” “What is that mean, Athena…?” “What a foolish creatures they are… they lived in peace to long, they never faced the enemy like you before… they are all defenseless. Kratos, this is the perfect place to raise your strength before you face the gods of Olympus.” Athena chuckled. In the way Kratos looked her, her laugh was completely … different. Her half invisible green face and white empty socket eyes made her look viscous. “… You… are different… Athena. You are changed after I killed you.” As Kratos said that, Athena stopped laughing, stared him with her white socket. Kratos couldn’t figure out what she’s in her mind. “Remember Kratos, my sacrifice made me to a higher existence. I finally realized everything I done before were useless.” “Soon, those princess will bring you to their ‘Throne’ room. And that is your chance to kill both rulers.” “………” Kratos remained silence. She is right, he need to raise his power. He must, if he want his vengeance. But somehow, stay in the empty room with pitch black, silent made his mind calm down, and it made him abled to agonize. Strangely, he never tried to agonize before when he fight against his enemies. But this case… was different. It was about the princess Luna. Strangely, Kratos never faced someone like her. Every people he met… well, all ran away. In the time when he went through his duty to kill the Ares, he entered the destroyed city of Athena. From there, he could see gigantic god of war- Ares stomping the army of Athena far away. How pathetic they were, they know they can’t defeat god… Kratos turned his way in to the Athena’s town square, killed all monsters who against him. After he finished the fight, he saw a women who survived from the cross fire. He saw she had a key to open the blocked gate. He tried to get the key, but the women trembled in fear when she saw Kratos, and ran away. He had to catch her, didn’t intent to harm her. But every time Kratos followed her, she stepped back with fear. As he approached, she screamed. “STAY AWAY FROM ME” “I KNOW WHO YOU ARE… I KNOW WHAT YOU’VE DONE” “MONSTER…” “STAY BACK!” “GET AWAY FROM ME!” “STAY AWAY” “DON’T COME NEAR ME” “KEEP AWAY…!” She took a step backward as Kratos tried to speak, but women missed her footing, fall from the floor and died instantly. He never intended to kill her after all, he only wanted the key, but she ran away… Nobody tried to understand him… or his pain. Even gods in Olympus ignored his existence after he became a god of war. But this time… different. He didn’t know how to explain, but that pony princess name Luna spoke the truth. She really intended to help him. But why? What for? And when he look into her eye, he saw Luna understand his pain… is that some kind of coincident after all? Or does she truly understand his pain? Lonely? Anger? Sorrow…? Perhaps… Kratos thought. Ask she… is the best way to find out… The gate of dungeon opened with a loud creak, bright light came through the gap and light the cell, ten unicorn royal guards with the golden armor approached to him slowly. Every one of them held a golden shields and used their magic raised spears, prepare for his struggle. It almost made Kratos laugh. Ten guards? To take me to their princess? Maybe Athena IS right. They truly underestimating me. Maybe it is the good time to show both princess a simple warning… about him… Kratos stared to them with threat in his eye. Two loyal guards approached to him, and removed the cuffs that hold his legs. “I will meet your Princess…”as Kratos opened his mouth, every royal guards in the dungeon immediately held the spear toward Kratos. “But I, GOD OF WAR WILL NOT DRAGGED AWAY BY PONIES!!!” With a loud roar, Kratos used his full strength broke the chains that tied his hands, grabbed both loyal guard with his massive hands and throw them toward rest of the guards. They started crumbled like a bowling pins as they collided. All royal guards had been down in two seconds, Kratos picked his blade and replaced it on his back, walked away from the dungeon leaving those unconscious guards behind. He went out from the dungeon, finally, the sun light! Keep locked in the pitch black made his body almost stiff. He stretched his neck, made the several crack. But when he enter the hall of Canterlot, he saw bunch of royal guards ran toward him. They heard the roar from the dungeon, and called the backup. but whatever how many they are, no one can possibly stop him. “Stop! Guards, do not get close to him!” some pony in group shouted. But it was too late. He struck his blades to the ground, generated a big shockwave. Dozens of ponies ran toward Kratos but immediately simply flew away with the stone shards, crashed to ground. They all scream in pain, but no casualties. His blades were not strong enough to penetrate the armor that ponies wear. But his first attack did worked well. His warning slash made all of them scared. But except one unicorn, who was wearing golden armor colored with purple. “I told you, step away from him, guards! I will deal with him.” it was the same voice Kratos heard a moment ago. Judging by the shape and his action, he was the captain of those guard ponies. Kratos recognized him. Shining Armor, the first pony who attacked him when he landed to Equestria. When Shining armor and Kratos eye contacted each other, he immediately blasted magic shot to Kratos and dashed toward him. It happened all suddenly, Kratos didn’t get his chance to dodge it. But he had enough time to block the attack with his blades. When magic shot scattered with impact, Kratos shouted first. “YOU DARE ATTACK ME ONCE AGAIN?! HOW FOOLISH YOU ARE!” “I Don’t Care who you are, or why you want to meet princess, but you will Pay For Ruin My Wedding, And Almost Hurt My Sister!” Shining Armor shout back with rage on his voice. Changling invasion, and trouble his wife had already made him angry, but after all problem had solved, Kratos interrupted his wedding, and that made him drive crazy. He thought in his mind. HE MUST PAY FOR THAT. “IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT, THEN I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET FOR WHAT YOU DID!!” Kratos yelled back at him. It is on, if pony really want to fight against him, so be it. And both of them charged to each other. Kratos raised his blade to the air and slashed to his opponent, but with the bright flash, Shining teleported to Kratos’s behind and slammed him with his body. Kratos kneeled by the impact, several royal guards used that occasion, ran toward Kratos with swords and shields surround his every direction. But soon he stand up, He throw blades of exile to the air, used his wrist began rotate them, unleash massive devastation with the Cyclone of Chaos. Two red blades began moving circles grazed wall with small red flame sparks, smashed everything crossed the way. All royal guards ran from the blades with fear immediately. If they came closed to Kratos on more step, they may have been slice in to two pieces. But except Shining Armor, He used his invisible force field blocked all attack from the red cycles. Soon Kratos finished his cycle attack, Shining Armor blast of magic to his stomach, in same time Kratos draw one of his blades and throw it to his opponent. At the same time, blast of magic hit his stomach directly, and blade of exile scratched Shining’s front leg. Kratos spited out small amount of blood from his mouth. But compare to the fight he had against Minotaur or Troll, this was just a flesh wound. Shining winced a bit when his leg started bleeding. But compare to the hard training and the war he had through, it was nothing. Kratos was surprised that Shining Armor survived from his attacks. Though Kratos lost all of his power, but still he is invincible, how could single pony blocked his attack, and even countered his attack? Maybe this time, Athena is wrong about this ponies. Not sure about other guards, but this one, better than the three skeleton soldiers. “Impressive, I never expected pony like you have such power and skill, I must admit, you are worthy to being a captain.” “Thanks for the praise, but that were just the warm up after all.” Shining said. He never faced the enemy like him. Maybe it’s time to show him who he is messing with. “Then Show me what you got! Worrier!” Meanwhile- in the throne room, three princess were having tea time. Cadence enjoyed her break, until she heard something from outside. “Aunt Celestia, Luna? Did you hear that?” “Hear what, dear Cadence?” Celestia asked her with odd expression. “I think I hear something from outside.” “… You are right, I can hear it to… it really weak… but sound like fighting?” Luna raised her ear and concentrated, and soon she also heard to noise. “But who could possibly fight outside the throne… Oh dear…” Celestia suddenly reminded something. “I think we have problem right now… Luna…” she spoke with the worried tone. Kratos crashed his blades several times to Shining’s force field. First time force field had nothing but a simple scratch. But after Kratos crashed rapidly, using much more force in every time, force field finally shattered in to the million pieces. Once the force field down, Shining Armor throw his head to Kratos’s stomach again. But this time, his horn stabbed his body. “Gaak!” It is chance, Shining thought, he tried to pull out his horn to give him a finish attack, but something was wrong. He couldn’t pull out his horn. He tried again, but still it stuck in Kratos body. He realized that Kratos using his body muscles to hold his horn. “THIS FIGHT… END NOW…!” Kratos spoke fiercely with venom in his voice. Kratos used his left hand grab Shining’s neck, held blade on his right hand to finish his final attack. But Shining didn’t gave up. He concentrated all of his magic energy in to his horn. “YES, BUT YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!!” When his horn covering with blue aura, Kratos noticed what he tried to do. He immediately pulled Shining and pick out the horn from his stomach. But it was too late. Once he pull it out, a massive energy penetrated his chest. KABOOM!!! With the loud magic explosion, everything turned out white…