> The Diva, the Dray, and the Divebomber > by Shrinky Frod > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Makeover Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash moaned as she watched Rarity slowly sliding a pair of white silk stockings onto Applejack’s legs. There was just something about the way the snow-white unicorn’s pale blue magic dragged those leggings up that made it painfully hot. Maybe it was seeing Applejack bound to the wall, the same way Rainbow Dash was, her forehooves in shackles as her hind-hooves just barely reached the floor. Maybe it was because of the other little touches that had already been added; the lipstick and eye shadow that Applejack normally wouldn’t be caught dead wearing, the civilized bun that her luxurious blonde hair was tied up in, her hat hiding in the lobby on a rack at Applejack’s own insistence. No, it wasn’t any of those. Rainbow was sure that it was watching as inch after inch of powerful, muscular leg was hidden from view. It was even better forty minutes into their little game, now that the short orange fur along those thighs was slick with arousal. “Why darling, I do believe she’s enjoying the show!” Rarity teased her earth-pony pet. The prim-and-proper unicorn was the picture of contrast at the moment. Sleek black leather accented her naturally perfect curves, leaving all the best parts exposed. Her marehood was spread wantonly, slick with her own juices from watching her twin lovers squirm and wriggle like worms on a hook. She finished adjusting the stockings, and then trotted across the bedroom to go and pay Rainbow Dash a little attention. “You like the stockings, don’t you, Dashie?” She crooned, standing in front of the bound Pegasus, resting her hooves on the wall just above Rainbow’s wings, which had been at full mast for the last half-hour. She leaned in, claiming a kiss from lips that were purple with lipstick of their own, claiming the inside of Rainbow’s muzzle the same way she’d claimed the outside with the blush that Applejack had refused at the price of a pair of nipple-clamps. Even now, a pair of small rubies glittered in the candlelight every time the vibe that was furious working Applejack’s clit make the workhorse’s hips shiver and twitch, the little weights tugging at her sensitive teats. The picture, to anypony who would have had the great fortune (good or bad, Rarity would leave up to them), was one of perverse and shocking incongruities. Applejack, the proud and traditional apple bucker, was dressed like somepony had just caught her in a Canterlot sex dungeon. Rainbow Dash, the egomaniacal speedster who couldn’t sit still if she was paid, was bound to the wall, her entire body exposed in a sexual parody of angelic beauty, an impression only made stronger by the golden tiara fitted into a mane that was actually properly cleaned and styled. As Rarity made out with the distracted mare, silver chains floated over in her magic and were delicately bound to the bases and points of Rainbow’s painfully erect wings. The athlete broke away from Rarity’s kiss, biting her lip hard to distract herself from the pleasure of having her prides and joys bound, even symbolically. Magic crackled along her wings like a thousand tiny skilled pairs of preening lips, moving her feathers minutely to thread them into place. When Rarity stepped back, the angelic impression was even more potent, sky blue feathers expertly mingled with delicate strands of silver leading down to small caps at the tip of each primary. Rainbow Dash was panting, her tongue lolling out as the stimulation ended. “Awgoddess, Ra- Mistress,” Applejack caught herself at the last moment. As much as she hated being fussed over, she loved watching Rainbow receive the same sort of tender lustful care as she was getting. “Sure she didn-nnngh… didn’t come?” She asked hopefully, moaning through a particularly good twist of her hips that almost took her over the edge. They each had vibrators inside their bodies, pressed up against the spots that felt best. The twitching tugs at Applejack’s nipples were nothing compared to the feel of the toy throbbing up against her g-spot, telling her on an instinctive level to hurry up and get bred already. She had to fight it though; no matter how badly she wanted to climax, how eager she was to see Rarity’s plans for her obscene little angel, she wasn’t going to let Rainbow win their little game that easily. “Hah… you wish!” Dash shot back, looking up at Applejack with a lustfully determined gleam in her eyes. “I’m… totally… winninnnng this!” Her breaths came in short, heaving pants after the whinny that had almost heralded a long-delayed orgasm. Dash thought fast; she needed to step up her game in order to win this one. What could she do that Applejack would never…. “M-Mistress? Do you have a dress for me?” She asked, looking at Rarity, actually glad that the blush on her cheeks would hide most of the blazing scarlet threatening to turn her cheeks into a passable imitation of Twilight’s. “Something lacy and frilly and… uhm… maybe… silk?” She added, glancing at Applejack’s stricken expression and grinning. This will totally be worth it, she thought to herself, trying to psyche herself up. Totally, and completely, worth it, as long as nopony else ever sees me in oh goddesses what is that it’s gonna eat me! Her thoughts devolved into incoherence as Rarity grinned manically and opened her wardrobe, whirling out the laciest, frilliest, most terrifyingly feminine excuse for a wedding dress she’d ever made in the throes of an ice-cream-and-romance-novel bender. “Will this do, darling?” Rarity asked sweetly, her eyes gleaming as Rainbow began to wonder if, just maybe, giving Rarity the chance to see somepony in that dress hadn’t been the worst idea she’d ever had. No… no, that rock tower still wins. Barely, she decided, nodding as she screwed her eyes shut tightly. “Applejack?” Rarity asked, looking over her shoulder at the earth-pony. “Will you accept a dress as well?” Please say no, pleasepleaseplease! Rainbow pleaded, sure that one more notch up on the vibe would be enough to push either of them over the edge. “I will take that one, Mistress, if it pleases you,” Applejack said with a deep swallow. Rainbow’s eyes shot open, her jaw dropping as Applejack’s accent disappeared completely. “And I shall speak properly for the entire evening.” “No fair!” Rainbow shouted, definitely not squeaking the question out, squeaking was even more uncool than being subjected to that abomination of lace and frills would be so she didn’t squeak. “I can’t do that with my voice!” “Hmm… Rainbow does have a point, darling, but I know how very much it means to you to be yourself… even if you are my prissy little princess for the evening,” Rarity giggled, grinning at the blush that spread up from both sets of Applejack’s lips at the comment. “How about this; if Rainbow is willing to cross one of her lines for me, like you’ve just offered, we’ll call it even. And Rainbow will be getting a proper hooficure before wearing the darling gown I’ve got picked out as a backup,” she said with the sexiest smile she could muster for the flustered pegasus. Nopony touches my… oh buck me, if I say no… I’ll…. Rainbow whimpered as Rarity’s magic glowed, the faint twisting of the vibe pressed firmly against the weather pony’s g-spot a silent promise that if she said no, she would be accepting another notch. In the end, one thing made up Rainbow’s mind. Rarity was a cruel, wicked, evil Mistress, who could get her two darling tomboys into the girliest, frilliest outfits she could imagine in exchange for a night of her personal focus. But she was their Mistress, and she still treated them with all the love and respect her pets deserved. “Nopony. Touches. My. Hooves,” Rainbow said, determined to at least sound cool and dignified as she lost the game. The vibe clicked up to the next level, and as it pulsed against her g-spot one last time, all thoughts of dignity or being cool were lost with a wild cry and a gush of feminine juices down her legs. The bonds came undone in an instant, and Rarity was there, holding her up, kissing her face. “Shh, it’s all right Dashie, let it go, let me feel you, darling,” she crooned, embracing Rainbow tightly. Rainbow shuddered in her Mistress’ grasp, panting as her body trembled, her wings twitching fitfully as the afterglow slowly began to settle in. "Nopony thinks any less of you for losing, darling, nopony at all...." As Rarity lowered her down to four shaking hooves, Rainbow noticed that all the toys had gone silent, even Applejack’s. And the stricken look on Applejack’s face told her that the earth pony hadn’t gotten to come yet. “M-Mistress?” Applejack asked nervously. “Oh, darling, don’t worry,” Rarity giggled, recomposing herself in a flash and turning around, brushing her mane back out of her face. “I just want you my Princess to be very ready for her seamstress to… ah… take her measurements, as t’were.” She grinned up at Applejack, releasing her and trotting over for a lingering kiss. “You’re all mine, darling, and I’m all yours for the night. But you might wish you’d accepted a somewhat simpler gown to be fitted for, before we’re done.” Applejack whimpered, pressing her thighs together pitifully as Rainbow flopped down onto the pillow in the corner of the room to watch. I hate losing, Rainbow thought to herself as Rarity began setting up the scene for the role-play that would dominate the rest of the evening, but some nights, it’s totally worth it. > Join the Herd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity stared at the entrance to Applejack’s barn. During the day, it was always a welcoming sight, even though she would rarely take advantage of it. Tonight though… tonight, it yawned into the blackness beyond, lit only by moonlight shining through a window on a pile of hay bales. The white-furred unicorn swallowed hard, trying to tell herself that she was being silly. This was Applejack’s barn; she’d been in it a hundred times before, for various social events. She knew what it was like inside, or at least what it was supposed to be like. But it really wasn’t the barn that worried her. She hated to admit it, but she was worried about Applejack, not the silly barn. Oh, if only I hadn’t been so foalish this morning…. She’d woken up, nestled comfortably under one of Rainbow’s wings, as Applejack had started to stir. Knowing that the farmer had to hurry home, she’d dislodged herself, and gone down to prepare breakfast for her favorite of the evening. Applejack had earned a treat, frankly. She’d been amazing the night before, from her game with Rainbow to the incredible scene afterwards, Applejack posing as a Manehattan client who had given Rarity such grief earlier in the week. Even if it was her darling orange earth pony, instead of the chartreuse fillystine who had come in demanding the most horrifying shade of puce, it had felt so good to hear that cultured voice protesting with each sharp smack of the wooden paddle. She’d put her tongue to good use afterwards as well, a memory that even now sent a thrill down Rarity’s spine, to pool somewhere rather lower. As Rarity had gone to prepare breakfast, she’d seen it. Applejack’s hat, hanging next to the door. She’d known she shouldn’t have done it, known that it was terribly rude, but… somehow, she just felt the most overwhelming urge to put it on herself! She hadn’t used her magic to take it down, instead taking the leather brim in her mouth and flipping it into the air, as she’d seen Applejack do. The taste of work and sweat was in the band, a flavor that reminded her of stolen moments in the early evening with Applejack, out in the fields during the first days of their unusual courtship. She’d posed in front of the mirrors, then gone in to make breakfast, feeling the cleft in the hat’s brim resting against her horn. Giggling at the image she knew she was presenting, she busied herself about the kitchen, listening to the shower upstairs. She’d heard Applejack coming down the steps minutes later, just as she was plating the food, and had hurried to meet her beloved in the kitchen. “Good morning, darling!” She’d called out cheerfully. “Mornin’ Mis….” Applejack had stopped dead in her tracks when she’d seen Rarity, leaving her poor Mistress feeling suddenly vulnerable. “I ah… I made breakfast! I hope you’re in the mood for apple-cinnamon waffles?” She’d asked hopefully. “Rarity?” “Yes, darling?” “Yer wearin’ mah hat,” Applejack had said evenly, her emotions completely unreadable. Rarity had looked down at the floor, rather like Sweetie Belle had when Rarity had caught her modeling one of her finest new gowns. Rather like the filly, Rarity had felt the hat was about ten sizes too large for how small she suddenly felt. “I… hadn’t thought you would mind, darling, I’m terribly sorry. It was wrong of me,” she said, starting to lift the hat off with her magic. Applejack interrupted her, pressing it back against Rarity’s mane with her hoof. “Don’t you mind, sugarcube. Just… keep it, for today. It looks good on you,” she smiled shakily. “Bring it around the barn tonight though? After Granny an’ Apple Bloom will be asleep?” “But darling!” Rarity had started to protest. “No buts, sugar,” Applejack countered firmly. “Ah know what Ah’m doin’. Thanks fer makin’ breakfast, but… Ah need t’think a bit, all right?” “Darling, don’t you dare walk out on me like this!” Rarity had said with all the sternness she could muster. Having been Applejack’s Mistress for some time now, that was quite a bit, even as off-center as the unicorn felt. Applejack had seemed to falter for a moment, but then smiled. “Ah ain’t mad at you, Mistress,” she promised, leaning forward to claim a tender kiss. “Though… if y’all do come out to the barn tonight, Ah ain’t gonna be yer pet on mah own property. Remember, out there, we’re lovers. An’ maybe somethin’ more?” She’d offered hopefully. Then, leaving Rarity more confused than worried, she had left. Rarity had still been trying to figure out what had happened when Rainbow Dash had come down. The sky blue pegasus had grinned like a foal at Hearth’s Warming when she’d seen the hat. Before even bothering to give her an explanation, she’d just whooped happily at some unknown secret, and shot out of the Boutique, not even bothering to ask for breakfast! That, more than anything else, had probably been what terrified Rarity the most about the thought of going out to the barn. Yet here she was, standing outside the barn doors. Somehow, she knew that if she went through them, things wouldn’t be quite the same between she and Applejack. Lovers… they’d been that, and then Mistress and pet. Pets, to be fair, with Rainbow Dash counted in. An’ maybe somethin’ more? Applejack’s words haunted her, had all day. She couldn’t focus for thinking about it. More? What more? Surely Applejack wouldn’t propose to her over seeing her wearing a hat, of all things! Ah ain’t mad at you, Mistress. That promise gave Rarity the strength to step inside, sure that whatever happened… it would be for the best, for all of them. Expertly trimmed hooves clopped across the wooden floorboards, echoing in the silent barn as Rarity stepped inside. Then the doors slammed closed behind her, cutting out most of the moonlight, and suddenly Rarity was very, very worried again. “It’s about time!” Rainbow Dash rasped in the darkness, a grin in her voice. “Calm down, Sugarcube,” Applejack had said, though to which of her lovers, Rarity wasn’t sure. A bucket lifted off of a lantern, and light spread out from it, the warm and friendly light of fireflies inside the glass. A glimpse of blue feathers told Rarity that Rainbow was moving around the barn, exposing more of the lanterns. Applejack, on the other hand, stayed still, resting her trunk on a hay bale, her hindlegs behind it as she smiled warmly. “Ah was worried y’wouldn’t come,” she admitted. “Can Ah have mah hat back?” Rarity floated the hat over, putting it back where it belonged, and Applejack nodded with satisfaction. “S’pose yer wonderin’ what this is all about.” “It… is rather theatrical, darling,” Rarity admitted. “And I should know!” She added with a nervous smile. “Y’remember when Ah used t’take off for a few weeks every year, after Applebuck Season?” Applejack asked, patting a hoof on the hay bale. Rarity winced at the idea of joining her there, instead just sitting on the much smoother, less prickly floor across from the earth pony. “You stopped about five years ago… just a year or two before Twilight came to town,” she nodded. “You always said something about visiting family?” “An’ Ah always told the truth,” Applejack smiled, taking the hat off and running her hooves over it. “Family out west. Not Braeburn, his branch of the family kept goin’, but closer kin t’him than t’me. One year, Ah met a fella named Bill. He was a big softy,” she smiled fondly, looking down at the hat. “Gentle as a lamb, but strong as Big Mac, maybe even more. He an’ me… we sorta hooked up, an’ Ah visited him whenever Ah went out, afore his kin would go travellin’ t’their winterin’ grounds. Loved him dear… then, one year, he weren’t there,” she sighed. “His ma an’ pa tol’ me what happened,” she explained, as Rainbow settled down next to Applejack with uncharacteristic quietness, hugging her gently. Rarity, sensing the story was about to take a darker turn, leaned over to nuzzle Applejack quietly, offering her support without words. “He’d been hurt when a pack o’ wolves went after some calves,” Applejack explained after a moment. “All he could leave me was this hat, an’ a lot o’ good memories. We’d wanted to start a family… but Ah guess it just weren’t in the cards.” She sighed softly, but then looked up at Rainbow. “Least that’s what Ah’d thought up until Rainbow here tried gettin’ me in bed.” “What can I say? I knew you needed cheering up, just not why, and a good big dose of awesome seemed like the cure!” Rainbow grinned cockily, grabbing the hat and flipping it up onto her head. Applejack smirked at her, then pulled it down over Rainbow’s eyes and turned back to Rarity. “Since then… Ah’m the only one who wears that hat. Me, an’ the mares in mah herd?” She said, trailing off into an unasked question that took a moment to dawn on the fashionista. She… she is proposing to me over a hat! But… oh, but such a romantic hat! “I accept, darling!” She grinned, leaning over the hay to kiss Applejack tenderly… but stopping dead still as she noticed what Applejack was wearing behind the hay bale. Seeing that the gig was up, the earth pony grinned and hopped up on it with her forelegs, letting Rarity get a good close look at the long, slender, gently corkscrewed strap-on that Applejack was wearing. It looked like some sort of delicately cured leather, of all things, but if it was… it was the most delicate, naturalistic material that Rarity had ever seen as leather… or felt, as a gentle nuzzle confirmed. Rarity knew her leather, and as the earthy scent of pony and pseudo-phallus blended in her nostrils, she realized now why she wasn’t the Mistress here, especially not tonight. Without the male to welcome her into the herd, Applejack was going to take on the duty herself. “Still wanna accept?” Rainbow asked with a grin. “Please say yes, please say yes!” She clopped her forehooves together enthusiastically. “It feels... so… awesome!” Rarity blushed deeply up at Applejack, who was looking down at her hopefully… and she answered with one smooth motion, leaning back before swallowing as much of the sweetly scented shaft as would fit into her muzzle. > Tied Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Tell me, Fluttershy, did it ever occur to you that your life is a little… boring?” Discord asked as the butter-yellow pegasus fed her animal friends. “Oh, it’s not that boring at all, if you look at it the right way!” She said enthusiastically. “Why, there’s all my animal friends, and we play together, and occasionally have picnics, and of course there’s watching Rainbow Dash practice, that’s always exciting! Too exciting, sometimes!” She rambled on, not noticing Discord’s prolonged gagging expression. When she turned around though, he was back on his best behavior, at least by appearances, and she quickly returned to trying to cajole Angel into eating something healthy. “Yes, yes, I suppose you’re right, but surely you can’t be happy with everything being the same all the time,” he pointed out. “Every day, it’s your little animal friends, all day long, and occasionally going to spend time with your friends. Now, I’ll admit that time spent with me is hardly ever dull, but there’s only so much I can do! I’ll never understand how you ponies didn’t go completely mad from everything being so… normal… before I came along.” Pinkie Pie popped out of the bushes, glaring pointedly at the draconequus through the window before slowly sliding back down out of sight. “Ah, yes. You make an excellent point,” he mused. “What was that, Discord?” Fluttershy asked, glancing away from Angel long enough for a flick of Discord’s tail to transmute Angel’s bowls of sliced carrots into a lavish slice of carrot cake. The bunny looked at it suspiciously, before grabbing it and hurrying back into his hutch. “Oh, nothing. I’m just utterly astounded how you put up with such a… mundane life. You’ve finished your chores for the morning, Fluttershy, why don’t we go have some fun? Come with me, my dear, we’ll be the toast of the town!” He exclaimed, standing suddenly and taking her hooves in his paw and claw, swinging her around him enthusiastically. “Just imagine it, tapioca as far as the eye can see!” “Discord!” Fluttershy protested, trying to sound stern but failing utterly. “You’re supposed to use your powers for good now!” “…You’re saying you’d prefer chocolate?” He asked after a moment, cocking his equine head slightly. Fluttershy shook her head with an indulgent giggle. He had been surprisingly good lately, after all. But how would she think of something for them to do that wouldn’t…. Oh, Fluttershy, you shouldn’t… you couldn’t! She looked Discord up and down, thinking about the idea that had popped into her head. And he wouldn’t! Unless…. “All right, Discord,” she said, fighting off a grin. “If I can come up with something you’ve never done before, we’ll do that together. If I can’t, then we’ll do whatever you’d like, as long as nopony gets hurt.” “Inconveniencing acceptable?” Discord asked, considering her offer. Not that she would ever come up with something he hadn’t done before, of course, but he didn’t want to be on the hook for a dull afternoon either way! “As long as you clean up your mess when you’re done,” Fluttershy said in a motherly tone. “Well, that does take half the fun out of flooding the town with tapioca, but… all right, deal,” he said resolutely. “Now, what have you got in mind that I, Discord, ancient immortal spirit of chaos have never done before?” He asked her smugly. ~~~===~~~ “You know… I’d thought that perhaps you might have suggested something a little less… bold,” Discord admitted as Angel tightened the straps holding him to an oaken X-frame. The patchwork beast was bound with thick, flat cords of bark and vine, nothing that he couldn’t get out of in a flash if he really wanted to, but… well, he had made a deal with Fluttershy, after all! Angel jumped down from the X-frame, hopping over to Fluttershy’s side and indicating his handiwork. Fluttershy smiled at the bunny, leaning down to nuzzle him before looking at him quizzically, finally prodding his belly with a hoof. “You know… I think you’re getting a little pudgy, mister. You’re going to have to get more exercise! I know it can’t be your diet….” Angel shot Discord a glare, and then scampered out of Fluttershy’s bedroom, leaving the pony and ancient deity alone. “Now, if you’re not comfortable, or if you’re scared, just say ‘rutabaga’ and I’ll let you down right away,” Fluttershy reassured him with a sweet smile. “Seriously?” Discord asked in a deadpan tone of voice. “Oh, dearie my, I don’t know what I’ll ever do, I’m at the total mercy of the Element of Kindness! I certainly hope she doesn’t assault me with hugs and snuggles!” If he’d been able to move his hands, he’d have been mock-swooning. As it was, he settled for rolling his eyes all the way around in his head, showing the blank sclera at the back for a moment. When they were pointing forward again, Fluttershy was giving him the same sweet smile she’d been giving him a moment before. It broadened even further, her eyelids dropping half way as her pupils slid up and down his body, from the tip of his mismatched horns, down his equine face and lutran body, to the bottom of his mismatched feet. Discord swallowed, wondering just what she was thinking. “Oh, I don’t think you understand, Discord,” Fluttershy crooned, stepping closer to him, rubbing her face along the slick brown fur of his torso. “I am the Element of Kindness, and you are at my mercy. And shouldn’t you know best of all that sometimes… it’s kindest to be cruel?” She grinned up at him with an almost predatory hunger. “You know, I think I’m starting to have second thoughts about this,” Discord decided. “Just say the word, and I let you go,” Fluttershy promised. For a moment, Discord seriously considered it. He was already spending more time in one place than he ever had before, not counting aeons spent trapped in stone. Even if he could just teleport himself out, it somehow felt… wrong to do so. No, if he was getting out, he would have to have Fluttershy do it. And yet, asking Fluttershy to let him go was out of the question! What would the other spirits think if Discord, all-mighty being of Chaos, had been psyched out of his first truly novel experience in centuries because he was scared by a pony? Fluttershy of all ponies! No. He wasn’t going to break. “Well, I suppose you know what you’re doing,” he said with an attempt at a nonchalant shrug. “Oh, certainly,” Fluttershy promised, licking his fur before turning around, swishing her tail tantalizingly from side to side as she went back into the closet, coming out with a riding crop in her mouth. “Efter aww, I ‘ust ‘inished Fi’ty Shades o’ Neigh ‘ast ‘ight!” “Last ni-IPE!” Discord’s disbelieving question was interrupted by the crop swishing through the air and smacking his scaled thigh roughly. “That stings!” “’At’s de idea,” Fluttershy grinned wickedly up at him around the handle. She leaned in, nuzzling and licking lightly at the still-stinging patch, her hoof coming up to stroke his sheath lightly. The sensation of that gentle, yet firm, touch against a part of his body that hadn’t felt another’s touch in far too long was enough to take his mind off of the stinging. Discord moaned shamelessly, his shaft starting to slide slowly out of its hiding place… and what a shaft it was! It was thick as a pony’s at the base, but split down the middle into two separate members, each one different from the other. The one farthest from his trunk had a ring of knobby growths at the base of it, while the one closest was covered in fine, stiff little hairs. Seeing the draconequus’ cock…s for the first time, Fluttershy was distracted from her focus on his leg, looking at it and cooing with interest. “Oh my… I haven’t seen anything like it since Monty was visiting….” “Montyyyyyohmygoodness!” Discord was interrupted again, something that he had to think was becoming almost rude at this point, but the feeling that interrupted him this time was much more welcome. Fluttershy had taken the long, knobbed shaft into her mouth, swallowing it like a seasoned pro as her hoof turned to take the barbed one in her pastern. Hoof and head moved in opposite directions, one sliding up as the other descended. It was a matter of moments before Discord was utterly unable to think about anything except for the pleasure coursing through his loins. “Oh… nnngh… F-Fluttershy… I must say, you’re… hah! Oh my, I think I’m going –“ The incredible pleasure suddenly pulled away, leaving his shafts achingly stiff. “Hey!” He glared down at Fluttershy, who was looking up at him with mischief in her eyes. “I need you to focus for a moment, Discord!” She giggled. “I need to know if you want me to go get some protection, or if you’re willing to deal with the possibility of little draconequus foals in a few months….” Discord’s eyes went wide at the very prospect. Children? I’m too young and handsome to be tied down like that! But it will take her forever to… ah, yes! “Never fear, my dear, Discord is here!” He grinned, snapping his fingers. There was a faint flash at the base of his shaft, attracting Fluttershy’s attention. “Magic, just the thing for making sure there are no pesky chaos-kids, even without god-proof condoms!” Fluttershy pouted cutely up at him, before flying up to kiss him lightly on the lips. “All right then! But no more cheating, Mister. I’ve got plans for you….” “I’m sure you do, Mistress,” Discord nickered, giving her a kiss back. Then his mind was blown, yet again, as Fluttershy slowly sank through the air to begin sliding down his alien members. You know, he decided, I don’t think I’ll mind this ‘staying in one place’ thing too much after all.... > Join the Herd pt 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash grinned as she watched Rarity go down on the long, oddly shaped dildo. “Wow, boss, I didn’t think she’d be this game!” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity giggled, once she’d pulled her muzzle off of the faux-phallus, smacking her lips and assessing the taste. “I’m surprised at you! The chance to make you watch twice in two nights as Applejack does her best to please me? Though I think, this time, I’m going to try something a little bit different….” Her horn glowed a pale blue, as did both the strap-on and Applejack’s entire body. The earth pony froze for a moment, not sure what had just happened. The tension melted away when Rarity gave the shaft in front of her another nuzzle, eyes glittering mischievously up at her ‘stallion.’ “You like, darling? It’s a little trick I picked up from one of the books in Twilight’s… mmm… private collection.” All Applejack could do was moan incoherently, overwhelmed by utterly alien sensations as Rarity started to lick, nuzzle, and tug at the strap-on with her lips. “R-rarity,” she gasped, “what’d y’do?” “Twilight would be more technical, but… I made you the stallion you want to be tonight, darling,” Rarity explained, reluctantly disengaging her lips from the earthy flavor of the shaft between them. “Oh, I do hope you don’t mind!” For a moment, the second one today, Rarity found herself wondering if she might have overstepped one of her powerful pet’s few lines without even knowing it was there. Stupid, stupid ma-ooh, I don’t think she minds at all! Rarity’s sudden loss of concern would have been more surprising, had Applejack not just swept her into a heated kiss that had Rainbow’s wings flaring out rigidly. The faint ‘clop clop’ of a hoof tapping rapidly against the floorboards told Rarity that her second pet was already enjoying herself. “Let’s put on a show for my dear… mmm… co-wife? No….” Rarity trailed off, trying to think of the appropriate term. “Herd-wife,” Applejack informed her, nipping at her neck, already breathing hard and trying to adjust to having sensation through the toy, like it had been hard-wired to her clit. “Let’s.” Rarity gave the tip of the shaft one last lick for good measure before she turned around, flagging her tail in a gesture that was as ancient as it was obvious. Applejack didn’t need or wait for a verbal invitation, mounting Rarity, nipping at her shoulders and neck heatedly. It took her a couple of tries, and a little magical guidance, but she managed to get the massive toy up against her lover’s slick lips. “Fuck, Rares, don’t know how long Ah’ll last like this!” Applejack grinned ruefully. “Language, darling!” Rarity giggled, leaning her head back to nuzzle Applejack, white fur against orange. “Just remember, my stallion. You’ve still got a mare’s endurance under it all” “Ah’m… gonna… need it!” Applejack grunted through her teeth, pushing into Rarity. Her eyes were screwed shut, and she was sweating heavily from the effort to restrain herself as inch after glorious inch of the magically enhanced cock slid into Rarity’s equally glorious and sensitive marehood. “Not the… oooh… only one!” Rarity promised, squeezing down experimentally around the toy. It didn’t take long for her to realize that it was entirely unnecessary. It was a far narrower shaft than she was used to, but the long curve turned it into an obscene spreader inside her body, stretching her body in ways that were entirely new to her! One moment she was almost ready to scream from the pressure on her g-spot, the next she’d be aching to feel it again as the toy undulated forward through her. Rainbow Dash whimpered as Rarity and Applejack both cried out with their first orgasms, the tip of the strap-on bumping up against Rarity’s cervix and gently stretching her even farther. Rarity’s eyes snapped open as she heard the unconscious protest at being the only pony not in utter bliss, and for a moment sapphires met rubies with a gentle, understanding smile. “I’ve got… mmm… another trick from Twilight’s books up my sleeve, darling,” Rarity offered teasingly. “I was… ooh, Applejack, right there, like that again… saving it for a… hah… special occasion!” “Anything more special than this?” Rainbow asked with a shy grin. “Not….” Rarity’s horn glowed brightly as she worked her next spell. “At…” Rainbow’s eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lolling out as she felt that cock inside of her, stretching her out just like it was Rarity and bringing on a mind-shattering orgasm from the sheer unexpected thrill of it. “All!” Rarity cried out again, watching Rainbow cum just from knowing exactly what it was that she was feeling. Applejack let out a second shuddering moan, pressing against Rarity’s back as the spasms around her own magical dick pushed her over the edge. For a long moment, the three mares panted and tried to collect themselves. Rarity was the first to do so, reaching over to tug gently at the tip of one of Rainbow’s primaries, coaxing the pegasus closer to the pile of sweaty, loving mares. “Mmm… so, round three?” She asked teasingly as they all cuddled up together. “I don’t know about you girls, but I’d just love to see what happens when you’re both[ trying to blow my mind….” Applejack chuckled, but looked over at Rainbow Dash, the pegasus returning her smile with a wickedly obscene grin. “You are so on, Mistress!” They said in unison. > Go figure? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Redirect? What was originally my submission for Prompt #63 turned out rather longer than anticipated, and since it involved adding even more character tags I went and tossed it up as its own story! So, if you want to see a little M/M/M action, go see what Cousin Braeburn is getting up to in... Opportunity in this Community! Assuming, of course, that it passes moderation. I return you to your regularly scheduled straight/femslash... well, actually, hopefully in the next day or two. I had plans for Prompt #64, but they didn't materialize courtesy of the "second half" of OitC taking twice as long to write as I expected it to. > Recharging the Pinkie Power > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Bye! Have a good night! I’ll see you all again real soon!” Pinkie Pie grinned broadly, her teeth a bright white wall the words practically crept through as she bid the last of the evening’s guests farewell. It couldn’t happen soon enough. Pinkamina Diane Pie, don’t you dare let them see you sweat! She ordered herself, waving at the departing ponies. You’ve had longer nights than this! It’s not Featherweight’s fault that his birthday is the fifth this week! Be the party pony, Pinkie! Be the party! The problem, of course, was that the party was winding down, and so was Pinkie’s seemingly permanent sugar-fueled giddiness, which she’d already taken to supplementing heavily with caffeine earlier in the day when she was frosting the cake for Featherweight’s sixteenth birthday. He was growing up to be a cute colt, too. He’d make a very special somepony for a lucky filly or colt, and someday soon too, Pinkie was sure. She kept telling herself that, kept smiling and waving until the last of the ponies were gone, and then visibly deflated. She dropped down to all four hooves heavily, groaning as she slumped forward onto one of the tables of Sugarcube Corner, dreading to look behind her and see the work to be done to clean up. Be the party pony. Be responsible. You have to clean up, so we can start baking bright and early tomorrow. Oh Celestia, why did I let Featherweight’s parents talk me into using Sugarcube Corner for the party?!? Pinkie’s back ached, her legs ached, her hooves ached. Her mane, normally as bouncy and carefree as she was, seemed to be sagging right along with her. You love your job, Pinkie. You love both of your jobs. You love everything about them. Except for the part where you have to clean up a party at midnight so you’re ready to start baking at four in the morning and everypony else who’s got a shard of sense has already gone to bed. Cup and Carrot had both gone up earlier, after the twins’ bedtime and the cake had been served. They needed all the rest they could get, so Pinkie could afford a mid-morning nap after the breakfast rush and before lunch. It was so tempting to just close her eyes and fall asleep right there on the table, to Tartarus with the mess. Maybe for just a moment…. She let her eyes start to drift closed, ready to break one of her cardinal rules. She’d hate herself for it in the morning, but right now, she just hurt too much after so much partying. Blasphemy! Some tiny part of her brain shrieked, shortly before fatigue pulled out a pillow and quietly, peacefully smothered its thrashing form to death. As her eyes went down for the first time, then the second, then almost the third, she felt a pair of powerful hooves press against her shoulders. She let out a low moan of pleasure, feeling the tension and ache in her back being pressed out, kneaded out of her muscles like traitorous lumps in a loaf of bread. She took a deep breath, and smelled the rich, dough-tinged scent of Carrot Cake behind her. “Thought y’went t’sleep,” she murmured softly. “The twins were hungry,” he explained easily. “Cup’s still in bed, and you look like you hurt, Pinkie. “I do,” she admitted, about ready to doze off. Then her eyes flew open as Carrot shifted to press his weight against a particularly tough knot of pain in the middle of her spine, an audible cracking sound coming just before relief flooded through her body. “Oooooh… that was gooooood,” she moaned, spreading out on the table like all her bones had just gone soft. “Ugh… gotta clean up, don’t I?” “No you don’t,” Carrot told her firmly. “You’re coming to bed. We’ll clean up together in the morning, but you need some sleep.” “I really shouldn’t,” she sighed, trying to stand up, only for Carrot to push her back against the table, sliding forward against her body. “Are you telling me you want to stay up and clean?” He asked her, pressing his muzzle against her neck and working out another knot he found there with gentle, loving nips of his teeth. “Nooooooo,” Pinkie sighed. “But bed’ll be cold… I really should….” “Ours is nice and warm,” he offered. “And we know you fit in it,” he added in a low, throaty murmur. Pinkie smiled faintly, genuinely this time as she wriggled her rump back against him. “You sure you want me there?” She asked, lifting her tail to stroke it against his sheath. It was Carrot’s turn to groan, pressing his orange-furred hips against hers. “If I prove it, will you come to bed with me?” He asked her. “Mhm,” she smiled lazily, shifting her tail up and out of the way, curling it lightly around his flank. Carrot slid his forehooves down, pressing them into Pinkie’s rump right on either of her cutie marks. She moaned as he pushed his weight onto her, but it was a good ache this time. Not the inexorable, spine-splitting pain of standing too long, but a comforting weight she didn’t get to feel nearly often enough. Not that there was much of it; Carrot barely weighed two-thirds of either of his mares, but they all liked it that way. For Pinkie and Cup, there was something reassuring about knowing that somepony who wasn’t as ‘well padded’ as they were loved them. For Carrot… well, as his stiffening shaft pressed into Pinkie’s rump, he had little choice but to reflect on the benefits of his somewhat unusual arrangement, or on the pleasure of feeling a soft, warm body yielding around him. He shifted his hips, pressing his half-hard shaft up to Pinkie’s slit with the help of one hoof, and suddenly she was yielding in an entirely different way. The two bakers moaned together, Pinkie pressing back, Carrot pressing forward, eager to feel as much of each body against the other as they could. Their hips met in the most intimate way they could, and the two of them just stayed there for a long moment, savoring the feeling. “I love you, Pinkie,” Carrot murmured, nibbling her ear tenderly. “Love you too,” Pinkie smiled softly, her eyes closed blissfully. She was in no danger of falling asleep though, not as Carrot started to slowly slide in and out of her body. The ache in the base of her tail was going away, like all the time it had been trying to tell her that she’d just needed to bend over and get herself stretched out perfectly, and it would have been happy to stop complaining. An almost miraculous transformation was taking place as Carrot made love to his younger beauty. As inch after inch of orange-and-black mottled horsemeat sank into Pinkie again and again, it was as if he was pumping her full of the vim and vigor that she usually showed the world, her mane and tail starting to get back their bounce as she slid back and forth along the surface of the table. Carrot’s balls swung up into her, making an increasingly wet slapping sound as her juices started to pour down her thighs. “Oooh… C-Carrot,” Pinkie whimpered, reaching back to stroke his sides. “Please, fill me up!” She didn’t need to tell him twice; with her permission, Carrot started thrusting harder and faster, angling his hips to rub himself against her g-spot as he pressed into her. Her moans became shorter, faster, more urgent and needy as both their climaxes approached. Carrot didn’t pull out when he came, instead burying himself as deeply inside of her as he could. Pinkie pressed back, hungry for every spurt of hot, liquid bliss that filled her up. For all that their love-making had been full of whimpers and grunts, for this moment, each was silent, Carrot’s teeth pressed together with an almost painful expression on his face as Pinkie’s lips curled up in the most beatific expression of contentment known to ponykind. For a long moment, they stayed together like that, not even breathing. Then, slowly, Carrot pulled out of Pinkie’s marehood, panting as his shaft slipped out and hung limply between his legs. Pinkie rolled over, stroking her dripping lips and tasting the mix of juices her hoof took away. Carrot shuddered at the intensely erotic sight; no matter how often Pinkie put on this little show, for either of them, it never got old. “Mmm… I guess I’m a Pinkie Creampie tonight,” she giggled with honest mirth. Carrot chuckled, shaking his head indulgently. “I’ll get the lights, Pinkie. You go up to bed, and I’ll be along in a moment.” “Okie dokie lokie!” She suddenly sat up, leaning forward and pulling him into a searingly hot kiss, forcing her tongue into his mouth. Carrot, stunned, could only moan and submit to the sudden outburst of affection, observing as he did so that they didn’t taste half bad together… sort of like somebody had over-frosted a carrot-cupcake. “Thank you,” she smiled as she pulled back a few moments later. “I should be thanking you!” He grinned back at her. “I think we both needed that!” “Not for the sex, silly!” Pinkie giggled. “For giving me this back,” she said, pointing her hoof at her still-smiling lips before sliding off the table and starting back to the stairs with a prance in her gait. All the way, she kept her tail high, showing off a rather stickier smile with a set of lips that was every bit as happy as the pair up front. > Dying to Come > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow’s lungs burned, her body heaving as she struggled in vain to draw breath. She’d felt it before, when she was flying at the edge of space or fighting to tame a twister, but there was something about having her Mistress dishing it out that was infinitely better. Her lungs worked, pumping themselves as wide as they could, but there was no reward for the effort. Her wings beat in instinctive futility, but the silk ropes tied around her legs kept her bound firmly to Rarity’s bed, the frantic effort to break free only serving to drive her muzzle more firmly against the unicorn’s slick folds. Rainbow drove her tongue deeply into her Mistress’ sopping marehood, eyes silently pleading as blackness began to edge its way into her vision, her own dripping loins burning as she came closer and closer to her climax. Then Rarity would cum, again, and her magic would waver as Rainbow was washed with her Mistress’ sweet nectar. The magical bubble in Rainbow’s throat would flicker, letting a lungful of air past, and the weather pony would moan in a combination of relief and frustration as the entire process started again, sapphire-blue eyes and that gorgeous, white-furred face coming into sharp focus once again. Rarity was watching her pet die between her thighs. It was a beautiful death, played out in the writhing of a pony pushed to the limits of equine endurance, the desperate need to cum matched against the equally desperate need to survive. Burning pleasure pitted against burning agony, each beyond anything that Rarity could inflict on her darling pegasus in any other way, each repetition lasting just a little bit longer, and carrying Rainbow that little bit closer to the point of no return. But it was such an ugly death as well, played out in all the little ways that Rarity was forced to watch as she kept her beloved safe. Her sinfully skilled tongue slowly turned from a bright and healthy pink to more closely match its owner’s own hue, yet it never ceased to glide along the vibrant flesh that stood out from it in ever-starker contrast. Rarity whimpered as she felt another climax approaching, far too slowly for her tastes. I won’t stop until I have to – and you know what that’s gonna take! A bold promise, one that Rainbow would keep even if it killed her. One that, Rarity was privately terrified, was meant to do just that. Even with pegasus magic, there was only so much she could take! Damn you, darling! Damn you and your sexy, sexy thrills! She couldn’t deny that they were just that, either. Incredibly sexy, so much so that it hurt! As intimate as their lovemaking was, there was an undeniable primal thrill about holding Rainbow’s life in her hooves, as it were. That tongue, slowly growing less skilled, dragging out the time to Rarity’s next ‘excuse’ to give Rainbow some desperately needed air that little bit longer. The way Rainbow’s warm breath wasn’t washing over her between desperate licks, the way those gorgeous, magenta eyes slowly lidded and lost focus, glazing over as unconsciousness drew closer and closer. But how to know when the line was reached? When the body had passed the point of “I’m going to turn off now, and we’ll have a long talk about how badly you screwed something up later,” and reached the point where le petit mort became… well… rather grand. That brought to mind all too many very, very unsexy thoughts. Her beloved, forever still, limp and cold in her bed. Applejack, heartbroken, learning that a foolish bedroom game had cost her both of her loves. All of Ponyville, if not Equestria, mourning because she hadn’t been in control, when the very thing Rainbow had come to her for in the first place was somepony to take control. The very idea of having done all of that, merely because she couldn’t resist the those beautiful eyes plead with her, those beautiful, magenta eyes that were growing dimmer and dimmer every moment. Those eyes which slowly grew redder as lack of air and the alien pressures inside her throat caused the delicate blood vessels to flood to capacity, and then burst, pinpricks of scarlet staining the sclera. Rainbow teetered on the brink of orgasm, her juices soaking the bed beneath her. She couldn’t make Rarity out at all now as anything more than a blur of flavors and sounds and the scent of sex. The blackness at the edge of her vision was just giving way to the faint sparkles that told her it was almost time…. “Polyester, darling!” Rarity cried out, scrambling back away from Rainbow as she ended the spell. Rainbow instinctively drew breath, unable to stop her body from sating its needs now that it could, but even as she collapsed to the bed, she was glaring at Rarity. “What… the hay…? I was so close… that time!” She whined. “After everything I do for you and AJ, you can’t just give me one fantasy?” “Rainbow, darling, I tried, truly I did!” Rarity protested, her ears flattening. “I am not going to kill you for the sake of an orgasm though, darling! Just look at yourself!” She floated a mirror over, showing Rainbow the scarlet stains that had finally scared her out of continuing. “Bad ass!” Rainbow crooned. Then she noticed Rarity’s stricken expression, and flattened her own ears shamefully. “I uhm… I guess I really scared you, huh?” Rarity nodded tearfully, undoing the knots around Dash’s legs and gratefully accepting the tender, warm, very much alive embrace that she was promptly offered. “Sorry, Mistress,” Dash whispered. “Guess I forgot you get to freak out too, once in a while.” “More often than most, I should hope,” Rarity teased, kissing Rainbow lightly. “After all, I do make something of a specialty out of it.” “Yeah, you do,” Rainbow giggled, snuggling in close. “I’m sorry I scared you… but I can take it, y’know? I mean, I’ve flown in freakin’ tornados, for pony’s sake!” “Yes, you have,” Rarity admitted. “But I’m going to need a bit longer before I’m truly comfortable with that sort of game. Maybe some research.” “Oh, yeah, that’d be fun,” Rainbow snickered. “’Oh, Twilight darling, the next time you come back from Canterlot for a visit, would you be a dear and bring me a few books on how to strangle a pony half to death, but stop there?’ That wouldn’t be awkward at all!” Rarity confined her response to the most deadpan glare she could possibly deliver. But after a few seconds of that, even she had to admit that Twilight’s reaction probably would be an amusing blend of excited to learn something new, and wary about just what such knowledge might be used for. “I suppose I’ll just have to tell her it’s for when Sweetie Belle refuses to let me work,” she sighed dramatically. Both of them broke out into giggles, and enjoyed the mental images until they’d finally settled back into cuddling. “Uhm… Mistress?” Rainbow asked sheepishly after a few more minutes. “I know you safeworded out and all, but… could you maybe finish me off?” No response came from the unicorn, who seemed to be rather nonplussed at the request. “Or at least give me permission to take care of business?” “As I remember, you actually berated me for using my safeword, a very, very serious breach of trust. So just why should I give you an orgasm?” Rainbow swallowed deeply, looking rather as though she wished the bed would just hurry up and swallow her already. “I know, but I really, really need to cum….” Rarity allowed herself a self-satisfied smirk before rolling on top of her pegasus pet. “All right then, pet. I’m going to give you one that will take your breath away!” > Be My Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity laughed musically at one of Rainbow Dash’s jokes, the two of them enjoying lunch at the café the morning after their breathtaking rendezvous. The pegasus, true to form, was wolfing down her hay fries as though she was starving, Rarity taking a more ladylike approach to her salad. “Darling, I simply do not understand how you can keep eating those deep fried horrors without packing on the pounds,” Rarity chuckled during a lull in Rainbow’s noisy crunching. “Well, for one thing, I don’t work inside all day making dresses,” Rainbow teased, flexing her wings demonstratively. “For another,” she added, leaning in closer and wrapping one wing around Rarity’s back, stroking her soft feathers down to the three diamonds on the unicorn’s flank, “I have these two incredibly hot mares who run me ragged most nights, and I love it.” “Rainbow, please, not in public!” Rarity giggled, blushing faintly as she tried to hide a shiver of pleasure. “You court such scandal, darling,” gently using her magic to remove the wing from around her side and replace it at Rainbow’s, giving a gentle stroke along the primaries as she drew her power back into herself. “Nah, I court two pretty stuffy gals, really,” Rainbow grinned teasingly. “Now, they court scandal, but that’s what comes with dating awesome!” “You are simply incorrigible, darling! Oh, Fluttershy!” Rarity called out, noticing her butter-yellow friend walking down the street, looking around as though she were searching for something, Angel perched on her back looking through a tiny pair of binoculars. “Come over here, darling, have a bite to eat!” Fluttershy jumped where she stood, startled by actually being called over. She relaxed when she saw who it was, however, trotting over to the café, eyes still darting from side to side. “Have either of you seen anything strange going on?” She asked softly. "I’ve been trying to find Discord, but I haven’t seen him anywhere since… uhm… the other night.” “Aw, man, who knows what he’s getting up to without somepony watching him!” Rainbow groaned. “Well, I don’t know that it’s any of your business, Rainbow Dash,” Discord’s haughty voice announced as he flashed in, sitting in the air above Rainbow’s head with a monarch butterfly suspended on one scaly claw. “But since you’re so interested, I’ve been preventing a tornado that would have come out of the Everfree and ripped up half of Ponyville without my intervention. Off you go!” He said, flicking his claw and sending the no doubt very confused butterfly along its way. “Though now that I’ve teleported over here to answer your question, there is a miniscule chance that it will be a toad storm instead… ah, well, such are the risks of questioning chaos!” He hopped down to the ground with a bow, and started to walk out towards the nearby Ponyville Park. “Toad storm?” Rainbow asked, cocking her head. “What the hay is a toad –“ As if on cue, thunder crashed, and a black thunderhead started forming over Froggy Bottom Bog. “Toad storm. Right.” Rainbow sighed, shaking her head and taking off. “Hey, Rares, mind catching this for me? I think I’d rather take care of that before it’s a full-bore tornado that can drop hydras on us.” “Certainly, darling.” Rarity nodded distractedly, looking over her shoulder at the gathering clouds. “Fluttershy, do you suppose that….” “Oh, I don’t think Discord caused it to happen,” Fluttershy said certainly. “He knows exactly what would happen if he hurt any of the poor frogs.” All the same, there was a frown on her face as Angel hopped down off of her back and scampered off into the park, presumably to warn the other bunnies of potential incoming amphibians. “I do hope so… and that he’ll stop that himself if it comes down to it,” Rarity frowned. “Everfree weather can be quite dangerous, after all, even if Rainbow is certain she can handle it.” “Oh, I know he will,” Fluttershy promised, though she was watching the dwindling rainbow trail with a touch of worry herself. “After all, he’s using his powers for good!” Lightning cracked through the sky, thunder following it seconds later with a deafening crash. When Rarity’s eyes had stopped hurting, she realized that she was entirely alone at the table, a Fluttershy shaped dust cloud dissipating before her eyes. “Ah, well, I suppose I do need to get to work on that ensemble for Sapphire Shores... hmm… perhaps something in synthetic leather ….” Rarity signaled the waiter, paying her bill quickly and taking the leftovers home. At least Sweetie Belle would appreciate the fries, once she was home from school. ~~~===~~~ Meanwhile, Discord was sitting on top of the fountain in the center of the park, leaning back against thin air and doing something very unusual, even for the immortal God of Chaos. He was thinking. Fluttershy may have been trying to hide it from me, but she actually wanted me to let nature take its course the other night. What sort of pony would want foals so badly… well, all right, there were the halcyon days of decadent chaos cultists, but really, that was more an utter disregard for consequences, I can respect that…. Actually wanting them like that, that’s… worrisome. Not that he minded the concept of having little chaos-demigods running about. There already were one or two, after all, though most didn’t recognize their real power. But if they got out of control, and he hadn’t been locked in stone for a few thousand years to have an excuse to have forgotten about them, he’d be the one expected to clean up after them. Diapers were one thing. Demigod diapers were something else entirely, and tended to involve having to reassemble cities from the atomic level. If only there were some other way for him to defuse Fluttershy’s ticking time bomb of a biological clock. Some way to help her without breaking that pesky ‘moral code’ of hers…. Just then, opportunity came knocking, in the form of a small, belligerent, white rabbit. Angel scampered up Discord’s leg, a scowl of epic proportions marring his tiny face. The glare he shot up at the draconequus would have been clear enough even without having known him for months now, but since he had… well, Discord had something of an advantage when it came to understanding the Angel on his shoulder. “And just what is it now, hmm? Upset about my not doing something about the weather?” Discord asked him dryly, glancing up at the spreading thunderhead. It did look like things were going to be interesting for a little while, at least. Angel reached out and grabbed the side of his face, climbing up onto the top of his muzzle so he couldn’t be ignored. “You know, if I wanted to, I could turn you into a newt right now and nobody’d notice,” Discord pointed out irritably. “I happen to have a mutual friend on my mind right now, and… ooooh… oho! So that’s it, isn’t it? You’re still upset about the other night, aren’t you?” Angel gave him a glare that had been known to cow Opal in the past. “Well, no fears there. It was fun and all, but a one-time experience for me, I assure you! But that’s not the only reason you’re upset, is it?” A smile curled up along Discord’s muzzle as Angel’s glare gave way to a look of shock. “Oh, Angel, I might not be able to talk to animals, but I know a jealous boyfriend when I see one. Or, at least, a jealous would be boyfriend. Of course, this explains the attitude. How could you help but feel inadequate when Fluttershy’s looking for stallion and being offered hasenpfeffer?” Ah, there was the glare again. That was more like it. “Tell you what, little friend. I think I can solve both of our Fluttershy problems at once!” Discord snapped his fingers, materializing a huckster’s cart right in the middle of the park, the stage open, and Discord standing on it in a blinding polyester leisure suit, decorated with the sort of colors and patterns that would probably have made Rarity’s eyes bleed out. “What you need is a dose of Uncle Discord’s Old-Timey Chaos! Guaranteed to cure the order that ails ya! Only one bit per bottle, but for you, my lapine lothario, a very, very special deal indeed….” Discord took a small bottle between his claws and offered it to a suspicious Angel. The rabbit popped the cork out, and took a sniff of the concoction within, making a face as he smelled the unmistakable combination of lavender, pumpkin pie spice, horseradish, and plaid. “Oh, fine, if you’re not going to be a sport about it,” Discord sniffed, snapping his fingers. Angel disappeared with a flash, leaving the draconequus to pack up his wagon. “And I had the most charming little ditty to sing too,” he sighed with a dramatic sniffle. ~~~===~~~ Fluttershy trembled as she darted throughout the park, looking for any sign of Angel. Oh, I can’t leave him out in this, what if he gets sick? What if he gets hit by a falling frog? What if he gets struck by lightning? The probability of a six-inch tall rabbit being struck by lightning in a park full of trees and a town full of buildings didn’t particularly matter at the moment; the very possibility was enough to leave Fluttershy distraught. “Fluttershy! I’m surprised to see you out and about in this dreadful weather!” Discord called out, popping the skeleton of an umbrella open as rain began to fall on Ponyville. “I did do my best to prevent this from happening… alas, it seems I’ll probably be called on to use vulgar force to accomplish what elegant chaos could have achieved, if your friend hadn’t called me away,” he sighed dramatically, the rain somehow actually being stopped by the open air between the wooden ribs above his head. “Discord, please, I’m very sorry about the extra work, but have you seen where Angel went? He scampered off –“ “Nothing to fear, Fluttershy dear!” He sang out. “I noticed him and sent him back home, I’m sure he’s resting comfortably in his hutch, safe and warm and dry as we speak.” There was something about how quickly, how certainly the draconequus spoke that worried Fluttershy, and she shook her wet mane back out of her face as she tried to look him in the eye. “Are you sure?” She asked him. “Fluttershy, you wound me! Would I ever dream of lying to you, especially about darling little Angel?” Discord batted his eyelashes at her innocently. “To tell you the truth, he was actually coming to talk to me. It seems he doesn’t especially approve of our little… rendezvous the other evening, and wanted to tell me off. And so, I was scolded, and I sent him home with a reassurance that I wasn’t going to do anything to break your heart, or whatever it was the little rodent was worried about.” “Lapine,” Fluttershy corrected him reflexively. “All right, I’ll go, but please, do something about this storm! I’m worried about what might happen to the weather team if they try to stop it!” “Oh, the trials and tribulations of cosmic power!” Discord swooned, doing a remarkably accurate imitation of Rarity. “I’ll see what I can do, but really, a little rogue weather never hurt anypony.” There was a bright flash where he stood, and nothing was left of his presence but the barren umbrella, floating safely above Fluttershy to keep her strangely dry on the way home. Unusual as it was, Fluttershy was grateful for the shelter. She’d long since learned not to question Discord’s ways, or his motives, since they usually boiled down to “it was fun and wouldn’t get me petrified.” She was going to have to have a long talk with Angel Bunny later. Running off like that, just to tell Discord he didn’t approve of what they’d done? She was equally responsible, after all, and if she wanted to engage in consensual kinky sex with an ancient being of unfathomable chaotic power, what good reason was there to stop her? Fluttershy paused, thinking out her train of thought one more time. “Oh. Right,” she murmured to herself, hanging her head slightly. He was just looking out for her, after all… she shouldn’t be that upset with him. After all, it’s not like anypony else was reduced to persuading Discord into bondage gear just to take care of being in heat. Everypony else had options, if they wanted. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had each other. Rarity and Pinkie Pie could each have anypony they wanted. Even Twilight probably had a guardspony in Canterlot who was willing to do their ‘royal duty’ for her, if nothing else. As for her… she had herbs, fantasies, and her own hoof, most of the time. But even that wasn’t covering what she really wanted. I know he was doing the right thing, but I do wish I could find somepony willing to sire for me! However, that wasn’t going to happen without finding a stallion. And that wasn’t going to happen without… well… talking to one. And that just wasn’t happening, period. Heaving another great sigh, Fluttershy opened the door to her house and walked in, leaving the umbrella floating in mid-air. She started towards Angel’s hutch to see if he was, indeed, safe and warm inside, but before she could open the tiny door, she heard a hoof rapping at hers! “Just a moment!” She called out, turning around and hurrying back to see who could be out in the approaching storm. When she opened the door, just wide enough to peek outside, she was surprised to see a stranger there, a stallion no less! “Hey there, gorgeous!” He said with a too-wide grin on his white-furred face, his mane a handsome black that seemed almost to be sculpted in place. “Mind letting in a poor pony who got caught in the rain?” Now, Fluttershy might have been somewhat naïve, but she wasn’t a foal. She’d grown up in Cloudsdale, after all, even if she’d moved to Ponyville as soon as possible. And while Cloudsdale was still nice and peaceful… it had its occasional bad sorts. That, perhaps, explained why she abruptly slammed the door shut, whirling about and pressing her back against it to hold it shut against any possible intrusion, wincing at the startled yelp from the other side. “Ouch! Hey, Fluttershy, what was that for?” He knows my name? How does he know my name?!? “Go away!” Fluttershy shouted, trying not to hyperventilate. “I’m not letting anypony in!” “What? Come on, you can’t just leave me out here in the rain!” “There’s an umbrella outside, take it and go home!” She called out. She could feel her chest tightening, see as her vision tightened down to a narrow tunnel, blurring at the edges as adrenaline coursed through her veins with the start of her panic attack. There was silence for a moment, and Fluttershy thought for a moment that the stallion might have left. “First, the umbrella doesn’t have any brella, just a lot of um,” he said, contradicting her hopes. “Second… I don’t have a home to go back to.” Fluttershy winced again, feeling her heart start to soften. Her chest loosened up, thoughts of panic held at bay by her instinctive kind-heartedness. “No home?” She asked, her gut and her heart starting to fight each other over what to do. “Not really. I uhm… well, I’m not from around here, I was just travelling through the forest when that storm started blowing up, and this is the first place I could find that seemed safe. Can you at least let me in until it passes? Or, I dunno, maybe pass out a bowl I can put over my head until the rain’s passed?” Fluttershy bit her lower lip as memory sucker-punched her gut, coming to her heart’s aid suddenly. She looked over at Angel’s hutch, remembering the first time she’d met him, hiding from a rainstorm under a bowl of leftover salad she’d left out for the bunnies in the nearby burrows. He’d been so tiny and vulnerable… she pictured the white pony outside in much the same condition, only looking even more pathetic as he tried to keep as much of his body as possible beneath the meager shelter, his black mane soaked and bedraggled, his tail curled around his hooves to try and keep them a little bit warm while he hid beneath a tree or some other makeshift shelter. And, with that, imagination performed the coup de gras on Fluttershy’s gut, leaving her concerns that she might be letting in a con-colt, psychopath, thief, or lawyer in the dust. “I’m sorry, I’m just… uhm… well, I grew up in Cloudsdale, not everypony there is very nice,” she explained, getting up and opening the door. The stallion shook himself off, and stepped inside, shivering as he wiped his hooves on the mat politely. “I-I g-get i-i-it,” he stammered, shaking mightily from nose to tail-tip. “S-s-s-sorry ab-b-b-out the f-f-first imp-p-p-pression-n-n,” he added, gratefully accepting the towel that Fluttershy offered him. “Oh, you poor dear… let me go make you some soup,” Fluttershy offered, scrubbing him dry vigorously with hooves and wings, worried by how much he was already shaking. “What’s your name?” “A-a-a-S-s-seraph,” he said. Fluttershy brushed off the change of words as trying to start a longer sentence before just getting out his name. She glanced down, and smiled as she noticed the halo and wings on his flank. What sort of bad pony would have those for a cutie mark, really? “All right, Seraph, you just crawl under the blanket on the couch and I’ll go get some soup. If there’s a little white bunny under there, just tell him I said it’s all right, and that I’m making his favorite to make up for the inconvenience. Cream of carrot,” she added, turning around to hurry into the kitchen. She never even noticed the way that Seraph’s eyes lit up at hearing the soup, let alone saw him stop shaking, saunter on over to the couch, and snuggle in under the blanket as though he belonged there. ~~~===~~~ “Mmm… you know, if you always cook like this, I might just not want to leave when the storm’s over!” Seraph told Fluttershy, looking up from his bowl of soup. His tongue flicked out, licking a bit of the orange meal off the brilliant white of his coat before he gave the pegasus a winning smile. Fluttershy just giggled shyly, ducking behind her mane, letting the pink veil hide her aquamarine eyes. She shivered faintly, thinking about her companion. Seraph was a handsome stallion, if a little lean and lanky… no… wiry, that was the right way to describe him. He was wiry, with tight muscle in all the right places, just less of it than most earth ponies. Certainly not like Big Mac, but handsome in his own way, like a pegasus without the wings. Yes… that was it. His black mane actually was sculpted, she’d decided, though she didn’t know if it was because of gel or just naturally taking to the wavy shape it was in so well. And his coat… that pristine white coat, only marred by the white wings and golden halo on his flank, looked softer than anypony’s coat she’d ever seen! I have to introduce him to Rarity later! She’ll just love him! Wait… introduce him to Rarity? What am I thinking? Fluttershy suddenly started trembling as she realized what was happening. She’d just met this pony, and she was already thinking about introducing him to somepony? And yet… somehow… he just seemed so familiar already, like he’d known her for years. “Thank you,” she whispered shyly from behind her mane. “It’s Angel Bunny’s favorite, when he’s been caught out in the rain.” “So your rabbit’s name is Angel?” The stallion asked her with a grin. “Maybe I was supposed to get caught in the storm out here then.” He glanced over at the shuttered windows, still rattling with the rain pelting them. “Certainly weird for a storm like this to happen out of nowhere. Didn’t hear any sort of warnings, at least.” “Well, the Everfree Forest can have very unusual weather,” Fluttershy explained quietly. “It’s not really under the Weather Team’s control, though I’m sure they’re trying to break it up.” Don’t say anything about Discord, he wouldn’t under… Discord! Oh, you sneaky draconequus, you did do this on purpose, didn’t you? Fluttershy picked up her own bowl of soup, drinking the last of it to hide her blush. Thank you! That explained everything, really. And it was so, so sweet… if she accepted, at least! “Well… uhm… I don’t know if it’s going to stop tonight, but you can stay here until it passes.” “Hey, thanks!” Seraph grinned. “Glad you’re feeling more comfortable, after how we first met,” he added, rubbing his nose. Fluttershy couldn’t hide her blush this time. “I’m so sorry, about that,” she whimpered, slowly sinking beneath the surface of the table. “I was just… uhm… scared.” She heard Seraph moving, but didn’t dare lift her head above the table to see where to… until a hoof hooked down beneath her face, pulling her back up to look into his own sapphire-blue eyes. “First time anypony’s been scared of me,” he smiled softly, before the expression turned into more of a smirk. “At least when they weren’t supposed to be. Thanks for letting me in though. I’m not really used to being stuck in that position.” “What position?” Fluttershy asked, sitting up with his encouragement. “Asking for help from a pretty mare,” he replied. “I’m more used to being stuck in other positions. I’ll let you use your imagination,” he added with a wink. Fluttershy’s responding blush said ‘I am’ more plainly than anything she could have said. She let out a quiet, adorable squeak, and Seraph cocked an ear. “What was that? I couldn’t quite make it out.” The next squeak was marginally more audible, though still difficult to make out. Seraph leaned in closer. “Say again?” Here goes nothing, Fluttershy! She thought to herself, taking a deep breath… and this time, getting out words that could be heard and understood by something other than a dog. “Maybeyoucouldshowmeinstead?” Seraph turned towards her with a smug grin on his face, and leaned in even closer. “I thought you’d never ask.” ~~~===~~~ Upstairs, in Fluttershy’s room, the butter-yellow pegasus led Seraph up to her door. It had almost seemed like the strange stallion had known where to go, but he’d let her lead the way all the same. “I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-“ Fluttershy stammered, trying to get out a whole word. “In there?” He prompted, reaching over her to push the door open. “After you.” “Thank you!” Fluttershy walked in, trembling the whole way. She hopped up onto the thick, plush mattress of her bed, sinking into it gently. Seraph followed her over, leaning over the edge and stroking a hoof along her face. “Hey, I know you’ve got a guest room or something… if you’re not cool with this….” “Oh no, it’s not that!” Fluttershy protested, leaning up towards him. “It’s just that –“ Seraph leaned in close, kissing her heatedly. She was startled for a moment, but then melted into the contact, parting her lips to let his tongue in, reaching around to stroke his neck gently. His fur is so soft! She marveled at the texture of it; she’d been right before, it was softer than any pony she’d ever met! Almost like a bunny’s fur… but on somepony so much bigger and more handsome than a bunny! “Scoot over,” Seraph commanded her. Nights before, she’d commanded the god of Chaos himself with all the resolve of a master dominatrix, but tonight there was no thought of trying to be in charge. She scooted back, the mattress shifting beneath her… and then Seraph climbed on, making the mattress sink the other way and sending her rolling on top of him. “Eep!” “Ow! I think you’re on my leg!“ “Oh, I’m so sorry, let me just –“ “OW! GETOFFGETOFFGETOFF!” Fluttershy’s wings flared out in shock, poking out of the plush feather bed and flapping, lifting her off of him. The stallion curled up, cupping his groin where Fluttershy had just inadvertently tried to put her weight on. “I’m sorry!” She whimpered, hiding her face. A moment passed as Seraph took several deep breaths, and then reached up to pull her out of the air, carefully guiding her down onto the bed next to him. “Okay… it’s okay,” he panted, reaching up to stroke her twitchy wings with a hoof until she calmed down. “Just… why don’t you let me take the lead, okay? Relax, this won’t be any good if you’re all freaked out.” Fluttershy took several deep, shuddering breaths, letting the wing massage help her calm down, her tail unconsciously flagging to reveal her sex as her heat-scent began to fill the room. “Mmm… that’s much better,” Seraph crooned, kissing her again as her wings started to relax and fold in to her sides. He rubbed his hips against her thigh, his shaft slowly emerging from his sheath. It felt long and slender, but with a strange, almost spade-like shape at the very tip. Unable to resist, Fluttershy leaned away and looked down at him. “Oh my! That’s odd….” She murmured, just before two white legs darted down to hide it. “No, no, that was a good oh my!” Fluttershy said quickly, realizing her error, looking up at Seraph and smiling shyly. “I… uhm… I like odd. May I?” She asked, licking her lips with open hunger. Seraph’s hooves slowly withdrew, revealing his unusually shaped shaft. “Be my guest,” he grinned. “Mmm… well,” Fluttershy giggled bashfully, carefully shifting on the bed to bring her head down closer to the slightly curled tip of Seraph’s shaft. “Maybe not, but I’ll certainly make you glad that you’re mine!” With that, she took a deep breath of his achingly familiar scent and moved her head forward, taking his cock into her mouth. As slender as it was, she could easily slide it to the back of her muzzle, her tongue lavishing it with attention all the way. Seraph’s eyes rolled back in his head as he reached down to run his hooves through her mane, curling them oddly, like he was trying to scratch her ears with them as she started to deep-throat him. Fluttershy brushed it off as a quirk of his. It certainly didn’t feel bad, and combined with the audacity of taking a stranger into her bed to make her almost feel like it was her real first time all over again. It’s going to be better this time. It’s going to go right this time! She told herself resolutely, reaching down to gingerly rub Seraph’s heavy balls. And it’s going to go for both of us. She pulled back off of the stallion’s twitching member, reaching up to kiss his chest, licking at it, then his neck, submissively. She stood up over him, spreading her wings out wide… and then, in a classic display of pegasus-in-heat, withdrew them, flagging her tail up and out of the way as she nestled into the mattress. “I love the way you look when you’re in this mood,” Seraph murmured, kissing her face gently as he rolled over on top of her, his soft fur sliding against hers as he rubbed his member against her flanks. “You’re in heat… sure you want this?” “Oh yes,” Fluttershy whispered, her eyes shut tight. “So badly… if you don’t, I understand, but….” Seraph gently put a hoof against her muzzle, silencing her. “You’ve put up with me long enough, I think I can give you something you want for once,” he murmured, sliding his hoof back to stroke one of her wings. Once, twice… on the third stroke, he slid himself into her eager body in slow counterpoint to the hoof sliding back along her side. Seraph’s breath hitched as his spade-like shaft spread her body, the powerful muscles inside tightening around him hungrily as he sank inside. Focus! You know how to do this, you’re not the warren stud for nothing you know! He started to thrust slowly, thinking about everything he could to hold off his climax, without completely losing his erection. Griffons, Opal in heat, timberwolves, Gummy in the bathtub … Beneath him, Fluttershy was whimpering hotly, hungry to feel his seed inside of her. She wondered about some of the things he’d said, but at this point, with her heat being sated and the scent of a male pony doing the job, she couldn’t really wonder all that hard. She squeaked as she came, her body clenching down hard around Seraph, pulling him in deeper, his tip almost brushing against the tight entrance to her womb. Sweet Celestia, I need his cum now! Fluttershy made the one conscious decision she could focus on, tightening the muscles in one flank, then the other, alternating them on the outside, and flexing her inner muscles at the same time. Her body rippled along Seraph’s length, the black-maned stallion’s eyes going wide and every muscle ahead of his waist relaxing in bliss at the sensation. Tank visiting for tea and lettuce, Owlowicious coming over for dinner, Winona in heat! Oh, buck it! Seraph’s thrusts stopped being measured, powerful movements of his legs, shifting instead to a punishing, rapid series of short thrusts that stabbed his shaft into Fluttershy’s spasming body almost at random. Fluttershy braced herself against the headboard, realizing just then that she might be able to get a little bit more. She pushed back against the bed, getting Seraph just a fraction of an inch deeper into her body. Fluttershy’s squeal of orgasm filled the room, Seraph stiffening against her body as his balls pulled up, emptying copious amounts of his seed into her body, splashing it up against her cervix, letting it pool deep inside of her. He pressed himself as deeply into her as he could instinctively, trying to plant his foals into her fertile womb. When he was finished, his energy spent, Seraph literally collapsed onto the bed, rolling himself off to the side so that he wouldn’t land on top of Fluttershy before he passed out. The pale yellow pegasus looked over at him, nuzzling his face tenderly as she spread a wing over him as a blanket. “Thank you,” she whispered, snuggling up close to him as she let the rolling thunder in the distance lull her to sleep. > Song and Dance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack tipped ‘Bill’ down over her face as she stepped out of the house, glaring at the conspicuous light in the barn window. Her entire family was inside right now, hiding from the driving rain that was pelting Sweet Apple Acres, and that meant that whoever was in the barn didn’t belong there. A little rain wasn’t going to keep AJ from going out there and bucking them square in the teeth if they were trying to make off with anything that wasn’t theirs. She took off at a gallop, her hat shielding her eyes from the worst of the unexpected storm. She kicked up cold, muddy water that splashed along her barrel and legs as she ran, the bright red barn drawing closer with every step. Rares’d tan mah hide if’n Ah paid ‘er a visit like this. Applejack chucked mentally. Maybe after Ah take care o’ this varmint Ah should do just that, Ah could do with a good tannin’…. As she rounded the side of the barn, she thought she heard singing. A rich baritone voice too, just a mite higher than Mac’s singing voice. “Slide, ride, glide the Michigan! Stomp, romp, pomp the Michigan! Jump, clump, pump the Michigan nag, that lovin' naaaaaaaaaag!” As the singing drew to a close, Rainbow Dash came running out of the barn, her eyes wide as dinner plates, panting like she’d just run the whole of the Everfree Forest. “AJ, you have got to come see this!” She gasped, grabbing the perplexed earth pony and dragging her into the barn, where a frog was sitting on the ground. “It sings! It dances!” Rainbow told her, pointing at the frog. “It was just singing now! You heard it!” Applejack stared at the green frog, which stared back at her placidly. “Encore?” She shrugged. “Rrrrribbit,” the frog replied. “Really, it sings!” Rainbow insisted. “This thing landed on my back when I was trying to knock this storm down from a hurricane to something that wouldn’t trash Ponyville, and it was dancing the whole dang time! It just stopped now!” Applejack looked at Rainbow, really looked at her. Breathing hard. Soaking wet. Wings flared out excitedly. Mane draped over her face just so. A good look for her, really. Yeah, it was pretty clear what had happened. “S’all right, RD, y’all can tell him to come on out. Y’all got a little frisky with one o’ the Weather Team after fightin’ that storm, Ah’m a big girl, Ah understand. ‘Sides,” Applejack winked, “not against the rules as long as y’all are willin’ to share. Who was it, Thunderlane? Didn’t think he could sing like that.” Rainbow’s jaw dropped. “What?!? You think… but the frog… gah!” Rainbow threw up her hooves and flew off to a bale of hay. Applejack shook her head, nudging the frog with a hoof to send him hopping on out into the rain. “Y’know, Ah actually think it’s kinda cute y’went to so much trouble to try and hide ‘im,” Applejack smiled, trotting over to the hay and sitting down next to her soaked marefriend. “Ah ain’t mad, sugarcube.” She turned her head and kissed Rainbow on the cheek, only to be shoved away by the sulking pegasus. “Yeesh, fine, never mind,” Applejack shrugged with a spreading frown of her own. “Y’know, Ah actually thought somepony was tryin’ to steal some apples ‘r somethin’ when Ah came out here. Pleasantly surprised to see you instead, but if y’all’re in a mood like this, Ah don’t know anymore.” “I wasn’t fooling around with anypony,” Rainbow muttered, crossing her forelegs. “Geeze, Boss, you know I wouldn’t try hiding that from you, or from Rarity! Hay, I was with her all last night, you really think I’d be in the mood for some stallion to be singing while he was rutting me, of all things? I mean, sure, if he was singing my praises maybe, but I’d buck Soarin in the balls if he was doing that!” “All right, all right, sorry, dancing frog, right,” Applejack shrugged, shaking her head. She really just didn’t care at this point, to be honest. Whoever it had been, why ever he’d been singing, he was obviously gone by now. “While yer out here, any idea what’s up with this storm?” “Discord,” Rainbow muttered darkly. “I actually think he was telling the truth about it not being intentional, but it’s gonna last all night yet. At least we stretched it out; it was going to be a tornado at first! Totally radical, but totally not cool.” “Well, Ah should be getting’ on back up to th’house then,” Applejack decided, standing up. “Care to join us for dinner? Maybe stay the night?” She added with a wink. Rainbow just rolled her eyes in response. “Well fine then!” Applejack snorted, turning around to start out of the barn. “Spend the night in here with yer coltfriend then, fer all Ah care, just tell ‘im to keep the singin’ down!” Suddenly, the muddy ground that was beneath Applejack’s hooves was above her head. Then beneath her hooves, over her head again, beneath her hooves… finally, a flash of sky blue and bloodshot magenta over her face told her what had happened. “Why you buckin’,” Applejack growled as she glared up at a furious Rainbow. She twisted her powerful hind legs up, throwing Rainbow up over her head, sending her skidding through the mud outside the barn. Rainbow let out a squawk of surprise as they both scrambled back to their hooves, but then the lighter mare was lunging at Applejack. ‘Bill’ went flying as the two rough-and-tumble tomcolts rejoined the fray, rolling and nipping and kicking and flailing as the rain pounded down over them. Whinnies and half-articulated insults were swallowed up by the thunder as irritation was slowly swallowed up by the raw adrenaline that demanded they either fight or flee, and neither one was about to run. Finally, Rainbow managed to get on top of Applejack, her muddy wings held wide, incidentally shielding the earth pony from the rain. Lightning flashed, silhouetting Rainbow against the dark grey sky, panting hard, her lips curled back to bare blunt white teeth. Applejack was panting just as hard. Fight or flee. Flee or fight. Applejack came up with a third option. She leaned up, wrapping her arms around Rainbow’s neck and kissing her hard. Rainbow responded just as instinctively to the kiss as Applejack had to being tackled, pushing AJ’s head to the ground, grinding her blonde ponytail into the mud as the pegasus’ tongue forced its way into Applejack’s mouth. Powerful muscles pressed against each other as bruises and scrapes were forgotten. Toned bodies practically steamed as their sides heaved for breath, tensing and relaxing alternately as legs started to tangle, hooves digging furrows in the slick mud. “Y’all better turn around ‘fore everythin’s covered in mud,” Applejack groaned huskily. “I’ll prove I haven’t had a stallion in me,” Rainbow grinned wickedly, flapping her stiff wings just long enough to kick up into the air and twist herself around, landing with her muzzle between AJ’s nethers, her own crotch firmly against the earth pony’s mouth. “Ah’ll be inspectin’ ya mighty deep,” Applejack promised, promptly sealing her skilled lips against Rainbow’s slick blue pussy-lips, driving her tongue deep inside of her. Rainbow muffled her cry against the farmer’s soaked snatch, the two of them channeling the emotion and adrenaline of their fight into a desperate contest to see who could drive the other to orgasm first. As it turned out, Applejack was the one to lose the contest, not that she was particularly prone to objecting. Rainbow’s pussy tasted heavenly, not the least hint of stallion blended with her lover’s distinctive stormcloud-and-passion flavor, and having an excuse to keep her tongue inside of it longer while she twitched and writhed suited her just fine. Rainbow didn’t take much longer though, her body clenching down as she came, her head actually trapped between AJ’s thighs. Those powerful muscles flexing against her head, working with the mud beneath her to make breathing harder… it was a rush that Rainbow almost whimpered at losing when the farmpony finally relaxed and let her up. “We… should get back in… the barn,” Applejack panted. “Granny’d kill me if’n Ah came in like this.” “Nah… let’s just stay here for a bit,” Rainbow countered, crawling around so she could kiss Applejack, enjoying the blend of their flavors. “I don’t know about you, but… I think I’m starting to like this.” As she closed her eyes tiredly, the rush of the storm, the fight, and her orgasm finally overtaking her, she could have sworn she heard a rich baritone voice singing and fading off in the distance. “Gonna keep me warm, some rainy day when I’m lonesome… gonna keep me warm, some rainy day, when I’m blue… for you! Your love was like whiskey… in an old saloon! Just like an old coat, I’ve put it away! Gonna keep me warm… some rainy day…!” > Flashback! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie whistled as she mopped up the common area of Sugar Cube Corner after another late night partying. Tonight, she was the Party Pony, the Pink Purveyor of Pleasure, as quick with a smile and relaxed as ever. She giggled and wriggled her rump as she remembered that night the week before, when she’d been so much more tired. She’d gotten exactly what she’d needed that night. Sweet Celestia, I am such a lucky pony! She thought to herself, looking up at the stairs with a fond smile. Of course, she wasn’t always the one who needed a little cheering up at Sugarcube Corner. Not even usually the one! She remembered back years ago, before the twins had been born, before Twilight had come to town… back to when she’d run away from home to work as the apprentice baker and premier party planner in Ponyville. Now that had been one doozy of a night! ~~~===~~~ “Have a good night, Bon-Bon! Oh, and let me know if you can make those habanero chocolate chips!” Pinkie Pie called out, waving a hoof cheerfully as the candy-maker left the shotp. Bon-Bon gave her a strained smile in response, trying to conceal a shudder as she hurried away with Lyra at her side. “Oh, they make such a cute couple, don’t you think?” Pinkie giggled as she closed the door, turning around to the Cakes, who were just putting out the fire in the big stove they’d been using for the night. “Lyra and Bon-Bon?” Mr. Cake yawned. “Heh… s’pose they do,” he shrugged slightly. “Good for business, either way. So much easier not to have to ship all the specialty candies in from out of town anymore. Especially now that you’re expanding the menu,” he smirked. “You don’t mind, do you?” Pinkie asked, cocking her head. “Everypony seems to like the new ideas we’ve been coming up with!” “Oh, of course not, Pinkie, dear,” Mrs. Cake reassured her, walking out of the kitchen. “Business hasn’t been this good in years, with your parties and the new toppings! You go get some sleep, Carrot, I’ll help clean up,” she offered. “Thanks, Cup,” he said with another yawn, starting up the stairs sleepily. “You can go to bed too, if you want,” Pinkie told her benefactress. “It was my party, after all!” “Oh, nonsense, we cooked for it,” the pudgy blue mare told her, waving a hoof. “Besides, it’ll be good to do some girl talk.” “Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie giggled, darting around the room and starting to sweep up confetti while Cup fetched the mop to clean up any spills. “So, are you seeing anypony special?” Mrs. Cake asked casually as Pinkie cleaned with startling efficiency. “Maybe that nice Caramel fellow?” “Are you kidding?” Pinkie giggled. “He’s totally into pegasi! Have you seen the way he looks at Cloudchaser and Flitter? It’s almost too cute! Besides, I prefer older ponies,” she shrugged. “Oh, so Mister Waddle’s got an admirer?” Cup teased, only to be surprised when Pinkie cocked her head in thought. “Mmm… nah, but I like his bow tie,” she mused. “Bow ties are cool! Especially if they spin.” “I suppose you’re right,” Mrs. Cake smiled, thinking of her own husband, and the tie he always wore, as she picked up the scattered dishes once the spills were cleaned up. “What about you?” Pinkie asked, flexing one of her legs as she felt a pinch in her knee from holding the broom wrong. “How are you and Mr. Cake doing?” A cup and saucer suddenly shattered on the floor, startling the distracted teen. She whirled around, only to see Cup recoiling from the shards of earthenware. “Oh buck!” She swore, looking back at Pinkie shamefully as she realized what she’d done, and then said, in front of their young employee. “Oh, listen to me… heh… I’m sorry, Pinkie, I just don’t know what came over me….” Pinkie didn’t seem concerned at all, hurrying over to sweep up the hazard before turning to Cup. “Are you hurt?” She asked, lowering her head to the ground to see if there were any signs that she’d been cut. “No, Pinkie, I’m fine,” Cup said hurriedly. “I’m just getting so clumsy these days, I’m sorry….” Suddenly, a bright blue pair of eyes, surrounded by pink fur, were staring into hers, pink surrounded by blue. She could see the doubt in Pinkie’s eyes, felt them seeming to bore straight through her… it was unnerving, the way Pinkie looked at you if she thought you were lying to her. Like she could stare straight through into the truth. Cup wanted nothing less right now. Didn’t want to have to explain what was wrong, break Pinkie’s innocent view of the world. Why didn’t you expect her to ask that? Stupid, stupid old mare! Stupid, fat, clumsy – bwuh? Cup’s self-deprecating train of thought was interrupted as she was suddenly swept up into a tight embrace, Pinkie hugging her like she’d seen the words running through Cup’s mind and wanted to squeeze them right out of her. “What’s wrong?” Pinkie asked her quietly. Cup tried to fight it for a moment more… and then she hugged Pinkie back, burying her muzzle in the young pony’s shoulder as she sobbed. “Oh, Pinkie, Carrot doesn’t love me anymore, I know it!” “What?” Pinkie screeched, shooting back, holding Cup at hoof’s length so she could see if she’d heard her right. “Are you loco in the coco?!?” “It’s true, Pinkie! He doesn’t look at me the way he used to, he doesn’t talk to me the way he used to… he doesn’t even call me ‘honeybun’ anymore! We haven’t even slept together in months!” “But you’ve only got one guest room, and I’m in it,” Pinkie frowned, cocking her head like it would help the gears turn a bit faster. Cup laughed bitterly, shaking her head and burying it in her hooves. “I mean we don’t have sex anymore, Pinkie! Oh, but I can’t blame him, just look at me! I’m old, I’m fat, I’m – mmph?!?” Cup’s eyes flew wide as Pinkie’s hooves shifted from her shoulders up to her face, tipping it up and pulling the older mare in for a heated, passionate kiss. They got even wider as Pinkie pressed her tongue against Cup’s lips, seeing how deeply she could take it without getting in trouble. Cup knew she should have pushed Pinkie away. Should have yelled at her. Should have at least pulled back, and tried to pass this all off as Pinkie wanting her to shut up and stop saying things that the younger mare didn’t want to hear. She knew that’s what she should have done, but she’d been aching to have somepony love her for so long that she didn’t care. She parted her lips, letting Pinkie keep kissing her, pulling her close again and hugging her with an entirely different sort of passion. They each closed their eyes, the kiss growing more heated as Pinkie rubbed Cup’s back. Finally, they each broke for air, and Cup rested her head on Pinkie’s shoulder, opening her eyes with a sigh. Only to see Carrot’s face from the stairs, a mix of shock and hurt on his face. Cup pushed Pinkie away with a gasp, turning away from Carrot shamefully. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry!” She sobbed. “What – you two – wha – huh?” Carrot stammered from where he was standing. Pinkie saw him there, and her hair started to deflate as it sank in what it must have looked like… but then she looked a bit further back, and the rapid slide into depression was halted. “It’s not what it looked like, Mr. Cake, I promise!” Pinkie said quickly. “Mrs. Cake… Cup was upset, and she was saying all sorts of things about how you didn’t love her anymore, and… well, I shouldn’t have kissed her, and I’m sorry about that. But… well, I don’t think you think she’s ugly and old and fat any more than I do!” She added, grabbing Cup and turning her back around. “Most stallions don’t get those when they’re watching two ‘ugly, fat’ mares make out,” she stage-whispered to Cup, pointing with one hoof to the erection that Carrot was now consciously aware of, but he was sensible enough to focus on what Pinkie had told him first. Cup opened her eyes, looking at the orange-and-black mottled horsecock that was hidden behind the rails on the stairs up to their room. She looked up at Carrot’s face next, and saw him coming towards her resolutely. “Cup?” He said, standing her up and looking her in the eyes. “I want you to listen very, very carefully to me.” Cup nodded slightly as he stepped closer, keenly aware of his firmness pressing against her pudgy belly. Then, he plunged his head forward just like Pinkie had, kissing his wife with all the passion he’d just watched Pinkie show, and more. Cup moaned. Pinkie squealed into her hooves. Carrot pressed his beloved back so she was sitting on a table, deepening the kiss and reaching down to massage her teats the way he remembered she’d loved during their honeymoon, entirely too long ago. The moan into his mouth and feel of her pasterns wrapping around his shaft told him that nothing had changed, and he thrust forward instinctively, his shaft rubbing against her aching, needy sex as the two of them started rutting right there. Finally, he managed to pull his lips away from hers long enough to nibble one of her ear-tips. “You’re not the only one who felt a bit neglected, I suppose,” he murmured. “I want to fix that so bad right now, honeybun.” Cup blushed deeply, glancing shyly over his shoulder at Pinkie, who was nodding enthusiastically, mouthing ‘yesyesYES’ as her eyes almost rattled in her head. “Do you mind if Pinkie watches?” She asked Carrot, looking up into his eyes with a sultry gaze that she was entirely too rusty with for her comfort. “She is the one who got us to admit to it… and I think she likes your tie as much as I do,” she winked, reaching up to tap it with a hoof. “I’d love it,” Carrot grinned, shifting his hips and kissing Cup again as he thrust forward, burying himself in his wife’s hungry, delightfully plush body. ~~~Time! And just as I was getting to the good stuff too – consider this a bonus, FimFiction!~~~ Pinkie bit her lip to contain a delighted squeal as she saw their cares melting away, the little annoyances, the big doubts… she loved to see her friends smile. Seeing ponies she loved doing so much more than that, though, that was something she’d give a whole day of frowning faces to see. Her hoof found its way between her legs, curling to rub the soft frog against her moist lips. Cup moaned, twisting her hind legs up around Carrot’s slender waist, crossing them behind him as he thrust deeply into her. Pinkie imagined what it must feel like, having him so deep in her body. She’d gotten a good look at what he had to offer, after all, and while he wasn’t the most well-endowed pony she’d ever seen, his shaft had the girth the rest of his body didn’t. Her hoof glided along her folds, soon dripping wet as she watched his balls slapping against Cup’s rump, listened to the whimpers and moans neither of them tried to hold back. Carrot started thrusting faster, shorter, and in her anticipation Pinkie bit her lip so hard she could taste blood. She didn’t care, not when Cup cried out, and Carrot crooked his long neck around his wife’s, grinding his hips against hers, his shaft spurting deep inside of her. “Oh Celestia,” he moaned. “Why don’t we do this more often again, honeybun?” He panted, leaning back to give Cup a tender kiss. “No idea, love,” Cup murmured back, returning the kiss. “But I know a pony who deserves a very special thank you, don’t you think?” She turned his head around towards Pinkie. “Uhm… heh… don’t mind me?” She grinned sheepishly, still rubbing herself with her hoof. “Oh no, dearie… you’re not getting off that easily,” Cup giggled, leaning up and whispering something into Carrot’s ear. His eyes widened at whatever she said, but he seemed to think it over, pulling out of Cup and turning to look Pinkie up and down, his cock still erect, glistening with a mix of his juices and his wife’s. “Pinkie?” He asked her. “How would you like to make up for making out with Cup without my knowing?” “I really am sorry about that,” Pinkie murmured, dropping down to all fours, leaving a trail of single hoofprints behind her as she walked over, nuzzling Carrot’s chest. “How can I make it up to you?” She asked him, forcing herself to keep her eyes on his face, instead of his cock. He leaned in to kiss her, hesitantly at first, then more energetically as she returned the gesture, pressing her lips against his. She pulled back a moment later, glancing between them both and raising a hoof to paw lightly at Mr. Cake’s stomach. “C-can I ask something?” Pinkie asked with uncharacteristic shyness. “If … if you two don’t like the idea, don’t worry about it, I won’t feel bad. But… well, maybe we can… all go up to the bedroom for my apology? I shouldn’t have said it the way I did but… I really, really, really like you both. And I have to apologize to Cup for getting her into trouble too, right…?” She batted her eyelashes at them both and turned around towards the stairs, flicking her tail up along Carrot’s cock, before sliding it down Cups’ barrel to graze her teats lightly. “Race you!” She suddenly laughed, bolting up the stairs. The older couple looked at each other, mouths agape. “You ready for this, honeybunch?” Carrot asked. “Pinkie just asked us to take her in for a threesome, dear. If there is anypony who is ready for that… I don’t think I want to know,” Cup observed, getting down onto all fours. “But… you always have had that fantasy, remember…?” She grinned back at him, flicking her own tail up before starting for the stairs, her husband following just a few steps behind her, grinning like an idiot as he nipped at her flanks. “Naughty colt!” Cup scolded him with a grin, hurrying up to their open bedroom. When the two of them arrived, they found Pinkie hiding behind the bed, peeking up over the mattress at them. They could see her relaxing visibly when they appeared, hopping up and onto the bed with her best ‘come hither’ look. “Pinkie… you have got to work on that,” Cup giggled, climbing onto the other side of the bed and patting the mattress between them both. “Like this,” she added, directing her own seductive gaze at her husband. “You two are trying much too hard to be sexy,” Carrot smirked, climbing in between them, grateful that the Princess-sized bed had been one of their early indulgences. “You both manage just fine without working at it,” he added, kissing each of them, sliding one hoof around each mare’s neck, enjoying the feeling of their plump bodies pressing against his much slimmer one. “Flatterer,” Cup blushed. “It’s true, Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie grinned, leaning across Carrot to kiss the older mare. “Mmm… I’ve never wanted to lick the frosting out of a cupcake before!” She added with a cheesy grin. Each of the Cakes groaned and rolled their eyes, Carrot carefully shifting himself out from under Pinkie to take a place behind her. “Just for that, I think I’m going to see about filling your pie,” he smirked, nibbling one of her ears. “Oooh… threaten me with a good time,” Pinkie shivered. “Want to try something a little… well… tighter?” She asked, flicking her tail up to reveal both her sopping wet marehood, and the tight pucker above it. “Since I am being punished and all….” “You are a naughty little filly, aren’t you?” Cup grinned, leaning down and whispering something into Pinkie’s ear. The pink filly grinned up at her lover, planting herself between blue thighs and giving a long, slow, sensuous lick up her dripping folds. “I grew up on a rock farm. What else was there to do, once I got old enough?” She giggled. “And I think that’s a great idea, Mrs. Cake!” “Don’t I get a say in this?” Mr. Cake asked, raising an eyebrow. “Nope! Ride my rump, handsome!” Pinkie grinned over her shoulder, turning back to pay attention to Cup’s pussy again, making a contented sound as she sank her tongue deep between purple lips. “Oh Goddess, that tongue,” Mrs. Cake moaned, pulling Carrot forward. “You heard her, sweetie. Make her… oooh… make her squeal!” “With pleasure, honeybun!” Carrot grinned, rubbing his stiff shaft against Pinkie’s pink, slicking it up nicely with her juices before slowly starting to press himself into her tight, hot ass. Pinkie’s eyes rolled back in her head at the feeling of being filled so very full, her tongue twisting inside of Mrs. Cake to prod her g-spot with the tip, scooping up every drop of Carrot’s seed while the back of it curled up to tease the older mare’s outer folds, making the short hairs around it stand at attention. Carrot, once he’d finally fit the head of his cock inside Pinkie’s rump, took a moment to adjust before he started thrusting, sinking himself in deeper with each thrust. The way Pinkie whimpered and wriggled was delightful, and watching his wife writhing at the teen pony’s oral ministrations…. He’d be lying if he’d said he wasn’t a little bit jealous; he couldn’t remember making her look like that in years, if ever. But he had a feeling Pinkie would be more than happy to give him pointers. He leaned in to kiss Cup heatedly, putting a hoof under her chin as he started thrusting deeper, soon working his way up to the medial ring. “She’s soooo good with her tongue, honey!” Cup whimpered. “She’s… ah… oh!” She gasped as she came, soaking Pinkie’s muzzle with her juices. Pinkie leaned up, her mouth full of Carrot’s cum as she nosed her way between them, kissing Cup and feeding her a mouthful of stallion-seed. Carrot gaped, forgetting to thrust for a moment as the two mares’ tongues fought visibly for his taste. Then, remembering he had a role of his own to play, he started thrusting harder. He pulled a hoof back experimentally, swatting Pinkie’s cutie mark. “Ooh! Harder!” Pinkie grinned, clenching down around his cock as he drew back. With his next thrust, he spanked her harder, his hoof thudding against the balloons on her flank and sending shockwaves rippling through her ample ass. She squealed, grabbing Cup hard and kissing her, then moving down to start nuzzling and nibbling at her teats. Carrot was getting a pretty good idea of what sort of party Pinkie preferred. He picked up the pace, spanking her with every thrust, loving the way she rewarded him by clenching down and lavishing attention on his wife’s nethers. Cup moaned, leaning in to kiss her husband, holding him deep as he kept pounding away. Finally, Pinkie squealed sharply, her body trembling from nose to tail-tip before she came hard. The feel of her body vibrating around his member pushed Carrot over the edge, and his balls pulled up tight to empty themselves into her bowels. Cup, despite having already come twice, only took a few moments more to squeeze her eyes shut while her clenching pussy ached to feel her husband inside, but satisfied itself with Pinkie’s tongue instead. A sweaty, tired pile of ponies slumped down together in the bed, exhausted, but ultimately satisfied. “Mmm… Pinkie?” Carrot murmured tiredly, his softening shaft slipping from her body. “Yeah?” “Welcome to the family, Pinkie,” Cup yawned, giving Carrot a light kiss as they all settled in for the night. “Thank you both… so much,” Pinkie smiled contentedly, snuggling up between them. ~~~===~~~ I really am the luckiest pony alive. Pinkie told herself silently, reveling in the feel of being pressed between the two ponies she loved most in the world. She reached behind herself, stroking Carrot’s thigh lightly, giggling as she felt him stir and press his morning wood against her leg. Ooh… a little morning fun wouldn’t hurt, she decided, starting to shift herself to clench her cheeks around his shaft. Unfortunately, just as she was about to start her fun, she heard the twins starting to cry for breakfast. “Urfm… gurgh,” Carrot muttered incoherently, clearly frustrated at being woken up from his pleasant dream. “I’ll get it,” Pinkie promised, slipping out from between her lovers and hurrying into the bathroom to clean up. The twins could wait that long. By the time she was out, she saw that Cup and Carrot were already snuggling up, and to judge by the look of things, would probably be getting that morning fun she was passing up by the time she was back. But the smiles on their half-sleeping muzzles were all worth it. Luckiest. Pony. Alive, she repeated to herself, trotting off to take care of the twins, and get the morning bake started.