> Wish upon a wishing star : The Bronies Tale > by Flash Thunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Cry For Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wish upon a wishing star: A Bronies Tale Chapter 1 A Cry for Help So… here I am again… walking… my legs doing the same thing as they always do this time of day… going left… right… left… right. This is me, Jack; walking back from college again. I live pretty far from college so it takes me awhile to get back home but, every day I follow the same paths and same routines - every day of my damn life! I see the same people, same houses and same… everything. To tell you the truth I don’t know how I have managed to cope this long. I’m sick of all the same depressing things along the route I usually take, all there is, is some filth ridden paths and old dirty condemned buildings in which the street kids “hang out” in. Most of the buildings have been abused with broken glass and have are plastered with graffiti. Not much to look at really. With all this in mind I decide to take a different route. Instead of passing my old school I decided to take an early left. In my mind I thought ‘so what if I got lost, maybe if I did I might give me an inkling of a sense of adventure’. That is how desperate I am. As I walk up the filth ridden and deserted ally way I realised that it was not much different from the other route I take, it still has the litter and abandoned feel to it. The only difference was that the rubbish was more piled up here. I have thought many time’s to just end it all... for good, but something told me not to and to keep on going, maybe it was just common sense. I exit the alley and take a glance at my surroundings in hope of something with a little interest to happen. I just think… hope to myself that there is a small possibility that something… anything will happen, but once again my hopes are left unfulfilled and my imagination left unsatisfied. Just some more condemned buildings ready for demolition, more refuse left to gather and some local street kids who are wearing extremely baggy jeans and baggy shirts with flat top caps that are on backwards. they are perched on a wall and spread across the path. In my disappointment I continue on with my journey home onto the old, warn and cracked pavement. As I walk I try to keep myself occupied by attempting to walk to the beat of my music whilst also avoiding the cracks in the pavement. When listening to a slow song it can be quite easy but when listening to the Discord remix by The Living Tombstone can prove to be quite a challenge especially to the inexperienced. I am drawing near to the street kids who are all giving me a blank look, which in my opinion is the scariest! They also have their music playing out aloud which is some garage rap I believe? Unfortunately I can’t avoid them as this is the way I need to go, I presume, as I am just heading in homes general direction. As I get quite close to the Street kids I secretly turn my music down in order to avoid trouble and put a quick stop to my hopping game as I doubt it would go down well with these guys. I walk on past them as quickly but as calmly as possible, as anything could set these guys off. As I walk past them they continue to stare at me and make little comments on everything I do. I even heard one of them say that I look like a scrawny little prick! Once I reach a distance that I feel safe from them, then I turn my music straight back up. Just in case you was wondering I am a brony but I am a closet brony as I am shy around people and try to keep myself to myself as best I can. Walking down the road I can see some more of the street kids in the distance and they look even rougher than the last group! I am now starting to regret ever even thinking that this was a good idea. It’s worse than the usual route home! Suddenly I hear heavy footsteps behind me as I only have one earphone in. I turn my head slightly in order to see what’s going on, I see the same group of kids from earlier walking swiftly and heavily towards me. I quickly snap my head back and take a deep breath, it suddenly feels like my breathing is restricted! I feel like I want to run but fear is preventing me! I now have adrenaline coursing through my veins. Then I fear the worst and then try to accept the fact that they are most likely coming for me and I have no idea why. Probably to rob me or maybe they are just bored and want to come and beat me up just for the fun of it. They are drawing closer and closer to me, my fists are beginning to clench and my blood is on fire! But I freeze and find myself unable to stop my legs walking forwards. I then see that the gang are in front of me, they make eye contact with me, my eyes suddenly grow wider, and now I can feel it… fear! It can either be your best friend at a time like this or your worst enemy. I begin to slow down. My chest feels even tighter and my breathing almost stops. Our eyes are still locked; this is the most tense I have felt ever! Suddenly they break eye contact with me and look directly past me, this causes me to slow even more as now I realize that they are with the other group of thug kids that are behind me and together form a gang: making me realize that I am screwed! I think to myself “That’s it now… I’m done for!!” I then freeze completely… still… in the middle of the path. My fists are now fully clenched, my blood now feels like poison and fire running through me! I close my eyes and just wait… wait for the end… I feel a huge thud on my shoulder, it hurt quite a lot but there is a lot more where that came from. I’m still standing though; so, I wait patiently for the next throw! I waited at least 4 seconds and… nothing I slowly and painfully open my left eye. I see that they have walked straight past me and are heading toward the other group. They must have just walked into me as they came past - it still bloody hurt though! I am lost for words at this point and don’t know what to think. I give a big burst of air out in a large sigh after being so afraid that I forgot to breathe for a while. My chest seemed to release with the large sigh. I then released my fists that were clenched so tightly that my palms and fingers were in agony when the adrenaline stopped. My boiling blood has cooled down now and I feel very cold. I eventually get my legs moving again but they only want to move slowly as some of the fear still resides within me. I still keep my eyes on the kids just in case they decide to do anything. I think that it’s for the best that my legs move slowly as the kids aren't that far in front. I haven’t been that scared before in my entire life! I don’t think I will ever again. I am never going to come down this way in future. Who was I to think I was cut out for adventure? I’m not an Indiana Jones; I would probably even make Fluttershy look brave. I am but a no body. Back there I wasn't even prepared to defend myself. I feel so… pathetic. I look up from drooping my head in sorrow and see that the now gang are standing near the corner that I have to coincidentally need to turn round. As I approach the wall I turn the music back down and get as close as I can to the wall as I possibly can whilst keeping my distance from the gang too as they smell just as unpleasant as the wall. The wall is about 6ft high and is supposed to be a beige colour but has faded and is rather dirty, as it is accompanied by chewing gum and has a certain beer stench to it. The worst thing was, that I don’t think it was just beer. I start suddenly realizing how grateful I should be not to live around here. My legs are starting to become unseized and I’m starting to return to my original pace. As the distance between me and the gang grows I just about hear their conversation getting louder. Unfortunately, I am a very curious person, so I just have to turn my head. The only reason I heard them was because I didn’t turn my music back up. I remove my earphone from my ear and focus my hearing on them. They sound like they are arguing but they are speaking too frantically for me to understand as they use their “slang talk” which doesn’t help them either. Their argument is getting louder and louder yet I still cannot make out what they are saying. . I have to turn when the argument turns full throttle. They are starting to push each other. Some of the fear returns but my eyes start to widen as my curiosity battles with my fear. I spot one of the gang members swing at another and he lands a dam clean and hard hit on his face. He hit was so hard that I even heard it from where I was standing! I see the hit thug’s head snap to the left and a pearly white pebble object soared through the air from his mouth, followed by many small bubbles of red, it felt like it was in slow motion. It was that hard of a hit that I even felt it. Then all hell broke loose with them. They all were knocking white pearls from each other’s mouths even some yellow ones, too. All I can see are fists and heads flying at each other, I am in utter total shock. I have absolutely no idea of what to do - I really wish I could help and stop them but I obviously have no chance. So I just … run. I run. Run as fast as my legs can take me. My legs are moving like pistons. The more I think about what is happening back there the faster I pump my legs! I really thought about it a lot. As the fool I am, I kept looking back behind me to see if I am being followed. This causes me to run straight into a ditch and twist my ankle. I hit the ground faster than a thrown brick. I quickly roll over onto my back and grasp my ankle, realising that it too was a foolish idea from the beginning. The pain jolts straight up my ankle, then up my leg. It feels like I have electric needles forcing their way up my leg. I fear that I have sprained it. I can feel my trainer getting tighter and tighter. It’s beginning to swell. It’s starting to inflate, I can feel the skin getting tighter and tighter as it stretches over the expanding muscle. The feeling in my ankle totally eradicates all thought of the hooligans from a few seconds ago. I decide that it’s no good me rocking back and forth in this ditch and make my mind up to get back on my feet. I try to keep as much weight off it as possible - as even the slightest inkling of weight will cause it too throb. After a few seconds of agony I eventually struggle to my feet… well foot. Once on my foot I lean on a nearby lamp post to regain some strength and my breath. Soon I gather enough strength back to endure the intense pain of my ankle I make the decision to move on and stop feeling sorry for myself. My ankle forces me to limp heavily on my good foot. This causes me to get cramp in it very quickly, so every now and then I have to take a quick break. After a long hike back to my house I stop at my front door, turn around, dump myself on the front doorstep and just put my head in my hands. This is the part where I usually think to myself for a while, but this time my mind was just concentrating on how I wanted to help stop that gang from fighting one another. My ankle decides this is the moment to remind me that it want attention by throbbing again, that also reminds me that my friends are coming over today to help me write a story. Launching myself back to my feet, only to fall back on the floor as my ankle demonstrates what happens when I forget about it. This time I slowly raise myself back to my feet and this time it pleases my ankle as it doesn’t throb this time. Walking through the door was an interesting task as I had to calculate how much pressure to put on my foot once it’s over the step but thankfully it all goes smoothly. The hall way is always the coldest area of the house, mainly due to it being made of tiles and the walls having just some brown paint on them. The hard floor wasn’t very forgiving on my ankle but it wasn’t too bad. The living room is a big room so it too wasn’t the warmest of places although it does have a soft carpet floor and that was very forgiving on my ankle. “The News” is on the TV, a story about an old woman being mugged is being told by a blank faces man in a large over coat. It makes me sick how someone could even think about robbing an old defenceless woman. The sinking feeling has returned I now feel sick and all I feel is that I want to help these people but I know I can’t, that’s probably why I feel sick. The door gets knocked twice quite loudly. It takes me a few seconds to zone back in as I was just staring at the floor thinking how insignificant I am then remember that the door needs answering. I open the door to be greeted by what seems to be the only people in the world that actually understand me. Brad who is a little smaller than the average male - has blues eyes and glasses with blond hair - Lewis - who is about average size has shoulder length hair and brown eyes - and lastly Jake - who is just below average height and has slightly longer hair than Lewis and wears glasses too, these guys have been friends with me for such a long time I can’t even remember how long. It’s really nice to see a friendly face after what I’ve been through today. I greet them the same way as we have been doing for the past, however long we have been greeting each other. “Hey, how-ya doin’?” and as always it gets the same response “not much… you?” They don’t even need inviting in anymore as they know they can come in once I have said the magic words of “Hey, how-ya doin’”. Once inside Lewis almost instantly spots me trying to cover up the fact that I have an injured ankle. He is more of a furry than a Brony but he likes both and is really friendly so by my books he is cool. He questions “how did you damage your ankle?” in which I unwillingly reply “I slipped … and twisted”. I said this to avoid any further questions. We all remove our shoes that are cemented to our feet and climb what felt like vertical stairs to Everest, especially with this ankle. Well, here it is… the one true place I feel safe and happy… the one place I can rely on and be truly comfy in to forget my troubles and relax. My room. We enter my domain and I slump myself on my bed and say the words “I hate Mondays” this is quickly followed by agreement from my friends. I am so exhausted I don’t even bother to remove my coat. I prefer to keep it on anyway. We are all talking as we usually do and then Brad asks “how did you slip?” I look at him in the eyes deeply and say “I ran”. He says “from what” in which I reply “some street gang kids”. This leads me to telling them all about what happened on the way home. They are both gob smacked and are constantly asking if I’m ok. After a few minutes of an awkward silence a quiet mummer from Lewis is heard. “I wish we could stop things like this from happening”. I was thinking the exact same thing. Then a burst of life comes out of Jake, “Hey! There’s going to be a meteor shower passing over earth tonight!” we are all startled by his sudden contribution. “That sounds amazing!” I said enthusiastically. The mood died quickly though as we are still remembering the events of today but the silence is soon broken by the shout of my mother and she say one of my favourite sentence’s “Dinners nearly ready.” That’s the sign for the other guys to leave in which they do with great haste. They must want to get away from the bad atmosphere that I have caused. We all walk to the door and just before they leave Lewis reminded me to make a wish at the shooting stars in which I give a small giggle and say “I will”. After they all leave I have my much needed dinner and retreat back upstairs. It’s time for my daily dose of MLP. I am still not used to saying that out loud and still have to refer to it as MLP. This show always cheers me up no matter how glum I am. Whilst watching the show I realise how they all help the other ponies and don’t ask for anything in return. This is what I want… the ability to help, that’s all. It’s not fair. All I have is my mind; nothing else. Not magic, the ability to fly or lots of other people to help me. I’m just a… nobody. I wish I could be more like them. I pause the video and drown in my own sorrow and thoughts. The feeling of me wanting to let my sadness out is overwhelming but I manage to keep it in. I didn’t see the point in keeping it in but I did anyway. The phone suddenly rings causing me to jump out of my skin. I answer to hear a much exited Jake who keeps repeating the word ‘meteor’! I only assume he means get to the window as fast as you can. I only have time to say “Thanks” before he puts the phone down on me. I rush over to my window and gaze into the sky and wait for the meteors to pass. It didn’t take very long for the show to start. Huge balls of light soaring through the starlit sky. They look like huge light bulbs that have been thrown through the air. These are now one of the few things to make my face glisten with a smile. This was true beauty. Tears of fire launching themselves over earth. Nothing like what I have ever seen before. Then I remember what Lewis said “make a wish”. Well I know that they aren’t shooting stars but what have I got to lose, so I make my wish. “I wish… I wish I could help those in dire need just like those on MLP” and just like that it was over but the smile remained. With that fresh in my mind I decide to go to bed as all that light made my eyes strain. One last look at my Facebook and then I’m off to bed. I don’t know why I bother checking my Facebook because I never get anything, the most I get is a app request to see whose has looked at my profile or for Farmville which is really annoying. With that done I switch off my pc and hit the hay. The meteor shower is still fresh in my mind and that makes me feel for comfy for some reason. I close my eyes slowly as the blanket encases me in a cocoon of comfort and warmth. I nod off rather quickly and await the next morning. > Time to change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wish upon a wishing star: A Bronies Tale Chapter 2 “Time to change” I am aware of the jump between Chapter 1 and 2. Might be wondering "well, how did he become a pony?" well don't worry all will be revealed in chapter 3! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I awake from my peaceful slumber and open my eyes only to discover that I am unable to see. I quickly realize that I am … blindfolded. I attempt to remove it but then I discover that my hands are tied! “What the hell is going on”! I say to myself frantically. I feel myself become weightless and carried somewhere. I then get thrown through the air and hit a hard cold floor followed by a slam. Once again I cry out “What the hell is going on”. A very deep and loud voice speaks assertively “Silence”! I feel the thing in which I am on begins to move as I slide slightly. Another deep, rough but friendly voice speaks to me and says “Hey! Try to keep calm and try not to panic. It only makes things worse!” The voice calms me down a little, probably due to the fact that I know I’m not the only one stuck in this mess but I am still in a state of shock. I am completely confused as to why this is happening to me and well… what is happening to me! “Who are you? Are we being kidnapped? Why are we here?” in a panicking manor. The voice replies with “I said stay calm! And I am the one who is going to get us out of this mess!” I reply calmly this time with “What is going on? Why are we here?” There is a short pause before he replies to me. I assume this is due to him thinking or he is just as nervous as me. “We have been foretold of you arrival. The stars said that you would come but they didn’t exactly say where you were going to arrive or when you was going to arrive. Because of this they sent out scouts and mercenaries like me all over the land. We were told to bring you back no matter what. Unfortunately for me it was right in the middle of enemy territory! Fortunately for you, you’re with me. So you have the best possible chance!” after hearing this I am even more lost and confused than before. “S… Stars? Scouts? Enemy territory? ... What? And why me? What is going on?” “Ok it’s nearly time for us to move!” he said rather softly. “Now, I’m going to take off your blindfold and untie you and we are going to get out of here ok. Now please try to stay calm and not panic… you promise?” With what little choice I had I just decided to agree with him as he seemed like my best chance of escape from wherever we was. He sits me upright and slowly removes my blindfold whilst saying “you may have to get used to what you are about to see” as my eyes leave the blindfold a flood of light hits me and my sight is all fuzzed for a few seconds. As I slowly regain my focus I realize that my surroundings are far from what I expected. They are all… cartoon? I sit there for a moment… speechless. I have no idea what to say or what to do as I’m in a cartoon iron carriage that has rusted edges and tiny mail box windows that not even my han… hoof could fit through. I just slur “c… cartoon… huh” then the puzzled and slightly worried scout asks “are you ok? Is it… normal for you to stare at iron doors back where you came from?” I shake my head violently but the cartoon colours remain. My eyes and head are aching slightly trying to get used to the fact that everything is cartoon. I rub my eyes for a few seconds and then stare at the floor for a few more seconds. “This is a dream isn’t it? Just another dream that is going to end in a few seconds” I say in a saddened voice. Then the mercenary puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me “I only wish it was flash… but this is as real as it gets. Now look at me in the eyes and promise me you will help us” I am confused by why he called me Flash? But I turn my head towards him anyway and look into his eye. My eyes grow wide as I realize he isn't human… he is a… pony? I just stare at him with wide eyes and try to take in the fact that he is a pony. He is a male stallion earth pony with a scar next to his left eye and has a brown coat with a beige black mane and his cutie mark was a compass facing north. I gaze in awe into his brown eyes as he says to me “you need to promise me that you are going to help us without you we are lost and we will lose all. We already have lost so much and many good friends and allies. You are our last hope… please” I stare at him for a little while longer to absorb everything that is going on at the minute and then take a deep breath. And with the exhale I say “sure! Let’s do this! I've been waiting for an adventure all my life and now here it is and I’m not about to just chuck it away! Dream or not! What’s the escape plan then! Ow and why did you call me Flash?” the mercenaries face lights up and his eyes widened as I agreed to help and he says “that’s your name Flash. Flash Thunder the princess of the night chose yours. And now, the plan: hold on tight! It’s about to get rough!” as I stand up I feel incredibly strange as now I have four legs instead of two but I feel like I have been doing this for years and It comes as second nature to me. I heed his warning and prop myself against the carriage wall and grip anything I can. “So what now?” I ask. “Now? Ha-ha? Now it’s her turn. And here she is right on queue!” I look through the window that he was looking through and see a huge unmanned… unponied carriage! I grasp for the nearest grab-able item to me which is an old rusted chain and shackle that was hanging from the roof. I wrap it around my hoof and hold on as tight as I can and hang on for dear life. I can hear the carriage hurtling towards ours at an alarming speed. Just before the out of control carriage smashes into the side of ours, I close my eyes and wait… just like I did with the street kids. I waited… The force of the thud was incredible, overwhelming me and the mercenary. We get thrown around the carriage like rag dolls in a washing machine. It takes a while for the carriage to stop rolling as it was hit with so much force. The carriage eventually hits a very big and old oak tree that shudders violently as the carriage punches into it. Once stopped me and the mercenary land on the roof which in now the floor of the carriage. We are both very dazed and incredibly dizzy. The mercenary and I cough and force ourselves to our feet. We look towards each other and nod to tell each other that we are both ok. One of the doors to the carriage is missing and the other forced open. This was part of the plan that he and her had all along. We make our escape out of the wreckage and check the drivers but they are not even attached to the carriage anymore. I look at the mercenary out of breath and slightly beaten and ask “Hey… you never told me your name…” in which he gives a slight chuckle and says “Forest… Forest Chaser… Are you hurt at all?” I have a few slight pains here and there but I don’t tell him as I assume that he is feeling the same. “No, I’m good thanks, you?” he cracks his back and neck and with his rough voice he growl’s “ I've had worse”. I just give him a smile and a little giggle. “She should be here any second” he mumbles. In which I ask “Who exactly is… She?” he turns his head towards me and says “She is my wing ga’l, the only pony I will truly trust, she is Bullet Rose”. At that moment a unicorn pony leaped over the wreckage and landed in front of me and Forest. She had a dark brown flowing mane with a sand color coat, hazel eyes and a feather and sword crossed over as a cutie mark. She faces me and Forest and says “Forest! Good work. I see you managed to get him and be right on cue, I’m impressed. But we are running out of time if we want to get this little pony back to the princess before sun down. Come on! Pip pip! Let’s go!” she has a very assertive and well-spoken British voice and is certainly eager to get on with her mission. “As you can probably see she doesn't like to time waste. Come on we don’t want to keep her waiting. She isn't the nicest of ponies when she is kept waiting.” Forest catches up to Bullet and they start discussing tactics whereas I take a few seconds and look around to get used to my surroundings then I start to accept where I am and realize that being as though I am already here I had best make the most of it! I mean how often is it you get pulled into your favorite cartoon and get saved by two awesome ponies! Not that often. With this in mind I shout out “Hey guys! Wait up!” Bullet is the first to break the ice with me “So, I am informed that your name is Flash Thunder?” I have a quick pause and think for a minute and say “Yea, I guess it is! I like it” Bullet lets out a little giggle and says “I’m glad you do” but as soon as she finishes the sentence she turns back into serious mode “Forest, have they located the others?” she asks Forest in a rather sharp manor. He replies with “I’m not too sure communications are fuzzy. But I do know that we are near Ponyville, unfortunately the wrong side of Ponyville, as we are in the Ever-free Forest” in a concerned manor. Bullet just sighs. “Very well then, we must keep moving forward and keep a good pace chaps! Maybe if luck is on our side we may even bump into the others. Let’s get moving then.” Bullet trots on the spot and then power walks in the direction in which she presumes is the way to Ponyville but we trust her judgment. The Everfree Forest is a lot different to the forest near where I come from. As the one back home doesn't growl or have glowing eyes in the dark but I kind of prefer this one. It feels more… daring; more adventurous. I want to go deeper but I know I can’t. While I was lost in my thoughts about the Everfree Forest the pony forest grabs my attention “Keep your wits about you kid! There are some right nasty’s in these woods not just the eyes between the trees.” I look at him and nod. I look forward and see something like I have never seen before. I tell the guys “What about trees that have eyes in them?” Forest replies with “Huh? This is no time for games kid.” “Umm… you guys… look” I point in front of them with my hoof towards an 8 foot monstrous wolf that is made completely out of wood, has large red glowing eyes with a red aura covering its huge body. It’s puffing out hot breath at us causing our manes to blow back and forth and it just stands there. Bullet and Forest just turn their head’s slowly towards the timber wolf with wide eyes and open mouths. Suddenly the huge beast lets out a huge roar that is louder than anything I have ever heard! Bullet and Forest get blown back but manage to stay on all four hooves. Whereas I get lifted off the ground and roll across the floor like a bowling ball until I eventually get stopped by a Pine tree. I shake my head violently to regain my focus. When I look up I see Bullet and Forest turn their head towards each other, nod slowly and give a little smirk. Bullet leaps into the air towards the timber wolf, lands on his snout and jumps off again this time clearing the wolf. The wolf merely snorts to clear his nose and swings for Forest but he leaps into the air, lands on the wolfs arm and runs up his arm, leaps, bucks the wolf in the face and skids on the ground on all fours. The timber wolfs wooden face splits slightly and he lets out another roar! Bullet shouts “Over here you big oaf!” The Timber Wolf turns to face Bullet who launches a rock at its face. The timber wolf roars at Bullet who struggles to stay on all fours this time but just about manages it. The Timber Wolf charges towards Bullet, who dives out of the way at the last possible second only just, avoiding the charging load of timber. The wolf suddenly realizes that he has fallen for her trap and tries to stop with all his might but it’s too late as he goes head first straight into two trees and gets his head stuck between them. “Take that you big beast!” says Bullet trying to taunt the wolf. “Nice going there Bullet” shouts Forest. Bullet smirks and stands proudly. I am still sitting there in awe trying to take in what just happened. But I hold the thought as I see the Timber Wolf grab between the two trees and pull with all its might! One of the trees give way and snap to release the wolf from its tight grasp. This has merely angered the wolf, he swipes Bullet before she even has time to react and she soars through the air and plummets to the ground with and almighty thud. She attempts to get up but she is unable and she is too exhausted. Forest see’s bullet and becomes very angry as his face turns from surprise to ultimate anger! He puts one hoof back, tilts his head forward and snorts. “Ow it. Is. ON!” he says to himself psyching himself up. He starts to full sprint towards the wolf getting faster and faster as the wolf also charges towards him too. My eyes widen as these events unfold! I can’t believe what is happening in a way it’s awesome but at the same time it is terrifying! Forest gets incredibly close to the wolf, spins around and bucks the timber wolfs leg with an almighty “Narrrrr!” the Timber Wolfs leg gets completely obliterated. Hundreds of shards of wood scatter into the air. This causes the Timber Wolf to fall and slide across the floor. Forest the runs over to Bullet and aids her to her feet. “Thank you Forest … I must say … I wasn't … expecting … that” Bullet speaks while trying to regain her breath. “Are you ok Bullet? You’re not hurt too bad are you?” Forest asks in an anxious manor. “Haha, it takes more than that to get rid of this old gal!” Bullet says jokingly with a comforting voice. “But we still have a problem it appears” she adds. Forest just laughs and says “I think I've dealt with him enough, he should leave us alone now.” Sure enough the Timber Wolf lets out a little whine and hops away on its three legs into the dark part of the forest. This is my cue to meet back up with the two action heroes! “You guys Rock!” they just look at me and smile “they are just easy moves kid” boast’s Forest. “We can’t just leave him with 3 legs though can we?” I ask curiously. “Oh, I forgot you haven’t heard of a Timber Wolf before have you? Its fine, it will just get it back from fallen branches and dead trees.” He explains. “Ow, that’s pretty awesome!” I say eagerly. “Haha, not when they don’t give up its not!” jokes Bullet. “Come on then chaps let’s get to the princess.” With that said we carry on with our journey to see the princess, I hope that we don’t bump into another one of those Timber Wolves. But I spoke too soon because as we were walking down the old stone and dusty road we heard a rustle from the bushes we all change our stance to defense mode! Forest approaches the noisy bush and pokes it with his hoof. A wolf ejects from the bush and knocks Forest to the ground. The wolf lands in-between me and Bullet. It has grass and leaves all over it! “Is this a … leaf wolf or something?” I ask panicking. “ I've never seen anything like it before!?” Bullet said in astonishment. Then it spoke “I am not an IT! I am a He!” “Gah! It spoke!” said Bullet puzzled. “IM NOT AN IT!” it exclaimed. The pile of talking leaves then shook aggressively in doing so it shocked Bullet, so she ran into it, took it down and pinned it to the floor. After the dust and leaves cleared I give out a little cough to clear the dust out of my throat. I see Bullet back off of the… wolf? Why are there so many wolves! Bullet speaks to the wolf “Ow, sorry… it’s you” “You? Who is… you?” I ask. “Flash this is one of the others and his name is Kumo. Saying that … where is your guardian?” says Bullet. Kumo answers with “… he’s back there…” some more rustling is heard from the bushes and out stumbles a grey pony with a brown mane, brown tail, a stone sword as a cutie mark and some extra hair around his mouth that resembles a goatee. He also has a rather humorous accent “Eye! I’m ere now! Ey lad! Were’d ya go? I was fiten that Tember Wolf bey me self! Bat I showed em a thing er too!” Bullet and Forest smile as the Scottish pony tells his story. “Well now there are more of us it should be safer to get to the princess. Come on chaps, pip pip! Lets go!” says Bullet enthusiastically. Then the Scottish pony speaks “Eye! You and yer pipin and yer chapen, don’t ye evar give et a rest?” “Haha! Not with you around chap” answers Bullet. After a long hike through the Ever-free Forest we eventually make it to the outskirts of Ponyville. But it no longer looked like Ponyville instead it just looked like a ghost town, it was just… empty. The streets were filled with dust, gathered debris and rubbish. Some of the buildings were scorched, broken and destroyed. The clouds over the town were large black and full of sorrow. The statues were defaced and broken. “W… What happened here? This isn't the Ponyville I was expecting. Where is everypony? Why is it all destroyed? I ask as my heart slumps into a deep abyss of disappointment. My back legs give way and I fall to my back legs and just stare at the broken town. “Flash, didn't you know? The whole of equestrian is at war. For some time they were overruled by a dark force and were made to do its bidding no matter the task. But a group of ponies took a stand, fought back and created a resistance. That’s why we are here! To help them. I know it’s grim but it’s the truth.” Explains Kumo. I feel like I know the voice but I say nothing as I am too saddened by the town that once was filled with life and happiness which has now become a town full of depression, misery and destruction. “ OK” I say quietly. The sadness suddenly turns to rage! And I get to my feet, put my head up and say “OK, Let’s get to the princess and put a stop to this… this… utter atrocity! I can’t just sit here on my flank and sulk like I always do! It’s time I got off my flank and do something to actually help instead of wishing for it to happen! This is it! This is where I help! This is where things change! This is where I make a mark on the world! This is where I am going to make a difference!” > The Search For Awnsers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Bullet is the first to break the long silence “Very well then, I suggest we get a move on chaps, especially if we want to get to the princess in time.” With that said we enter Ponyvile and head to the castle. The walk to the castle is long and depressing as we wonder through the rubble and debris of what once was once a thriving, prosperous and blissful town. No longer did the filly’s and colts play in the streets, no longer did the stalls open and sell fruits and knickknacks to other ponies and no more was the streets filled with happiness and laughter… just silence… empty silence. Every broken brick is just another dose of hurtful remorse, every piece of broken glass, a sharp reminder of what is happening. Nopony talks during the walk, just walks, slower than usual while they absorb their surroundings. I see a tear glisten from Forests eye and fall down his cheek. The sight of this makes my eyes fill up, but I manage to keep them back. Even Eisendor the Scottish pony is very quiet. Suddenly out of nowhere we hear a shriek! “Help”! Forest’s ears shoot up and he stands tall “did you hear that?” “Eye, it came from over there” Eisendor points in the general direction of where the sound came from. Everypony abruptly goes into a full gallop towards the sound, each pony trying to run faster than the next. It cries out again “Please, somepony, help!” This time we are closer and the sound was a lot clearer. “Ey! That be a wee one” Eisendor said with great alarm. Once realising that it was a young one Eisendor manages to speed off ahead despite being the eldest. “I’m caming fer ye wee one! Don’t ye be scared new help es here?” Eisendor shoots of round the corner and reaches the little voice a while before we do. Before we turn the last corner we hear “Nooooooooo! Hold on me wee lassie” when we are turning the corner all we see is Eisendor grasping on to something for his dear life in a hole. “I get ye wee one” Eisendor is slowly slipping into the hole and inch at a time. I ask as fast as I could “What do we do?” Forest and Bullet look at each other. “It’s his only chance” says Bullet followed by “let’s do it” from Forest. Bullet Full gallops towards a nearby wall, Forest full gallops shortly behind. Bullets leaps up to the wall and springs off. Forest spins in mid gallop and raises his hind legs, sliding his front hooves along the brick floor. He pulls his hind legs in tight. Bullets lands hind hooves first on his hind legs. With and almighty grunt forest propels Bullet into the air towards Eisendor. Forest stops and turns and widens his eyes in hope. Bullet descends and slides along the floor, grasping Eisendor hooves along the way. Eisendor gets ripped out of the hole along with the filly. Eisendor rolls with the filly tucked in his hooves in order to keep the young one safe. He eventually stops and immediately checks the filly for any damage but is amazed to only find scratches and bruises. “Oh, thank celestia yer ok”. He hugs the little freighted filly tightly as though she was his own and comforts her. The filly’s face floods with joy as the realisation of her safety finally calms her mind. For some reason she feels safe in eisendors hooves. “Eye wee one, yer fine now” Eisendor says in a soft calming voice. “Mr Eisendor!!” exclaims the little filly. “im so glad you’ve come! Everything has…just gone! I can’t find my mommy or daddy either, what do I do.” Eisendor holds the filly in his hooves and looks into her eyes and continues to speak softly “everythen will be ok wee one, im here now. i… we will help ye find yer parents” his voice was full of meaning and promise and we all felt as how much he meant it. It almost brings a tear to my eyes, but I manage to hold it back. He then see’s that the filly had calmed down and wipes her tears away and holds her into his old ruffled coat. It was very heart-warming to see the filly feel safe and comfy in Eisendor grasp. “We had best leave, eye, its not safe here.” With that said Eisendor puts her on his back and trots past us and we follow shortly after. The road to the castle is going to be a long one as the train tracks have been rendered useless, so we have to continue on hoof. The road to the castle are crumbling away and breaking up. There was dangerous debris everywhere. Rocks, glass, spears, pieces of carriages all scattered everywhere. Yet that wasn’t the part that is worst of all, no, that is… the edge of town. This soon made me realise what is actually happening in equestria . This isn’t just a simple misunderstanding for me to help tide them over with… no… This is worse, much, much worse. This is war. The sight of it cuts me down to the ground so hard I hear my shoulder crack a little and I start to shake uncontrollably. My fear has returned and is rushing through my veins as cold as ice once again, but this time I am unable to control it. The thing… no …. The monstrosity that lies before me is … death… dead ponies…dead soldiers… lay scattered around just like the rubble, debris, weapons and carriages. I’ve never seen anything like this in person before and never wanted too nor intended too. All this is beginning to prove too much for me to handle in one go like this. I feel as though I am unable to move… It’s just as though I freeze in time. Everything slows down and my hearing dampens, my vision starts to become shrouded. I am starting to see less and less. With what vision I have left I am just able to make out Bullet trotting towards me, “Flash old boy! Whatever is the matter? Flash? Flash!” Then, nothing but silence and darkness. After a short amount of time a light pain begins to form in my head. My eyelids are incredibly heavier than usual and my eyes are a little sore. It takes quite a lot of effort but I manage to flutter my eyes a little before I am able to fully open them. It is a blessing that its night fall, this allows my eyes to adjust a lot easier and is less uncomfortable to open them fully. I swear I can hear marching, my hearing starts to return and all I can hear are marching hooves beneath me. Concerned by this I hastily rise to a sitting position… well… for a pony anyway. I observe what is around me and I have no idea what to think. It’s a group of ponies. My eyes slowly ajust to the darkness eventually. The figures of ponies are a little too hazy to make out. So I wipe my eyes with my … hooves the best I can and they become clearer. This makes me realise that these aren’t just any ponies. Their wearing armour that is decorated and coloured like princess luna’s . They are all in some kind of formation together. Each pony has a quarter moon insignia on their crest. There is only one pony I know who has that… Princess Luna! That means that this is the… New luna Republic! Most of them are injured though. They have bandages, eye patches, braces, even some of them on stretchers. Once I have Secom to my surroundings, realization hits me and I see that I am too, on a stretcher. It is spread across two ponies that are walking in sync. I give my head one final shake to help clear it and ensure that I have full consciousness. One of the ponies who is carrying me, sees that I shake my head for a second time. He grunts to the other pony “He’s awake, an you know what that British chick said.” I raise one eyebrow and glance at the pony that he spoke too, who in turn just nodded. With that, they both fling me off the stretcher and onto the ground. I sit there with a very bewildered expression about me, looking at one of the ponies that launched me. “Sorry kid, orders.” They proceeded to carry on and lift another injured pony onto the stretcher and walk away. “Thanks for the warning!” I shout to try and claw… hoof back some dignity, but it seems as though they don’t even acknowledge it. To be honest, that was probably for the best, I don’t really want to have any trouble with these guys and gals. Then over trots Bullet. She looks at me with a rather blank face for a moment, then smiles and says “sorry about those ruffians old boy, but we must make room for the chaps who need it”. I can understand what she means by that … but still was no need to throw me off… would have been nice to be asked. Upon reaching the castle I realise that it isn’t the wonder it once was. The only a few of the few of the turrets remain, the pearl white walls that where topped with a golden spire are now filthy with gaping holes in them. The whole of the left of the castle that was over the cliff has been blown off and can be seen on the foot of the mountain. It’s not a pretty sight but the i hope that princess still resides within the withered walls. Now its time to find out what has happened to the princess what i am doing here and most importantly, why i am here! *BOOM!* "What the!" i shout out. The face of the clifs explodes with a huge object, which seems to be, a bug but, HUGE! it swoops down at us and make for a grab at me. i swiftly leap and slide behind one of the boulders that where thrown there in the explosion. The giant bug manages to swipe eisendor of his hooves and is still grasping the filly. "ahhh! bugger! dunt ye worry aboot me! i well be fine!" he bellows. "Nooo! eisendor!" screams bullet. "What! why did they take eisendor!" i ask bullet. "Well... he isn't the pony you think he is, you see before this he was different, sit and ill explain. i suppose id best tell you know ay chap?"