
by Raita

First published

Chapter 1

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- Nice going, Cluttzershy! – laughed Dumb-Bell.
- HA! My baby brother can fly better than you! - said Hoops.

Fluttershy was lying there, helplessly looking at two Pegasi-bullies. But suddenly, out of nowhere the rainbow filly landed in front of her.
- Leave her alone! – shouted the rainbow pony.
- Oou, what you gonna do, Rainbow CRASH?
- Keep making fun of her, and find out! – threatened the rainbow pony.
- You think you’re such a big shot?! Why don’t you prove it?! – said Dumb-Bell.
- What do you have in mind?
- I challenge you to race us! – said Hoops loudly.
- Huh! Easy-shmeazy! – laughed the rainbow pony and they all went to the camp’s “race zone”.

When everything was prepared for the race, Hoops, Dumb-Bell and Rainbow Dash stood on the line.
- You’re going down! – said Hoops.
- In history, may be! See you boys at the finish line! – replied Rainbow.

Fluttershy waved the flag and three Pegasus jumped up from the line, knocking Fluttershy from the cloud she was standing on.

Hour passed, as Rainbow Dash landed on the finish line, leaving Dumb-Bell and Hoops behind her. All the Pegasi-fillies gone wild, as they cried Rainbows name. Also, lots of fillies were checking out her new cutie mark and crying in excitement and jealousy.

When crowd’s gone, Rainbow recalled about the yellow pony, whose honour she defended.
She remembered that she waved flag to let the race begin. She must be fallen down, when 3 Pegasus flew up! Rainbow pulled herself together, trying to convince herself that she used her wings to avoid falling. It took a while for Dash to get down. Filly Dash never been on the ground before, and wasn’t sure was it safe to be there or not.
“But if it wasn’t safe, Earth Ponies wouldn’t live there then!” – thought Rainbow Dash.

As she walked, she sometimes saw some strange earth creatures, who were watching her carefully from. Rainbow tried to stay away from any of them, except birds, even though she was brave enough to defend herself if needed.
Suddenly, she heard somepony humming a lovely melody. She followed the sound, making her way through trees and bushes, when she saw Fluttershy, lying on the ground with animals surrounding her.
“Hello?” – said Rainbow.

Animals turned their heads in pegasus’s direction and disappeared in bushes and trees.
“Hey. You!” – shouted Rainbow. – “is that you the one…um….what’s your name?”
“Um…I’m….I’m Fluttershy..” – said Fluttershy shyly, tryin to hide her face under her light rose-coloured hair.
“Fluttershy, then. Is it you the one who those jerks called names?” – said Rainbow.

Fluttershy nodded.
“Then I am happy to say that I showed those guys who’s the best” – proudly announced Rainbow. – “you don’t need to worry anymore. And if anyone ever hurts you – you can count on me!”

Rainbow puffed out her chest in pride. She liked how Fluttershy smiled and looked at her shyly, while she was talking.
Soon, hours passed like a moment. Fluttershy showed Rainbow all the places she found, and told her about different species of earth animals. They talked and laughed out loud. Rainbow never felt so happy a long-long time. She really enjoyed herself.
“Oh my!” – gasped Rainbow. – “the sun sets! I must’ve been in camp hours ago!”

Dash flew up as fast as the lightning, stopped and waved Fluttershy.
“You’re not coming?” – asked Rainbow.
“No. I’ll stay here. I feel better down here.” – answered Fluttershy.
“OK. Bye then! Will we meet tomorrow?”
“That’ll be wonderful!” – said Fluttershy.
“OK then!” – shouted Rainbow and turned in direction of Cloudsdale. – “I’m Rainbow Dash, by the way”.
“Nice to meet you…Rainbow Dash…”