> Forbidden Fruit > by darf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >    I    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where to begin? My name is Jason. As far as names go, it's fairly unremarkable, but it seems to work well enough as something for people to call me by. My name is Jason, and I'm a human. No, not the famous writer. There’s no relation, I assure you. Saying you’re a human is a distinction that's not normally necessary. In day-to-day conversation, the question of someone's species doesn't come up that often. I'm making a point of mentioning it because it's relevant at the moment. My name is Jason, and I'm a human. The reason I feel the need to clarify that is partly out of habit - when you're asked all the time, the phrase comes out as second nature. "My name is Jason, and I'm a human." It's easy enough to say, though the peculiarity of clarifying the latter point never quite goes away. So why is it that I need to specify, anyway? I am - was - a social worker, from New York. It's an occupation that's even odder given recent circumstances, but it's one I was happy doing. Helping people is overall one of the best things anyone can hope for, whether it's in a big way or small. I talked to people - people from families with problems, with parents who weren't quite up to snuff. I talked to kids a lot. People say I'm good with kids. Said, anyway. I was a social worker in New York. Now I'm not. The first bit of what I said is still true though; Jason, my name, and my species, human. I don't have to ask anyone else the second part of that linguistic equation. It's obvious, with them. There are distinctive features that make it easy enough to tell at first glance. That's the critical part here, I guess. My name is Jason, I'm a human, and I live in a world with talking ponies. I'd like to say that there was a remarkable happenstance to explain what happened - I've wracked my brain for hours trying to think of anything I said or did particularly out of the ordinary, or any phenomenon I might not have paid the closest attention to. None of it adds up, no matter how long I do the mental-math - the whole thing is frighteningly mundane, save for the part with the talking ponies. Well, I guess that's a distinction to make as well. They're not just ponies. I mean, ponies like you or I might think of them. There are different kinds, for one: ones with wings, and ones with horns, and ones that just walk on the ground. But even then, they're not really proper ponies - they're sort of more like people than anything else, but for their technicolor fur and walking on four legs and all. And flying. And magic. And... you know. Being ponies. They don't look exactly like ponies, if that makes sense. They're smaller, for one. Softer looking. Squishier. None of them, as far as I can tell, smell like bales of fermented hay and their own piss. I mean... not that I've noticed. The first thought, upon waking up that day, typified my entire existence going forward. That's odd. I thought two words and fell back to sleep in a bed that wasn't mine. The sheets were warm enough, and I guess that's all that mattered. The one that woke me up had screamed, and I'd surprised myself with my own reaction time. We all go through the scenarios in our head, at night, from time to time; what would happen if someone broke in right now and tore the place apart? Would I be smart enough to stand up? Would I confront them with a haphazard assemblage of self-defense items, clinging to a strong, thick object as though it was a talisman of strength? Or would I just hear the noise, deny any palpable responsibility for my own protection, and go back to sleep? I was out of the covers and ready to fight a couple of seconds after the scream hit my ears. I probably didn't help the situation, leaping up and spinning around in my boxers looking for the nearest blunt object. Of course, since the room wasn't mine, the search for a self-defense implement wasn't very successful. If anything, it was probably for the best - the weird butter cream coloured walls and tiny furniture gave me enough pause to realize that I might not want to start swinging wildly at my potential assailant. The pony had stopped screaming when I stopped spinning, but the look on its face said that was only because it was too terrified to make a sound. As for me... I'm not sure if I was afraid, but my heart was beating fast enough that the rest of my body probably thought so. Neither of us said anything. I was pretty sure I was dreaming. The pony's eyes were wider than dinner plates - especially weird because of how big they already were in proportion to her head. They looked like the eyes on a cartoon character. That had been my first few minutes in Equestria. Eventually, I gathered the presence of mind to speak. I don't remember what my first words were, sadly; the whole experience was kind of a blur with how much adrenaline was running through my body at the time. Sadly, I doubt I said anything as articulate as an ambassador for the human race should have. Probably something along the lines of "What the fuck?" Swearing might have been in bad taste. I've learned to curb the habit since then. Every minute after those first frantic few was a blur. Ponies of every colour. Wings, horns, and me staring stupefied at all of them. There was magic, the use of which had resulted in horrified looks from all the horned ponies (unicorns) present when they realized it did little or nothing when used on me. After a short while surrounded by colorful miniature horses, a group of them had gathered me up, mostly with my cooperation, and taken me elsewhere in a carriage pulled by flying armored guards. They'd taken me to meet their princess. She wasn't quite what I'd expected. I mean, she was regal enough, certainly, for a fluffy looking miniature horse. She was more capable of rational discourse than any of the ponies I'd encountered 'till that point, which meant we talked for a while. She was bigger than the other ponies, almost as tall as me. I didn't say anything, but I had the desire during the whole conversation to jump on her back and ride her like a regular horse. I don't think she would have taken too kindly to that, though. So, she had said. You are a human. She didn't like contractions. Yes, I'd said. And then we talked. She'd known what humans were, for one thing. The details from that point on are logistics. To get you up to speed; the place is called Equestria. Yes, I'm still here, and the ponies look at me like a freak of nature... well, some of them. That was part of the Princess’s - Celestia's - plan. I have just the place for you to stay while we work on sorting this out, she'd said. It's a small town with a very special group of ponies who I think would benefit from having you around. The pacing of events had been a little hard to adjust to. I mean, one minute you're asleep in your own bed on - presumably - your own planet, and the next your eyes are open and staring into the horrified gaze of a mint-green coloured unicorn backing away from you at full speed. My friends and family... well, okay. Confession time; that's not that much of an issue, really. As gifted as I might have been at my job - and I was good at it, I think - I never really 'clicked' with people. I'm not sure what it was; something about people around me just didn't gel. I could make small talk, carry on a conversation, even go out for drinks with one or two of them - but the spark that said 'continue doing this' was never there. So, I kept mostly to myself, happy in my well-furnished apartment, spending my time reading or occupying myself elsewhere. I took up knitting, for a bit. I miss the furniture just a tad, I guess. Oh, and my job. I didn't mind helping people - I really liked it, as a matter-of-fact. One of the things that social work gets termed with is the idea that the people in charge of child confiscations from terrible households are secretly awful people; they're nefarious monsters who take joy in ripping a crying girl away from the arms of her mother. That's certainly not true of me, and I'm not sure it is for anyone else who does what I do - did. I just like to think that, even if only a little bit at a time, that I'm making a difference in the world. Was, I mean. Other people seemed to think I was fairly good at it. I was great with kids, they said. So the town I wound up in is called 'Ponyville'. Understandably, I had some trouble fitting in. I mean, it's right in the name. ‘Humanville’ wasn't an option, sadly. The Princess introduced me to a pony she said was very special. A purple one. Unlike everyone else I'd met since waking up in a bed very much not my own, she looked at me with something other than fear or horrified curiosity. She even looked a little excited. "My name is Twilight Sparkle," she said. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" "I'm Jason," I said back. I offered my hand before I realized, but she extended her hoof to meet it, and I grabbed it and shook awkwardly. "I'm, uh, a human," I said, as if I'd forgotten. It was more that I'd never needed to remember. Twilight had smiled at me. That was day one. Things from then were almost... normal. As normal as they could be anywhere surrounded by colorful talking horses, anyway. I'd had a bit of a hard time fitting in, as you might have expected. Twilight was the closest thing to a friend - she helped let ponies around town know what my deal was, preparing them for having me around, alleviating their fears by brandishing Princess Celestia's name like a fencing sword. After the first few weeks the only awkward looks I got were half-glances of curiosity. I still can't shake the feeling of being taller than everyone else though; especially the kids. They're the pony equivalents of elementary-to-middle-school kids, but they look like perpetual toddlers to me. Some of them still look at me like I’m a monster when I walked around town. So, at the beginning, I had a hard time fitting in. What was I even supposed to do with myself? Twilight had studies she wanted to run; as much as Celestia may or may not know about humans, she was careful not to let on when I spoke to her.. The whole notion of adjusting was a surreal experience. Like; this is your life now. Wake up in the basement of a tree-turned-library-turned-house and make your way upstairs where a lilac miniature horse is waiting with her dragon assistant to cook you a vegetarian breakfast. I was too nervous to broach the subject of meat - I mentioned it to Twilight, but the discussion hadn't progressed any further than a cursory 'oh'. Things were different. Every moment of existence away from Earth was uncomfortable. More than anything, I felt out of place. My only time awake was spent wondering what the hell I was doing in Equestria in the first place; and, as anyone will tell you, existential malaise is a terrible way to occupy your mind. I needed to find a purpose all over again. Social Work didn’t exist in Equestria (or at least not in the relatively rustic town of Ponyville), so I needed to find a new pursuit. Essentially, I had to find ways to make myself useful. There were a couple of immediate opportunities. Being a creature with opposable thumbs in a world where the only mode of articulation is holding something between your teeth – or, if you’re lucky, magic – definitely has its advantages. Even before I had decided to search for something to occupy myself with aside from Twilight’s questions and studying, I’d started helping ponies around town when they needed things held, built, assembled, or manoeuvred in ways that weren’t the easiest when dragging them around with their teeth. It seemed to get me at least passing approval from most of the citizens; even if they didn’t need my help directly, the fact that the big creepy human they were still mostly afraid of was wandering around assisting people– er, ponies– meant that I at least seemed trustworthy. I didn’t mind helping either. The fact of the matter is, I have – had? – just as hard a time fitting in as the ponies do getting used to me. So what else could I do but try to prove how helpful and harmless I am? It’s a skill that carried over fairly well from social work; being as nice as possible while still maintaining interest in proper conduct. A lot less paperwork to fill out this way, though. I met some folks. Learned a few names. Twilight had friends and introduced me to all of them, though none of them held more than a passing interest. I’m Twilight’s study project, and therefore not the subject of fascination for anyone else, really. Well… There was one other pony. I met her on the stroll home from the market. Twilight has a helper; a little dragon named Spike who, as far as I can figure, is like a weird combination between a little brother and an assistant/house-keeper/slave. I wouldn’t use those words out loud, of course… but he doesn’t seem to have much else to do aside from running back and forth to pick up Twilight’s writing supplies and keeping up on the housekeeping. I didn’t mind taking over some of the chore-load, being that I didn’t have much else to do. Now I help out when Spike’s busy or needs a break; cleaning things, fetching groceries, that sort of thing. That’s how I ran into this pony. Her name is ‘Cheerilee’. I bumped into her, quite literally, with a surplus of groceries in each hand, carrying probably more than a recommended armful. I think Spike usually brings a little cart, or tows things behind him. Foolish me, I thought that with my mighty human appendages I’d be able to carry all the month’s food items in one go. Unfortunately, in Equestria, none of the grocery bags have handles, so the ol’ ‘fifteen bags on each arm in one trip from the car’ trick doesn’t work quite as well. Now I’m used to watching around waist-level for passerby that I might hit by mistake, but at the time I’d mostly just been focused on getting home without dropping anything. That hope had turned out to be short-lived. We collided. She shouted. I kept my mouth shut when I fell, but I probably looked like a bad clown trying to juggle both armfuls of produce and seasonings. They hung in the air just long enough for me to delude myself into thinking I might catch them, but the second the first cabbage hit me on the head I lost my footing and went down. The pony was luckier; unless you’re quite clumsy, having four legs is usually a benefit that keeps the ground rooted firmly underfoot regardless of velocity or sudden lack thereof. “Are you okay?” she asked. I said I was fine, but I hoped that none of the produce was damaged. She laughed. That was the first time I’d heard a reaction from anyone that wasn’t polite restraint of fear. I started picking up the groceries and found her beside me, helping out by grabbing as much as she could. She used her forelegs instead of her teeth, which I appreciated, hoping to keep saliva off the next month’s dinner menu as much as possible. That was one of the first time I noticed that very important difference between real ponies and these ones; real ponies can’t grab things with their forelegs. Real ponies’ legs don’t bend like putty or play-dough. So, in that way, these ponies have a distinct advantage. That and the whole ‘talking, sometimes magical, sometimes flying’ thing. “Thanks,” I said to her when we had the last of the groceries picked up. “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Her voice was so sweet; kind of sing-song, with a tone that sounded like she was used to consoling people. It made me smile a little bit just from hearing it. “Me neither… though, that’s mostly because I couldn’t see from behind that giant armful of cabbages.” That made her laugh. She held one hoof up to her mouth when she did, and I got a proper look at her after she’d been tucked away between lettuce heads in my periphery. Like every other pony I’d run into, her coat was a colour I’d never expect to see in the real world; a magenta-red, with a pink, cotton-candy coloured mane. “So,” she said. “You’re the human.” “Yes,” I replied. “My name’s Jason.” “A pleasure to meet you, Jason,” she said. “I’m Cheerilee.” She held out her hoof. I was a bit flabbergasted at that point. She was being nicer than any pony I’d encountered up till that point – still a month or two after showing up in Ponyville in the first place – and she was treating me like I was just another person – er, pony – on the street. She was smiling at me. And, she knew what a handshake was. Something was up. I shook her hoof anyway, and I think she could tell I was suspicious. She jumped in before I got a chance to ask. “I’ve read all about you,” she said. She held up a printed something, a magazine probably, with her spare hoof. “It’s what I was reading when I bumped into you actually… I couldn’t pull myself away from the article about your arrival.” “I’m in a magazine?” The print was as glossy as it looked when I picked it up. Weirdly enough, the format was pretty similar to what I would have expected on Earth; folded spine in the middle, articles and text arranged in the usual fashion. And, yes an article about me. ‘Mystical ‘Human’ Arrives From Parts Unknown’, the article caption read. The cover had a picture of a sunset over a castle I didn’t recognize, and some blurbs about the articles inside. “’Canterlot Quarterly’?” I read out. Cheerilee nodded. “I like to keep up-to-date on current capitol affairs… and when I saw the word ‘Human’ on the cover, I wondered if anypony even remembered the old stories about… well, humans. I didn’t think I’d ever get to see one myself.” ‘One’. I wasn’t offended, but it’s a bit weird to be referred to like you’re the Loch Ness Monster or Big Foot in that kind of context. We talked some more. She helped me carry the groceries home. Twilight looked surprised when she opened the door to let me in. Even with Cheerilee’s help I still had more than a few groceries that made turning the tiny wooden handle by myself a little difficult. “Jason, you’re– oh! Cheerilee! What are you doing here?” “Hello Twilight. I ran into Jason while I was out in town, and he looked like he needed help getting things home. I figured it was only fair after I made him drop everything by walking with my nose in my magazine.” Twilight’s expression was hard to place. She just looked… confused. “Oh,” she said. “Sorry I took so long. Cheerilee was a great help, even if I did almost turn our supply of lettuce into salad on the way here.” I don’t remember the particulars of negotiating my way inside. Twilight had gotten over her perplexment after a little while, and business returned to normal inside as I put the groceries away. But I said goodbye to Cheerilee before she left. She said we should talk again sometime, if I had a chance. From that point on, I had my first real ‘friend’ in Ponvyille. Which brings me closer to where I am now, and why I’m telling all of this In the first place. >    II    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have something I need to get out of the way. It’s a difficult subject to broach, but it’s essentially the distinguishing factor of my experiences in Equestria, aside from the whole magical talking horses part. The one thing that was a bit weird about being suddenly removed from Earth was that I didn’t miss anyone. My friends and family – well, the friends I covered before, and my family… it’s a bit complicated. I was never really close with them, I guess. I got the feeling growing up that… I dunno. Sort of that my whole family had been picked at random from names in a phone-book and forced to co-exist until one circumstance or another broke us apart. For me, it was moving to the city, but that had been enough. I wrote my parents once a year at Christmas, and that was all I needed. So, I didn’t miss anyone, or human interaction in general. But, something very weird happened in Equestria. When I’d been on Earth, the whole ‘lack of companionship’ thing was just the way things had been. I didn’t spend much time with other people, and I didn’t really see the need to. People at work would urge me to go out, hit the bar, shoot pool with them – or even more than that, to loosen up and try to pick up some girls. Or guys, they’d say after a moment of my stone-faced silence. It definitely got people asking if I was gay for a while. And then celibate. When I was on Earth, I had no interest in companionship, romantic or otherwise. That didn’t change entirely when I woke up in Equestria. But, I did notice one distinct difference that hit me about a week after my arrival. Ever since I woke up here, I’ve been hornier than I have ever been in my life. It’s not like sex was bad. It wasn’t on my mind, really. I’ve had it before, with a couple of girls while I was in high-school, and none of the encounters made it seem like this spectacular event or goal to be sought-after. You put your dick in something for a while, moved it around, and if you did it right, both parties involved got a little something out of the whole deal. I’m being a bit reductive about the complexities, but the general formula is still the same. Whenever I’d had the urge to get off, it’d had always been easier to just do it myself – meeting someone for the sole purpose of rubbing my dick on or in them for a while seemed a bit stupid if I didn’t need the whole ‘emotional’ part of things. I don’t know that I need that bit any more now… but pretty much all the time, I wish I had something to stick my dick into. Maybe it’s the perception of scarcity. When you’re in a regular human society, populated by humans, surrounded by humans, every part through-and-through built for people to interact and converge and associate and relate and mate and procreate, you don’t always take into consideration how existent it all is. And when you lose that… it’s a really strange feeling. I mean, the option was always there before, if I had wanted it. Now it was gone completely, and I wanted it more than ever. So, I’m not sure if that led to me being stir-crazy, or if this whole thing is just a more evident projection of some deep-seated issues that came to light only as a result of circumstance. Ponies are as sexy as fuck. I mean that in complete honesty, with all sincerity. And again, I don’t mean the normal ones that are this and this tall and smell like poop and old hay and have flies buzzing around them and kick you if you get on them the wrong way. The ones in Equestria; the ones with magic and flying and fancy colours and soft-squishy bodies and shapely curved hindquarters and slim pose-able limbs and fucking exposed genitalia every minute of the day. Oh yeah, that’s the other thing. None of them seem to notice it, but it’s a thing. Every. Fucking. Second. There is a pony walking nearby, totally naked, as they tend to be (with some exceptions). And her fucking vagina is right there. Just… there. On display. For everyone to look at. Everypony. They’re all like this. I did a double take the first time I saw one. Was that what I thought it was? It looked almost exactly like the human thing only… smaller. Softer. And a bit of a weirder colour. The second time I saw one, my jeans got awfully tight. Are you kidding? I’d thought to myself. I stared for a little while at the next one. No one seems to notice. To them, it’s just…. ‘normal’. I don’t know if that means they all acknowledge it but just ignore it, or if it’s hard-coded into their DNA not to notice the sea of winking slits in every part of town. Another thing about ponies ; there are so many girls. The ratio of mares to stallions is like… twenty to one. Fifty to one, maybe. It’s insane. And that means all those un-dicked ponies with their twats hanging out parade through town every minute of every day for anyone to look at. No one else does. I do. I jerked off to the thought of Twilight’s vag one night in my little makeshift cot. I felt pretty dirty afterwards. Doesn’t mean I stopped though. I wasn’t about to tell anyone. I mean… fuck. What the fuck was I supposed to say? The first human in Equestria in God only knows how long – millennia? – and I’d go to Twilight Sparkle and say ‘Hey Twilight, sorry to be a bother, but every pony I see in public showing off what looks like the most tight, fuckable pussy I’ve ever seen in my life is making me kind of anxious on a regular basis. Can we work out some kind of deal where I get a pony to rail every other day to keep myself from going crazy? Thanks.’ I keep it to myself. And I try not to look. It’s pretty hard. But, I do alright. There is one pony I’ve thought about telling: Cheerilee. I feel like if anyone would listen to what I had to say about wanting to shove my dick in every pony-pussy that walked by, it’d be her. She has this ‘motherly’ aspect to her whole personality, but it’s not even remotely worrisome in the capacity that a regular mother might be. She’s just a well-read, precocious, caring individual. She’s a school-teacher, actually. And at the same time, I think if I told her that, hey look, the display of marevag every day is getting me kind of hot-and-bothered, do you have any advice, she would have something to offer. Heck, she might even– gah. I probably shouldn’t think about that. Even so… there’s one really big problem with telling Cheerilee. I showed up at her school one day. I think it’s the only one in Ponyville, or at least the only one I’m aware of. Either they’re hiding the other teachers and students, or the whole system is worked out very deliberately. I was going to walk her home so we could have coffee and talk. Not about anything in particular, really. She likes to know about what goes on in my life, being so out-of-place, and I like to ask her questions about Equestria, and how she deals with being that ‘one’ pony who’s willing to talk to me on a regular basis. We try to talk about literature when we can, but it’s difficult when our two cultural libraries are completely divorced from each other. I’ve tried to explain a couple books to her, but half-way through my synopsis of Catch-22 I realized that translating a text through word-of-mouth was probably a fool’s errand in discussion. I’ve tried to pick up some pony literature on her recommendation, but it’s a tad difficult digest for relational issues; that said, it’s kind of interesting to see a whole body of cultural creativity through a viewpoint I’ll never experience. So, right. I went to meet her after she was done teaching for the day. That’s when I realized I couldn’t talk to her about this. I’d seen a couple of the kids – fillies, colts, whatever you want to call them – around Ponyville before, but I never really paid them much attention. I mean, there were usually more pressing things on my mind. Even if I’m not trying to distract myself from the gaggle of bouncing perfect-fuck-height horse-pussy traipsing around at any given moment, I’ve still got plenty on my mind, the least of which is what stupid kid ponies running around underfoot have to contribute to my day. Most of them look at me like a full-grown dragon walking through town, so even if I wanted to I couldn’t really just walk up and say ‘hello’ – not without getting some disapproving glares from the parents, anyway. So this was my first time with nothing else to occupy my attention. Would you mind waiting just a bit, Cheerilee had asked. I have some things to take care of before I take them home for grading. Sure, I’d said. Waiting outside seemed like as good an idea as any. The group that caught my eye was a trio of three little ponies bouncing around each other like they’d been force-fed straight caffeinated sugar. Three of them: an orange one with purple hair, a white one with a mane like bobbed cotton-candy in purple and pink, and a yellow one with a big red bow on her head. I’d caught a view of her from behind as she spoke up. “What’re yew guys doin’ after school?” she’d said. I’ve always had a thing for accents, even if it didn’t mean I wanted to go looking for foreigners to fuck. Or southerners, in this case. She had a voice like an adorable little southern-belle. The kind of voice that, if I’d heard it in a movie or in real-life from a human little girl, probably would have gotten me to clutch my hand to my chest in a mock-heart-attack, with the over-exaggerated ‘hnngh!’ and everything. She was facing away from me when she spoke, and her bow bobbed a little as she bounced up and down. If I’d thought normal mares look fuckable… I don’t know what it is. To this point I cannot explain it. I feel like I need to emphasize this; never have in my life have I wanted to fuck a kid. I have never looked at child-pornography, I have never fantasized about touching a child in any way other than was necessary in my job to get them into a living situation improved for their own benefit. I have never abused my trust with a child, I have never even had the slightest inkling of an urge to do anything inappropriate with a human kid ever in my life. But the second I saw that cute little yellow slit almost winking at me from the back-end of that sweet southern voiced little pony, I wanted to rail her more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life. I think when I got a glimpse I actually spit, which was awkward because I wasn’t drinking anything at the time. It hadn’t gotten me any more attention than just being a human in a playground of school-age-ponies in the first place, but it made me feel like the most conspicuous trench-coat child molester ever. How could I even have that thought? It popped into my brain like a bullet put there by force with no room for reconciliation. Fuck that horse, it said. Grab that darling southern-filly and spread her open on your dick. At that point I was fairly certain I might have been going crazy. I’ve done a little self-analysis from that point on. Luckily, at that point Cheerilee walked up behind me and announced she was all ready to go, and I’d jumped maybe a little too emphatically at the chance to get away from my sudden onset of pedofoalia. I’d walked Cheerilee home faster than I’d run some marathons in the past, maybe thinking that if I ran fast enough my perversion couldn’t catch up to me. That night, I fell asleep with my hand on my dick after rubbing it raw for two hours and coating myself in sticky-stuff from the image of that yellow little-girl snatch burned into my brain. I’ve never wanted to fuck a horse either, I should clarify. This is just… a weird exception. That’s how we get to where things got really strange. I tried for a week or two to iron out what was going on inside my own head. Am I crazy? I thought to myself, mostly while I was doing things as mundane as possible. I tried to reason out whether or not I’d just gone completely loco from the trauma of switching worlds, all while ironing Twilight’s bed sheets or helping Spike with dinner by chopping parsley. Am I completely insane? I couldn’t think of any other reason for thinking… yeah. I don’t think the worry went completely away after a few weeks, but it definitely faded to the back of my mind; enough that I didn’t remember it at the time when things changed again. I was waiting for Cheerilee again that day. I mean, really, what else was there to do? Not everyone in town needed help putting up their store-sign, and outside from random handiwork, I still hadn’t found anything to make myself useful instead of just an eyesore for passerby. I was leaning up against the school-house when I heard the shout. It sounded unmistakably awful – the same kind a kid would give on Earth if something in the middle of playtime went very quickly from ‘fun with your friends’ to ‘oh god someone’s hurt what do we do please some adult come help.’ There’s a lot you can say with just a shout. The crash that went along with it was enough of an indication that something had gone majorly awry, in any case. A quick scan of the playground didn’t turn up anything, but when my eyes focused during the second sweep they caught the crowd of little ponies gathered at the far end of the grass, where the ‘play-structure’ kind of stuff was set up. Was set up. The whole… I don’t know what you’d call it. Big wooden thing that kids run in and out of like idiots? We had them everywhere when I was a kid before I moved to New York, at which point they were replaced by angry cabbies and rusted fire-hydrants. Every other one had that spinning game of X’s and O’s on one side? Anyway. The thing had collapsed, at least partially. One side of it was tilted like the legs had gone missing, and the wooden planks, boards, poles, whatever they were, had given out and were piled in a heap on the same side. So, I did the sensible thing and ran to the horde of awe-struck kids, hoping that the shout I heard was just a startled pony instead of the last scream of life from a little horse crushed to death by an avalanche of logs. The trio of three little girls was there. They looked upset, but more angry than anything else, which I remember thinking was weird. The yellow one was yelling at another pony beside her; a pink girl with, what I almost gagged at noticing, was a garish tiara studded in sparkly stones. Diamonds, probably. “Diamond Tiara, how could you do that! Featherweight’s under there!” That confirmed the suspicion about the diamonds, anyway. These ponies all had such weird names. “I didn’t do anything! I mean, I just kicked it a little bit… how was I supposed to know the whole thing was built by shoddy construction-ponies? Proper things shouldn’t fall apart like that with a little kick.” “Yeah, Applebloom. You’re the one from a family with literacy issues – surely one of your relatives must be a carpenter. Can’t you fix this?” The second voice that piped up belonged to a pony beside the one I noted mentally was called Diamond Tiara – this one had a shiny grey coat and white hair. She had an awful beaded necklace to match her friend’s tiara, and the same look of offended sanctimonious entitlement as well. I made a further mental note at that point that evidence suggested both of these girls were likely substantial cunts. Applebloom – I had a name for her too, the pony whose underage body had haunted me into questioning my sanity - Applebloom glowered, fuming like a smokestack. She looked like she was ready to pounce, bending her legs like a jungle-cat, but another shout from underneath the logs interrupted her. “Help!” It was a voice I didn’t recognize. It sounded as high-pitched as I might expect from a kid, but even a little more indistinguishable than that because of the timbre. I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or girl, or, if from the tone, the voice’s owner was just frightened, or hurt. “Featherweight! Hang on! We’re gonna get you outta there.” Applebloom and her two friends started scrambling around the broken structure looking for a way to get inside, none of them with any particular success. All the while, Diamond Tiara and her snooty silver friend stared on, neither of them lifting a hoof to help. At that point some of the ponies had noticed I was standing nearby, and turned from panicked silence to conspiratorial whispers. Diamond Tiara turned her head when she saw my shadow on the ground. I didn’t smile, but I did feel a little giddy when her look of smarmy disinterest disappeared as her eyes went wide with surprise. “Is everyone okay? I heard a shout just a minute ago.” “Help!” the cry came again, more insistent out of either urgency or the hope that, if someone was there asking, there might now be a better chance of rescue. As if shouting louder would make the structure rebuild itself. Well okay. I’ll get right on that, I’m sure it was thinking. I mean, if logs could think. Anyway. Diamond Tiara was no help. She stammered at me, her mouth moving without words coming out. I think she might have been afraid of me. It’s not like I was news by that point; I kind of assumed everyone in town would have known I was around. Maybe Diamond Tiara wasn’t the type to pay attention to current events. Applebloom had enough presence of mind to get me up to speed though. “Featherweight’s trapped in there! Someone”– Applebloom glared at Diamond Tiara quite pointedly–“kicked the side of the play-structure and this whole side came down, and now we can’t get any of it out of the way to get Featherweight out!” I nodded to show I understood and kneeled down next to the pile of logs. “Featherweight,” I asked, as though I had any idea what I was doing “are you okay in there?” Oddly enough, I wasn’t even remotely afraid at that moment. The whole thing just felt… natural. Crisis occurs, intervention ensues. I was calm and collected. “There’s something on my leg, I can’t move it!” The voice that came out still sounded genderless, but I was leaning further towards ‘effeminate boy’ than girl. The kid was obviously distressed, but he didn’t sound too shaken up, which likely meant he wasn’t hurting too bad. Either way, if he was well and properly stuck that meant it was probably better not to take any chances on getting him out as soon as possible. The orange and white fillies were jumping up and down on the nearest set of protruding logs in an attempt to dislodge them, but weren’t having the slightest bit of luck. Their eyes went wide when I walked up, and I waved them aside without speaking. They moved without hesitation. Surely these can’t be that heavy, I thought to myself as I crouched down and took one of the ends into my hands. As it turns out I was wrong; they were quite heavy. But, what’s impossibly heavy for ponies is only moderately heavy for humans. I had a feeling that I’d met some ponies that could put my lift strength to shame, but it was enough for this situation. I hoisted off the logs one at a time. Some of them were jammed in and needed to be pulled out to make room for the rest to slide, which took more effort than just lifting them out. I managed surprisingly well, considering the potential urgency of the circumstance. I think it only took me a few minutes to clear enough space to see under the half-fallen floor. And, there was indeed a small little colt waiting for me there, his eyes wide but mostly tearless, and one of his hind-legs stuck under a particularly solid looking log. So, I didn’t want to break anything. “Can you move alright?” I asked as I crouched even lower and made my way under the makeshift tunnel of collapsed logs. He nodded, and I took a look at his leg underneath the log. I know fuck-all about equine anatomy, but it didn’t look broken. I mean, in as much as I’m used to legs bending a certain way, his didn’t seem to go in any other direction… and the log looked heavy, but not that heavy. You could say it was a calculated risk, but at that point, I wasn’t really calculating anything. “I’m gonna try to lift that log up. If you can, I want you to wiggle out so we can get you out of here, okay?” He nodded again. He might have been afraid of me too, but at that point, I didn’t really care. That log was a motherfucker to get out of the way. I did manage to get it up though, with more than enough time for Featherweight to crawl forward a bit and let me set the thing down. There was a lot of grunting and sweating involved. When I put it down, I didn’t even think twice; I grabbed the kid in my arms and picked him, and carried him out of the stupid pile of logs he’d gotten wedged under. Every single pony was staring at me in shock by that point. I looked past them just in time to see Cheerilee emerging from the schoolhouse, running to us with her face glazed over in panic. I gave her a brief nod, maybe just to say things were okay for now. That was the day things took another turn. Cheerilee had been unendingly grateful. She didn’t know what had happened to the structure in the first place; the ponies hired to build the thing had been anything but shoddy, though that didn’t preclude the possibility of a construction oversight. Either way, she said, the important thing that nopony was hurt. Once again, she’d taken the chance to thank me for my help. It was nothing, I’d said. But she’d insisted. If there was anything she could do to repay me, please let me tell her. I hesitated for a moment, when I thought about my confession. Staring at her pussy every time I walked her home. I thought about giving her my request, unzipping, standing up and plowing her over her desk until I filled her up with what felt like an entire lifetime’s build-up of jizz. Another flash in my brain stopped me. Yellow. Red bow. Southern accent. The thought didn’t seem problematic when it occurred. “I do have something I’d like, actually,” I’d said. >    III    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘School Monitor’, I think, is my official title. It doesn’t mean much, and I certainly don’t get paid for it. Currency is kind of a nebulous idea in Equestria anyway; sometimes it’s relevant for purchases, but other times ponies do what they do just because. It’s their job, so it gets done, and money doesn’t enter into the equation. I haven’t discussed the particulars of it with anyone yet, but it’s on my list of things to inquire about if the constant cycle of other questions I have makes room for it. Money isn’t really what I’m looking for anyway. I mean, what would I spend it on? New furniture? The job is nice because it gives me something to do with myself. Instead of wandering around town aimlessly like a zombie without a purpose, I have a place to be and a time to be there. I mean… realistically, the job is a volunteer position created entirely on my behalf, so if I decide not to show up the only real concern would be where I am, if only for my own safety. Even the implementation of the job itself was difficult. Of course, no one wanted to come out and say the idea of having their child around a human all day was in-itself problematic, but the idea had required some reformation and stern arguments on Cheerilee’s part before it was put into place. She’d been true to her word though; she’d made my request happen, and within a week I had a stupid looking yellow vest and a badge that said ‘School Monitor’ on it in plain block letters. It was nice, feeling like I had a job again. Applebloom had come up to me the first day, her face a mixture of beaming excitement and nervousness as she approached me leaning against the wall. I tried not to give away my own excitement, and managed to sort of half-cock my eyebrow to acknowledge her. I mean, I wasn’t being a purposefully aloof ‘cool’ guy – it was just a compromise between the sort of cheerfulness I was hoping I gave off to everyone else, and the part of my brain screaming get her bent over so you can lick that sweet little underage pussy right this second. Agh. That part. “Um, excuse me, mister…” “Jason,” I said, lifting myself up from the wall. “My name’s Jason. I’m a hu- er. My name’s Jason.” “Mister Jason,” Applebloom continued, already blabbering over only a couple words. “I just wanted thank y’all so much for helping Featherweight the other day. He was okay after everythin’, but we could tell he was super scared being stuck under them logs like that. If you hadn’t showed up, who knows how long it woulda taken to get somepony there to help?” I couldn’t manage much more than a sort of embarrassed grin and a one hand behind the shoulder-blades shrug. “It wasn’t a big deal. I was just helping because I was the first one there. I’m sure anyone else would have done the same thing.” It was at this point I noticed Applebloom’s two friends had come with her, standing behind her and just to either side, staring up at me with the same wide-eyed admiration that Applebloom had. “Well, we thought it was really cool of you, and we wanted to thank you properly.” Properly. I squinted my eyes for a second to clear the image of a yellow butt with a sweet-faced sultry expression inviting me for a proper ‘thank you’. I cleared my throat sort of loudly. “Yeah,” picked up one of Applebloom’s friends, the orange one. A pegasus with tiny little wings on her back. “It was totally awesome how you were able to lift all that stuff out of the way like it was no problem, just like that.” “And how you picked up Featherweight and carried him out in just a couple of minutes!” The third one’s voice was disturbingly high-pitched, squeaking and cracking on every other syllable. A unicorn, white and pink fur. Normally I would have found it annoying. At that point, I was still reprimanding myself for the idea of rubbing one out to underage horse-pussy at the end of the day, so it had a somewhat different effect. I tried to adjust my position to hide the growing half-shaft in my jeans. “Well, all I can say is thank you, I guess. Like I said, I’m not sure it was that big a deal… but I really appreciate the thank you.” The three fillies nodded, first at me, and then to each other with a sort of conspiratorial look in their eyes. “And, we decided–“ “–that we want to give you an extra big thank you.”Applebloom’s words were picked up by her pink-maned unicorn friend without skipping a beat. “We want to make you an–“ “–honorary Cutie Mark Crusader!” chimed in the third filly, the one with purple hair and a gravelly voice. A what? “A what?” my mouth repeated, echoing the instant confusion that my mind conjured up. I couldn’t begin to understand the context of that phrase. Cutie Marks are what Equestria ponies call the sort-of magical tattoos on their butt that designate their special talent. Well, sometimes they do. Other times it seems like they’re picked completely at random. A pony that sells crepes in the market has a dolphin for a cutie mark. I’ve never asked her about it, but I have shied away from any of her food that looks too ‘meaty’ for its own good. “A Cutie Mark Crusader!” Applebloom picked up again. Her eyes were beaming as she looked up at me, and I tried desperately to shove away the part of my brain screaming at me to violate the picture of grateful innocence in front of me. That bow would make such a good hand-hold. “It’s the name of our club! The three of us don’t have our cutie marks yet, so we do everything we can to find out what we’re good at so we can get them!” the white one chimed in. I mentally noted that I needed to find names for these ponies at some point if I was going to keep fantasizing about ruining their friend’s pussy beyond recognition. “Usually we just end up sore and covered in tree-sap... but if we keep trying, we’ll find out what we’re good at one day!” Good ol’ Orangey delivered her lines like an action-movie wannabe. Something about her enthusiasm was kind of cute, mixed with her tomboyish look and scratchy voice. It wasn’t enough that I wanted to fuck one filly, of course. My brain was already thinking up reasons to bed the other ones. “I dunno if humans get cutie marks, but we figured the highest honor we could give ya’ was lettin’ you join our club for how brave you were.” And with that, the three of them procured a ridiculous looking patchwork cape. It was magenta, like old wine or a faded loveseat, and the stitching was patchy enough to indicate it was done by youthful hooves, or maybe a rock. A blue patch with what looked to be an armor clad pony took up most of the cape’s real-estate. “Uh,” I said. Not a good time to rebuff youthful idiocy, I thought to myself. “I don’t know what to say.” That was true. It was enough though. The girls took my sentence to mean that I was too choked up to speak, when really I had no idea how to properly articulate how being given a patchwork blob of horrible colour choices for something I didn’t fully understand or care about made me feel. Still, the old adage; if you don’t have anything nice to say... “Do you like it?” the white one asked, leaning in so far I could see the sparkles in her eyes. Her mane looked... really soft. Bouncy. Like cotton candy. I kind of wanted to take a handful and put it in my mouth. And then follow along with my tongue until I got a mouthful of her cute little white fur–stopstopstopstopstop. “It’s very unique. I’ve never seen anything else quite like it.” The little unicorn beamed. “Sweetie Belle did the sewing,” Applebloom said, pointing at her friend with an outstretched hoof. Sweetie Belle. A name. It got an involuntary twitch from my dick, which I unnecessarily covered to ignore. “Yeah, and Applebloom did the design,” Sweetie Belle said, smiling back at the big red bow behind her. Gah. “And what did you do?” I asked the orange one in an attempt to distract myself from the growing pile of inappropriate imaginings welling in the back of my head. The tiny pegasus opened her mouth to speak, but Applebloom cut her off before she could get a word out. “Scootaloo threw pencils at the ceiling until one fell off and stabbed her in the head, and then yelled until we went to get ice cream,” Applebloom answered, and got a glare in return. So now I had all three. Names to the fantasies. Though, there was still a special place in whatever depraved depths of my mind I had conjured up my sudden obsession with underage sex – Applebloom’s face wasn’t going to leave my dreams any time soon. The trio only managed to bask in their jovial sense of accomplishment for a moment before the necessity of schoolyard dynamics interjected, however. “Did I just hear that right? Applebloom and her two dorkateers invited you to join their Butt Mark Brigade?” “Hey!” Applebloom’s response wasn’t exactly articulate. She turned and glowered at the source of the insult to find a familiar pink face smirking at her. “Applebloom’s just come up with a fancy way to say that she and her friends are woefully trapped as babies for the rest of their lives. Isn’t that right, Silver Spoon?” A grey filly appeared out of nowhere beside Diamond Tiara, and the two took up a tandem stride toward the ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’, circling them like sharks in search of a meal. “Yeah. Applebloom’s Ass Picture Adventurers just can’t deal with the fact that they’ll never discover their special talents because they’re just not good at anything.” The pair laughed, earning them glares from the three fillies they were circling around. I felt it necessary to interject at that point. Adults shouldn’t stand around and watch kids be cruel, no matter how beneficial it might be for their development. Honestly, I just wanted to smack Diamond Tiara up her spoiled rich face, but that probably wasn’t the best course of action. “Hey!” I said, mimicking Applebloom’s lack of articulacy. My voice seemed to remind Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon that I was there, however, though neither of them looked as shocked as they had when they first met me – or noticed me. “There’s no need to give Applebloom and her friends a hard time. Why don’t the two of you go find somewhere else to play?” Diamond Tiara looked a bit taken aback that I’d dare to speak to her, but her surprise turned into a contemptuous sneer with relative ease. “Or what? You’re gonna stand there and do nothing? ‘Cause if you think for a second that laying a... hand on me won’t let me get you in so much trouble...” “Yeah. Imagine if your dad found out the human had touched you. He’d raise Tartarus with everypony in Canterlot. Mr. Two legs would get his own private dungeon in Celestia’s castle in no time.” Silver Spoon was just as catty as her little bitch friend, and I was starting to lose patience with both of them. The filly in my head didn’t have to be Applebloom if I replaced her with one of her snotty little brat class-mates. The act didn’t have to be consensual either. Rape does not have a history of being an effective problem solving tool, however. Well... anyway. “I’m well aware that shoving two innocent fillies like yourselves across the playground isn’t proper school supervision on my behalf. Though, you might wonder, lifting those logs up so easily, what kind of work I could do with my arms if I was to lift one of you over my head and throw you so far you’d feel like you were flying until you ate a mouthful of dirt.” As I spoke, I stood up from the wall and walked towards Diamond Tiara. The difference in size was almost comical – I loomed over her like a giant to a tiny, easily squashable building. She tried her best to hold her ground, but despite her entitled bravado, I don’t think she realized how big I was compared to her. “Or, how easy it would be to pick up a tiny, spoiled, awful little pony like you and find a nice set of logs to bury you under.” Diamond Tiara didn’t blink, but she did swallow loudly. The other ponies present stared on in shock, obviously unclear how sincere I was being in my description of potential child-abuse. “But,” I began as I closed the distance between myself and Diamond Tiara, my waist level with her head as she stared up at me, “I wouldn’t worry about either of those things, if I was you.” I kneeled down, leaning my face forward to Diamond Tiara’s as I did so. She did her best staunch impression; I could feel the shake in her breath. “Because... a sensible school supervisor would just tell Cheerilee about a pony like you being a little brat. And I think given your history, your dad might not be too happy to get a report sent home that his daughter was an insufferable little delinquent. Would he?” “You... you’re just gonna tell on me? That’s so lame!” Diamond Tiara spit her words out as I stood up, glaring at me indignation. “Them’s the brakes if you’re gonna keep being a jerk. Of course, we could always pursue those other options I discussed.” “You...gah!” Diamond Tiara stamped her hooves on the ground, kicking up an imaginary cloud of dust in what proved to be damp and unyielding grass. “Come on Silver Spoon, let’s go find somepony we can have a friendly conversation with somepony that doesn’t have a mutant doting on them for protection.” Both girls turned abruptly and gave a swish of their tails before walking away, moving their hooves like fashion models from earth with invisible high-heels. God I wanted to smack them. The Cutie Mark Crusaders watched them go. As soon as the pair of assailants vanished, their eyes were back on me, brighter and wider than they had been the whole time previous. If I was trying to make in-routes for myself, I’d certainly set out on the right foot. The events that followed didn’t give me any hint of what was going to come as a result of that day. In-as-much as I can recall from memory – because really, that’s all we have to go by in situations like these, and mine’s hazy at best – things continued as normal. Or at least, they became normal by virtue of repetition. That was the schedule from then on. Wake up in the morning, greet Spike and Twilight, probably help prepare breakfast, and head to school to keep an eye on things. Some days Twilight would pull me aside and ask me to come home at some point for more tests or questions, but it wasn’t a frequent occurrence, and the ‘job’ itself didn’t really have enough work to do that it was a problem in the long run. Most days I was just standing there watching the gaggles of kids play, shouting and frolicking with each other. There was rarely a need for intervention. Occasionally a fight to break up, sometimes a scraped knee that I examined and magicked better by virtue of my attention before bringing the ‘grievously wounded’ pony in to see the school nurse. She gave me an odd look the first few times I said hello, but I think after a while she got used to seeing me around. The only thing I can think of that might have served as a preclusion to what happened was something in my periphery, and even then I don’t think I had any way to see it coming. Of course, spending time at the school meant more time spent around Applebloom and her friends. It was a reprehensible hidden agenda, really; again, this coming from someone who’d had no interest in fucking horses or kids in my entire life prior, and now wanted nothing more than to grab the sweet little southern filly with her big red bow and slam her down onto my cock like a sex toy. I tried to hide it as best I could. In retrospect, I’d say I don’t think anyone noticed, but present evidence suggests otherwise. It was just little things that might have given me away: staring at her butt when she bent over to pick up a ball or prepared for a particularly ambitious jump. Watching her cute little ass shake as she ran, and getting more than an eyeful of her underage cooch at every opportunity. Always being there to offer a hand if she needed help with something, spending too much time thinking about how soft her fur was and how warm her little body was as I helped her up somewhere or gave her the occasional hug. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed warm on me, but not to the same extent, largely because I just didn’t pay them as much attention. Everyday I’d find a new way to keep my perverted fantasies about that sweet little horse lingering. Holding her body against my crotch and grinding up against her just enough that I got rock hard and dripping with excited precum in my jeans. Falling into her when she asked me to play with her and her friends, and getting a handful of her tight little yellow ass as I toppled over and grabbed her, rolling around in the grass and thinking about how easy it would be to just pin her down, unzip, and impale her on my dick. Every day I went to bed sore, sticky, and questioning my sanity. It was at least less outwardly awkward than lusting after Twilight again, or Cheerilee. I didn’t have to hide anything involving them to their faces, at least. But I think someone else noticed. There can’t be any other explanation, really. I’m not sure, looking back, if I could have noticed even if I tried. Ever since telling her off, Diamond Tiara was sure to keep her distance. I could see her glowering from the edge of the playground toward Applebloom and her friends sometimes, looking so desperately like she wished she could run over and start up one of her delightful tirades of verbal abuse. I made it pretty clear after the first time that shit like that wouldn’t be tolerated; evidently, it was enough to make her seek amusement elsewhere. There were one or two tousles I wasn’t around for that I would run to break up when they caught my ear, always finding Diamond Tiara with her face the picture of innocence and the other pony involved either furious or crying. Sometimes Applebloom was there, glowering and accusing the little pink princess of foul-play, but substantiating a claim of anything on the playground was difficult. For the most part though, I managed to keep things in line. She was resentful, certainly. On the odd occasion that I managed to catch her in the middle of a verbal scuffle with one of her classmates – or one where she resorted to an even more nefarious ‘boys can’t hit girls’ rule to give a pudgy colt named ‘Snips’ more than a few bruises and scrapes – she had glowered at me as I interrupted on her victim’s behalf, and given me the glare of death as I did the responsible thing and reported her misbehaviour to Cheerilee. One time, she’d spoken up about it. “You think because you’re some big lanky freak you can boss everypony around!” she spit at me through the pouting stare unique to someone heading home their parents holding a report from their teacher. A tiny malicious tingle went through my body seeing her all flustered at what I assumed was a pending parental reprimandation, but I tried not to let it show on my face. “Bossing someone around and putting them in their place when they misbehave are two very different things,” I instructed, already mentally preparing the report I was going to hand off to Cheerilee. My correction only made her pink cheeks glow brighter as she smoldered with generic rage in my direction. “I’m the richest, most popular”–that bit was up for debate–“pony in school. What makes you think you can get me in trouble?” “Simple,” I said, giving her a look I hoped dearly was just condescending enough. “You might be rich, and you might be popular, but when you do something wrong, there are still consequences for your actions. It’s a theory I have demonstrable proof for.” Her glowering lowered in intensity, but the look on her face said she still wanted me dead. Almost a minute silence passed before she spoke up again. “I’d like to see how you like it,” she said simply. “Which, getting in trouble?” “Yes. Or being bossed around. Both. I just want you to go away.” “How very pleasant.” I almost took it on myself to turn and give the sanctimonious little princess a talking to the kind I had used when rowdy kids at my old job had rejected my every attempt to be cooperative – but I knew even without trying that it would be a waste of time. Instead, I let the air take back the silence, and waited to remove myself from the situation as best I could until the next time I caught Diamond Tiara making some other pony’s life miserable. The death glares didn’t stop that day, but I certainly noticed less of them, or less of Diamond Tiara in general. I did notice her watching once or twice. It was enough to make me realize my behaviour at school was probably a little brasher than I intended. Outside of school-yard policing, there was still one very particular thing on my mind whenever I was around the filly of my dreams. The set of eyes from a pink coat staring at me always remind me to tuck myself into my boxers to keep my hard-on from showing when I was watching Applebloom’s butt from afar, or to decline requests for hugs or playtime so as to avoid looking suspicious. I guess what I didn’t realize is that Diamond Tiara must have been paying more attention than anyone else – if someone was watching closely, they would have noticed all the signs; I was just too far gone to care. Really, it’s a miracle my restraint held as far as it did, mostly out of a still genuinely human concern for Applebloom’s well being, and from my own revulsion at the idea of crossing the line between pedophile to actual child molester. I mean, copping a feel wasn’t really… molestation. Applebloom didn’t seem to notice or mind, anyway. I’m not sure if I would have been more careful , though. Because of the way things ended up… well, I’m getting to that. >    IV    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another day when things got weird. As normal as any day as a human surrounded by talking pastille-coloured equines could be, anyway. I showed up early to school to account for an inability to sleep in, jonesed up on coffee and a particularly lurid fantasy that had kept me from getting to proper unconsciousness; Applebloom’s tight little slit planted firmly on my face and grinding up and down my mouth, her head tilted forward and buried in a pillow with a mouthful of her own big red bow clenched between her teeth to keep her moans from sounding out. Me, naked, my cock slick with lubricant as Applebloom slid her body across it with the necessity of her grinding on my face, rubbing me off with her soft yellow fur unintentionally. I’d woken up to sticky sheets, which wasn’t all that uncommon. The fantasy was still clear in my mind when I saw Applebloom. She had shown up for school earlier than either of her two friends, which was frequent enough not to be unusual. Her family were farm workers, which meant they were usually up with the rooster crowing anyway, her being no exception. It made more sense to go to school and play around with her classmates or get some reading in before starting class instead of staying at home and being roped into helping with the farm-chores. Sweetie Belle was usually just on time, rushed to school by either her parents or her sister, both of whom seemed perpetually just-not-quite-late, and Scootaloo was one of the only fillies that managed to be tardy or completely absent. There were questions for her parents every other week, and if I was more concerned with her genuine well-being instead of just my thoughts of dicking her friend I probably would have gotten more invested. I mean, I do care, to an extent. Maybe that’s something to look into later. Applebloom beamed when she saw me cresting the corner to the playground, and she ran at me like a missile en route to its target. I let out a small ‘oof’ when she jumped headfirst into my chest, and I caught her at waist-level, my hands wrapping around her midriff and holding up her up like a toddler. She was so soft, so tiny; I just wanted to slam her down right there and let her feel how hard I was already through my jeans. “Morning!” she said, completely oblivious to the perverted thoughts running through my head. Move your hands down. You could probably feel her slit if you just dropped your fingers a little. You could finger her tight little pussy right now and have the taste on your hands to touch yourself with forever– “Morning, Applebloom. You seem in a good mood today.” Applebloom nodded as I lowered her, and smiled up at me like I’d reminded her of how happy she already looked. “Today me, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are gonna get some supplies to fancy up our clubhouse. We’re gonna renovate the whole outside; it’s gonna look fantastic when we’re done!” “Is that so?” Talking to Applebloom was always a weird balance between communicating to a kid and having a normal conversation with someone – as much as I could with a pony, anyway. I think the part saying I should be nice and humour her youthful attitude was the same part that still remembered working with kids back on Earth; certainly not the part that wanted to spread her legs wide and slam myself into her cunt, in any case. I didn’t notice the hoofsteps behind me on the grass, but the voice that came before Applebloom could respond was hard to miss. “Applebloom, I can’t believe you let that thing put his hands all over you. Aren’t you afraid you’re gonna get some weird human disease from him touching you?” The familiar sound of shrill, snobbish bitchiness. Who else but Diamond Tiara? I turned around to find the stuck-up pink filly sneering from just a little ways away. She looked even richer and bratty than usual – her horrible tiara was garnished by a huge garish ornament in the center, something that looked like a cross between an Aztec talisman and a bad dream-catcher. It had little flanges that hung off the side and waved as she moved her head. “He ain’t got no ‘human’ diseases, you dummy. He’s just as healthy as you or me.” Applebloom responded before I could get in a word of caution, and Diamond Tiara walked closer as she heard the attempt at logic-ing away her taunt. “Hmm… you know, Applebloom, I heard there’s another reason you might not mind.” Diamond Tiara spoke in an exaggerated tone, loud enough that her volume drew the attention of several other ponies that were nearby, just getting ready to start the day at school. Again, before I could interject, Applebloom shot back a response. “Oh yeah? And what’s that?” I didn’t like that Applebloom was playing into the straightened tunnel of responses already. Diamond Tiara was nothing if not clever in her bitchiness, and sometimes it worried me. “I heard,” Diamond Tiara started, making herself as loud as possible without shouting, “that you actually like his gross hands and fingers all over you. I heard… that you have a crush on him.” Applebloom’s face went bright red. I think it was more of a somatic response to being accused of having a crush on anyone, nevermind that it was me in particular. My dick didn’t want to believe that though – it jumped for joy at the thought of Applebloom pining over me, already entertaining deluded ideas about first kisses and a hushed romance and ‘I’ve never been touched down there before, will you show me how it feels’– “I do not!” Applebloom shot back. Drat. Well, that could have been to save face. “I heard,” Diamond Tiara went on, “that you’re a weirdo who’s attracted to humans. I heard that you wanna get the human all to yourself and slobber all over his face.” Damnit. I tried to will my dick into obsolescence at the idea of sloppy Applebloom makeouts, but didn’t have much success. Applebloom looked like someone had shot her sister in front of her. Her mouth started moving before she began to speak, and her words stuttered as they came out. “What… I… I do not…” “Why don’t you show everypony, Applebloom? Show us what you’d do to the human if you got him alone in your stupid little clubhouse for an evening.” Alright, that was probably enough. As much as I was enjoying the ideas Diamond Tiara was putting into my head – or rather, ones that were already there that she was merely bringing to light – I wasn’t about to let her make Applebloom’s life any more miserable. Best to jump out in front of this thing before it got any further. “Diamond Tiara, that’s enough. Applebloom doesn’t–“ A tap on my ankle interrupted me. It was a familiar enough feeling, just a simple prod for attention, the sort Applebloom would give if I was sleeping on the job or simply not looking when she walked up. It was enough to get me to turn my head back around to Applebloom’s direction, interrupting the scolding I was about to start. Applebloom stared up at me as I turned. Her facial expression was one I couldn’t place; she looked almost confused for a minute, as though she didn’t know why she had asked me to turn around in the first place. It wasn’t the time in the discourse to ask what she wanted, so I settled for raising an eyebrow by way of questioning. Instead of words, she crouched down just a little and sprung up, jumping like she had before but with a good deal less velocity. I wasn’t sure what else to do, so I caught her, though any type of contact was likely exacerbating the situation Diamond Tiara was making a point of focusing on. My hands wrapped around her waist again and held her just a few inches away from my chest. “Applebloom, what are you–“ She moved before I had time to finish speaking. A set of lips on mine stopped my words where they had formed. Applebloom’s lips. Her mouth. On mine. Kissing me. I think my brain went into a panic. On one hand, Applebloom was kissing me. It wasn’t a particularly depraved kiss – no open mouth, no tongue, no wanton moaning – but it was still her lips on mine, with her face pressed forward in a very clear act of affection. In my shock, I didn’t even manage to close my eyes. She wants it, thought the center of my brain begging me every minute of the day to bend her over and plow out her virgin pussy like a stallion rutting a mare in heat. In my pants, my dick fought a private struggle to avoid from going from half-engorged to a full blown hardon ready to spray cum all over the insides of my boxers. It wasn’t that good a kiss, but the fact that it was anything from Applebloom was enough to send every synapse in my brain firing into full-blown repressed desire emphasis mode. All this happened in the course of about two seconds, mind you. As caught up as I was in the enormity of my response to the thing happening, I still had the sense to negotiate the particulars in my head. So, Applebloom was kissing me. That was kind of bad, given Diamond Tiara’s ranting. Why now? This could be very bad. I had to do some kind of damage control. I could see, out of the corner of my eyes that were still open, that every pony that had been watching after Diamond Tiara’s shouting had drawn their attention was frozen in place, eyes wide, watching the display of interspecies affection in front of them. I mean, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call it something like that… but for all intents and purposes, it looked about as bad as me fucking a horse in full view of the entire town of Ponyville. I mean, Applebloom being a kid made things a fair bit worse. So, right. Damage control. “Applebloom!” I shouted and fought the protesting screams of every inch of my body as I pulled the tiny yellow pony away from my face. Her lips had barely been on mine, but already I could taste the soft, gentle sweetness they left behind, and I fought every impulse to lick my lips and savour the delicious flavour. “What do you think you’re doing?” Had to play it like the whole thing was completely horrible. It was the only way to extricate myself from the situation. “Huh?” Applebloom sounded more confused than anything. Her face was a mixture of dizziness and worry at the tone of my voice. Had she been so caught up in her sudden display of affection that she was still reeling from (what I presumed was) her first kiss? The other kids were still staring at us. I had to play up my revulsion a bit more, deny any culpability in that kiss. “That was completely unacceptable! What on earth made you think something like that would be alright?” “I… but I…” Applebloom stammered. I could see tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, and I so desperately hoped I didn’t have to make her cry to hammer the point home enough for it to be believable. Had to pre-empt any attempts to draw further attention. “I’m going to have to speak to Cheerilee about your behaviour… what you just did was totally inappropriate.” I set Applebloom down at this point, reconciling the fact that I could let her dash off if the public shame I was laying on was too much. God, I wanted so badly to scoop her up in my arms and return that kiss, give it back to her tenfold, open my mouth wider and taste her sweet filly tongue with mine, move my kisses down to her neck and stomach and all over her body, licking up and down every inch of her until she was soaked with my saliva… But, that would be bad. I could feel Diamond Tiara’s leer on the back of my head. That was enough show for now though. I turned around, leaving Applebloom sniffling and stammering under the gazes of her classmates. I wasn’t sure how to deal with the repercussions of that kiss on her level, but I had to finish covering my own ass first. “If you were trying to embarrass Applebloom into doing something stupid… if that was a dare or something equally dumb… Cheerilee is going to hear about your involvement too, Diamond Tiara.” Diamond Tiara flipped her head to the side, sending a single stray lock of her mane across her face. She locked her eyes on me as her hair settled, and glared at me with the corner of her mouth upturned in what I’d come to recognize as something of a trademark malicious smirk. “Hmph. Don’t blame me just because Applebloom is a perv who wants to make out with a freak-of-nature like you.” “That’s enough.” Speak loud. Hope that volume equals authority, and put a cap on the situation. The school-bell rang. Thank God. “Come on everyone, get to class. I’ll be in to see Cheerilee in a moment.” Getting a kid’s attention away from a spectacle of that size would normally be like pulling teeth, but having a loud enough voice was a big help. Being several feet taller than them was also pretty helpful. Besides which; the school-bell was at least an intrinsic authority apart from any direction from me. If they didn’t go now, they’d be late. It gave me a few minutes to buy some time. Applebloom was the only one who didn’t start walking right away. Diamond Tiara followed her schoolmates, but I could hear her snickering the whole way. I had to choose my words carefully. I kneeled down next to Applebloom, taking up a position with my knee bent that I hoped would hide the colossal bulge in my jeans I was praying no one had noticed. “Applebloom,” I started, trying to make my tone somewhere between authoritarian and sympathetic. Applebloom looked like she could barely hear me. She was standing like she’d been stunned, her eyes open wide and her mouth hanging parted just a little bit. “I know you’re a smart pony, so you can’t have thought that was a good idea. Even if you did have a crush on me, which is something we should discuss, if it’s true”–God please let it be true–“you still shouldn’t have acted on it like that; especially with Diamond Tiara teasing about it. You played right into her plan!” At no point did I outright declare what Applebloom had done was inherently wrong. It was tricky manoeuvring my words to keep away the notion that I was disgusted with her… on the off chance that kiss had come from a place of deep-seated reasoning, I didn’t want to burn the first in-routes I’d made to the fantasy of red-bow yellow-furred ponyfucking that had haunted me at night for months. “I… I don’t…” Applebloom stammered. The look on her face made my heart ache; either she’d acted blindly out of a sudden impulse and was reeling from the consequences, or the verbal lashing I’d needed to give her had shaken her up too badly for her to form a coherent thought. “Look,” I said, kneeling down and putting a hand on her back God her fur is so soft, “we can talk about it later, okay? Just don’t do anything like that again, especially while Diamond Tiara’s around.” By ‘that’ I specifically meant the whole ‘kissing in public part’, which I hoped desperately I could refer to if we discussed the event further. “Come on, let’s get you to class. The bell rang ages ago.” In reality it had been a minute or two at most, but every minute with Applebloom outside and myself still out of sight was digging the grave of rumour deeper. I took Applebloom’s hoof and walked her inside. She followed along, dazed, still looking like she had no idea what she’d just done. I did take a minute to talk to Cheerilee when I got into class. Most of the ponies in their desks had their eyes on me as I walked up to her and whispered into her ear. It wasn’t anything even remotely related, but they didn’t have to know that. And then it was back to waiting outside for the bell to ring again. As I took up a lean against the school-wall, I noticed I was still painfully hard against the crease of my jeans. I briefly thought about extricating myself for a minute or two to take care of business, but decided against it on the basis that rewarding the mess of events that had taken place with any self-satisfaction was a bad form of mental conditioning. If anything, I was aware at every second that no part of wanting to do anything with Applebloom was good, or healthy. It was a constant guilty struggle to repress every facet of that desire, and it felt like finding a set of bushes to beat off into with the taste of Applebloom’s kiss still on my lips would be finally giving in and submerging myself fully in my disgusting urges. It was awfully tempting though. The minutes blurred until the recess bell rang. I watched the crowd of ponies coming out of the school-house, scanning for the flash of Applebloom’s red bow. It bobbed out last in the sea of kids, and I kept my eyes locked on it as it separated through the ponies in its way until Applebloom’s face appeared in front of me. Had to choose my words carefully. “You feeling any better? You looked pretty out of it when class was starting.” Applebloom shook her head like she was clearing it after a particularly long sleep. Her eyes and mouth were contorted in some sort of pained expression, looking like she’d just gotten some bad news in the mail and couldn’t shake the feeling. “I… yeah, I think so. I just feel kinda… drowsy, I guess.” Lack of sleep? Maybe she’d been up all night and had just made a bad decision in her brain-addled state. “Do you need to go home and get some rest?” Applebloom shook her head again. “No, I’m okay, I think.” I let a second or two of silence pass before I continued the conversation. If Applebloom wasn’t going to broach the subject, I had to. “So, about what happened before school...” “I don’t know what happened before school! I just… everypony was staring at me, and I… I don’t remember…” I hoped she was just exaggerating. Drowsiness and memory loss weren’t symptoms to play around with. But, it seemed much more likely that, given the trauma of the event, that she’d just disappeared in her own head for a minute. “Mhm. Well, I won’t force you to go over the details. We can discuss it later. Just promise you won’t do anything like that again.” Applebloom scrunched up her face for a second before she looked up at me. Her eyes looked less droopy all of a sudden, filled with a sudden wakefulness or clarity. “Of course, I won’t do anything like that again.” Well, that was reassuring at least. “Good. Now why don’t you go find Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and get some play-time in before you go back to class?” “Of course! You hafta come with us though.” That might not be a good idea. Probably better to give the situation some breathing room before I got myself in more trouble. “That’s okay. You guys go off and have some fun without me–“ Applebloom was next to me before I could blink. Her mouth was on my jeans, tugging me towards the playground with a look in her eyes like a sad kitten. Her mouth was on my jeans. Right below my belly-button. At waist-height. I could feel myself twitch against the fabric. “Cuhm ohn!” she mumbled through her mouthful of denim. The vibration of her speech sent a tingle right through the zippered portion of my pants. It ran along the fully-hardened shaft pressed up against Applebloom’s mouth. In that moment, I took a consult with divinity to avoid blowing my load right there. Right into Applebloom’s mouth through my jeans. This close to shooting sticky white stuff so hard it would soak through the fabric and hit Applebloom right on the lips… I pushed her away as gently as possible, reeling from the proximity I was sure I would toss-and-turn for months to forget. “Really, Applebloom, I’m not sure I’m in the mood right now.” And just like that, Applebloom was back to my side. She rubbed herself along my legs like a cat, and settled with her backside to me, turning her face and looking back at me with a pouty expression. Her back was arched ever so slightly… giving me a full view of her cute little butt. And, right below it… God must be taunting me. If there was a God in Equestria, that is. Celestia might be the closest equivalent, but I couldn’t see any part of her wanting me to think the things I was thinking at that moment. Touch it, my brain said. Reach out and take a handful of those tight little butt-cheeks and spread ‘em wide open so you can shove your face into her sweet baby-slit and go to town until she has her first orgasm all over your mouth. Never have I had willpower stronger in my life. Gaaaah. “Alright, alright, I’ll come play, but take it easy on me for a bit, okay? I’m pretty tired right now too.” “No problem!” And with that, Applebloom seemed content. She grabbed my hand in her mouth and led me off like a dog in search of her two friends. It was enough of a turn from her earlier confusion to reassure any thoughts in my head about an illness, in any case. I noticed Diamond Tiara glaring at us from afar as we went off to play. She could think whatever she wanted, for now… if any more argument got me Applebloom’s body in any more compromising positions, it’d be safer to do things this way instead of giving into my desires and railing the poor little filly right there on the playground. The wind was strong that day. It made the trees bob in the breeze. Diamond Tiara’s stupid new crown-ornament did the same thing. It looked like a bad native arts-and-crafts project. I made a mental note to tell her so at some point in the future. The rest of the day kept me on my toes. Applebloom was as chipper as she’d ever been. She spent the whole day laughing and smiling, at least when I saw her. And she wanted me to play with her at every opportunity. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo weren’t opposed to the idea, but Applebloom looked like she might burst into tears if I said no; so, of course, I obliged with no part of me willing to make such a beautiful little filly cry. But Applebloom’s behaviour from recess seemed to repeat itself several times. I don’t know if it’s that I had fallen so far off the deep-end that everything she did was overtly sexual or suggestive, or that some bizarre confluence of events spurred her into doing things just so, in a way that made my dick achingly hard every other minute. Playing ball, she bent over to pick it up right in front of me, giving me a full spread of her tiny slit and arching her back like she was ready to get plowed like a real woman. In a game of tag, tackling me so hard she knocked me off my feet, and landing squarely on top of my crotch, her weight grinding her butt down onto my jeans and rubbing up against my cock through my clothes. Every time she spoke, giggling at me in the most intoxicatingly nubile way. Winking at me to emphasize every joke. Always wanting to rub up against me, take my hand with her mouth, get a hug every other minute. If Diamond Tiara hadn’t planted the idea of Applebloom wanting something with me, Applebloom’s behaviour certainly wasn’t helping the situation. I tried to restrain my affection as much as I could, but it was a constant struggle between the still remotely conscious part of my conscience and every other part of me, including my dick, which just wanted to give in and smother Applebloom in attention, take advantage of every erotic action whether by accident or intention, and effectively break down and do things to that tiny little horse that I’d been wanting to do for ages. It was a relief when the day-end bell sounded. As she’d done at every other bell that day, each with increasing enthusiasm, Applebloom made a beeline through her classmates in my direction. I considered leaving before class let out just to get some breathing room, and perhaps to let go of the pent up frustration brewing in my balls that was growing stronger with every second of the day. But, in the end, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I had to get every second of Applebloom that I was allowed, and today felt like I had won the medium-sized jackpot on a horse-pedophile lottery ticket. Applebloom slowed her speed as she neared, which made me at least a little relieved knowing I didn’t have to expect a full-velocity hug again. I wasn’t sure how many more of them I could take before my hands caught her butt instead of her waist, and from there gave an ‘accidental’ slip along the slit between her legs. Ugh. “So,” I said, picking myself up from the wall, “glad to be done for the day?” Applebloom looked up at me. For a second her eyes looked as bloodshot and droopy as they had been that morning, but she scrunched her face up and the dreariness cleared. Her eyes were bright and wide again, shimmering with the brilliant orange of her irises, so bright it seemed like they might be catching the light from the sun. She nodded at me enthusiastically. “Uh-huh! Remember I said we’re gonna renovate the clubhouse today?” I remembered after she reminded me, in any case. “Oh, yeah. Are you just waiting for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then?” Applebloom shook her head. “Nope. They’re going to get supplies and stuff. I’m supposed ‘ta start tearing down the old decorations and get everything ready to work on.” “Sounds like a big job,” I said, putting my hands in my pockets. The amount of times I’d been tempted to rub myself through them, taking advantage of being the only person in Equestria wearing pants to become the champion of my own amateur ‘pocket-pool’ league... “It sure is! So that’s why I was thinkin’... would you mind helpin’ us out? We could use someone big and strong to help us move stuff around.” Applebloom batted her eyelashes as she spoke, and once again I had to weigh in my head whether I was misinterpreting her youthful behaviour, or if she was really flirtatiously trying to seduce me into pounding her virgin pussy. No matter how badly I wanted to settle on the latter, I wasn’t going to convince myself of it any time soon. Probably not even if Applebloom begged me flat out. Well... “I dunno, Applebloom. I’m kinda worn out today, and I’ve been hanging out with you and Sweeetie and Scoots all day. Aren’t you getting sick of me?” Applebloom shook her head emphatically. “Nuh-uh!” I was hoping for some kind of explanation, but Applebloom just grabbed my sleeve in her mouth and started tugging in the direction I presumed her clubhouse must be in. As much as I liked the idea of spying on a group of three little fillies doing God-knows-what in their own private treehouse, I’d never crossed the mental threshold where following a group of foals to masturbate in the bushes while watching them through the window was something I was capable of. I mean, maybe if I’d be guaranteed a salacious pillow fight ending in underage makeouts... but that didn’t seem too likely. This is the part where my common-sense was at its most stretched. I mean, on one hand, given Applebloom’s overly attached behaviour, I was probably guaranteed at least a few more accidental crotch-rubs, or maybe even an extremely enthusiastic hug that would leave me on the verge of exploding in my pants. Maybe even another kiss… But that was the problem with entertaining thoughts like that in the first place. I mean, no part of me believed that anything could or would come between me and Applebloom. It was a weird disconnect - slavering over her in my mind every second of the day, but holding myself back just enough to still look like a reasonable, if alien, member of pony society. I wasn’t sure I could cross that line, the one from fantasy to reality. From pedophile to full-blown little ponyfucker. It’s the toughest moral struggle I’ve ever faced, and playing into the part of my brain drooling over Applebloom’s illegal (and interspecies) pussy was probably the worst idea possible. But… I was just going to see their clubhouse. They needed help, probably. Things moved that ponies would have a hard time with. The fact that earth ponies managed to operate hammers and nails at all was a constant source of amazement to me. Besides which; hadn’t I made it my mission before getting my ‘job’ to help out as much as I could? I was the one with hands here, after all. It was practically my duty to do things that ponies found difficult. It was why I had pulled apart that pile of planks, and why I was supervising a sometimes unruly group of young pony students. And, it was Applebloom. Saying `no` was so far from the forefront of my mind it was almost unimaginable. So, I let myself be dragged by my sleeve off into the woods, hoping that by the end of the day my moral fabric wouldn't be unraveled completely. >    V    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clubhouse looked more impressive than I thought it would. For being put together by a trio of often clumsy and inefficient miniature horses, the thing looked practically well engineered. White painted outer walls, a stable looking roof, and decorations with the Cutie Mark Crusader logo hanging wherever there was room for them. I gave a low whistle as Applebloom pulled me into full view of the structure, and she took the sound as a signal to spit out my sleeve and look up at me with expectant eyes. I smiled at her. She looked so goddamn adorable. I wanted to fuck her so badly. “Wow,” I said, for once not feigning my appreciation for something done by a kid. “It looks really good already, really.” “Thanks!” Applebloom practically shouted. She beamed up at me, and I felt something inside me melt a little as I got lost in her sweet, innocent amber eyes. “I did most of the construction myself!” she said, posturing in front of the clubhouse like she was posing for a photo. “It’s lovely. Are you sure it needs redecorating?” Applebloom nodded and pointed a hoof toward one of the windows. “Uh-huh. You can see how the weather stripping is tearing away, and a lot of the paint is chipping on the far side. Plus, the banners are sort of tattered. Sweetie’s supposed to sew up some new ones.” Huh. Weather stripping on a kid’s clubhouse? I had an inkling as to what Applebloom’s cutie mark might be someday if she kept this up. “I see. Well, it looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you.” Applebloom looked at me without imploring overtly, but I could see the request forming on her bottom lip as it hung out just a bit. Not quite pouting. God she was cute. “Do you need me to help with anything?” Applebloom nodded so hard her body bounced up and down. “Yes, please!” Applebloom dashed back to where I was standing and grabbed another one of my sleeves. I managed to pry it out of her mouth as I started walking towards the door to assure her I wasn’t going anywhere. “What would you like me to start on then?” Applebloom paused for a moment. Her hooves stopped and her face twisted up in concentration like she was trying very hard to remember something. She looked tired again. She was about to start a whole afternoon’s worth of work after such a stressful day at school, so I couldn’t blame her. But, just like that, her face snapped back to its cheerful smile, and she grinned at me with her brilliant orange eyes shimmering in the sun. I’d never seen them sparkle more. “Can you help me move the furniture inside? Scootaloo says she found a table that’s better than the one we have in there, and I need ta’ make room for it.” They even had their own little table in there? So damn cute. “Sounds good to me.” Though the door was presumably designed for miniature horses, it was more than tall enough for me to walk through without straining my posture. I did have to duck a little bit as I pulled the door back to get under the frame. Surprisingly, the interior of the clubhouse looked as though there wasn’t a speck of sunlight outside – it was so dark, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. “Is there a light in here?” I asked as I took my first step inside. “I should probably be able to see the table I’m about to move-“ The last word caught in my mouth as I felt something against my foot. I hadn’t been paying attention to where I was going in the dark, and it felt like I tripped over something long and taut. A rope, or maybe a clothesline too close to the ground. What was a clothesline doing in a clubhouse, anyway? The combination of the sudden disruption in momentum along with the abject darkness sent me tumbling forward in a full-on proper trip. The room was tall enough that I’d been able to stand up properly, which meant the full distance to the ground before my fall stopped. Half-way through I found an unforeseen interruption. Something hit my head. Hard. The sharp, solid edge of a very large wooden something. It sent a shock like a hammer ringing through my temples and blurred my vision behind my eyes into a darkness just as solid as the one that was around me. So that’s where that table was. The ground must have caught me, but I wasn’t awake to see it. I passed out a few seconds after my head hit the table. When I opened my eyes it was at least light again, which was a relief. I could get a proper view of the clubhouse, which looked every bit the picture of adorable adolescent organization that I expected. A desk covered in papers and childish scrawlings of picture diagrams. A map of Ponyville with scribbled notation and labels. A vase with one, sad, drooping flower, hanging its collection of wilted petals over the edge of the container like it was sighing, perpetually depressed. It looked more put-together than any clubhouses I’d had as a kid, in any case. And, there was the table. And the chairs. Why did ponies need chairs anyway? It occurred to me with that thought that I wasn’t lying down. I was, in fact, sitting on a chair, one miraculously big enough to fit my entire body. I tried to raise my hand to my head to assess the damage from the table’s impact. Curiously, my hand refused to cooperate. I tried for a moment to determine the reason for the absence of a hand at my side. Well, my arms were still there. I followed them back with a mental touch and found both my hands attached as well. They were resting against each other. Behind me. Behind the chair. Tied to the chair. Hm. I tried to stand and found my ankles in a no more accommodating position. Tied to the chair like the rest of me, then. I was tied to a chair. “Applebloom? Can you hear me?” I called out in the hopes that, if this was some dumb prank, I could at least talk Applebloom into getting my head looked at for concussions before playing ‘tie-up’ or whatever else it was I was sitting against a chair for. Though, Applebloom tying me up to anything was something that I didn’t need the best of explanations for. Even the flimsiest excuse would do, really. “Applebloom can hear you, but she doesn’t feel like talking right now.” Hm. The tone of unmistakable bitch. “Diamond Tiara? If that’s you, can you please untie me? I hit my head pretty bad and I’m not if I need to get it looked at.” “I know. You should have heard the sound your forehead made as it smacked against the wood.” Diamond Tiara’s voice was coming from somewhere behind me that I couldn’t see, which meant I was either in the center of the clubhouse, or somewhere completely different that just looked like it happened to be a clubhouse for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I checked one of the posters on the wall. A Rainbow Dash picture, signed; ‘To Scootaloo – keep being awesome!’ So, probably the first one then. Diamond Tiara had been there to see me fall. So, what was going on? “What’s going on?” my mouth mimicked, taking a second to catch up with my head, which felt like a combination between the worst hangover ever and a normal migraine. I wanted to rub the ache away so badly, but the ropes around my hands were disturbingly snug and thick. “Oh, nothing’s going on. We just decided to join you for an evening in Applebloom’s clubhouse. Isn’t that right, Silver Spoon?” Of course. The bitch duo never broke apart if they could avoid it. “Mh-hmm. We came to see what kind of things you and Applebloom get up to when school’s out.” That was the same line of conversation Diamond Tiara had been barking up that morning. And still, she didn’t have any evidence to suggest her insinuations had any basis in reality. Part of my headache was brewing from my frustration at that point. “Look, I don’t know what you two are up to, but I want you to cut it out and untie me right now, or you’re gonna be in big trouble.” “Oh no, we are?” Diamond Tiara emerged into my periphery, finally, smirking and leering at me as I struggled helplessly against my bonds. “What are you gonna do; pin us down during playtime and rub your dick all over us through your clothes?” Shit. She had seen. She had watched at least once. But there was still no evidence to substantiate that kind of accusation. Even if she had kept her eyes on me the whole time, it still shouldn’t have looked that incriminating. Unless I’d been so caught up in the idea of pressing my dick against Applebloom’s sweet underage body that I’d forgotten how brazen it might look if I wasn’t paying attention. Fuck. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you just let me go so we don’t have to discuss the particulars of any potential punishment? I just want to get up so I can see if I’ve seriously injured myself.” “Your head looks fine,” Diamond Tiara spat, getting closer to my chair and walking from the edge of my sight right into the foreground of my forward gaze. She looked just as cocky and unpleasant as ever. Pink princess coat, smug self-satisfied smirk, and that stupid tiara on her head. Even stupider today because of the out-of-place jungle-ruin looking ornament she’d pinned to the center like a bad hood ornament. “Forgive me if I don’t trust a kid’s assessment of my potential head-injures. Untie me this second.” “How about this instead,” Diamond Tiara started, leaning towards me as she spoke. She was just a few inches from my face, settling with her hooves on my knees. The look on her face was beyond any of my attempts at reproach – she looked like a predator waiting to devour its prey. For the first time ever since waking up in Equestria, I felt a bit worried. “How about,” Diamond Tiara continued, “instead of untying you, we keep you here for a little while so I can tell you all the things I’ve noticed about you over the last few months. All the things I’ve seen you do with Applebloom, and all the looks I’ve noticed you giving her – me – everyony around town, and what I think it means about you.” I could feel a bead of sweat rolling down my forehead. “Or, even better yet, how about I prove what I know about you, and watch you ruin your reputation in Ponyville – and all of Equestria – forever, by doing disgusting, perverted things with an underage filly. And then I go tell everypony in town, with proof, and get you exiled to the Everfree Forest, or someplace much much worse.” Diamond Tiara dove forward. Her nose pressed against mine, and I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my head. I swallowed loudly. “You disgust me. And today, I’m just lucky enough to have found a way to prove to everypony what a horrible thing you are.” Diamond Tiara pulled her hooves off my legs abruptly, and I leaned forward as she returned to the floor. My heart was racing. I could hear the beating in my ears, so loud I was sure that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could hear it too. She was on to me. Even though I’d never acted on it – really acted on it, I mean – Diamond Tiara knew what was going through my head. Every minute of every day, fighting the part of my that was still sane, telling myself it wasn’t right to want to fuck a pony, to fuck that pony, the tiny yellow one with a southern accent that still mumbled her words like an elementary school kid and was one fifth my size and had a virgin pussy I was sure so was so tight I’d shear my dick off if I even tried to fuck her– Diamond Tiara knew. She had seen the touches here and there, the rubbing, the staring. Maybe she could read my thoughts… maybe every time I showed up to school in the morning, watching Applebloom’s butt bounce along with her bow and eying her tiny little pony slit, she could hear me thinking ‘I want to stick my penis in that underage horse.’ Fuck. “Diamond Tiara… I don’t know what you think you know about me, but please. Just untie me so we can talk this out like rational hu–pe– … individuals.” I was pleading, and the tone of it dripped off every syllable of my voice. Diamond Tiara sneered at me. “I like my idea more.” The pink pony princess with all the power at the moment gave a quick sashay with her rear, tilting in one direction and flicking her tail at nothing as she turned around to watch the wall opposite my chair. “Applebloom! Come out here!” Applebloom. If there was hope for me getting out of this situation with any part of my integrity still intact, Applebloom was the key. There was no way that during all those months I had spent with her she’d just been biding her time to expose me as a disgusting horse-pedophile. I could ask her for help, and everything would be okay. But then… why had she let me be tied up in the first place? Applebloom entered into my peripheral vision from the left, and walked curtly until she was standing right in front of me, her eyes locked on Diamond Tiara the whole time. “Applebloom!” I practically shouted. I was having trouble reconciling the panic going through my body – every inch of me was screaming to do whatever I could to extricate myself from the notion of having my entire existence in this new place be shattered. “Applebloom, please, could you untie me. I don’t know what Diamond Tiara’s talking about, and my head hurts really bad. I would really appreciate it if you could come untie me.” Applebloom froze for a moment. Her whole body locked in place, her eyes still deadest on Diamond Tiara for a few seconds before her posture unstiffened again. She turned to me, smiling, and shook her head simply back and forth. “Uh-unh. I need you to stay right there so I can let you fuck me until I’m broken, and then Diamond Tiara can show everyone in town how you’re a perverted little filly-fucking mutant.” Applebloom’s teeth shone at me as she smiled wide. My jaw dropped. “App…Applebloom…. How could you… do you mean that you…” I couldn’t get past what I had just heard to stammer out my disbelief. Luckily, an interruption saved me from breaking down completely. Diamond Tiara, I noticed, had been snickering lightly, but now she had erupted into full blown laughter. She tilted her head back as she laughed, her eyes closed with how uproariously funny she apparently founded my distress. Silver Spoon was beside her now, I noticed, and she was laughing too, resting her hoof on Diamond Tiara’s back as the two of them shared what looked to be a gut-wrenchingly hearty series of guffaws. My worrisome panic turned to anger for a moment. My hands struggled against my binding, the ropes burning into my wrists as I futilely tried to pull them free. “What in the name of fuck is so funny?” I was in no position to try to sound intimidating, but by this point bravado was mute. If I was going to be ruined, I may as well spit in the proverbial face of my captors. “You are!” Diamond Tiara managed between laughs, wiping tears away from her eyes as she collected herself through the torrent of chuckling.­ ­­­She ran her hoof across her eyes one final time before turning to me. Applebloom simply stood in the center of the clubhouse and blinked, while Silver Spoon stared on in amusement. “Did you like Applebloom’s little speech?” Diamond Tiara asked, her inflection rising in the vocal fry I’d linked to her in memory, especially prominent when she was saying something overtly bitchy. I couldn’t muster a response. I had no idea what to think. As I watched, paralyzed by shock and resentment, Diamond Tiara grinned at me and tilted her head in Applebloom’s direction. I saw it happen this time. A faint orange shimmer. So insubstantial I never would have noticed it if I hadn’t been staring straight at its point of origin. The little hanging flaps on the side of Diamond Tiara’s new ornament waggled like they were in the wind as the glow traveled from her tiara to Applebloom. Applebloom blinked. She looked at me with as big a smile as I’d ever her seen on her. When she spoke, her voice sounded completely ordinary and cheerful. “Diamond Tiara figured out she could use me to get rid of you for good… you having to stick your gross human dick inside me is just a little bit of a necessary casualty.” Jesus Christ. Diamond Tiara burst out laughing again. Applebloom stared silently forward, blinking far less frequently than seemed normal. “What the fuck—“ “Isn’t it the best?” Diamond Tiara interrupted, sashaying over next to Applebloom and grinning at me. “It’s the most amazing find I could have ever hoped for.” Diamond Tiara gestured to the wooden-carved figure protruding from the tip of her crown. “My daddy is one of the curators of the famous artifacts museum in Canterlot. He gets to see all the exhibits that go to the museum, and a lot of ponies send him things long before they’re scheduled to show up… things they find in the jungle, or just in their attic, that they think might be interesting.” Diamond Tiara started to walk as she spoke to me, circling around my chair like a shark before a feeding frenzy. I craned my neck to keep her in my sight, but my attempt to see behind my back was no use. “Just a few days ago, he came home with something somepony had brought him… something from so far into the jungle, nopony can even remember the name of the tribe it belonged to.” Diamond Tiara spoke until she had finished her rotation, then paused in front of me. She gestured obliquely to the ornament at the head of her crown. “He said that the pony who brought it to him said that anyone who held this dumb-looking talisman could control other ponies at will… their thoughts, their actions… everything. I didn’t believe it, at first, but I decided to take it and see for myself. And, wouldn’t you know it, it actually worked! ...as I think Applebloom can demonstrate.” Diamond Tiara tipped her head in Applebloom’s direction, and I caught the faintest shimmer of orange light before Applebloom turned to me and opened her mouth. “I’m gonna lose my virginity to a human! I’ll be ruined forever, and nopony will want anything to do with me!” Her voice was so cheerful and chipper, the words she was saying sounded even worse. A magic talisman? That was the source of what was happening to me? But… “You’re not even a unicorn!” I yelled, hoping maybe that the volume of my insistence would undo the lack of logic orchestrating this chain of events. In a world with magic and flying horses there wasn’t much room for logic, but I intended to cling to what little of it there was. “I know. Good thing those jungle ponies weren’t either, or this thing might not even have worked in the first place.” Diamond Tiara strutted back to her place at the side of the room where Silver Spoon was waiting for her, grinning at her friend’s speech. I hadn’t had the chance for a direct confrontation with Silver Spoon, but it seemed that she may as well not have had her own opinions about anything – if Diamond Tiara thought something, so did Silver Spoon, and now the two of them were poised to put the pieces in place to ruin my life in Equestria going forward. But… What they had said about Applebloom. What Applebloom had said. It had sent a twitch through my body, centered in one very particular location. I didn’t want this… but part of me did. Still. “There’s no way you just conveniently happened to stumble on something that makes it just that easy to mind-control other ponies.” “Are you arguing with what you just saw? I know humans are supposed to be dumb, but if you’re going to choose not to believe me after that demonstration then you might have a special place in the dictionary under the word ‘moron’.” It’s an odd feeling to be irate at the prospect of intangible magic in a world with unicorns and pegasus. It might be possible, sure, but it didn’t seem fair. Logicking away the magic didn’t seem to be a possibility, however, so I tried to head down a different route of counterpoint. “How do you even intend to use this against me? It’s not like anyone is just going to take your word for it—“ Click. Silver Spoon smiled as she lowered the camera to give me a face-full of her smirk. “Don’t worry, we’ve got that covered.” My face fell. That was it then, really. There wasn’t any getting out of this. My hands and legs were bound so firmly I could barely move them. Even if I could, in a few seconds there’d be enough compromising photos in that camera to provide more than substantial evidence for the necessity of my exile from pony society. I was well and truly fucked. But. There was a silver lining in all of this, after all. If I was going to Hell, proverbially or otherwise, I might as well enjoy the ride. >    VI    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright. Get on with it then,” I said. I tried to hide the tiny glimmer of anticipation in my voice. If either Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon heard it, they didn’t let on. “Gladly.” Diamond Tiara held her hoof towards me, and as though taking the direction from thin air, Applebloom walked forward in my direction, her face still the painted-over picture of happiness. I looked into her eyes, searching for even the slightest glint of regret. Only enthusiastic amber stared back at me. Being tied to the chair didn’t give me much room to maneuver, so I was at the mercy of whatever action Applebloom took at Diamond Tiara’s direction. She started with her head in my lap. I hardened under my boxers immediately. Knowing I didn’t have to care if anyone noticed was almost a relief. Applebloom planted her teeth on the zipper of my jeans and pulled. I muffled a groan in the back of my throat. As much as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon might already be convinced I was an irredeemable pervert, I didn’t want to give them that moral victory just yet. I did lift myself off the chair as best I could to accommodate Applebloom’s removal of my pants though. She pulled them down with relative ease, leaving me sitting there with my jeans at my ankles, boxers against the cold wood of the chair. My erection standing prominently, straining against the fabric of my underwear. I could hear either whispering or snickering from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but I wasn’t paying any attention to them at this point. Applebloom moved back to my lap again and took the waistband of my boxers into her mouth. She stared at me as she pulled them down, her eyes as wide and adorable as they had ever been. She even smiled a little bit as she tugged my underwear down to my ankles. I didn’t manage to hold back that groan. Just a little one, at the sight of perfect, innocent Applebloom yanking my clothes down to let my hard-on stand up in full glory. She eyed it for a second, curious. Almost of their own accord, my hips moved upward as much as I could manage. Even the air was stimulation at this point. Anything was, sitting in front of Applebloom like this. Even if it had been me alone in my makeshift bedroom, sadly beating myself off to the thought of the yellow filly I’d kept in my dreams for months, having her there watching me would have been enough to make me explode in seconds. Now she was here, for real, watching me. Even as outside of her own influence as she was, having her there, smiling at me with her big bright eyes, her cute little tail peeking out from behind her small, round butt, and her big red bow painting her as the picture of innocence; it was enough to make me think I might just shoot off right there. “Look how turned on he is already! What a disgusting freak.” That was Diamond Tiara’s voice from across the room. It snapped me out of my reverence for a second, and my eyes snapped all the way open as I realized they had been falling closed. Diamond Tiara stared back at me as I sat there helplessly. She sneered at me as my erection bobbed back and forth with my body’s subconscious swaying. “What? It’s true. You’re disgusting.” She was right. I knew it, in the back of my head. “I know.” “Good. Then you understand why it’s for the best of everypony if I get rid of you for good.” “I know.” “What is it about Applebloom that makes you perv out so much, anyway? Is every human where you come from attracted to little girls?” I shook my head. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. Sadness? Disgust at myself? Or was I completely removed from the situation, living through the worst of the fantasies I’d entertained in my own head, but reaping the punishment at the same time? “No,” I said. “I’m not even… I don’t like… little girls…” “Horseapples. I’ve seen the way you look at Applebloom. I’ve seen your… thing get hard every time you hug her.” “It’s different!” I strained against my bonds as I shouted. I don’t know if I needed to justify it to Diamond Tiara, or myself. But I wasn’t attracted to little girls. I never had been. It was just… “Oh really?” “Yes! I never… when I was on Earth, I never even looked at… kids. I was a social worker, for fuck’s sake. I helped kids, and never once didn’t I even think about…” “So what, you’re just into fucking ponies then?” “No!” I was desperate, trying so hard to justify the disconnect that had started the day I realized what had changed inside my head after arriving in Equestria. “I don’t… I’ve never thought about that either.” “So what is it?” Diamond Tiara stepped closer, but still maintained enough distance to avoid the immediate proximity of my half-naked body. “I don’t know… It’s just…” That was it then, wasn’t it? I was going to explain it, to Diamond Tiara and to myself. “I can’t explain it! It’s just… every day I have to see… everyone out there. Everypony walks around with nothing on, and they’re naked all the time, and they… I can see… everything. It’s like being surrounded by nothing but a group of holes saying ‘Fuck me!’ And I can’t, because I know how… awful it would be. And then when I saw Applebloom, for the first time… I don’t know what it was. She’s just so small, and cute, and her… she was bent over in front of me, and I got a full view of her… her butt looks perfect, and her fur is so soft, and she has that adorable accent and those big orange eyes and every time I see her from the back I just wanna pin her down and shove myself inside her until she’s screaming my name–” “Alright, that’s enough! I get it. You’re a disgusting foal-fiddler, point made.” Diamond Tiara walked back to her corner, shaking her head in revulsion. “Let’s just get this over with.” Applebloom walked up to me, her head perfect waist-level between my knees. The catharsis of my confession had let out whatever I was feeling before. Nervousness, self-hate – it was mostly gone now. Now there was only my perfect, wonderful Applebloom, staring at me wide-eyed and innocent and ready to ruin her life to ruin mine. She grinned at me as she pushed her forelegs into my knees, prompting me to spread my legs and make room for her. “You sure are awful hard,” she said, poising her face right in front of my cock. Hearing her talk like that prompted an immediate response, and my hips jerked as my cock twitched. I was already leaking precum just from having Applebloom in front of me, and a tiny drip flew off as I moved, just missing the side of Applebloom’s face. She watched the movement of my cock with fascination, staring at it like a kid bemused by their first toy. She raised a hoof and prodded it experimentally, which prompted another twitch. My hips struggled to topple the chair under me as they moved. I couldn’t hold back that groan either. The second I felt the warmth of Applebloom’s touch, I knew there was no way I could hold up a token of resistance any more. I was gone, and the best course of action could only be revelling in the path to my damnation. Applebloom touched it again, but she let her hoof linger this time, holding it against the aching stiffness between my legs. I moved my hips against her, pressing myself into her touch as much as I could given my lack of mobility. She looked up at me, encouraged by my reaction. “That feels good, huh?” It was almost like it was real. I don’t know if Diamond Tiara was just so malicious that she had to make me believe any part of Applebloom was really doing this, or if there was just the hint of the suggestion in her head and the rest was picked up by natural instinct. But it was everything I’d dreamed of. Every ‘first time’ I’d envisioned as I touched myself to the thought of becoming Applebloom’s lover. It was perfect. “Yessss…” I hissed through my teeth. Appleboom smiled at my enthusiasm and ran her hoof along the side of my cock. I could feel a constant twitching running through my body as she caressed my shaft, running her hoof along the blisteringly hot length of my member. It wasn’t a size I’d ever considered to be impressive, but next to Applebloom’s miniature touch it looked gigantic. Applebloom placed her other hoof opposite her first and held them together, moving them up and down awkwardly. The expertise of her touch didn’t matter. I groaned again, and felt my balls clench. Every second was a struggle to keep from coating Applebloom in a payload I’d been saving for months. “Is this how you do it yourself?” Applebloom asked, still bobbing her hooves up and down as she stared at my cock. Why did she care? Was she really asking that question? I didn’t care enough to decipher the complexities of the situation. “Sort of…” I mumbled, gritting my teeth to keep myself from the series of constant groans brewing at the back of my throat. “I mean… I can use my hands, so…” “Oh, of course! Still… does this feel good too?” Applebloom looked up at me so innocently as she asked her question, it took every muscle in my body to avoid coating her in sticky white repressed arousal. Fuck. “Yes, it feels very good.” Click. There was the sound of the camera. That would have been enough, really. Applebloom’s hooves around my cock. I’d be branded a foal-fiddler forever. Expelled from society. Though… having me tied to a chair like that might raise some suspicion as to the validity of the photographs. Applebloom had been leaning closer with every second, and now she was so close that I could feel her breath on my skin as she stroked. Her hooves didn’t feel as good as my hands for articulation, but the fact that they were hers, her hooves, stroking up and down, felt better than anything I’d ever felt before. I was leaking precum; it was cascading down my shaft to serve as lube for Applebloom’s awkward hoof-job. And she was eyeing the head of my cock like it was a mystery revealing itself for the first time. “Can I taste it?” The question came out of nowhere. Applebloom was already inches away from having her face all over my cock, so the question might as well have been a formality. There was no way I could have refused. But Applebloom looked to me for the answer, her bottom lip protruding just a bit in the pout she did when she really wanted something. I nodded. Applebloom leaned forward and licked the head of my cock. Her tongue was bigger than I expected, enough to cover the entire tip and lap up a decent amount of my precum. I groaned so loudly I was worried someone from town might hear me. Applebloom drew her head back for a second as she contemplated the taste on her tongue. She swished it around in her mouth like she was sampling a wine, and then swallowed. “Not bad,” she said, and leaned forward again. She licked around the underside of my head this time. Up along my entire shaft, licking it like an over-sized throbbing popsicle. Her hooves were still on either side of my cock, but her attention was with her mouth now, lapping at my erection like a cat at a bowl of cream. Tiny little licks that would have felt so insubstantial otherwise were sending jolts of electricity up my spine as Applebloom administered them. She licked around every bit of skin she could see, paying particular attention to my head, which was leaking precum like a faucet. There was no way I could hold out for much longer. I felt like I needed to give her some kind of warning. “Applebloom, you should be careful. I feel like I’m gonna—“ Applebloom opened her mouth as I was mid-sentence and took half my cock inside in one gulp. I didn’t get a chance to finish speaking. I felt the warmth of her tongue against the underside of my shaft. Her tiny little lips pursed around my cock as she planted her mouth as far down as she could manage. I saw her look up at me innocently, her amber eyes brimming with enthusiasm as she swallowed half my cock. Her big red bow still affixed to her head as she took me into her mouth. “Mhmm?” she murmured through a mouthful of my dick. That was it. I came. I didn’t even manage to speak. There was no warning. My balls emptied themselves instantly, spraying more cum than I’d ever managed in my life. The first spurt hit Applebloom by surprise, as expected. Her eyes went even wider, her pupils dilating as the first jet of semen hit the back of her throat. To my surprise, she kept her mouth locked firmly in place, her lips wrapped around my dick as I fired shot after shot of jizz into her underage mouth. After the third or fourth spurt, however, the volume was too much for her to handle. She pulled her mouth off, struggling not to cough, as I fired another shot right onto her face. It was so thick it was almost comical, painting her forehead like white-wash. The cum she had managed to keep in her mouth dribbled out all over my still-firing cock as she pulled back. Her mouth was full of my cum, and there was still more, two more full-size strands roping their way across her cheeks. My balls were aching from cumming so hard, every spurt clenching harder than I’d ever done so before. My fingers were digging into my palms, and my wrists pulled so hard against the ropes around them I was sure they were bleeding. The site of Applebloom covered in my cum only made me want to cum harder. Eventually, after losing count of the shots fired, my penis stemmed its sticky spray, and my hips pulled my ass back onto the chair, now damp with sweat from my first Applebloom blowjob. Applebloom stared at me through her eyelids coated in white goo. Her mouth was dripping at both corners with my cum, and her hooves were sticky as well where her mouth had leaked out the load too big for her to keep inside. But she didn't look upset. She ran a hoof across her forehead and gathered up a decent amount of the cum that I had sprayed her with before giving her hoof a lick. The pool of cum she had gathered up joined the rest of the payload in her mouth. After contemplating for a moment, her eyes moving to the side, she scrunched her face up and swallowed. I don't think I got hard again because I had never gone soft. But my cock twitched when I saw her swallow a load full of my cum. Click. “Applebloom, I’m… I didn’t get a chance to warn you…” “It’s okay!” Applebloom cheerfully responded through her mouthful of jizz as she wiped another hoof-full off her face. She didn’t take this one into her mouth, instead settling for flinging it onto the floor of the clubhouse – but she did lick her lips to gather up the rest of the cum her mouth had missed, and swallowed it without a second thought. “That was a lot of white stuff! Is that normal for humans?” Hnngh. “No, it’s… that was a lot because it was… because of you. You’re very pretty.” “Ah am?” Applebloom beamed at me through her faceful of semen. God, please, whatever I’ve done in life, don’t take the rest of this away from me. Her accent. Her innocent eyes. Her everything. So tiny, so pert, so perfect. Let me just have this. “Uh-huh. You’re also really good at… that.” Applebloom smiled at me so wide I thought her mouth might break. I didn’t have any time to revel in the look of Applebloom’s face coated in my cum. I felt something at my hands, fiddling with the rope that had me fastened to the chair. Diamond Tiara made herself visible again, which meant the pony at my back must be Silver Spoon. “We’re required to untie you from your chair for this part… but we’re going to keep your hands and legs bound so you don’t get any funny ideas in your head.” I nodded. Escaping wasn’t even at the back of my mind anymore. I could barely even watch Diamond Tiara speak. The only important thing was Applebloom, standing only feet away from me, smiling through strands of jizz all over her face. And what she had said when Diamond Tiara had first prompted her… The relief that coursed through my hands as they were released from their bindings was short lived. Silver Spoon was handy with a rope for someone with no proper hands – she wrapped my wrists as quickly as they had come undone, and within a few seconds they were locked together behind my back. The ropes around my feet came next. I almost chuckled as I pictured Silver Spoon kneeling next to my half-naked body with her face practically in my boxers as she undid my braces to the chair. Those ones didn’t retie themselves as fast. “Just take your pants off. It’ll make retying you less awkward.” I complied without hesitation, sloughing my boxers and jeans onto the floor before Silver Spoon’s mouth returned to my ankles. “There. That should be good enough,” Diamond Tiara said. I felt bound like a fugitive in a chain gang. But, I was being marched to my last meal, so there was some relief to take in the situation. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon made their way back to the corner of the room as I stood up, teetering a bit as I struggled to stand upright on my legs still shaking from my orgasm. I’d never cum that hard before in my life, which meant instant recovery was a bit unrealistic. Though, I still hadn’t gone soft. Even the inkling of subsistence was quelled instantly from just one look at Applebloom’s sticky face. “Ready to gimme my fist time?” Oh God. I couldn’t muster the words. I just nodded. Applebloom turned around and bent over like she had practiced it a million times. Face down, ass up, pointing her tender underage pussy squarely at my face. As young as she was, I couldn’t see anything but a slender, curvy body waiting to be penetrated. I’d admired her butt from afar for ages, and seeing it up close and presented to me like that only solidified everything I’d imagined before. Copping a feel once or twice for a flash of a second didn’t compare to taking in the sight of it, drinking it in like something intoxicating. There was her tight little butt, both cheeks so close together, and her underage slit peeking at me from between her legs as she spread them ever so slightly. I almost came right there. “C’mon! I wanna feel you inside me!” Applebloom whined and wiggled her butt back and forth at me. She waggled her fluffy tail across her rump, flicking it into the air and looking back at me over her shoulder with a pouty face. I didn’t need asking twice. Maneuvering with both sets of limbs bound was a little tricky, but I had been through the scenario enough times in my head that the positions were almost second nature. Applebloom was just the perfect height. I fell to my knees, and could see even from a few inches away that her tight little hole was lined up just so with the head of my cock, which was bobbing obscenely as the twitches of my excitement made it jitter up and down. I skittered forward so quickly I must have looked ridiculous, shuffling on the clubhouse floor with my cock swaying in front of me like a divining rod – but I didn’t care. There was only one thing now, the thing in front of me that I had wanted for so long, now to be made real. Applebloom was still swaying her hips back and forth as I finally got close enough to touch her with the only appendage I was afforded control of. She gasped in what sounded like pleasant surprise as she felt the tip of my cock nudge against her backside. Just a little too high. The first half of my cock was wedged between her tight little buns. But she didn’t shy away. She giggled and then moaned as she slid herself up and down just a little bit, rubbing my dick between her ass-cheeks, her tail swishing backwards over my stomach. As she whiffed it back and forth, I got a faceful with every other swing, and sniffed deeply, drinking in the smell of her body. It smelled clean and sweet, but with just a hint of youthful exploration, like mud or grass but tempered by the intoxicating scent of her natural aroma. I groaned as she pulled her body away ever so slightly and swished her tail over the head of my cock. It was like a feather duster, and I jerked my hips upwards to meet her touch. Applebloom giggled again. “You’re not gonna get too excited, are you?” I shook my head. Applebloom smiled at me with her head still turned, then withdrew her tail, leaving me with a full view of her exposed backside; ass, pussy, everything. “Well, go ahead then. I’m ready fer’ ya.” Her sweet little southern drawl. It spun through my head as she asked me to do the thing I’d dreamed of ever since I first set eyes on her. I shuffled myself forward a little as I lined myself up. The second I felt the warmness of Applebloom’s slit on the tip of my erect penis, I groaned, and she gave another surprised gasp. “Is that really it? It feels like it’s too big… are you sure it’s gonna fit?” Applebloom, don’t do this to me. It hurt. It hurt because I knew it wasn’t her. The real Applebloom, the one that I had grown to know through months of playtime and school conversations, was just a normal filly, not the sex hungry underage slut in front of me. As much as I had imagined it over and over again, her sweet syrupy voice asking me to push inside her and fill her up with my cum, I knew I could never picture her saying anything like that for real. And here she was, rubbing her dripping wet hole on my cock, asking me to shove inside her and rob her of her virginity to doom the prospect of my existence in Equestria forever more. But I was too far gone now. As much as I wanted it to be real, I knew there was no extracting myself from the situation now. All I could do was push forward, both figuratively and literally, and hope that whatever god judged my soul in the afterlife would be merciful. “I… I’m sure it will. We’ll just have to go slow, okay?” Applebloom looked back at me. Her eyes locked with mine, so deep and bright and shimmering with the sun-bright glow that must have been only partly her own. Her mouth pursed into the slightest of frowns, like a kid steeling themselves for the shot they knew they didn’t want. But she didn’t pull away. She kept her eyes on mine, and gave a resolute nod. “Okay. Just promise you’ll be gentle?” I believed, for just one moment, that the pony in front of me might have been her. I nodded. “Of course.” Her eyes stayed on mine as I pushed forward. Our gazes, locked, unwavering, as the first inch of my cock, the head and a little bit more, slid inside her. She was so wet, but so tight that it almost didn’t matter. It was like forcing myself inside a hand clenched closed. Even the first inch was amazing. I bit my lip and leaned my head back just a bit, letting out a guttural groan. But I didn’t close my eyes, as much as I wanted to. Applebloom didn’t close hers either. She mimicked my lip bite, and I prayed that this felt as good for her as it did for me. Then the second inch. I could hear the sound of her lips parting to let me inside as I slid forward. The inside of her tight little pussy clung at me as I felt the warm wetness envelope another bit of my shaft. To my surprise, Applebloom let out a tiny moan. A sweet, girlish sound tinged with her southern accent. The sound spurred me forward. I pressed further inside. Halfway in. I already felt like I was going to split her in half. Applebloom’s arched her back as she pushed her hips back into me. As much as it must have hurt to have her virginal hole violated by something far too big for her, she showed no signs of discomfort. The look in her eyes was only pleading. ‘More,’ it said. I obliged with another push. Three-quarters in. Applebloom moaned again, lower this time as she bit her lip. “Hnnnn.” I felt a shiver run through my entire body, centered on my dick now almost all the way inside Applebloom’s filly-tight hole. It occurred to me that at this depth, surely I must be missing something, but I’d felt no resistance. Admittedly, I knew little to nothing about equine anatomy, even after months in Equestria. The only part of anatomy I was concerned with was wrapped around my shaft right now, and the practical experience was a million times better than I could have learned in any textbook. “Are you… is it all the way in?” Applebloom murmured back at me over her shoulder. Her eyes were half-closed, and she was panting as she spoke, recovering from the sensation of the first thing to go inside her so deep. I couldn’t imagine how full she must feel – my cock felt like it was wrapped in a warm, wet tourniquet, with barely even a centimeter of room to maneuver on either side. “Not yet,” I managed through clenched teeth. “Just a little bit more.” Applebloom drew a gasp from my mouth as she arched her back further and pushed her hips back ever so slightly. Not with enough force to push me inside, but just to make me grind against the insides of her pussy. She wiggled her butt back and forth on my cock as she bit her lip in my direction. “Put it in then. I want the whole thing.” Without thinking, I obliged. I slid forward until I was as far as I could go, balls-deep in Applebloom’s pussy. The noises of our pleasure mixed in the clubhouse. Her so high-pitched it almost sounded pained moaning, my groan forged through months of repression and ogling. Click. I didn’t care. I kneeled there with my cock inside Applebloom, her barely big enough to take the whole thing, and groaned as the feeling of her walls clenching around me threatened to push me over the edge again. “Does that… feel good?” Applebloom panted. Her eyes were barely open, struggling to see through the haze of what I hoped so hard was pleasure. I could barely answer her. I nodded. “Yes,” I managed. “Are ya’ gonna move a bit?” I asked myself for just a second how she knew so much about the mechanics of sex already before I remembered the nature of the circumstance. “Yeah,” I answered. Thrusting was a bit difficult with my legs bound, but I managed to pull back enough with just my hips so that only the tip of my cock was still inside. Even pulling out was ecstasy. The inside of Applebloom’s pussy slid along my cock like a soaking wet tunnel designed to make me explode. Having just the tip inside was torture. I needed to push inside again before I blew my load too soon. So I pushed. Applebloom was tight, so tight. I kept pushing until I was all the way inside again. Balls deep again, in one thrust. Applebloom moaned loudly. Her hips swiveled as I impaled her on my cock. I rested for a moment, all the way inside her. “Ohhh… you feel so big,” she mumbled, finally breaking eye contact and planting her face on the floor. “I… I think ah can feel you in my tummy.” Applebloom ran a hoof along her stomach as she spoke, her eyes widening as she felt just above her waist. We both gasped as she felt something underneath her touch, a small protrusion jutting out from her body. I could feel it through her skin, something running along the head of my cock. I needed to feel it. I turned my head to Diamond Tiara, irreverent of the situation, needing more than anything to have my hands free so I could feel myself inside Applebloom through her stomach. Diamond Tiara’s expression was hard to place. On one hand, there was certainly disgust. She couldn’t hide the look of revulsion at seeing me buried deep inside her classmate’s underage pussy. But… there was something else there. Her face was scrunched a little bit, almost flushed. Silver Spoon looked the same, holding her camera just off to the side. Maybe the fillies in Equestria weren’t as innocent as I thought. “What?” she spat, glaring at me with as much contempt as she could muster. It was a difficult request to phrase. “Please… my hands, can you untie them, please. I promise I won’t try anything, I just need to… I need to feel…” “You are so fucking disgusting.” Diamond Tiara’s voice was so derisive she might as well have been talking to a pile of vomit. But, to my unparalleled gratitude, she pointed a hoof to my hands. Silver Spoon gave her a questioning glance, but followed the gesture, circling around my back. After a few seconds the rope fell from my wrists. “Thank you,” I babbled, taking just a second to wring my hands together to try and rid them of the feeling of rope biting into my skin. “Thank you. Thank you.” I didn’t waste any time. Both my hands were on Applebloom in an instant. Her sides were so soft. I ran my hands over her fur for a moment, savouring the feeling of her miniature body, so small I could pick her up with ease if I needed to. So small, and here she was impaled on my dick. I ran my hands down to her stomach with a gentle caress until I reached her belly-button. I felt just a little lower. She gasped again as I rubbed the head of my cock through her stomach. Wordlessly, I followed it with my hand as I pulled my hips back. Applebloom’s body quivered under my touch as I ran my hand lower, lower, until my fingers were just shy of the top of her slit, my finger-tips hovering inches away from her tiny clit. My cock was just still inside her again, barely an inch, with the head resting at the first part of her entrance. I couldn’t help it. I slid inside her again, harder this time, in one thrust, and lowered my hand as I did so. “Ahhhh!” Applebloom shouted as I rubbed her button while I slammed inside her. I felt her body shudder under my hands and around my cock as I bottomed out in her pussy. I let my other hand rest on her stomach, and felt the tip of my cock press up against my fingers through her skin again as I pushed all the way inside. I heard a sound from the corner that I couldn’t place, a murmur or a whisper. Click. I slid the hand that had been on Applebloom’s stomach up her side, and ran it along the soft small of her back until my fingers reached her backside. Her butt was so tight under my fingers as I pressed them into her skin, kneading and rubbing at the taut piece of ass there for my admiration. Applebloom moaned as I caressed her butt, and shoved it back towards me with the accompanying result of pressing the head of my cock deeper inside her. There was no deeper to go. I was already all the way inside. I kept my fingers busy on Applebloom’s clit as I drew back, and then slid forward again, much faster this time. She let out a low moan, burying her face in the clubhouse floor as I thrust. Her moaning stayed constant as I pulled back again, and then forward. Every time I moved I could feel her insides clinging to my cock like a velvet sleeve, begging me back inside. Knock knock. That wasn’t the sound of the camera, or my knees against the wooden floor of the clubhouse. “Applebloom? Are you in there?” That was Scootaloo’s voice. Balls-deep in Applebloom’s pussy, I panicked. Applebloom didn’t seem to notice, but she did quell her moans enough to dampen them into the floor she was burying her face in. My eyes scanned the windows. Curtains closed. “Aaaaaaplebloom!” That was Sweetie Belle. “We brought everything for the clubhouse… where are you?” Sweetie didn’t seem smart enough to realize that, if Applebloom really wasn’t there, there’d be no way to answer that question. But she was there. Bent over, groaning, with as much of my cock as I could fit slammed inside her. Biting her lip to hold her moans back to keep her friends from barging inside and seeing her with her back arched like a slut in heat, taking the entire length of my human dick inside her tiny pony pussy. I bit my lip to match hers, holding back a groan. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara stayed quiet. They were smart enough to realize being walked in on was a bad idea, then. The door handled rattled once or twice. No one opened the door. Locked. “Come on, she’s probably still gathering supplies at Sweet Apple Acres.” I had been too far gone to notice the trademark sound of Scootaloo’s wings flapping like a buzzing toothbrush as her scooter zoomed forward, but I heard it now. Scootaloo’s wings revved like a motorcycle engine, and I heard the sound vanish into the distance as she scooted off, presumably with Sweetie Belle in tow. As I heard the last of the sound vanish, I let myself breathe. It was at that point that the gravity of the situation overtook me. My body’s response had stopped for a moment, overwhelmed with ecstasy at the start as I orchestrated the final pieces of everything I’d ever wanted, and then paralyzed with fear at the prospect of damning myself even further in the eyes of the only other little ponies I’d come to care about. But every sensation came flooding back, racking every inch of my skin with electricity and making me realize very concretely that I’d been on the edge since the first thrust. My cock was twitching every second, struggling not to let go and coat the inside of Applebloom’s pussy with a load that felt even bigger than the one I’d given to her mouth. “Applebloom,” I managed. My voice sounded almost panicked, like I was teetering on the edge of a cliff. My hand didn’t stop moving on Applebloom’s clit, and her hips didn’t stop meeting my touch, grinding herself back and forth on the whole length of my cock as it was planted inside her. “I’m really close.” “Hnnh… that’s good… you can go ahead… I wanna… feel you shoot your stuff inside me…” I managed two more erratic thrusts before I granted Applebloom’s wish. My fingers didn’t stop moving as my balls clenched. The world paused for a second as I moved the final inch before my orgasm overtook me. I came. “Ahhhhhhh!” Applebloom shouted as I fired the first spurt of my cum inside her. I felt her clench as my cock spasmed in her pussy, coating the insides of her underage pussy with my jizz. After the second shot I could feel the sticky wet substance on the head of my cock. Applebloom was so full up from my dick that there was no room for anything else. Her legs shook as I pulled myself halfway out, making more room for my cum. Applebloom's pussy quivered around my dick, tugging at it so insistently it was a miracle I was able to pull out at all. Even after making several inches of space, I could still feel the warmness of my own cum spilling out around my shaft. Applebloom’s shout died down, but it didn’t stop completely. Her voice went from full volume to a more subdued moan, a single note going on and never stopping as I came inside her. I lost track of how many times I felt Applebloom’s pussy clench around me. I lost track of how many times I answered her throes of pleasure with spurt after spurt of my semen. At some point I pulled all the way out, and a waterfall of sticky white goo followed me, pouring out of Applebloom’s once virginal hole like a bucket of cream onto the clubhouse floor. I wasn’t done. I fired more, sending ropes of jizz up Applebloom’s back, painting patterns across her butt as she swiveled in the air. Her moans spiked in volume loud enough for me to hear as each shot hit her, and she pressed her face harder into the floor. When my balls had emptied themselves, my cock still shook, sending jitters up my spine as my orgasm refused to end. Applebloom’s moaning stopped, replaced with panting as she gasped for breath, her hind-legs shaking as a river of my cum poured down between them. Time returned. Both of us barely moved. There were no words. Click. >    VII    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I think that’s... everything we’ll need,” Diamond Tiara piped up from the corner. I still couldn’t place the inflection in her voice. She didn’t sound nearly as self-assured as she had when I was tied to that chair. I tried to stand up, but my limbs protested with no uncertain objection that they were far from being ready to move. Applebloom looked at me around her bent over body. She looked exhausted, but not in a bad way. Her forehead was shimmering with sweat. She looked like someone ready to reward themselves for finishing a particularly grueling hike. So… what now? “That’s it then?” I managed, pulling myself into as much of an upright position as I could manage. My shirt clung to my body like a damp tissue to a sneaker, and my legs reminded me with silent screams that I’d been kneeling for an implacable amount of time while I was railing Applebloom’s pussy. My train of thought disappeared somewhere around those words, but it found the rails again at the other side of my dick’s adamance that, right now, after an orgasm of that strength, there was no revival any time soon without a miracle. “Were you expecting applause? You’re fucking disgusting.” Diamond Tiara leered at me with her perpetual glare as she walked towards me. Silver Spoon kept her place at the far end of the clubhouse, looking over her camera, presumably to ensure it had captured sufficient evidence of my perversion. My wrists hurt almost as bad as my legs. But my mind was oddly clear. It was like being consumed wholly by the one thing I’d wanted for so long had finally washed away the part of my brain that had been fixated with fucking my perfect little yellow horse. Now there was room for thought, finally, after all those months. That camera was the only thing guaranteeing my fate at this point. “I just figured there’d be more to it than that. You watched me fuck Applebloom under the influence of your freaky jungle-thing, and now you’re going to scurry off to town and show everypony pictures of me balls deep in her pussy? Her pussy that you watched me fuck?” “Celestia, s-shut up…” Diamond Tiara stammered over her blasphemous admonishment. The glower in her eyes said she was annoyed with me for speaking up at all. I was supposed to be broken by now, a worthless husk of a man so committed to the idea of his expulsion that there’d be no more resistance in my words, let alone my action. There was more than enough of the first welling up inside. I was still working on the second. “What? You don’t feel even a little guilty that you just stood there and watch me violate somepony you go to school with? Hell, watched… you made it happen. You’re almost as bad as me in this scenario–“ The small splash across my face caught me off guard. I let it settle on my cheek for a moment before remembering I had use of my hands. I raised my palm to my face and felt the small blob of moisture against my skin, wiping it away before it could travel down to my chin. Diamond Tiara scrunched her face, a tiny dab of saliva hanging from her mouth as a vestige of the hearty spit she had aimed at my face. “I’m nothing like you. You’re pure filth… a grown… thing, that tricks ponies into liking him so he can get close to them, just to rub his disgusting human dick all over them, and probably clop off”–I hushed a mental chuckle at Diamond Tiara’s misappropriated terminology–“to them every night. Equestria will be better off when you’re rotting in a dungeon somewhere.” Diamond Tiara punctuated her explanation of disgust with an expression to match, glaring at me with her eyebrows so arched I could feel the daggers in the air. But I wasn’t worried anymore. What was the worst that could happen? If I gave up and sat back to let everything happen I was doomed, so I might as well make the ride as unpleasant as possible for the pony who was out to ruin my life. “If you say so, princess,” I said. It was the best I could come up with given the short time to think in the circumstance, but I felt like it had just the right amount of bite. Diamond Tiara shaking her face in rage gave me a fairly good indication I was on the money. “Y-you… you disgusting hairless monkey!” I think it was the best she could muster as a counterpoint, which honestly felt a little sad. I was in a battle of wits with a kid, after all. But before I could tender a rebuttal, I saw Diamond Tiara’s face change. Her mouth curved from a grimace of frustration, up at the corners into a nefarious sneer. She looked like the Grinch from the Christmas books back on earth. I wanted to see what she was thinking. “You’re right. This isn’t over; there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.” Diamond Tiara stared at me. I could feel her eyes trying to burn a hole through my body with her hatred. On one hand, I couldn’t blame her; as a child, regardless of her composure, me, a pedophile (sort of) was the unequivocal enemy. On the other hand, however, the foal-fiddler who acts in thought only is doing his best to restrain reprehensible action. I’m not saying I should be commended for keeping my hands off Applebloom’s pussy – until very recently, anyway – but the fact that the worst I ever managed was a subtle rub through my jeans was saying a lot. I could reconcile hating anyone. Even when I was doing social work, the dirtbag fathers who beat their kids had just been disgusting enough to earn a sneer for their conduct, and then they were out of mind. So what was Diamond Tiara’s aching desire, the thing she had just suddenly remembered she wanted to do with the foalophile she hated so much? “You’ve acted like you were so important… so sure of yourself that even me, the most popular, fabulously rich pony in the entire school didn’t have an inch on you.” Diamond Tiara stepped closer as she spoke until she was standing just in front of me. My lack of pants didn’t seem to bother her in the least; her eyes were locked solidly on my face, still a bit red on one sides from the velocity of her spit. I stared back at her, but really, my eyes were elsewhere. Not on Applebloom, surprisingly. “Well now I have a lot more than an inch,” she said. She paused just in front of my knee and lifted a foreleg, holding her hoof in front of my face. “Lick my hoof,” she said. I blinked. There was no way. Even in my deepest throes of defeat I couldn’t have contemplated bending over for her like that. No matter if I was going to be banished from the land of technicolor waist-height vaginas and talking ponies attached to them, I wasn’t about to let the prissy pink bitch in front of me win that way. I shook my head. “No fucking way.” Diamond Tiara glared harder. She shook her hoof at me like a toy in front of a reluctant pet.. “Are you stupid? You’re not doing yourself any favours by trying to be ‘dignified’ right now. Your naked with your gross human dick still covered in jizz from the underage filly you just fucked. Acting like a self-righteous moron is just going to make me hate you more. And the more I hate you, the faster those pictures are going to get plastered over everything in town.” I didn’t even look her in the eye. I turned my head, and looked towards the clubhouse wall. “Lick,” she said, and shook her hoof again. I shook my head in return. “Fine!” she shouted, not bothering to lower her hoof. “I don’t need to ask you.” I turned my head enough to see her tiara in the corner of my eye. That orange glow, aimed straight at me. I closed my eyes as it hit me, expecting the worst. Was my mind going to go blank? Or would I be trapped inside my own head, forced to watch through the lens of my own eyes as the rest of me acted without my consent? The orange glow hit, and I felt a tingle run along my skin, like electric goosebumps on a cold day. It was a bit cold. Other than that… nothing. Oh. Magic. My mind flashed back to my first day in Equestria. The unicorns had been very upset when their forcefields had just been pretty bubbles to put up around me. This wasn’t a unicorn magic, but it seemed just as ineffective. The idea struck me at that moment. I turned my head suddenly and blinked. I tried to make my gaze as glassy as possible. I did everything I could to block out the fact that I was half-naked in a clubhouse with a pink bitch of a pony holding her hoof out for me to lick like a collared dog. Everything was as abstract as possible. My mind was empty. I blinked and turned my mouth into a smile. Diamond Tiara matched it with a grin. “That’s more like it.” She jostled her hoof ever so slightly, asking for my obedience. I learned forward and moved my hands towards the floor around Diamond Tiara’s legs. I opened my mouth as I leaned and let my tongue loll out ever-so-slightly. I looked the picture of someone with no mind of their own. Diamond Tiara grinned wider. There was a heat in the air in the tiniest fragment of space before my tongue touched her hoof. I threw myself forward. My hands moved faster that I knew they could, one on Diamond Tiara’s back, the other flying for her tiara. “Hey–“ She didn’t have a chance to finish. I tackled her to the ground, ignoring the fact that my size and nakedness made the idea of slamming a tiny pink pony into the ground even more reprehensible. But, I felt my hand close on the smooth wood of Diamond Tiara’s new decoration. She felt it too. She kicked out with her hooves in vain as I pinned her to the ground. “No, don’t! Give that back!” I added that to my mental list of things that weren’t going to happen. Silver Spoon caught on a second after my fingers closed their grip around the wooden statue. She sprang from her spot in the corner and ran towards me like a mother cheetah desperate to intercept for her cub. Luckily for me, a tiny silver horse and a full-grown cheetah were in different leagues of difficult to deal with. Even with Diamond Tiara pinned down with one arm I managed to bounce away Silver Spoon’s assault, ramming my shoulder into her chest as she leapt at me. The sound of air leaving her lungs made me cringe a little, but the ends justified the means in this case. My hand pulled the ornament to me and clutched it tightly to my still clothed chest. Diamond Tiara kicked at my arm as hard as anything, thrashing and squirming as I pressed my weight down with my elbow, squeezing pressure onto her chest and keeping her in place. Still she shouted, despite the difficulty of breathing through my restraint. “Give that back,” she murmured through a raspy sounding voice. “No way,” I answered back. I realized I could have kept my rejoinder to myself, but it seemed too perfect a moment not to say something. Now for the moment of truth. I didn’t know anything about magic. I mean, even in a less cursory sense. Ponies in Equestria know about magic. In that it exists, anyway. Unicorns have it, and Princess Celestia too, and probably some other ponies too if they know what’s good for them. Ever since I’d first woken up in that strange bed and seen a pony with a horn shoot sparkly colours into the sky, I’d been fascinated by magic. It had been anything but with me. Like oil and water. Magic wanted nothing to do with me. This was earth pony magic. Jungle pony, to be specifically. I didn’t know if that made a difference. What was I supposed to do? I held the statue to my chest and thought. Holding Diamond Tiara down, and now enduring bites on my wrist as she struggled to free herself, I shut my eyes and thought. What was it to control some pony’s thoughts besides a very, very powerful suggestion? You should stop struggling like that, I thought as hard as I could. I clenched the talisman as I did so. My hand felt cold. The kicking stopped. I opened my eyes then. It didn’t occur to me even at that moment. The lack of movement keyed another thought in my mind. ‘Oh God, you’re holding her too hard and now she’s gone unconscious.’ I looked down. Diamond Tiara looked back at me. Her face looked… empty. She didn’t smile at me, but she did look up at me with wide, glassy eyes that made her look like a porcelain doll in pony form. It was very unsettling. You should smile. For the first time outside of the derision of her class-mates, I saw Diamond Tiara smile. No wonder she didn’t have a problem with the talisman; it was disturbingly easy to use. I heard Silver Spoon pulling herself off the floor of the clubhouse. Her hooves scraped against the wooden flooring, and her breathing broke the oddly still air of the house’s interior. Before she could turn. You should wait right there and not do a thing. I heard the scuffling stop. I turned my eyes, and Silver Spoon was right there, staring patiently at the wall as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. This was too good to be true. But then again, hadn’t everything this day been too good to be true? I had to convince myself it wasn’t real then. Something outlandish. Barely sure if I could place the thought, I grimaced, mostly at myself, and held my hand above Diamond Tiara’s face. She was still grinning. She almost giggled as she pushed her face forward, parted her mouth, and licked my hand. I let her lap at my fingers for a few seconds before I thought her to stop. The sound behind me drew my attention as my mind threatened to lose itself in the possibilities. It was a familiar voice. Apoplebloom’s. Confused. “What am I… what am I doing here? I feel all… sticky…” Oh God no. I took my arm off Diamond Tiara’s chest and turned, irreverent of my nakedness. Applebloom was looking over herself like she’d woken up in a new body, as confused as I’d been that first day in Equestria. She was eying the strands of semen along her fur like it was a strange confetti she’d been coated in while she slept. The look on her face was not as happy as the one I’d last seen. “I’m sore too… My… I hurt, kinda all over.” She sounded like she was talking to herself. She hadn’t seen me then. My brain fired on every synapse to try to calculate what to do next, but it was moot. She looked up at me in a few seconds. “Jason?” she asked. She didn’t sound angry or upset. Just confused. Like she was lost somewhere, and she was turning to the only face she recognized for help. “What are you…” The question died on her lips as she looked me up and down. Kneeling on the clubhouse floor over Diamond Tiara’s paralytic body, my pants and underwear long since discarded, clutching a wooden talisman to my chest. Her eyes went wide. I could see it as they opened. Sudden realization. There was no confusion. She remembered now. And it was at that point that I sealed my place in hell. Not that I expect anyone to forgive me. Forget. Just like you were before. Applebloom scrunched up her face the same way it had been that morning, right before the amber glow overtook her already brilliant eyes and brought back the smile I had cherished every second it was there. After keeping her mouth contorted for a few seconds, she loosened her muscles. The smile came back. I stared at her for a moment. The only sound I could hear was my own breathing in my chest, along with the heartbeat that accompanied it. Applebloom broke the silence. “Yer not tired already, are ya’? I’m good to go again if you can get hard for me.” There is no place in Equestria for a man like me. >    VIII    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Just give me a second, Applebloom. I just need to recover for a little bit.” “Aw shucks, that’s okay. Is there anythin’ I can do ta’ help?” She was laying on her accent thicker than normal. I couldn’t tell if that was the way she’d sounded all day previous, or if there was subconscious in my suggestions that I hadn’t even realized. “Well… you could help Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They could both use a little warming up.” “Okay!” Applebloom nodded enthusiastically at me, shutting her eyes as she bobbed her head. She ran over to Diamond Tiara first, grabbing her with her forelegs and pulling her upright from her semi-catatonic state. Play along. Diamond Tiara blinked as Applebloom righted her. “You okay, DT?” Diamond Tiara nodded. Talk. Say something. I want to hear your voice. “I’m okay.” So cute when she spoke without that affected bitchiness. I’d always wanted to teach her a lesson for being such a stuck up brat. “You okay with me playin’ with you a bit? Jason said I should help you guys get ‘warmed up’, so–oof!” Applebloom ended her sentence with a breath outward as Diamond Tiara shoved her to the floor. For a moment I wondered if the whole thing had been a backwards act, but Diamond Tiara’s movement reassured me otherwise. She held herself over Applebloom like a college boyfriend on prom-night, and smiled with her eyes staring into Applebloom’s tangerine orbs. “I’m more than okay with it. Here, let me clean you up first.” Diamond Tiara grabbed one of Applebloom’s forelegs and held it to her face. Her eyes widened as she took in the river of cum running over Applebloom’s body, leaving trails in her fur like arcane markings. She only hesitated for a second before she lowered her mouth and licked. The shiver her body gave at the first taste of salt in her mouth made me shiver. This was it then? Three fillies at my beck-and-call, held only by the restraints of the decency I’d just so readily abandoned? In a way, it was almost poetic. I tried not to think too much more at that point. “Silver Spoon, why don’t you come over here. You must be feeling left out.” Of course, she did just as directed, prancing over with an agreeable look on her face and paying no attention to the rapidly escalating two-pony goings-on taking place beside her. “Turn around so I can get a better look at you,” I said. Silver Spoon obliged, and I felt another pang of arousal shudder through my body in an attempt to remind me of the nature of the situation I was in. All in due time. Silver Spoon’s flank was a different than either of the two I’d gotten an eyeful of so far. It was smaller, for one; instead of well-toned from farm work like Applebloom or pudgy with decadence and unearned ice cream like Diamond Tiara’s, Silver Spoon’s butt was the perfect size to make her look like an underage beauty queen. My hand shook a little as I reached out and pressed my fingers into her haunches. The way she cooed and ground back at me let me know the fear of reprisal could be as good as gone. “Does that feel good?” I asked rhetorically as I massaged her underage cheeks. She didn’t reply, but nodded and bit her lip, lifting her tail higher and giving me a better view of her butt and everything besides as I kneaded her ass with my fingers. I’d never imagined that anything could be so soft. I couldn’t help myself from looking lower. One of my hands was still busy holding the wooden jungle-object close to my body, but I pulled my right hand away, distracted, and ran my fingers along the inside of Silver Spoon’s hind legs, feeling for the tiny slit I knew would be there, and that I hoped would be wet enough to play with. “Ah!” Sure enough, Silver Spoon gasped as I found my target. Her eyes flew open and she jerked her hips to the side as I ran my index finger along the already dripping line between her legs, breathing in as hard as I could in hopes of inhaling the scent of her underage arousal. Silver Spoon jostled back and forth once or twice like the touch tickled, but she eventually stilled herself and let me examine her hole, probing one of my fingertips along the outside and feeling the texture of her little-girl lips as I pressed into them. She was soft there too. I allowed myself one more indulgence before turning my attention elsewhere, else I get caught up in what was only the appetizer to the banquet of adorable young fillies waiting for me. With one hand still on Silver Spoon’s slit, I leaned my face forward and pressed down hard on her tiny little clit, which, as I expected, drew another very audible gasp. It also had the side effect of causing her to jerk her tail completely upright, which gave me a face-full of her well-kept silver hair right under my nose, which I sniffed deeply before withdrawing my hand. More in due time. “Applebloom, you’re not having too much fun over there without us, are you?” “N-n-no…” Applebloom’s answer tried to sound more sure than her voice could make it. She stammered the same way that she had when I was plowing her from behind, and given that there was only one other source for such a distraction, it was fairly obvious she was fibbing. Sure enough, I turned my head to find Applebloom on her back, her eyes fluttering half-closed as Diamond Tiara went to town between her legs. Applebloom had locked her hind legs around the back of Diamond Tiara’s neck and was practically thrashing upwards to meet Diamond Tiara’s tongue. I was surprised at myself for not hearing the southern-tinted squeals earlier; the price of preoccupation, apparently. “Are you sure? You sound like you’re enjoying yourself.” “I… I am…” Applebloom trailed her answer off into another moan, and threw her head back as Diamond Tiara delivered what must have been a particularly well placed lap. I think Applebloom had forgotten I was theoretically asking a question, but that was okay. I didn’t really need an answer. “Well, just make sure there’s room for the rest of us.” Without warning I placed my hand on the back of Diamond Tiara’s neck and dislodged Applebloom’s hooves. Diamond Tiara reacted by pausing her tongue, and her eyes went wide as I pulled her back suddenly, yanking her into the air and away from her dripping wet plaything (that was, as far as I could tell, still swimming with my cum from earlier). “Turnabout is fair play,” I said simply, and pulled Diamond Tiara towards my face. She was small, so even her mild chubbiness didn’t pose too much of a problem. In spite of myself, I let out an embarrassingly girlish moan as the smell of Diamond Tiara’s sex washed over my senses. I could practically taste her in the air, which either meant she was soaking wet with arousal, or I was delirious with too much of the same. Either way, I didn’t have to imagine the taste for long; it was easy enough to hold her up, so I pulled her closer, planting her pink pussy right on my mouth. I savoured the feeling on my lips before I parted them and extended my tongue. “Ohhh, d-d-don’t…” Diamond Tiara was more vocal than I’d noticed either of the other two foals to be. Even more, she was protesting. I knew from the talisman still clutched in my hand that it must be something of an act, but it made the act of tasting her that much more electric. That much more wrong. As if burying my face in a school-age pony’s pussy wasn’t wrong enough. My cock jerked at the slew of mental and physical conditioning responses blazing across my brain. It had found that aforementioned miracle and was well on its way to being ready to go again. Diamond Tiara, continuing her ruse of protest, pressed her forelegs against my face, trying in vain to push my nose and the rest of me away from her sopping wet slit. Even if she’d been serious, her size would have meant the resistance would only be token at best – as is, the whole thing felt like a devilishly deprived rolepay. ‘No, please, don’t touch me there,’ says the lusty house-wife as she’s ravaged by her husband – or in this case, the prissy pink filly to the human from another world. Not the best comparison, but close enough for now. I could have lost myself for hours in Diamond Tiara’s pussy – unlike I could surmise from feeling Applebloom’s wrapped around my dick and Silver Spoon’s shivering against my fingers, Diamond Tiara’s lips were plump; not fat, but with enough substance to them that her pussy was already an impressive analog to what I remembered of the real thing – from someone of age, anyway. Even better than the feeling of her lips against my face, however, was how wet she was; my chin was dripping with her juice, and every time I lapped inside her slit or up and over her little button I was rewarded with a fresh delivery of pre-pubescent pussy-fluid as she squealed in response to my touch. But, I reminded myself, there was still too much to get carried away now. Reluctantly, I pulled Diamond Tiara away from my mouth, leaving a dripping iridescent trail of saliva and other fluids hanging between her hind legs and my lips. She shivered as I put her down, her haunches shaking as she recovered from what must have been a near orgasm from her first oral. An orgasm I wanted to badly to take from her. “Girls, please, could you line up in front of me? That will make things easier.” It was second nature to give ponies this old direction. Telling them to stand in line to be picked for tag at Recess was one thing; never had I imagined I’d be telling three dynamite beautiful fillies to present themselves so I could take my pick of their pussies. There’s a saying though; ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.’ Or in this case… Applebloom hopped into place and assumed the position with a smile on her face, not needing even a second prompting from my direction to know what I wanted. I suppose there was a subconscious element of my thoughts willing action into all three of them through the wooden thing I was still clutching tightly in my hand, but to what extent I couldn’t be sure. It was hard to tell where the direction started and their personalities began; I mean, aside the fact that they’d gone from normal young ponies to sex-hungry sluts desperate to be my personal sex-toys. They were still them, personality and everything else… just with one very significant change in their thought process. Because that’s the way I wanted it. It was almost like the whole thing was real. Silver Spoon was the second in line, initially facing towards me but blushing and biting her lip before turning around as she noticed Applebloom’s position. I hadn’t pegged her as so demure given the way she was always just as bitchy as Diamond Tiara given the opportunity – but I suppose where one is the bitchiest as the leader, the second must follow in as much bitchiness as they can muster in hopes of keeping up. Maybe there had always been a meek, proper Silver Spoon hiding underneath that I’d never gotten the chance to notice. Diamond Tiara came last, of course. She moved in a sort of shuffle, grumbling as she turned around to give me a view of her luscious pink backside. I could see the trickle of moisture leaking between her legs, a combination of my spit and her own arousal. Maybe she was just grumpy because I’d stopped when she was close. My dick felt like an iron rod jutting out from my pelvis. I was worried that if I hit it the wrong way, the whole thing might shatter. Better to put it somewhere soft for safekeeping then. “So, girls. Applebloom’s already had her turn – who do you think should get to go next?” Silver Spoon turned her head down and sideways to Diamond Tiara, who simply scrunched up her mouth and looked away in a similar fashion. Applebloom just looked back over her shoulder at me expectantly. Her eyes went wide when she saw the size of my rigid cock pointing straight up, and her tongue hung out of her mouth just a little, like a hungry dog. “No volunteers?” I asked, running my hand over the trio of little rumps pointed at me and sorely begging to be used. “Ooh, I’ll go again if nopony else wants ta–“ “You already had your turn! I want to go!” Diamond Tiara interrupted Applebloom’s ‘selfless’ offer with a sideways glare and the same scrunched up look on her face. That was the real Diamond Tiara, alright, or at least a part of her. “Then why didn’t ya say somethin’ when Jason asked?” “Because I… that’s… it doesn’t matter! The point is, you already had a turn, and I want to go next.” Applebloom rolled her eyes and gave me the same look over her shoulder I’d seen from her a hundred times at school when Diamond Tiara’s entitlement had been too much to bear even from afar. A sort of ‘can you believe this filly’? “Fine, fine. If you want, Diamond Tiara, you go right ahead.” “That’s what I thought!” Diamond Tiara’s glare turned into a smirk as she pointed her head straight ahead and braced her forelegs against the clubhouse floor. I thought I even saw a sort of preparatory butt-wiggle, but it might have just been my imagination. I figured I knew why Diamond Tiara had hesitated at first, though. I felt her body shudder at the touch of my cock against her hole. I hadn’t paused for more than a shrug before taking a spot behind her pudgy pink butt and kneeling down, and the look on her face as the tip of my head parted her delightfully puffy pussy-lips said that maybe she wasn’t fully prepared for how big I was in comparison to her tiny pony body. Still, I hadn’t left room in my suggestion for her to say ‘no’. Applebloom had enjoyed it, after all. “Just relax and you’ll be enjoying yourself in no time,” I said soothingly as I pressed forward just a bit, pushing past Diamond Tiara’s lips and into the first inch of her entrance. God she was tight. Diamond Tiara quivered noticeably as I pushed inside, but she held her place, though I could feel her forelegs shaking with concentration. “I k-know… shut up and just do it already…” Even with a head-full of jungle pony magic Diamond Tiara still knew how to be a bitch. Well, she had asked, after all. Unfortunately, her hole was too tight to slide forward all in one go, but I managed to get least halfway in with one thrust, an act which felt like it might have seared the skin off my dick if the sleeve I was sliding into hadn’t been more well-lubricated than a waterslide. Diamond Tiara’s pussy was the tightest I’d ever felt, and leaking with such copious arousal that it felt like my cock was going swimming in an air-tight blazingly hot tunnel trying its hardest to get me off before letting me pull back for a second thrust. Being that I was already only half-way into my first and gritting my teeth at the tightness wrapped round the top half of my shaft, that didn’t seem like an impossibility. Diamond Tiara’s mouth had flown open as I buried myself so suddenly, but she didn’t manage a sound until a few seconds afterwards. “Hooooooly fuck!” It was more vulgar than I’d expected. Loud enough too. The windows on the clubhouse walls shook a little bit. I felt her insides shiver around my length as she sighed out the end of her exclamation. “Feel good?” “C-celestia, yesss…” Diamond Tiara’s pussy mimicked her approval, twitching and spasming around my dick and giving me an even bigger helping of her already copious lovejuice. I hadn’t expected the little bitchy princess to get into being fucked so fast, but I supposed Applebloom had come around just as quickly – who’s to say what magic was capable of. I struggled to get the last few inches of my cock inside Diamond Tiara’s hole, a task made no easier by the constant winking of her slit (something I’d seen mares from town do once or twice and only dreamed of experiencing first hand) and jittering of her hips. As she braced herself against the invasion of my member, Diamond Tiara clenched her face tight. I noticed both the other foals present were staring at her with varying looks on their faces – Silver Spoon a sort of embarrassment by proximity, her cheeks flushed red, and Applebloom a restrained but still evidently jealous stare of observation. Both girls watched as I grunted, finally managing to get the last inch of my dick inside Diamond Tiara’s achingly tight little hole. Both of them watched as I gritted my teeth and pulled back, so slowly, trying not to blow my load from the constant friction on every inch of my penis from Diamond Tiara’s soaking wet cunt. After the first thrust, the next few came easy. I tried to start fucking Diamond Tiara properly, but she made it clear that wasn’t going to happen. After the third or fourth thrust I felt the tightness around my shaft get even tighter, and I had to stop, afraid that if I pushed any harder I might just break my dick off inside the squealing little filly in front of me. The squealing was more than notable now – Diamond Tiara was practically screaming, so loud it occurred to me I might be worried if someone outside could hear her. It wasn’t words anymore – Diamond Tiara was letting out one long, constant moan, intensifying in volume and pitch every second her pussy clenched harder around my dick. It didn’t occur to me what was happening until I felt her tightness release, and felt the splash of liquid against my knees. “Did you just cum?” I asked bluntly. Diamond Tiara couldn’t muster a proper response. Her face was sweaty and her hair was torn out of its perfect coiffure, though that was partly result of our earlier scuffle. But her eyes looked even more glazed over than they had when she’d changed her tone at my behest, and her mouth was hanging open as she panted and struggled to draw in breath. The quivers of her just-big-enough pussy-lips along the base of my shaft were enough of a solid indicator. Diamond Tiara, a squirter already at such a young age. I waited for her to come down, just kneeling with my dick still buried inside her. After a minute, she finally managed to muster a proper response. “I t-think s-so…” The way she stuttered, so unsure of herself for a pony who was usually so sure of everything, was both adorable and intoxicatingly sexy. If I kept going now, though, it wouldn’t be fair to the other two girls. Hearing the sigh in my head before she had even made it, I pulled out, my cock slick with Diamond Tiara’s wetness, from her orgasm and otherwise. I tried not to let the coolness of the open air any more than was necessary as I sidled forward to the next set of waiting hindquarters. Silver Spoon’s soft little butcheeks shivered slightly as she felt the dripping tip of my cock against her miniature booty. Applebloom took the opportunity to cast a disparaging look sideways in my direction as I eyed the quivering silver foal in front of me. I answered her with an apologetic shrug. “It’s only fair,” I reasoned as I lined myself up, feeling Silver Spoon’s whole body shiver as it transitioned downward between her legs. “You’ve already had a turn, so it makes sense that you should go last, doesn’t it?” “I guess so…” Applebloom pouted. She stuck her lip out in the same way she always did when something didn’t go her way. Normally I’d console her with a pat on the head and a game of tag, but now wasn’t really the time. “I’ll make it up to you on your turn, okay?” I tried to be as diplomatic as possible while steeling myself for plunging into the third underage pussy I was about to fuck that day. I nudged forward, and felt Silver Spoon jump a little bit at the intrusion of my head into her special place. She didn’t seem as keen to go as Applebloom had, or even as ready to accept the inevitability of what she’d feel in a moment like Diamond Tiara had just done. Even more evidence that she was more than a little timid under her bravado of shared bitchiness. “Diamond Tiara,” I asked, jostling myself to keep up with Silver Spoon’s constant hip-wiggling, “could you try to help Silver Spoon calm down?” Diamond Tiara pulled her head up from the floor and looked at me like a college hangover. I rolled my eyes at her. “Just… tell her how good it felt for you, or just help her relax. She’s your best, friend after all.” I could have talked directly to Silver Spoon, but it seemed like for all the response I’d gotten from her up until that point that I may as well have been talking to a silver-maned sexed-up small-sized brick wall. Diamond Tiara had been much more receptive to direction, as much as she liked to protest. That was just her extra ‘spin’ on things. Diamond Tiara didn’t speak. She raised one of her forelegs and took Silver Spoon’s hoof in her own, like holding a sister’s hand during a painful shot. That’s not to say that it wouldn’t hurt a little, but I knew after the initial shock was over she’d enjoy it. Of course she would, I reminded myself as I clenched my wooden relic in my fist. Silver Spoon looked over to Diamond Tiara with dinner-plate eyes, curious and apprehensive. Diamond Tiara didn’t bother with words. With Silver Spoon’s hoof still locked around her own, Diamond Tiara leaned forward and kissed her best friend, locking lips and giving the sweetest little girl sigh I’d ever heard as she drank away all of Silver Spoon’s worry in a the softness of her mouth. I pushed myself forward at that moment, and to my delight found that Silver Spoon only jerked her hips forward slightly. The noise she made, whether it was pain or pleasure, blurred into a moan that could only mean one thing as it sunk into Diamond Tiara’s kiss. Diamond Tiara moaned back, closing her eyes and pushing her face further forward. The way her jaw moved made me hope so dearly her tongue was inside Silver Spoon’s mouth right now, that the two of them were touching tongues and sharing moans as I did my best to fit myself all the way inside the hole belonging to the tightest set of silver buns I’d ever had the pleasure of laying my hands on. Silver Spoon wasn’t as tight as Diamond Tiara, but the texture was certainly different. She wasn’t dripping wet, but she was still damp enough that I wasn’t worried about hurting her. Her lips felt different against the base of my shaft too – not nearly as puffy, but more perfectly fitted, like her pussy was hugging my cock just so. I could feel my balls pressing up against clit as I bottomed out inside her, still as surprised as ever that magical equine anatomy had afforded all three little foals the ability to fit my entire human cock inside themselves. Silver Spoon moaned louder when she felt the pressure against her button, and for the first time since I’d given my first thrust, she jostled her hips back to meet me, grinding herself on my cock in the search for more touch against her sensitive little nubbin. So, unlike the full length in-and-out I’d managed with Diamond Tiara, I settled for fucking Silver Spoon in shorter bursts, giving myself as much time as I could buried all the way inside her and pressing my testicles up against her aching prepubescent silver button. Every time I felt the head of my cock press up against her insides, I had to grit my teeth as she swivelled her hips in search of more pressure, more grinding on her engorged clit. I could feel the size of the bump pressing into my balls as she wiggled her ass against me, and the way she moaned every time she found a particularly good spot in her hip-rotation only made me groan back and press myself forward even harder. Diamond Tiara didn’t break the kiss the whole time. She started rocking her hips in the same motion as Silver Spoon even though there was nothing touching her, and every time Silver Spoon’s moans would spike in volume, Diamond Tiara’s would do the same, feeling as much as she could through empathy shared between her mouth and Silver Spoon’s. Silver Spoon took longer, but the combination of a kiss I was sure she’d either revelled in before or wanted for a long time, along with the constant attention to her clit, was enough to drive her over the edge before I was over mine; though, the act of holding back a load while grinding inside a moaning little foal’s perfectly shaped slit as she moan’s into her best friend’s mouth in a girl-on-girl kiss is one of the more impressive I can imagine. Silver Spoon didn’t moan as loud as I expected when she came. She almost clammed up, just letting out a soft little murmur into Diamond Tiara’s lips. Her entire body froze save for one very specific place, which I could feel clenching tight around my cock for an instant before letting go a few seconds later. Silver Spoon didn’t squirt either, but I did feel her clit twitch against me as she came. She let out a long, ecstatic sounding sigh, still muffled by her best friend’s mouth, and then finally pulled away from the embrace of her own accord at the same instant I pulled out of her pussy. As much as I would have liked to stay inside and savour the sensation, or maybe cop a feel or two more of her soft little silver butcheeks, there was another pony waiting for me, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold up. Applebloom wiggled her butt excitedly at me as I shifted to the side. “Ooh, ooh, my turn my turn my turn!” she said matter-of-factly as she bobbed her puffy red tail in the air in anticipation of the pounding I was about to give her. Her eyes dropped in disappointment when a few seconds passed and she didn’t feel my cock lined up with her hole. “What gives?” she asked, and cast a glance over her shoulder. I was leaning back using my one free hand as support, breathing steadily in an attempt to keep my stamina at a constant. The logistics of fucking even one filly Applebloom’s height in my current state had been difficult, but doing three in a row was proving to be impossible. In the heat of sudden opportunity I’d even forgotten that my legs were still bound – but now they were killing me, along with the pressure of my knees and everything else against the hard wood of the clubhouse floor from however long I’d been thrusting. “My legs are killing me,” I said simply. I took a few long breaths, trying to ignore the ludicrous notion of putting off sex with Applebloom for anything. I guess even in the throes of utmost fantasy, a body has its limits. “Aw, come on! That’s not fair! Just when it’s my turn you get all tired out?” Applebloom’s voice went full pout-on, and the sound of her unsatisfied whine almost struck me hard enough to get me back on my knees to finish the hat-trick I’d started. But, as soon as I started moving, my muscles screamed at me in protest, and I settled back onto my palm for support with a groan. “I’m sorry,” I said, breathing once or twice before continuing. “If you can wait just a minute I’ll be good to go again.” “But I don’t want to wait a minute,” Applebloom pouted, making her eyes as big and puppy-dog-like as she could manage. “I want it noooowww!” Goddamn she was adorable. “How about a compromise then,” I said. I managed to convince my legs to let me maneuver them to a theoretically less painful position, which involved me stretching them all the way out from myself, holding myself up from lying position purely by virtue of the support of my one free arm. The sight of my swollen looking ankles reminded me I was still technically a bound ‘prisoner’ despite the recent change in happenstance. “Could one of you untie me, maybe?” Applebloom moved to the rope first, but after struggling with a length of it between her teeth for a good thirty seconds and possibly only making things worse, she bashfully conceded the knot she had created to Silver Spoon, who quietly and simply took the tying end of the binds and undid them in a way I couldn’t quite make out. After what felt like forever, it felt so good to move my ankles apart again. I laid back on the cool wooden floor for a minute, relishing the sensation of the textured hardness against my sweat-drenched skin. I had only rested for a few seconds when I noticed all three pairs of young eyes on my dick as it stood straight up, bobbing awkwardly back and forth. With more effort than I’d expected, I pulled myself half up right and gestured to my naked lap with my free hand. “Why don’t you climb up and we’ll do things a different way?” Applebloom contorted her face in a mixture of confusion and sudden excitement at the prospect of something adventurous in the context of now-growing list of sexual experience. She considered the logistics of her position for a moment before clambering over my still aching legs and resting on my pelvis. I could feel the heat from her body washing into my own as she eyed the object of her pending affection with playful eagerness. The idea of Applebloom riding me ‘cowgirl style’ was possibly the best thing I ever could have dreamed of, but the mechanics were a little treacherous. She was barely big enough to take my whole length in the first place, and the notion of her bouncing herself up and down with any levity was even more problematic. So, there would have to be an alternate solution. “Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, can you help Applebloom up?” I had taken to asking everything in the form of a question, even though I knew I could simply have directed them - without even speaking - to follow my ‘requests’ to the letter. For some reason, whether because I was clinging to what might be left of my tattered humanity, or because I couldn’t bring myself to take complete influence over the ‘innocent’ little girls around me, I wanted to pretend I had their consent. Neither Diamond Tiara nor Silver Spoon responded verbally, but they both gave short nods and picked themselves up from their various states of post-sex exhaustion, Diamond Tiara looking considerably worse for wear than her friend. Applebloom looked even more aghast in surprise as the two girls took a place on either side of her and lifted her up with their hooves, standing on their hind legs. It always looked weird when ponies did that. But, it made her the perfect height to hold herself over my cock. I could feel the tightness of her hole at the tip of my member, and I fought the groan welling up in the back of my throat as Applebloom’s two helpers lowered her as best they were able. There was no fanfare to their movement. One minute Applebloom was being held with the heat of her tight little pussy at the head of my cock, and the next moment she was sliding almost all the way down, let down by the two fillies holding her up. “Ahhh!” She let out a cry so wanton it was hard to believe it was coming from the same youthful yellow pony I’d spent day after day supervising on the playground. She shut her eyes as the sound came out of her mouth, and just a bit of her tongue stuck out of her half-open mouth as she tilted her head back. I could feel her clenching around my shaft in defense against the size of the sudden intrusion to her pussy.. It was a sensation that reminded me very readily that, despite the two times I’d already cum, that I’d just finished fucking two of the tightest holes I’d ever imagined could exist, and was now lying back and letting Applebloom ride my dick while she moaned like a mare in heat. It felt too good to be real. I knew it wasn’t, in a way. Applebloom opened her eyes part way as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon helped lift her up, holding her at the peak of her ascent before lowering her back down - the motion was again without pause, but still slow enough that I could feel every inch of my cock sliding inside Applebloom’s underage slit. I could feel her walls grasping at my length as I pushed past the half-way mark, fighting the urge to thrust my hips upwards. I didn’t want to break her. Though, no matter what, there wasn’t really a worry that she’d object. I want this to be real. Applebloom panted as her helpers allowed her a moment to acclimate to the sizable piece of meat buried inside her. “Does... does that feel as good for y’all as it does ‘fer me?” That’s something she would have said if she wanted this for real, wasn’t it? I nodded. Applebloom tried her best to lift herself up under her own strength, but faltered when she lifted just more than inch upwards and fell back down, slamming herself onto my cock with more velocity than I’m sure she intended. “Ahh!” She gave another shout, and I felt myself twitch inside her. There was no deluding myself into believing my stamina was going to hold out at this point. I grit my teeth as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon lifted up again. My eyes didn’t leave Applebloom’s face for a second as I watched her close her eyes again, and bite her lip as her lips traced up my member until they were poised just at the tip of my cock. A few seconds passed before she came back down again, and I let out a long groan to match Applebloom’s sounds as she took as much as she could, even with the aid of gravity. What if this is all a dream? Applebloom took advantage of her fully lowered position by grinding herself back and forth, rocking her tightly toned butt side to side and pressing the head of my cock up against the insides of her love-tunnel. The action seemed to keep her more composed than me, because I couldn’t help but let out another animalistic groan. Applebloom smiled at me through her delirious haze of pleasure. I’m really glad–”my first time is with you,” she said. She smiled at me, a saccharine sweet smile completely oblivious to the reality of her pussy still clenching around my dick, winking at me and inviting me to pound inside again and again, faster than she could move with the aid of the fillies on either side of her. If I wanted to, could I make the whole thing real? I felt Applebloom shudder as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon quickened the pace of their lifting. Up and down, up and down. Applebloom lost the words she might have been contemplating and instead settled for a long, drawn-out moan, an ‘oooooh’ that echoed through every inch of the clubhouse and made me twitch again in a way that very concretely said I wasn’t going to last much longer. Applebloom moved one of her hooves to the tiny nubbin just above her pussy, and her moan doubled in volume as she rubbed over it. Definitely not much longer at all. “I think I’m pretty close...” Applebloom managed to squeeze out the sentence between breaths, panting and moaning every second she could find to allow her. I had stopped any conceit of noise because I knew that the more I showed how close I was, the closer my body would acknowledge, and I so dearly did not want this to end. If it ends, I have to think about what’s happened. Applebloom gestured with her forelegs for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to stop - to just hold her there, as far down as she could manage. Applebloom bit her lip as she rocked her hips back and forth again, her hoof rubbing frantically on her tiny clit. “Are... are you gonna... with me...?” Applebloom’s voice was barely a whimper through the breaths of air she was fighting to take. I could feel her tightening on my shaft as she played with herself. I didn’t need any more time if she didn’t. I nodded. Applebloom closed her eyes and rubbed even faster. I felt her body freeze for an instant before the floodgates broke. I allowed myself one thrust, pressing upwards into Applebloom’s pussy that was clenched so tight it felt like it might break me in half as I moved. “Ahh–” Applebloom managed a single sound before her voice lapsed into quiet. I felt a shiver run through her body atop my rod, and then her whole body began to shake. “Ah’m–” “–cumming,” I finished for her. Applebloom leaned forward and bent her body over my chest. Her teeth searched for whatever was closest, settling on a mouthful of my shirt. She came harder than I could have imagined such a small pony was capable of. When the first spurt of my cum shot inside her, she moaned into the fabric between her teeth, and came harder. I didn’t manage to make a noise, but my hands clenched as I sprayed a second and third rope of cum into her welcoming slit, wrapped around the head of my cock tighter than a tourniquet. I couldn’t feel any velocity to my orgasm - the warmth simply collected on the head of my cock as Applebloom twitched and thrashed on the majority of my shaft nestled deep in her too-tight pussy. She managed to keep her hoof in place as she fell forward, and I could feel it rubbing against my bare skin as she frigged herself through the duration of her climax. I lost count of the times I felt my balls clench. Applebloom moaned every time my cock-head twitched and coated her insides with a compliment to the load I’d delivered earlier. At least four or five. I could feel it sloshing around, a collection of liquid surrounding the tip of my penis nestled in Applebloom’s cunt. Nothing like this could have been real. Applebloom let out a final sigh as the last of her orgasm subsided, and mine along with it. Though I had almost forgotten they were there, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara reminded me of their presence as they helped pull Applebloom up off my chest, and subsequently, my cock. I was still half hard, and the sound the broke the air as the head of my dick popped out of Applebloom’s well-fulled pussy sent another twitch through what remained of my arousal. A gush of my cum followed, splattering all over my crotch and Applebloom’s legs. Applebloom let herself be pulled to the side and off my body before she collapsed. The wood underneath her let out a soft ‘thump’ as she met the ground with no effort to allow herself a graceful landing. To my surprise, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon followed suit - ostensibly, the task of doing full-body lifts of a pony their own size hadn’t been as easy a task as I’d imagined. And so, the four of us lie there, basking in the resonant afterglow of the best sex I’d ever conceived of having, counting the seconds until the collective exhaustion willed us into sleep. Sleep was two things. It was a relief, because in no part of unconsciousness could the consequences of what had just happened enter my mind. On the other hand, no matter how much I might like to believe otherwise; sleep had to end sometime. And that meant coming up with a way to solve the very immediate difficulties presented by the near future as a result of the aftermath of the last hour. I clutched the wooden relic close to my chest and closed my eyes. Real is waking up and deciding what happens next. >    IX    > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Applebloom!” The voice that cut the air like a tomboyish tumbler full of gravel could only belong to one pony. Scootaloo’s tiny wings fluttered her above ground as she came bounding through the crowd of ponies that had collected after class’s dismissal. Scootaloo’s eyes were brimming with anticipation as she parted the throng of school-children not quite on their way home yet. “Applebloom,” she repeated again as she caught site of the target of her exclamation. Applebloom turned her head with a bit of a surprised look, not having expected an orange pegasus filly to come barrelling at her like an on-target smart missile. Of course, Sweetie Belle followed in tow, having considerably more difficulty making her way forward than Scootaloo had. Murmured ‘Um, excuse me’s and gentle prods were a notably less effective crowd clearing tool than simply shoving other ponies out of the way. “Hmm?” Applebloom raised an eyebrow in curiosity. It wasn’t as though her friends attention was entirely unexpected, but when Scootaloo had a look that excited on her face there was no telling what she might have planned. I kept my eyes halfway open from a few feet away, trying to break my habit of leaning up against the school-house wall like a barely employed security guard. I watched the exchange between the three with mild interest, wondering what hair-brained request two of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders might have come up with. “Are you gonna come hang out now that school’s out? Sweetie Belle thought of a totally rad idea for something to try to get our cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle pried her way out of the crowd of her schoolmates with her face clenched in determination, but didn’t quite manage to keep her balance as the last of the tide of ponies surged around her. Her front hooves slipped, and she landed face first on the ground with an ‘oof’, her pink-and-purple tail waggling above her squishy white butt like a flag of defeat. Scootaloo rolled her eyes and turned to help her friend up, prying her off the ground like a flattened filly pancake. Surprisingly, Sweetie Belle seemed unfazed by her fall - given her proclivity for clumsiness, she was probably more than used to the occasional trip. “That’s right! I thought about it when we were supposed to be doing our math assignment.” I turned my detached observational glare into a look of disapproval, but kept my tongue silent as I watched the scene unfold. It wasn’t as though a grown-up telling a kid to be interested in math had every been successful. Applebloom cocked her eyebrow again, asking for more information without investing herself any further into the conversation than was necessary. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle shared a look, both of them smiling outrageously, before they turned their heads back towards Applebloom. “What about–” started Scootaloo. “–Cutie Mark Crusader Forest Explorers!” Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s shouted their idea at full volume, loud enough that I could see Applebloom’s bow swaying against the force of their collective verbal force. “‘Forest Explorers’?” asked Applebloom, scratching her head and readjusting her bow. Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically. “Uh-huh! I thought it’d be really cool if we could go exploring in a jungle, and find something like a temple or lost magical artifact.... but we don’t have any jungles around here. So the forest was the next best thing!” “Y’all don’t mean the Everfree Forest, do you?” Sweetie Belle blinked once or twice before turning her eyes downward in as much avoidance as she could muster with a facial expression. “Well... no. Not necessarily, anyway.” Applebloom rolled her eyes, showing off the memories she still had from the groups last visit to the Everfree. Scootaloo stared on, oblivious, her eyes still brimming with anticipation at Applebloom’s agreement. “Right. Well, as much fun as that sounds, I can’t make it today.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle matched their expressions perfectly, both of faces falling with big pouting lower lips as Applebloom crushed their hopes with a single sentence. “It’s not that I don’t want to! It’s just that Big Macintosh hurt himself a little while ago, and Applejack needs ma’ help on the farm.” “Applejack needs your help to make up for Big Mac being hurt?” Scootaloo asked incredulously. “Well, not just my help.” Applebloom gestured with one of her forelegs back in my direction. That was my chance to speak up, I suppose. “I’m not as strong as Big Macintosh by any means, but it’s not like I wasn’t going to offer to help when I heard he was out of commission. Besides which, you know the saying; many hands make for light work.” All three fillies blinked at me as though I’d uttered something in a different language. Oh, right. Hands. “Er... I mean, many hooves?” Another set of blinks. Applebloom broke the silence, turning in my direction as she spoke. “Anyway. You guys feel free to go exploring without me. Ah promise I’ll be able to hang out more when Big Mac is feeling better.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle quelled their pouts to only a half-disappointed set of puppy-dog eyes and nodded at Applebloom’s explanation. Scootaloo kicked at the dirt once with her foreleg, but raised her head afterwards, obviously more disappointed than upset. “We get it. Tell your brother we hope he gets well soon, okay?” “Will do!” Applebloom smiled at her friends as they walked back into the end-of-school crowd, now significantly thinned as the last of the ponies left were making their way home. Appleblooom watched them walk for half a minute before turning towards me, smiling at me underneath her big red bow. “Well, I guess we’d better be on our way then?” I nodded. Sweet Apple Acres was a bit of a walk, after all. We walked until the trees were thick enough that we were sure no one could see us. I kept giving half-worried glances over my shoulder, but Applebloom seemed sure of herself after we passed the first large outcropping of forest. I was just about to suggest stopping, but Applebloom was on me before I could speak. Without any preamble, her teeth were on the zipper to my jeans, and the sound of the metal teeth sliding down was the first sound either of us made in the otherwise silent forest. Applebloom used her mouth to tug down on my pants as I took them off, sliding my boxers off alongside them in one go. I was already hard. My cock swung inches away from her face as she lifted it up, and she licked her lips at the sight of my fully hardened member in plain view. I didn’t give her a chance to pounce on me though. Before she could move again, I was on her, scooping her up in my arms and carrying her forward, then lowering her slowly to the ground as I kneeled down, holding myself over her. She started panting as I planted my mouth on her neck, kissing and nibbling at the softness of her skin, drooling in unmitigated anticipation far more than was appropriate. That’s a strange word to use. ‘Appropriate’. “I’ve been wanting to get you alone all day,” I said, running one of my hands along her body and squeezing my fingers into the supple flesh of her butt, delighting in the squeal she made as I kneaded at her taut young behind. “Ah know,” she panted. Her hips were moving in response to my touch, her back arching as her body asked in every way for more. “I saw how hard you were. Look how bad you’ve got me wantin’ it.” I lowered my hand between Applebloom’s legs. She gasped as my fingers slid along her slit. True to her word, she was soaked. I moved my mouth away from her neck and busied my tongue with the rest of her body, lapping desperately at her skin as I made my way down to her dripping honey-pot. Though I was naked from the waist down, I opted to keep my shirt on. I could feel the solidness pressed into my shoulder where I had wrapped the pouch around my arm, holding the wooden statue close to my body. “Applebloom.” I moaned her name before I moved my head further downward, taking in a taste of her wetness. She moaned back at me wordlessly, thrusting up into my tongue. Her moaning was always so loud, it made me boggle at how no one managed to hear it, no matter where we had our fun. As I lapped at her gently while positioning myself to move forward and bury myself inside her in one thrust, her eyes shone a bright, sparkling orange, brighter than the sun blotted out by the canopy of branches and leaves overhead. I spent a lot of time thinking about where things went ‘wrong’. Wrong in the loosest sense of the word, because there’s nothing right about what happened. ‘Right’ only in the sense that I finally got what I had been aching after for so many months; the culmination of my horrible fantasies brought to life. I call them horrible because I’m a realist. I don’t hold any delusions about the morality of my descent into what I actually did. But, that being said, there’s a distinction in there. Somewhere. I don’t think I was on the first step down to the lake of brimstone when I noticed all that naked pony vag. I don’t think I was paving my way to hell when I masturbated to the mental image of Twilight’s marehood, though that might have been a step in the wrong direction. I’m pretty sure I hadn’t damned myself irrevocably when I caught myself ogling Applebloom’s backside and fantasizing about plowing her underage pussy in the most unspeakably depraved of scenarios. I mean, at that point we’re still in the realm of though. So, I probably set myself too far down the river Styx when I started the rubbing, or the errant fondling. By the time I thought ‘Applebloom, you’re going to stay a sex hungry filly-slut, and you’re going to like it’, or the closest mental equivalent, I had pretty much written off any semblance of humanity. But that’s what makes the question weird. Here I am in a world where ‘humanity’ is only equivalent with the moral conscience of an entirely distinct race of sentient beings - not to say that the ponies I’ve spent time with aren’t capable of understanding morality - but they’re lacking that very concise word for it. There’s no ‘humanity’ to lose - just integrity that, for all intents and purposes, seems not to exist as a question of integrity or reprehensibility. For all I know - and I have my suspicions - I could be the first individual to broach the subject of ‘foal-fiddling’ in Equestria. I could be the first anything to put my dick in a pony not of legal ability to consent. What is the legal age of consent for Equestrians anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever done the research. Anyway. In a way, that’s almost a poetic distinction. I mean, in a very perverse, very horrible kind of way. The first human in Equestria within anypony’s recent memory, and what does he end up doing? Blending into the community under the guise of ‘helpfulness’, and then spiralling into a sex-obsessed pedophiliac descent that probably has no context to exist within the rest of the world. It doesn’t speak well for the perception of ‘humanity’ as a whole. To this day, I still couldn’t tell you why I did it. I couldn’t tell you what synapses in my brain fired when I first saw Applebloom’s taut filly butt bent over in front of me, or even why the idea of plowing a pony’s pussy had become attractive in the first place. Heck, if I’d wanted to dive down the route of interspecies intercourse, there were plenty of larger, legal, potentially consenting older ponies who I probably could have charmed into bed with the promise of ‘exotic xenophiliac fornication’. But I didn’t do those things. I stewed on the desires that had no place in my head in the first place, and this is what came of them. An opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, and now a world so catered to my indulgences it may as well be a fantasy. I’d never thought that, upon waking up that first day and getting a faceful of shocked pony staring back at me, that I’d end up where I am. I’m not sure if all this makes me a terrible person. I mean, it probably does. I guess the question I keep asking myself isn’t as much ‘when?’ as ‘why?’ Can I say that anyone else put in my shoes wouldn’t have done the same thing? I don’t exactly have the wherewithal to test that kind of hypothesis. With all that in mind, if I was given a second chance, would I do everything over again, exactly the same way? That one eats me up at night. But every day I wake up just the same, wooden-statue attached to my shoulder, and all my foal fantasies waiting for me to say ‘go’. I guess if I think about it more, I might come to some kind of conclusion. Some sort of answer to myself, or the world in general, about the nature of humanity’s integrity; the bendability of morals and the notion of how decision plays into our understanding of ‘right and wrong’. I don’t have that answer now, though, so I guess there’s nothing more to do than to ride out the crest of the decisions that brought me here. I’ll try to find an answer as time goes on, really. But at least for now, in regards to where this all falls and where it might go, this is The End.