> Make It Up To Her > by ucantkno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Make It Up To Her > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I was completely embarrassed!" Scootaloo yelled at her boyfriend. The two were in her room arguing about events that transpired earlier that day. "I'm SOOO sorry", Rumble said sincerely. "I was only going to send it to Featherweight, I didn't know he'd show it to every colt in class!" Rumble was curled up in the corner tapping his hoof on the ground and trying not to make eye contact. "I'll make up for it any way you want me to!" Hmm, Scootaloo thought. She wasn't really that upset about the situation at whole, but she did feel like giving him a bit of hell for the trouble. After all, he DOES owe her. "OK, Rumble. You really want to make it up to me? Why don't you..." Scootaloo thought for a minute, "...dress up for me." Rumble was shocked and confused. "...Pardon?" "Well, it only makes sense. You embarrassed me, so I get to embarrass you. Of course, this is only ONE aspect of your punishment." Rumble was terrified of those implications. "Um... OK... what do you want me to wear?" Rumble asked, just happy she wasn't yelling anymore. "Well, there's so many options. There's a bunny suit that fits you. I could put you in a sexy black dress. Hell, you'd look pretty good in just a pair of panties." Scootaloo looked at Rumble's face, expecting it to be filled with dread, but was instead was listening very intently. He was just so determined to make it up to her that he just didn't even care. She almost felt bad for doing this. At least bad enough to let him pick his poison. "So, which is it gonna be?" "Oh, it's not up to me. You're the one giving out the punishment." Rumble said shyly. Scootaloo was a little annoyed, but figured since he was so willing, she might as well get as into it as she can. "Very well. I choose the bunny suit and panties. That's my only dress, anyway, and I wouldn't want it getting damaged." Scootaloo said as she dragged the suit out of the closet and laid out the frilliest pair of panties she owned. She wasn't even sure why she owned them. "Now, come over here and get them on." Rumble got up and walked over to the clothing, the previously-nonexistent look of nervousness was now finally finding its way to his face. He put his hind legs into the lacey pale-pink panties and used his forelegs to pull them up over his rump. Scootaloo was pretty close to his size, so it was a good fit aside from some spilling. He took a look behind him at the effeminate underwear on his body. He already had a somewhat feminine figure, and this just sold it. The bunny suit was next. It was a very fuzzy pink suit, a bit pinker than the panties, but not by much. He undid the zipper on the underbelly and put his left foreleg inside first. Then he put his head through. He could see Scootaloo was trying her hardest to look stern, but the urge to smirk was just too strong for her. Then he put his left hind leg through, feeling the panties ride up a bit as they did so. Then he put his right hind leg into the suit, which caused the panties to ride up even more. Finally, he zipped up the suit and took a glance in the mirror. It didn't look as bad as he had feared, but those panties are sure making it tricky. "Very good. You're very obedient. Now, why don't you lay on the bed while I get the next part ready?" Rumble did as we was told and layed down on Scootaloo's bed. He was laying on his back, with this forelegs curled up against his chest. Scootaloo had digged a package out from under her bed simply labeled 'From: Sweetie Belle'. The box had never even been opened before, but she seemed to know what it was. She opened the box to reveal a cosmetic kit. Rumble had a feeling about what was to happen next, and he hated it. He openly despises make-up even on girls. Scootaloo dipped the mascara wand and proceeded to get closer to Rumble's face, which he pulled away. "Excuse me, MISS..." Scootaloo hissed. "You're not trying to resist your punishment, are you?" Rumble sighed and reletented as Scootaloo applied the goop to his eyelashes. Then she put on the rest, from the blush to the pink lipstick to the blue eyeliner. Afterwards, Scootaloo showed him his reflection in a hand mirror. He was shocked. Thanks to the bunny suit, he looked like a mix between a little filly and a hooker. Two things that should never be combined. "Is that it?" Rumble asked, starting to reevaluate his definition of 'anything'. "No-o-o, young lady." Scootaloo taunted. She reached under her bed again and pulled out three jumpropes. She tied two of them from each of his hind legs to the two bed posts next to them and she tied his forelegs together and through a wooden slat on the headboard. She must've been a pretty good tier, as Rumble was completely immobilized. Scootaloo clenched the zipper of the suit and very slowly began to go downward. Rumble could feel his fur standing up from where the suit had been unzipped. She grazed past his chest, then his belly, and she went extra slow as she unzipped the crotch, pressing her nose into Rumble's pantied stallionhood as she did so. She went back up to Rumble's face and began to lick his lipstick-covered lips. Strawberry, she thought. She darted her tongue inside his mouth once or twice before getting her own lips closer to his. Her tongue went inside and found his, and she swirled it around a bit. Rumble decided to contribute and started to lick her lips. Scootaloo leaned her head on his for a brief moment before pulling away, leaving a string of saliva between their mouths. Scootaloo positioned herself towards his hind end, admiring his now semi-erect cock. She reached for the waistband of the panties and pulled them down over his member, causing Rumble to squirm a bit. She liked this. She put it in her mouth just enough to give Rumble some pleasure, but still conservatively enough that he was still being teased. Rumble moaned as he writhed in his binds. "Hmm, what's that, girl? You like that?" Scootaloo asked playfully. "Ohhmmm, yes." Rumble groaned. All this teasing was making him squirm, but the ropes were too tight for it to affect anything. "Well, why don't you tell me EXACTLY what you want me to do?" "I... um... want you to... orally pleasure my... penis?" Rumble said uncertainly. He wasn't comfortable with profanity. "Oh, come now. Surely you can do better than that. Dirtier." "I want you to... um... suck my... cock." Rumble mumbled. "What was that? You'll have be louder." "I WANT YOU TO SUCK MY COCK!" he yelled. "MUCH better!" Scootaloo observed. "But I don't think you're quite... ready." she said as she tapped his sensitive member with her hoof, causing him to writhe even more. "Don't worry, you're close. Just one more matter of business." Scootaloo lowered her haunches over Rumble's face. "I think you know what to do." And he did. Rumble put his tongue inside her evidently wet pussy and felt his way around. After licking the entirety of the organ, he began to dart his tongue in and out like a dog lapping up water. Scootaloo was trying her hardest not to break her composure, but the sensation was just too great. Her knees buckled as she lay down on top of Rumble, taking care not to flatten his still-yearning penis in the process. Rumble continued to eat her out, with much of her secretions splashing back onto his face. Every now and then, he would give one of her lips the slightest nibble just for good measure. Scootaloo was biting down on one foreleg and had the other wrapped around Rumble's hind leg. Eventually, it was too much for her: as he gave her pussy a last few darts of the tongue, Scootaloo felt the pleasure envelop her entire body, causing her hindquarters to collapse onto Rumble's face. After a few seconds, she regained her composure and lifted her rump off of Rumble, revealing that his face was drenched with her juice in the event. "Well, all right, then." Scootaloo panted. "I'd say you certainly made it up to me. Now, what do you say we fufill that request of yours?" Scootaloo sat down on Rumble's chest, getting it wet as well. She started to fondle his balls with her hoof as she latched her mouth onto his throbbing cock. She sucked in her cheeks and began to bob up and down. Rumble's moans made it very clear just how bad he had been wanting this. Scootaloo's tail brushed up against his face as she blew him, which he didn't seem to mind. She stopped bobbing and simply held his cock in her mouth while she ran her tongue up and down the frenum. At this point, he was ready to burst. Rumble felt the pressure start to rise in his loins, and with a few more well-placed licks, he simply couldn't contain it anymore: as the euphoria ran through his spine, his cum shot into Scootaloo's mouth, and some of it even got on her face. They were both spent. Scootaloo then got up and started to untie Rumble from the bed. Taking a big breath, Rumble began to speak. "So *pant* am I *pant* forgiven?" "Uhhh... yeah, I'd say so." Scootaloo said. "Actually, I forgave you a long time ago. I just wanted to have some fun with you. Sorry. I hope you're not mad." "I would be if that wasn't so... fantastic." Rumble panted. "I guess you can that stuff off-" Scootaloo said as she turned to Rumble, "-now." He was asleep. He looked so cute napping on her bed, in his unzipped bunny suit with smeared make-up on his face and penis hanging out of a pair of frilly panties. Scootaloo chuckled. "Sweet dreams... mister."