> Team Awesome Short Stories: Dream's Reality > by Caustizer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the beginning of time in the pony universe there existed two mighty spirits... Light and Dark. The majestic alicorn Light came into consciousness from the combined essence of freshly born stars, and as their maker and keeper she came to be known as the Mother of Creation. Infinite spaces and endless time were nothing to her when it came to caring for her children. For eons Light showed them love similar to what a mother would show her sons and daughters, but where there is light there must also be darkness. The equally powerful alicorn Dark came into existence reluctantly from the resistance of the void, and to him fell the task of ending the lives of stars too ancient to persist any longer. This duty he performed unfailingly for many eons, and following in his wake Light would gather the ashes and birth them anew to continue the eternal cycle. In this period Light and Dark were the only sentient creatures in existence and they grew to know each another cordially. For millions of years the two mighty alicorns got along fairly well, for each respected the necessity of the other's task in maintaining the balance of the universe. When a rift developed between them it was slow and gradual, creeping in as each began to change with the passing eons. This divide finally broke out into the open when Dark began to consume the stars he destroyed as opposed to initiating supernovae, creating vicious black holes where clouds of star dust should've been. Enraged at what she viewed as a betrayal of their friendship, Light found and confronted him. The details of such a battle are beyond mortal comprehension, but eventually Light cast Dark into one of his own black holes weakening him enough that she could trap him in the only prison that could possibly hold a being of his power: herself. The act drained her beyond recovery as well, to the point where she could no longer take the role she once did for her star children. Exhausted and bitter, Light retreated to a small barren planet in a nearby solar system and set up a massive home for herself which would eventually become known as the Palace of Creation. No longer as divine and eternal as she once was, Light began to feel a nagging loneliness like she never had before. Her connection to the stars had been almost completely cut, and Dark's vengeful silence only made things worse. One day while gazing towards the rising sun, she grew angry. "If you will no longer speak to me, then I shall give you a new voice," she declared, and so the magical experiments began. Light made dozens of attempts to give the Sun a voice like the one it had once spoken to her with, but they all resulted in dismal failure. Amused with her lack of success, Dark mocked her. "Your children no longer wish to talk," the imprisoned alicorn teased, "can't you see they despise you?" Immune to his unsubtle jabs, Light continued her work. Eventually, she gave in to frustration and offered to make him a bet. The conditions were that Dark would give a portion of his own essence willingly for her experiments. If she failed to make the Sun speak to her within a hundred years, she would release her mental shackles and set him free. It was an offer Dark couldn't refuse, and he accepted her terms with enthusiasm knowing that the odds of her success were miniscule. As it would turn out, it was exactly what Light needed. Taking energy from one of the Sun's mighty solar flares, she trapped it into a ball and mixed in Dark's contribution. Fusing it all together, she created the first real pony in the universe - Celestia. Soon after came more children as Light sought to make the voices of other objects in the universe heard. The night twins, Luna and Dream, came from the Moon and dark matter clouds respectively and entered the world together in a bright and joyful mood. Next came Discord, who gained his unruly shape from a magical spat between Celestia and Dream about what materials Light should add towards his creation. Finally came Cadence, born out of the love that Light felt for her new family. Dark was furious that he had been cheated in such a way, but he soon came to be aware of a silver lining to his tragedy. All five of Light's children contained a part of him - a dual personality that haunted their waking steps and even sometimes their sleeping ones. He knew that Light would have a considerable task training them to beat their bad sides, and one day... perhaps sooner rather then later... they will all turn and be his once more. When that day comes, he will finally have the might to break free of his wretched prison and take revenge. These are the stories of these five children, and their eternal quest to tame their opposite sides and find their place in the world. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The number one key to artificial flight is lift. Provided proper acceleration can be achieved, a wing of vertically distorted concoidal shape can provide this to an otherwise propelled craft." Dream reads the line twice, the second time aloud, trying to understand its meaning. "Wow," the pony princess exclaims with glee, "interesting… I would very much like to see if it works in mother's pony world." Eager to learn more, she turns the page of the sturdy volume entitled 'Artificial and Mechanical Aeronautics' and reads on. Around her the library of the Palace of Creation sprawls into near infinity, chocked full of every book, scroll, and tablet ever written in the worlds created and maintained by her mother. Dream is the only guest in it now, and truth be told that is the way she likes it. Possessed of fine intelligence and curiosity, coupled with the immense privilege of being a princess, she spends as much of her time as she can flying by the shelves and pulling out whatever looks interesting to her. A pile of books four feet tall lay across the room, and an almost equally large one of the books she has already read surrounds the bean bag chair Dream now sits in. The silence and tranquility is disturbed by a sudden swoop of wings. "Hi Dream!" Cadence exclaims excitedly, "what'cha reading?" Dream lifts the book for a second, just long enough for her to see the annoying look of giddiness on her sister's face as she hovers a foot above the ground. Tightening her expression, the dark princess' face exudes her annoyance at being interrupted. "Nothing you would be interested in." Landing on the ground, Cadence pouts. "Oh, I guess you don't like me here huh?" Dream sighs, placing a bookmark between the pages and setting it aside. Cadence is like that… she looks up to her older siblings, especially Celestia. She currently has a tendency to follow them around and occasionally that meant she got on Dream's nerves. The mare of dreams liked to be alone, but she wasn't about to ignore her little sister's sensitivities. "The book is about flight," replies Dream with a slight smile, "it describes how to achieve flight without the use of wings." Cadence brightens up a bit. "But that's easy… just use magic!" Lighting up her horn the pink princess suddenly casts a spell on the nearest object, which turns out is the pile of 'read' books. They burst into a cloud of yellow butterflies, which flutter about in all directions. Cadence looks proud of her work. "…see?" Dream isn't that impressed. Her first thought is centered on the fact she wouldn't be able to read those ever again. Drat! "Why are you down here anyway," asks Dream as she tried to gather back together the butterflies to change them back into her books, "…did somepony send you?" "Yep," answers Cadence, "Tia says dinner is ready… the others are already down there waiting." Realizing it is a hopeless cause, Dream gives up and smiles in her sister's direction. "Tell them I won't be long." "K." Cadence giggles as she trots away towards the library entrance. … The smell of freshly prepared food assails Dream's nostrils before she reaches the Great Hall, and she picks up the pace in anticipation. Travelling as a dark green cloud, she found she could get around the palace a lot faster without the slowness of walking and the accidents associated with flying in such confided spaces. Swooping through the passages she re-materializes in her own form in front of the massive doors, and pushes them open with her magic. The darkness is parted by the golden gleaming lights of the Great Hall, revealing a table arrayed with food of all kinds. The aroma of such a feast is alluring, and Dream found herself marvelling at the variety. There are plates of fruit elegantly arranged in semicircle formations, loaves of steaming hot bread and butter and other delicacies of an entirely vegetarian variety (ponies don't eat meat after all). Conducting herself in a princessly manner, she hovers up to her specially designed and decorated chair and sits down. Dream's attention is so caught by the food she failed to notice the fact that all the others – Luna, Celestia, Cadence, and Discord – are staring at her from their seats as well as exchanging glances of amusement and giggling. Using her magic, she ties her special apron around her neck to avoid any unnecessary stains on her beautiful black coat. She looks up and addresses her siblings. "Sisters and bother… shall we partake?" And that is when it happens. The bowl of lukewarm porridge that had been dangling over her head tips, dumping the whole thing all over Dream. She gasps in surprise and shock, gaping at the sticky tan goo that now covers her from head to hoof. The others explode laughing. Discord in particular is banging his hands on the table, knocking off a few utensils. His prank had worked out perfectly, and he releases the spell. With a clang, the empty bowl falls to the floor. "Look, look can you see her face?" exclaims Cadence with glee. "I know… it's totally priceless!" adds Luna, laughing with her little sister. Celestia recovers first, wiping the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief. "As much as I don't approve of such pranks, that was perfectly done Cord," she states, "look now you've got me tearing up." "My absolute best," the draconiquis exclaims. As the reality of the situation set in, Dream is anything but amused. Her vindictive nature kicks in, and she grinds her teeth in rage. The porridge starts to steam and boil, evaporating from her skin until it is all gone. Luna went from amusement to fear. "Oh no guys, I think she's pretty mad," the moon princess states as she ducks under the table. The laughter slowly began to fade. "It's only a joke Dream," interjects Cadence a bit out of turn, "…no harm done." "A joke?" Dream hisses in anger, "you all think that's funny?" Her eyes started to glow a deep green, indicating that some power from within her is rising up. The others see it too, and the mood immediately changes. "Calm down Dream, it was just for fun… you don't need to get upset," assures Celestia in her caring but firm tone. As the leader of the group she has some authority. "Yeah," adds Discord, "we're sorry if it hurt your feelings." Dream's expression softens and the green glow disappears, much to everypony else's relief. Regaining control of herself, the dark princess sighs and after a few moments she smiles. "Of course," replies Dream neutrally, and she grabs an apple near her plate and takes a massive bite. Luna pops out from under the table, sensing things aren't about to get out of hand. As a whole, the group sets about getting into their meals. Celestia in particular appears famished, and she grabs a piece of toasted garlic bread with jam on it. The delicacy is halfway to her mouth when a bowl of hot apple sauce flies across the table and tosses its contents into her face. Celestia squeals with surprise and throws her hooves up in shock, trying to rub the sticky red mixture away from her eyes and mouth. Across the table, Dream is looking at her with a sly and devious smile. "Apology accepted." As if a bomb had been set off, the entire table explodes. Discord grabs every item on the table and hovers them in the air, acting with the intent of throwing them at Dream to avenge the deed done to Celestia. The plan goes awry as the spell fails, sending food cascading in all directions. Cadence is struck by a barrage of jelly donuts, and nearly half of them burst their contents all over her, causing her to cry out in excitement. "FOOD FIGHT!" Everything turns into chaos as sister hurls food at sister, and soon the entire hall is a complete mess. Discord starts conjuring muffins, hurling them in all directions. Celestia catches up with Dream and tosses a full lemon pie at her, hitting Luna by mistake and spattering lemon juice all over her coat. Cadence spills the punch on Discord, causing him to loose aim and pelt Celestia with muffins by accident. Everywhere there is laughing and glee as they each take vengeance upon each other at the expense of the evening meal. The fight had been going for ten whole minutes when suddenly it all ground to a halt immediately. "STOP!" Powerful and wild magic envelops the room, freezing everypony where they stand. In seconds every piece of food in the entire room is swept up and dissolved by the incredible spell, leaving only ponies trapped in limbo and unable to move. The slamming of the heavy Great Hall doors emphasizes the obvious - Mother has arrived. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mind reality warps around Dream as she channels magical energy through the tip of her ebony horn. Drawing from the depths of the darkness, she molds the shimmering dream plane around her into something coherent – a landscape, very similar to the castle grounds. Trying hard to remember her progress from the previous night, the Princess of Dreams creates the wind, the clouds, and the shimmering pools around the edges. Looking at her work with pride, she notes once more that it is here in her sleep that she feels the most at home. Unlike all other beings, Dream alone retains full consciousness while asleep even though her physical body is silent and immobile. Within her mind she uses her powers to create a world all her own, adding various bits and pieces like birds and vegetation and interesting things she had discovered while reading books. Occasionally she gets lucky and they have illustrations, but the book she had read today about artificial flight had no such luxury. Dream smiles and lets out a light laugh as she fully recalls her dream world from previous nights and brings it back into being. This particular place is a perfectly flat set of grass plains the size of a football field, and its outer edges are walled in by her own choice. Rather then simply leave them open into blackness and spoil the reality of the scene, she chooses to block the sides off. Up above, a cloudless blue sky without a sun covers the extent of her false setting. Eagerly the dreaming princess fashions what she imagines a mechanical flyer must look like. Disappointed with the result, she erases it and tries again. After five attempts and several frustrated growls, Dream finally comes up with an echelon shaped mass of wood that looks passable. "What a wassste of preciousss dream time," hisses a familiar female voice. Dream isn't the least bit surprised at the interruption, and she doesn't pay the gibe any attention. There is only one other denizen in her dream world it could be, her opposite and darker side: Nightmare. The Princess of Dreams continues to shape the object, tinting the wood in different colours as she sees fit to and adding pegasus wing shaped fins. "Ignoring me again? You disssapoint." "Be quiet Nightmare," demands Dream sternly, for she had long ago learned to control her darker side, "I'm busy." Sensing the opportunity to get on Dream's nerves, Nightmare materializes at her side with a mocking grin on her face. Compared to the ebony elegance of Dream, Nightmare is a horrific mockery of nature. Her fur is a dull grey cascading with wisps of nether energy from the end of her nose to the tip of her tail. Her tail and mane are disorganized and stranded together as opposed to the flowing purple of Dream's. Most terrifying of all though is Nightmare's face… she is completely eyeless (due to a lack of need for them) and her mouth bears a collection of pointed and deadly looking teeth. "Playing with shapesss when you ssshould be playing with other poniesss dreamsss. How… disssapointing." Nightmare's forked tongue extends far enough that it clips the side of Dream's face. It breaks the limits of her tolerance. "I said I'm BUSY!" challenges Dream with anger, "if you have nothing better to do then torment me then LEAVE." Nightmare backs up a few steps, and bows mockingly to Dream's supremacy. Hissing, the creature slips away back into the darkness. When the Mother of Creation made the Princesses, she gifted them with immortality and incredible power over an aspect of nature. This power came with an enormous responsibility however, as each one of them has an equal and opposite persona that resides within them and strives to take over their opposite's body for their own ends. It is the duty of all five of them to resist the temptations presented by their evil opposites, and on occasion the siblings even help each other beat the demon within. After shooing Nightmare away Dream comes to the conclusion she is satisfied with the artificial flying machine she has created. Now to test it… With a twirl of her horn, the princess propels the triangle of pure wood into the air. It flies perfectly, and at first her heart leaps with joy. It's working! The flyer soars through the air, and then starts doing barrel rolls. Dream giggles a bit as it flies over and whirls around her, before continuing on with its course. It is then that it hits her… it isn't flying of its own accord. It's flying because she wants it to fly. As the pang of disappointment hits her, the mystical machine falls from the sky and crashes into the fake ground, splintering into pieces. This world of hers… it isn't real. It is simply a string of illusions conceived by her powers. It obeys her limits and her laws… but that's all it will ever be, a dimension limited by her views in the small world of the palace and those of her siblings. "What'sss the matter?" questions Nightmare mischievously, "not sssatissfied?" At that moment Dream ends the dream, and opens her eyes. "Yes," she utters with her real mouth to the decorated roof above her. … Dream arises from sleep very quickly, and finishes her grooming fairly soon afterwards. Using her magic, she slips on her chosen royal garments. The ebon barding marked with a reverse crescent moon attaches to her chest with ease, followed by her crystal slippers and obsidian crown. It is an unusually formal dress, but she knows it is important to look her best when she goes to visit Mother. Humming casually, Dream sets about applying the starry streaks and magical twinkles to her hair. In her mind, the Princess of Dreams is formulating exactly what she wants to say when the time comes. Her and her four siblings have been given tremendous power and are left for hours and sometimes days at a time on their own to practice their arts. The result has been an almost endless array of unusual and funny tales, but to her now it seems so empty and devoid of purpose. What is the point of everything they are doing here? Is mother preparing them for something, or are they simply the refuse from her greater works discarded into the palace? She has to know. Parting the magic green curtains that separate her room from the cavernous hall outside, Dream stands on the edge of her third floor balcony and peers across the gap into the levels below. Each member of the team has their own personal room, and they are situated at various locations and levels within the Chronus Wing of the palace (the four wings are Tempestous, Chronus, Lexus, and Genesis). Her older sister Celestia has the topmost room, while Cadence and Discord have their quarters in the bottom. Dream's twin Luna is appropriately right across the hall on the same floor, so it is a simple matter for her to leap into the air and glide across to her twin's balcony. Pressing her way through the elegant light blue curtains, Dream enters the dwelling of her lunar equal in silence. The biggest difference between Luna's room at and that of her closest sister is that she favours the lights of the night and has decorated the walls with mirrors to reflect in the moonlight while she sleeps. A giant glass globe model fills the centre of the room, re-enacting the constellations in the sky above. Luna just loves the night and everything about it, even though they all know it is just as false and manipulable as everything else in the palace. When not with the rest of the team, Dream's twin sister would observe the positions of the stars with her special telescope (a present from mother for her birthday) and watch for meteors and planets. Mother has a habit of placing things up there for her daughter to find, and Luna enjoys it immensely. The pony herself is resting on a bed of pure water (bound completely by magic) topped by a set of well decorated star pattern sheets. Dream prances slowly up to her sister's side, looking down upon her sleeping form. She has to wake her… since despite her confidence Dream feels there is no way she could face mother alone. Thoughts of how to do it in the most respectful manner cross her mind, but before she can decide on a method Nightmare acts on her behalf. "A nightmare ssshall rissse her from sssleep." Dream's horn suddenly begins to glow of its own accord, and a halo of dark green energy appears around Luna. The princess of dreams struggles to halt the intrusive spell – since it is forbidden for her to intrude in the minds of her siblings. Not only that, but she knows Nightmare is subjecting her sister to the greatest of horrors and she cannot allow it to continue. After a minute she enjoys some success beating back Nightmare's influence, but not before she is exposed to the dream her sister is having. Luna is dreaming she is floating amongst the stars, caressing them with her divine powers of the night. Nightmare perverts the vision, causing the stars to heat up rapidly and ignite Luna's mane. She cries out as she begins to burn alive. Luna awakes with a gasp, cold sweat running down her face. Breathing hard, she set her eyes upon Dream hanging over her. "GET AWAY!" she screams, lashing out at her twin with her powers. A whip of darkness extends from Luna's horn and tosses Dream away before she can react. The princess of dreams is thrown through the air and dissolves into a green mist just in time to avoid impacting and smashing a large lunar mirror. Luna leaps out of bed and lowers herself into a combat stance, her horn pointing forward menacingly. "Luna, stop! It's me, your sister!" calls out Dream as she reintegrates. Luna relaxes slightly, and the two sisters stand opposite to one another for almost a minute in silence. As both regain their breath, the reality of the situation sinks in. "What are you doing here?" asks Luna with surprise, "why are you playing with my dreams?" "I'm so sorry," apologizes Dream sincerely, "I came to wake you about something, and Nightmare took over my body for a moment." Luna releases a long wheezing breath. "Please don't do that again… my mind isn't resistant to such craft." Dream nods in agreement while her twin sister yawns. Finally processing what her sister had just said, Luna puts on a questioning look. "Dream, why did you come to wake me up?" she asks. With her surprise gone and an apology already issued, Dream resumes the aura of intelligence and nobility she possesses with a knowing smile. Unlike her sister, Dream is an alicorn of confidence and high self esteem… so much so that Luna often looks to her twin for guidance and support when the others are around. "I plan to go see Mother. I have some questions for her that I think it's about time she answered." Luna immediately adopts a worried expression. "Are you sure?" the princess of the night questions, "you remember what happened at dinner. If we make her angry again she might have us go a whole week without food…" "My questions are more important then that Luna," Dream snaps, before adding in a slightly lighter tone, "and besides, it's not like we need it anyway." Regardless, Luna doesn't look too thrilled at the idea of having an empty stomach for that long. She enjoys food too much to let it go… especially cake. "Why are you doing this sister, what must you ask that is so important?" Dream doesn't answer immediately, and prances around in a circle while she thinks about it. "I want a purpose Luna, something challenging and meaningful that I can devote my life to. I don't want to live in a dream world anymore. I want to know why Mother created us, and what she intends us to do for the rest of our eternal lives." Luna looks slightly confused, as if it is a train of thought that has never occurred to her before. Dream decides to give her a little push to get things moving. "Come on," insists Dream with a tilt of her horn, "get prepared and we will pay her a visit before the night is out. I promise it won't take long." Her twin doesn't look completely convinced, but at Dream's insistence Luna does her hair and dresses in her royal attire as well. Hers is nearly a matching set to what Dream is wearing, and she remembers Cadence frequently commenting on how well she and her sister look side by side. "Are you sure about this?" asks Luna as the two sisters stood side by side on the balcony, wings stretched and ready for flight. "Do the stars twinkle at night?" returns Dream sarcastically, before taking off through the hall. With a sigh, Luna walks off the edge and takes flight to follow her sister. Providence is not her specialty, so why does she have such a bad feeling about this? > Chaper 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna takes her time as she flies through the hallways of the Palace of Creation. Passing through a decorated stone archway, she can't help but be annoyed at her sister. Why does Dream have to rush everywhere? They have an untold number of years left, so how come she can't show a little patience every now and then? Dream's favourite method of getting around the castle is by turning into a green cloud of smoke, but every time Luna tries it the spell makes her queasy. They were born with wings, so it makes sense to use them. Unsurprisingly, Luna's twin sister was waiting for her at the giant wooden doorway leading into Genesis wing… their mother's part of the castle. "Took you long enough, sister," criticizes Dream with impatience. "Well I'm tired, Dream. I don't understand why we have to ask her right now… cannot it wait until breakfast?" "Is that all you think about is food?" the princess of dreams questions in return, "honestly I'd swear you and Celestia are spending too much time together." Of all of them, Celestia is the most passionate about food. None of them actually need to eat but taste is a sensation mother wishes them to experience and as a result, they are given the privilege of two meals per day… one in the morning and one at night (so both the more day inclined and more night inclined princesses are present). Luna sighs with submission, but is still not satisfied. Dream isn't interested in continuing the conversation any further, and it is clear that her sister isn't either. Moving her attentions, the princess of dreams concentrates on the entrance to Genesis. Mother hasn't forbidden them from going in there since there is little need – only she could open the doors. In the case that any one of the five of them needs her, they are supposed to knock. Might as well give it a try. Using her hoof, Dream raps the door three times with the end of her crystal slipper. The two ponies wait silently, expecting an answer. "Well it looks like mother isn't attending to us," states Luna after about a minute, "may I go back to bed now?" Dream appears to be annoyed, and knocks on the door with her hoof again... this time harder in case mother didn't hear it the first time. As if on queue, the latches on the massive doorway click open. Following a loud groaning sound, the doors part slightly revealing a shroud of darkness. Dream raises an eyebrow and smiles in triumph. Stepping forward, she pokes her head through the gap. "Mother," the princess of dreams begins, "Luna and I would like to speak to you… it's a question on an important matter." There is no answer. Dream begins to tap her hoof in impatience. "Mother, are you there?" Still no answer. "I don't like this," adds Luna with a tinge of fear, "maybe it just came open by mistake." "Hmm," mumbles Dream out loud, "then we shall have to let mother know her spell is deteriorating. Come…" Dream waves her horn, magically conjuring a bright green sphere of light. The magical ball lights up the halls around them with enthusiasm, guiding their way. The stony halls beyond the door are completely empty, seemingly lending credit to her sister's suspicions. Without thinking any further, she kicks the door open with her front hoof and trots inside. "Are you out of your mind Dream?" exclaims Luna desperately, "if mother finds out we're snooping in her room we will be in so much trouble." Her twin sister turns around, her face a mask of daring and indifference. "…and?" Cluing into the sarcasm in Dream's tone, Luna realizes it is no use trying to talk her sister out of anything. She canters up to beside her and sighs. Dream smiles, and nods with approval before carrying on through the empty hallways. The two princesses venture forth into the unknown halls of Genesis, the darkness kept at bay by their powers only. Soon things begin to open up a bit into a small room. "Remind me again how we both came from the same moon," Luna comments casually. "I think you just need to loosen up a little bit," Dream returns as she observes the markings on the walls, looking for something, "and not get your mane in a curl over everything." "Humph," counters Luna as she sticks her nose in the air, "well I think you should be more considerate of Mother's privacy. She wouldn't barge into your room unannounced." "…well I knocked didn't I?" replies Dream with wit, earning a pout from her sister. The princess of dreams suddenly finds what she is looking for, an unlit brazier mounted on the wall. With a swoosh of her horn, it ignites in a bright flash of light. Surprisingly the fiery conflagration jumps around the room from lantern to lantern, as if it is designed to provide illumination everywhere. Unprepared for the sudden burst of light, both sisters cover their eyes until they have a chance to adjust. "Absolutely amazing," comments Dream with wonder as the hall comes into focus. The room they are in is not so much a hall, but a massive laboratory of sorts. Large tables adorn the walls and the centre of the floor, holding all manners of exotic golden instruments, swirling crystal globes, coloured vials, and humming abacuses. Spurred on by the lighting spell, the entire place comes to life in a predetermined set of magical start-up procedures probably put in place by their mother. On the walls are elegantly decorated bookshelves, filled with books about topics related to the vary foundations of creation. Dream can't resist the urge to grab one and take a look at it. Magically pulling a random volume off the shelves, she flips it open and starts scanning the pages. Luna is so awestruck by all that is going on around her she doesn't bother to object. "This is incredible," shouts Luna with enthusiasm as she peers into one of the globes, "Dream look at this… it's a model of the entire sky! The exact one Mother uses to make the stars!" The princess of dreams pulls her nose out of the book and turns to her sister. "I don't think it's a model Luna," corrects Dream as she hovers the volume next to her sister's shoulder, "check this out… designs for how to make a real planet... with plants and everything." That catches Luna's attention, and she turns her gaze to the book intently. "What you are looking at are her real tools," continues Dream, "mother probably made this palace using these." The princess of the night appears giddy with enthusiasm. She had no idea Mother did all this… making a world all on her own? Luna wondered what else she is capable of. "…and look here," continues Dream as she observes the contents of a nearby table, "So... this is what Mother is getting us for our birthday." There are two entrancing shawls lying before her on the table. One is light blue and decorated with a broadly shaped white crescent moon, its edges tipped with silver and its nearly invisible silken pattern an ethereal sea of twinkling stars. The other is deep black and almost identical, save for a reverse moon pattern and golden lining. Luna promptly slips out of her state of excitement and dawns a look of worry and dread. "Those are our birthday presents!?! But were not supposed to get those until-" "-our birthday?" finishes Dream with a laugh, "too late now." With almost casual disobedience Dream picks up the two coverings and settles them on both her and her overly worried sister. Luna seems to relax a little, for it complements the rest of her royal dress stunningly. She swirls up a bit of it with her hoof and runs her nose down it softly, admiring its smoothness and power. "Well if we weren't in trouble before we certainly are now," comments Luna with disapproval, though she is clearly in a good mood. Dream opens her mouth slightly to speak, but she is suddenly interrupted by a showering of colour from the swirling grey fog on the ceiling. Both sisters look up, momentarily enthralled by the swirling sea of deep red mist churning on the roof above them. A bolt of power erupts from its core, contacting one of the crystal globes resting on a highly emblazoned work bench at the other end of the room. The sphere glows scarlet for a few moments, before settling into a steady humming orange aura. Both sisters look at each other in confusion. "What was that?" asks Luna with a bit of fear. "I don't know," replies Dream with confidence, "but I think we should go and find out." The princess of dreams walks forward, traveling towards the other end of the lab with Luna following closely in tow. As soon as they reach the globe, Dream is the first to peer inside. Beyond the orange haze the core appears very lush and green, and looking at it makes her think immediately of the Palace Garden. She leans in closer, and a sudden urge to touch it rises within her. "Wait," insists Luna with a bit of desperation as she steps on her sister's cloak in a bid to hold her back, "I have a bad feeling about this…" "You've had nothing but bad feelings about this since we came in," replies Dream a bit sharper then she means to, "besides, what harm can it possibly do to us?" Boldly, the princess of dreams leans forward and taps the globe with her horn. "See? Nothing-" In an instant Dream is sucked into the crystal sphere in a massive rush of air, body and all. Having unfortunately been in contact with her at the time, Luna is sucked in as well before she even has the chance to utter a cry. As the magical cascade dies out, a solitary clang rings out throughout the room as Luna's crown hits the floor and comes to a rest. Up above the swirling red mist begins to coalesce, flowing together fluidly into a single shape. After a moment it merges and forms into the recognizable shape of a pony. It is Light, but her glowing red eyes with black, snakelike pupils indicate that she is no longer in charge of her body. "How fortuitous," remarks Lord Eclipse with a glowering smile. He had not expected the whelps to stumble in upon him at such a late hour, and yet it presented the most amazing opportunity he has experienced since he began his nightly ventures in the Palace. Walking slowly towards the glowing orb that had just taken Dream and Luna, he opens his mouth to reabsorb the energy he had used to activate it. In past times the Mother of Creation would never have allowed him such freedom, but since she had created – or rather 'birthed' her alicorn children her guard had diminished enough for him to penetrate it every now and then, allowing him to temporarily possess her body. In present times he must be careful however, for her powers are three times his own and if she ever found out about his use of her body for a few hours each night she would most certainly would lock him away deeper then the darkest abyss. A bit of worry creeps into Eclipse's mind and he quickly checks on Light's consciousness to see her thoughts. After a moment it is clear that she is still asleep, locked in a dreamless limbo of ignorance while he operates inside her shell of a body. In this state, anything that can drive her into wakefulness (such as a cry of one of her children or a particularly loud noise) would arouse her and make her aware of his intrusion. Noting that any danger of that happening passed with the departure of the twins, the Lord of Destruction removes the matter from his mind. Eclipse extends his snake-like tongue and licks the glass surface of the world he had just imprisoned the sisters in with anticipation of the horrors he would soon unleash upon them. A plan begins to form in his mind, and his blood red eyes narrow. Soon. Very soon. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon the world of ponies night is coming to an end. The shining stars in the east had been consumed by a rising crescendo of red light, a sheer sign of the coming dawn. Traces of the morning light lick at the edges of the forest beyond the castle walls, illuminating the horizon and ushering in the promise of a new day and a new beginning. Solon Nightstar isn't looking forward to its arrival in the slightest. Perched on the battlements of the Lord of Nightstar's castle, the navy blue unicorn stands alone and in his full set of armour watching the advancing day as it comes in. Always a politically minded pony, the only thing he sees is that soon it would be their turn to continue the sun on its path and push away the moon and the night. In these past times raising and lowering both the sun and the moon is an extremely difficult operation that requires all of the dozens of ponies in the castle to combine their powers to ensure success. Granted, unicorns from other distant castles are helping as well and even carrying most of the weight… for Castle Nightstar is small in comparison to some. It is a fact that angers Solon, though he rarely expresses it. Nobles from other castles look down upon those from Castle Nightstar and in some cases ridicule them for not bearing their share of the burden of moving forward the day. The navy blue unicorn had recently acquired plenty of experience in the matter. "You rise early… a fine trait for a noble young heir." Solon turns and looks over his shoulder, catching a glance of his father trotting along the rampart and coming up behind him. "Perhaps to see our duty done as quickly as possible father," replies Solon. Lord Magnus Nightstar joins Solon in looking out towards the horizon, his grey mane and tail swaying in the wind. He isn't dressed anywhere near as formally, bearing a simple amulet of office around his neck and a set navy blue tabards over his back bearing the family heraldry (as is traditional for a noble) of a golden halo star. "Indeed, the hour of our requirement approaches," answers Magnus wisely, "but perhaps it is because your thoughts are sharpened by the insults borne of your recent visit to Platinum Castle?" Solon snorts with indignation, and looks away. Why did his father seem to have an uncanny ability to guess what he is thinking? Magnus laughs deeply at the reaction. "Hah, lad I would be too. Still, it is nothing worth crossing horns over-" "-and why not?" Solon cuts in with a hint of frustration, "I would gladly duel any who insults the honour of this house." Lord Magnus eyes his son severely. "You would compromise peace over a mere gesture? Such is the mark of an unwise ruler." Solon bites back a thoughtless response, and bows his head in deference. "My apologies father." The expression earns a smile from the grey maned unicorn lord, and he returns his gaze to the encroaching sun which has made its way halfway up the horizon. "If you are so eager that we contribute more to our spell of duty," continues Lord Magnus, "then perhaps you should employ other means to bolster our power." Solon can't help but roll his eyes – here it comes. "You are of age to choose a mate Solon, and yet I see no mare has captured your attentions. Tell me, what is holding you back? Do the mares within these walls lack sufficient dress or grooming to suit you?" Uninterested in the question, the navy unicorn turns away to look at something else. Father had brought this up over and over again for many years, as if it is cause for alarm. No, the real reason is much simpler then that – he wanted his special somepony to actually be special. The unicorn mares within the castle are either too boring, too prissy, or a combination of both for him to find them attractive. Solon had long ago determined that what he looks for in a mare is personality, and not only that but an adventurous and unique personality to take him away from the monotony of castle life. Unfortunately though these qualities don't come up in unicorns very often – in fact almost never at all. Admittedly, Solon sometimes watched the female pegasi flying freely through the clouds near the castle and wished he could have one of his own, even though it is against the law. A great silver comet streaks across the sky, passing over the castle in a shower of brilliance. Sensing his son is still forming an answer, the older unicorn switches his gaze to the stars. "A good omen my son," comments Magnus passively. Solon is momentarily distracted from his thoughts, fixing his eyes upon the celestial body now falling towards the north. His eyes widen in alarm as he soon realizes it is falling towards the ground. It's going to crash! "Father…" Lord Nightstar is transfixed on the falling star as well, following its silvery arch every inch of its passage. In a single moment the comet strikes the ground in the distance, producing a flash of bright white. Its intensity is so great, it momentarily blocks out the rising sun. "My word," states Magnus with awe. "Have you ever seen such a thing?" asks Solon with curiosity. Falling stars were not unheard of, but word of one striking the surface had never reached Castle Nightstar before. "Not in my days," replies Magnus heartedly, "…it is quite the omen indeed." The stilled silence following the impact of the comet is suddenly broken by the sounds of mustering in the small village below and behind the battlements. The majority of unicorns had awoken and were ready to begin the process of raising the sun. Solon couldn't help but note the poor timing of it. "What would you have us do father?" questions Solon with integrity. "Were you the lord of this house in my stead, what would you do?" answers Magnus with a sly question. The older unicorn was clearly testing his heir's skills at governance. To his credit, Solon knows exactly what he wants to be done. "We must send a patrol out to locate the fallen star," replies the lord-to-be with confidence, "we cannot chance a sign of such importance being looted by earth ponies or stolen by pegasi thieves." "An interesting assessment," notes Magnus with a nod, "and it is one I approve of. Gather a set of castle guards and lead an expedition to the impact site. Report to me on what you find by letter or in person." Solon makes haste to obey his father's command, thankful that he is already wearing the armour such a patrol requires. At the last moment a question occurs to him, and the noble turns around. "But what of the spell, father?" "You will be missed," admits Magnus from a distance, "but nothing we cannot make up for… go quickly." Satisfied that that loose end is accounted for, Solon gallops down the stairs towards the main gates. … Just inside main gates of the castle two pones sit in the grassy nook beside the dirt road. Judging from their attire they are guard ponies, for each wears a plated metal cuirass bearing the heraldry of the House of Nightstar. Standard guard dress consists of a such a chest piece as well as a leather wrapping around the belly bearing a set of woven tabards along the flanks and a steel forged helmet completing the set, but in this case the last two items are discarded against the wall for purpose of comfort. It is pretty well, considering that the two male unicorns Zephyr and Sky Sparkle are intently focusing on the chess board that lies between them. "Lord to B-3," declares Sky Sparkle, and he rubs his chin with one hoof as the corresponding piece completes the valid move. "An interesting choice Sparkle," comments Zephyr with glee, "but you hast left your Lector exposed. Prince to A-6." The white prince piece slides across the board, displacing the black lector (a high mage unicorn representing a bishop). Unceremoniously, the piece returns to the wooden box next to Sky Sparkle where it came from. "Clever," replies Sky Sparkle, "but you should think more before you make such a rash move. Castle to A-4." The black castle piece slides into position, coming awfully close to the all important princess piece. "Check." "Oooo you think you're so smart," chides Zephyr playfully, "been reading some books on chess have we?" The grin on Sky Sparkle's face speaks for itself. Suddenly, the game is rudely interrupted by the arrival of a well equipped and ill tempered noble of the house. "Stand to," commands Solon harshly, "put your little game on hold and get into formation." The two male unicorns obey as quickly as ponily possible, clipping on their tabards and dropping the heavy metal helmets on their heads. In a flash they are both standing side by side in front of Solon, noses raised regally in the air. "That's better," states the navy blue unicorn with approval, "now, Lord Nightstar has ordered us on an expedition to recover the fallen star…" Both unicorn guards looked perplexed… what star is he talking about? "… and you are both to do exactly as I say, got it?" "Yes sir," they both reply with a salute. "Excellent," remarks Solon as he turns toward the closed doors behind him, "now you will assist me in opening this gate. And by assist, I mean you two will do it for me… now get to it!" Zephyr and Sky Sparkle attend to their duties, both not without a small grumble each. Why do snobbery and nobility always have to come hoof in hoof? > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream tastes dirt. It isn't normal dirt either but a mix of charcoal, soil, and plant ashes that is completely unfamiliar to her senses. As Dream lies on the ground in the middle of the crater of her own making, she opens her eyes. Another strange sensation courses through her body – pain. She can't help but think it is the kind of aching that generally results from falling thousands of metres and crashing into the ground. Realizing that her mouth is full of grit, she rises to her hoofs and does the natural motion of spitting it out. It takes a few tries, but even then the taste doesn't go away fully. Shaking the dirt off her coat briefly, the Princess of Dreams turns her attention to her surroundings. If the sensation of pain is strange to Dream, the others that reach her now are almost completely foreign. The first thing she notices is the choir of scents that flows through her nose. Things she has never smelt before such as the wind, grass, trees, and flowers dance through her nostrils like long lost friends. She can't help but smile. The next thing she notices is the scenery – entirely different from anything she has ever seen in the Palace of Creation. The sun has almost advanced over the horizon to welcome the new day, and its bathing light illuminates everything in a golden hue. Strange sounds such as birds tweeting, bees buzzing, and crickets chirping complete the euphoric scene. Mother must have saved her best work for this place. Dream suddenly comes to her senses. She remembers everything from touching the orb and being sucked inside, to cascading towards the earth uncontrollably. She remembers Luna falling with her, equally at the insertion spell's mercy. Frantically, the Princess of Dreams looks around to find what has become of her sister. Thankfully she doesn't have to go far and soon comes upon her twin's crater a dozen metres away. "Luna," she whispers, "…are you alright?" Luna is lying prone in the centre of a pit of blackened burning, though she is only slightly dirty like her sister. She doesn't answer. Dream hops into the crater and does the first thing that comes to her mind – to check and see if Luna is breathing. Getting up this close it is clear that she is not only breathing, but appears to be asleep. "Hmm, it figures," comments Dream with a bit of sarcasm. Sleep isn't a requirement of their existence, but mother had always insisted they get it to remain healthy and happy. Now it has gotten to the point where they are addicted to rest and work it into their usual routine. Admittedly Dream is a bit tired, but the excitement of this new world is making it easy to suppress. For a moment Dream considers waking her sister up, but decides better of it after remembering that she has already done so once tonight. Might as well let Luna rest, it isn't like she is in any danger… if there are other creatures here the impact probably scared them off. Quietly suppressing Nightmare (who again tried to make her interfere with Luna's dreams), she decides to explore this amazing place a little bit more. After all, there is so much more to see then just where they made their abrupt landing. Invoking her mighty powers, the Princess of Dreams fades into a cloud of dark mist and swoops away into the morning. … Dream flies smoothly and gracefully through the air, travelling with speed that only the fastest of pegasi could ever hope to achieve. Moving about as a misty cloud has its advantages, and it allows her to seep into any place she pleases quickly and without fear of attracting unwanted attention (most of the time). At first she uses it to observe the local fauna… birds rising from their nests and fish swimming in the shallow pools… but soon other more intelligent forms of life attract her interest. The first such place the Princess of Dreams comes across is a village in the sky, a flotilla of cloud-based homes just floating in the air. The architecture is worthy of her admiration alone, but the beings that live there are all the more extraordinary. Flying ponies… just like her! Upon closer inspection though it becomes apparent that there is one big difference – they possess no horns. Ponies surviving without magic? The prospect intrigues her. "What a strange cloud," one of the pegasi remarks with curiosity. She is beige with light scarlet hair. "Indeed," adds another pegasi, a helmeted Sky Guard male patrolling in the area, "one of you young ones aught to WRANGLE IT BACK INTO PLACE." The last part was an unhidden hint towards the nearby pegasi sitting around in the clouds. Young pegasi are naturally fiery creatures, eager to be given the chance to prove themselves. Hence it isn't uncommon for them to undertake challenges on a whim just to be seen as worthy of joining the Sky Guard, the highest honour they can achieve. In this particular case, one was all too willing to oblige. "This sounds like a job for… Magenta Dash!" In a sudden whoosh of air, a light purple pegasus shoots through a nearby cloud and halts mid-air in front of the Sky Guard. She offers him a simple salute. "Ah Dash," chides the guard as if he knows what's going to happen next, "…it's all yours kid." At that point Dream, who had been looking elseware, clues in that the nearby ponies are talking about her. "Fast as the wind," remarks Magenta, as if reciting her own tale, "and quick as a flash… here comes Magenta Dash!" Dash bolts forward and grabs at the star-filled cloud, finding it strangely insubstantial… her hooves go right through it. "…huh?" Dream flinches with alarm and in a single moment of panic whips away as fast as possible. Dash looks surprised, but her expression soon changes into one of determination. "Oh no you don't, you won't get away from M.D. that easily!" Not wasting another moment the pegasus takes off after the rogue cloud. The chase amongst the spires of Cloudsville lasts several minutes as the Princess of Dreams slips in between towers, zips in and out of private rooms, and knocks apart several cloud sculptures. The whole time Dash remains hot on her hooves, pushing aside and or smashing said obstacles without care. Dash's determination is matched only by her raw speed, and amazingly the pegasus soon begins to gain on her. The chase carries on down into the forest below, encouraging the Princess to get creative. In desperation Dream casts a spell on two trees in their path. As she zips through the gap between them they come alive, springing up a wall of vines. Dash cries out and tries to stop, but she is going too fast. In a single moment the stringy wall ensnares her, wrapping the young pegasus up like a fly in a spider web. "Rats," swears Magenta with a swing of one of her wrapped hooves. In a breath of wind, Dream is gone. … That was too close. Dream halts once she is sure that that pesky pegasus is off her trail. Resuming her original form, the princess stops to catch her breath. Despite being in her cloud form previously, it did take physical effort to move and clearly she isn't in proper shape… too much sitting around and reading books instead of exercising. Finally getting some time to think, she wonders what really happened back there… since when did ponies just attack clouds? Did they know who she was and act out of xenophobia, or was it just a simple misunderstanding? The princess of dreams licks her lips, noting an unusual dryness that she hadn't experienced before. Shifting her gaze to the left, she notices a pool of water. The surface shines from the morning sunlight and deeper below it appears clear and appetising. Trotting over to the edge, she looks down at the image of herself with curiosity. Could it be that she is… thirsty? Emotions such as hunger and thirst had admittedly occurred to her before but this feels different… like she actually needs to drink to survive. Giving in to the instinct, Dream leans over and starts lapping up the cool water. After a minute or so of drinking her magical senses start to tingle. A massive build-up of power is occurring, and it is happening nearby. Abandoning the watering hole Dream wipes away some excess moisture from her chin and takes flight once more in the embrace of her void cloud. Escaping the grasp of the forest lands, Dream makes it up into the open air once more. Dipping rapidly over and under the tops of the trees she comes upon something that can be best described as a castle. The structure rises from the forest like a pillar of civilization in a vast wasteland, and its battlements glow with dozens of smaller power sources contributing to one large and world changing spell. Getting closer, Dream discovers that those sources are in fact ponies. There are tons of them, and they are all locked in what appears to be a magical trance. At their head is a single lead figure standing upon the tallest tower. A little bit of prodding with her magical senses reveals that he is the focus of the massive spell, channelling all the power of the others into a single overriding purpose. "More power, I need more power my kin," demands Lord Magnus Nightstar through a look of intense concentration. His servants obey to the best of their ability, pushing as hard as they can. "You heard my husband," calls out an equally noble looking female unicorn who is also contributing to the spell, "we must raise the sun and call upon the day, or else calamity will befall us. The House of Nightstar has never failed in its duties before, and it will not start today!" As the ritual continues, Dream weaves throughout the castle grounds taking in as much as she can about the house and its inhabitants. She observes that they possess horns, but not wings. First winged ponies without magic, and now magic using ponies without wings? Why would mother make so many such creatures and deny them half of their birthright? Is it possible that having both wings and a horn is a rare gift? The more time she spent in this world the more questions she came up with as opposed to answers. The sun slowly and grindingly halts its rise in the sky three quarters up the horizon and begins to slide back. "NO," cries Lord Nightstar, "In the name of my fathers I won't let it fail." The old unicorn is trying his absolute best, and judging by the sweat running down his face he is exceeding his physical limit. Watching him suffer, Dream can't help but take pity upon him. These ponies were working towards noble ends – trying to raise the sun to fuel the day – so she decides to lend them some assistance. Rematerializing on the top of the second tallest tower in the castle and out of the sight of all the unicorns, Dream locks onto the spell focus on the lord's horn and contributes a small portion of her own power. She had seen Celestia do this every morning with barely a second effort, so it couldn't be that hard. A dark line of power slips into Lord Nightstar's horn, and he opens his eyes wide in surprise and shock. How did…what is happening? It felt like no kind of power he had ever sensed before. Without realizing it, he raises the sun so commandingly that his subjects start giving up one by one as their contributions are dwarfed by the single massive power flux. Their eyes turn to their lord, who is now shaking uncontrollably. Bathed in the light of the fully risen morning sun, Magnus Nightstar ceases the incantation and a sparkling nova of residual lightning lingers about him. Sensing he is in distress, Lady Nightstar rushes to his side. "My love, are you of good health?" she asks with alarm. Magnus turns to her slowly. "No." With a thud the Lord of Castle Nightstar collapses to the ground, his noble pennant clanging against the hard stone. "HELP!" screams Lady Nightstar with fright, "Get him an Apothecary… NOW!" Shocked by the sudden turn of events, a pair of nearby unicorn servants rush to find a doctor for their fallen lord. Another moment and the castle grounds are a cauldron of shouting and calls to action. Dream doesn't wait to see what the outcome is. Having learned from lingering too long amongst the pegasi, she makes haste to flee the scene. As she skirts the battlements above the clamour, it thankfully appears that nopony has noticed her passage. It was a stupid idea for her to do what she just did. These ponies are completely unlike her or her siblings, and despite their similarities in body they are clearly immiscible to her power. Part of her felt guilty for contributing to the injuries of that noble unicorn, but the more practical part knew that it was self inflicted. Mother had always taught them never to attempt any spell that is beyond their abilities, for it could result in injuries both temporary and permanent. That 'Lord Nightstar' could learn something from that lesson. Besides, Dream has more important matters to think about. This new world raises so many questions and provides so little answers it excites her. Just from the small sample of it she had experienced so far she knew it was by far Mother's most stunningly beautiful creation and her best work. Her and Luna needed to explore it in more detail… and she knew just the way to make it happen. … The Princess of Dreams pondered over everything she had seen almost obsessedly throughout the journey back to the impact crater. When she arrives she notices that her twin sister had finally arisen and was laying on her belly on a nearby flat rock. Luna doesn't look too amused. "Where have you been?" pushes the princess of the moon in anger. "Flying," answers Dream matter-of-factly, but the amused grin on her face speaks of other feelings entirely. "I hope you're happy sister," fumes Luna as she crosses her front hooves, "'oh what harm can it possibly do us' you said. 'you've had nothing but bad feelings since we came in here' you said. Well look at what's happened now!" "Okay," admits Dream with a hint of regret, "maybe it was a little bit of a rough ride, but you've got to take a look at this place… it's absolutely amazing." "Humph," grumbles Luna as she sticks her nose in the air, "I'm not going anywhere. When Mother gets here I'm telling her this is all your fault." "Fine," parries Dream, "you can stay here, but I'm going to meet my new pony friends just beyond the hill without you." Luna's ears perk up. "…what are you talking about?" Sensing the balance of power has shifted in her direction Dream mills about casually and turns her back on her twin sister. Her cape billows behind the princess of dreams majestically as she comes back around. There is a sly grin on her face. "Nothing," answers Dream absently, "just a little get together with the local ponies celebrating our arrival." Noticing the look on her sister's face, Luna's expression changes from one of curiosity to accusation. "You're lying." Dream looks annoyed at being found out. "Alright, but if we are going to blend in until Mother gets here then we need to change our appearance slightly." "Why?" questions Luna. "…because if we don't these ponies will attack us. Here, let's try this." Dream draws upon her power and steps towards her twin sister. "Oh no, don't even think about it," declares Luna as she backs away defensively, "you know what Mother said about casting spells on each other." "Grr, fine then you take care of yourself," challenges Dream with frustration, "I'll conceal my wings so I blend in with the unicorns, and I would recommend you do the same. I don't want to be stuck without horns if our magic goes awry." Luna nods slightly with agreement. "Okay then you go first," the moon princess insists. Closing her eyes, Dream concentrates on the task she wants to complete. She has to conceal her wings without erasing or damaging them. Channelling power through her horn, something amazing and unexpected occurs: Power flows into her majestic cloak and instantly it phases out of existance, taking her wings with it. Luna gasps with surprise. "See… nothing to it," remarks Dream casually, though internally she feels a sharp pang of fear. "Does it… hurt?" asks Luna with concern. Suddenly the void cape phases back into existence and parts into halves, revealing that Dream has chosen to raise her wings to prepare for flight. "Impressive," states Dream as she realizes the cape's mechanism, "I think these shawls Mother made for us are more then just for decoration… they can help us disguise our true form!" Satisfied she isn't about to have her wings clipped, Luna closes her eyes and attempts the same thing. Just as it did with Dream, her brilliant cape fades out of existence taking her wings with it. "Wow you're right sister," admits Luna with a hint of wonder. Dream nods with approval, before turning away and heading into the woods. "Well, are you coming with me sis?" she asks over her shoulder. Luna seriously thinks about it for a second, but then her usual stubbornness resumes. "You can go on Dream, I'm perfectly happy with waiting here until Mother comes and finds us." "Suit yourself," replies the princess of dreams, before striking off back towards the castle she had visited in the distance on foot to maintain her disguise. Luna can't shake the feeling it is going to be a long time before they see each other again. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose steadily upon a new day in the Palace of Creation, its smooth and calculated motion evidence that it is ushered in by a far greater power then that present upon the World of Ponies. Unhindered by a cloudless sky, its shining rays of light reach one of the tallest powers of the majestic structure triggering an impressive display. The light envelopes a set of golden chimes in the tower and they start to ring in a clear melodious tune that carries down below. Guided by elegantly crafted and specially shaped mirrors the beams spread throughout Celestia's personal chambers illuminating them as clear as day. The Sun Princess' bed lies in the centre of the circular room, which is decorated by a mixture of marble and gold tiles sporting mosaics of Mother's creations as well as occasional pictures of the six themselves. All on the walls golden instruments fill the shelves, and they spring to life at the coming of the new day. A trio of golden birds takes flight, adding their beautiful song to that of the Sun Chimes. Golden mice squeak and scamper about, behaving as one would expect ordinary mice should. Other objects that share fewer similarities with animals also begin their daily routine, with Celestia's dressing cabinet opening up in anticipation of her awakening and a golden broom floating about sweeping the always-clean-anyway floor. Once the glistening golden specimens that occupy her room become fully operational the final one activates – her awakening bell. The piece of jewellery emits a loud and consistent sound that is just annoying enough to achieve its goal. "Morning already?" comments Celestia as she turns and faces the still ringing alarm bell, "…but I was having the most wonderful dream." The princess yawns once and rises, shaking the sleep out of her eyes and hair. Still not fully awake, she slips out of bed and perfectly into her golden shoes. She ignores her bed as it makes itself without her prompt, as well as the swarm of golden bees that pass by her head closely. Looking around at the organized chaos that is going on around her, Celestia can't help but smile. All of the golden constructs are birthday gifts from her mother… Celestia had been given one for her first birthday and had asked for nothing else ever since. They may be silly and get in the way sometimes, but they made her otherwise cold and empty room feel vibrant and lived in. Besides, some of them were useful. So useful in fact that she had decided to give them names. "Take a note in my dairy Spike," insists Celestia as she approaches a mirror on the wall to start her daily grooming. While a floating gold comb works its way through the princess' already perfect hair, one of the birds places her crown on top of her head. Across the room 'Spike' or otherwise known as her floating golden quill with unlimited ink jumps off its perch above her books and steadies itself above the next available line in her personal diary. "… had a dream last night," began Celestia while her grooming continued, "I was the ruler of a kingdom of ponies. They were sweet and kind, though they had neither wings nor horns… somewhat needy though." All the while 'Spike' records everything she says faithfully, turning a page when the current one fills up. "…I worry what Mother will do with us," admits the Sun Princess with a look of uncertainty, "she seemed very upset at us for having some fun last night at dinner, and I don't understand why. She always encourages us to work together and develop our powers, so why is throwing food we don't need to eat anyway so wrong?" Celestia sighs at her own lack of understanding mid line. Her golden grooming instruments finish their job. "Perhaps things will become clearer at breakfast." … "Do you have any… Sixes?" asks Cadence as she looks carefully at the accordion of cards hovering in the air in front of her. "Nope," replies Discord as he looks at his cards, though there is a devilish smile on his face. Cadence is suspicious, but doesn't bring anything up. Celestia enters the Great Hall just as Discord is about to take his turn and settles into her usual seat. Atypically, Luna and Dream's seats are both empty. "Do you have any sixes?" inquires Discord slyly. "You can't ask for something you don't have yourself," lectures Cadence with annoyance, "and I have the six of crowns." Discord casually flips one of his cards on the table – the six of jewels. "well I happen to have one of my own." "WHAT!?!" fumes Cadence in rage, "you CHEATED!" "No I didn't… I was bluffing, you had to call me on it and you didn't," answered Discord matter-of-factly. "That's the WRONG GAME!" shouted Cadence, stomping on of her hooves on the table and attracting Celestia's attention. "No it's not," quipped Discord as he crossed his mismatched arms and hovered calmly in the air. "Cheater, cheater, BOTTOM FEEDER!" The insult stung Discord, breaking through his usually calm demeanour. "You dare liken me to a fish? You know the truth of my form you prissy rat!" Cadence's eyes begin to glow, drowning out her pupils in a purplish light. "Please stop fighting you two," insists Celestia intelligently, though more gingerly then she should have. "Don't tempt me Discord, or I'll…I'll turn you into a GIRL!" "Ooo I'm so scared now," answers Discord in a mocking tone, "little Caddy-pie is going to spit a spark at me." "Stop it… please!" begs Celestia, this time a bit more forcefully. Cadence and Discord looked about to start hurling spells at each other when suddenly the large iron doors at the end of the hall slammed loudly. The sound was enough to cause all three ponies to forget their feud for a moment and look to the source. Mother had arrived. The Mother of Creation, or Light as she is more properly known, walked down the stones from her personal quarters slowly and purposefully with the stride of one who is in control and knows it. Her scarlet tale and mane bear a simple and age old style that never changes regardless of her personal tastes and inspiration, and though Light's legs are long and slender and her wings are large and majestic it is her eyes that are the most penetrating. As she nears her seat at the head of the table she meets the gaze of each of the three ponies in turn, and those few seconds are enough to provoke a sudden change in all of them. Discord appears somewhat guilty at his little act of trickery and settles back down in his seat, while the glow in Cadence's eyes fades immediately and she appears ashamed that she had lost her temper over something so simple. Celestia simply feels nothing, as if her mother is merely observing her and this lack of sensation only heightens her insecurities about what is to happen next. "Where are the twins?" asks Light hardly as she makes home in her throne-like chair. None of the three ponies answer, for they are so overwhelmed by their mother's presence and its unspoken demand of silence and obedience. Celestia finally musters the courage to answer. "I… we don't know mother," the Sun Princess states. Unexpectedly, the Mother of Creation smiles. "Then we shall just have to carry on without them," she declares warmly, "Let us dig in." As per the usual routine, a spread of delicious breakfast appears on the table with a wave of Light's horn. Suddenly the tension from the atmosphere lifts as Celestia, Cadence, and Discord realize they aren't in trouble again. Paying the matter no more mind, they fill their plates and begin to eat. Satisfied that breakfast is now taken care of, the Mother of Creation summons what appears to be a miniature ethereal dragon on one of the arms of her chair. The magical creature calls out joyfully towards its master, earning a giggle from her. "Ever the charmer," whispers Light with a smile, "but I have a task for you this time… I need you to go find the twins for me and bring them down here. I have something to say that requires their presence." With a dutiful squawk, the conjured demi-dragon departs for the quarters of Luna and Dream. … Breakfast was surprisingly normal and uneventful. Celestia ate her fill and then waited patiently in her seat, eager to speak to her Mother about the events of the previous night. Light acknowledged the gesture with a slight nod, though she appeared disappointed about something all throughout the later half of the meal. Soon Cadence and Discord finished and left the room to begin their own business. Strangely, she did not stop them. Using her magic to usher away the soiled dishware, Light appears concerned and even slightly distraught. Celestia takes it to mean she is angry, and waits with her head down in silence. Eventually, her mother takes notice and addresses the problem. "There is something on your mind, Celestia?" The Sun Princess looks uneasy. "About what happened last night, I… I'm sorry I let that happen." Light is surprised that her child is still thinking about events since past, and takes on an expression of concerned wisdom. "It's not your fault my daughter. The power you all possess makes you volatile at the worst of times, but I would see that you do not seek to provoke each other unnecessarily again." "Yes mother," answers Celestia, though she is clearly disappointed in herself for both the events of last night and the ones of this morning as well. Light senses her discomfort. "Do you understand why I was angry with all of you? Do you know the reason you cannot fight one another, even if it is a game or simple prank?" Celestia doesn't have an honest answer, and just continues to bow her head in shame. In an instant Light teleports herself to her daughter's side, using her hoof to gently raise the princess' head. Celestia is comforted by the gesture. "Come with me," insists the Mother of Creation in a motherly fashion, "I was saving this talk for all of you, but now I understand it will work better if it is one on one." … Light led Celestia through the corridors of the palace and into the garden. At once the Princess of the Sun felt warm and at home under the rays of her golden star. Here there are flowers, trees, and even small animals wandering about their daily business. Most of them are completely oblivious to the two ponies passing through, but some such as the songbirds tweet with glee as they swoop in circles around Celestia. For a moment she considers stopping to talk to them as she always does, but a beckoning gesture from her mother forces her to carry on. One of Mother's rules is that no creature from the garden can be brought into the palace, regardless of the circumstances. A long time ago Cadence and Celestia found an abandoned kitten in the grasses and conspired to raise it together in their rooms. It had nearly ended in disaster when the poor animal began to starve, and the two sisters were forced to confess their deed to Mother so she could save it's life. It was the last time the two of them had been in big trouble, but some good had come of it – afterwards Celestia began to receive golden creatures for her birthday, and they succeeded in filling the void. "You enjoy this place, don't you my daughter?" asks Light casually, though it is more of a statement. "It's like my second home," answers Celestia truthfully, "if I could I would sleep out here with them." Light nods in understanding, before turning her gaze towards a pair of squirrels in a nearby tree. "Tell me Celestia, do you notice anything different about those two creatures since you first entered this garden many years ago?" "Yes mother," answers the Sun Princess, "when I was a filly they were small and brown with white stripes. Now they are bigger, and a bit more gray." "Do you understand what is happening to them?" returns Light. Celestia thinks a little bit about her answer. "…no, I don't," she replies after a time. "They are aging," comments Light, "and in time, they will die as well." "Die?" inquires Celestia with concern. "Their consciousness will depart this world, and their bodies will cease to move. In time, there will be no trace of their existence apart from the children they leave behind." It was a saddening thought, and it was enough to draw a tear from the Princess' eye. What a horrible, horrible thing to happen to such innocent and cute creatures. "But such is their fate, one of death, rebirth and renewal," continues Light as the two of them continue to walk into the grasses, "however, that fate will never befall any of you." "Why?" asks Celestia with a bit of a sniffle, "what makes the five of us so different?" "Everything." The two ponies halt before a large pool of water. On the other side of the banks, a family of grass cats drinks greedily from the muddy waters near the shore. "You and your four siblings share a special kinship with the element of your creation, the place in the universe where you came from," lectures Light with enthusiasm, "but what I haven't told you yet is that you are the element itself." "What do you mean?" inquires Celestia with a bit of confusion. "You Celestia are my daughter only in the sense that I gave you life and a portion of my power," replies Light with a smile, "but prior to me doing so you were the sun." "I am part of the sun itself…" This possibility had never occurred to Celestia before, but now that Mother had mentioned it, it made perfect sense. The sun always felt like a warm friend greeting her everyday, or more like a second family member that values and loves her just like mother does. "So does that mean that Luna is –" "– the moon?" finishes Light, "yes it does, but I'm afraid that her and Dream is another story altogether." The Sun Princess appears satisfied at the thought. "But why I have brought you here today is because I want you to understand that you and your siblings cannot fight each other because of the great power all of you hold within," informs Light with concern, "if it is fully unleashed, especially against one another, there could be more damage then just a few spilled bowls of oatmeal." Celestia steps forward and wraps her nose around her mother's neck, hugging her. Light returns the gesture. The embrace carries on for half a minute before it is interrupted by the arrival of a squawking creature. "Misty?" states Light, "well… did you tell them to come down to breakfast as I asked? I need to speak with them." The ethereal dragon titters a bit, and looks away in shame. "Gone? What do you mean they're just gone?" pushes the Mother of Creation in panic. The creature answers with a growling sound. "You checked the whole palace… everywhere?" Another clicking titter. "Get Discord and Cadence, quickly! They will help us search the castle." Misty evaporates into thin air to carry out her duties. "Come Celestia, we must find the twins. I worry that they may have ran away or worse… stumbled into a forbidden area of the palace." Celestia had never seen her mother this upset before, and as Light took to the air to search the palace she silently wondered what trouble Dream had led Luna into this time. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream had never before appreciated just how much effort it takes to walk everywhere quite like she does now. Panting and wheezing, the princess of dreams stops and catches her breath in a wooded thicket. After spending most of her life moving as a cloud, having to restrain from doing so to maintain her disguise is proving quite taxing. How exactly could the ponies in this place manage such a burden on a daily basis? At least the air is nice. As Dream walks through the forest she can see and hear wildlife on almost all sides, ranging from chirping birds to hopping bunnies. She can't help but think that Celestia would like this place… the princess of the sun seems to spend most of her time in the palace garden, so she would probably find this setting very agreeable. Carefully stepping down off a large rock, Dream continues her passage. The trotting of hooves and the breaking of nearby branches suddenly alarms her, and she ducks low to the ground by instinct. What was that? Judging by the sound it had to be something, or somepony, of similar size to her. Sliding her belly along the grass and lowering her ears, she silently sneaks towards the sound's source. Slipping through a gap between two bushes, she finally lays eyes on the one who surprised her. A male pony, perhaps of middle age and stature, appears to be gathering berries from a collection of bushes along the side of a small pathway. Dream's viewpoint is on a ridge slightly above him, about ten metres away. She looks on towards him with curiosity, noting the details of his form. His coat is a tan-ish light brown that bulks with thick, slightly unkept fur while his mane is more of a golden hue of the same colour. Looking closely, she observes no horn or wings on his body. What species of pony is this? She had thought the unicorns and the pegasi to be two halves of a complete whole, but now here before her is a pony possessing neither gift. How unfortunate. Her first thought is one of sympathy for the poor creature. Having to live without the joys of flight and magic is a thought that makes Dream's fur crawl… what a horrible and bleak existence. Perhaps she should present herself to him, to offer assistance to his misfortune. But how to do it… the thought befuddles her. Dream knows nothing of his language or proper greetings, and for all she knows he could be vicious, mutated, or crazy. What harm could he possibly do to her anyway? Oh well, time to give it a try for better or worse. Dream rises from her hiding place, and clears her throat loudly. "Greetings fellow pony," she utters, unsure what else to say. The earth pony whirls on his hooves, dropping some of raspberries out of the basket around his neck by accident. He looks alarmed, and a little bit frightened. "…a unicorn?" he asks, but it is more of a statement borne out of surprise. "More or less," answers Dream with a swish of her tail and a mischievous look. The earth pony backs up a few steps, and makes as if he intends to leave in a hurry. "If this is your land I-I'm sorry," he stammers, "I'll leave right now." Before Dream can utter another word, he turns tail and flees down the narrow pathway into the deeper woods. "Well that's not very polite," mutters the princess of dreams. In a moment she decides to go after him, disappearing into a greenish cloud and zipping ahead in front of him, rematerializing with a smug look on her face. "Going somewhere?" she asks casually. The earth pony skids to a halt, and leaps away in a different direction. Slightly annoyed, Dream continues after him and rematerializes again in his path. "Why are you running? It's not like I bite… most of the time anyway." This time the earth pony makes a sharp turn to the right, scattering all the berries he had left in his basket all over the ground. Determined to continue harassing him until he tires, Dream fades again and flies down the path. Actually, this is turning out to be kind of fun. After a minute more of pursuit, the pony breaks into a small clearing and halts, breathing hard with exhaustion. "Stay back," demands the earth pony aggressively as Dream once again appears nearby, "I've got a hoof-bow and I'm not afraid to use it." Right then Dream, also tired herself, notices a wooden instrument on the pony's left hoof. It appears to be a set of shaped wooden shafts bound by a tail-hair bowstring. The string appears stretched like a modern crossbow, and bears a small bolt pointed directly at her. Such a thing would, if shot, definitely inflict injury but wouldn't kill her… could it? "There's no need for threats of violence," states Dream nobly, with a smile, "I thought that was actually kind of fun." "Fun?" inquires the earth pony, lightening up a bit, "so… you don't want to arrest me?" "Of course not," replies Dream with a laugh, "…why would I want to do that?" The earth pony slowly lowers his bow, looking a bit guilty. "Because that's what unicorns do… lock us up if we dare walk on their land. Sometimes you even keep us imprisoned forever." Suddenly, Dream realizes that the denizens of the castle she had seen earlier might not be as regal as she had before thought. What a horrible, monstrous thing to do… to cast out a pony because he doesn't have a horn, on the threat of imprisonment. The resulting lull in conversation created an awkward silence as both earth pony and alicorn felt guilty about earlier events and mistakes. Eventually, Dream got the courage to speak up. "Listen, I think we got off on the wrong hoof before," the princess of dreams suggests, "maybe we could start again, with a proper introduction?" "Okay," agrees the earth pony. "My name is Dream," she begins, "I'm the prin… Uh, I mean I'm here because there's been an unfortunate mistake, and now I'm trapped out here and lost." "My name is Buck," continues the earth pony, raising his hoof-bow with pride, "Buck-shot." "Your name is Buckshot?" inquires Dream in disbelief. Accidently, she catches him in a lie. "No…" replies the earth pony in shame, "It's really Buckwheat. I just wanted it to…you know… sound tougher." Peering over at his cutie mark, she makes out a pair of wheat chaffs. He's definitely telling the truth. "Well Buck, now that we have been properly introduced would you–" "–Watch out!" interrupts the earth pony suddenly, raising his hoof-bow and pointing it over her shoulder. With a harsh rapping sound, Buck releases a bolt. It whizzes past Dream's ear and into the bushes behind her. There is the sound of an impact, and a yelp of pain. "Huh?" utters Dream in confusion. "Timberwolves," shouts Buck with urgency, "we have to get out of here quick before the rest of the pack encircles us!" Snarling, rabid wolves emerge from around the edges of the clearing making it apparent that it is already to late. Buck makes haste to load another bolt from his pack. "Why are they surrounding us, what do they want?" questions Dream with passive awareness of the aggressive demeanour of the wolves around them. "They're going to eat us!" replies Buck irritably as he pulls back the bowstring with his mouth onto the latch. Eat them? It sounded absurd to Dream. In her experience in the Palace Garden all creatures lived in perfect harmony and health… why would mother create animals that feed upon one another? This is obviously just a misunderstanding. "You 'Timberwolves', would you kindly move out of the way so we can pass. We do not wish to harm you any further." Ignoring Dream's intelligent but useless words, one of the pack near her right flank pounced towards her. The princess of dreams turned face the attack, and it was just in time to receive an aggressive slash right across her face. Snarling, the wolf retreated to give others of his kin a chance to seize upon another moment of vulnerability. Sharp pain coursed through Dream's cheek, and instinctively she reached a hoof up to the location of the injury. Pulling it away, she could see it was stained with viscous red liquid – her own blood. She looked at it with shock and amazement for a moment, and then the rage set in. How dare these insignificant creatures tear her skin? She will make them all pay for this. As another wolf behind her got ready to pounce, she whirled around and glared at it with eyes as green as death itself. "I'll chop you into TWIGS!" she shouts in rage, before vigorously slashing the air with her horn. The poor timberwolf is slashed into half a dozen pieces, its wooden legs and body parts scattered in all directions. Yelping, the others realize this foe is too powerful to be worth taking on even in a pack. They suddenly turn and retreat into the woods. Buck takes the opportunity to loose another bolt in their direction but it falls short and misses. "Damn, they almost got us," remarks Buck in between rasping breaths, "are you alright Dream?" The princess of dreams cools off and the green glow in her eyes fades as she resumes control once more. Anger is replaced with guilt, and in equal time sadness. "I killed it," states Dream, but it is distant and sorrowful. "Yeah you got him real good," answers Buck as he begins collecting the wooden pieces to take home – they could be useful as firewood. Staring at the dismembered corpse of the living creature she had just murdered, Dream suddenly realized why Mother had been so upset over a simple food fight. She had only intended to strike back – like a magical punch or a kick – not to use her overwhelming powers to butcher another living thing. What would have happened if it wasn't just a timberwolf, but another pony or worse… one of her siblings? Right then it hit her that in this world she is nothing less then a god; immortal, exceptionally powerful, and owning a domain of her own. The reason why these ponies here have either wings or a horn or neither is because they are the rule… the five of them including her are the exceptions to that rule. "You okay?" asks Buck with concern. The proper introduction and the trauma of the wolf attack seem to have removed any apprehension he had towards her. Dream turns to the earth pony, and he is shocked to see a tear running down her face. She hangs her head in guilt, and he finds himself feeling sorry for her. Buck remembered his first kill – he had felt almost the same way. "Listen, if you have no place to go, you can stay with me for a few days. It's the least I can do for you given how you chased off those wolves." The princess of dreams raises her head and joins eyes with him. Quietly, she nods in acceptance of the offer. "Come on then, we have some ground to cover before we get back to the farm." Having finished filling his basket with wooden timberwolf parts, Buck turns and trots off in the direction of his family home. Silently, Dream gets to her feet and follows him. As if on cue, there is a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder in the sky. Rain begins to fall. … The journey to Buck's family home is a long and disheartening one. The rain continued to pour excessively soaking them both right through their fur coats. The earth pony didn't seem to mind, but to Dream it is absolutely terrible. She can't recall a time when she was forced to suffer this much; exhaustion, hunger, depression, and the shivering cold all are making their mark on her and driving her into a state where all she can do is put one foot in front of the other. In her brooding thoughts the princess of dreams reaches the conclusion that this world is an aweful, aweful place where all manners of physical suffering are inflicted upon the inhabitants. She didn't know how the earth pony could take it all in stride so easily – what joy is there in such a bleak existence? "Here we are," spoke up Buck, his tone implying he is very glad to finally be home. Pulled out of her own thoughts, Dream looks up and sees a remarkable structure. A house built of fine wooden planks and even adorned with glass windows sits before her just a few metres away. Inside she can see light and hear the sounds of laughter and conversation. Oh well, it's not a palace but at least it's a chance to get out of the rain. Pushing her way through the curtain of falling water at the entrance, Dream enters the dwelling. "Buck, you're back!" cries out a small female pony in relief. She is slightly more yellowish in colour then him, but with a scarlet mane. She jumps forward and hugs Buck, and he returns the gesture. "Yeah sis I'm back, sorry it took so long," "I'll say, Tangerine has been waiting for those raspberries all day," declares an older and rougher looking earth pony with grey fur. He is sitting in a rocking chair smoking a pipe, stroking his dark brown beard with a hint of agitation. "I had a basket full of them Papa," explains Buck. While Buck goes through all the reasons why he has returned without the precious berries, Dream takes the opportunity to examine the new setting. It is moderately sized and sort of quaint. The room she has just stepped into has two open doorways to the left leading into separate areas of the house and one large opening leading back into a kitchen and dining area. A large fireplace occupies the far end of the room, and it is currently burning brightly and warmly. Assorted decorations adorn the walls and floor such as leafy vines, skins, and pictures. The delicious smell of something cooking fills Dream's nostrils though, and she finds her mouth watering with anticipation. "And who is this?" inquires Papa after taking the pipe out of his mouth, "you brought a unicorn home with you son?" "Her name is Dream," replies Buck, "and she's a nice unicorn… she saved me from some timberwolves in the forest. She was lost… I-I offered her a place to stay for tonight." Papa appears disapproving anyway. "What have I told you about their kind," scolds Papa passively, "you run, and you don't stop running until you get back here… I thought I made that clear." So that's why Buck reacted the way he did when they first met. It amazed Dream that the ponies here held each other in such low esteem for just small racial differences. "Oh Papa don't be so stiff." Another earth pony entered the room, and she appeared to be older and more mature then Buck's sister. A simple guess would be that she must be Buck's mother. Her fur is a golden yellow and her mane is an earthy brown, though it is tucked up neatly behind her head. Around her chest is an apron with the symbol of a bushel of oranges on it. "You remember that pegasus that helped you into town when you got lost on your way into Manehatten last year, don't you?" Papa looks away and grumbles in submission. His wife is much smarter then he is, but that doesn't mean he likes being corrected by her. Old habits die hard. "Miss Dream," begins the female earth pony, "I'm really happy for what you did for my boy Buck. Would you like to join us for supper?" "I would," answers Dream politely, eager to accept the hospitality. "But first let's get you warmed up," interjects Buck's mother with enthusiasm, taking one of the furs off the wall and wrapping it around Dream. She directs the princess towards the open fire, and its warmth is appreciated beyond all measure. "Thank you," Dream says as she begins the process of drying off her mane. … Dinner was served a few minutes after Dream had finally got herself dried off. Her normally flowing mane is a complete disaster and she is dirty and almost certainly smelly, but none of that matters at this moment. She is so hungry, she could eat poison ivy. Around a nice oak table the four earth ponies sat, with the princess of dreams taking up the opposite end of Papa. The meal turned out to be a vegetarian sheppards pie, with a fresh loaf of bread and orange juice. Cobs of corn had also been cooked, and Dream couldn't resist but eat everything she could get her hooves on. It was the best meal she had ever had in her life, and it was so delicious she didn't even notice when the earth ponies stared at her use of magic to keep the four pieces of her food hovering in the air around her. It meant she could eat at bit of everything at once, an impressive thought to all of them. Following the end of the excellent meal, conversation started. Dream learned the names of all those present, as well as a bit about their daily lives. They are Papa Thickskin, the mother Tangerine, of course Buckwheat, and his younger sister Clementine. Officially they are known as the Orange Family, having inherited their farm 'Orange Orchard Acres' from Tangerine's father upon his passing. Their specialty is obviously oranges, and they have over two dozen trees that they harvest twice a year to sustain themselves. Now that she is warm, dry, and full Dream is feeling much happier and starts to talk a bit about herself and how she became lost out here. "My siblings and I all live together within our mother's cas- I mean house. We all have some very important responsibilities, and we aren't allowed to leave while outsiders aren't allowed to come in." "So it's like one of those monasteries I've heard about," states Tangerine with recognition, "…you know the ones where they train lectors." "Yeah," puts in Papa, "the ones where they teach youngster unicorns how to better kill us with their powers. Speaking of which, how do we know you aren't here to do just that Miss Dream, huh?" "Papa!" scolds Tangerine, "why would she go through the effort of saving our son if she meant to do that?" The outburst forces Papa into another grumbled silence. "Well I for one think she is really nice," pipes up Clementine, "she's not stuck up like those other unicorns… no offense." "None taken," replies Dream with a smile, "It is clear my kind are responsible for some misdeeds, if only I had known." "Here, here," adds Buck, raising his hoof-ring attached glass into the air. The others repeated the gesture, and Dream went along with it. "I think it is time you young ones are off to bed," declares Tangerine with finality, "if you stay up too late you'll be too tired to work on tomorrow's harvest." "Aww mom do we have to?" complains Clementine. "Do as your mother says," commands Papa, ending the discussion. The five ponies depart the dinner table, with Dream following Buck timidly as he heads off to his room. "Come on," he says to her over his shoulder as the two of them enter the attic, "you can sleep over here where Grampy used to." It turns out that the bed is nothing more then a hammock with a few woolly blankets covering it. Despite its unconventional appearance, it is probably the best thing Dream has seen all day next to the food at dinner. Not waiting for Buck to invite her in, she hops up onto the makeshift bed and covers herself with the blankets. Thanks to her unique talents, she pushes herself into sleep not a minute later. Outside of a small open window, the sounds of pattering rain and rumbling thunder ease her rest. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wretched earth ponies. Solon can barely contain his anger as the trio of unicorns walk towards the direction of the meteor impact some hours before. Not even thirty minutes ago they had gone through the earth pony village of Manehatten, and the son of Lord Nightstar was freshly reminded of how much he despises them. In his eyes they are mannerless, unclean mongrels that pollute the land like a herd of rats… with their ignorance only being exceeded by their willingness to breed. Indeed, their numbers are obscene and should the king ever order a cull he would be glad to carry it out. 'Like such a thing would ever happen,' Solon thought sarcastically. At least they serve a purpose. Since the beginning of pony time the unicorns had traded with the earth ponies for food and other culinary necessities, bargaining the fact that they raise the sun and the moon on a daily basis. Naturally both races have gradually grown in population since those first deals were struck, and at some point in the past the earth ponies refused to increase the tariff citing the fact that there is no benefit to providing the unicorns with more food for no more work. Forced to accede, the king of the time offered to pay in the best currency his people had – gold and jewels. This was how money had begun to circulate in greater pony society, and the slight that had been inflicted upon the unicorns that forced their hooves had not been forgotten – in fact it is a reason why relations between them are so poor today, but not the only one. Of course the earth ponies of the current day hadn't taken too kindly to a trio of 'horn-heads' passing through their village, so it didn't go without incident. There were cat calls and insults, but thankfully no actual violence - their armour and heraldry was intimidating enough to discourage that. Solon wanted to punish them, but he had more important duties to attend, namely investigating the fallen meteor and claiming it for kind and castle. "What do you suppose it means," mused Zephyr, referring to the fallen star. "The comet?" replies Sky Sparkle in response, careful to keep his voice down to a whisper, "I think it means that a celestial body has been intercepted in its passage through the stellar spaces by the movements of our world and has therefore collided with-" The unicorn is interrupted by Zephyr, who pokes him with his plated hoof. "I don't mean what the books think Sparkle." Sky Sparkle looks undignified. "Well they store very important knowledge from the ages within their pages… perhaps they are worth listening to." "Shhh," insists Zephyr with an aggressive whisper, "…I think snobby can hear us." Solon heard the comment alright, and given what he had already endured with the earth ponies was about to round on them when a more surprising sight met his eyes. What's this… a unicorn sitting by the rim of the impact site? The trio had finally reached the edge of the crater and though the guards had been too busy talking amongst themselves to notice, the young noble had spotted another pony who appeared to be one of their own kind lying upon the edge. The first thing Solon notices about her is her impressively loose blue hair that flows down past her shoulders, ending in a smooth and even curl. Further examination reveals the stunning crystal cuirass upon her chest and elegant glass horseshoes that go over and above her hooves creating an exotic and almost royal look that he finds intriguing. Across her rear flank is perhaps the most elaborate cutie mark he has ever seen – a decorative black cover below a white crescent moon. Forgetting about the insolence of his guards, Solon calls out towards the mysterious unicorn. "Greetings my lady, may I ask what has brought you to such a place of woe tonight?" Luna hadn't been paying attention and jolts up to her feet in surprise. Her sudden reaction ends Zephyr and Sky Sparkles conversation and they leap forward to defensive formation, though it is far too late to ever have a hope of defending Solon from real danger. He notices that too. "What do you want?" asks Luna with a hint of fear, waving her horn around, "I can protect myself you know." Solon stops walking forward, and sensing her discomfort he bows slightly. "Easy, fellow unicorn," assures the regal navy pony, "we are a patrol sent from Castle Nightstar to investigate the meteor impact. Are you alright miss?" His concern comes from the fact that this unicorn could possibly be living outside the castle and be in fact a victim of the strike. On the other hoof, Luna appears to realize she is in no immediate danger and relaxes. "I'm…fine," she manages awkwardly, unsure of how to react to mortal ponies. "It is proper then that we shall be introduced," declares Solon, asserting his authority, "I am Solon Nightstar, son of Magnus, the Lord of Nightstar Castle." Luna appears cautious, but decides to proceed. "I'm Luna," she answers, betraying a hint of shyness. Having never encountered a male pony before, her behaviour came subconsciously. "Luna," repeats Solon, as if admiring the name, "well my lady it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Unexpectedly the navy unicorn steps forward and grabs Luna's left hoof. She has half a mind to pull it away in indignity, but before she can decide he lowers his head and kisses her slipper in courtesy. The gesture makes her feel kind of… warm inside. Nopony apart from Celestia has ever shown her this much respect. She likes him immediately. "Now, may I ask what brings you to such a loathsome setting?" The princess of the moon looks around quickly a few times, to make sure Discord or Dream aren't lurking nearby watching her (when living with such siblings, you never know when to expect a trick) and then opens up completely. "This is all my sister's fault," complains Luna passionately, "I told her not to go into mother's room without permission but it was hopeless. She touched the orb, and its spell grabbed us and dropped us out here. I tell you, Dream is lucky we didn't get hurt." Solon found this outburst somewhat confusing, so he questioned her. "Luna, do you mean that you and your sister are the fallen star? That it is the result of the failure of a spell?" "Yes," answers the princess of the moon with confidence, "when mother finds us out here I'm going to tell her blame my sister because this mess is all her fault." The noble's heart sank a little upon discovering that there isn't anything valuable about the 'sign' he had so eagerly volunteered to seek out. It's starting to look like this whole mission is a waste of time… but this unicorn, she is definitely something different. "Luna," begins Solon, "this 'mother' you speak of… do you live in a large castle with her?" "Of course," replies Luna immediately, as if it is a moot point. Ah that settles it, she must be a Lector. Solon is somewhat familiar with their order, given that a while ago one of the gifted unicorns from their castle had been initiated into one of their monasteries. His father had been loathe to see Sunlight Sparkle go, for her talents could be very useful in helping them raise the sun and the moon, but unfortunately it was an unchangeable part of her family's heritage to become a lector and leave home. By contrast, her brother had ended up as one of the next-to-useless guards in his entourage. Talk about black and white. "Well then sister Luna, if you are without quarters I would kindly offer you a place to stay within our castle walls," continues Solon, "one cannot be too careful with all the dangers there are about in these woods." Luna appears unsure. "I don't know… if mother comes back and finds my sister and I missing we'll be in even more trouble," muses the princess of the moon. "She will know of our castle," reassures Solon, "we can send word once we arrive." The thought is somewhat reassuring to Luna, though in the back of her mind she worries about Dream's fate. Solon said there are dangerous creatures out here… what if one of them got her? Then it is her fault, Luna reasons, and she'll be in even more trouble once mother arrives at this 'Castle Nightstar'. "Alright," answers the princess after some thought, "…I'll go back to your palace with you." "Hold it horn-heads!" The shout came from the clouds above, and immediately all four unicorns (one at least in appearance) turn their faces to the sky towards the source. "Pegasi," mutters Zephyr under his breath. Three pegasus ponies had left the cover of their puffy domain and are circling above menacingly, no doubt hoping to assert their dominance. It's a technique that only works against easily intimidated ponies, and Solon had long ago ceased to fear their kind – or 'flappers' as they are less affectionately called sometimes. Halting in a mid-air hover, the militant pegasi formed a semicircle above the crater with the most senior of their number occupying the centre. All were dressed in the cloth-bound attire of the Sky Guard, the trained soldiery of Cloudsdale. Any confrontation involving them isn't going to end well. "Hear me unicorns," spoke up the senior pegasus, her yellowish coat and flowing dark blue hair distinguishing her as one of their race's small number of elites, "I am Lt. Pridewing of the Pegasi. This meteor hath fallen from our sky… and hence I claim it in the name of my husband, Commander Hurricane." Luna instinctively backs up from the aggressive speech, recognizing fighting words when she hears them (when you live around someone like Dream… you know). Oppositely, Zephyr and Sky Sparkle step forward to protect and block Solon from an impending attack. As it turns out, they only get in his way. "Get out of the way," commands Solon with annoyance, and they obey allowing the unicorn lord's son to get to grips with this new foe. "Charming… the horn-head can't even control his own servants," comments Pridewing with a sneer. "Be careful how to speak to us, flapper," calls out Solon threateningly, "you are impeding upon the rightful land of my father, Lord Magnus of Nightstar Castle." Solon knows full well the crater is as useless to them as it is to the pegasus demanding it, but he is not one to turn down an obvious challenge from one so in need of a lesson in manners. "A noble?" replies Pridewing with anticipation, "what a perfect chance for me to put your kind back in their place." The hostility in the atmosphere is overwhelming, not only between the two ponies of status but also amongst the guards of either party who looked ready to rip each other to pieces. This isn't something Luna is accustomed to at all, and it is deeply disturbing to her. "Very well then," shouts Solon, "in the name of my family I challenge you pegasus to defend your honour in personal combat." Lt. Pridewing lands on the ground and makes her way towards him, stopping a few metres away. Across her face is a look of longing for combat. Having fought every minute of every day since her birth, she is very accustomed to it and good at. Private Pansy she is no more, and has not been for many years (Fluttershy didn't get her future interpretation spot on). "Just what I was waiting for. In the name of my husband and lineage I answer your challenge unicorn." The guards of both factions withdrew to make room for the coming duel, with Sky Sparkle ending up right next to Luna as she observes everything that is happening with dread. "What's going on?" questions Luna, "what are they doing?" "It's a personal challenge miss," answers Sky Sparkle, "tis the province of nobles to defend their honour… well above the likes of us." Growling hatefully and walking in circles around each other, Solon and Pridewing both keep their eyes open for an important weakness to exploit. The unicorn is equipped with well fashioned and heavy plated armour, with everything but his joints and parts of his face covered, while the pegasus is more lightly clothed but carries a nasty hoof-blade on her front left foot. As the duel commences in earnest Pridewing leaps into the air and swoops at Solon, extending her partially extended blade toward his head. The surprise attack strikes a shoulder plate, knocking him back a step and leaving a nasty dent. Angered, the unicorn whirls around and sends a weak bolt of lightning towards his opponent. Disappointingly, the attack misses and skitters off into the air. "Is that the best you can do?" taunts the pegasus as she lands several metres away in front of a tree. Her breathing isn't even elevated, a testament to her hard training. Solon growls and lowers his head. Kicking the ground with one of his feet twice, he charges forward with the intent of impaling her on his horn. The attempt goes awry when Pridewing leaps into the air at the last second, not only causing his clumsy attack to miss but giving her the opportunity to kick his behind on the way past with her back feet, driving him straight into the tree. His horn lodged in the hardwood, Solon struggles frantically to pull it out. "Need some help horn-head?" jabs Pridewing yet again, circling back around to finish him off. Diving towards him from the side, the pegasus connects her back foot with his armoured chest both dislodging Solon from the tree and knocking the wind out of him. Propelled backwards, the helpless unicorn is knocked on his back. "w-when do they stop?" asks Luna in fear. That poor unicorn is being beaten senseless in there. "Until one of them can fight no more," replies Sky Sparkle with actuality, "which usually occurs when one or both of them die." A fight to the death? Luna can't help but think of how barbaric such a thing is. If only Dream were here, she would know what to do… "Are you ready to give up yet, or do I have to run you through first?" asks Pridewing with malice as she hovers above her opponent's prone form. With a slight tap of her hoof she extends her hoof-blade to its full length. No more play time. "Try this!" shouts Solon, and he forms his magic into a reaching claw. It snaps forward and grabs the pegasi's foot, causing her to cry out in shock. With a wrench of his horn he tosses her across the field and into the blackened crater. Her fur is quickly covered with dirt and soot. As Pridewing gathers herself and leaps back up over the lip, her eyes meet Solon again only this time they are blanketed by rage. "That reminds me," states Solon through rasping breaths, "father gave me a message to give to your 'commander'." Shamelessly, the unicorn turns his back to Pridewing and lifts his tail, giving her a perfect view of his rear end. Sky Sparkle and Zephyr guffaw with laughter at the insult, and Luna almost giggles too despite the potentially deadly situation. Pridewing's guards growl with hate, though they restrain themselves as is required for honourable contest. Snarling, Pridewing takes off back into the air. Solon is ready for her move and turns around, charging up his horn for another attack. Expectedly the pegasus circles around and dives towards him at high speed. Prepared, the unicorn sends a rapid collection of power bolts her way. Astonishingly they miss one after another as Pridewing using her supreme agility to dodge them. Solon is hastily preparing another spell when his opponent extends a blade and slashes his face. The helmet absorbs most of the blow, but the sharpened edge connects with his exposed eye leaving a long and slender cut. The unicorn cries out as his helmet is ripped from his head and thrown aside, Pridewing's hoof-blade still embedded within in it. Coming back around, the pegasus lieutenant notices she has been disarmed… but that it also doesn't matter since her blow definitely connected. The unicorn is on the ground sobbing and has both his hooves to his left eye, which is covered in blood. If she's lucky the bastard is blind, but Pridewing isn't about to be satisfied with simply weakening her opponent… she wants payment for insults given. Charging at Solon the pegasus pounds his back with her hooves, only exasperating his cries of pain. Wanting him to suffer, she pounds him repeatedly with her bare hooves until he ceases to make a sound. Looking down at his dented and dirty armour, the steady rise and fall of his chest is the only indication her opponent is still alive at all. Assured in her victory, Pridewing slowly strides over to Solon's front and looks down upon him. The unicorn is broken, and barely opens his remaining good eye to acknowledge her presence. "You look dirty," comments Pridewing with a villainous smile as she stands over her defeated opponent. Turning around until her rear end is right above him, she lifts her tail. "I think you need a shower." Luna's stomach churns with disgust. Is that pegasus about to do what she thinks it is about to do? Fortunately those gathered would never find out, as right at the moment Pridewing is most exposed Solon takes the opportunity to strike. Leaping forward with the last of his strength, the unicorn snaps his jaws around one of her back legs. The pegasus cries out in pain and rage, and flails around in an attempt to dislodge him from her hamstrings. Finally succeeding, she plants a hoof right between his shoulder blades. Totally spent, Solon collapses to the ground and begins crawling away from his enraged assailant. Pridewing turns away from the unicorn for a moment to examine the injury to her left back leg, discovering a few minor cuts where his teeth had bored into her flesh. Incensed beyond measure, her training kicked in to suppress the bloodlust. Turning towards the helpless unicorn, the elite pegasus glowered at him. "Leave… leave before I KILL YOU HORN-HEAD!" That admission was taken by the unicorn guards as the end of the challenge, and both Sky Sparkle and Zephyr rushed forward to attend their fallen charge. Luna followed more slowly… she is very pale and had nearly fainted throughout the ordeal. With the end of the fight, she began to recover and her instincts to help another pony in need kick in. "Your eye my lord," stated Sky Sparkle with fear, "It's all swelled up, I don't know if the surface is cut or not." "Give me your tabard," commands Princess Luna, desperate need bringing out her assertive side. Hastily, the unicorn guard obeys. Instinctively she rips away his armour to check for wounds underneath, and is not surprised to see multiple fray marks and bruises but nothing too serious or life threatening. "Can you walk?" asks Luna, not thinking about anything else. "I…I…can… I," Solon responds, but his attempts to rise are fruitless. "We'll need to carry him back to the castle," remarks Zephyr, unsure of what else to do but watch. Barely registering the comment, the princess of the moon looks all over Solon to access his physical state. He is covered in dirt, blood and sweat… none of which she can stand. "We have to wash him," declares Luna. "But where are we going to find any water?" asks Zephyr, "the nearest river is kilometres away." Looking upwards, Luna eyes a nearby cloud. She could use the rain to clean him. Sending a part of her own power into the sky, she draws upon her magic to evoke a rainstorm of the most ferocious calibre. The small cloud expands into a massive mass of thunder until it covers the whole sky, and just as suddenly rain begins to pour. Feeling the coolness of the rain, Solon opens his good eye. Above him is the smooth, caring face of the unicorn he had gone through all this effort to save. Even in all this pain, he can't help but notice what a miracle of beauty she is. Maybe this quest is worth it. "…Luna…" Solon whispers weakly, and she smiles at him, covering both his eyes with the now drenched tabard. … "Did you see that?" calls out one of the Sky Guards as the trio of pegasi flies higher and higher to escape the rain, "that unicorn changed the weather!" The guard nearest to him replies. "Yeah Lieutenant, we should kill her for interfering with our domain!" "Shut up," shouts Pridewing, clearly not in the mood to be pressured about anything. "Say, why didn't you kill that runt anyway? He clearly deserved it," commented the first guard, clearly wanting blood just as bad as his compatriot. "Because you idiot, it would start another war," explains Pridewing with irritation, "it's Hurricane's orders, and if you don't like it then you can take them up with him!" The reality is that the pegasi can't afford another war with the unicorns, and sparing the young noble's life in defeat achieved both Pridewing's need for vengeance and her kind's need for peace. Too many pegasi had died in the last war – she had seen it – and despite her anger she had no intentions of returning to those times again. Unless those horn-heads start it that is… > Chaper 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To any outsider Discord's room would appear to be a complete mess, but to him it is simply reflective of his chaotic method of organization… and well above and beyond the reproach of others. Mother had for years tried to convince him to clean it, even sometimes sneaking in to clean it herself while he was out but it all provided fruitless, as Discord would just mess it up again in a matter of hours. The draconiquis is probably the most unique sibling of the five, and he has no hesitations about embracing his personal talents. By getting lost in his seemingly endless gallery of inventions and thingamabobs he hopes to appease his inner desire for a continuously moving, changing world that the rest of the Palace continuously fails to do for him. In fact, he secretly hates being confined in this boring place… though he would never admit it to the others. On this particular day, Discord is hard at work customizing his personal acceleration machine that he has been putting together for the past month. He imagines a device that can propel him around the halls at breakneck speed, hopefully making a lot of noise and scattering the palace decorations. Celestia's birthday is coming up soon… maybe he could unleash it there and ruin yet another year's party. The thought makes him chuckle to himself in delight. Yes, this creation will be even faster then Dream was during that time when he accidentally set her tail on fire with his fire belching machine and she chased him all around the grounds. Grabbing a wrench/hammer/screwdriver/cutter/whatever else it is from a table nearby, Discord switches its function to arc welding and starts stitching up the joints on one of the metal panels of his creation. He is so engrossed in achieving mechanical perfection that the draconiquis doesn't even notice when one of his siblings enters the room behind him. Cadence is always critical about the horrid state of her brother's room, and on this particular day she squeamishly searches for an open spot on the floor amongst all the debris where she can land, but after not finding one she gives up and remains hovering in the air. "Discord, DISCORD!" she yells over the screeching din of his welder. Lifting up the welding mask he is wearing, Discord momentarily halts his construction to talk to her. "Can't you see I'm busy?" he utters in annoyance. Cadence's eyes narrow slightly in anger, but unlike Dream she suppresses it and quickly dawns a smile instead. "The twins are missing," the pink alicorn muses with worry, "have you had any luck in your searching?" Discord appears to think about it for a second. "Nope." He then lowers the mask again and goes back to his welding. Cadence fumes, but again she forces herself to be patient. After all, Celestia and Light hadn't made any progress either… it's like both Dream and Luna have disappeared off the face of the planet. Unwilling to accept her brother's curt answer, the princess of love zips forward and stops when she is right next to him, lifting up his mask again with her powers. "You could at least pretend to care," she scolds with a hint of bitterness. "Well what do you want me to do," lashes back Discord, "…sing a happy song and make everything all better?" Cadence eyes him angrily, expecting a better answer then that. "They're probably just hiding in a magical dimension somewhere to scare us… I can't believe all of you are falling for this." "What if they're in trouble?" demands Cadence, "what if they're really trapped somewhere and need our help?" Discord shrugs. "The twins have always taken care of themselves. I don't see why it's any different now." "Grr, why do you have to be so infuriating?" Cadence is getting angry again, and her eyes are starting to glow. Like a beast, her opposite form is lurking and waiting for the chance to break free. "Hey calm down," insists Discord casually, "…it's in my nature." Realizing that yet again she is getting out of hand, Cadence closes her eyes and turns away. Why is it so hard to listen to the things mother had taught her about controlling her temper? Her bad side, Haetra, is almost as potent as Dream's and it constantly pushes to gain control of her body. It's not fair… how come she has to suffer so much while Celestia and Luna have more mild evils within them? "I… have to go," replies Cadence as she turns around in the air and flies over the mountains of debris towards the direction of the entrance. She has to go see Mother. This situation is getting the better of her, and she needs some advice. Relieved that his annoying sister is finally gone, Discord flips his welding mask back down and gets back to work on his amazing machine. Maybe he would run it though Cadence's room for the test run… the thought makes him giggle in anticipation. All he needs is a few more cartons of gelatinous rocket fuel from Light's room and… Wait a minute. Discord halts his work for a moment, and his blood runs cold. He had long ago broken the locking spells Light had put on her doorway (how could be possibly resist the challenge?), and occasionally he snuck into her room to 'borrow' components for his machines that she would otherwise object to him having. Last night he had been excited to get his hands on some raw elemental whitefire, so excited he might have overlooked some things. He didn't leave the door open on his way out, did he? Shrugging, the draconiquis reached the conclusion that he must have closed it… after all if he didn't Light would have gotten him in huge trouble at breakfast. Continuing with his work, he pushes the thought from his mind. … Light, the mightiest being in the entire universe, is becoming a nervous wreck. She has exhausted almost all her means to find her two missing children, employing all the palace's guardians and two spell books worth of seeking spells to no avail. She is getting upset, and her usually unflappable demeanor is notably rippling with anxiousness and worry. Along with Cadence, Celestia and Light had been searching the halls personally all day skipping both meals and their usual daily activities. The princess of the sun was optimistic and thorough, but after searching for so many hours on end even she was beginning to tire. All trails they had found ended at the door of Genesis Wing, Mother's personal room. Light had considered going inside, but she knew it is impossible for them to be in there. She hadn't seen them when she awoke in the morning, and given her enormous power she most certainly wouldn't have missed their intrusion at any time in the night. Besides, the spells on her doorway meant that it could only be opened by her and nopony else, so there's no way the twins could have gotten in there anyway. "Good night Celestia," assures the mother of creation, touching noses with her oldest daughter. "Good night mother," returns Celestia, though she can sense her mother's anguish and in return she feels it too. Without another word, the princess of the sun walks slowly up into her room. Convinced that her daughter is sufficiently tucked into bed, Light teleports away and leaves her to her rest. Reappearing in the material universe before her room, she activates the necessary sequence of spells to unlock the door. The combination predictably works, and the mother of creation makes her way inside shutting the door behind her. What had she done so wrong to make the twins run away? She had always assumed that she was a fair and kind parent, celebrating birthdays, preparing meals on a daily basis and helping her children when they needed it most. Creating worlds had always been her greatest passion and most divine purpose, but now she couldn't help but think it is the thing that is holding her back… could she have made more time for her kids instead of spending hours adding fantastic creatures to her pony world? These thoughts are tearing her up inside and drawing away her strength. What if Dream and Luna decided they no longer wanted to live separately from the celestial objects of their birth? What if they, unbeknownst to her, found a way to end their sentient lives and return to the moon and the void clouds they had originated from? Light feels a well of tears building in her eyes, and she is unwilling to suppress them. Maybe she is a bad mother. Unable to sleep, Light lies in bed staring at the celestial ceiling of her personal bedding quarters. She is so upset that she hadn't even bothered entering her laboratory to check on her creations, but that doesn't matter anymore. The mother of creation promises herself that she will no longer spend any time there at all… far more important are the three children she has left to raise. It takes more then an hour for Light to fall asleep. Every time she starts to nod off fresh images of the twins flicker in her mind. The day when they were first born sticks out the most, when those two beautiful fillies first came into the world. It brings on fresh tears. … Losing patience, Lord Eclipse literally forces Light into rest so he can take over her body. Finally succeeding, he curses that stupid bitch for making him wait so long. Rising from the sheets, little droplets of tears rattle under his feet. Being the god that she is, Light's tears form into diamonds that would undoubtedly be worth thousands of gold in the world of ponies, but Eclipse cares not for them. He knows perfectly well the source of her sadness even though he can't penetrate her mind… she mourns the loss of those two brats he sent away into the world of ponies. Conveniently for him, his opposite hasn't thought to look in the bank of worlds in the lab. In order to cover up the passage of the twins he had not only erased any magical trace of their presence, but he also created illusionary cloaks to replace the two that had been taken. Dream and Luna were in his world now, and he had a well of plans so deep they gave him the chills just thinking about it. First thing's first, time to check on his other 'project'. Eclipse stopped to examine himself, or rather Light's body, in a mirror-like wall positioned in the hallway about halfway to the laboratory. Apart from the deep red eyes that are his own, the rest of her form is pristine and unaffected by his corruption. Given more time in it he could probably mould this body to his own needs, but to do so would certainly make his nemesis aware of his nightly excursions and put a stop to them permanently. No, it's far better to simply keep things as they are until his plans are complete… speaking of which… Eclipse reaches the laboratory and eagerly seeks out the flagstone in the floor that conceals his experiments. Finding it in a dark corner, he taps it with one of his hooves. Suddenly a wall falls back out of place, revealing a collection of half a dozen massive vats containing a variety of unconscious ponies. There are unicorns, earth ponies, and even a pegasus in the collection, and all are completely submerged in whatever liquid the Lord of Destruction had put them in. As a whole, he found the forthcoming act of creation distasteful but necessary if he is to acquire a new body in which to reside. Over a hundred years of experiments on mortal ponies is finally yielding results for Lord Eclipse, and one unicorn in particular is showing quite a bit of promise. In the past he had been a crusader, seeking out mythical beasts to slay to atone for some long forgotten wrong, but now he is nothing more then a shell. Lord Eclipse had ensured that, taking the form of an ancient dragon and swallowing him whole. Now the knight's empty body would form the basis of his own glorious new form. All he needs is power, and with his own power locked away beyond his grasp by Light it can only come from one other place – the evil sides of 'her' children, or rather 'their' children. Long ago, in her loneliness Light sought to create sentient life forms to accompany her in the palace. Given that Eclipse was imprisoned during this episode, he made sure of her torment and ultimately forced her hoof. After dozens of failed experiments in capturing solar flares from a nearby sun, Light must have surmised she needed his power as well in order to succeed. Naturally he wasn't a willing donor, so she made him a bet. He would give her a small portion of his power to create a new being, and if she succeeded she would keep the power and the pony but if she failed in the endeavor then she would set him free. It was an offer he couldn't refuse at the time… little did he know that Light had actually tricked him. She bound a solar flare with little to no difficulty using his and her combined energy, and Celestia was born. Eclipse still hated her for it. "You're doing well," comments Lord Eclipse menacingly, tapping his (or her) hoof against the glass separating him from the unicorn crusader, "an excellent medium for my new form." The other ponies would have their part to play too in his schemes, in time. Eclipse steps away from the vats and goes to check on the other project he has started devoting his time to only recently – the twins. With the two of them separated from Light, he could now focus on turning them to his will. Yes, with Dark Moon and Nightmare on his side he could easily regain his new form and be free from this prison inside the Mother of Creation's head. Peering into the orb that contains the world of ponies, Eclipse examines the fate of Light's precious daughters. Interesting. It appears that Dream has settled herself with a family of earth ponies, and Luna with noble unicorns in their castle. Disturbing developments, but not entirely unexpected. Remarkably they actually appear to be enjoying themselves on this adventure… a fact which certainly won't do. "Hmm, Light's wretched daughters aren't making any progress," Eclipse thunders with annoyance, "perhaps things need to be 'accelerated'." Peering over at the Mother of Creation's ingredients cabinet, Eclipse suddenly gets an idea. In the past Light had bound undesirable and evil elements within a collection of vials so as to avoid their inclusion in her increasingly 'perfect' worlds. Ultimately such a notion was a foolish one – wherever there is light there must be darkness as well, and Eclipse knew that all too well. All it did is to grant him a whole arsenal of menacing creatures and forces to turn against her creations, and he would do so with absolute glee. Unlocking the 'cabinet of evil', the Lord of Destruction examines all the vials and containers held inside for something remarkable and devious that suits his tastes. There are lesser evils like greed and vanity, but nothing that outwardly appeals to him. Then suddenly he strikes the mother load. In the bottom left corner is a case of pure bronze, bound in one of the most potent magical locks he had ever seen. Unable to resist, Eclipse pulls out the case and sets it on the table. Unfortunately for Light all her security doesn't do much to protect her stuff from the intrusions of herself, and Lord Eclipse opens the lock with ease using her powers. Inside he finds four vials. First he reads the labels – the red vial of War, the blue vial of Starvation, the green vial of Ruin, and the black vial of Evil. Just looking at them sends chills down Eclipse's spine. He thinks about all the havoc he could raise with these pure elements of destruction, and a plan begins to form in his mind. Eclipse glances over at the mortal ponies he is keeping in the vats, and imagines them as the harbingers of his wraith… the four ponies of the apocalypse if you will. He laughs out loud at the brilliance of it. "I hope your ready my little fillies," whispers Eclipse over the orb containing the world of ponies, "because I'm about to put an end to your little paradise." > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream is floating. The sensation is as familiar as it is false. Inside her dream world the princess has no limits… she can go as fast as she wants and as far as she wants through the void without anything seeming different around her. The blackness of empty space confronts her tonight like it does every night, waiting for its master Dream to manifest another creative vision. In her entire realm there is only one place that is substantial, the secret vault that she keeps within the recesses of her mind containing past dreams and figurative creations. Rarely does she access it these days however, for many of the things she finds in there are from her early childhood and she now finds them revolting. It is strange how she can remember such past events so clearly, even though no one else does. This is one of the reasons why Mother has always insisted that she not interfere with the dreams of her siblings… there are some realms that are best kept private. Unsurprisingly though, Nightmare has always made that instruction difficult to obey… her insatiable desire to terrify others used to scare Dream when she was very young, but thanks to Mother's guidance as well as hard won experience she no longer as any fear for that monster. "Where isss your spark?" whispers a voice she knows all too well. "My desire to create?" replies Dream coldly, "I left it back in the palace where it belongs. This new world is highly intriguing and I lack a thorough enough understanding to remake it here." "What a ssshame," hisses Nightmare, materializing directly behind the Princess of Dreams. The aberration's forked tongue tickles the back of Dream's neck, irritating her. "The next time you do that I'm going to rip that tongue out of your mouth!" she threatens with absolute seriousness. "Oh you never will," moans Nightmare, "…you like me too much." Dream waves her horn, creating a platform of green grass she can actually stand on. Upon landing on the false greenery it immediately expands to dimensions and appearance resembling the crater where her and her sister had landed that morning. She weaves an image of Luna, sitting stubbornly on the rock next to the impact site waiting for Mother. "Dear sister," comments Dream to herself, "when will you get over your attraction to the palace walls? We are made for so much more then that." "Ssshe hasss more sssense that you ever will," jabs Nightmare from over the princess' shoulder. "You know what?" fumes Dream as she banishes the entire scene around her, "I don't want to hear any more from you tonight." Turning around the princess faces Nightmare directly, something she rarely does. One of Dream's most private feelings is the disgust she has for the creature that inhabits her mind, and the jealousy she feels about the others having such an easy time with their evil sides. "But we are having ssso much fun…" complains the aberration, but her voice is already fading. … Dream opens her eyes to the real world. The sun has barely risen and outside flecks of dawn light cover the edges of clouds and trees in the forest. Various sounds and smells of the departing night waft in through a nearby octagonal window, providing a bit of a unique serenity to the moment. The Princess removes the mountain of blankets that she had been sleeping under using her powers and steps down onto the floor, yawning and stretching out her whole body. Unwittingly she stretches her wings too, momentarily breaking the disguise. Opps. Dream quickly shuffles them back under the magic cloak, which once again fades from sight. Best not make that mistake again, lest these ponies see through her illusion. It is better that they continue to think of her as a unicorn, that way she doesn't frighten them anymore then she already has. So far from what she has seen they are a kind and simple folk, the type who would likely not know how to react to extra planar royalty. Besides, the food here is so much better then at home. The sounds of splashing water and yelling reach Dream's ears, and she turns towards the window in curiosity. It sounds like Buck and his sister… Clementine is it?... are outside arguing about something. Peering out through the glassless frame, the princess of dreams spots the two earth ponies in the backyard. It appears that the younger sister is standing beside a wooden basin of water, impatiently tapping her hooves. Inside the tub is Buck, up to his shoulders in water. "Hey!" shouts Clementine, "You've been in there long enough, it's my turn for a bath!" "I just got in," replies Buck confrontationally, "so you're just going to have to wait your turn." The argument peaks Dream's curiosity and she dissipates into a cloud, swooping through the window and reforming right behind Clementine. Had the little earth pony noticed the spectacle she might have been impressed, but she was far too busy arguing with her brother. "You just got in over five minutes ago!" "What are you two shouting about?" asks Dream nicely, "if the tub is too small for both of you, then why not just make it bigger?" Clementine turns towards the princess of dreams, a look of confusion on her face. She isn't used to another pony around the house like Dream, especially a unicorn. "If we did it would take all day," insists Buck as he splashes water over himself to quickly get his cleaning done, "and we have to start the harvest before the oranges go too ripe." Dream looks ambitious. "All day? Hah, I could do it in under a minute… just watch." Concentrating, the princess of dreams casts an expansion spell on the wooden tub. In seconds it grows to twice, three times its normal size. Unfortunately, cracks begin to appear in the frame as the waxy seals in the wood come apart. Water gushes out of them, pouring onto the ground until the entire basin is completely empty save for a soaked and dishevelled looking Buck. "Aww," complains Clementine, "thanks a lot, now none of us get to wash." Undeterred, Dream places a hoof to her chin in thought. After a moment she reaches a solution. "You had best get out of the way Buck," informs the princess with confidence. The earth pony obeys haste, jumping out of the now useless bath and backing up far out of the way. He knows what happens when Dream starts messing with her powers and he wants no part in it. Charging up her horn yet again Dream melds the broken tub into one solid block of wood, discarding all the seals and metal rivets. "Good, now I think we need some water," she observes while continuing with the spell. Keeping her concentration the princess forms a magical purple lash and snares a nearby cloud, dragging it viciously into position above the basin. Teleporting to on top of it, she speedily squeezes it like a sponge drawing out a torrent of rain. Within a few seconds it is full to the brim and even spilling slightly. Invigorated by her success, Dream releases the cloud and jumps down to the ground. Out of curiosity, Clementine sticks a hoof in the newly expanded bath before quickly withdrawing it again. "Oof, it's too cold…" "Allow me," insists Dream as if she had fully anticipated the problem. A thunderous blast of magic later and the pool is steaming with heat. Once again Clementine sticks out her hoof to sample the water, but the princess quickly stops her. "You might want to wait a few minutes for it to cool down," states Dream, though a bit of embarrassment sneaks through her reassuring smile. "Wow that's pretty impressive," comments Buck as he finishes drying himself with a swift shake, "say… you're great to have around." "I'm glad you feel that way about me," returns Dream with an approving look. Perhaps it is something about the way she said it, but Buck turns away shyly. He doesn't want her to see him blushing. … Following a fairly uneventful (but refreshing) bath and another delicious breakfast Dream and the two Orange family children are waiting outside the house with Papa Thickskin, who is resting with his hat over his eyes in a chair. Finally, Tangerine emerges with three small sacks over her back. "Buck, Clementine, here are your lunches," the pony matron declares before adding, "one for you too Dream." Eagerly Buck and his sister take the food and trot away to attend their morning duties, while the princess takes hers more gingerly. Considering that just yesterday the whole lot of them had thought of her as an enemy, their generosity has absolutely astounded her especially given how little they have. Dream knows it is hard for them to get by without the gifts of flight and magic, and deep down she feels an urge to repay their kindness or at least try to make their lives easier with her powers. "Thank you," replies Dream, though she appears thoughtful as the two Orange siblings shoulder a set of baskets and carry on into the woods, "say… where are they going?" "Out to the fields," replies Papa gruffly from under his cap, "to put in an honest days work, not like you and yours." The gruff reply doesn't sit well with Dream. "Just ignore him," comments Tangerine dismissively, "the nearest unicorn castle is on the other side of Manehatten to the west. Just walk towards the setting sun." Dream nods with courtesy before she leaves, and takes a few moments while walking away to reflect on the whole brand new experience she has had with these creatures. … It takes half an hour for Buck and his sister to make it through the fields to their Orange Tree Orchard near the river while carrying the collection baskets on their backs. The Orange Family has been trying for years to save up the money to buy a cart so they can carry more oranges to market at once, but a string of calamities had one after the other bitten into those coins. First there was the Zap Apple Storm that gave the Apples a great crop but rained out half the trees in the Orange Orchard, and then Papa broke his leg while walking through the mud, and then there was the draught when the pegasi decided the rains were more needed elseware (rumour has it they used the surplus for a storm that damaged a unicorn castle far to the east). The long story short is that the Oranges have been in dire straits ever since and working from behind to pay the food taxes required by the Manehatten Council to keep their land. "Alright sis," begins Buck as he drops his baskets on the edge of the orchard, "Papa wants us to bring in at least four dozen oranges before sundown… we'd best get started." To her credit Clementine didn't complain. Harvests are a fact of life, and her family is depending on her in order to survive another year. Still, fifty oranges is over thirty trees and unlike apples they sometimes don't fall off through bucking and need to be picked manually using a step ladder making it fairly demanding for a young filly and an older colt to do. On the very first tree, problems start to arise. Buck kicks it multiple times, but only a few fruits reach the ground. Clementine examines them and finds that all but one have been broken by the pecking of birds and the burrowing of worms. Frowning, she cleans the good orange off with her fur and drops it into a basket… only four dozen more to go… "Okay we're going to have to use the ladder for this one," comments Buck, "you climb up and I'll hold the bottom." Clementine is already frustrated, and it shows through. "I always have to climb up and pluck them. Can't I hold the ladder this time?" "It's because you're smaller and easier to hold," replies Buck as he shifts the ladder into position, "I'm too big for you to hold for me." "Well your reach is longer," protests Clementine with a hint of anger. "Well Papa left me in charge, and when we get back I'll tell him you're misbehaving if you don't do as I say," shoots back Buck. "You two fight an aweful lot," comments Dream casually, "it reminds me of my sisters and I." Both earth ponies turn towards the princess in shock… neither one of them had noticed she was there. Dream is sitting next to the basket, and floating in the air next to her is what is left of the clean orange Clementine just picked. The skin has been completely peeled off, and she is eating it happily. "Oh this is hopeless," moans Clementine as she sinks to the ground, "we're never going to get this crop done on time." "Of course we will," insists Buck assertively, "we just have to stay at it until sunset." Dream shallows her latest bite of fruit, and looks at Buck inquisitively. "So you two are out here 'gathering' oranges? I didn't know you had to do that, but now that I think about it that makes perfect sense." "Yeah we pick our oranges around this time of the year," replies Buck, "we have to clean out the orchard before they all go bad." Dream looks around at all the full orange trees, a look of amazement on her face. "So you're telling me that you have to manually pick them with your hooves and teeth? That would take you ages!" "We do it though," puts in Clementine, "because we have to, otherwise we lose the farm." "Why?" asks Dream out of curiosity. "We have to pay the food tax to the council to feed the unicorns and the pegasi," explains Buck impatiently, "it's the debt all our kind pays for their sun and rain." "And after that's done we keep the rest to feed ourselves," finishes Clementine in an annoyed tone, "it's a lousy deal if you ask me since we don't always get sunshine and rain as promised." Dream nods in understanding as she takes it all in, and with another glance towards the orchard she gets an idea. "If I could gather all the oranges you need… how many should I pick?" Buck eyes her with disbelief, but after remembering the multiple demonstrations of her fantastic powers he thinks that maybe she can help them and he works out an estimate in his head. "We need about thirty one trees… that should get all the clean oranges we need for today." "Very well then," replies Dream with a reassuring nod, "you'd best get out of the way." Clementine bounds away excitedly, knowing something spectacular is about to happen. Buck doesn't look as convinced, and as the princess generates a whirling tempest around her horn he shouts her a warning. "Keep the trees standing, we need 'em to keep growing oranges next year too!" The winds are howling so loud around Dream she can barely hear him, but she makes it out enough to manage an ethereal reply. "Trust me." Having channelled enough of her magical strength, she turns towards Buck and Clementine with her eyes glowing a deep, deadly green. Dream's hair swirls about her form, and she dissolves into a ferocious black tornado. The storm is so intense that Buck and his sister have to duck for cover. The magical whirlwind swirls through the orchard, ripping off oranges, leaves and small branches in a torrent of raging air. After engulfing no more then thirty trees the rotating mass moves outside the orchard and disappears, tapering off gradually into a purple cloud. Sensing that the worst is over Clementine dashes from cover, laughing as she runs into the grasses through a rain of falling leaves. All over the ground are oranges, both good and bad. Dream had just finished a whole days worth of work for them! Buck examines the feat, clearly impressed by what he has just seen. As the Princess of Dreams rematerializes in front of him, he makes no secret of it. "That was absolutely amazing, where did you learn to do that?" "Oh, I just read a lot of spell books," replies Dream, though she is flattered by the attention. Around the palace such acts of magic are almost routine… being complemented like this is something Dream is highly unaccustomed to. She muses that she is actually growing to like this world quite a bit, given how much she has to offer its inhabitants. "Say, you wouldn't mind helping us sort these would you?" asks Clementine, the wide smile on her face begging for a 'yes' answer. "Of course I will," replies Dream with a smile, before cleverly adding, "but don't expect me to do ALL the work this time." … A few hours later Papa Thickskin rests on the porch in the same chair he was in when his children left. Ever since he busted his leg walking through the mud in the orchard he hasn't felt the same, and given the relaxation he has endured for the past few months he is hesitate to return to work once more. Buck is a strong boy… he should be able to pick up the slack for a wee bit longer. Papa jolts awake as the sound of hooves disturbs his sleep. Taking the cap off his face, he sees something mildly surprising. "Hey Pa, we're back," comments Clementine happily. Beside her is Buck, two baskets full of oranges hanging off his sides and another sitting on his back. Papa Thickskin doesn't look impressed. "Taking off early I see," he chides demeaningly, "where's the rest of the harvest?" "Oh, she's bringing it," points out Clementine. As if on cue, Dream emerges from the bushes. Above and all around her are buckets full of fresh oranges floating in the air… there must be over a hundred fruits in all. The spectacle is so shocking, Papa drops his pipe. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solon had never ridden on a cloud before. The feeling is unusual but comfortable. It is far beyond anything he has ever felt in terms of bedding… however the same could be said for the pain currently wracking various parts of his body. Luna is clearly a talented magician, for she has not only devised a spell to allow a unicorn to rest upon a fluffy perch but also made one to keep away the incessantly driving rain. It has been pouring since the fight a few hours ago, and shows no signs of stopping. Unfortunately the same 'shield' did not extend to his faithful guards, who trudged along miserably behind them bearing his tattered helm and banner. To their credit neither of them had requested to be included in the spell, perhaps to demonstrate their toughness to make up for their stupidity. At this moment though, Solon doesn't care about them. The fresh wound over his left eye has stopped bleeding but the stinging pain remains, driving him to groan in discomfort every so often. Luna continues to walk beside him, looking over with concern every so often at her patient. Mortal injuries are a complete mystery to her, with nothing above cuts and bruises existent in Mother's palace. The five of them feel pain of course, but it has never occurred to Luna that there exists a place where the integrity of one's insides can be broken. From what she has seen of this new world that Dream dragged her into, it's not a very nice place to live. Ponies are numerous here, but they are also divided along racial lines in a way that she and her five siblings are unfamiliar with. Sure they are all different, but that's what makes them unique. Is it the fact that ponies can injure and even kill each other here what drives them to do it? The thought of death alarms Luna, and heightens her admiration of the unicorn that is now in her care… for he stared down and accepted the possibility of absolute oblivion in a way she never could or would. The group of ponies finally reaches the gates of Castle Nightstar, a sight unfamiliar and imposing to Luna. She has never been outside the Palace walls before to know what it looks like from the out there and she is not entirely sure she likes the idea of being locked out. "Allow me my…uh… Lady," insists Zephyr, unsure of how to properly address the new arrival in their midst. The unicorn guard drops Solon's helm on the ground and raps on the gate multiple times with his armoured hoof. There are a few moments of silence, then the hinges begin to creak as the door guards haul it open with their powers. Unwilling to suffer the indignity of appearing weak before his underlings, Solon rolls off the cloud and onto his feet, cringing as his battered bruises ache. At least he can walk. Reaching over with his magic he picks up his helm and places it upon his head, drenching his almost completely dry fur with the watery contents that had collected inside. Unable to hide a shiver, he turns to Luna as regally as he can. "Come, you are welcome inside." Solon and his two guards step through the gate, leaving the Princess of the Moon on her own. Looking back quickly, she wonders where Dream is and if she has been found by Mother yet. Seeing that there is no other choice, she decides to accept the hospitality of the unicorns and trots forward to catch up. … "Oh Solon what have to gotten yourself into," muses Lady Nightstar in worry, examining the injuries on her sons face up close. Two other female ponies dressed in the garb of junior apothecaries are assisting her by preparing a cloth and ointment to help heal the son of Lord Nightstar's eye. Fortunately they had discovered the injuries to be superficial with no permanent damage to his eye, but that didn't mean it does not need to be treated as there is always the threat of infection. "Settle down," insists Lady Nightstar as Solon fidgets with the application of liquid salve above and below his eye, "you're only making it worse for yourself." Solon forces himself to sit still and take the annoyance of being fussed over, but he doesn't like it. His thoughts quietly shift to Luna, who was shown to the castle guest room about half an hour earlier. After the fight with that wretched pegasus he had dismissed the expedition to the crater as a complete failure, a total waste of time that earned him a good fight but also plenty of injuries he didn't need. However, after observing her care for him the way she did as well as her impressive powers he can't help but feel there is something different about her. Normally mares have the tendency to act as damsels in distress or faint at the sight of danger (the ones at Castle Nightstar do at least) but Luna hopped right into action the moment the fight stopped. Clearly she is no stranger to spectacular displays. Silently he wonders what they have been teaching her at the lector monastery. "How did you say you got this cut?" asks Solon's mother questioningly, as if she knows what to expect. "I duelled a pegasus, mother. She insulted our family name, and I was obliged to make her repay the words in blood." "…she?" pipes up Lady Nightstar in surprise, "So now the pegasi are sending their mares to fight us? Perhaps we slew too many males in the last battle for them to make up the difference." Solon is slightly amazed at her comment. It seems usually brutal for his mother to speak this way. "I hope you didn't lose to a girl now, did you?" continues Lady Nightstar with a chuckle. He suddenly realizes his mother is jesting with him. "No," insists Solon with a hint of agitation, "we… it was a tie." Lady Nightstar adopts a smirk as she finishes wrapping cloth around his upper eye, finishing it by tying a bow around the back of his head. A knock on the door suddenly disturbs the moment. "Pardon my lady," insists a castle guard, "Lord Nightstar wishes to see his son." "Tell him he'll be there in a moment," replies the female unicorn as she moves out of the way for her firstborn to rise off the apothecary's bed. "I don't understand why he can't come here on his own," complains Solon, his misery reflecting in his statements. Looking at the dire look on his mother's face, he can tell that something is wrong. "I didn't want to tell you," admits Lady Nightstar, "your father is of ill health." Solon doesn't need to hear anything more. A half second later he bolts out the door and makes his way down the hall to his father's quarters. Had he known some calamity had befallen his father, he wouldn't have bothered with the fussy treatment for his injuries. The hallway to his father's room is short, and Solon makes his way to the doorway of his parent's quarters in little time. Halting briefly before going inside, he tries to correct his mane to make himself appear slightly more presentable. Slipping in quietly, the unicorn looks upon his father lying quietly with his eyes closed. Lord Nightstar's breathing is shallow but controlled. All over him are black burn-like marks of magical exhaustion. It takes Solon a couple of seconds to figure out what had happened. "Oh father, I should have stayed," muses Solon with a hint of sorrow as he looks upon his dad's injuries. Magnus opens his eyes and peers upward faintly at his son. It takes him a moment to examine the hideous scar that is only partially covered on Solon's face, and to understand what created it. "You should have stayed," Lord Nightstar replies with a slight smile. … "So another pony put up a fight along the way," suggests Magnus from his bed, "it must have been an impressive opponent to lay you so low." Solon glances angrily at a nearby open window, where rain is pattering on the sill and dripping onto the floor. "It was a wretched pegasus," he fumes, "I think she said her name was Pridewing, not that it matters now." Surprisingly, Magnus laughed. "Ah Pansy, how you have grown." Solon turns slowly, eyeing his father inquisitively. "You know of her?" "Her father and I duelled many a time during the last war. Try as we might, we could barely lay a hoof on each other." "You speak of them as long lost friends," accuses Solon with a hint of hate. Magnus frowns. "I speak of them with respect Solon. We do not get along, us unicorns and pegasi, but we also perform our natural duties as required for our mutual benefit and survival. If the rain never falls, then how will the grass grow?" Once again Solon is forced to bow to his father's wisdom. He turns his gaze away from the window and walks over to a nearby table. Using his powers he picks up his father's dinner, delivered a few minutes earlier by a helpful kitchen pony, and carries it over to the bedside. "So I presume you won the duel," continues Magnus, "judging from your warm body and flowing mood?" Solon resists the urge to lie. "It was… a tie," the navy unicorn answers hesitantly. "Hah, she let you live didn't she?" returns Lord Nightstar with a chuckle. This time Solon can't restrain his anger. "We struck each other down, and then offered to raise weapons no more! I was not beaten by the likes of a pegasus!" "Easy," insists Magnus calmly, "I was merely speaking of the mark on your face. No unicorn could continue to fight under such injury. Given what I know of their kind's martial code, one would have to invoke much anger for a pegasus to attempt such a lethal blow..." His father didn't ask him what he had done to provoke Pridewing, but with a hint of shame Solon remembered exactly what it was. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to lift his tail in her direction. A hint of moonlight flickers in through the open window, glistening off the raindrops. "So tell me of what you found," continues Magnus changing the subject, "was the falling star the omen I suggested it might be?" "No," replies Solon in disappointment, "it was just a failed spell wrought by a lector. I found her and brought her back here to await the rest of her kin." "So this whole ruckus was caused by a single unicorn spell gone awry?" "Yes," answers Solon with certainty. "Are you sure?" questions Magnus with a hint of amusement, nodding his head towards the open window. Looking closer, Solon's eyes widen with amazement. Moonlight! The unicorns in Castle Nightstar hadn't raised the moon yet… how is it possible? Rushing over to the sill the navy unicorn peers out over the courtyard. The storm clouds of Luna's earlier creation have parted revealing a beautiful night sky full of stars. The sun had long been forced down and the moon is bathing the land in its elegant blue light. At the centre of the courtyard, right amongst the nicely pruned garden and vivid decorations, sits Luna. With a wave of her horn the stars move themselves in the sky, changing their arrangement to suit her artistic whims. Finishing the creation of her night, the princess tops it off with a stunning meteor shower which burns up in the atmosphere making a sight of surreal beauty. Solon is completely amazed. Luna is no ordinary unicorn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All he can see is green. The world is a sea of green, and all he knows is that he loathes it will all his being. He longs for the world to be the way it was intended to be, free of the blight of green, free of the blight of age and improvement. Can't they see that they are perfect the way they are, without the need to remake themselves or the world around them? Can't they see the joy of expanses of emptiness? He has nothing and his pure enjoyment of that lack of burden washes over him like a lingering madness. Unwilling to awake from his private state of ecstasy, he remains on the ground motionless. "Get up, I haven't got all night." The harshness of the voice astounds him, and suddenly he finds the energy to open his eyes. "I was enjoying my rest," he finds himself compelled to respond, "why have you awoken me?" Lord Eclipse looks down upon the twisted and atrophied body of his latest creation, his vicious sneer providing the perfect counter for Light's otherwise pretty features. A few hours before the Lord of Destruction had poured the vials containing the essences of Evil, Starvation, War, and Ruin into the four vats containing the mortal ponies that he had long ago captured for his own ends. Surprisingly, the green unicorn from the vat he had poured the essence of ruin into began to awake very quickly. It is time for Eclipse to assess the potency of his new creation to determine if it suits his tastes. "Your weakness will not do, not at all," insists Eclipse through Light's body. With a burst of power he enhances the physique of the green pony before him, increasing muscle mass and general health in a matter of seconds. As the treatment finishes, the unicorn stumbles to his feet and looks Eclipse right in the eyes without a hint of fear. "You didn't answer my question." "Tell me, what do you feel?" asks Eclipse, ignoring the pony's question, "what is your foremost desire?" Seeing that he isn't about to get the answer he's expecting, the pony decides to play along. Looking around to take in his surroundings, he twists his face into a nasty expression. "This setting offends me," the pony growls, "how dare you move the natural elements of this place to suit your own desires? Do not the waters in your vials belong in the river? Do not the stones of these walls belong in the place of their creation? Does not the wood belong with the trees that grew it?" "Good," answers Eclipse with pleasure, knowing that his first pony of the apocalypse is almost complete. Not waiting for an answer from his creator, Ruin begins to focus a portion of his power into the ends of his hooves. Raising himself onto his back legs, the green unicorn prepares to unleash the energy to destroy everything around him in one big seismic wave. Sensing what is about to happen, Eclipse intervenes. "That won't be necessary." Using Light's impressive magical might, he drains away Ruin's powers turning his resulting stomp into a mundane thump comparable to a child's tantrum. The unicorn doesn't look pleased. "I'll tell you what," begins Eclipse cleverly, "I have but one task for you to complete, then you will be free to practise your desires however you choose." Ruin is still annoyed that the laboratory around him is intact, but appears attentive. "I'm listening." Eclipse nods, and conjures an image of Dream out of thin air. Ruin eyes it with curiosity. "Remember this pony, for she is found where I am sending you. I want you to find her, and then I want you to break her." "Break her?" questions Ruin. Eclipse lashes out at the false image, and changes begin to occur. Dream cries out silently in suffering, and falls to the ground. Her image begins to alter itself, with her skin turning greyish and lame. Her hair becomes long snake-like strands and her mouth becomes toothy and menacing. Her eyes are buried and soon vanish completely, forming a perfect composite of Nightmare. "Fight her and break her spirit," continues Eclipse venomously, "and then you are to implore the being within to break free. Succeed in this, and you will earn your freedom from my will." "Sounds simple," replies Ruin confidently, almost arrogantly, "when shall I begin?" "Right now." Using Light's powers once more Eclipse reopens the gateway into the orb containing the Pony World. Impatiently he tosses Ruin towards the sphere, and the unicorn cries out in surprise as the object sucks him in. Eclipse's red eyes hum with glee as he gazes into the now inert orb. Soon Dream will be bent to his control, and once Nightmare is unleashed she will have no difficulty turning that weakling Luna to his side. With two of Light's children allied with him, he will finally have the power to break free of this wretched prison and get the vengeance he so desires. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today things are working out amazingly for Dream. The Oranges are such a tolerant and caring family, the Princess of Dreams finds herself no longer feeling sympathy for their lack of flight or magic, but pride at their ingenuity and will to do all the necessary work to survive with what they have. About an hour earlier Buck, Clementine and her returned back to the homestead at Orange Orchard Acres with a week's worth harvest completed, only to meet with a mixture of appreciation and surprisingly distain. Once he had recovered from his shock, Papa Thickskin criticized them for picking too many oranges too soon (the produce buyer won't ready in town until the end of the week) but Tangerine talked him down and expressed her thanks. Buck and Clementine were given the day off, and Dream was rewarded with a shiny silver object called a 'bit'. "What exactly is this for?" asks the Princess of Dreams as she examines the bit in detail with one eye closed. Dream and Buck are walking down the dirt road into town. Ever the industrious type, Buck had volunteered to go into Manehatten for supplies. He had been planning to go into town anyway at the end of the week after the harvest, so it was no issue to go a few days early. Naturally, Dream wanted to go with him to see what this 'village' they keep talking about looks like. "It's called a silver bit," exclaims Buck with a smile, "see there are three types of bits… bronze, silver and gold ones. Ten bronze bits make a silver one, and ten silver ones make a gold one." "Interesting," replies Dream with curiosity, "so what do you do with these 'bits'?" "You trade them," answers Buck matter of factly, "for things like bread and milk." "Oh I see. So then other ponies give you bits for your oranges?" "Yep that's how it works." "I can't wait to get to Manehatten," exclaims Dream with a bit of excitement, but she seems distracted by a nearby apple tree near the side of the road. Buck doesn't look nearly as enthusiastic. "Listen, maybe it's not such a good idea for you to come with me…" "Why not?" asks Dream as she picks an apple from the branches. "Because there are some rules," answers Buck with concern, "laws that everypony has to obey or else they get in trouble... big trouble." "What kind of rules?" inquires Dream with a hint of boredom as she takes a bite of the apple. "To begin with, there's no stealing. Like taking fruit out of trees that belong to another family." Dream halts in mid snack to look around, and notices that there are indeed dozens of apple trees all around them… do they belong to somepony else? She quickly tosses the half eaten apple into the bushes and hopes that Buck didn't see her. "What else?" "No hurting other ponies or damaging their stuff." Dream rolls her eyes. "What makes you think I'd do that?" "No offense, but you seem to have a bit of a temper sometimes." "YOU DARE ACCUSE ME?" shouts Dream, adding a bit of magic to make it more intense. Buck jumps nearly a foot in the air and cowers before her. "Just kidding," adds the Princess with a mischievous smile. Buck recovers quickly, realizing how foolish he looks. "I'm serious though," the earth pony continues, "not everypony of my kind is as nice as we are, if Papa's any example. Manehatten is crawling with bad blood, and they only tolerate unicorns because they bring in money and buy things." "Then I should fit right in," comments Dream with a wink, ending the conversation. … The two of them walked along the dirt cartway for a few hours before reaching a fork in the road. Up until this point they hadn't seen any other ponies, but that changed quickly as a single pinkish mare came into view. She is hopping along quite joyously, a small sack of goods hanging off her flank and bouncing with her hoof steps. She doesn't look that dangerous to Dream, but for some reason Buck seems alarmed. "Quick, we gotta hide!" "Hide, why?" inquires Dream with annoyance, unable to detect any reason for such a measure. "That's Sweetie Pie… if she sees us-" "Hello fellow pony travellers!" Sweetie calls out in excitement, before changing her direction to hop towards them. "Wonderful," complains Buck quietly enough that only Dream can hear him. "Wait a minute is that you Buck? Hooray!" cries out Sweetie with joy, springing forward and wrapping her hooves around him before he can get away. "Nice to see you too Sweetie," replies Buck nicely, though his eyes bulge slightly as her hug begins to squeeze him too tight. After a moment Sweetie Pie lets him go. "How've you been Buckwheat? It's been a while since the bags at the Harvest Festival." "We ran in the pairs bag race last year," explains Buck. "And the year before that, and if I'm still thinking straight the year before that too!" announces Sweetie with pride. "That's… interesting," comments Dream with awkwardness. Buck shrugs, like it wasn't the best decision he had made in his life. Either that or she was the only pony left when partners were chosen and he hadn't had a choice. "Hey that's a great fake horn you've got on there," points out Sweetie with her hoof. "What makes you think it's fake?" inquires Dream, raising an eyebrow. "Cause there's no way my best friend Buck would just be walking around the countryside with one of those snooty, stuck up unicorns." Sweetie didn't sound mean with those last remarks, but more like she was either stating a fact or trying to tell a funny joke. Regardless, it fell flat and after a long strange silence she finally clued in to the truth. "Wait a minute, you're a real unicorn?" Sweetie asks uncomfortably. "In the flesh," returns Dream with a smile. Sweetie's expression immediately hardens, and she glances at Buck who is grinning in embarrassment. No wonder he wanted to avoid her at all costs. "Hah, I see what you're up to!" she declares with defiance, "you're using your dirty magic tricks to try and seduce my Buck." "Not really, no," corrects Dream with indignity, "I am trying to go into town to trade this silver bit. You can have him all to yourself." The situation just became even more embarrassing to poor Buck, whose cheeks are turning red. "You have money!?!" pipes up Sweetie suddenly with excitement, "why didn't you say so? Allow me to introduce the latest confection of the Puddingcake Bakery… the Cookie!" Sweetie Pie reaches into her sack and pulls out a strangely flat looking brown blob with little black pieces in it that look like berries of some kind. Dream eyes it with curiosity, always having an interest in food. "My mom and I just made them this morning," continues Sweetie, "and we're looking for a customer for the first batch. Care to try one?" Evidently the racism in earth ponies doesn't go as deep as the coin purse, thinks Dream. Hopefully the rest of them are the same way. "Of course I will." The Princess of Dreams picks the biscuit up off Sweetie's hoof and is about to take a bite when she is interrupted by the swooping arrival of another creature from the sky. The light purple pegasus comes in so quickly none of them notice her until her hooves are ramming into the ground beside them. "Well well," shouts Magenta Dash defiantly, "what's going on here… earth ponies and unicorns plotting together I see. Making plans behind our back!" Sweetie and Buck both step back, but Dream holds her ground. She recognizes that pegasi's voice… it's the same one that chased her out of Cloudsdale the previous day. This 'Dash' is an aggressive one. "What kind of a stupid idea is that?" challenges Dream. "Don't try to pull a feather over my eyes," answers Dash with a threatening flap of her wings, "you unicorns are making the earth ponies take away our food and give it to you instead." The two earth ponies recover and are about to defend themselves, but Dream is incessant and she wants to play verbal hard ball with this new arrival. "Right, so you're saying that I, obviously a high ranking representative of the unicorns, am here in the middle of nowhere working out a shady deal with a baker's daughter to confiscate all the food reserved for the pegasi right in the open where the whole world can see us?" Dash falters for a moment, and starts to think jumping in here may have not been such a good idea. "Well, I… uh… I'm here on a secret mission from Lt. Pridewing to keep an eye on you unicorns, so you better not try anything." "Hmm… it's not that secret of a mission if you just told us about it now is it?" Sweetie starts to laugh, and Buck feels himself relaxing. A moment ago he was regretting not bringing his hoof bow, but now it's clear that Dream has the situation under control. Magenta Dash, on the other hoof, looks absolutely foolish. "Look, I'm trying okay?" she shouts in frustration, "I just want to get into the Sky Guard so bad…" The pegasus starts to look upset, and backs away like they're about to pounce. Dream is about to attack again, but finds herself feeling a little bit sorry for her. The others do too, especially Sweetie who isn't a fan of fighting for no reason. "Hey I got some more cookies if you want one," suggests Sweetie. The cheerful earth pony pulls out another cookie with her hoof. She approaches the pegasus, and offers it to her. Dash's expression lightens for a moment, as if she is thinking about taking it, but it is quickly replaced with anger. "You can't fool me" accuses Dash, "that's clearly been poisoned." "Suit yourself," answers Sweetie, and she snaps up the cookie with glee. Dream takes a bite of hers too, and is absolutely blown back by the flavour. How come the food here tastes so much better then Mother's back home? Perhaps because she is so busy doing other things she doesn't have time to come up with new things when she cooks. "Wow this is pretty good," comments Dream with satisfaction. "I admit, you sure make good cookies," adds Buck as he has one of his own, "is that raspberry in there?" "Yep," answers Sweetie, "we're also thinking about doing ones with cherries and blueberries." "I don't know what those are, but they sure sound delicious," returns Dream with sincerity. Throughout the exchange Magenta Dash hangs out nearby, pouting at the situation she's been put in. She'd been so sure when she saw them conspiring that they were up to no good, but that dark skinned unicorn had made a complete fool out of her. She continues to look on as Dream, Buck and Sweetie eat all the cookies until there is only a single one left. "Hey, do you think we should save her one?" whispers Buck to Dream. Dream sighs, and turns to face the pegasus who looks away when they are about to meet eyes. Sure Dash was obnoxious and mean, but it's not right to leave her out just because of that. In the Palace the team's entire childhood consisting of lesson after lesson taught by Light teaching them how to get along with one another, and looking back they nearly wore her head to a point but they did help her understand why other ponies act the way they do. Maybe Dash just needs a friend to lighten up a bit. "Hey," tosses out Dream as she approaches the pegasus with the last cookie. "What do you want?" demands Dash, though not with the same force she carried earlier. "Listen," continues Dream with a hint of guilt, "we don't have to hate each other just because I have a horn and you have wings." Dash crosses her front legs, but doesn't say anything. Dream sighs once more, and sets down the cookie in front of her courteously. Unsure what else to say, the princess turns to see that Buck and Sweetie are already on their way into town. Suddenly, she smiles cleverly. "Just between you and I, you should keep working on those wings… you almost caught me." Within a moment Dream dissipates into a purple cloud, and races to catch up with the other two. Dash's expression turns from one of defiance to utter astonishment. That unicorn was the cloud that she couldn't wrangle yesterday… what a dirty trick! A mixture of anger and frustration flares up in her veins, and she stomps the cookie with her front hoof. Taking to the air, Dash resolves to follow her… she's obviously up to something that Pridewing would want to know about. Maybe that position on the Sky Guard isn't so far away after all. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town of Manehatten is small compared to the sprawling metropolis it will become in a thousand years, but it does have a market and the amenities that are to be expected in an earth pony settlement in ancient Equestria. Roughly the size of Ponyville, it contains a blacksmith for making ponyshoes and tools, grist and saw mills for making bread and cutting timber, an inn, a few taverns, and dozens of shops and stalls in market row. The streets bustle with activity and chatter with earth ponies of all shapes and sizes eager to exchange their bits for goods and vice versa. There are very few signs of government authority here save for a dozen or so patrolling marshals armed with hoof-bows and steel toed shoes ready to arbitrate disagreements and if necessary rope down (or execute) criminals. Dream finds the whole setting marvellously interesting, looking back and forth at all the interesting sights she has never laid eyes on before. The crowds are immense, and considering she had assumed these earth ponies wouldn't be nearly as numerous as this it makes her feel rather out of place. "Come on!" insists Sweetie Pie excitedly as she guides the princess and Buck through the busy throngs. "I don't have time for this," muses Buck in frustration, "I've got errands to run and only a day to do it." "Don't worry about it," insists Dream thoughtfully, "I'm sure Sweetie and I can hold things together." Sweetie doesn't seem to notice the dissention, so intent is she on guiding a new customer to her mother's bakery. The sweet smell of fresh cakes being baked wafts through the air, demonstrating that it isn't that far off. "Meet me at the town hall then, when the two hands on the clock tower are pointing straight down," Buck hollers over the roar of the crowd from a few metres back. Dream nods in return, before carrying on after her enthusiastic new guide. For the most part onlookers are ignoring her, for it's not uncommon for unicorns to come down to market every now and then. So long as they buy things, they're usually (but sometimes reluctantly) welcome and Dream is no exception. Puddingcake Bakery is a well built solitary structure on its own near the centre of town. The building is fairly elaborate with ingredient storage fenced in on the side and a pair of iron smokestacks emitting a steady stream of smoke from the churning ovens inside. Eager customers are lined up outside the front entrance waiting for the next fresh batch to be ready for sale, and judging from their cheerfulness it's going to be a good one. A single earth pony marshal is sitting in front of the only doorway, keeping things in order with a steady eye and a particularly deadly looking hoof-bow. Her first reaction to the approach of Sweetie and her strange new guest is to rise to her feet to meet them. "Mighty odd friend you've got with ya Sweetie," comments the marshal suspiciously, "I haven't seen ya travel with a horn head before." Despite her serious expression, Sweetie's doesn't seem bothered by her. "Oh hi Whiptail… she's just a customer for our new cookies! We're going in to see daddy for a few minutes." Whiptail looks dissatisfied, and even slightly hostile towards Dream. "A bit too odd if ya ask me, what's your angle here unicorn?" Dream puts on a puzzled look, but she can tell this is what Buck had warned her about. This Whiptail looks fairly menacing, and appears to wield some authority in this place. Perhaps it's best to step cautiously in the interest of keeping the peace. "I'm here to buy a batch of cookies with my friend Sweetie, just like she said." Whiptail looks disappointed, like she was expecting a more elaborate answer such as 'I'm bringing another petition to your councillor on behalf of the unicorns' or something like that. Unable to come up with an excuse to hold up Dream any longer, she steps out of the way. "Alright head inside," insists the earth pony marshal, "but no magical funny business or else I get involved." "Fair enough," remarks Dream before she follows Sweetie inside. … Later in the day as the meeting time approaches the Princess of Dreams looks at her purchases with modest approval. Having never experienced 'shopping' before it was an interesting and fresh experience for her, with the barterers, experts and shopkeepers on market row having tons of things to sell for a wide range of prices. All her life Dream had to pretty much beg Mother for the things she wanted or make them herself, which is why the concepts of common currency and trade are so exciting to her. Early on Dream discovered that there are lots of things one silver bit can't buy. Rare jewels, perfumes, and large metal goods are quite expensive, and the princess quickly made up her mind that she must find a way to make more bits. Unfortunately, Dream found she is almost too good at spending bits, and by the end of the day she had purchased a single dog eared book (titled 'The Booke of the Creator'), a package of freshly baked cookies (half of which are already eaten) and a binding strap to keep it on her back which reduced her money to a measly two bronze bits. "Hey Dream," calls out Buck as he spies her approaching, "did you get what you wanted today?" The earth pony has a similar leather strap to Dream's around his midsection, but his is larger and filled with packages of eggs, milk, grain and other necessities he had came into town to pick up. "Not really," replies the Princess truthfully, "everything I want is too expensive." "Hah, that's the story of my life," comments Buck with unusual humour, "do you have any bits left?" "A few," answers Dream, taking out the two bits from her hair for him to see. "It's enough, come on I know where we can go," insists Buck as he turns and starts walking down the road. Almost without thinking Dream follows him, wondering where they could be going next. .. As it turns out their destination is a tavern near the edge of town called the 'Leaky Barrel'. The place doesn't mean much to Dream as she is engrossed in reading the new book she bought earlier that day as she is walking. Immediately the atmosphere changes as the princess and the earth pony enter through the dual front doors. The sounds of loud talking and pleasant piano music reach her ears, and she puts down the book to take in the new setting. The floor is made of hardened dirt with the occasional scatterings of hay here and there. All around inside are upright barrels with wooden table tops on them. Other earth ponies occupy about half the tables and are perched on hay bales while they speak with each other and enjoy the food and drink served by a select few waiter ponies. Dream is still absorbing all the details when Buck ushers her to a table, and the two of them sit down. "So is that a… good book?" asks Buck cautiously. "No, it's full of errors," answers Dream as she pulls it out and starts flipping pages, "to start with, the Mother of Creation is not an all-knowing god… she is powerful but I know she has her limits." Buck quietly hushes her. "Not so loud," he whispers, "some ponies are pretty hardcore about that Creation stuff." "But it's nonsense," continues Dream aggressively, "and she doesn't have two daughters… she has four, and a son." "How do you know?" inquires Buck with assurance, for his family is fairly religious too. "Because she's my-" begins Dream before she stops herself, "…because I just know, trust me." Thankfully the conversation is broken up by the bartender calling out from behind the wooden counter he is servicing. "What'll it be for you and your friend Buck?" "I'll take one pint of ale please," answers the earth pony. The bartender waits for additions, but after a few moments it becomes clear Buck isn't ordering anything else and he looks away. "Hey, what about me?" pokes Dream with indignity. "I didn't think you wanted one," admits Buck, "Leaky Barrel Ale is too strong for unicorns." "Well I'm no ordinary unicorn," replies Dream aggressively, implying she took that as a challenge. "Okay, if you say so," remits the earth pony, "Hey bartender! Can we get another pint please?" The earth pony behind the bar nods, and he cleans out another wooden mug and fills it to the brim beside the first one. "So you don't talk about yourself very much," comments Buck as their drinks approach, "…for one who is so interesting." Dream raises an eyebrow slightly as she detects a hint of flattery, but she decides to answer his question truthfully. "…what would you like to know?" "Well you kinda just turned up in the forest near our fields and turned our lives upside down in one day," continues Buck as if he's been thinking about this for a while, "…I've never heard of any unicorn that sees us so kindly. Where did you come from, and why were you out there all alone?" "It's a long story," replies Dream hesitantly as the drinks finally arrive. "Two bits," demands the bartender as he moves the mugs from his back harness onto the table. Dream moves to pay, but Buck beats her to it. "Don't worry it's on me." Dream smiles at the earth pony's kindness. Maybe it is worth telling him a few things… after all given his reaction to the pegasus earlier Buck doesn't seem the type to freak out because of the truth of what she is. "You see Buck… I'm not a unicorn." The earth pony had just finished a gulp of ale, and he sets down the hoof-ringed mug with surprise. "Not a unicorn? What else can you be… a changeling?" "No," laughs Dream, unsure what that is, "but perhaps its better if I show you." Drawing a bit of magic into her horn, the princess focuses a spell on Buck. The earth pony immediately slumps over, forced into sleep. Satisfied, Dream does the same to herself. … Buck raises his head off the table and looks around at the tavern around him, surprised to see there are no other ponies at all. Where did everypony go? "Wha… where am I?" asks Buck as he gets up off the bail of hay and begins to wander around, looking for some explanation as to what's going on. After searching the tavern and finding no clues, the earth pony decides to leave by moving out through the doors… only to find a sheer cliff into nothingness awaiting him outside. He gasps in shock, and scrambles back into the bar. "Welcome to my world," comments Dream, though her voice is distant and ethereal. "Dream?" asks Buck in fright, "…where are you?" "Right beside you," she replies with a hint of amusement. Buck turns to see her right where she says she is, but he could have sworn she wasn't there a second ago. He immediately notices something different about her. "What did you do with all the others?" he begs, "…and how come you have wings?" "This is the real me, Buck." Dream leaps into the air, and hovers in front of him, showing off her glorious form. "I am neither pegasus nor unicorn, but the sum of both. I am the Princess of Dreams, and the Mother of Creation is my real mother." Buck is amazed, but overall it doesn't seem too hard for him to take it all in. As if to emphasize the truth of her statements, Dream uses her powers to create an exact replica of her mother and her siblings, and though they are motionless and false the earth pony eyes them all with wonder and disbelief. "Wow this is incredible, does that make you a demi-goddess then?" "I suppose," admits Dream, "but your world is so much more interesting to me then mine… that's why I'm here." Suddenly the serene mood is interrupted by the terrible howl of a timberwolf. Both Dream and Buck whirl around towards the entrance of the bar, only to lay eyes on a fully grown, hairless grey timberwolf with curling sharp teeth and marks that appear to be scratches all around its mouth. Once Dream spies that it's eyes are closed and it bears a moon shaped cutie mark on it's flanks, she knows exactly who it is. Buck cries out in fright, and curls up on the floor with helplessness. Raw emotions are amplified into actions inside the world of dreams, which is why he is acting so irrational. "Nightmare," utters Dream threateningly, lowering herself into combat stance. "It'sss playtime," hisses Nightmare, and she bounds towards the two of them like a maddened animal. "I think it's time we woke up," insists Dream with urgency, and the dream ends. … Buck snaps awake. Returning so suddenly to the real bar surprises him, and it is only after a few moments of catching his breath and finding his bearings does the earth pony realize what just occurred. He tilts around and looks at Dream with a newfound wonder in his eyes. "So is all that true?" he asks to confirm it. "Yes," replies Dream, giving her first serious answer in a while, "Nightmare is the price I pay for my power… she is my other, less friendly side." Buck looks uneasy, but continues. "What about your wings though, are you hiding them?" "Maybe…" replies the princess mischievously. Dream readjusts her wings quickly, allowing them to become visible for a split second. To Buck it is a revelation, but to the few other ponies in the bar that notice her they think it's probably just a trick of the light. "Well I must be the luckiest pony in the world," comments Buck as he raises his glass, "a toast to my family's changing fortunes." The confused look on Dream's face indicates she is unfamiliar with this custom. "Raise your mug and we'll tap them together," explains the earth pony. Noticing that she hasn't even touched the ale he bought her, Dream slips her hoof through the ring and picks it up. The two ponies tap glasses before both taking a long drink. The princess immediately gags, and after a second of trying to keep it down she spits it all over the floor. The look of disgust on her face is self revealing. "What in the name of the sun and moon is in that?" Buck is laughing, and a few other earth ponies that had been paying attention are as well. The princess feels a familiar anger boiling up inside her at being pranked, but she suppresses it as she realizes it was her own fault. "I told you it was strong," insists the earth pony, "you might want to take it slowly the first time. Unicorns usually don't drink it." Buck winks at her, implying he isn't about to blow her cover. Dream works up the courage to try again, this time taking only a sip. It tastes equally awful, but she manages to keep it down. The two ponies enjoy each other's company for another few minutes or so, talking about many different things related to stuff like their childhood and where they want to go later in life. Dream finds herself enjoying the ale after making it through half a mug, and ends up ordering another round with her remaining two bits. "You know I never thought a god would be this friendly," comments Buck. "I never thought living without wings or magic could be so tolerable… you are a very resilient people." "No, in reality we're all pretty pissed off about it. If pegasi came from your wings and unicorns came from your horn, we all probably came from your rear end." Dream bursts out laughing, and ends up laughing for almost a minute before she regains control of herself. "Speaking of which, I don't suppose you know where a little pony might relieve herself do you?" … Magenta Dash had been following Dream almost all afternoon. She had been skipping from cloud to cloud, careful to remain hidden from the earth ponies below. Being this close to Manehatten is an example of her daring, for Commander Hurricane had long ago strictly forbidden pegasi to go there without his express permission. Overall, the day spent following the unicorn had been very uneventful after their chance encounter at the fork in the road. Dream had visited some shops, talked with some ponies, and then finally met up with that friend of hers and gone in a tavern. Dash hadn't seen anything overly suspicious, apart from the fact she seemed to get along very well with earth ponies. Hunger had been her constant companion throughout the day. Dash is used to it by now, having lived her entire life on rations. Lately however there isn't enough to go around and they were giving her less and less. She regretfully thought back to the cookie she had refused, but at least it had shown off her discipline. As the magenta coloured pegasus kept watch on the front entrance to the tavern she felt her eyes wander over to a nearby covered wagon. Judging from the marked crates next to it there is food in there… a batch of fruit of some kind. Dash looked at it longingly, knowing that to go down there would be a violation of pegasus law. Still, she is absolutely starving… nobody would notice if she took just one right? The doubt started to leave Dash's mind as she sat there on a cloud she had wrangled for cover while she spied on Dream. It would be easy and fast, and in less then a minute she would be back up here keeping an eye on that unicorn. In a moment she makes her decision. Bolting from her hiding place, Magenta Dash zooms down to the covered wagon and lands right behind the back entrance. Immediately, she notices that somepony else is inside the wagon. Resisting the urge to panic and flee, she remains where she is and examines the occupant more carefully. The creature doesn't look like a pony at all. It has its back to her, and is rummaging quietly through what appears to be a crate of apples. His body is covered in feathers, making him appear more like a bird then anything else. Dash notices he has the tail and the back end of a lion… he's a gryphon! Not only that, but he's stealing from the earth ponies. There's no way she is going to just let that fly. "Hey! Get out of our food you creep!" shouts Dash accusingly. The gryphon nearly jumps out of his skin, and whirls around to face her menacingly. "What… a flapper? What are you doing here?" he demands, shocked to find himself confronted by a pegasus in an earth pony village. "Stopping you! You're stealing from these villagers." "Pff, what do you care?" he replies cynically, "it's not your food, pegasus." "Well it could be," shoots back Dash angrily, "and I'm not just going to let you get away with it." The gryphon starts to get mad, and advances towards her menacingly. "Then you're going to have to catch me, squirt." Leaping up into the air, the gryphon tears open the top of the cart with his claws and takes off. Dash immediately jumps into action and chases after him. "You won't get away that easily, I'm twice as fast as you'll ever be!" … Dream had just finished her business outside the tavern when she suddenly heard a commotion all around her and the cries of rallying earth ponies. "Marshals, marshals!" cried one down the street. "Stop you thieves!" shouted another. "Get them!" Dream felt a little bit tipsy. Perhaps it was something she ate earlier, or maybe it had something to do with the drinks Buck and her had bought. Regardless, the sudden action excited her and she dissolved into a cloud to investigate the disturbance. Twilight had settled in Manehatten so it was making it slightly difficult to see, but Dream loves the night and has no difficulty pinpointing exactly what the problem is. In the sky over the town there are two flying ponies. One is clearly Magenta Dash from earlier, while the other is an unfamiliar creature of similar size that looks like a bird of some sort. The two are weaving erratically through the air, and one appears to be chasing the other. "Hey, bugger off flapper," shouts the gryphon, sounding out of breath. "Not until I've brought you down you thief," yells back Dash and she is slowly gaining on him. Everywhere the alarm has been sounded, with town bells ringing the call to arms as more and more earth ponies head into the streets with their hoof-bows. Amongst them are the wardens, including the one from earlier Whiptail. "All hoofs and militia free fire!" orders the marshal, "bring them down!" Sporadically bolts are loosed into the air, but all of them fall short and/or almost hit their own earth ponies. Seeing that the two fugitives are heading her way, Dream suddenly gets a good idea to stop them. As they both pass over, she casts a two-pronged whip of glowing purple energy. It lashes onto the ankles of both the gryphon and the pegasus, plunging them both into ground and pulling Dream off her feet. Turning around, the gryphon hisses at her in rage. "Do you eat with that dirty mouth?" asks Dream tauntingly, before snapping the cord and hog tying his face to his ankles. "Hah… gotcha you thief," rubs in Magenta Dash between breaths as Dream releases her. Dash is gasping, and she leans over to catch her breath when a lasso falls on her and wraps itself around her neck. She struggles as Whiptail reels her in and pins her to the ground. Within seconds half a dozen other marshals are on the scene with their hoof bows pointed at the two captured criminals. "We'll take it from here," insists one of the marshals to Dream, and he and the others tie up the gryphon with their own ropes as she releases him from hers, "we've been after Gilden for a while." "Let me go," begs Magenta Dash, "I'm innocent I was trying to-" "Save it for the judge flapper," insists Whiptail before tying up her mouth to shut her up. The pegasus looks pleadingly at Dream, who looks to be in a bit of a dilemma. Perhaps if she had been sober she would have thought to help, but in this case she takes a different stance. "It serves you right," the princess declares, "you should've been nicer to us." Unceremoniously, Dash and Gilden the gryphon are hauled off towards the town jail. Townsponies shout and jeer at them, throwing apple cores and other garbage at the criminals finally brought to justice. "You're alright unicorn," apologizes Whiptail as she looks with pride at her arrests, "so once you get the reward money, maybe you'll consider helping us police the town. All racial misgivings aside we could use a talented unicorn with an appetite for justice." "Reward money?" inquires Dream with curiosity. "Yeah, I think its five gold bits last I checked… we wanted this guy real bad." "Okay, I'll get back to you on that last part." Dream smiles as Whiptail departs, and she secretly relishes her victory. Five gold bits? That's massive compared to what she got this morning. Pushing her way back through the tavern doors, she muses about the great story she'll get to tell Buck inside. Who would have thought living in the Pony World could be this much fun? > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Raising the sun is a challenging business for the unicorns, but it is their duty in the world and to not do it would be considered unthinkable. Without it the grass wouldn’t grow, the birds wouldn’t sing, and everywhere would be bathed in eternal darkness and cold. Ever since the last war between the unicorns and the pegasi a generation ago the former has been ascendant, constructing castles and establishing new domains where previously only hostile creatures have dared tread. During that conflict thirty years ago Castle Nightstar was merely an outpost, and after it ended the King saw fit to assign it a noble house and a commission to build a fortified bastion near Manehatten to take advantage of the trade opportunities there. That part of it had only been partially successful – the earth ponies there had little interest in favouring one side over the other politically (after all they needed both the sun and the rain to grow food) and despised any attempts by the unicorns to establish dominion there, which Solon had experienced earlier to his displeasure. This morning all the unicorns in the castle had gathered together in the courtyard and raised the sun with only minor difficulty, the presence of Solon and his guards Zephyr and Sky Sparkle tipping the balance. His mother Lady Nightstar acted as the focus, and had none of the trouble her husband did the previous day. Solon found her strength reassuring, though such emotions couldn’t take away the stinging pain of the cut over his eye. That morning as he proceeded to breakfast with the rest of his kin his thoughts burned with hatred for the pegasus that had penetrated his guard. The navy blue unicorn resolves to train more frequently and harder to be better prepared for their next encounter. “I can’t help but notice the absence of a certain guest of ours,” comments Lady Nightstar as she walks at the head of the procession to the dining hall, flanked by Solon in brooding silence. “I suspect she needs her rest… raising the moon all on her own must have been exhausting,” he replies, but his mind is elseware at the moment. “Do send for her to join us this morning Selese,” insists Lady Nightstar, referring to one of her hoof maidens. The servant bows courteously and then proceeds quickly off towards the guest quarters where Luna is staying. Tradition demands that the Lord and Lady of the castle as well as their offspring are seated in the dinning hall first, with the other residents entering only with their blessing, and today is nothing different. Lady Nightstar and Solon come in the through the chamber doors and find their places at the head of the table. Notably Lord Nightstar’s chair sits empty, pending him getting well. “I sense that your thoughts are plagued by yesterday’s events,” pries Lady Nightstar. Solon doesn’t answer. He just stares down at the empty space between the cutlery in front of him. Mother means well, but she doesn’t understand what truly happened. Up until the day before he had thought himself untouchable, but Pridewing was so much more skilled she could have easily killed him if she wanted to. Every part of him wants to go out and find her to have another go at it, but reason tells him he needs to prepare – to train more intensely then he ever has before. Then he will show her what it means to mess with a unicorn. Lady Nightstar rings a bell that lies at the top of Magnus’ chair, signifying that her subjects may enter for breakfast. Almost immediately the door clanks open and a stream of unicorns pour into the dinning hall. Rapid conversation interweaves the crowd as they take their seats, sitting down at the table in order of their status within the grounds. On the immediate left of Solon sit the chief artisans… the baker, the bricklayer, the blacksmith and so on. In Magnus’ court they are responsible for overseeing their apprentices and ensuring that their tasks are accomplished quickly and efficiently. The most favoured amongst them sit to the right of Lady Nightstar and to the left of Solon with Lord Nightstar sitting between them in the grandest chair in the hall. “Be seated,” commands Lady Nightstar, and the entire hall obeys. Once they are all settled, she speaks up once more. “My servants, I’m sure you are all wondering why none of you were called to raise the Moon last night to bring on the night. Let me assure you that we have not been replaced in our duties, as some rumours going around suggest, but that we owe a debt of gratitude to a very talented guest of ours for her assistance. Ah… here she is now.” The door to the hall creaks open slowly, and everypony turns their eyes towards it. Nervously, Luna steps into the chamber and politely closes the door behind her. Solon looks up from his brooding to see that she appears confused and a bit disoriented… he can tell she doesn’t like this many eyes on her. The next thing he notices is her attire – a streaming cyan night gown that he knows comes from the guest room. The elegant cuirass and glass horseshoes she had been wearing the previous day have been discarded, leaving him a perfect view of her natural shape. Solon feels his interest in her rising… in more ways then one. “Honoured guest Luna, come and take a seat up here with me,” insists Lady Nightstar. Walking along the row of curious unicorns, the Princess of the Moon appears uncomfortable and cautious. Lady Nightstar bids her to stop right before Solon’s seat, and turns to her hoof maiden. “My dear Selese, would you bring up another chair next to Solon please?” The female unicorn servant obeys immediately, displacing the first of the chiefs and forcing the entire line of unicorns on the right side to shift down the table one space (causing a few grumbles). Gingerly, Luna seats herself and gets comfortable. “Very well then,” concludes Lady Nightstar, “let us dig in.” … Breakfast in the hall passes quickly and uneventfully for most of those in attendance, but for Solon the hot meal was refreshing given the aches and pains he still endured. With his stomach full and his spirits heightened, the new target of his attention is Luna. He watches her intently, waiting for an opportunity to talk to her. After a moment, he realizes he can’t think of any way to start the conversation. Thankfully a few minutes later her guards begin to come down naturally and she breaks the ice. “Are you feeling any better today Solon?” asks Luna thoughtfully. “No,” replies Solon, a bit more hoarsely then he wanted to sound, “well… a bit better I guess.” “Oh,” answers the princess with a bit of disappointment, “I’m sorry… it’s just that I wasn’t used to that kind of fighting. Whenever my sisters fight I usually just hide.” “You can’t act that way around pegasi, whatever you do,” insists Solon, “they’re mongrels who’ll trot all over you if you let them.” “It’s not that I can’t defend myself,” corrects Luna with a hint of hardness, “…it’s that I don’t want to fight.” Solon blinks and looks at her twice, surprised to hear such a statement coming from a female. Sure his mother is similarly tough, but he had never encountered a unicorn this much like her before… at least not in Castle Nightstar. Impressed with Luna’s attitude, he decides to gamble on some flattery. “What you did last night… you’re incredible, Luna. I don’t know what they teach you where you come from, but if I had your powers that flapper wouldn’t have stood a chance.” “Really?” asks Luna with a hint of shyness, “I… I was just playing around. I write messages in the sky so Mom can see them and write me back. Can’t you do it too?” “Hah, only if we all try at once,” replies Solon cynically, “and even then we can only manage the moon… moving the stars would probably kill us.” The lively conversation is interrupted by a loud banging on the double doors of the dining hall, which attracts the concerned gazes of all present including Lady Nightstar. “Let them in,” she commands, knowing that the guards would only interrupt them for an important reason. With a clank her hoof maidens open the metal lock and open the doors. A single unicorn bursts in, covered in sweat and struggling to catch his breath as if he had just ran a hundred miles. Solon assesses him immediately, and takes note of the silvery attire and crested helmet that he is wearing bearing the symbols of the crown and a sealed parcel. A messenger from Platinum Castle! “A message for Lord and Lady Nightstar,” utters the regal pony in an official tone after he gathers himself. “I’ll take it, good sir,” replies Lady Nightstar, beckoning him. In a moment the royally dressed courier rushes over to her side, and places the sealed scroll magically in front of her. Satisfied that his duty is done, the messenger departs as quickly as he came without further courtesy. As he leaves all eyes turn to the Lady of the castle as she breaks the seal and unfurls the note. She scans the page eagerly, reading it multiple times for clarity. Though his mother isn’t raising a fuss, Solon can tell right away what it says is very important. “Mother, what does it say?” Solon insists, knowing from experience how rare messages are from the royal court. It could be about anything, which only heightens his curiosity. “In three days time the High Lector will be visiting our castle,” Lady Nightstar states calmly, addressing it to not just Solon but everypony in the room, “to investigate a ‘magical anomaly’. My dear Luna, it appears you have attracted some attention.” At once the hall bursts out in loud conversation. Castle Nightstar has never had such an important visitor ever before, being for the most part a frontier outpost compared to the splendour of Platinum or Diamond Castle. Artisans boom to their neighbours about how they will bring forth their best of this and make their best of that, while the hoof maidens whisper excitedly about the news. From what he knows of Starswirl the Bearded, Solon isn’t entirely surprised he’s recently added Castle Nightstar to his schedule. The High Lector is eccentric and is known to rigorously investigate complex and unknown branches of magic. Given all that has happened in the last two days with Lord Nightstar’s spell injury and Luna’s sky painting it’s no wonder he is so interested. Solon thinks about the news for a few minutes as his mother directs the other ponies towards getting the house ready for their important visitor, before reaching the conclusion that it doesn’t matter that much to him. If anything, it’ll keep his mom distracted while he goes outside to practise his martial skills. Silently the navy blue unicorn slips away from his seat and heads towards the doors, leaving the hall and Luna behind to attend to their own needs. … A small boulder hurls through the air as Sky Sparkle magically throws it up for his noble master to attack. Straining through the pain surrounding his sore muscles, Solon snarls and looses a bolt of lightning towards his target. The spell misses by no less then a hair, and the son of Lord Nightstar growls in frustration. He is drenched in sweat, and the wound over his left eye is starting to swell from being forced open multiple times throughout his training. Any reasonable pony can see that Solon is driving himself too hard, but the couple of times Sky Sparkle had tried to bring it up he had only been shouted down. He can tell that the wound to his master’s pride is deep, for why else would he have forbidden Zephyr and him to speak about any of the details of the fight? Unable to do much else, the male unicorn guard simply obeys Solon’s will and continues to throw rocks despite his own exhaustion. The exercise in futility comes to an end a few minutes later when an unexpected guest arrives to view the navy blue unicorn’s progress. Luna has gotten rid of her morning gown and switched to more serviceable daytime wear consisting of her usual kit combined with a light blue back covering. Evidently the Castle dresser, Fantasy, has gone into her personal stock to make the Princess of the Moon look less naked for one of newly acquired importance. Solon can’t help but notice her, and halts his training immediately. “You look aweful,” comments Luna, “maybe you can use a bit of a break?” Solon brushes away the wetted sides of the top of his mane before turning in her direction. More relieved at the pause is Sky Sparkle, who uses it to catch his breath and gather more scattered rocks. “I suppose so,” replies Solon without enthusiasm, unwilling to express his real anger to one so blameless and beautiful. Thankfully Luna was thoughtful enough to bring a large urn full of water with her, and the navy unicorn downs almost two thirds of it in one session. Wiping the remaining drops away from his chin with one hoof, Solon sits down next to her and relaxes. “I’m worried about you,” Luna states with concern, “all these injuries and still you seek to make more.” “A few cuts and bruises won’t kill me,” shrugs Solon dismissively. “But a blade or a hoof might,” she continues, “I fear I won’t be around all the time to take care of you like I did yesterday.” “…you won’t?” probes Solon. Right away the navy unicorn regrets asking. “Wha… what do you mean?” returns Luna with a hint of confusion. “Never mind, I was just kidding,” recovers Solon with embarrassment. Quickly, he changes the topic. “You said before that you write messages to your mother in the sky. Does that mean she is as powerful as you are?” “Oh a lot more,” insists Luna, “she made our palace all by herself.” Solon tries to hide in his expression how much he doubts it… nopony is that powerful. “Maybe when she gets here she can give me a few pointers then,” he answers sarcastically. A few moments pass as Sky Sparkle finishes gathering all the rocks in the training ground into a single pile, a look of annoyance on his face. Suddenly Luna gets an idea. “I can help you,” she suggests. “Hah, unless you’ve got a pair of wings under that dress I don’t see what you can do.” Luna adopts an expression of fear. Given her lack of desire to take part in any kind of fighting, even for practise, Solon isn’t surprised. Females aren’t built for combat anyway. “I’ll see you later then,” the princess of the moon replies, but there is an edge to her tone. She gets up suddenly and walks away, adjusting her mane with a light shake. Ignoring her, Solon picks up the urn to take another drink of water but Luna plucks it out of his hooves with her powers and takes it away with her. Solon looks back at her with a hint of indignity… was it something he said? > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fire continues to burn in the pile of stone and wreckage that was once a productive unicorn gem mine on the side of a forested hill far east of Manehatten. A pallid cloud of smoke fills the air as the sounds of crackling wood and raging flames erase the work of generations of builders. In Ruin’s mind though, such unpleasantries are a temporary necessity if all traces of civilization on this world are to be toppled. Turning away from the product of his efforts, the sickly green pony of desolation faces the rows of hapless unicorn miners he has so recently put out of work. They are a pathetic and dirty lot, but to their credit very few are upset. Apart from the anxiousness of waiting for his pronouncement of their fate they appear to be exhausted and weary. Ruin smiles gleefully as he decides that very topic. “Throw your gear into the flames,” he commands callously, “you will not need it any longer.” Like drones the unicorns obey, discarding their picks, helmets and sacks into the inferno. Ruin is astonished by how unquestioningly they obey his leadership even after he so ruthlessly demolished their livelihoods and put down their overseers. Truly these low-born unicorns are a desperate lot in need of his enlightenment. “Do you know why I have done this?” the green unicorn puts forward, hoping to get an answer from the group now at his mercy. When he doesn’t get one, annoyance flashes on Ruin’s face. “…because it was insufferable! How can you ponies be content to gouge holes in the skin of the soil to take its fruits for yourselves? Would it please you if I cut holes in all of you to take from your flesh?” This doesn’t draw the reaction Ruin is hoping for, with some pulling back in fear and others crying out at the horror of what their conqueror may do to them. Unsatisfied, he decides to take a different approach to reach an understanding with these mortals. “Tell me, why were you ponies so content to follow this one?” Using his magic, Ruin pulls over the armoured corpse of one of the overseers and drops it down in front of him. The white unicorn’s armour is matted with blood from being thrown against the rock face an hour earlier. “He’s one of the Lord Twinring’s guards, and we’re his servants,” shouts out a brownish male unicorn in the front. Beneath the mask of dirt his cutie mark is bushel of flowers, showing that this line of work wasn’t his first choice. “Servants,” replies Ruin mockingly, “so you think you are beneath this ‘Lord’ Twinring? Why?” “Because he’s noble born,” answers a different miner, a female unicorn evidently forced to endure the same hardship as the males. “Hah! What makes him any better then any of you? Did a living god come down from the heavens and proclaim him your lord and master before your vary eyes? You toil and sweat and suffer in his name, yet would he ever do the same for you?” This time Ruin’s words receive a much better reaction, with many nods of agreement and even a bit of excitement from the group. “No, he wouldn’t. He despises all of you as beneath him, and sends his well paid minions to keep you all down while they force you to do his dirty work to make him rich.” The crowd’s passion begins to grow as all of them hang on his words. “What would you have us do about it, milord?” asks the first miner who spoke. “I would have you never use such titles again in my presence mortal,” fumes Ruin, before adding, “and to answer your question I would have you bring down this mockery of an order that keeps you oppressed! Know that I am a god, and I have come to aid you in ending this lie!” There are rousing cheers as the miners rally to his cause, shouting things such as ‘down with Twinring’ and ‘down with the King’. Ruin relishes in the overwhelming wave of approval he is receiving. “Now gather around and receive your blessing,” continues the green unicorn, “for I will give you the power to resist the tyrants, and take back what is yours!” Above the rancorous shouts and stomping of hooves the clearing lights up with waves of green light as Ruin uses his tremendous magical power to transform his new followers into an army. From the ashes of their meagre pony heritage they become rough skinned, green eyed soldiers of terror and destruction. With their injections come a tide of new emotions – hatred of possessions, distain for food or water, and a vicious need to demolish everything not natural they lay eyes on. Soon, very soon, they will have their justice. … Three days. It’s been three days since Dream and Luna disappeared from their bedrooms and indeed from the material world completely. Light had locked herself in her room after the first night, and has yet to emerge even for meal times. Princess Celestia has taken charge of the search since then, giving all her golden creatures commands to search every inch of the Palace and its grounds over and over again. Frustration is in the air for the three remaining siblings, though for different reasons. Breakfast on the morning of the third day was on time, but the food simply appeared without their mother to usher in the courses. Light’s mood is reflected in the weather today as well, as a dull light rain pours against the castle walls from a greyish cloudy sky. “You haven’t touched your eggs and carrots Cadence,” points out Celestia delicately. Cadence sighs and pushes the plate away with one hoof. “I’m not hungry.” Discord, on the other hand, is freely gorging his face on the sudden abundance of food that otherwise would have been eaten by the others. Having already eaten most of the waffles, he turns his eyes towards Cadence’s untouched plate with barely disguised glee. “Are you going to eat that?” “What did I just say?” snaps back the pink alicorn. “Sheesh, little miss emotional today,” jabs Discord as he summons over her plate and helps himself. “You and mother are upset about this and I am too,” continues Celestia, “but I know they’re out there somewhere. We just have to keep looking.” Cadence doesn’t look entirely reassured. “But we’ve looked everywhere Celestia,” she answers disheartedly, “and if even mother can’t find them then what chance do we have?” Discord munches loudly on Cadence’s carrots, earning a look of distaste from her. “Don’t you remember Team Awesome?” the princess of the sun inquires. “Yeah,” replies Cadence, “but all the things we did… well… we were just children.” “And how is it any different now? Don’t you remember what we agreed on, ‘no team member left behind’?” Cadence looks uncomfortable, but her eyes say she knows it to be the truth. “The team never ended,” continues Celestia, “we’ve just grown up and now we do our own things. Going for hikes in the woods and stealing cookies may not appeal to us anymore, but the lessons we learned are still here.” “What are you talking about? Those cookies were amazing,” puts in Discord as he tosses aside an apple core (which lands in front of Cadence). Just then a thought strikes Cadence that hadn’t occurred to her before. What if her brother knows something about the twins’ disappearance? What if he just isn’t telling them something important? Whispers of hate and betrayal begin to slip into her mind as Haetra once more presses her to show her anger publicly. “… because unlike you two I’ve been very productive over these past few days,” continues Discord in response to a question from Celestia, “machinery is difficult to work with you know,” “And what exactly are you building Discord?” asks Cadence with a tinge of suspicion. “Oh nothing really,” replies Discord casually, “it’s just a secret little project of mine.” “And isn’t it a coincidence that you happen to be working on some big-time thing when Dream and Luna go missing?” Celestia takes on an expression of alarm as she realizes what her little sister is implying. “Whatever do you mean Caddy?” teases Discord. “You don’t seem that bothered that the twins are missing…what have you really been doing locked in your room this whole time?” “I told you it’s none of your business.” “Cadence,” insists Celestia, “I’m certain our brother is just as concerned as we are.” Discord nods approvingly at Celestia telling her off, and it brings on a wave of anger from Cadence. The princess of love leaps up on the table and stomps her foot down, crushing the apple core. “Don’t try and play us for fools Discord, this isn’t just one of your games! You know where they are because you put them there!” “Cadence please,” insists Celestia carefully, “you’ve got to control yourself.” “Tell me about it,” jabs Discord as he hovers in the air with his arms crossed, “it sounds like someone is giving the Hatress a bit too much airtime.” “Oh yeah?” fumes Cadence, “if you want her then you got her!” Celestia and her brother watch in horror as her eyes begin to glow, and her skin darkens in hue. Before any of them can think of a way to stop her, Cadence’s pupils change becoming visibly more cat-like. The new comer in her body breathes a sigh of relief, and turns her gaze towards Discord. Expecting a fight he scowls and begins preparing a few spells. Haetra looks at him with steely eyes, but then utters a playful laugh. “Finally that bitch lets me out,” expresses Haetra as she turns her eyes away and starts stretching her legs, “it’s about time.” Celestia backs away from the table, unsure what to do next. Mother had never taught them anything about what to do when a sibling fully changes. “If you want to fight me then go ahead,” insists Haetra absently towards Discord, “but if you don’t I have better things to do with my newfound freedom… like eating.” Surprised by the lack of hostility in her remarks, Discord lets his spells fade and settles back into his seat. Haetra eyes some of the delicacies lying about on the table and begins grabbing a little of each one and placing it on her plate. “Aren’t you supposed to me mad at me?” asks Discord cautiously, the expression on his face showing that he is expecting some kind of trick. “Hah, unlike ‘Caddy’ I just don’t care if you’re hiding the twins or not,” Haetra replies while eagerly biting into the foods she has never had the opportunity to taste before, “she’s only upset because she loves them you know... pretty pathetic if you ask me.” Where none of Cadence’s previous remarks had had any effect on Discord, this particular one hits home and the draconiquis begins to looks guilty. “I didn’t do anything like that. I have no idea where they are,” he insists sincerely. That proves enough for Celestia and she works up the courage to step in. “Okay you’ve had your fun Haetra, but now its time to bring back Cadence.” “I don’t think so sweet heart,” counters the princess of hate, “it took a lot of work for me to get this body and I’m not just gonna give it back for free.” “I’m warning you,” threatens Celestia, “if you don’t then you’ll regret it.” “Oh yeah?” hisses Haetra, “what are you going to do… give me a sun burn?” The princess of the sun grinds her teeth. Having failed at getting back Cadence the ‘nice’ way, her eyes begin to glow as she unleashes her righteous anger. Snarling, Princess Celestia’s mane bursts into flames. All the food on the table nearest to her begins to sizzle and burn, and Discord and Haetra are both forced to shield their eyes. The sudden flare up settles into a steady flame as it becomes apparent that Celestia has become somepony different altogether. Like Haetra her eyes are golden and deadly like those of a predator, but unlike her counterpart Solar Flare bears an aura of nobility and justice in addition to her intimidating appearance. Stalking across the table, the princess of fire burns away the contents of Haetra’s plate with a mere gesture and bends over to look her straight in the eye. “I’ll lock you in Cadence’s room with all her dollies!” shouts Solar Flare, “…then I’ll animate them to hug you and say they love you repeatedly for all eternity.” A look of horror appears on Haetra’s face. “You wouldn’t dare!” Solar Flare gives a toothy grin of satisfaction as she begins casting a lengthy and powerful spell. Haetra recoils in terror and covers her head with her hoofs. “No, don’t! Okay… I’ll let her come back just don’t do that to me!” Scared into submission by Solar Flare’s threats, Haetra relents and there is a flash of light as her skin returns to its normal pinkish hue and Cadence gets her body back. A moment later Celestia regains control of hers too, and soon both sisters are staring at each other in confusion and regret, failing to understand how they both could have given in to their bad sides so quickly. “You two have some serious problems,” comments Discord inappropriately, though the enormous smile on his face shows his amusement over the whole affair. The bad sides should show their faces more often around here… it would make meal times so much more interesting. … At Castle Nightstar it has been a day and a half since Solon and his patrol returned from the crater. Preparations for Starswirl the Bearded’s visit are continuing on an hourly basis as decorations are set up in the main hall and the store rooms and cellars are emptied by the servants in anticipation of a great feast. Lord Magnus Nightstar is on his way to recovery and had managed a walk in the garden early that morning to watch his son’s feverish training and give him advice. While all this is going on, another pony of some status within the house carries on with her work as well for she has a very important job – preparing Luna’s dress. Fantasy is the noble tailor and dresser at Castle Nightstar and it is a job she takes to with passion and enthusiasm. Like her mother before her, the white unicorn wears her purple mane in a forward curl and frequently works long hours to perfect the latest in her line of gowns and dresses for Lady Nightstar. Her latest task is preparing for the arrival of the High Lector, only this time her creation is not intended for the Lady but for their honoured guest: Miss Luna. Judging from her magical aptitude the new arrival is quite impressive, and Fantasy was blown away when she saw her raise the moon all by herself. Privately she feels a hint of jealousy at the inadequacy of her own powers, but that is not what bothers her the most. Ever since Solon had come of age Fantasy had been trying to attract his attention, but it was to no avail. Sure he is a bit of an ass, for a noble, but what she wants is the position such a marriage would give her. To be the Lady of the house and be able to wear her greatest gowns to the royal ball and meet all the nobles in all the land… such would be a dream come true. But now in the blink of an eye this Luna comes in and captures his fancy right under her nose! The nerve… Silently Fantasy shakes her head to clear such thoughts from her mind. It is not her place to put her feelings above the wishes of her lady. Besides, it is rare that she is given the opportunity to express her talents in the art of dress on another less-then-noble pony and she intends to capitalize on it to try something new. Now, if only the subject would show up to her quarters on time… Fantasy waits impatiently in the middle of her dressing room with all her tools and materials laid out neatly and ready to use. Rolling her eyes, she looks at the grandfather clock positioned in the corner of her room to check the time. Judging from the position of the hands, Luna is a minute late. She would have to scold their guest’s lack of punctuality. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. “Come in my dear,” insists Fantasy. The doorway opens and in walks Luna. The princess of the night appears to be a bit nervous as if she doesn’t know what to expect. Having never been ‘dressed’ before, this will be a new experience. “Are you Fantasy?” she asks. “Of course,” the pearl coloured mare replies, “step in to the center of the room please so we can begin.” “Great, for a moment I thought I might have picked the wrong room.” The wrong room? Fantasy silently fumes as she takes it as a slight against the amount of materials she had stocked. Hiding the emotion, she directs Luna to the spot in the middle where the fitting is to be done. Absently, she picks up a measuring tape and begins measuring Luna’s body. “What are you doing?” the princess asks as Fantasy wraps a strand of marked rope around her midquarters. “Taking down your sizes,” answers the dresser, “I’ll need these numbers if I am to make you a new dress for tomorrow.” Luna relaxes, but doesn’t look completely convinced. “You have an unusual cutie mark,” Fantasy comments as she measures her hind legs, “I’ve never seen one so large.” “All of us have one like that,” answers Luna, “my sisters and me, I mean.” Fantasy finishes her measuring and looks down at her numbers with a hint of disgust. Luna is the thinnest pony she’s ever measured. No wonder Solon is so attracted to her… “Are we done?” the princess asks with a hint of impatience. “Not yet,” insists Fantasy, casting aside pleasantries, “I’ll need to take off that cuirass on your chest… it’ll get in the way of the dress.” “I’d prefer to keep it on, thank you,” asserts Luna, sensing some hostility. “I insist.” “So do I.” Fantasy and Luna exchange glances, and the tension in the room rises. “Well then I suppose we’ll have to work around it,” proposes the dresser after remembering her duties. “Thank you for your help, but I don’t think I need a new dress,” answers Luna in an attempt to escape a confrontation, “goodbye.” The princess makes to leave, but Fantasy shuts the door using her powers. Luna rounds on her, but the dresser takes a different tone. “Please, stay,” begs the unicorn, “this won’t take long.” Luna eyes the door and considers her options. With a sigh, she gives in. “Okay,” replies Luna as she submits, “You can take it off… I suppose you know best.” Chiding herself for letting petty jealousy take hold, Fantasy nods with approval before undoing the buckles and pulling off Luna’s chest piece. Unbeknownst to her, by removing it she clips the invisible amulet on her neck that holds together the princess’ concealed cloak. The link comes apart, and as the unicorn puts aside the cuirass on one of her desks the cape comes loose and falls to the ground leaving Luna’s wings fully revealed. Aware that her wings can be seen and her true form is seconds away from being spotted by Fantasy, Luna breaks into a panic. As the dresser grabs her measuring tape and turns around she is overwhelmed by a wave of choking blue fog conjured by Luna. Taken by complete surprise Fantasy screams as she is blinded by the spell. The room descends into chaos as Luna makes a break for the door in the darkness and pulls it open. Behind her, Fantasy falls into one of her shelves of fabric causing it to collapse in a giant heap. In a flash Luna pushes herself out into the hall taking some of the bluish mist out with her. “AHHH! Help, help! Guards!” cries Fantasy in panic. Scared witless and now without her disguise, Luna whirls around frantically looking for a way to escape. The sounds of galloping hooves signal the coming of a castle guard. Thinking quickly, the princess of the moon imagines where her room is and what it looks like. Drawing magic into her horn, she casts a teleportation spell and within an instant she is gone. A few seconds after Luna’s disappearance, Sky Sparkle arrives at the scene. He coughs as he breathes in some of the salty black smoke, but he quickly uses his magic to clear the murky haze which is already beginning to disperse. Entering the dresser’s room, he immediately surveys the situation. “Miss Fantasy, what is the matter that draws your cries?” he requests. She looks at him, and then looks around at the horrid state of her dressing room, and starts bawling at the fate of her precious work. Removing his helmet, Sky Sparkle begins the process of soothing her and getting things cleaned up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “That should do it.” Picking up a green ribboned hat with her powers, Dream places it upon her head to complete her new look. Standing in front of a mirror, the Princess of Dreams admires herself and the impressive combination of hat and flank coverings that come with her new job as a Manehatten Marshal. When she arrived on this world a few days ago she had been dressed in royal attire with her dark starry hair weaving about her head, but now most of that clothing is long gone. Apart from her shoes, everything else has been lost or discarded along the way. Her flowing mane is now bound professionally behind her head giving Dream the look of a working mare just like the earth ponies she has so recently begun to admire. “Mother would hardly recognize me,” the princess muses as she circles a few times to ensure nothing is out of place. The cabin around her is simple but workable with a hammock for a bed and a few pieces of basic furniture. Sleeping in here hasn’t been as comfortable as it would’ve been back home in the palace, but after using a few spells to fix the temperature and humidity Dream has made it manageable. Using part of the reward she received for capturing those two thieves she had purchased the small place two nights ago. “Or rather, one thief,” she reminds herself out loud. The guilt of roping up that innocent pegasus along with the gryphon is bothering Dream, but it is not enough to dull her anticipation over today’s test to earn her Star of Authority. It is a custom for the earth ponies that every marshal has to be appointed by consent – that is, the townsfolk decide after a season long trial period if an aspirant lawpony should be given the right to police their activities according to the laws set down by their leaders. However, the first step in this process is to pass a test set up by a senior marshal to prove that they know the laws and are capable of ensuring other ponies obey them. Ever since Buck left for home, Dream has been doing some research into the whole thing and has even memorized most of Manehatten’s book of laws. This morning, she is ready for whatever these earth ponies have to throw at her. Within a few minutes there is a knock at the door of Dream’s home, as expected. In her excitement, Dream turns into a cloud and zips over to the doorway slipping through the keyhole and forcing her way out, rematerializing into her normal form outside. “You called?” asks the uniformed princess with a hint of amusement. In front of her, Whiptail doesn’t share her enthusiasm. In fact it appears just the opposite, with the senior marshal wearing a scowl mixed with a look of impatience and disapproval. She is wearing her typical leather attire, bearing a similar set of hat and flank coverings to Dream except dressed up differently to signify her longetivity in the service. As is standard issue, she also carries the nasty looking hoof bow slung over her back along with some spare arrows and a lasso, none of which the princess had yet earned the right to carry. “What did I tell ya about all that magical funny business?” pushes the brown furred pony marshal, “…just open the door like a regular pony.” “Well what else would you expect from a ‘talented unicorn with an appetite for justice’?” replies Dream cleverly. Whiptail looks annoyed for a moment, but then hides it beneath a mask of professionalism. “As the first ever unicorn aspirant, this makes today’s test somewhat unique in our village’s history. If ya have any doubts, now is the time to make them said before we start.” Dream dawns a look of confidence. “None whatsoever.” “Good,” replies Whiptail with a smile, before she walks a circle around the princess to inspect her uniform and appearance. “Do ya think this is a beauty pageant?” pokes the pony marshal after she finishes. “No.” “A courting ceremony perhaps?” Dream rolls her eyes. “No.” “Then why are ya wearing jewelled shoes? You are a public servant hornhead… not a walking beauty contest. You wanna do this? Take’em off.” Grudgingly, the princess obeys. “I have a name you know…” “Not until we give ya one ya don’t. Part of this test is earning the right to be called marshal… if ya can’t handle that then I suggest ya stay home.” Conflicted feelings begin to flare up in Dream. Half of her is enraged at the insolence she is being forced to endure from such a lesser being, but her other half is reluctant to fail the very first real test she has ever been subjected to. In the end, the second half wins out. “I’m not staying home, Whiptail.” “You will call me maim, unicorn,” insists Whiptail aggressively. “I’m not staying home… maim,” corrects Dream reluctantly. “Good.” Whiptail turns and walks down the pathway towards town, motioning the princess to follow her. Dream obeys, this time using her feet. Having worn her shoes since she arrived in this place, the gravel path feels weird and uncomfortable on her hooves. “Keep ur eyes peeled unicorn,” continues Whiptail with a hint of carefulness, “who knows what kinda mischief has popped up since I left duty.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Making her way into town behind the hard-nosed marshal, Dream notices something odd about the nearby buildings as they walk past. Rather then a place bustling with activity such as carts and goods being moved and ponies going about their daily business, all the occupants are standing on the side of the road staring at them and/or quietly chatting amongst themselves. The princess notices that they all seem to be watching her expectantly, as if something important is about to happen. A few seconds later, it does. The doors of the Leaky Barrel Tavern suddenly burst open, and two stallions charge out at full speed. Within an instant one pounces on the other and the two start a frantic tussle in the middle of the dusty road. “You take back what you said about my momma before I go ‘an make you, mudface!” shouts the red earth pony aggressor as he slams his hooves into the other. “Hah you hit like a filly you goat loving son of an ass!” hollers back the bearded grey pony. As the two ponies rough each other up violently in front of her, Dream glances over at Whiptail, who is eyeing her expectantly. With a nod, the princess recognizes this as her first test. “HEY!” Dream shouts as she takes a step forward to break them up, “…what’s going on here!?!” The fight comes to a momentary halt as the now breathless ponies separate, glaring at each other with menace. “That one called my momma a donkey, marshal,” the red one insists, “I’m not taking that from anypony without a fight.” “Little colty runs to the mop to save himself!” teases the grey one with a cackling voice, “How ‘bout you tell her about the illegal ‘shine you been brewin in your cellar eh?” “That’s a damn lie and you know it,” shoots back the red one with rage. Dream sweats out what to do in this unusual situation, before she makes a flash decision. “Alright, if you two don’t stop this I’m going to have to take you both in.” This statement drew a look of fear from the red one. “No please don’t take me in! I’ll be good… I promise!” “Hah you got nothing on me hornhead,” shouts the grey pony with emboldened anger. “Fighting, disrupting the peace, and insulting a marshal on patrol,” lectures Dream confidently, “…that should be enough for about 3 days in the lockup don’t you think?” The last question was directed towards Whiptail, but the senior marshal keeps a neutral expression and doesn’t answer. The grey earth pony does not look too happy at the notice of a potential punishment. “You’ll never catch me alive,” he shouts, making a weak attempt to kick dirt in her face before turning tail and fleeing the other way. On the ball, Dream shifts into her signature greenish starry cloud before reappearing rapidly in front of her quarry as she had done with Buck a few days ago. The grey earth pony is so surprised he nearly runs into her, but a conjured burst of wind later and he is knocked helplessly onto his buttocks. “I think it’sss sssleepy time,” declares Dream as her voice tinges with ethereal energy and she draws deeply from her power. The earth pony struggles, but after a moment of looking into her glowing green gaze his eyelids begin to drop and he slumps over fast asleep. Returning herself to normal, Dream catches her breath and rubs a bead of sweat off her forehead. All around her the earth ponies stare with amazement and a hint of fear, before clopping their hooves on the ground in applause. “Pretty good,” states Whiptail with assurance, “but were this a real criminal, what would you do next?” “I would probably lock him up for a night or so, and then speak to him in the morning to check his attitude. If he’s been straightened out, I’d let him go at noon. If not, I’d keep him around another night to think about his misdeeds.” Whiptail nods her head, satisfied with the answer. “Come,” insists the senior marshal, “your patrol isn’t over yet, aspirant.” Sighing, the princess gets herself together and continues towards the next planned test awaiting her in this disorderly town. … Later in the afternoon Dream and Whiptail arrive at the Manehatten Lockup in the centre of town after a hard day of testing and judging by the former and the latter. The princess is exhausted and it is shown by the dirt on her fur and the weary look on her face. It became clear to her that a number of ‘test’ crimes had been set up by the marshals and the townsfolk, but she owned up to the task and saw them all through by the book – or at least as close to it as she could be. In addition to the bar tussle there was also a colt stealing in the market, a cart path blockage, and birds eating the pumpkins in the field (which turned out to be a real problem – Whiptail shot one of them with her bow). “I’m not gonna lie ya did real good today, aspirant,” praises Whiptail as she hangs up her bow and lasso on the wall. The marshal managing the lockup is busy shaving one of his hooves and doesn’t look up or acknowledge them at all. “Your welcome,” replies Dream wearily, with perhaps a hint of sarcasm. “I got one last thing for ya before ya can head back to home and hearth,” continues Whiptail with a hint of sadism, “Clipfoot, you got the feed buckets?” The stallion managing the lockup continues what he is doing, pointing briefly towards a pair of metal buckets in the corner. Both are three quarters full with water, and next to them are a couple of apples. “I know what yur thinkin,” announces Whiptail, “they steal apples from us, and then when we lock em up we give em apples for free. Unfortunately that’s the way it is… we’re not about to starve our prisoners like the unicorns do.” That isn’t what Dream is thinking at all, but she nods in agreement anyway. The subtle jab at unicorn policies means little to her since she isn’t one. “Feed the prisoners, aspirant,” commands Whiptail, before adding with a wink, “… and keep up the good work.” The complement just bounces off the princess, who can’t help but moan to herself about being given yet another laborious task to do – perhaps being a lawpony is too much physical work for her. Taking a deep breath, Dream collects herself and picks up the food and water with her magic. “Those two ‘ave been fighting all day,” warns Clipfoot as he looks up briefly, “might wanna watch yourself in there.” Disregarding the advice Dream dawns a look of confidence and pushes open the door leaning to the prisoners block. Inside there are two barred cells with boarded walls and dirt floors covered in hay. On the cell to the right sits Magenta Dash, sleeping in a dark and cold corner. Judging from the fact she is caked in dirt and covered with small cuts and bruises her past few days in prison haven’t been enjoyable. “I’ve brought you some food,” Dream says as she places down the first bucket just inside the bars, and sets the apple next to it. Magenta Dash opens her eyes and looks expressionlessly at the princess for a moment before getting to her feet and walking over to the freshly arrived sustainance. Without acknowledging Dream’s presence she leans over and begins lapping up water. “Aren’t you supposed to check it for poison?” teases Dream, trying to lighten the mood a bit. It doesn’t work. Dash just looks at her sadly for a moment, and then trots back to the corner she had been sleeping in. The gesture, or lack thereof, gives the princess a moment of pause – what happened to her mighty spirit? Her combative instincts? Confused, Dream changes the subject. “I know you’re innocent Dash,” declares Dream, “I’ve been meaning to get you out, it’s just that I’ve been caught up in other things.” “Hah,” spits Dash disrespectfully. “Okay so I made a bit of a mistake,” the princess continues, “but your attitude didn’t give me any reason to hurry.” “You just don’t get it do you?” shoots back Dash, regaining some of her vigour “I don’t care if you want to poison me, or if I never get out of here. You’ve already got me… I’m dead meat, do you hear me?” “Why?” “Don’t you know how my kind work? When I get outta here do you think they’re just going to let me carry on like nothing happened? No way! They’re going to, to—” Magenta Dash doesn’t want to say it, but she makes herself anyway. “—clip my wings.” Suddenly the atmosphere becomes a whole lot darker, and Dream feels a wrench of guilt. This pegasus’ life is now ruined, and it’s all her fault. “So you can go ahead and put as much poison in my food as you want unicorn. You’ve won… and I’m sunk.” Dash’s ears flop down, and a tear of surrender runs down her cheek. From the cell to the left of hers comes the sound of cackling laughter. “Haha, serves you right flapper,” brags Gilden the gryphon, who seems to be in noticeably better shape. Dream hardens her expression, and strides over to the gryphon’s cell with authority. “Well look at this… the mudfeet have taken on a hornhead to help them out. Pretty pathetic they can’t take care of themselves.” “That’s a bit odd coming from a creature that steals from others,” counters Dream cleverly. “Hey, a gryphon’s gotta eat,” answers Gilden with a hint of condescension, “oh and a word of advice – I don’t think your lord is going to like you throwing in your lot with these mudfeet too much.” “I don’t have a ‘lord’, thank you,” informs Dream matter-of-factly. “So… what… you’re royalty?” continues Gilden sarcastically, “I doubt it.” The princess decides to ignore the comment, and returns with one of her own. “You don’t deserve this, but here are your rations.” Dream drops the water bucket on the ground roughly causing it to rock back and forth and forcing the gryphon to leap forward to grab the tin before it spills. Waiting until he is prone in front of her, she spitefully tosses the apple at him with her magic and it bounces lightly off his flank. “Don’t eat it all in one bite.” Having finished with the gryphon thief, the Princess of Dreams returns to Dash’s cell. The pegasus is busy munching down the apple, and looks up with curiosity as she sees the disguised alicorn return. “You certainly aren’t friendly, but I think you deserve another chance,” Dream comments, “I’ll get you out of here, and then I’ll help you deal with the other pegasi when the time comes.” “Oh yeah? Well that sounds a bit too good to be true,” counters Dash suspiciously, “so what’s the catch?” Dream extends a hoof through the bars. “The catch is we have to be friends.” Dash raises an eyebrow, but considers the offer for a moment. Having no other choice, she relents. “Alright, we can be friends unicorn.” The two ponies tap their hooves together to seal the pact. “So, when are you going to bust me out?” pushes Dash with impatience. “Soon enough,” returns Dream as she turns to leave, “and I’m not a unicorn.” “What?” asks Dash with a look of confusion, “you’re joking right?” Dream looks back with a smug smile, and Magenta Dash sees that she is indeed serious. “If you’re not a unicorn…then what are you?” “You’ll see…” And on that note the princess winks at her and pushes the door open to leave the holding block, leaving Dash with a look of confusion and uncertainty on her face. After all that has happened between her and this ‘Dream’ pony she still has no idea what to make of her, and every time they speak things just seem to keep getting weirder and weirder. > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been a long time since Light has been here. The crystalline dimensions of the hidden vaults in her own mind flicker around her bright spiritual form as the Mother of Creation transcends reality into one entirely her own. The entire collection of her amazing ideas, along with her less-than-amazing-ones, are here stored in all the right places should she ever feel the need to look. Being practically as powerful as what mortal ponies call a deity, she sleeps at night not just to get a break from her fairly heavy responsibilities but also to remember and draw inspiration from the things located here. At this particular moment however she is not in the mood to reminisce, for Light is heading to a place she hasn’t been for years – a vault she had hoped to never have to visit again. Seeing an orb-like shield of white light, she descends towards it somewhat reluctantly. Passing through the veil she is immediately confronted by a wall of blackish red mist that washes over her, pushing on a wave of emotions that are not her own. She senses anger, frustration, hatred, and… patience. None of these are too unusual, for this is Dark’s prison and those feelings belong to him. Light finds barely solid earth amongst the lava cracks that adorn the molten floor, hissing and creaking as she sets down hoof lightly. Frowning, she notes the ‘redecorations’ that Dark has managed to achieve outside of his prison despite all her safety wards and precautions. She will have to have a word with him about it… Performing the special sequence of spells that only she knows, the Mother of Creation unlocks the truesteel doors of the vault she has created for her nemesis. Judging from the molten drips creeping down the edges, even this door has fallen into disrepair. Putting off that business for another day, Light composes herself for a moment before advancing into the sea of mist that awaits her. “Come to see me, so soon?” a booming, hissing voice greets her cordially, as if she were his friend. Light walks straight towards the centre of the round, dome-like chamber she created to house her greatest foe. All around her dance scenes of the stars and the universe, as well as visions of her most prized worlds. She had created it in an attempt to reform Dark and convince him that places so beautiful were not worth destroying, but as it became clear to her he wasn’t going to change she left it going anyway to torment him; A little present for what he put her through so many centuries ago. As a small concession she allows him to control where it looks, but with limitations. He can’t see the Palace of Creation for instance, nor can he linger in any one place too long. The cage that holds Dark at bay appears to be a glass semi-circle, but in reality it is an impenetrable barrier of her finest creation. The only blemish upon it is the small slit she had used to take some of his essence to create Celestia and the others the last time she was here a few years ago. She had crafted a spell to reseal it, but evidently it isn’t as tight as she had hoped. Another thing to fix when she gets the time… “I don’t suppose you’ve come here to let me out,” teases Dark from the other side of the barrier, though he is only a shifting cloud of red mist, “I really would like to meet my children one of these days.” “You know why I can’t let you do that,” replies Light hardly, “you’d harm them, or worse.” Dark laughs. “You mean your brats? Oh how delightful that would be, to send them screaming back to the abyss they came from. No… I’m talking about MY children. You know… the ones who come out every now and then in moments of anger or danger? Oh how I love them all.” “What would you know about love?” demands Light, “the only thing you love is yourself.” “Indeed,” admits Dark smugly, “but then… they are ME aren’t they? Fiery Solar Flare, how she just burns every time Discord pranks Cadence, and sad Dark Moon with her tears and insecurity – I would swear she came from you.” “Shut up!” fumes Light as she grinds her teeth, “I didn’t come here to play games.” “Then why are you here? Given the indefinite nature of my imprisonment, I would think you have better things to do then amuse me.” Light registers his unusually cordial tone and begins to grow suspicious. Dark is never this outgoing. The insults are expected and predictable, but usually he hollers at her in rage about how he is going to ‘end’ her efforts and expand her suffering in numerous creative ways. She concludes Dark must be hiding something… maybe he knows the whereabouts of the twins. “I’m here to bring you to account Dark,” replies the Mother of Creation, “I can see you’re keeping something from me, and I demand to know what it is!” The mist shifts uncomfortably as the images on the outside of the dome shift of their own accord to a world made of pure water, casting a bluish shadow over the entire scene. “Very well,” submits Dark with a laugh, “I had been hoping to keep this a secret until next century but you’ve caught me.” Suddenly the red cloud presses together in a series of bright red flashes that momentarily light up the prison. Inside the cage the Father of Destruction fuses into a form Light has never seen before, and after a moment of examination she frowns as she gets the joke he is playing on her. “This is my new form,” teases Dark with a deep cackle, “do you like it?” He had become an alicorn like Light, but with a few major differences. His mane had become a skin of spikes, which extend outward and cover most of his body except his flank and legs. Underneath it his brownish skin has thickened into a layer of carapace, and his fleshy tail extends from his rear end like a whip. The most profound changes, however, are in his face. Jagged predatory teeth fill his jaw and fit together like those of a reptile hungry for more prey. Two ugly tusks like those of the wilder breeds of dragon reach out from the sides of his face creating an insectoid look that is unbecoming. His charred-skin bordered eyes are vicious and red with nasty black pupils like that of the cruelest of beasts. From his mouth and nostrils seeps the same red mist that he had so recently been apart of moments before. Fittingly the mark on his flank is so horrid she can’t even call it a cutie mark – a black supernova surrounded by red beams shooting out in all directions. Looking at Light, the monstrosity forms a smug grin. The Mother of Creation rubs her head with her hoof and utters a sigh of annoyance. Every time she comes down here he makes her put up with something like this. She doesn’t even want to think about the adjustments he has made to back row centre. “What’s the matter,” Dark coaxes as he leans up against the barrier, “I thought you wuv your cute littow ponies.” “Stop it!” demands Light aggressively, “I mean the twins! Where have you hidden them?” “Hah so your little brats have gone missing?” goads Dark, using her admission of incompetence as ammunition, “somepony isn’t taking motherhood too seriously.” So he doesn’t know, Light concludes. If he had Dark certainly would have used it against her right away. She silently fumes in frustration at another dead end, and turns to leave. “What, leaving so soon?” pushes Dark insultingly, “but I was just about to talk about how much I love the way your mortal ponies are so fragile they have to breed in order to continue existing. It’s so amusing watching them suffer – the females I mean. Kind of reminds me of another pony I know I enjoy watching suffer…” “Consider this your first and final warning,” fumes Light as she turns and looks angrily over her shoulder at him, “if I find out you are responsible for this, mark my words you will pay.” “Lift your tail a few inches higher and that’s all the payment I need to give,” teases Dark while crossing his hooves and sticking his smoking tongue out. A few moments later Light slams the truesteel door shut behind her. Despite all her attempts to shield herself, he still always manages to make her angry. … Inside the prison Dark drops the act, and reassumes his more convenient gaseous form. Turning towards the panoramic view Light saw fit to give him so many centuries ago, he wills it to switch back to the Pony World. He quickly searches out his minion and quietly praises Ruin’s remarkable progress in gathering an army to his side and decimating all the civilization he has so far came across. The Lord of Destruction swirls with anticipation, but he also understands the value of patience – after all one’s children do not grow up overnight. Dark silently realizes how attracted he has become to Light’s brand of creation lately, but he quickly shakes off the thought. Regardless of how useful his servants may be he would still prefer that nothing of Light’s work remain when he is finished – including them. Ruin, along with the other three soon to be released, are just the means to an end. Allowing the panorama to settle, Dark sits and waits for the inevitable confrontation between the twins and his first harbinger. Soon, very soon, Nightmare and perhaps even Dark Moon as well will come to his side and he will be unstoppable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the morning of the arrival of the High Lector, Castle Nightstar is abuzz with anticipation. All the preparations that had been underway for the past few days are now complete. The main hall is fully decorated with the most fabulous embroidery and bows that Lady Nightstar and her hoof maidens can produce, making the normally grey meal area look more fancy then normal. Lord Nightstar, recently on his feet (but still not feeling a hundred percent), walks the parapets with the Castle Reagent ensuring that all his battle trained and armoured unicorns are ready and know their official welcoming positions for when Starswirl’s procession arrives. Solon, on the other hoof, continues to focus on his training in the castle grounds. Dissatisfied with Sky Sparkle’s slow rock throwing rate the previous day, today he has ordered Zephyr out instead. As the navy blue unicorn commences with his routine, a wave of thoughts about events of the previous few days washes over him. He had a dream last night, where he was fighting Pridewing again. This time however, he gave her a run for her money. Unfortunately he woke up just as he was about to finish her off, denying him the satisfaction of victory even in his dreams. The last rock breaks into pieces in the air as his precisely aimed spell cuts it in half. Dismissively, Solon eyes the crumbled bits of a perfect show of magical accuracy – five out of five hits. He should be feeling wonderful about his accomplishment, but he realizes that it’s really something else that’s bothering him. Breathing heavily, the unicorn looks back over his shoulder to where Luna should be. Perhaps the reason why he has been training so hard is not because he lost and was nearly killed – but because it happened in front of her. Running through all the things he has said to her over the past three days, Solon realizes that he hasn’t been very nice. Sure the injury made him grumpy, but that’s no excuse. No wonder Luna has locked herself away in the guest room – she’s probably feeling trapped. Admittedly if the High Lector was coming to see him to evaluate his magic skills or whatever instead, he would be pretty nervous too. “Good set milord,” comments Zephyr, trying to sound proper, “are you ready for the next one?” “Take a rest,” orders Solon, before turning and leaving the courtyard. The navy unicorn walks through the set of hallways that leads to the guest room on the other side of the castle. On the way he meets a dozen other denizens who salute or bow to him politely, but he doesn’t have time for them. His passage takes him through the entrance hall, where his father is busy overseeing the arrangements for the procession from Diamond Castle, which they are expecting to arrive later that day. “I want every guard pony wearing their full armour, including ceremonial tabards,” insists Lord Magnus Nightstar evenly, “we can’t let those Diamond Castle ponies out dress us by too much.” “I’ll ensure every set is fully polished milord,” insists the Castle Regeant, who departs with his assistant. With that matter taken care of, Magnus turns to face his son. “I see you are healing up nicely my son,” complements his father, “Have the wounds in your mind followed suit?” “Yes father,” replies Solon, playing along with Magnus’ annoyingly prescient question, “but I still desire vengeance.” “As is your right,” agrees his father, “be careful to not let it consume you however, Solon. Not when the day is coming nearer that my title will pass to you.” “It is still a long way away father,” insists Solon in politeness. “Your sentiment is appreciated,” thanks Magnus, “but I can feel age creeping into my bones. If not for our honoured guest’s assistance, would I still be able to lead the raising of the sun and moon?” Solon doesn’t know the answer, and so he says nothing. “Your mother left me something to give you when my rounds took me to the courtyard, but it appears now is a better time.” Casting a spell of summoning, Magnus conjures a bundle of clothing to his side with some effort. Solon notices an elegantly sown cyan blue dress woven with an emblem of Castle Nightstar on it, as well as another cloak of far finer make he doesn’t recognize. The power this cloak exudes is palpable, and even bright to his magical senses. It must belong to Luna. “I was told of an incident downstairs in the castle dressers, Solon, involving Fantasy and our honoured guest.” Solon’s ears rise in interest. This is news to him. “What happened?” pushes the navy blue unicorn. “Sky Sparkle told me there was a fight between them, and Fantasy came away from it very upset. Lady Nightstar is seeing to her as we speak, but even in her distress she managed to complete the garments for our guest. Your mother and I want everything to go smoothly with the High Lector’s arrival nearly imminent. I need you to take these up to Luna and smooth things over – after all the two of you seem to be very close.” Solon goes over things in his mind, and he finds his anger flaring up. How could Fantasy be so discourteous to Luna? Having lived with her all her life, he knows the castle dresser’s penchant towards jealousy. Her neediness and dishonesty are the main reasons why he doesn’t find her attractive – after all, who wants a wife who only loves you for the title? “I’ll take these vestments up to Luna,” agrees Solon with enthusiasm, since he had been heading that way anyway. “Good,” replies his father with a nod of approval, “I’ve had the blacksmith refashion your helm and armour as well. Pay him a visit and pick it up as well – I need my son by my side and looking presentable for those Diamond types.” Solon agrees and bids his father goodbye, continuing down the passage on his way to the guest room. … Standing in front of the doorway to Luna’s room, Solon takes a moment to make himself more presentable. Having just come from training in the courtyard, he probably looks a bit scruffy and sweaty. Silently he curses himself for not getting his mane trimmed prior to coming up here. Taking a deep breath, the navy unicorn lifts his right hoof and knocks on the door. “Wait, don’t come in yet!” he hears Luna call out after a moment. Solon holds for another minute as he notes a slight rustling on the other side of the doorway. Finally, she calls out again. “Okay, you can come in now.” Hovering the bundle of clothing in the air behind him, the navy unicorn pushes the door open and steps into the guest room – only to be utterly amazed. What had previously been a completely grey and empty room apart from the bed is now an artistic wonderland of the night. The roof appears to be completely gone, but he can see it’s just an illusion depicting the night sky (quite a feat considering it’s the middle of the day). Around him he hears the sounds of crickets and birds though they sound like they are coming from the walls instead of any living creatures. Where the windows had previously been there are now elegantly decorated coverings blocking the light. Given she has only lived in this room for going on three days, the profound changes Luna has wrought have changed it completely. To attempt something like this on their own would’ve cost Castle Nightstar thousands of gold pieces, and a legion of skilled unicorns. The only thing missing from the room is the mane herself. “Luna it’s me Solon,” he shouts, unsure where she is, “I’ve…uh… brought you something important.” Suddenly the Princess of the Night slips out from underneath the covers of the bed, leaning on the wooden endpiece cautiously. He can see she appears nervous, and appears to be drawing up the covers to ensure her back is blocked from sight. Could it be that he caught her at a bad time? “Hi,” she utters awkwardly, and it sounds like there is some shame in her voice. “Wow… I can’t believe what you’ve done with this room,” compliments Solon with amazement. Luna dawns a look of fear. “I just wanted to make it more comfortable that’s all… if you need me to change it back I can.” She begins to draw power into her horn, but Solon stops her. “No, wait! I think it’s absolutely wonderful.” “You do?” inquires Luna, but with a hint of shyness. “Yeah,” replies Solon with a smile of confidence, “yet again you’ve done something amazing for our family.” His complement draws a smile from Luna, and she relaxes a bit. “What have you brought for me?” Solon takes the bundle and sets it down in front of him. “This is for you – your dress for today and a cloak mother insists is yours.” “Thanks,” replies Luna with gratitude, eyeing it for a second before turning her eyes back to him. “I’d… uh… like to apologise for being so distant these past few days,” Solon says with a hint of regret, “I know you were upset after what I said in the courtyard.” “Oh no, I’m not upset,” insists Luna, “it’s just that… I’m worried about this pony that’s coming to see me and… I just… miss home that’s all.” Solon sits down on his hind legs and gets comfortable. “I don’t think you need to be worried at all.” Luna looks surprised, “…w-why not?” “Because I’ve seen the things you can do… we all have. You have more power and more talent then all of us here at the Castle combined.” Solon doesn’t usually talk this way, but he really likes her and the words are just flowing. “You really think so?” asks Luna nervously, “I mean I try my best but… what if I fail and embarrass all of you?” “I think you need a bit more confidence,” answers Solon with a smile, “after all, I challenged a pegasus and nearly died. I doubt anything similar will happen to you if you disappoint him.” “You sound like my sister,” replies Luna with a bit of a giggle, “but I guess you’re right.” “I’ll tell you what,” begins Solon, “when the High Lector gets here, I’ll walk you down there personally to meet him. If you’re uncomfortable at any point, just tell me and I’ll excuse us.” Luna begins to look a bit happier, and smiles at his courtesy. “…that is if you want me to.” “Thank you Solon,” answers the Princess of the Night, “I accept your offer.” The two ponies look at each other for a moment in silence, as if neither can think of anything else to say. Suddenly Luna frowns with indignation. “You’re not going to watch me dress are you?” “Oh,” utters Solon with embarrassment as he makes haste to remove himself from the room, “sorry.” The navy unicorn steps out through the doorway, and slowly shuts the door behind him. “I’ll be back when the trumpet sounds,” he hollers back through the wall, referring to the bugle announcing the procession’s arrival. He hears Luna acknowledge him from behind the stonework, and carries on his way down the stairs towards the blacksmith. Not a minute later the shrill sounds of a muffled musical horn fill the hallway. The High Lector is here! Solon swears as he realizes he hasn’t even put on his armour or cleaned himself up yet. He knows his mother and father will be upset if he’s late, and given his promise to Luna he is perilously close to that mark. Aware of the need for urgency, he breaks into a gallop on his way to the smithery. … Inside the room Luna listens to make sure he is gone. Satisfied, she hops out of the bed and spreads her majestic wings to stretch them. Picking up the cloak she has been using to conceal them all this time, she puts it on and resumes her disguise. The burden of keeping them secret is taxing her, and having nearly been found out a couple of times she decides to be extra careful in the future to avoid discovery. If the High Lector sees through her disguise… Luna doesn’t want to think about what could happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Chapter 18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sir Starflank bounds quickly but gallantly towards the Forlorn Woods, off to fight the vile dragon to win back his love,” recites Cadence with the passion of a storyteller. Loudly she shuffles along the wooden miniature of a unicorn knight with her powers, and she moves it in a wavy motion that imitates a pony trotting along an open field. The wood clacks against the decorated floor as she does it, making a sound very similar to real hooves. Looking back over her shoulder from where she is sitting on the floor, the Princess of Love peers up into her massive collection of similar figurines and picks out one with the attire of an earth pony, a crudely made stallion with saddlebags full of miniature vegetables and places it in front of the knight. “What ho, a traveller?” she says in as deep a voice as she can manage. “Nay I be a pony of the land, adventure appeals not to me,” Cadence replies in a more moderate and rougher tone, trying to sound like an earth pony. “Well can thee spare a guiding hoof or a bushel of nourishment, commoner?” inquires the knight, “I go to slay the vile dragon Stoneheart, and shall I succeed such an act will benefit you folk as well as mine self.” Cadence places a hoof to her chin and thinks about what to say next, unsure how to continue her tale. All around her there is a very impressive assortment of decorations featuring artistic lights, furniture, miniature terrain pieces on the floor, and above all the biggest collection of dolls ever to exist. The Princess of Love’s bed is king size and shaped like a massive pink heart. In the middle lies a single pillow where she sleeps at night, but positioned beside it there are pillows of all shapes and sizes filling up most of the space she normally occupies. Around the edges of the bed are piles of plushies of almost every animal type one can think of including cats, bears, lions, birds, and even more elaborate ones like gryphons, manticores and dragons all of which have been presents from either Light or her siblings over the years. Where there aren’t windows the walls are decorated like big paintings, featuring grasslands and mountains full of animals made to look like they are all living in harmony. Cadence’s room also features a three-quarter circle of couches and a lovely two pony table for refreshments or games. By far the most dominating feature of the room though is the decorated floors, which take up half the room and are made to look like miniaturized versions of the real thing. They include a desert, a forest, a mountainside with cliffs, a wide canyon with a narrow bridge running across it and a castle with several small huts around it. Light had helped her considerably with the project as well as Luna, who had spent weeks helping her put it all together and make it look as realistic as possible. There is even weather such as rain and wind, though it is mostly just for decoration and never severe. At the moment the Princess sits next to this diorama, along with a box featuring her rather impressive collection of wooden miniature ponies and beasts. “Nay I cannot spare a bushel nor a kernel, for a have a family over yonder to feed,” continues Cadence, “and I…umm…” The Princess of Love halts mid sentence as she forgets what she wants the pony the say. After thinking about it for a minute, she gives up. “What’s the use?” comments Cadence out loud as her ears drop in sadness, “this is no fun without Luna.” Of all her siblings, Cadence has the best relationship with Luna. While it’s true that she and Celestia get along really well, the Princess of the Sun is more like a big sister then a best friend and she rarely makes time for anything like playing with dolls. Combining that with Dream’s passion for reading books (and anger at being disturbed) and Discord perpetually getting on her nerves, she has found that her and Luna have a lot in common in terms of interests. Luna’s artistic talent is amazing, and the two of them would spend whole days together playing with dolls on Cadence’s floors, weaving tales of knights and kingdoms far away. A stab of loss hits the Princess of Love as she glances over at a blue figure box with a moon on it. It is – or rather used to be – Luna’s miniature box. She doesn’t want to give up faith that her sisters will be found, but after five days of nothing it’s starting to sink in that they might really be gone. Grimly Cadence sets down the traveller and knight and flutters up onto one of her couches, turning over onto her back and staring at the ceiling. Very recently she has began to have a prickling feeling in her head… not just one that comes and goes with incidents involving broken toys or arguments with her siblings, but an overarching and deep form of anger. She is very familiar with this feeling for she has felt it before – Hate. Like the others, she has a dark side and her name is Haetra. Cadence fumes as she remembers how much she dislikes her and all the mean things she says. Every day Haetra whispers to her, encouraging the Princess to despise everyone around her and were it not for the companionship of her sisters and mother’s guidance she wouldn’t be able to keep the bad thoughts away. These last few days with Dream and Luna gone and mother in despair it has become even more difficult to remain in control. In an all too recent and dangerous incident Cadence had almost lost herself, but she promised then to never let it happen again. A knock on her door interrupts the Princess of Love’s thoughts, and she rolls over onto her feet and takes a moment to make sure she is presentable. Using her powers, she pulls open the door. “Who is it?” Cadence asks. “Oww, watch it with the horn!” complains Discord as he shuffles inside, speaking to somepony behind him. “Discord?” questions Cadence with a hint of annoyance, “what are you doing here?” “I’m trying to come inside without being stabbed or burned anymore by this psycho princess!” Filing in behind him is Celestia, and she doesn’t look happy. “Discord is here to apologise for all the mean things he has done to you these past few days,” the Princess of the Sun insists with an angry glance towards her brother. “Come on Celestia I was just joking around,” the draconiquis protests. “You’ve been deliberately hurting her feelings,” counters Celestia, “and setting traps in her room.” “What?” asks Cadence with confusion, and then her face contorts with anger. Discord crosses his arms, and dawns a grumpy look. “Now disarm those traps and say you’re sorry before I let you-know-who come back to talk to you.” With a sigh of submission, the draconiquis snaps his fingers and a number of objects in the come alive. The wooden dragon Cadence was minutes away from using suddenly belches a wall of smoke which surely would’ve gone towards her face had she picked it up, and two of her pillows on the bed spring up to attack her only to be halted and put back in place by Discord. “See, just harmless tricks,” he states innocently while shrugging. Celestia glares at him, and her mane starts to smoke. “Fine, okay,” submits Discord, “Cadence, I’m sorry for trapping your room.” “…and?” pushes Cadence, forcing him to continue. “…and I’m sorry for cheating in cards, and for calling you names, and for taking advantage of the twins’ disappearance to tease you for caring.” Cadence is a bit surprised, since that covers almost everything. “Okay,” she says with a giggle, “I accept your apology.” Discord offers one of his hands timidly, and she accepts it with a hoof bump. “There,” Celestia concludes with relief, “now we have to focus on the real problem here… finding the twins.” “Agreed,” returns Cadence, “Discord is there anything you can think of that can help us? …anything at all?” The draconiquis sits for a moment in thought. “We should start our search in their rooms,” he begins, “there are spells that I can use to retrace their steps.” “But mother and I already tried that,” returns Celestia, “Dream and Luna were sleeping, and then they just disappear.” “Yes but you didn’t use MY spells, did you?” corrects Discord as he cracks his knuckles with anticipation, “I have a few tricks I’d like to try.” … Later, Celestia, Cadence and Discord all gather in Dream’s room which has lied empty and untouched since its occupant disappeared almost a week ago. “The twins disappeared in their sleep,” Celestia insists as Discord prepares the collection of spells he plans to try, “Mother said that Dream likely visited Luna in her dreams and spirited them both away somewhere. We looked for a teleporting spell or spiritual residue and found nothing.” “Spirit each other away in body and soul? Unlikely,” replies Discord in concentration, “but let’s set up a trace to make sure.” Working his hands, the draconiquis produces a ghostly outline of Dream in bed. It takes some effort, given that the events he is bringing back to life are almost a week old. As the magical recording reaches its end Discord begins to sweat profusely and ground his teeth with effort. A haze of red begins to settle over the ghostly image becoming more and more intense until Dream snaps awake and leaves the bed, walking out the door before disappearing completely. “Celestia did you see that?” proclaims Cadence with excitement, “Dream got up and left the room!” Celestia looks shocked. “But… when mother did this Dream didn’t get up at all…” “Mother didn’t use the right spell,” insists Discord, “or at least she didn’t put enough power into it. Regardless, I know what her magic feels like and this feels like it’s been covered up.” “Covered up? What do you mean?” asks Cadence eagerly. “I’m saying that somepony has deliberately concealed most of the trace,” continues the draconiquis. “But who would do that?” pushes Celestia, “are you suggesting the twins didn’t want to be found.” “Possibly, but it doesn’t feel like them or mother. If I were to say who it feels like, I’d have to say it reminds me of Solar Flare’s magic.” “Okay now I’m confused,” puts in Cadence, “what does Solar Flare have to do with this?” “No, not her,” continues Discord, “but somepony like her… of the same blood.” Cadence tries to think of who that could be, but comes up short for ideas. “Dream probably had Nightmare helping her,” suggests Celestia out of the blue, “but that still doesn’t explain where she went and why she decided to take Luna with her.” Discord pops up a small scroll and begins writing things down vigorously. “What are you doing?” pushes Cadence. “Keeping track of all the clues,” he answers, “not to mention I just love doing it, especially with my inventions.” “Let’s try Luna’s room now,” Celestia insists, “maybe we can use your spells to see what happened there too.” … Luna’s room is just across the castle wing, and in fact is on the same floor so it is a short glide across the ledge from Dream’s. Discord uses the same method he used before, but this time he fails to produce anything. “The covering is too thick,” the draconiquis complains, “Luna’s trace disappears around the same time Dream’s does, so if we want to see what happened between them its towards the deepest part of the blanket spell.” “So rather then erase as she went, Dream just erased everyone’s magical signatures starting at a set time on the day she left,” concludes Celestia with a hint of wonder, “how could she even do that?” “With all the books she’s been reading, maybe she found something big and powerful?” suggests Cadence thoughtfully. “Hold on a minute,” interjects Discord, “she didn’t ERASE the signatures… Dream merely covered them up. I’m thinking if we all work together with our powers, we can see through the blanket.” “Great idea Discord,” praises Celestia, “just tell us what you need us to do.” With a few gestures the draconiquis positions the two princesses exactly where they need to be to aid with his channelling and begins the spell. This time it was hard for him right from the get go, and he strains to keep it going as a faint ghostly outline of Luna appears in her bed. “NOW you two!” Celestia pushes power into her horn, and focusing it on the centre of Discords spell she pumps it full of her own magic. Almost immediately the outline of Luna becomes even clearer, and Discord relaxes. A moment later however the cover becomes even thinker, and Luna starts to fade once more. Seeing this, Cadence works up the courage to help too. As she adds her contribution the trace goes back to being clear, and suddenly a ghostly Dream walks into the room and stands over Luna, casting some sort of spell. Celestia holds back her surprise to keep the reflection going, and as all three of them strain against the ever-strengthening red haze blanket Luna suddenly springs up and attacks Dream. The two ghostly images fight briefly before engaging in a brief conversation and leaving the room. At once all three of them give up, and the spell is quickly swallowed by the red haze and fades. Celestia, Discord and Cadence are all breathing very heavily, but are immensely proud of the feat they have accomplished. “So Luna was convinced to go along with Dream,” Celestia states after she composes herself, “they must have gone some place familiar, as it would be unlike her to go along with something she knows nothing about.” “Exactly,” deducts Discord, “which leads me to conclude they probably didn’t leave the Palace. I can’t imagine Luna sleeping somewhere other then here for any length of time.” Wow Discord is really smart, thinks Cadence. It’s too bad he is usually so apathetic and annoying she can’t stand to be around him. “Where does this leave us?” asks Celestia, “we know the twins left the room together, but where did they go to?” “Think about it Celestia, is there any place in the palace where you and mother haven’t looked, anywhere at all? What about secret passages or hidden rooms?” “Well we haven’t looked in mother’s room… but it’s… oh.” At that moment Celestia realizes what must’ve happened. “They went to mother’s room!” “But its forbidden to go in there,” interjects Cadence worriedly, “I mean… mom has so many security spells on the doorway there’s no way they could get inside without getting caught. Remember what happened the last time we tried to get in? We were in big trouble.” “I know its impenetrable Caddy,” replies Celestia, “but it’s the only place I can think of where they could possibly be – maybe Dream found a way to get inside.” “Well… umm… it’s not exactly ‘impenetrable’,” Discord admits half-heartedly. Celestia and Cadence immediately round on him. “What do you mean Discord?” Celestia asks nicely, though it comes off sounding more like a demand. “You see,” begins the draconiquis, “I needed a challenge to keep me busy, and after that time we got caught trying to get in I just couldn’t let it go… I learned all about the security spells and broke them one by one.” “What are you saying?” pushes Cadence. Discord hangs his head in shame. “I might have left the door open the last time I snuck in for supplies.” A dead silence settles over the room as it sinks in how important that information would have been days ago. It is broken by the sound of Celestia smacking her head with her hoof. “Unbelievable,” complains Cadence in frustration, “and you didn’t think to tell us about this earlier?” “Nope,” admits Discord weakly. “…while we were moping about and searching fruitlessly?” the Princess of Love adds accusingly. “Listen I didn’t want to get in trouble okay,” the draconiquis states in his own defence, “I was afraid if I told you two then you’d tell on me the first time I pranked you.” “Alright what’s done is done,” insists Celestia, taking charge of the situation, “this is the best lead we have for the whereabouts of the twins, so I suggest we follow it immediately.” Celestia turns and takes flight, leaving swiftly. She is followed closely by Discord, who floats after her in the air. Cadence lags behind, still showing a hint of reluctance. “But wait a minute,” the Princess of Love calls out, “if they’re in mother’s room how could she not have found them by now? …guys?” It becomes apparent that she has been left behind, so Cadence spreads her wings and speeds out into the hall to catch up with her two siblings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dream is in her world again, only this time it’s a completely different place. No longer is it a mere testing ground for scenes from her books, but a living replica of the world of ponies. Unwilling to waste any time even while sleeping, the Princess of Dreams is spending every moment she can fashioning buildings, fields and ponies to add to her dimension. The task is proving meticulous and time consuming, and at the moment her creation is leaden with errors because of how much she still doesn’t know about the real thing. That, and the constant distractions provided by a certain eyeless and evil mare. “Whatsss thisss?” hisses Nightmare as she steals a piece of fruit off a cart and sniffs it, “scentlessss…” Extending her long and snakelike tongue, the aberration grabs it and pulls it into her mouth whole, snapping it into pieces with her sharp teeth. “Tastelessss,” she mocks. “I’m working on it,” replies Dream as she focuses on another task entirely. The Princess of Dreams picks up a stallion passing nearby by the tail and dangles him a few feet off the ground in front of her. The dull eyed pony is walking in the air as if he thinks he’s still on the ground. “Hmm, this one seems lifeless… not to mention he’s missing a cutie mark. Drat! Why didn’t I think to add that?” “Thatsss not all he’sss missing,” comments Nightmare as she walks calmly up to Dream’s side, “he’sss missing fear.” The aberration leans forward inches from his face and roars like a wild beast, snapping her teeth threateningly and slobbering a bit in the process. The fake pony doesn’t bat an eye. Her examination complete, the Princess lowers him to the ground and he carries on walking like nothing ever happened. “Have I ever mentioned you have a classy way of doing things?” teases Dream as she watches Nightmare wipe away the spit from her chin. “No worssse then yoursss,” retorts Nightmare, “you sssee fit to befriend poniesss you should be tormenting!” “By twisting their dreams into nightmares?” asks Dream casually, “that’s boring… and not to mention irresponsible.” “You are not resssponsible to your inferiorsss!” Dream’s face contorts with annoyance. “Inferiors? I suppose they are in a sense, but that still isn’t a reason not to respect them,” answers Dream with a hint of cleverness, “you need to open your eyes Nightmare… oh wait, I forgot you don’t have any!” Nightmare growls at the insult. “I may have no eyesss, but I can sssee just fine. It isss you who isss truly blind.” Suddenly Dream hears a loud knocking back in her cabin in the real world. Dismissing Nightmare’s taunts, she snaps awake. … Dream is fully awake and ready within a second as the door of her house is again struck with an urgent, pounding knock. Sensing some kind of emergency, the Princess of Dreams uses her magic to remove the locking bolt and swings the door open. Outside stands the stallion marshal who had been watching the pegasus and gryphon’s cells the previous day. He looks terrified. “Miss Dream I know yer off duty but ya gotta come quickly!” “What’s wrong?” inquires the Princess. “An army of pegasuses is gathering outside town!” the stallion shouts with alarm, “they’re gonna invade! The warden’s called up all the marshals and militia.” Down the street Dream can hear the town bell ringing, and the sounds of chaos as the townsfolk rally to meet the emergency. She can see a family running by the doorway, led by an earth pony father with a hoof bow, and it looks like they’ve grabbed as many of their possessions as they could carry and fled their home in a hurry. This is clearly not a nice situation. “Alright I’ll be out in a moment.” The marshal leaves hastily and shuts the door behind him. Not wasting any time, the Princess of Dreams slips on her patrol attire including the green ribboned hat Whiptail gave her the day before. Taking a moment to look at herself in the mirror, she turns into a green cloud and whisks away through the crack under the door. As she floats over the town the full scope of the tragedy becomes visible as she sees large numbers of earth ponies fleeing into the countryside with their families. Evidently they aren’t the bravest lot, or maybe they know something about pegasi that she doesn’t. Either way, the Princess resolves to protect them in any way she can… up to and including dispatching some dirty flappers! Silently she scolds herself for using such an insulting term, even in the privacy of her own mind. Perhaps the mannerisms of these earth ponies are starting to rub off on her, even the bad ones. Reaching the edge of town, Dream spots the place where all the marshals are gathering. Swirling in from the sky, she rematerializes amongst the group. Being familiar with her favourite method of travel none of them look too surprised to see her appear out of thin air, but a few of them look relieved that she’s there on their side. “Alright that’s all’a us,” declares Whiptail to the two dozen marshals and militia present to defend Manehatten, “if this goes south, we’re going to have to fight it out with ‘em hoof to wing.” “Here here,” shouts a particularly enthusiastic stallion who isn’t wearing a marshal’s uniform, “let’s shoot us down some flappers.” A chorus of agreement comes up from fully half of the number, along with the clicks and twangs of loading hoof bows. Almost all of them have one, save for Dream. “Now hold your hooves,” insists Whiptail, “we’ve got orders from Smart Cookie tuh see what they want before we do any shootin’, so none of ya fillies get too trigger happy and get everyone killed. When pegasi come, they are gonna mean business.” Almost right as the marshal mare says it, a mighty flight of pegasi appears on the horizon. Lit up by the approaching dawn, they form an arrowhead shape that fills a significant portion of the sky. Their numbers produce an audible gasp amongst the group. “There’s gotta be hundreds of ‘em,” remarks a female marshal beside Dream. “Actually there’s eighty six,” corrects the Princess after doing a quick count. “That means…” “They outnumber us approximately three point five eight to one.” The eagerness drains out of the entire lot in an instant, and from the glances back towards the town Dream can tell more then one of them wishes they had fled with the others. “Hold fast and form a line!” commands Whiptail, “they may outnumber us but we still can’t let ‘em push us around.” As the flock of pegasi gets closer it descends towards the ground, landing in perfect formation a fields length away from the edges of Manehatten. Following barked commands from their leader, they form up quickly and begin to advance in a clean line. As the earth ponies watch, they come within a hundred meters and halt. “Mother of Creation, please watch over my family,” whispers another nearby marshal, and Dream’s ears prick up in curiosity for a moment. These ponies pray to her mother? One of the pegasi near the centre steps forward and clears his throat. “Hear ye earth ponies of Manehatten village, on behalf of our lord Commander Hurricane, Sub-Commander Pansy demands that-” “It’s Pridewing you twit!” shouts the elaborately dressed pegasus in the centre with yellow fur and a flowing scarlet mane. Dream turns towards the winged pony named Pridewing and notices she is wearing a collection of very familiar jewelled artifacts. They’re Dream’s own crown and cuirass! The nerve! The Princess’ mind races as she tries to figure out how they got them, when she remembers leaving them in back in the crater where her and Luna landed. Drat! She should’ve taken them along with her or stored them someplace safe. “A thousand apologies milady,” the herald replies nervously before continuing with his proclamation, “Sub-Commander Pridewing demands the return of the pegasus named Magenta Dash, whom was unjustly kidnapped by your kind! In return for such an insulting misdeed against our kin, we demand due payment! Such tribute may take the form of culinary shipments, materials of value or weapons of a military nature, or-” “Just shut up already!” fumes Pridewing with impatience, before walking forward with her head held high, “give us Dash and a thousand crates of fruit and vegetables, or else we sack your town and take it from you!” Her having read up on these winged ponies after her encounter in the cell with Dash, Dream sees through their scheme right away and sneers with displeasure at their demands. It’s pretty clear they are taking advantage of the imprisonment of one of their number to squeeze more food out of these earth ponies. Had they simply wanted her back, a messenger would have sufficed. “I haven’t a clue what you’ve heard Sub-Commander, but yur kinspony was put in jail fer stealing from us,” answers Whiptail, “there’s no way wur giving ya a single bushel more then what’s due at the end of the month.” “I don’t think you heard me straight mudfoot,” insults Pridewing, “give us the food or else I give the order for my ponies to go in and take it!” “Over my dead body flapper!” shoots back Whiptail, and she readies her weapon. “Then it shall be so,” growls Pridewing, “march on the town and take-” Just as the pegasus is about to issue the command, Dream steps forward and throws off her hat, allowing her brilliant hair to flow freely in the wind. “That won’t be a very good decision pegasus.” Pridewing looks shocked, but it quickly turns to malice and hate. “A unicorn? What are you doing here? This is matter between pegasi and earth ponies and is none of your concern.” “I think it is Pridewing,” replies Dream hardly, “you’re about to commit a massacre both you and your kind will grow to regret. Should you sack this town and kill its remaining inhabitants, not only will it no longer provide you pegasi with food in the future but it will also drive the other villages closer to the unicorns for protection. I doubt this Commander Hurricane will approve of that too much.” Pridewing growls and bears her teeth in rage. “I’ve already cut down one of your kind hornhead, and I’d love to do so again to an un-armoured foal like yourself.” “Very well then a challenge it is pegasus,” answers Dream with a clever glint in her eye, “one on one… just you and I.” Pridewing stops to consider her options for a moment, trying to remember the proper protocol for public duels involving a pegasus and a unicorn. She recalls that they require both opponents to be of noble blood. “And what house are you from to make such a challenge, hornhead?” demands Pridewing as she checks her hoof blades are ready to go, “not another one of Nightstar’s weaklings I presume?” “I hail from my own house,” counters Dream, “I live in this town and like the rest of the earth ponies I don’t like you coming in here with your army and stealing our food.” Pridewing dawns a smug expression. “I don’t duel honourless commoners, hornhead.” “Then I think it’s time for you to see just what kind of commoner I am, mortal pony.” Drawing a massive amount of power into her horn, Dream’s eyes light up as she prepares a spell capable of demonstrating her might. It is nearly complete when she is interrupted by another earth pony urgently galloping from the town towards the crossroads. “STOP! No fighting! Please, stop!” The voice belongs to an older earth pony, and one that Dream has met before. Powering down her spell, she halts her intended show to allow Smart Cookie to speak. “Counsellor,” hails Whiptail as the other marshals part to allow the senior earth pony to approach, “these pegasi have threatened to sack our town if the prisoner is not returned and tribute of food is not given.” “…and we stall negotiate a solution warden,” interrupts Smart Cookie, before hastily turning towards the pegasi. “If you will have it Sub-Commander, the other counsellors and I have gathered in the town hall and are prepared to receive you.” Pridewing considers the offer, and after a short period of thought she decides in is in her kind’s best interest to take the way out of conflict. “Very well then earth pony, we shall negotiate an end to this crisis.” “Fall in line,” commands Whiptail. The official marshals line up in columns, preparing to escort the Sub-Commander and her honour guard to the town hall. The whole process goes smoothly, though Dream is left standing on her own and seething with anger. She is not used to being out manoeuvred, and she takes the lesson harshly. Pridewing struts by the Princess with her head held high, flanked by her best war-stallions and mares. Dream watches helplessly, before deciding to add some last words of her own. “Don’t think for a moment you’re keeping my crown and chest piece, pegasus.” Pridewing turns around to glare at her, but says nothing further and carries on with the precession. Silently the Princess of Dreams fumes, and she begins plotting her revenge. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------